Sie sind auf Seite 1von 56


net The Magic of Wisdom

)b(ie 3.
a .l

Cr^'ro:::1o rl3ot-:i. I.ji-CrEiTli-1If !1i' ll'i Lt' jrr'jiiif:R;l' lllnl;rin-',r

:=---i:-=::. ::#=#

gorjrig.i!\o\.(llt riF try.I$. Tt4-qoirj,lr t'xrry!tj.(jg!-i) .

i&on thci Br-t1gt pni.nts, be trlos to expro3s Ilot or:I7 the )a,nd,scapa, l.rul
aleo colcchlr4 ol5o.
t,ton FfJlo-EiiliiEs 1c, thoY try to ropDoitloo vtrnt t h e y f 6 c I J
lie oan a.If express eonothlng e l s o , l e e o n c b c c l r o n the DIlt:-Te, on tbe
J,tanlfoststlon of the 3 5, 7, 12 trSlotr-t!-ildE-Et
So loportant nro thoso I'.rand,erns, tbese Yantrens that wo soe lrt tlbct ar^Jt
othor- pl-acss. J.-Yr-inlrc:l..1,s q-d::rl:l!g, on-t)9-9.9p9-q{{5s!.!qn-9q.911i!.,
. ' - - - _ ' . . - . . . - - - - . " " , . : . - ' - ' . . - . - l _ . |
undcrstrnl rrwo'r's thlr\q
_.._:- ovo:'T itt t,!r.'r vtcr'Ld,
f,hln.c!:c o? t:tq
vlor'1d of tiic ZrDjJr-o.
DlDlnO. rccJ.
ICCI peir:tcn
thg rcul. ltu8lcrqr\, \/nen !{lllrG or }Ie.yi-ng, 1'c.-c+-1-!lle-]lr.1llgg. ii
lbug rrhen lSrtl.agolas,(LSsielr r.rl.otc dcr'.rtrthc J;olden Ycrso, he had
us'nai so,tr6thr!6 to tesctr, - ths coldsn r.lunbel..
.Iirs l:nenld3 al|o nab only blockg of'stone, but eorethlng elso.
ifr-ri#t'i. in ii; raaaro .i;1esttrg.liqUr.q+reJs.rvere..sonothlr\3nSI.g.
.D tbo Prad,ol'natlonnl n'.:-ssug-1x.lled--ld: !h?-I!^is Juet enougb rocr lu:dcri"
?;; iie c;5lr;;f go! ono..lPsq
th;-r-Jnc", i1g-e-o:1e-Iior?.
6offi ii
Irr rrarlo thero is 9..4lv-3ge--nic.hefol a Popo'

Tbus lm havo a synttresJa gf Elheol-g.lg egrb-oil,.n'

cuhJsrn' ;
I: &ers vre harg to co=o brcl:. ^.Bt!l+-E+",--U1.latlq3iP-+'gt={-}ry
crurnou :*op=odioi"i-"[i]"6it+r-r,
-ir;fffi-i;F'i: 11
hsid.e, l1.Pn tlro sldo' 0r
;ift;ir" ;;5. t*r;-16:'*i
fcoi;ngle 6tc... ]la ge,blnr!-tE t;c3e, alrd.. othtl: pocltlon:'r'. q_an ctl;eqP :

.z---t.. l--:::--j
'' ' i: : ;;;*iio' i"L',,ito.
'\ '. I
// ]'t I| , r h e r u.o.,'r.r!?{
,,.*o t u r l s t sqr.3r
li i| .:-l
' i 'i ffiCg.=
'.(ra'Yje-45/-i9 i'- : l'
\ ^ -*---'-';r' t
i i e4g.Pee-c-9E?- i'i
\.: ' .! i''.r'\\.. j l4+4c_ia-* -*'- 'r.
i\ vtey. ,
r-_-.,.'-'-..;' ......'t +ry*Y'
-../ i.{i:plbnt ,'.'"

' ''::
So rro nsc:d not clltlcj.eo toc rl-rch'thc sodort ''
artl.olg. rb ra-ilari. to try to urticrsToor "rr-
Detbcco. l.o nsoa-to u:Lersisnatii-i""plo-inl-rt'\'
tn a futu"lctlo tay. \''c,bavo-e totriency i;o qoa r\nr
.L ...^ ^^.\6A+ seo ni
u-'s+ *-
Forl i rt-," o.Ilt*v=-tttlr iivc fliCers,-c-vb:t ll]":tf.h r'ro calnot
o'o tt13 I'icceno'
'aEB: \.J i;ox::. *.:ii 6ii"b;;G oia-nc':::r:;' In ccntrosG
1i-LI$.piO tro l:rrcr ilroSlcnstr;4 D1d lt:
drarlrr: or a !:s-r;-G-vi';rr-;-';
tlY Eg-c::;Fct3
os1'nbctl' ""::;;:;
n *'ruf{Lllq? - ---*^t { ^'*a{qa{ nr n

iI .&Sffi$r,t*d*ptili:'iit*frl,lll'
trt io i;gi:i.:rntg
Ui t::-'^ri; in ilr,: paf^tl::.: oi the f tttur.c, 9c: ""i
! | CU::u:J5 r/siu* s elu r-\; 'Y^v ,

I Nqf lfl.sTtcfs;i -- LlIt J3$Trc -- ul'gel-iir5 g! GIFj,.f /'LL-' i


I nU; ccn i;c dcna ooff lf vo 1'lrg1 ths 6.oldon llurther, hecritBit !-ry nt?1u!1il6rl
I -fcit-dontt
fi?17-ca-l:"potb*+.-. llobclv bns vert.f.*:1"1-i"::tlll-f:I:!"^"?jlll:.
ffi"$si h'rvd to tnhr nloiiu t'hc i{rtnber tp be a -f'nl:ii':r'
g#"il.i ^.he l-g:rno""po, ie fi:Q. *,ir,,t yl,r arc dolu:
t+€,.',t frr,ii to fc'J-l 'fJlil0a{isr lt:'vo tio:tn
0lcit inc irntl v;}:on lto
'.. tto h3vo tc opolt-ffiIicl"'qr.
- e:r llr oonti:c*, r'.'11htlro t;:cnt fit.!.
lslg I:; ?H5 I'JAL A2UtItS OF CA:lEJ:oa&K 6; tltc Dryug..
"' ill, rt { r, tt ntl i rf fl
THr':' t5T('o;
RL)t-'11(tt E t tt)\ r.:i: Ct:r'..iir,-rq BnCra (/tJ 7lt,;- r1..s,,'r.'/

'' : :a...1;1;11-41g1r-
-,- 1';
The Magic of Wisdom

-i t.5i
cror^rtne. Iro33, 5l'Lqlday'-.ip.t. Srrll'-.
. F CLUREBr D;: . Dr:: L( lEIrtFi3- r:

;' I olrrs J4cl -q,\-l't!.;$g .rq{i G.oI'D:ii

.=-gq{i G.or,p:iilgl
lgl,;jtrs3,.-.--. r.
I 6
" Lq-_syabollo of tbo
a Tbe'Algelnalo fo:=o1Ls, ( ,g:-3..-l/ = Le^u-=
I I. A ... God, tbo ttro toross
II 8. Zab . OoC, tbe Son, the
';r'ro Pclarltles
elrd follniDCr.- . -
, '
- 3 . b . . , ;6fl. ' tho Ecly Cbost, tbe firo es3rooto'
ifi ccilect j'r1tv,
!"Ain'La[i,l-a:rri ..1 tbe t.. ' fEgf,lCEf,!.
. : nttnftr|ttll'|lltt'lntl

o3 tb:-q919-!.9
AlL Aft 1o e opobollo Eesrcl rbr tb'e DlYlse,-basod'-
tbo GolCen |ipn!'er tgpnru'qus'
truEbBr: ruEB. iUs-Greefs s'&lotl6ed'
ffiE-thE Ecr.r fron enclent tlmoe
' glvon a's:
.Il4O toohn{oal for.sula of t'},o Co}1on l;umb8! Lg
1-R = Q.1O58
Bctsr to flnd' tbe bPlde: ll\Dcber;
0 & gr a::e centtnJ. PoL:rts
* of !e D
.1 1
T/ltb cestr'e C nnd raAI:s C't
cu.t ,liB at E .:
'lfb.en E 1g tbo Golies lrr::nb's.
lttrn t' trt: 'l

I.:x Iralrtlng ve rnrst dlDtrlbute

col.iur crC fc::n accoril:6 tc
tbe Golderr Llrc,be:'
Tbls 1s tbe r;riee ejr canvasr.--
llrls dlctrl.butloa J.g eDcleu? - ',
tlnes vag oallel t.ho ll,cst-Le*'1c'
wblob tbsy anaiYsed''
Goldsn )rurber *;A-t"1i"Jty, for ft ca:r oo put lx
Thus the 'cbe
e sclen';1Jic r/sy upcn "ro cctrT&g.
II J{rr,':be= ltas c:rplelned jlt the Goliien verso 61 4-bhegcles'
Tbe Golden
i*; ;G;;"tua r6_orregiC'is tbgt li '.'ras not i)*uhe'oras bu" L-vsls'
c-*estton erises, lOfa f::;i,a'oias er-ls:''? for
$gg b.C,, :or thc
3g!-h.o.oquals vislon, ilbus he coull be on].y a
Arrru (gp=457 equris /-rast?i, tiiirtrng'
ffioi'i},lt?;;) .f ti:e t'ei"ui'ia ot'-tire lhsters')
EsY fol Pa1nt1n6, bul.also
Ia tbo Gclden vulsc tLore 1s.not o n l y ' ; h a trj-plc :t'liteetatlon. I'o
fcr t-trfc e:rd Poe--]lr'. lTrl.t-"elr fit-Tiu-l"tad,
1n tbe DlbJ-e otc...
6ae ffna tlrrse rrea:rln6n Jt''st-as oc-n bc for:Jxd
L To;ige1 .., on the lct*e:' , wo Just hea,. an Opera, ttJ 1u"t ooe a

z. Ilierogii?llic. . . 1o vre knc"'r tlat !.t 1s o:r17 a Syzbo].'

5 . S3n-lbolJ.2.. . thc rneanlng oi the hYih.
lr rttll lltt tt rt ll I tt lt n The Magic of Wisdom

.t I Pese 2-€ ffy pn. n'..g.lzru{.lPrg:gigloitllE,

- *. r_' r t:tt t r

rsr,1l'sstntlong ro?cnboc. tb's 82 leStere of tbo lleL:to'r

. In tloso tbroe
gg arsano" o3^rr9
otlU";a r o! tbe
tbo tdplo aqnlfcstatlon, Iatbe:, 6oD, erA
So 3 llotber'Iottsrc aa.
Eoly Ghos'".

Ss Z Doublo Iatters ... tbo 7 dlanois, eto...

Ss & 8lngle lottsrs r r. tbo tg stg]13 of ths zo!'Iao, tbe 12 Apostle€ '

alo oolAen Verse, e!.lcb onn bo read. th:eo w..Y3, troPr€8etr'a t'bo 5
&tlrer Loiters.
&o lstteaa - X Lf UJ repTosertl.ns5Fii.: lozJr gtcf,tr*'
a E a nakln6".h-?S.raakstch.
theroioro r:e sts:t Eltb
Ec aoed, a Bkeich bcfore 1?o oan do n bu1tdL::5;
the tbrsc l;otbcr l,ciiel-c. vay 1s
tbe e]:etcb 1c tho ;i"=tuult \'.ley of telJtl$, tbe bleroSlypblc
III -k^
, tbe
oyabrllc -,:-{a
vay ls tbo <5 d,1v'1sLcag.
+}ra rr4i-1 tbe ?t1nltl.
---- 'rtrqnr?nn'rnnnnn -=qllsc('IP:L:_9._5 i:it=:Iz-:
sjctjtcR I:lfr.I_l?-s:
f igi?bcrl"cclt;) : (SJc+,E).._::j}ryE
) :ffi
3€vfffi' : trg*ig, !$iJP-='?t . ene ir::r: :- i:-::: r
.rno xa{nr {rr1-nr{ot nro S:'r:-:r:,r:'13 - enfl cx,e r,.eg ?oil gqgs-<i?-icl;r"-.1C:

Beob DlvlsLon bEd. l.o ho;laces' rnkili1 3o dlvl-e1ois, eacb oi ttlcb vras
roDr€seltod by oEs of iiE:'pt'e sSJI$_slSsg.
grts 7 Dciltsrl L5,'TIP.S:
['bt-Go]&n ii'.r-ciof nas n vronC.erlif rnsrlfestatlon ln ijbq I tY&r':s:rs c i t t e
t- tdorld. They aro tb€ r{astlc Fn{feste'"1on of tbs 9 . oords tba? c3pleu.3
Baodr .tbe 7 PJ,-oDets ... It r lr tt t? i rr r r rr n ll n

(i.:IsTIc !i.?lrrST/:'Icli)
7W ? Fq.iDEBs_q__T. -_v-qPi__: #
7 Ccrdc ci tbe L-.ra e!

.TGi 'TrT?r n? :T'a??-/.7 jlrl

L44 V! g&\wvJ|#a

Tl* ?De q'rlol of Satsa 1s reds :

I I to g.].orlry i3C!.'13- Ttc {
ll DlecL.
0.53 the Cl:cr'?lc v1b:c,-"1c:1 .
I YeLto'.';tbe cofou: lu rj.n::i'o:7 a:co=i.
$i tt"e :1oie,o1' ::'rslc 1: t:.-=:=y.iYo-rj.cE

{sri} illrcu !?ie of l';:lc.

