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During Perimenopause, in the transitional period before menopause, women

experience a number of emotional problems and mood swings, including anger, in

addition to physical changes. According to experts, perimenopause does not cause
anger and other mood swings, but fluctuations in hormone production during
perimenopause trigger anger, depression and other mood swings that are already

Many women, at a slightest provocation, would have waves of intense emotions, such
as anger go through them. Many would be intolerant of behaviors that transgressed
their own limits, and limits of others. Some women would be focused on their sense
of outrage and anger, and would intervene, frequently on behalf of others.

Simple changes in your life style can lessen stresses, such as, anger and other
mood swings, during the period leading to menopause. Following an exercise regimen
is one good way of reducing anger during menopause. Exercise, a great stress-
reliever has antidepressant and anxiolytic (anxiety relieving) effects. Regular
exercisers typically have fewer mental and physical health problems, and brisk
walks three times a week will help you during Perimenopause to reduce the severity
of anger and other mood swings.

Exercising also stimulates endorphins, hormones that reduce the sensation of pain
and affect emotions, such as anger, and boosts Serotonin levels. Serotonin
regulates cyclic body processes. In addition, exercise helps you sleep better, and
controls weight gain, which is normally associated with perimenopause and
menopause. It is far better to take out your pent up emotions and anger on the
jogging/walking track and the gym equipments, than on your family, friends and

If you have a medical condition, consult your doctor before deciding on an

exercise regimen. It would normally take several weeks, as much as four months,
before you will see improvements in your mood swings and anger.

Effect of Diet on Anger During Menopause

For women in perimenopause and menopause, diet has a great effect on the emotional
aspects, such as anger. Diets rich in protein and especially Omega-3 fatty acids,
reduced intake of sugar, caffeine and carbohydrates, etc, should be highly
preferred. Salmon, tuna, and other cold-water fish and flaxseed oil are the
sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.

To overcome anger and other anxiety and mood swings; women in perimenopause and
menopause should supplement their diet with:

· Amino acid tryptophan - a natural relaxant that reduces anxiety and

depression by increasing serotonin levels.
· Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) - It works as a natural tranquilizer.
· DLPA (D, L-phenylalanine) - It bolsters mood-elevating chemicals in the
brain and blocks a nervous system enzyme that amplifies pain signals. It is a more
effective pain reliever in combination with GABA.
· Tyrosene - It is a natural stimulant and very appropriate to get rid of mood

In comparison to pre-menopausal women, women during perimenopause and menopause

have a double risk of experiencing anger, depression and other mood swings. It has
been found that, it makes no difference to the above experiences whether you are
taking Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or not.

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