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This reminds me of a story that an engineer told me.

A contractor for a big skyscraper called asking him to come over for an emergency meeting. The building was not
going well and the contractor was very upset because an inspector said that he needed to add more pylons to
support the building.

The engineer received the call and came over. Got into the elevator went up to where the contractor and many
people were bent over the plans. Looked at the plans and then marked an x where the supports needed to be added.
the contractor was amazed and then proceeded to continue with the building.

Later the contractor received a bill for 50,000 dollars. He was speechless and demanded to know why the engineer
had given him a bill for 50k. He demanded an itemized list for the bill.

The Engineer faxed him an itemized statement.

5$ Pen
49,995 - knowing where to put the x

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