?,O?.? tire itor:ic llelc:i.
!b. lesd. ia ihe r.i.exal .
t I 8?. tho nt':.],cf; o1 lleco-:c:s.
1,.1J,5!?:i, f:on tbe Se:'_}eri.
I]'DUS, tho Rlrer Ll h=::c-.Y.
t'ce Archcour?=1c:ort.
lLF-' li]'!r:: ls tbs o:rir1c:.
.1 1s the C.::r:rsbri.o

E]15l iho ]lcblclc lei'"t.=

a, nrt rrll Ftt n !t t:.t t! rl

ill The Magic of Wisdom

i"! .E-'l:r?f!S: Cleno=na !goiF-r

Ollfijtl'Ul rrUlfriJl.l, (Cintuo of ZBus by Pholdlac at ,\thensl.

ll - Tbo sj-rbo). of Xupl.tor
- 1s
A*iF BIuo !n. colo,u.r.
0.41 tha Cbroanii.e '/ibratlo:r.
Vlolet tbs coJe::-r in vibi"tcr;,, ecccrC.
Doh the notc o: ::usJ.o 1l r-ern6ny.
(Ia) iiladu note of r":ilslc
ll,g.7 tbo .,lt.onic t.;slfhi.
iin. tln ls t\e i:.n-Jrgl.
50 tha lu;abzr qf iiloctrcns.
IlSOD, fron tt"e Seirherl .
SLTITiJ, tbe r1'r'o:r 1n Ue:t:cny.
€qr '
& tbo .4,Tc:':ooinotrio f or,n.
?ho RIGI:T lai ls the c;ii'1co.
5 ls tbo Gu3roiric !u:bar.
C[Jrt,r:Lthe ]ieb:alc lebicr.

rlG*=-}.--* roRTrffss oI, srim,t:rrS, rr1+.htho

-.-. &u;clliG Gj!:'-D;"rso? E{;YLo:r.
fi 1\ f, .} F:t

/l Z'.. ,sa9{xrir ?he slrebo} of ilars, ls Hed,

/ i r-*'-^'-'* :1 \ (: i) 1n coi-our. Giory.of -ube
i il €.ir i'iit \ l=r' tlllltary.
I i I i i.r.{ \ (}.60Clrc':'iatl.cV1t.'retlcn.
{ i i I t=eq'-i .* :: ]: i Fu"F3l ll9-"?*o]]I 1n vibrgiory eccorrl.
i I i i iil.;i?i :j
;t:.:_;_.q;..r ! 4o, ili note of nu.slc ri urrncrv.
i I I t * , . i (Iie) i{tatu nore oj'.::.s1s.
i i i i lic"i:'.-l {.:, ':, i ; ro.c
'.;bc ii;onlc t','a.:r.e}t.
1 I I i ) .:: tj ! !'e. :rcn Is tl.e ni.::::oL,
trrw.i..y,ni.1 ; t i 26 tb,e nunber of SJ.ectrons.
--tl ii.),./i
t:----*.----*,**- '-=' li:ifzjut-ttcD so:r tho sephera,
itc.A,r:a,r4)i1rr;:tJi-.*.'--:J={i==,i'.:t tgi:Lf,r i]1e tlvgl 1n ilgsn9l1y.

cius.u 3";"?i: fi'i"i;";:""1i;:::". DAETit 1s ,;hs !ieb!a:c Lslier.
^t ^A -^--
Tbc s;n--:oI of Tg-iru: 1s 5:rocn --'-l'---)- -.
V -/ \
.:.- r.'i-.\..
I + 1:1 colou:. GLorit'1' cr. -/-
'-r,:'.:::'- '
i 0.65 Chrc:lt:c
t" tt

.I: ired tlo eoici:r, :l ;15i':.:o:l' accol<l . o" o

I i a , i i o r c t c o l ' t--'::lo 1n h::=on1'. c'o
o l-@-
I ( D o ) i l l E d u : r o t o oi :l'stc.
63.5 ile ,\1;or.rlc oI

I O:.Colps; L s ' s l i g' :-:.3tsl'.
? 9 t L e D i : r b e 3 o s ;il-ectio]ls,

!fE'1..3I9 frcn ile Sei|.srs.

Ai,liG^jS, t.rg tiver Lo, Icr*cny.
fA tbo Jlcheonet,rlo t'c=r.
p1o.J.Lct i;trjflllL 1s ilc o=1f1ca.
Du ;3 tle G'tel::;-cric n,,
ftiE 1e tbo uulralo lo!-,er.
iunrrtrnlltrnttr:t The Magic of Wisdom
i \'

Pirn3 4.
-:. i\nr11 ' 1e5:l'
'c !!€ s4aY, ,lst
l$Sfii Ei n ' ' -Dii Lr: I:Tlliis5-:
r{i!Ic: GOiJl]ili lrV/ Jr+'.
,--=\ 1',
u0rlj,l; 0:r fr[
8$.@S: (CiflOr'S: rserrr' '
r u s sy5]bcl
Tbe - liercurv
e - r J ; v v - -of ' * It^3-lil;
Glorlf Yinc Ue]5]t , ; : 1 r : , i r e r, o n e t b l u g
eil:?s.1on /
i;"i;;i=icret'. !i'? used).
+ iu"rr"ir"' ts !tlr1 / U l':: ;
3;3?"?\i:'::i#offi"i?!:"::g^t?:""u/,1' /:i:.;,':,
Biil"to!"ioi!-ii-* hs''cnr' / |=/;:,.::'
Gil rt1tdu no'-c ot -us1c' I d1t';:;;ii:'

gO-t1," nu::5er cf Ulcc:ro:s'
* -*c:s,r,rnn \ it*$\t) Z
t&i;,,-tne s"ctcc rirer' i'xr
\ il+-4t
tbe ,'rchoonetrlc fcra' \ti fj(l'i E
fbe RIGET"Lg 1:-l?: :::{::" o
L:e016 tbe GuaSotr].c
tne licbrelc 'l-etf err 'lr'f 3?ll?^sus.
&83 ri EI?LA O!' DIiI{A
'n / - t "-s>
-tt " *1:, o! t'be tlron 1s Yel-
Tbe e]mbol
).'l tstt. G4-or1iy!ig Dle-aa'

O 1s tbe ChroTatlo Ylb:etloa', .

itiE"c" of colour ls J-It Ylbratory

ill"ii; note of r51c-1n harnonY'

TFi) itieau note of ;''r5lc'
iilz .g tbe nionii"t't;;;;;r..
AG. Sllver is t'
lf-tfc nu---rbelof lfec:;c-.'
fr!;l'-Jtc Serilela.'
itiiu:gr, tbe sac:'r'i :1'''ei'
tbe .A,rcbeo:iretrlo f orrq'

Tltcl COLC€:OS OF Rl:cDn:s
D O D I C / J I 3 S S 5 ' i . ' Ai'ir'rTOI*L\
:'..--t, Ih" si'nbo]- of tbc S'r! 1s golden'
'.--..'- A-DoUo
O.4? ta t5e CEca'tlc
iitli,;-in"-"orou:r- i:: vlbratoiy accori
ill. iU" coic of ::'.rslc
-trlit 1tr b'rnont'
r:reau note of r;slc'
ion'.2 ths ./.io=1cr -\torei:i'
ii.-c^rre 1g tl:o ine:ai'
zg-tfc r1:-f,e: of E].ectrcls'
iisnilR fic: !f's soPbe:a'
gacred' 3rv€l'
E c.;Ju.I'ffL{, tbo- .
tbo t::clecloetrlo fo::n'
Tbo RIGST lrffiTlJL 1e tb-o orlfloo'
i6-fe tuo Gur:':trlo r.'::be=-
Xi-r'l-fo tb'e Ecoraic Ie;ier'

)f\"t' The Magic of Wisdom
:!is q.
Cj' Roecs' t 1 " l e s d i . y , ]st' l,Er11. 19i2.

COl.fiI:3 B,'rCi. r-'lr Tl!.il lI'STLC: 15lj

. T h P g l v o g { n f o l n a r l o n l s l n t h e . s o l o n t l f i c ' r a a t e l l a l a :irierp:et3-rlctr'
factuar se:rsc. to flnf ihe tt=iitil i6 ieel; teo t:yct16
In ttcse ? ViorCors of
'-L1c\','clJr,';;"il"iu iftt' ? ':'1;rnlcs 6":'r'i:rg t"iic:,J'st1c
i s ' i s - r a d e' bp the Golccn li"urber' Ia
Archltecturo of c u r u n l v c r s s . f f t'ile i')'s!lc
-fig, y, lrii6 in"-] Clra!=es 13ivir1,
t,be tody oi.',bB Hunan betl';een lne
-Arcbl"tocture of oulgelves. feu6''fi iEa: tiro parellellln - -
:rVcrl*ri.o"" r';e leof theso peraflelst
Lhcrocosn etO tfi-iif cio"osn.
P).anets, nus1c, colours c'vc..
deograpni.cally, ve hare rr-ql:eCand pl-acgd' lho
i-rllelb t. rfsii-;rg;?il^i::?:: ?: ::o*:i"::; *l"l',.o
rrrnc.::5iv Fii-ers oi fnclla' btl -1:, lt.
lrblch ls or r{:PIru'r'u i;rur:
tireli oec]lnation
vlbratiorrs of tho Plalets a'nd' C}ekrae '


'tt IU}84,
{cru{ct:s r'

!""t ' Tboro v''as teccg-

Iu s.noic:t -'t!:ss .Arobpo::'-:i::"y playeC' an !ll"3rtT-:e:cl:j':ccl.ulu-9.':"1 '-')r'oi3-
nlse: e pe:'a11o: irr evci;''3hi:rS..'. sct"t"si;-f , ''':i:rr: L'zs e-""'t::'s ::' Sccd erd
t,:tug tra4 :-irt5*vcr-flril';a-i:i; F"nc"lt;i'ic- = l G . : : c r - : : : ;
i-?r'' r';:ici ':::';c a
r:-55i. T h u : a T c t . l ' o " ' / ? e= 3 c e ' i n ' i " - - r r;el}g tncr-
tolelltw for iFfr-Jie
r:lrich bec*r:is :'-:gic-;'ri..J-tri-;;1i vlbi:'r-iETTi--IEe
airiJts cauer:i in t::e"ei=li"r.
ffis-cane ihls uu;+w
phele, taoy *"".tffi';i t,nuGefv"" fo tbe re:rl parfeci; m'rslc, rui
glve 1t fonb"
orlsts eYer!'.i1lo=e, ov€n tne u'ooo"t the:rsefves
nlr Ittt tl n n ti n lt rt I ll

Rebiev, 1n tlrc ? Pl3net9. ,,,r1,,,,,,,,,,r,,",
i;he llelrre'.'r letters) , bY
If \?e Clvide 22, (the nunbe: oi the -lfcalies,.or'. 'ie l2'i9 - -
il tiuu-o.tiicet'or poselL'r'L1t!es of e;;;resslo:r1 , *

T'his i ' s r : o e ; : : : : e : ; s . 1 c r : a f c h e ' t ' u 1 3 i ! e r : ' i h : !

2 2 e q u a l s- ?
.i '
]- 5 e t . . , r e g ni b a i : I a c r o c c s n e : ] i i ] 3 c ] , ; i c r c c c 9 l : l
for iile di:c]e 1r iae f irs.b niilileg?a-"1'''l
of tire u!'i-\-erso' -'ho 7 Colou-:s 6:c" r.ig
the nea:ring of the - i i e - tCin:'es'
Thus lf r"e asgj.::ils.ts T h e / L n c i u r t s bllo
shzl-! urierstrnl tbe ;x:rrifesi;a';f8tt'ot o;' J *'t' ;rtr'!cr 1s
glveD us a ba uu " tle - -
'.',:it]: i;hc oti:i-eni-'^i ';1 ..'l-tire lea''t' Tj113 1s cerici
iR;ljl, .
G0!'J]rl{ i.J'i-il
tt tll!ltt: Cnlttl n lllllf The Magic of Wisdom

:l < ; f rn i T - ( e n c ; t . ,I
I,j "3r fi l'T .' .:-1"1"1' 8rt,1 i
r{ tpotrrc bv lL llllYu Fntfrjsi, t l r l r r n r ,1 1
Cre:orneF.Ja."o. *-- .rj..^.a

Tbo splrlturl rc:lttlou of th,o blrth cf tljr pranot, clffcrn grcn tle.,
i{ of tbe l'.'c5ecLi. ,
rh_oHlcrnlcly rrg oat,h,{,tr.}a,:rcbr
a1':"za- '
ir tbe F,r.a cf, tr.a .t^::t?. .t.-11.
a BI.DI.]'PJ.[LI]ii&, 60f,-,rjr::a v1'rUn Gco-yr'off ihi ira'<r"i.ill.rl--,...
to ololro' llanols gaiuaiiy tcck ti,oLr ilecoa :rr ti e oiiu-l{-''
8lbors!rr fo= tb,o sl:s11 s,\f,L,-lovlnc rrl',h tie:caioes veto:iiyE
t l o k i f] , ! T f r a y , , 1 { \ o s c : t c : r b c l l , C r E l f J a i a r o n d 5 r e a t " : - i - , r o
buSgi+es oi flr.:'s. !Li,g fn tGj iee!.q a.*- n-.t ?:-:r €t'lt\ y
wd eIt ocxidilcd-:r tu.-sr.:srl EJJLI,'Do6nI
ii'?+rF3 ,''W'
to ttrls tbocrry, tho ongSerto r-.b.ett::c
sJ€!3r !js3 a portlcn eJo;ted,'by thocosnlo
iuri osir.res tr.rt dt
rtse trlrst crcsted, 1-n tbe s'rn, 6aotr pe.rt'co-'jrE fcri.b e3 a per:ect
re_prod^uctlgn of j.ts 3,rchsig:o.
.ur 1Ir tbls rrp:ld 1s a ploiuct,J-on of t.houa).t cr gl3:xD., $[e onrF,oi
J-aoe a bcot or til{t(L a -bclso \rllbout IIo tu-
&,rt our puny offoibs'vould. bo of no evell vrltborrt oupply of
r,'lt!,oui r';b1cbri-€cs,nrlo not|.h5, rrliia 33ll
$, "aiin's..o
u03 cnLATaVs P/nr !./"s Frl{ To cp;Age ELtts RJ,l7HltrrFLl(l.
&o bu1.l-{'re1ir''qy tralqa en( !:uge bUlldtnts 6to.,. }Ut lt tg re'
got9l; pcrsJ.irle-trst-Ci=s Jey fii nci oui-oi t[e R e w i i c -
torla1 nnotlpr Pl'.nsi: Li'"ile ercelurcs thgi r?e are +aA-.-
!9*CJ, tt
ero on).y u.c oand cn ibo sea-otroro to vbat vre s]-rarl bg.

