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source: 358-644-1-PB

source: 47033894-Holmes-Sociolinguistics-Cap-1
- n t!is respect""" # n t!is conte$t"""
- %ilingualism &epen&s on t!e &egree o' t!e spea(er)s
pro*cient+ o' (no,ing or using languages"
- some outcomes o' language contact go !an& in !an& ,it!
some ot!ers """
- -!e .lgerian sociolinguistic situation stan&s out 'rom t!e
cro,& in t!at it elo/uentl+ com%ines
%ot! %ilingual an& &iglossic situations"
- t is a salient 'act t!at co&e-s,itc!ing is part an& parcel o'
%ilingualism since onl+ %ilingual
spea(ers can s,itc! co&es 'rom one language to anot!er"
- as 'ar as co&e-s,itc!ing is concerne&0 Benta!ila an& 1a2is """
- 3!at ma(es t!e &i4erence %et,een t!e ,estern ,orl& an& t!e
ara% ,orl& is t!e &ilect continuum t!at sprea&s 'rom t!e 2er+
,est -angiers to t!e 2er+ east Saou&i .ra%ia
Be'ore s!e&&ing somelig!t on t!e outcomes o' language
contact0 it is crutiall+ important to &e*ne t!e concept o'
language contact 'rom a sociolinguistic perspecti2e" .n+ time
languages come into contact a num%er o' t!ings actuall+ come
in contact li(e t!e people ,!o spea( t!ese languages as ,ell as
t!eir cultures" 5anguage contact is t!us &escri%e& as a
p!enomenon ,!ere%+ t,o or more &istinct languages are
spo(en ,it!in a speec! communit+" .ccor&ing to 3einreic!0
)-,o or more languages are sai& to %e in contact i' t!e+ are
use& alternatel+ %+ t!e same persons)"
t is a salient 'act t!at ,!en peope 'rom &i4erent et!nicities
come into contact0 t!is ,ill pa2e t!e ,a+ to languages to %e in
contact as ,ell0 !ence t!is situation gi2es rise to sociolinguist
p!enomena suc! as: %ilingualism0 co&e s,itc!ing an&
co&emi$ing0 pi&gini6ation0 an& creoli6ation"
5anguage contact is one o' t!e most o2erri&ing issues in sociolinguistics" t
in2ol2es t!e use o' more t!an t,o languages in a gi2en speec! communit+ %+ an
in&i2i&ual or a societ+ as a ,!ole" 5anguage contact situation is omnipresent in
almost all multilingual speec! communities ,!ere spea(ers s,itc! %ac( an& 'ort!
%et,een languages" Herein0 p!enomena suc! as %ilingualism0 co&e-s,itc!ing0
&iglossia an& language 2ariation arise"
source: language contact &ocs: %oo(part
source : language contact &ocs: B781174
source: language contact &ocs: Bo,ern5anguageContact
source: language contact &ocs: (arima

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