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Sl No. Description of Expenses Units Amount (Rs.

Fuel Expenses
Expense per vehicle 100
No. of vehicles 8
No. of days of working 75
Total Fuel Expense 60000
Total (100x8x75)
Stationary and Printing Expenses
cost per student 3
No of schools 25
No of grades 7
Avg No of students in each grade 200
Total Stationary & Printing Expenses 105000
Total (1x25x7x250)
Personnel Expenses
No of personnel 15
No of days of working 75
Cost per head 150
Total Personnel Expenses 168750
Total (15x75x125)
Prizes & Certificates
Prizes (if conducted)
No of grades 4
No of schools 25
No of prizes in each grade 3
cost per prize 250
Total Prizes & Certificates 75000
Total (7x25x3x100)
5 Miscellaneous expenses 1250
Grand Total 410000
Rupees Four Lakh Ten Thousand Only

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