rf s1L l.s.8Pl".rT, rro oal uss 1t bo,solr cr ncb\-, - suob J., y?J!-fifIJ-
riou:d r-r.f bo:rcr* srlx:r fcr'o spfu-l+-uar p,.r:prgs, o::l, tber uso i?
' 9or out [i'ceror rri-,.:':.1] pu:3cies? me i;ev.l*iic tr.:u$iJa toCr:
ocEg f:rco, c-1cp:rtss'rill' :-atc;aal .?e;:16b
rvorth t'ro boots beyo-i ib1s r-1ttl6 ccao'.i::: o:I e-
the p'r-islosoof t1r1s ';crl-u to -rgnifcsL sp1:li, ior, bcr= st-l:r :s
. VJe gbou.]-d j)pFq ^n -cr.-.irrr Then r.,.t"r {n +.n i1l:-:O ,CLO:
O'ir,:rtO it
Hr- ;h:"; ;;";o;"p;;;^i;'o"?'"'c"rfil"lirH"t to sr.vol1s Li jo -.o
rlg.lie rhls rotni slesr... a-6roai-Sprrriiif-'o..cn5::it,jci
tJrs. Fir ex

llgs t!9-pbys1ch1 boni' ;a1sed ircn the deai? rrsts-ncos gli-ea 3

the Bi.bucal ::ecc:_c.s,shs.r ilrrrt the Dlsci? cta noi a? ti.:et
recc5nlse ti1n. irt.3't:1s doubt? \tet bnio-rre no! Dceu ,;c!c?
lhg .Al<r:shic Rccord.6 ele -,b,e Ilf,ern^I iter:r*z- c\
ilousni re=vei-as'*'a"orc:
s r'."urlui"itil*ro :X3g.fftl""Iii-i
i5'95I;"eul"lr3=^li''tif t='";;35J3f;
ll:d tlic truc focts oi. -")1c ,rllto.
Geleldlac c'unr1ngs, v.1t], hcr eutc::.gi1c r';r1i1nge, brln8e to cur
DO?1C9 thC..L\tSL.1c 'l 'r-. , r- n
J '- - !i q
J e
v ;r iLhuj .+r e n
urorr {r h r{ co 4 v o l ' f t
nol i i r - f . , s r v^ La - * - ?^re Cg-:-
lta ^u::3ciicn nnn6o.r,c f.^ l'.,.
o{ tp; 5r:j-2i- n3ic, t:r ber;rifi;;:'=,.l"uti;;r;;ri'l;lnl;;1;i.=
ot tbc njs-uer-f.
' e n ne>:t i-isua. of iHij GuJL.llllj._.iglvc:
c o c c u ; 1 ; c i . : t e : . .s t o t 7 , e l ; s . : a : . . r - t a
1t ffot t}:e 5cccTd.;i
l-n thoae' $? 1s e=. lntcrestlrg lntr::rrctet10::
bu11d1rrg of the Ter,?lo l: tllrco rlnys., of the ,le_
not c01n.c1Csrrjtlr 6ren*-rc:s tn""", C"roin"s, trere aocs

'1l ' 6/'

r6 The Magic of Wisdom

IIIIJt}is^t iR :r.t 3-1ur:i.l:tJJI' - ,- lUru i L{J{r'.!ISliI $l . ?:Rlit gt.ti'lLl


Coangntil'y by !r. S . ! 1. . ] , e 1 : *trerr.lere {cl1c;1f n,1- a. ,_e

"lbctGc tiu'i,lfl'f Cleccrne liooiso.. ")<
crr ".':lliII

gec o Ic-! of
Yca rre l:nt,) 9r thank l!r'' Fergt'ecn-ond I- holre to.
j.n.q leoturuo. il retrllty i h a i ! o t r h n'l vre lrshg; to
otber ?coplc fiJ.r
vlcr{ I rllff ercnf; (:xpos1tlolr5. ,.-
p " u l .1' o. , . v e h l c ] o ol tho I
I $j-e -fnr-'111;utr.ql-Sl::l:s--49trrl!tS--ij,I.ESIF'
IglMTSAL C l i r - r . ' l t i a J I l 1 ! . i : C i J . r )1 l , c c c - n o t t i o i : l t t s crm ,.'!tut trlca i
a 11sb': cn thc dlfferqi oonocpttoer ext:;t1n5 L'r tle it
[re.r] t.---
+--.-.--:-.:--r--.tu,r\ -tirr1-;ii"- t
r,""*i';i,r. ia-;ri;-&!i;;Eiic;i;1'-tii;- i:cuiitctt cn r'b?Frrsce
hag told yc.,r s.irout" I wcuJ.d Iil: to glzc you rtcieihlng for yor:r fi3ru,- F
nent$tign. f c : t l r : p e o p l e ' r l ' . i r . ' l G rit t h t o ; v o f i t . In splrlErrel phu;cr- r
Cda, when OCn: pr:c:')ie l"-lVo O nCnllceo ihere o:e Of 'JO-!lise peoile dOlr;
tbot wlth e1:r.:ci:.i,y. but d::r:ig ihat cie o lt':.':rs:]f , r'r'la h!o otra ti-atlu:;1c:
1 . 3' ' t i 6 r € s t plopor clan of gplrtt ph.lrcr:ens tiiB,t ol.n l-;;ipel " .
IYcrr Uo tl:sse

. IrOf J:rsto:t:c We be're t:to Srea', er-Oellenre of Dr' GcL\-ii,3l:'::ll

dOltOf trhO Cr;ltiitl';icd OO!!e lupr::te.:'r'J t';rd j:.icrcoilr'; cr- '-r1:c:r'i o
" t s
l fr i . t *
l h ; : ' : : 1 f e ; ' ) r . ' ! f ' c r r.t' t'he soil'1'; t:f ilC i'eed'
OcEOer:11i6 t t - r e ; ; ; c : < b i i l t i r
p e o l l : i r i : o e r c J : . i r : ' : . : , t e i t r . s D i r i t l , i e l i c : : e : L
oenerelly slfli\l:^r'|i thr a
(: r
t r y t o l ) : i r ? c . ) i r : i r 1 - t € e t l o :r "r -11t i l l " . : 1 . 1 t : : : t l:f:r-r,r :r :ot " b: :cli]t'\Ii: c?:o, - l:.-ai i'';ei ; ie. s, oe ct l
;u;ci .s; '-.oui - 'u, .r- . ,'"\ , r r" 'rLr -, .' - i ' ' ' b ! : ' l l r r " eiicy lilcli,;i:t I
ir'iact, lncl itr
! l J , t
il:v 2r:i'pole h; oalle4
^ r r . r ^ ^ ^ - l ' \ - ^
ocggi;e.!9. F{ca-i L-
: r ' : : T : : {n- :tl r' :ct ,, f....u" ,"..-l t,l')r. lr g. nt e
, -d^ ,u, e
l , r n r 'tr. r ) - ,..'-" ?
u : o rl i r' e r ec
E.. o ooii.'.l.' i tii:li o I
very tnpoDiant Dsclie ln Fl::roc.1ust
at the be;jn:r'lng of the ocliu--t' t
n splrlt if a dlpartcd pcrec5r rrra
3o they enlled cn tile istle
h l . n r , t s f e c l " l f f u r r c l i l i S ' o t h : 8pj'r1t l}3d'
aclccd lf th:y eorrla, touo)r o
p u l c ltlon of
rxate:ln11ocd. illel' rrlslr:d to r':o1' thr- co;riro1 c:l thr
ihe t.""tlcn of ihc neJ'rie, bu+, r,ore. t t t l i t l . . ! ! ' f . t , . . 1 : i i e : ' : t 1 . q.\19
[fr.-iriooa, Ii
::lth as p l c o f t o c b o i / L o c i , ' - e r c '
l-q-lti", ro:cth1r^; .
0 r t n e t s l r l e v r a s p l r ' c c ( ' r b ' r r ' f f 1 n , ( ' - 3 ' i t ? r r n c e ' s : c e ' i : : t l t ; : 1 1' ! r 1 t
tiir'! r"l:crr lre Laf tie l::ad'
tnst be j7\:t lr1" :11r,4 ln i-\g, i):rlltf1.5o so yo:'t unrlJist::re
0f ccEr6e
=-:i'1 1 on o ,pro-'1.{'
wor-r$-*1e-i,-!!1-fi-.:''(-i1ef ,q1rf
t-[it1,ru' 1nr"_""iic='";-l,-;;;ttp1,; o"'],lrl,ll,'1.""i;;]:3. i"
ii:r r, 1: it'rr
:,*r-":-l1l!,r:!r+, iii+.,i1"
ic:':;'?i -- i
::l'1cf i" DcI i:e3'r I::i:
d e r n ' "r':r, :91.ff-'::-',':q*
Tr'i 'fi:i-ii:zr.-ir:d
;ta* l.i-;I:'ri,:,::.2
3:!:ilar ILr 'Q,. tn (? 3b1:'1
+- crrr331:1'q t5o
uJ'tl7i"i-z'r- l
g l ovrrl }'co,e:'re&
har{s ru:d -l.|<l::i ilff lrsn': }cc.{.tl-erLl,Ye'l tii'ra:;s.t}rc !1
f i , i h e F J : ; . i ' ; : : . i : l '. i : f , t l i ' , . l c i b y t h c h . : : n d e o f $ : : : . t l r c i - r r a l a h s d t e c u I
d e r t c f 1 S , l . . - . r : n z -.r . : - i l U l , : g i r : t ? t t C i", t : t : r ;itrit l'. lt';.',Jn b':rre crl;iCt f e:C:e (
'|he gLc:cc '.lr1cos iirr &re tii.:3!'r'.r11;.;r3
the o:osg:J h . - . n r ' ! l ri r e l "

! : r 1 1 t l i l s , ) c i l ) : i e t o F e l J . e c . c : a t : 1 ; o f J ' : r 1 '';' : i { n 1 . . ' . ) . a' :

]Ir, G:litll .. - .' .-. ..., r ln r

'hc js.:1: ''.'':irr ir civ Yo-. 1r... . .pt illc il: :'. : . iI
!. i..\-..r--."'L)
1 9 2 C e . f t c : ' : ' e z l l r : r : 1 4'<:' . ; ; , ' l ; - ; ; " - ; . ; r i - : ' l;ii;
i;a:r !::-)'i;'l i ' : r ' t r ' - rI h ' r n : e : : t i . j . : t i ; c :c
ln c:ng'n,:r. . ll.:ii,ti' till;t rl :; i
Jcst. e il t' l;' , . " c : ' - : , i - ; : ; t ; i ' . i ; ' - 1 ; ' ' 1 ' " ' - : i ' i I ! ; ' ! c ' r '
5 U ^ - l r : ' I : i ; : " ' t. : :''"l p
e g l . ! ' . - - ' - ' ' l l ' r i ; r : ' b r i l l l l ' ' } e
the ocnt:ru'; rl!h
i': . i a:r.i Lii': '-.

11!l € yr'lt

I ;r ! ! ;sic I cor'.gc::'l&ty 1r-':) );tt'i'

Cel:t'licriair-rr'. .:
yor|] do3'frt:1 i!r !lr)'r.
'::'ntrt re nee4 ii do erery vtcc-!:Js tc ta1-'c r').'rut lcr:athL::g'
)'crr = ce
dlfJercnt '

i | 1.Jj:i..laL:!t
-1 l:!$rt.-

i'rl -.
t \r- 1j.:.:;i.!r:' The
Magic of Wisdom

Dr'. S. R. l,J:3:el:lete.
1-r"r 11:;:.9.{}}_ ::rl t L__5?..
I : it,,..

Ou:'ll ,';. ;j:Lc yr:9] :fi)u, i;:7c :":l'lled L'to''r'jo: lecl

er:i;r'.c r)rt
I! '!lr:' 'rln=
c t , : - l ' . : ^ - ' r c n r : r i : ' t i i l ; ; s r c r t o r 1 c t : n 5 ' ai'r1e i:iv; t''"-l
a l1n.e Cf I i ) '
l i I ' r : ' ' ' i ' i r ' - ' t u e e i l i :
cgcaiir6 6f i.f.r anle !-1er: 'lf':;prco:l1c'lo
rl ..Tcr.)r:J/ g':uir i'5 {"lc s::lci'r'):r5 !r <th'::r :;c:iot3"
fVto';-t;tjc;r "/c
''c'$t:;l'cl rirl:'l'y t'rr::l: t'l''lr h::c'e n,!i"'.!cr'.'n')
fr: Vr::.;:.tlli: iol
'.:l r ;t'-':'i 3 :)'4:l:c Cr':lloilr' i)r!:::; Fi'-:':' g:t urlcil.:3 . :rnc.)h;'I
- ,i J c r ] n c s o c ' : ' e r y
iUey t':.'r c, n-: f:dr!!in: ct luitillluno il'r'bi'c'frtii'
"".td . 1 f f c r c : ? : ; ; : c : 1 ; 1 c n '

T o ' : ! r l . ' ' l ? l : : n c L : c : ' r ? I i o 5 ' ? i g c : ' i : c t l ' : ' l ' r: ;t nl -' 'i e ,t:i .i j:'l)chJer ' ?, j. ',n' ;!J);' cr ':o1 lur j' i i bri;
tr1Ie a fAth:,::'*1"r,.:ilc c!:1ir'r":... oi,l,ir:i:t:;
't:r'" ::er':oll(:i vr:'':' 3lrJ''l't'
o- b1g ci.:. i:i')) u;: i-i'l:ipl'-:s,l '';tl i'J
r c; l; t t ; i ' ' ' r - ; "i l J o o r r l ' ' r r ! :
' t . Qe c i ; - r - ' - ' : ; ' : ' : ' i " t l " t r""' : - ; 1 ' ; ' 1 ;- 1
btt no.y I i,i.i t r c : : i - - " ri:i- I
(i:';r) '':;;ir::''
l i e s n y 1 , 1c t : ; , i . " . . i = ' o : . : - - . = : : = - ; ; ' i ,
Gc.--:..c'::'i.::, :-^::--
r;; ;i",r";;i,,,,
beo.tcd:l c;il):LliI.':):'r 'r'J Y'." "
. . a ' ; 1 , .-' l. . r . _ : i . :

: i 1 \..-{'

I r:rr
g:,:cil:-qf :'f .i:.,i,.,,1
t:: 5;:r::.:i'-1
b or:c'Jc r ci ct'.':
hrrrc bcr-'':s:e
r:l iSl c:,r: t:t:')'
-- !y ."r..,:.')i-::r ,,

| '-' 'i'i'rl ''::': bv6!ct:l::f,,:f I it"t :'t:'1 :"-: :)?1 cr

: : r ;i : : : sL'':'r
i ;;:] 3.i::it;:
oon i;;.jii:,*ili;.ii ,'0,'.,ti;'r
l,,,c -l#i--;';-':;1,";"-';'#;";ii.
ii;-l**t::,,:,' -1..:;;''1?{j;;rirrj::--
. ; , : . . . . 7 i , ' . 'iii). i:r: a , . r'/i,i,: ' , . , r ' ' " 3 1 : : : : : l '
,,-.ti';,;:,i,,_.-:..:,.', i:, :.-:.rtJ.ic
= ;t:-l:i-:1u'" '1"'"'f
|;:';l' ';-'r
,"i ,iiiilli;:';

-*...!i.,i.i.i.!c,.l;r-;r:3:it;{.r;*$,.;?*I.,i:l::::i:-jii!t:i^:';3:'i}\r.\',t:,:ri:*i,,:l}$!: j:,".$.-iivl*"'..:'i-'-

' ( L'.: Li:{trlr- - The Magic of Wisdom

' '!l. S, R. dc ll. 9ar:l c:c. I)r r. o -'

{i ': ir i. F;.'l. ! ,, .,.:l; a
f ou n:'.io'i ::rif'-t'1 r.'lt): t lr.- :rh,vg1.r,"t ,;:i'o:.'r,. .l r:lr sin.r') i, i1.]r

g p 1 t 1 t , o - . h " i : t ' r . l c : :i ' . ' c l u z e L : 1 : ' : t ' : : G 3 ; Y o i t : : , r : l r : i i ' . , i i ' ) h e t i t . ' : f r l r ' : : .
trBl:cc trc fec-:.:tr;'r)'ior t l - : ; l . ) . i - 3 ' . ' ! L G 3 i ' - ' i r ? t ' t i i . ; l r l ; i : c r l u b j c l r i ;. ! . ' ; ' j

t a C e r ' r J t n B d i i r e 1 .h . " : : 1 ' : e l b c r ' c ' ;

s!a1t ut-. th,r: i'c:;j.rlninA '
o$eclli D c r b r J t t c " of }ia(rrrorl i; :.o'rlt3\f,'
Be-ftl:c j'ou osJl rc:rd ti:r
you haYo to ciari i ; 1 t h A I 1 : : t t : . ' - : o Piuiir ,-t

.l:.,,, .it- .-i..

