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Carlena Lowell

SEI 516 TA Plan Reflection


Technical Assistance Plan Reflection
Carlena Lowell
February 3, 2013
SEI 516

Carlena Lowell
SEI 516 TA Plan Reflection


*Names have been changed to maintain confidentiality
As I reflect upon the creation and future implementation of this technical
assistance plan, I feel confident in the direction I am headed. However, this was not the
case one week ago. Throughout the past week, I conferenced with my original
consultee, changed consultees and classrooms, conferenced with the new consultee,
and switched the focus of the plan altogether. I feel as though I may have made the
initial process of this technical assistance plan harder for myself than needed be. In
reflection, I feel optimistic about the last minute decisions made with my team, what I
have accomplished with my consultee thus far and also in what we plan to implement
My initial meeting on January 28
was with a teacher in classroom B; my
thoughts were that it would be sensible to work as a consultant in a classroom that I am
not a teacher in. During the meeting I explained the consultation process and what the
technical assistance plan would entail. After thinking about the assignment throughout
the week, and then having a conversation with the director on Thursday the 31
, we
decided my efforts as a consultant may be more beneficial if applied with a child in
classroom A. Classroom A is a collaborative inclusive classroom between Child
Development Services and Head Start. I am the ECSE from CDS, and my co-teacher,
Jill, is an ECE from Head Start. We decided as a team my efforts may be more useful
in developing a technical assistance plan and consulting with Jill based on the strengths
and concerns of a particular child in our classroom due to his emotional development
and challenging behaviors. Together Jill and I decided the two assignments that would
best fit the technical assistance plan are the (B) child observation and (C) plan for ABI
Carlena Lowell
SEI 516 TA Plan Reflection


and monitoring progress.
As both a professional and a graduate student, I like to think of myself as a get-
things-done-as-soon-as-possible-without-sacrificing-quality type of person. I find
making last minute decisions and changes to be stressful, particularly when all the
appropriate forms are unable to be completed. Our classroom is a Monday through
Thursday program; because I did not see the family of the child we have in mind on
Friday, I was unable to get the permission slip form signed. However, I did have a
phone conversation with the parent to discuss the plan; she will sign the permission
form on Monday the 4
. As I have yet to acquire written permission from the family, I
have not done the Child Profile, and have kept the goals of the technical assistance
plan nonspecific. I plan to upload these forms to my portfolio Monday afternoon after
written permission is granted.
Although I felt overwhelmed this past week with focusing my consultation efforts,
I now feel comfortable with the plan and the implementation that will ensue over the
next few months. Throughout Thursday afternoon and Friday I felt unorganized due to
the seemingly last minute decision to change my focus; however, now that the plan is in
its final draft, I am feeling comfortable with it. I feel as though I have a firm grasp on
what is expected of the B and C assignments, and feel as though I will be able to stay
organized from here on. I am looking forward to learning more about the consultation
process, and am thankful for the willingness of my colleagues to support me throughout

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