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Teacher: Andrea Tyson

Grade Level: 1
School: Donelson Hills Elementary
Date: February 16
, 2013

Lesson Title: Aerial Perspective
Duration of time: 45 minutes

Objectives for todays lesson:
Students will be able to represent objects around the classroom using aerial

1 G1.01: Construct simple maps of the classroom to demonstrate aerial

Materials & supplies needed:
Birds eye view printed pictures, various maps (city, state, country, world),
Google earth, large chart paper, Birds Eye View Worksheet, coffee cup, pennies

Procedures and approximate time allocated for each

LAUNCH (BEFORE) ( 5 Minutes)

Allow students 5 minutes to explore different types
of maps they observed yesterday
Bring students back to the living room (our
carpet area)
Use KWL chart I noticed that some of you said
maps and globes show places.

Yesterday we explored different types of maps.
Today, I am going to teach you about maps. First
though, you have to know that we view maps from
an aerial perspective. Another name for aerial
perspective is birds eye view.

EXPLORE (DURING) ( 35 Minutes)

Close your eyes and picture this Its a beautiful
sunny day and you are a bird flying high in the sky
with your friends. You are almost as high up as the
clouds! When you look down you see the
playground at Donelson Hills Elementary. What do
Academic, Social and
Linguistic Support during
each event for my focus

Academic: Students that
have trouble focusing will
be placed in specific spots
on the carpet. Some sit on
the bench, some sit right in
front of me, and some
even have their desks at
the carpet.
Social: Hands-on
explorative activity
Linguistic: Objective will be
written on the board and
on an anchor chart.

you see? (wait about 30 seconds for students to
I will pull sticks and call on 3 students to share what
they saw in the brain.
o Some might say the slide, swings, etc.
o Guiding will be needed if this happens to
ask what did it look like, can you show us on
your whiteboard.
Lets practice seeing from a birds eye view.
Remember birds fly high up in the sky so you are
looking above the object. A side view is when you
look at the side, like this (get eye level with the
coffee cup on the table).
On our projector, I will show pictures I have taken
for objects around the room. These will be
displayed side-by-side on the screen. They will also
be available at the front of the classroom. Students
will identify which shows birds eye and which
shows side view on their whiteboards.
o Students will potentially confuse these two
terms they will be available on the top of
the worksheet and we will review about 5
Next, I will show students an example of a coffee
cup and penny. Students will observe them using
birds eye view and side view. They will draw these
on their worksheet.
o This is their ticket to working independently.
If students did not draw both objects
correctly, they will remain in the living room
and where we will practice for another 2
Today, you will be going on a scavenger hunt
around the classroom. You will find and draw
objects you find in the classroom from a birds eye
view and a side view.
o The first side lists objects that they have to
o The second side is where they get to find
and draw their own objects around the

SUMMARIZE (AFTER) (5 minutes)

Show students a series of maps and ask them,
What connections can you make between a map

Academic: Gradual
Release of Responsibility.
Small group instruction.
Differentiated worksheet to
allow students to create
their own examples.
Social: Students will be
allowed to work
independently and the
noise level will be on
medium (meaning they
can talk to a partner if they
want to).
Linguistic: The paper they
will be using has
corresponding pictures to
the anchor chart. Next to
birds eye view is an
example of an object from
birds eye view and that
same object from side
view. Additionally, using
pictures of objects is
beneficial because it
allows the ELL students to
find and explore that
object independently.

Academic: Students that
have trouble focusing will
be placed in specific spots
on the carpet. Some sit on
the bench, some sit right in
front of me, and some

and birds eye view?
Turn and talk with your shoulder partner
o I will monitor students as they are talking to
assess what answers they are coming up
o I will call on groups to share based on their
answers. It will gradually lead to a discussion
about how maps drawn from a birds eye
Friends, today we learned that we look at maps
from a birds eye view. Tomorrow, we will use what
we have learned about birds eye view and maps
to make our own map of the classroom.

even have their desks at
the carpet. Turn & Talk
lets them hear the ideas of
other students.
Social: Turn & Talk (their
partners are already
preassigned students
were placed together
based on academic ability
and with peers they are
friends with) This makes the
students more comfortable
and open when sharing
with each other.
Linguistic: Objective will be
written on the board and
on an anchor chart.


I will use the worksheet that students filled out
independently to assess if they can conceptualize
and process looking at object from a birds eye
view. This is significant because it will inform me
who can think abstractly, and who might have a
difficult time reading and understanding maps as a
result of this assessment. I will pull the students that
had a difficult time seeing objects from an aerial
perspective in a small group for the lesson
tomorrow. I will look for students to draw objects
around the classroom from birds eye view,
meaning that the object will accurately depict
what it looks like from an aerial perspective. I will
look for students who are confusing birds eye view
and side view.

Academic, Social, and
Linguistic Support during
Academic: Visual support
and additional small group
instruction. For the students
that received small group
instruction they will be
graded on the last 3 they
did independently.
Social & Linguistic: Speech
and language impaired
students will have a copy
of the directions that show
an explicit example of an
object from side view and
birds eye view.
Linguistic: Visuals on the
worksheet that correspond
to what they learned in the

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