!a ta .\ .-r 'i , . -- J ! . / r r- \- L. r^\ : r l. -.vr) '. r . '' , I i:l ,:e::'Jlrlt1.'l "

Tc a: k e a::r.l:Y s L;:r'; i;l'.e l ' h ' - 1 , ) 6 . n
. { .l l r
O..:-,it:r-'l::;^i11 , , ' - ' ' ) : 91 1 s :,'i.'3Cn

nek,'.nr; ilr,;-,: 'lf.l Jet-,1.[{ i-'i ':': : r ' . ) h . . ii: iil:n'i l*,i .l :r.r.:rc i'r;i l r ' . ' . , ' . ' .?- '

i i ' e t . : . ' ; - r x c u : , ' l ' ) h r r . -i.: : : ' : ; 1 e 6 3 j - ' ' , " ,

j : l r ? i " r . l . ' " i : ^ r l . ' : , : : . ' ' )' ; . .
Ye;rezrf.eLa .,\l:r:l!'i.:ri:I",.
rrbelhcr t i : : ' 1 ' : . i . ' t ' 1 l ' i . l , i : : ' t r - , : i . ' : : ' r : : l ' j, C i t ' i u ; : : t ' l : :
tl.,.rr .",'.'..1' sr,':' 7"1..'"':
?hcy io,t.;::t thcur(:j.'j'i:'': i.:cr:;euQi) .r.:i irir:c:lgli.l.l
r ^.., nai: hrr r .. "'OOi .?r',r::iit,:i ')lr': L.i ,;;- ii;.i l. ii:i.:.'\1
f or llunr.n i l-l IITJ\J J


f rrlsir :-'cr :r(/ri Yc1.ll

Isur eo'rl'3:c-tlci'.'


li:i:liiji"i; l*:!u;;?clll:j:p.j.r-rf

.- .l
irl:t).': Ii?.:J::.: 4* --Vi
lya-. :l-g.tz_. _* #:-:ii{6l{?f:elrJot=rlf.ttflg:.:,yt:,;izrl,,i.<--c:.:-*:^jr;:,:--r.r.-r,:.:.,;
., ')|
tt/ ./r.t The Magic of Wisdom


#!E=+j+I-l!J::-sis!gt13rr -rali.l t".r:r,ri,_yg !

^ HhKe uie Yce't? (.cr'r-j)
I! ld not r1i ucurl=ffiffi r cellvcr ejt cddrcse
bEl I tsvo berc tbe ta1l ctd of thc prcfeec to a booL cntltlcC nlettc:g
t o J o u t h n t ; b 1 o b r s : p 9 ) l l c h c C t c : l e t 1 : e e r r * o oe r d f r ; t c l r ' . . o l e s d 1 ? t o y o o
oo lt curta!:s eo ylrld$ the nregg6c 1 r,:ni to 61ye.

r-v FF;u"acffi
nd o11 ci ibc tgculticso :lc..;c:.a e:ed.ecpeclt1cs .;:!t\!: bls
-r;v o ' , ' , ' : lu f l : t e 1 b c l s g o o r c c J . : i o t o c n j o ; r . e . o c l i l c g c l1f c ci
+-r; aba solute i! r o : C . : : ' rf u rt i l:1
t rIr-DDii--rr..eessss " i'f er;rthlnG ?hct Ii^.
.<.e oe.;1 cc':cc1ye iroeslble t6- c:suro " tbet flledcn s r dd b cr popr lb c e a
r Ia cvr'lirblc 1 , z ri : : : r o l?crld :c',:. i1l tlst 13
*' -t -3 .lc c r'clc::ec frc: r,Il ou;cro', 19lca.- clcod8o }liu:lco
I | r . o
:.sro bc'!I:rliricr'.r'i':C 1cl1t1rnlr F I . d ,a t o i u i r : x ? o t b c
fi; ;i1c tr-it}: c:.;i..claic-1 b1'.)csr:: r:C othsr cnelcri r.i'it1a3
i r : d p h l L o : ':!ct pc :l lcl :g:cJl t t 5 : t l i f c 1 : s : e 1 . = p c r l r r l l . all 5cl:g-
JI I 1Yc o - { , i I acl'i €ecr orcr.iLa?L? c.otiri6 nlrr-tbcln
9-r)I ,:-1.(nl
I taor e. .f: o: ! :c. : l J' rrir ?

j. -' ;er rFr cl j..* 3L
ard f ci
v sa {
oJ.l =cr
- re
f-l.l UC=

r--,i ! I
n+ ! :l__ 'Ho l';irc csr a:rrl:k fro: il:ls fo'-r=ts.!n ueeCs no ouin.
f f o o 1 1 f I co'.tf<i slt C.orrrnci: r^ld je:rc thlg necg35e rlib _vou lN
1- n',
tc16h$ do co:ro 6 c o C thln 1{ :/ou J.lctc:r to n.e el). erc.t5.
lJ ,i trYerycie, crcfy,'he:o' co:rselous oi lt cl nct. 1s aoctlng a fullcr
lq; ooacclcur..rccs of Li?c, a iuJ-lcr t:rCcrsis:ribq of tbc Al"c t)'st 1:r r::).1.:'
U. ; tboco . lhlc u;gc L= :c:ll;- '.;hc lrc:1ea sp1:'1i, '"1'2 l-c1!:aa 1:rstlrct 5 tbe
+Ii tsplr1i tbot lc L:i, u:6t:5 b1tr bgcl:1xtc tlo luiler l,lfc tbr.'" he so
foollsl:1; left,

f? Esjr noi bc Ccc€:rilg rcccczl:cd but tbcro s.rc pcoplc rbo lii9ij
CrnJ b::l1kc
tbci r':c Cld o::cc fgnc^'le;: la o re:- fuil crht:c oi ceta:1o Llfor
^ft tho trrril6r:1 oj or0, lcl: t l c ! s . t r ) e : ' e ! . c u ee c : ^ i - . e : t c r c d 1i'Jo '-ho : creu:rI
o-, B rOrlC ri i:tcrl:l- *"i1r,:r. I , 1 - 1 : ct h c . p i o c l . 1 - r l o i o T C t : c 3 r c : l i . l i c : :1:'cg
rr)F o 1 ' t b c f l e e + J - t c " =c ! : : i ? t o ai bcl-i5 !::,:;erctr. i:1'tt.'c l1:ltl';1c^s of tle
,fi q( ?'.!.'"''. Sa:c r,":lhcl
ibc:':'-';::-- tc c';: io:=i::
i r-: 8 c ! 1 9 r : ' . : 1r ; c ' : J - o c : C c 1 ; l : i c :
j i : : : r i 1 ! : i ' , h c : 3 c l r c g - t f e 2 : ' i 3 t : c ' c t b : t r ' ' ^ - cc-"ui l-:;i
dd F
-+ buei <: i5g let'::=
Jo:u: s::16,
' 5 u ' - l ' . c : ;:io:'lf.i' =ot,-'1,ri',; . 3:'"Iy
'uhct lreo t':le e r:1t:: thco
r^rD c f c c u : , . = """. o i . o"'t'czc hlre L ycctrrlr5 bu-- ::cnicl r:\j''
bofcrc tlrlc i:orld
jo -rl-
( :
l$ ^
fi- l'
l, *'l c!., .7
3u r t
it l *,1
, - : l T r :-a: -i . :1: ; ; - " ' 7 ' 2 ' . ' ' . , ' " ^ ' ' : . i l o < . r - : s ' .r e 3 c r l c l 3
'.'' Jr":i. lr:r- ofFlci r"-'c'';-
J o6- 1_.,
i ' 1 1 - i r ' " i - i o ^ u c t o t d i J t o u ' , = . .- ' ' ' J l t - ' . " '
get .ii,e hobit <3'iur"'y.-:''J.Ui
HOu'4"1i'ii-' The Magic of Wisdom €t

Coal" :':'o t '-

L*-cute qy i - - i-etel Gsrg'u' "l''sic L1f e ; -'';-r
both olt ond aor'-tut thoro lo o truth'
.-ltbla alDllco to Fcrlpt=rg e'
; t , r , ' o J . - ' . o c t r ' oott l ogbiob
a t a o t - . l b g t o * o i b e o r o l s . t . " i i ; i ; . 1 or'rii;;-;i t i r c r e l all
o Fora' stcl'lr'tt
;;tt;h!tG ur I
ooa frn0r:cotsl 5on!,l;illI-"itliltolfuu:*
cod utott-:o'd''
onoAotlor tg t3E:J1!"loed
n:ri!i,T[i;"il;; bv"e1re'ri* x ii

roa:r by LTte . u,h'iit-orfri.:1l,'
;fc;.ntlvo-. Evii-rtt;at k1::o1?Ie
tt'l""oo' its goodaooalnto
or gplrlt,

;;i;;;-;i cccaoloutslee! oerlol' Iicn'
ooly havo theory'
Outsl0e of tb'at, I aa Borry you
gherr I yes s qtrll C i
f , Y o f u t h o S c l c g t l f l c r m ) t r S o l e l o o t r l l l l e l l y o .nert'"s"" oallflDatDasaro rlasi :
tbcorlce a:d 11Xely to be.d.r"p"-".i-F-ir,. o r i i ' I - ^ i l t - c r c tora-iot tbla raa-the
Siicoce Btrlaleo iio i'orl]ura El
g o r 0 ' t h e g : n n l I y ! ' e e b l c } o s 1 d . . : 1 ] j 1 - p u , t r . h 1 g l r "yao.ur :.t":'1" "oroy+ " gi oocr u . :rh* ior -t uy I] lr c gbr o o r a
prcreeecr ;i"3.";i;o co
a6o I heard o tJ.cGJ r o r J i " i r p r yt l a , : : - t h * - o t m
i n t ' , ' , o u t r o - i-i uo rl e
vrlttal oD p n g s l c g r e c l e n o e rcodcrcd t h e a
o*iu;i ;-fi?t:-
tho bor flrc bocauco the :r"" t : d s y e t h c o r y ' lt dceg uot
obeoleto. i " i * o " ralJj' ,'"u-Ji-to rog
it- r iu- aoiivlttes' ilis
a etp' iitr "ir l"
t r "y t o to rl 7 o u 'u t" i rt"
plrloooph fi ; L T
;51:l"im t:u+.ii; t :.f; "o"i
?r,s, ".i
or1 opet! .B:-tq' , -
!i lll :: ;:I
u"rl t h i n ! t o l o t i o i": wbat
r;'i I l-""*'tooQo"I-o*t""d'ct
and doubly r*r.6
aald tocaY". tern
trtBlndd s t o := e t h r n E t h e Y
1(:3 ' p e o l e t rt
n'l t oo odr1't: 1roG :lJnt lr' 1s tbeort'- -
Ebca + l ere e J Js
s o:r1y Yq f t no o {t, .f r q .-I I4 " ;c; ;l isuee
r lrr lab]. e "nr c r cctraDb eex +{ ^ bo obeerz:rbre
1t': efuotatab
c. s eer' r;Y ? l? a l & a
a le 5
e;r 1r tbe sool"
Theo , ry
: s eJuf
e! ,r'l
1 oo of = * ; ; ; ' ; o i " l
{ +
t+o o rrsAl a e ls b e ' u l a d l t l oi tbe Pas:
€ 1 g A r rr C
eCA o 9 €Ilc
+ hh
+ J lv
{ r. r m + L
- ieh 1 s o r s
n t i ,o Bl t cc:n d
r dd 1 5 1 0 r 1 c
^r{ w h
vrl o a e c s
3 t t oo ! { !{all'
i ',1; roc\: I r''bnrt
, : :.'B rrI In s d.t
T'hhee tvl c o i d .1 e i ; r u e " ' a a g
Bt' ^L !L L

'O0nc* + i r { .E|
n bil 6a L]-1 be ,1{
. 1e r
T e
e t l nb o
- n
" i
t t f C
t o
H C ff . t J
d e v l1 a t e
e c 1 oto
r t a T
nf , ) g:r
U Lv i. o:1
+ ) \
lre vbloh lc a16P\Y
' e t - h l 1 s t c nn C l r ll i b G o d .t o t h o o o d o f
y e t b e l s t sr go11 l ;
Y + {r
' + > r'- Yvltr t l t l r .
a t c o
07t 1 t h o o ( e?) tt o o f GG o i . - f
6l r c e e t 1 o K1n6 badls 1l
t b eE .
; b e . blt '1 .6 0ol t ^ € is
A o t t a 1 l sy rrt{ ++ l t h, h 1 e ttre oi
h n +
rOY C ( T
t ;bbee n 1 r: ce o t c r oAu.I1 c
Soleacc. ie115lon. all luvo
8ut there ycu ha'ire 1t' .Phlloeophy'
1t ls.
t-r1ed to-iiro aririicst vr.evrpol:te of l-lf o - s L r e t
terlght w b a t l t 1 3 . Dcnrt ooo€Pt
I an tndoavoarlag to- erptatn d. tili
r:/ rord i"-irt*i ' - t " t t i i o - : h 1 : cy oou J 1 ra1 '
coae to? ; :T:li'rl;';rf 3,o3,.
tsr bacl as 3ou ien-e:ra stnt -?0o
le rhat I r,snt to ta]] :lou about '
tbst your
'Fb(l yoe olie}'e Llfc Toar ooal't
o" ou" tfS,reellv
p{'poE c. i etle
t GeI isol;.L'r l'*i;i:"* rl" ;;';ii; t i;} : i it"tt 3'8ii} 6u
i,tri tts erf
-' ilpl:
6ip^: ;;-";1;|
erI r
*d or wb.1ch lG'""il.iio'f,i-rr l-to i t "c y oc ^ J ' c o n o e p t -
nbe lt lnto
, ^o.u. '6i +
t "cl r{ tner 0
l j' ^ A cc oooorrddbb55
aro Ealntelned 'Ja
ou"., -a A\{-r. a
yo..'=a.rnoi h . r l v e r s s la c ' T e . G " 9 . . 1
orf fu;'rlver""t Jt-I.?o,.3l":lisfgt I
|I lr.tsk lsli;"t"*iJ"'9;;;i'l::l+1":; i
tn"owr^ ti!-*l'rr.a^o.=:";:ltii iIG_i,t,tH"n;'.ifr;i";;"
;:"t;iti!'i'ip ho:i 3::."- ::":"' ?"ir ' Li or -' ir
t r j r c vcu fo rr o p l ctY :'*l l l tii
it" '-'t!i-'ii'r--- rcu arc ao iu]r t!?9f -
. ii- tl"- pr er . '
y o u r e o t! yo u b Jb d .
," 'rtu .i i "ii"i- tt'
::,.' ;;i",til;t:ii
"il'frfr :;:'':: ti:li; "":ii*'lih
t"^' n' ainr
i; ;F
;:"? ""
. i
"il- ll:^ar r gltr = e

