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2012-13 Tennessee School Improvement Planning Template

The final plan should be no longer than four pages.

School Name: Ann Example Elementary School
Good Standing
Analysis of last
years final
Areas of Greatest Progress: Areas of Greatest Challenge:

4th grade:
RLA 5.6% gain

grade TVAAS in RLA:
2011 -5.4
2012 -0.5
2013 3.4

Academic Achievement Grades:
CRT Score Grade

2011 43 D
2012 50 C
2013 50 C


RLA -2% loss

Economically Disadvantaged vs. Non-ED:
RLA 4.0%

Students with Disabilities vs. Non-SWD:
RLA 38.5%

grade TVAAS in RLA:
2011 6.2
2012 3
2013 -4

Underlying Reasons for Progress: Underlying Reasons for Challenge:
According to the State Report Card,
students in grades four and five have
made gains in RLA. These gains may be
attributed to the following: 1) Teachers
have common quarterly planning time
to establish curriculum maps based on
state standards. 2) Literacy coaching
two days per week. 3) Teachers attend
grade specific literacy support sessions.
4) By using the Fountas and Pinnell
benchmarking assessment, teachers are
better able to assess the reading level
and progress of students throughout the

Students in grades four and five did
not achieve the desired growth in
RLA. Language and literacy are
correlated. Language deficits
place students at risk for literacy and
academic difficulties.
This may be attributed to a limited
use of analyzed data in order to drive
instruction. Another factor could be the
lack of intervention materials for grades
four and five.

Goals for 2012-
13 school year:
Overall Achievement Goals:
1. Reading achievement scores on the TCAP test for 3
through 5
graders (all
subgroups) will increase 5.0% to 50% in 2012-2013.

Subgroup Gap Closure Goals
2. Reading achievement gap on the TCAP test for ED 3
graders will reduce
from 5.0% to 4.0%

Plan for this
school year:
Key strategies to achieve goals:
1. Strategy: Implementation of Daily 5 in grades three, four, and five.
Implementation Plan: As is required, all teachers at Ann Example School
are Highly Qualified and are constantly attending professional development
to improve teaching practice. For example, teachers will participate in a
Daily 5 book study in order to collaborate on the most effective ways to
implement Daily 5.
Desired outcomes: More effective strategies will be evident in mini-lessons
and student work stations to help close the GAPS as noted in the AMO
Projected costs and funding sources: $120 for resources bought from
school budget

Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2012-13 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
Students will spend an increased amount of time reading and responding to
appropriate level texts.

2. Strategy: All teachers will participate in two literacy labs.
Implementation Plan: All teachers will participate in two literacy labs and
two professional development sessions throughout the year.
Desired outcomes: Teachers are more collaborate and begin to implement
effective best practices in the classroom.
Projected costs and funding sources: Literacy department will provide
funding for substitutes for two half-day sessions. Literacy department will
provide stipends for two, two hour after school professional development

Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2012-13 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
Teachers and parents will participate in Literacy Night activities.
3. Strategy: Implement Operation Increasing Literacy
Implementation Plan: Teachers will invite parents to participate in literacy
activities at the school for one evening, every 9 weeks.
Desired outcomes: Increase the literacy of families in this rural community
by sharing simple literacy activities in which families can participate at
home and in the community.
Projected costs and funding sources: Resources are readily available.
Hands-on activities provided to the parents at no projected cost to school
beyond printing literacy activity reference sheets. Donations from school
partners provide a meal served to families on these four literacy nights.

Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2012-13 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: An
increase in parental and community involvement will be evident based on
an increase in attendance at each event. Also, parents will be asked to
increase their volunteer hours to atleast 5 hours semester.

Key benchmarks
for progress on
Benchmark: Timeline:
Implementation of Daily 5 Aug. May 2013/2014
Participation in 2 literacy labs and 2 professional
development sessions per year
Nov. & Feb. 2013/2014
Aug. May 2013/2014
Parent involvement consisting of 4 opportunities
for parent participation throughout the school
Aug. May 2013/2014

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