: l$";.rtlt mr'i3"Il"'[l']';*u'"t,*:l:=:lt;*:r^i"*..,r
to t'{'I-::"ti';;;;;;;'i;-loocv'
Eerc I nould 11:c -i""'"i**il l , "toro
to i
)liiiiii"l-t;:'.!? tt:*O;:f;{:"i"-""5i#il! t; tiit";:ott.':"
abour1t. rr ou,:'fr.arafc:' lts

lzt ; The Magic of Wisdom

tol 4T Gorr':us .
lt l?r $ee )t
trhat a!0 I? (L1ke Klu ln Klp}lng who kept sn repeatlng'Who !.o
!lo?n uet1l tho pcrrccral eoncept faded trpo h1s coDsolouooso a:rd ho
:r;teallac0 tbe splrlt ccracolouroess )
ji"'" Whcooe caoe thlo I lnto oxlsteaco?
i"-i lt an ldotlty o! 1ta orm?
. Xlhst 1e 1to true osture?
Eavo you ever 51vrr lt a thougbt tbat you c15h-t not_be
bave led yorrreeu to bElrcve you are? You n15ht l9t be a 'ra6, a boae
'*'hltaau puto 1t, 'tAl1 there ls betwea
ano a h"nl of h.elrn ol as Watt
your bBt and booten. 0l oourse 1t hgs er,tered.yoLr c@eclousnegs.
I . Y e r y o n eb a g ' a m o n o t r h e o h e f e e l s h e 1 e o B c w l t h a 1 l t h e r e 1 e .
'bave You
eurely been !e K!-ng'e ?ark gn a beautlful dey and obaervedl the tteeoo
tbe flowerg, tfe b1rds. ell ?he beautles and. lqr.e {q.l! Ioq -ql-o a
oe xlth al-l those l_113g"...19.

l b e 1 dd e +
c e : I1B t oo g : e t s c11
c?lr N3lurc : .e,nd{9y a-rg.
cl f ' out u t o o f tbc road.. rVerytirfng you call
ry ' oo I ta 1 m you. E n l r ee t t oo ae. 1 chkc I s B i d . c a t h o d l e e e e e o 1 e c k , d . 1a c o r d , t.I
I e o e r eerfr
ott o . a I a s sa o crl1aat e
o ( d r1{ + h t ,hr €e t c o h ar p y o
ceII ei3. ?hat canst be true l
abbooouu t IIIF I e a!c
a t eeLl .?? v o u aa t eer - n o t w h a t y o : : t h b , k y o u e r e . _ 7 o r t e l
L1t1 ff cao gTc be
e hhetsT
lYe er t O I I I 11iJ t g a t r e n . d o u s l o t o ? 1 1 e a a b o u t o u r o i i v e o ,
e ell t
c l e 1 s. tS Ife a tt ee p ( ooT ' t u ! rtt "t8l
p { q{ n
o r t un3tr e lL. rr.do1l1vY1,Cuols o beraeBad by evcry l

t that I t c;8r0 a er a l Ioa6

oll 63oo c arr d.
vy e t a l4t tl I t b h oo wwtlrh h, 111l c 1f J,1f e_.1.q
&ca dI . ,Q r r.rb
stre n c e o t;i l e o +t b .c+o ln.dlv1_.q1)1.e, .prtnclpte ;
ea.rlT .t{ !> YeYrair. hI e tlt.h
h eer: end 1f ve I
A I r e: . l1frfe ccif, > u tt c l II
ou i alq 3t l i e 99n tS 5f8€%iufu;trpdk?ot, anytlrhg to -f cer? nytSln; f ask you the,t cs|n

f e t h o r e a__.--_
letard A1fe, eutasonlse -7 - ' u ? C : n 1 + " 8 e t O J . C . r C B n E l ' 9 t l i n l c n . ) . g rCe]-nAl i
g-e,t- oJ.d? C-gr 5t _(-1_e'l thcn 1o 1i r ' o r t b v h l l e consldeilng vc hc.Ye cBC.e t
a nleteie, possllly tirat we bate bcen G b a r k l - u g up tbo wrorg tie.e?n lYe f

haYc acccpted fslee be1lef, et:o!c a l - ' l -t h o e e t h l n 6 s about self tbat rrever I
roaily exlsted,
a o k y o u r e e l r e n - t h}ny
o{ Jolr.vho yrlll 1n'i.eil16cntLy, lru+,hfui.Iy and hsneot;{y I
ebe roir iueGtione to tall io reiitse
rf,! apu.ri fion Llfeo that t-here te env I

|/hrn ue tq..I.kalrout tho thltcgs ct neturt'oe 'Ye I

call tber He 3ay rrfs:ret natura vrogo.eifuJ-/t'o iie leallee there 1g oro S
n a t u r c r e' rei p c r s l b l c f c r a l . l , f i o r s a l d f a i : n a qud ths.t thare 1s ao aeprrrate i
L1fg. lsne t the aeee Daiu;c respo:rslble for you? Dld yor: foin I
youo the cbap you oall 0It? S r o s t h e t l n y u rloro-ecoplc-oelL
{b*.bc0yo- i
ln tbe wonb o! the noiher thle xond.erfu-L Intoll1geacc we oai.i ill:ed," Goc" i
- 1t Coesnet trstter what you call_ 1i, cell"b;r
llfg, cel.l to:n" it,o'Uoay' i
that ycu caIL're" T[g_S-Tgg19.qqejgo"ti,it-+i .t,1"-r"ai*i.
sllth tho uEc you e.ate of thla congolougueBs you brlng
llto your
orm rorlil wbe,t you plcturo, you say-r-;-;i;;, i
wo:ricd.^ depieoeed o and i
Jrou arc. Ia there enythbg y o u i c c - o wt h s t 1 B n o t = " o i a i t - - ' i f vou'*ot- ' G
r16ht dotm'to t1n taetro rf joir are felro you wil!. flnd the eoo"iil "i' li
dsort rraat ycu to belleve 1t u:'^tll you havl proved 1i, 8e|.1e! lo-o:rly ;l
tqgp\g;.oulseltes in bcrd,sgc, A1i pccple rTho ars a.Lncere waijt to hrow ll
oooothln5. f arn not here ?o tell yo:: wliat you ehgll or sbrrii not do. tl
lfooes Clo," Jeeug Dever sald whit ycu ehbuid. or ehould, not do. Ee tl
5avc ttro sspxlsnflrante ely. fl
otrgve '-he f,ord thv Cod wlth eJ.l thy heart"
n .
itcile t\y nelshbor. as thyeelf
Jrou.Bre. uad whg',. you e:e - lt 1s. "*"o3oi1d:"t*f*"X$*H3*t"l3roirtlS illl
Everythlng lrcu Ere eate=ta1n1ug ebout .youreelf you btlrrg lnto ll
e:1stenoe. )fou teyttl wss a boyo a youtho a geltant yor,ng 6park. then il
I becaoe n1dLle cced ru:C ',heu elde:iv". ?hy do you sea !o-? Scoause ll
y' -?ogcTe _p Irec !(l e ' l ' e 1 t " b u t b : s 3 - e s ' u c i i o ' . { : h t o a { = l i 1i ias be}1ei. You hrve ll
rsce chuiious:rc:j3" you i1i: r,ore rca&Ly usdersten6 whea r
'rculad il
iou thst u cgtier ci ol;pnrat,Lvei1 i:w years n6o $cccn oi"ii.^uga il
aO accepted the curre:t carocpt thai it ey cinronced to get ol.d qnO
9f - i-b- e- "y I
drcascd cccordla6ry" Todly a wonan at 6o ia zltai and. aoirve. l

\\\\\\\ \ \\,v/t I
\\\'\ ;l'\
', '. ', 'r
\ . ,. \t,t,\ \.\ I The Magic of Wisdom

teoture by l,r. ?eter Gortran. sllalo l,lfe Yqur Ooaln

-*e" {-.
You are not 11vb5 :r a.naterlal ltfoo but b s tratal worrd.
lDlo pl_oturcs you 1oago. tne plotureo of fecr oto. Enfortrnato\r,
tho ycry I-qw of I,1fc about rhloh.I au epeatl:rx Dol/, by that vo# torr
your ploturoa that yp.u org oooteaplatleg aa be1n6,'beiono. " : - ' - - - - '

fhe dot1a1tc, slnple larc o! th1o Dtrlverso 1a;_

LIr.I g..6.8r ?e\st Brcouls rfErrTI? CONrBpr,aTDS

,.s grirx.Q
rhe worlo hao botn, coctegpLatlag lteelf aa a cgterlar world; Eor
l!.otertc3^l-d:lrt )oown )tt t aot_of 6el1cfo'r:ust havo otattec oo:revher6n s v.q e

Uola5-ry h:rntl cb an-exaipleo and plctu:1n6 ior tho rooaent esoh fl:l.rer cE
a]l lnauTldugl, we n'111 eay ihe snilt ftr5ir Looku at tbe nert cbap and.
bcoause he appearo blggcro ibe eoaller oi" becooes fearfui or rcse::t!rt-l
end grrJ:. Ilut 1i rve ale looklng lnto tho c.ntre, tbc palio-oi tn.-i.fra,
xbsre 1! ru oeco all these 5o 5"ooo or )oocoooco we fbd. nre alr tt,o
pToJestlon-gf the cus souroeo 6ovc!:ocd by the one rsv. Thus rre wouL6.
lpceccl lreacB c a rl lr ie
c e r sg e r l sgee b y .] l..ooootEl nl ng8 o u t ^ l J: rrsstte e d o f l o c k ltJurrgg 1 n . - ' Tbire -
illed ald. thai_t{1nd. rlnds ouNLets turlCrr-alt nrn"
a1n: ,iol l 1t ov , 9lni 9 . Janl ll 1 : ru1at c J " s v e ' a c c c e s . heh J.s alnoly a ref1eotl6n of the 6:e
Inflnltc )J1nd"

3y lookjng outrvard.!-y !-oeicad of lnwsrdJy ve forp the rrtong oa!-

oeptlon. Ylber we'look l]i ond ao): or.:lge!.:'es ,'-tyhat am I?tt end, realloe
I4{J-i.{.{.,J-e-EJ$:i" rvhes tre ngke that contnct end etart
to se:rae ;re
a lc IIot "ai} bs*:tes3 6;r bst ac,d bOotgn but the or=tre
then I attvl'se you nct to rest rEt11 you have go:e o f t r 1 foie actlvlty
your rear 16crt1tv wltb. thrs rifo. - a blt fu:tber and. fowrd
ijo_rl .g;il uot r:tt1na;;b, bui rioil.

1,*I.,.^:.,Y:T1^!::I il1Tf 9 -; vho

Ytovery sr:rdaynlsh! uarka
l f :-ll: "::lfl.: l- eri ii orn i ; " il";t ;: ;;pi, ili' * r if ;: J,;' fiJrl
in ibc futnre.
-evsu. .toi;us)-iyo
a e!Er.!.vD lri
r' ra
] . B iiih;-;;;;";"i*oo,r"
r15!,, ncre a:xd noiv"
n!f1olo lr ve_ycu ne-rii sO I s.Lld. to !:1a
glct- cr-ueetcr.ltnok,e ts-!.uc:ead
t s - l - u c31ro'r
rlr-n? the"storj
Eowbe ctedeti a1r ozer tire uorfa r.oo*n5-f;; ffi;";i;;;i"i gi^ff'pii;:J"
c,m oaci-tera ;ii iii; aro;,-iiftGg-[,.u r""o6-
1t1ca and e,oceptfnoe?11
rhere are Sf,oulrde r cdllt for bel1ef that certab of oeatree
v s e ' J A v s e r r u o b i.eE_tj-o"ai,
o;Err,_lgo!{n JJit"r"
o e r E a l n _ _re1ncalr,etrorril"i,iitrr]il
relxgalEqtlo:16, but ther:
1E n.o neceggtt.:
top 1t..- Iqr_"g+
!gI-ri:,._I9,"-gel-g*e-:glii.o-o:l"C*tj_'i.ITi-j,l&-il'il l fi,{
fid vii,itaoi!,t M?ero
vii'itaoi?t l:szero
.; ssdafiy*ri_r?l3E
srrJ srr_.r:.Hl eicts r? (lo :to ..;o
:'OU oo3,t n3?cc ser
- g j'/ ffor
S Of ozgcoio
ere:y. d.ey, "Goa 1g c:ceilTe p:fucelp1e, bcre ana now^ o nire elafa f
O O I c bcci:-on
oore bgck o n Krlzhncsu:tr.
i(rlzhr'ecu-tl ioi-rrri-i"-inJ';;rl-r*;;ili,
fai xr ' {6 +}r- naoJ- ---,\: ^ --.L-r i L---
3 y t h e t l o o y o u h g , v s a c k c d 3 l o r r r c e ! . f t h o s e q u e c t l o n e y o u ".il;; havo los? thc
Doreo:ral ,J? o you bsTe sees rvhat 1t 10. You w11l f1na 1t rse onl.y
your bellefe ctcn ilut neTer bsd. in eubstance or tscL.
You rylll ftad sou l'-cve cerged rlcbt tnto itte.. bccause 1r d.o1ng
tbat you haz'e r.ot u n s e i , r . J . e C y o u r e c l f o g o r r b e v e f o t n d rlha: you
' r I ;ou:oelf ,
bave lcslloed that ;rou wli': ca;: aa Llf c^ I en In3lalt e LLtco 3e?er
tr h
e rer s tl rl n
r ce lf. woose rnr o
gEt r n ccTTeeTr ?t hr 1ec i 1l st ree -i I vniiii]l n . b ee,t'' . - 6a pn6d 7 99.i .11 A H
HEE,, yQu .
v1ll fbd. ?he vlr neTer e;16iea ?:ilepr e
as slu oi bellcftr, a ftw
Eooasti tteerreeda u e t r oorr11ccss..
e I f 5 o u 6 c t r J . r ii o f t h e t t f e y c u C . o n 7 t , 6 0 l n t o e n o t b e r
worklo enoiber h:s.rea - no ?rar,eac.tatlcn l - n , t h s t b e n e o - , . b u t - rvroouu h
i:e ve
t raeynes n [ t c d
'h by clltcrlnA J:atO the CoageJ.our:reos of tha Fuj-uess of llfe and
rcnovet you::sell frorl the coucep'i irhcro aU De6atlTc t.'r1akr-g rM
havc 0cplrgsa :ror you,

tor a iurt)':er c:uopl,o D i! J ial:e th1 e ercoth plcoe of paper enC

by ercsaLog, tt, 's sel-e:-ai'pia'bea i glvc- to eccFo-csse B naoee g
perscnallt;t. i y g i ' r i : : Z t o e u a h s r c e a c e l l . 1 n d 1 . i f i I u e l 1 t y , -=ur i r ehng v - e -J 1 4r - C a
l !1
r ces s
T lt1'1..'t=: '' i-' = lc r e
: ni r: c; e eCC ti h
h ae . uu rurur5:ctgg
. nac-cs
a^^ t h hee -r re qn.ttturu:rTrcco cco:r bb rc- 11 ln55: o c ff i i r e n a
a llIITT I=r
It ccii11::rr Enncc ssttttrrllee D
E p ll cc JJ?? carti D p rt '' ..ii;;ee: :' /. ' / :i .1j,i]=, -t+ \hes p
- -p
- xe^r B .r-y{ lrthh +}r
?he r:oVeneni !c
t h e p s p o r r . ' b e r iI s n s o t h o u t t h e o r e e c e s ?
Alg--oelrtt :etu:ns to ihe Gcd who gore 1t g o e o b e o k t o 1 t e

\ \\\
\, \,'
N$ The Magic of Wisdom

, 1- . :

nlgke llfe Yolr Soslt hsc

Looture by 1|r. Peter Gornano
. , t - . - - L
[o do the ears uhgn re oboerre ttre uaYes of the oclan. f,e
dtatln--ulelr theo by thell Lif!ere:rt elpca!^Tocs" lltilc cr b16o le)
rbca tha =lpplee of the ucter subold.a ttrry*ag$ ilte cle:ce: f:-
I nhq.roe_!\e,y cene_. ,!,nd tbat la o=actly u;hat xe b,eve d,o.:e u1t!. t5e ti:ra,
leu:ra qgd lrrnr'n be1a5a.

lo . Eor vondorful 1t 1g xhcs y o u c a n r e a l l s e xbat I ee oey!-.5 t s I o : .

1 n 0 f a o o o n s o l o u g o f e P e e l b g t o a m 1 x c C ,e . u d l c r s e o r b z : e t o u c 3 a : e s i : s :
tbcre 1g one Inflnlte lntclll;croe to ublch a1.l c33 hare accces,
1o picsast rlcb.t ho=e e;d, nc.x. Tcu rctrllse'.he:e 1g no ?:t:r Ccres'3
apcnklng as an l:ed,lvldusl but 1a1r!,lte Itrtell1seroe c:trDlogs1n; 15o*-
Peter Gornan.
' You bave Inflrlto b.teLl15oce r15bt 1:s1ie you" ?e:heps f
e b o u . l dc o r r c c t t j b a t ' - n o t Lae1fe tbe bcdy j'ou ser3e 68,-\'otr !:t =s1lc
th: lll:d" the Spirlt tou leel.l-? aroo Lots,your6 :j.J esothel o-uee!l,cs,
Do_I es E1a0 frnctlon 1:l thls bodyo ol do I as::tro enbrcc: t!.j.e )rCc; L l
F;r-.thougqt 11f o. ae f crbrsc: ever3rtbias'else? I ief!:1te1y Bey I atr -:.-53 l
ino qy v6rl"d Ie'a ngita!. world, erih'ine oiralco assu:ed. tberel: ar: tlc i
tboughia aad. bclleJs f stertaJ.n ard tb1rlk. I
Ood 1f Llleo 1g Cooooloucrrcss, ::ot s cr.leL, d.e?so?etJ:rg ic:oe.
Sature 1g not red J:r toc'lh a:rd cl-av. 1g p::t of ou: ?ricsr; oe.ct;--l==
ol l1fco andl lt 1s veay irard f.or us Lr vlevr cf tbe xor].d b the ';nt
yeErs or trore t o bellevz Llfe 1s 6ood. e r d b a : e f 1 c 1 a 1 to:,:-o lut b y : :--
o4_!i4u]^_ea c C 1+_!;!g. b!g3.Lc s j_};_StL c.g Ip sq6_t@: rc
;i-.-ild-tls[]..j-:i$1ge:-eg, .:.g;-la ?t1o-.aEsTe;;'..3t v e TId?I e =f- ;,
oo 1t 1s colourod. ycu -,bl+* a-t-'gl-:5-y,Zq-L.1o:. :t
.lsk yourselves nl: I So155 to retur:r to q' gcz\?" If ;;o rtir:
Jn bcll , tbo real oid';rc-Ic61oel h:J-L aDe I &o;pei you e nlce Esbes:cg
laooer. would;ou g:rasp 1t? Oi cou-rei yoir wo:ld. I aa otlcrt:S J::
the coly way out of the c,aJ-y belL you u111 erer !i t:e - tbe hetl rj
t*i part oi e cognlc
Ill]5c i?l a . t1' asa I y o r . r : s c-l 1f ,
b:l1ef tr+" c-':
f. :- .- o
- aL-
t r I t1 c - a : t
IcreJ{r\ere att dlsoora ie, to the tJ6h:" t;;;;;}i-;i;;'*iii'l:=:;:
b elpf u-I . If you. l1!:
Iolt eslc to otop
o*:r clolcc dorrnc
sl c.-1-:: ycur
Ercrycr e dloeo
" Doart taks c-v worct,-ft.r l.t but- Cc ,uhi.s. St==t-io ::=:.-
rcerly tb!1L how riucb is ree,l-l ?eril:rrcslt elraurb'6, ud rri* ffiTfT?_ff
yo-ur-cln peryerted. plcburlng faculty. fcu ri1ll ilrd. you 4te Eot {n 3:r:
a ba.d rorld after all..

A t r n a d d r e g e I g n v e e l e s r r e e h ea g c f r = : l . " e d a l l t ' " 1 e

rhlcb to uy ni.nd c;press sucb acteti.c loy ilO-cr=:".i. i t prc-Te8 t L r : - o :
wbo rrroto 1t nas. ilrbs Jr^ ihe hiEhest cicepttcn oi f.1te ?" i r . o q
It 1s entltle,i "llait7ns." sri rcs rlrlttcn by'Joli ^:ur:o,:s i r h o t r a g a ; t : e :
trlad of Ecnry lord er,C l}:crcir:'o I gt:e 1*, to youo
r5orcoe, I f,o1d tiy ar:o ond -*.-alt the rratera Eiow t!e1r
Dol oaro 1cr vl.trd nor i14e nor aeg rt'i alsB
I faye uo c)orc crc.lnst t{.-c o:. fate 3!.e brcot t:4t spr=:=
Fgr }ot &y oha ehrr-Li cooe io Ee, yerCcr !,c15lt
So flore tbe gooC r1t!
Aeloop, 6v;6ke or la::ri cr sea lar
Ibo 3h1nCs f sce): are ecetln5 nc IE,IO the So:1 of 1:ro C eii--
Fo nLtr0 osr drlte 17 beique uetra;l' .L*'.i"
llor ctraoge the tloes oi deatlnY. the aos cct3E n15)tf
tbe sly"'
tsbat ratter 1f I eta:d. aloac? Thc tld:l r,:Tc l.!:',: tL: g:g
I w a l t vtltb JoY thc co:ln6 Tcaro l5o lcrgtho no illc-iJih, =c
heart ofrall rceD vibst 1t hae aowa d-iiip r o-et::e
o p t b ^ 'uu r ilr'! -
'Al0 1ts 1ru1i c.f, tcars Ca.r L--7 i: == 3^

lz'l The Magic of Wisdom

!fi.$5loN.. .
J &F,6T3-!q!meg.
k3ow,our c1v1lrt13l"I-1:^n:l^:b' Ri gi*'.:
^::::t ?3""s":::
tlestera *lru
liorld. Too ffiffi
. ;H";lli;i"iii"ii',i;
: : i; :
6.e!.clcrfvr :""::n:ii:
vue rf^r^Yv "-;;'naving'leeq,on
{o9. gtnT,4flll^R1:-^-A
tiqc.e, {oll.olscr-
to bs the 5th-$oot. Rc,c.9,
-Sppt. r.r..,ss tn€-},tlantlo
tbe f,,tranr
or the ^r'tlaDrjea-n'3spTci
Xio'iiEoil-i;;;ri",or"i.uauntir aboute'ooo
D.lanni. before^ tire n6ie i ,^!t ^r:,,* cr ^n.r
BSHI-L:l"ii;, *ii3,"iil3
Oc'ean, olld i:is
l:st' vestigo sreut silst'nt
iiol .:rrtu"-tn5rr'.
than tbero aro
Tbero €trs Eiore Atlenteans on ealth tod'ev
A r y a n s . T b e I ' i o r y ] o l i a n s n u : a b e i n u r t - t n " . r o r Jof. $ 'the
3pqp u 1 e t i 9 1 popu-Latlon' ..?:.1}up."u-
sent tl,.e, tha ciin"ie forrai_:agl cua.rter
g&;e-g-,et]- p-ooPLes o-f tBe $Iaptgq3--i?€o-'

Before then vas the srd', Rgol-.Race^'.I .-"n-:Tu-1fl3l' -..Tbo

J.enurlanconi:tcs:ri rias a vast onJ'i"=ti;-souihgrn iienl'sph:re'o :tl33iit""'
f I
y e a : s t 'iiJ
gt' costlneai
to havo existed l,ooo'00o -.The^greai
O6ean, AOncss .4ustral1$,
gtretched .rcrcss pqrt-of $l-rice, -iJ41an
oceon to i'cierico. of Ircnurla 1rhloh a1'e
ihroueh.tbo. i,aclflc 1n stole' Thero are ti:'o Haco$
BtlI} i:r eristence iod.ay, €e citiEiri i;liiy no restiees left'er-cept
boforo the i,€:u-rtans, bui; tilere iii"i'tSiif orcopc
nooi Rase at'
foss1ls. tl:ale 1s no vestlge or:-in6 Gt'
lbrougb J.egend.'
aro our neere=t
ut r,.o83$li3"3rll " "S:iiil=s;.eilH,:+**:+-*
Atlantean$ ?o:9:iolll^nll*llii":"1g'31"li3""u
abo a'yg;51* '";'# .T$
ffil#*liihff #i*:.itri#--,,H'fi Tffl"'fr
#' tn,:i;i
il' -"iil"i, "i"i'i: ii"
l;;''[;i:ii: ":i;:l 15':fil' cr
"ol"5i :iai
*"t; ;, "'::strart-*
9I S::i'.ii?Si:::.Hiti;:t""rlio
Hik.JnHnf jlg.-.eslllxg.-ei--oro--Jetlele'
\rLrra1J *r - -:---^-



Lgturla L,OCC,0OOYe+1e-tEg.


l3u : The Magic of Wisdom

hgc .2.




S] it/

Ior the two oq:trrrlea tye have been etttggllng to solvc ?he
Rld.dlo oi tho.Psclflo, It Ls only q c'.gttcr'of 200 yoo)'B alnee any'
thbg hao beea bto,tr if tU" Sou'lb lea Iglalda nn4 Solenoe h,a: oo:e te
tbe tO:oluolon tt:at ths ?:-e7!.'ic lrirlah io-s.':n-li5 a vert li3;Cs
i;idE";iZ;r:;;,,oto -
riso on?c e. a\hiroiv1lrer.l1bn ,o-f-1.!q"
of lfu (sed cr-rtl',ne)' The
Thc nboye ohnrt C.-9l,rta ihe rlclnce{l
psolflc iBian6u-qiJ:h nlir roiLe:'i cotcafo -*toe!f.garr.,tI-|trt.:99,! ltI9 -u-g-qg
Z r ' r c : i l d t a n T e o i r l e a n R u l n o . o ir''rfla c'!c"
' a i?ry *.i:o gc!$:tttetlo'r ar' ehlrir p]-oY99- ti,ilt' ?no GBr';\fioo
Hii.i; ;"ir'dlboirroTeCn .'lreu" !'urtbcr-
sho lnhsbrtca iiJ'i;i";r; ;;;la-;;t-';:rlbiy r-rzl bulle
;;;.;.th;"i-"uir"oe-"ili-thclJ ciip"triirti'<-tr!_unrifeera r:ouJrl'not 6o
tl oslolu osntlln
,Referrlng ta tbc BbcTe ohSr!0., I".1oo{! l l o t e d
as f o^ioYta: -
Reo Brraxld.a. -Dlna. lalla structuros'
fiio*" i-enpies -S?crre
gr.+q Rulna ""E'$?i!
igau:g .lt;:t:::i:"'
t f l t h r c 6 e ' T a t o A u s t r a l h l E .,ti=i"alJiq1e19q-ioti.g-p-g{,tfq.-!tiq..pq?i-"-g,q
orawln6csof tha r;oiboiu si1?sr,r
]cnort wh'ot un axc xaao
-L'-^x': nre st-ul|,-q.-.!9
'{e+bA{ il i;- r .L Z r"t'ta c tho I ot eu P'{'llors ,'of - th'e, ' , a t l v e o
.Jtg":*s.!.-tlq -91':l}991'1""'"
no havo
lnother trtal.nt of lrtereot lo th:i the Tct:er leian0o shcrco
nl;htv :rtnrurerle
g-q-?-q-"El-ot.ncoi ltt"it o: o"o vli ;;;;"-;;"
tc' hov'e l:t
Frrrthe:^ I,alLBlA i-P*-of .l). rq auouone{ {i,t5:::
,l\io?raL1a r:s ? alv:arc"rb "ltr"rt !o lntero!!yn:'!gllgJfrtf-
i;;i;;ti";;;";;a erga-1ilnp"
t, t" n igmornrrq."-o{--i}d.s The Magic of Wisdom

lnl Page I 32th-.- Apr1l o-le5?

LosT CSITIrIr'trT 0E

xu uu

1\t proeent vie ]o.on the 6ree.r) iyeg.loeasse ef thc ngrthte Belt {o:e
psge,t). The lnterlcr of our g!.ebc is nelther soll-d. nor.cooled |lad
'lr out fla1.-p*qg
thai ocudltlcn 6,!tet:riso f:aaeo vrhlah ris alt::eys. )!e9Bllg.
and' f".irrn3 a robket sherevea th6; irnd one"
As the terrltle hcat g c n e r a t l n g t h e e e 6 a e g o c k e t g e x l s n d a n d r'!he
a:r[-.y-:. ngre-.,V91qnl.o-es-, or they' push
fhil rooao Thcy recch e .cr€Ylco
Siiit -ot oi g.-.t\ep . 94d vr9 .i"ave-.qlrl llq':'i5?
.rre.-rilr,s r,lili.o-o.9 rnd
Gaa Poelceta f'lFll :.1S.4C.--t-o o lt-Fg.ot*e:ied. -
,;',;-{ifrii'---" n; L;;t;i i nqe t- ir:'r t i o
n?t- -lc-rri:j
are esf c.' TbeY ore 3sr--!3.99ff1.,'bhe aiffi :ti-"-
'!bc cctloe ar 6ss r.oc:ic'c3 ;ii;t"tt;bT-
Ei-nnaT-tut 1t j-s r-arth'o ourTioi tttst ts cf 1npor9-
ffid-tt the sco gookc+'o clage to the
&DS€ o
Iboqnnectcd gaa loc<eta
(Dlanram A 1n abcve e}':rt It J
in-llnrtr C c!.ne3t ed

rf th.ea-.e -s3p-esiga-:Ljl*coI -oi!.e-t

-pZcjC"B -lJ*Fi?l-s- -!!-t
_r_o.t1s;i-o-e-J4.eJ!-l1:e hlcllcs u?
unb-ob:i'Ua '"-ebl ib?
eao rl.-e*e-tl-i.4x$':ip-So f-tti-"""ig iraa- E:Lzee,tzy' 5c !r t'=e
tbey 1n r.":," !re;e-;oT";.l"ih;.
cr er t 4-:-r+IlI G -; -;f ;i;.. 9-dI'*G v b:lt1
i lg-rg.B-e
t he &s-q-!-c 4l l-?': : :a''
pushedo ona--ttren-i"-it-11a"-lna en n c a r cnou3h tc
3!e neorer pooke'bs are
tli fnrttt?o surlaocc oause d'ootrultlcn' 'She
vint dor':a "1
Solenoe bcLlcves thet 1e- who't-hlrD9ececl-to-ijU" to the above
tro parto - o u'ou'urtt:n-rniil--- 'lgttrrlrce lcsur :s
fr o: the(' fA) - ' ^'
6 l a s r c n, th 9 ro" t*tl
i i J i?o '"
t t o-n o " x1 ';1' oi"iiiiie' !tl' I1t:r r F' pocll- pi;e
p o v c du p'a rd .a .',:r,i i t'ru eri;ia. c fllg"il;-
o r
{ ::{ ' llof n,5sr
? - l oii ' - ! g g j l c l i ' i o
t h e o a c a p e o f t-t-"oi"
thcre l ? c r e u o r i l s : u r e a ' b e r c in;ous}'-"nci- sne.--
to ull,8_.sutruce,p_uangd lne en;1{c linlji:{L;;"

r' iry
1 The Magic of Wisdom

Tm LCIST COifl'Iji:'jlFf OF ;lt. Page {.

=',J--:--:.--.--:--.-J--J --.1'--

Tlio subnetgence of Liu vras enacted ln t'lrro ouob

lnsslbly nnny yecrs betroen each. l'l1th the occrrr.r:r:1r
catastropho, hU f1nal1Y rvent d.o'.'mconpletcly, a.nd c;'e
gq!J,.!.a.t-tiegll-L3.Jl-rsqlq.d, Ien.vlng only oolonles.
The listberlaxd of l'lU dlsappeared', enct ii stas a Iong tlne before t
tbe rzorlo could recover fron the terrlfic sbock.
' .l,Leory bas lt that ihe destluctlon of :.iU coul-d not be accounted'
f o r a s , ' d i r i n c ' i f J l t r c . f i " n " a s e . r ' c s u l t o f 1 , h o l e o p l e r s d e s t r u c t l v e t r o nnnd
':- ' oi-fffe. lr: 1s-heijilrce. il'.nt t!-.e ieo1le vcre liiing con*qtrrtctivcly,
overJ.Lhing rras in a liosltive tr€nd.. .if-lt-ol.-Iter-dlqa-ppeala-49.e-slcjl.(E-
rreatly noutneC

il3.tb regard to +-he!,ecple of j'11vrho rzizre left cling:ing to the

pln:racles oi iite Ecrrth's suifirco, r'4ro-frg1d,,r';),qn5e--J'l:s"-
r':asteland's ,
i,.f,l_f*tivg+pEF,vritfr.nore peopi-oitren could live cf iiG'restat,ed
but also t'o caanibal-
1t is t.epu.tedt,nei'lveJe no? only to sava61e1y
rl -h
4DL' "laucoe
4 furthor J.nterp.s-ring polnt is tfat -j.U..1?A.9-fr-rf1gh^!f f,eni.-pI-3-
divlslcns....(three llcther lotieis og the Kabbs-loh, ) ;';iih-?--qltles" ' {?
D6n8t;'i<itters ) , - c . p i - . J . q - I . , X i , b e s .. . ( l . O S o l e r s 1 ' s ' - ^ r ' r 5 o i o u r I u r l v e r s e ) . . . .
an observation fcr lrcu: conter',p1at';cr.

o,1,5-nilLTs oilnLlt \IORIn foD,^.Y.

:; i. ;---:.

tbe veilsroises oi thc narthts CTust tocl.e.yrdeplcted by thle d1aga.r, re-

paslflc llc"ai.
l'ea-L.!cr t5ese :-lt ghty Gas 9e1t s .g!r9-tgl^].' 1.9]:!- a cro s-q t h e


.'it ':- JePanose-

-t-*".--.,.- radrono Bolt '
i '"*\
. .. ,....

il,t z"Sr
f.nrr.of Part L, i'
9cIb 2 '-s zo 1''rz.

t3( The Magic of Wisdom


.ry!=+ .-,ffi
#ft llin,r-sr.vp-t.t-::::'un""
-- -sncrod'."0.t't.'ott
q' t'1osi vronderful storT
to the exlstence'ii.^lU.
of tho lost, Contrrrent "lontalnsC

l o x lju'
i i 1 l l d e r N l r . e n g . . | s o f o u n d r e } i c s i n Y u c l t a n , ( S o u _ t b t of co),
iii ino lost contlnenl'
ctvlnc tbe serle't'o:raerrur story
. T h e i j g y . p t i r l l l F c - C o r d s r c f e r t o l ' i . t . I o s b e l n S i i j t : - , ] l o f Gto-ii'r n d L'e1-ngWIis? of
r e e c e aas
lgypt, rvhltst t,ni"i6uin-..,i"=i"o"'i.loiA"-iefe;
..r"-ii"lrirrlriv_ot, ilii bv1lr4 ?hs ?a:"t con-
south Anlsrlca, ri.J:lch pre.selis
'i'iilei'r? 1r:Ianrts rcr'eln'
tinent oi the }aclf1c, o*o-oii't-cJuntf6ss
of tho Deud'
(rt ls lntersstlng to noto that tho Egypiien Book
1s reallY the Boolr of llU) '
EsET'-riii ilco-Ycl!l-Ei.-DE-;€-(:ryciJhlch-coqe-
m;;nlrtr-"of8o". . .'t.iu he^sEone 1'qrih frPi:ri!:-Sg'"
'. ?'-'---"'__-
-- *iF 1


*'f Eloratic Jetter

,:,' ll fcr
lieyptlen llcffiRl"tulft.
lr].e,w3s of

flarnes of
a:r abyss of flre-, e.nd as sho sanko
"l[l bes Eo,,e do-,nr lntb hor'n
ffie- snoC up aro:in'd bol , a'a'd euvelopod' :!,:*..':z'::'-:::-:;:: '- " ;-,:*..=z'::'-:::-=lt-,--.


YrGi{r,TIX " 2.
.'.=.---::;..'..syrabol of ls. _ eTho sun h'as set foreYer
ir'h sa"ief ionii r'1o'l"er'
rays (set)t upoa doad iS'
fr* Sun rrlthout
Mu ls a reg1on of dalkoesgin
Egt?tian cosventloaal
fors of 83 Al-tar'
iS ., .-.-:-.-:.i
..-. --_:*--_
- :-:-.-.:.-
s. .F.(ffi ,
;l Yrcl'islffi
il Ylq:'mrw
:-':-'':--* 4'
*vrrmaffi ,
vrcrinfr,l 3. ,.,..- ;l - ir>.
fr:" ': --:,,,
Eeiad of an Egypllaa f : :' sYrbol '' ii
i:-# -, ll e geographlcal
pr$' ' il of !(U' re=-' - ' '- '' ''r
r-r. '-,;jn ii .:4r'
-'r\ lnu tsuyless sun l,,r )
Iotus closed ald dsad", il
i t,, ' ' f ;' ' ,, '/ il _ - f i \ . - . , ' "''
'lt i
n'r' y roreratbers cemai ' . '':/
-^sar6+he?e cnma li:;:ri
'. illl " I*"'
"-, 'anq of
-'l U , fFIL?I- -- ll':-1
ltl- "''
deacl i, / '.
,. ':y' li ;;;LLss.'
Dar:oess'" i! -"'" "' 'i ,'
i>oro r
ron tru,
!.:u norv
tlg\Y lJur,'q ll
and, 6oDo.n ":';''-"
i I ll ^a:-\
: . ''1
I ll
ii ('^ f f i '
s1mbol' 'i " ' . . - . . . .
'itl.t.' .,
| . it
i:! ir
ii --
- - ^--r^r .'

i .i "o. t : i , . u _. . . ;
tl The Magic of Wisdom

hrc 6.
Tflt LCS?c cn!4-tnI-g-lg'

qom-H 4).sfr'rcAx DJSCCV*r'ES
( ?is .I 1r-eg)
(?,lY-l: B-.CJXnl YOCA1$] 2 l9o' slcli'E T'\Bl',lx's
I_BoAI.t!ts. lc
t orlS
. nln the Y e a r 6 K e u , th e 11- l{ uluo- - !l:^:T:n'r":: the n16ht't
carthqurkes :'i; ;.:"?".iiitilc'"Iiiu'ppeo*a
(t) Lettcr l( - ldu
f,ct t er T - The
(x) .:jt GcosraPblca I S y o b ol oi the
Lqndo of tha Hest,

Chsrsotera 1l bloct
glre leo! tesse' 'llfU.ras .!b.e. Lands of the T.e,

I - fbat XB - fSY;t
i{gj'.n' - VlYe
o? tl 2 Isnd of Kul ( o f d e P a r t e d ' S o u l e ) Xul
:.: - Isnds of the V l e s t
::-,1, 2
irfro-friAs of. the Wegt rrer,o-.tbe
r n r n d a ol Xu1'l

oEfi-Fooi- :'n the lis

ffi;", i'oo' !;i.s ;!?I.:u:,?:;:
-'f;i:";i!"rii!'oi"irl'"iiiG";;;' ?v Ecnendrr1::g
o r th .:4r :adr ' 1s now l1r cle9' '
t" tl " l i ;;; froa ltc ior'n<,.ilJfltir ' io"o..
r,rore; cf?er rl'-;t'; i;;; i':i-tt
t b e b a o L a ' i e r iu p a r : ' t::et-t, efter.two
J "uif ; j u o i e a t'r1 oeo - ,H.i:tr opheb. e r 3e!:r pli' - i I
t E g g ;-^ -

--'l - uY
Coiiuf tUe }],rfaS (lnerlcr)
-tt.ror-uAYAs (rnaie) "':'
Ht#'ii rnDlll{s (c'a' agerlco)'

Fr 1? virtuoo '
dlr L2
!rJ i ue. - nSi ;or uc ln n u o t s s ct hcen d
t' h
The ore
. y:1c
lur op
q:r1 The Magic of Wisdom


TE LOSI'CCflTn{rfiT g-IQ. ftre*?.


The lacclnstlng revalctlon o l t h e G r e e k ' \ r p h s b e t 1 o tbst when the
ootual ncanlug of the riords ls explalned. we have ln roallty tbr. otory of
the l,ost Contllent of MU.

I + 8'- - - b r e s k .
- h c a v y .-t-g h8 - watel. Eeavlly break the xnters.
ALPIi,l, , ,A I
;tr;. ' i i i x, extnr dbs over the sv i r " o
iU; " o .#;,ilac",plaln
GOI{UA"-,J.*gm - l.eoelYer me - Eothcroeartlr t h o y eo V e ' r t b e l s u d s
DLa?A, f e l -. deep' bottoro, t? - Hhere' tn low plaaes.where
Ep - obatiuat. zll - make edSes . :there ar9 obotrrrotlong
Ep$Ir:( ahorea /irn & whlr'lPooIo
- whlrlwlnds'
' r " F-noq strlkc tlre earth
z},af, i c?rlke" ta - whereo gaouod
rt - triii; ht ' wet'er' 'w1th rotcr'
LTA Ths wsters rpread
fIIEf,A. lien,r. ha - rvate'r'
ioci Io.- a1i thrt vhioh l1vce & Eoveo .sn al1 that l1res & noYe3
, ta * nheren gtotmd,. :
Kl-:pA Xi:'., ;edfrnelit. obatruotlon" :obstrugtlons 61ve way &
: p;q - breaX,. obstrust :
IAI{BD Ian - alrlrrcia", b.e.- go.o rvlllc' Subner6ed 1o the la'nd" of
uu uu - uu J'fll'
nI F1 - potnto srunlt,, perik. Pcsko orly
fi : I - 1 . - i o r r 6 e , t o a p p e a ?o v e t appcar above the vratero
- - alrouler blox arounit
OIll3lCEl C-o- vr:r1rl., lk - v*rd." ori whlriwlrrds
Pl P1 * to glaoe llttlc by ).1ttLe a : a d l l t t L e bv- l-lit1e
fiifC 14 - unt1l" ho - ' J J I l l € ; t s t l l t h e r e ooncs
Sli;.-(A -ii - cold.. ! . X . - v 1 r r d , r r 1 - e q r t t i o e o l d a l r " D ef ore
not aet-,
TAU Ta - whcrt. 'll - bottour,,valleysrabysa xhsre vallcys' cxl-at'--i
U.pSIlW U - abys.:r ?_s - tqrrk- z,f - ctid. nov abysscaoooiil Cepths.
-1o p3'aats
' - if"oe"- on - €lrcular In clroular
fHl Pe - cone, bl - nud, ciey nnd forncd
. - noutho openb61, 'A south
.fSI : p-i-'- coce out , 21 -TapcuJ. oPeno. Yapou:.e
OIEA , O - t b ; ; " . - J c d - u l r l r l . !4 - r e d f u a c n + , a oose forth au3 vol::nlo
: " Eed,lrreats.
.' 1 *.
e.,.-_+.*,---./# sr.rssF


- ) a ^

n n e n o e el n
O g c t h e o r y o f t b e r l s e o f A C 1 v l l 1 o a i 1 o e - ?1nsd t h a t 1 t e ocra
u n t l L l t r e a - s b c 6 p l s a z - l e t h e n clegea tc s
Q.arsRery, Storts -1!8.
untll no'Ih1n6 Tetns!n6'
' tl'caac of tlte
Aaothe; ochool te acltea f.hst vre .;emo? t'":.6 :'2,"1.'vhe:e
Krqlrllr al
1 9 j t ^- . r o 4 e { u u o
I'or lnoian9.l-!tkl
"Jg itl-;:::u"'';:
B r 1 t 3 1 n " - . . t l : - : 1 4,n1 -. 1+!.Cr a^ Ing } t . U o , , , ; 1 t h
A Tely

:::l:' l,'oil' -; :;1i;i'ii;;.

olo"pp."te6. - ihe
i;;"Eiil'ni'ltl'ol"il; 1i I :-,*"^:'l'1i:111":i.,'
;;;;^ir'i-ruiourtto" or ; ^1|1:tll::1:11:::'ll' ii:l' i::
il:;"i11' t; ":,;ii;[:;;; ;;-";;^::]: i'.^
l"':li ":o;ili"":!il;;r".i;fi'1Yr-ii'.i'i":.""'-rs 1, ;Tli'So:"
at111' '" ucc) 5'
Ilii"l}:tio,,,ilt"l"iill; '"i'':e
*rth ilr* scvrnne;
....r- it'- q.finr4R?

lii: l;l'::; *i:;"1 ii Iqii"1;i i ; "_._ih::.,1:l:'"

rL -- :, ^.-- t'ei 1 - The
:'l ;. Il:,li:',;3""

Ilintli',";;..,1i'3"'f "T.";;'
";i'iii;"i:';:ir:;'ii'loi'.;i;y;;-li'rir'"tJcn ii'ir"o'i'
1rI €iu +ora alr'Jr'f, -t-,o"" 'c::
t lt
thrll JoLdlel's
a h e v b u l ) . t thc
withdrcvr I! fO66 A"D.
" i " - o i - t n . ii i;*i"Tl,,;:nxi.oli
a n d J u ' t c 0 . n r l t r i - i i t " " " r = o o " : d . t t r r | . 1: 1 " 1: ii
:=i:; e J - . l O , iii';i"
: s L ' :3';;'
il i::^iI:..
ornons o 3;i r.r rli;i.liil;
re4 rr?tla:n e
sn6. 1t ln the de'ao
' . o r = c n a vrho nf e. ln "
Prest oegtlcg
Dqloesslea of tsr1ialn to{aY" ead e o i r f l d
I n t h e : L } t h , 'ricrI" u r.y t-b' e T u : k g
e n t*i orerr3n the tioLy I;rrd
^- 'TrrrrVq
i . . , r o p.e ;r;;:" ^ ;;; r n. ?".":," r r - eeln4 r r c"r ?ir
"- r ':,' II: Silrai:d
tlre tcealrlns?-or'tl': Ufe?{a
Ii" t; ;;;;';i'""1',,"- ;;;'. i"
+-,,-la4h'a a i ttla.
v ; h ! , o "";:'ijI
h s e e a l - L t t r c R e n gl s s a n o e "
ll' t'ht"
l " 5 O l : e r . r s e - ? , o5 . lrtosrd otlr o1v.111ont ic':r
Ulth l-ust:'nl.lq
Zbor t i: i ,^o.j The Magic of Wisdom

I[r IV ]RS/,L CR;.iq.TBRotfq.i.I]rC:2D.

$u,rlrJil{ .uISsrut - rj.RTlr stttcli
&rrbllc_ lf eture-_bJ Dr*- S " I erylerg.
AIiD FRnl:I$.s0NRT,l
. ? A R Tl : (Cormt d e S t . h e r q r a t n ) .
' -{rrc.
i'" . R e f c r r e t t t o a s r t h e ) ! s t e r 3 r . ' . ! o . no f i t r r o p e e niCti' tri ri'-uoed' c on-
l"oture. re6artl1n6 the exlstence of The Count dle St. Gernal:r:.

t i wtronwos he last eeen? l a t h l s a r e c o r d o f h t s l n t c s t a p p e a r a n c e ?

i lr,ofrrg hls lecture, Dr. <lc Ia tr'errlere geve the foflozln6 lntereat-
;lns onecdbtc recorrnte<l t o h 1 n t l u r l r r g h 1 s v l s l t to ]l 1ee ln 195L' cnd
;ooilec,rn1ngthe Colrrt a1eS t ^ C e r l ' l a l ! .
. ItvlhenI vrrrs lrr ltlce laat year I heard the follonlng lnte:estlrtg
ator.y. A siud.ent vert' lnts1.seted t:r Astrclo;;y vlnltcd ri er6tes.eor
Yol6in seeklna h1s ealvlce regardlng the bcst ti-ooks ts etudy crr_Asirol-
ogy, aod aftei recelvlrrg the'actvlce hc sought thls student lrent io u
oorner bockshdp. peruslng the boc-r:she was allroached by-a
c c o p l o t c s h o n i e r w h"ot hqt luslte t l y ' s a 1 d o t r l t 1 g n c c c s e s . r y f o r y o r r ' " o r e n c
cla Tres Schte Tfl:tosophle:." The stuCent:,'ras of courst anazed e.nd
enqulred of thc st:rnngcr iilio he thus edTlse h{iq. -Ihe n1'ci;lri'io:.rg
, t C o u n t d . e S ' u " G e r r r a l n . S c r z l t e u r n e - n d lh
.6entleuran ansrrored,, o dleDartecl
g _ s qltctlv
g_e a ' J t c t l y a:rtl ss he had apreared".
t u r o b c t r u s l z c l y ss
a : r t l turobctruslzcly
(I Jugt 61ve you that llttle stoiy for your docr';'ontatton).
tthat 1s trtnosophle.? li'.11, there we coac c..r !i;e i.eacltllln of
Count _de'St. Oelnaln. .in tho worl!.4 tode3, thsr* are tiifferent grc.u1:?
who eialn to be fron thc coixt d.e st,Oerniln rnetlttrtio:r. r cen
oeaure lrou to be lrom'th19 rnstltrrtlon you neeii to be very clever, Rntl
tonlght I shaU glTe you o rou4;h lGea of rvhat. it nee:ls. To thosc
grogps who nnke thls claih I d,onot glve 6. critlclsm, but Just a prdof
of vhat 1t renlly rqcsng.

tm DlrCOFi\TiIq
. gg I4I

sa Ihe oover as
lLluetratedt glves
thc key for aL1
the .eontents of
(ltcfer ps4c ?
for brlef sunnory
ol oxplanatlons
regardln6 eynbolo).

rl.i !. r-r,','
i,'- : a.i
.i '*11.1y'i:"; l-':
' ,... ..'-'.,. '.; .rjl ..r
;tt gl! The Magic of Wisdom


Pav.e 2. tui sr'sv . ? Otb - j'ln v

f,rRT-I (Cormt de- St...Gcr*aln )

'cJIltt Dt sr. c:n.l'll'l & lBEn'asoJEI"
need to know a lot
fo be lrqn n Count De Si' Gerrrsla {'rolln-you
(?il*.of r:::n?"ii1ii;-i.,-il";i*lttitiil;'*il t,'ln'"
obout Astrology (;fse cl
obout jjEE*sc"'i"i'irii"vio
if,,,t I lsze
not crltrcrso'
;;i;: r do but r rrrnosop
i Y " : - : : i + " I o : i ' i " i ; " ; 3 t Gsgrate
'u+ruicrlpr, cr corii-;;-ii' c"touio"i"iiiiui-iro'ir"u
ntrr" llbrarv 1n troie
fr ls a DcoI 'rrit*s-ln lrcnch -ti G.;;-irtu
' n u - r b e r2 ' 4 o o )
i' r; ; ; " ; ( i o o x
- N tln'ds rvlsccn'
The worlt
ltrinogoPhlci nee'38 j ttues Sophte v'hlch
tb:ee lo'=iil'i:'tles of lnterlrete't1c;t'
It neLns also thcre are Gersqln cerr be
tn turn:rca:rs tlrgt the'Des"hl-ng of Corur'o Ce St'
rt, tr*"u- eutclett aee rtsr leter'
nsts. rnit tre ehl:lr
.'rtz. Treo Ssutc trlnoso?hlen ls the onlv book xe' trave Jt' 1s
co*tt a9 it' Gernairt'
* otooi o! t}o ozlatJce or proof i
,real\i'glveB tan;xie- a reel
aot so!'cthln' ln tbe c]-eu,rs, l"t illJtal"5 ci Co"'sr"dc
thlnl Ms Uert io-oiiot Vl.. tooiiLl-lft""r":tt-:ttohltt^
teueve or't1on:'! belleve'
Sr. Gernola. rt rJ-not-o-ri"tt"" oi"iifttiili"'vii
ii'r"-iiitte. !n rear language'

rrP'jrrl.rl.{*s c.FsllT'eo;s * coyF' (Paee l)

- lieru:sr the :€yptlan blrd"
@ the toP left h.o.nCcerner
lilth the Gold'o:r lruLjs'-i?bl111l:^
Belon tl",at ls thc rree io reoelve tba csFIDre-
Elsdoc|. aho zase Rlrzr6s5.d'e-tu*tt
hctrelo:r of thr: l.rcwled8c.
'.h1s plctrt e tlc -'?""Tt19n
r.'e haYe ln
- the 'Iau.
:;sli li"roln3'133 rlthout
t h e - ' ? r r t h w a a vold,
At tbe botton ve hr'1e -tifhetl Book 1)'
f o r n . ( I l C 5 , : - =e - u o i ' : . r i] t C s t * o l s '
greerraoca Lod6c'
- tha ?1T:"elt of the
ToD rl6ht har.a cor*gr po"-1tire and negatlre'
dhtto eerl Blaek. lioir"s
cculnF to
!6rrcnth ihst ls a tc:l reirrescntlns a.cilaldctg
ti'fn; eltar for lxi:1Atlcar
Dros€trt hlssel'f
letters ln t h e S u e t A 1 : p h t u r d J;.oe';h'
Hcxt ere the Xabballctle
prlnltlre one re?ressntlng ths
Tbe nex., oyobnl ls a rety ''elanoe cf. the vlnge)'
iiluriti pi'r.*rpri.- i;;;t
hgr'd ccr:3ci- tlo iI] rcpresen+' tbe
Io tho bcttco rl3ht
of ihc $ecret 'iflsdoo'
uyotlc slgpatur; iitiiii---ii-'-ra*t*:r
r'ntbsll:tta lettere
top ccutre, 19 !h9 lrlqTsf:
saored nno
i;t for JII:'J';AF'
rtDrcecngtrlI L ".'i

(Studants :rtelse hote:.! Thc colorrra itaplete0. 1l"tl: aot-

;i*;' hr'Y'n.
H3: l"i':;$;i;;l ;il;i iao "t'tto *.''-yrlerr
G o r t t r6 . . . ' .

t'{0 The Magic of Wisdom

l l l s t o : y h n g . : ' r ':root
r c : It O i o l ] . o f t h c l i ' r o s o f i . h c C o n t e i l c . . t . ; : c r . - : l r i . ::c
1s ono of thr: :.nstcrs of !}co:-jr{io:"rrynnc.c. :..orJrd,or oi s...-:i:.oc;ei.
. ixrt also he ic o kirr<l of lnsiitrrtion lrirrqirlf: ..-o !-Jror'...nc1. .,et,la-?,c:,.'i
kno;; r'rhorc tr l:taxt and trhere to finlsh in:rrecr-gsonry. .i'ie I}oetrrrs
lrintln$ of thc nuds tronan, Lnct:lng irr.n,is'a,rd.fc'rt, l.i a fl?ti:c sy-.:or
of tbc oontr'$ tnfluencc in itcor'Ksonry, - !g._4ilili_t4o5r vlicre-.ii.s_t;uth
crtds ancl lo;:e,tC bcflinS.
j.rrfor:rat1o:r.cor:cerninq t!-.e !)3rs:on 'i.f St. ilcr:-.:rL:.:-
ijl u .-TifT-i1 !: :9i : ?rs
r:tere fit. charrcs ond st. :irizr.bct,i:..
ilc 1s lenutcd

,lnother tltLe
13ivgn is thq:-encl
to be the scn of rfrlnces;-;i;G;
l7I0-1.?2:: he 1s the ,,'erquls cle i oniferratr
.t'. chos6 *,hi: n35rs oi si. uoy;rl:r.
ttre fZtrr'beniurv.
p.he1-rrfel-s of hotlonburG.

is Coute lielf,ar:c:e Ac .fy:,:ii -{n Ventc"..

'n tr - n Cllovaller ----
n schoenln{i it i'fsa.-
fr ,r. rlrlght
n 1n iefpriSl- -
tr r Couat Solllkoff
at Gane
.n lb.roaTzalcgir.
r i
or ?Ifiii':i il**8iFI;+e.is_p{icn
gho sta;cd that :jt. ccn:"eln rae'Itro
es tbo rrlenc.or:ne.l,o=a-
ho batt'recclvcci-fic:r cleopaira. rc: ior4-rr:c-*:-hrc:
.'_ c;;;, ;ri";;i;loiir;d
rdth t;h+ iii.:'is of,.rlanoc ei,o.ri-lir"-rlis ir,ci na!l.e:s:l:::;
i'rhon nt ii=.s ri!.trr iioses,.sc:.e i:-
!":t sllurrlnc his nerrcry, he iii" iarll-u--rc es|:ed ir he ro;c.
suppLy the;r,'so)']n.B,.
of that'tile "riot6r, pieaso, r'donjt iSi.s,rucr aono of tb.e d,cE,rls
1n JlnbyJ.on; 96u1a you-brlng. ti,or ic-il_a.i?u rbe va1st
r9spoglg9,..."l,-hav9becn.911y..Eoo-]'e&rs..r;:.G sirfl;et. r-wss-"6^".,:tn
you at that tlre In ihb;i:.on.u
.'Tr;D plerc-J.e
+7?z-\?42 G:a:d 1-lriiussl<t, a;i fcter :_a.rraE ,....r.r.h.i-,:
:i311.3!g_lhah of i''crsle. iie r'as reirortsc'cG; G'bo!.n.1 in rnr:ia:ailj:rg
orri.s yoar.

l?09 -he.-rzas' Parls-, {thJu,rJi_hlsior-r plAccs h1s leath_ in..I?64i .
aiehc::-i-st r''le--"6-tiirJ;:dit*iiii'd'-sti.t
ynedal of liofl':;::t:i in tle Lourri:e be:ng a proof oi 5is pouer.

I75'J-iz6D-rrc-iras rT' ;biJ;

tnto .]crit, :.!re

--'$ft- hi9*{:g,igi-enqg. !.e_g:r__cige€Elonq6.

if; 56111;-t[6..;'c;-,ii-fh65eea, (v!.::r
of Cha.rles IlJ, of s!.1in
Iils^Aea'"h-i:: ::ivcn afr f7g, 1n.Slezr:lg.
iie fOunrled tiic./.ss.ociat1on
(durlug tb.e jtovoLutlcnJ
of Et. .fa[t1r, 4o5engrs*,1ng irrtO St. Joaoh!-:, H
. lbe 9-tsd.elg!_t*.clnjtlatesj:Blgts,
su. tfsinairi.--aEsi\-ts'.t;fiE-
ald rb,others nj i1Sle. do
aiii.y 6r facfliiiii- rr-6f:-ot'J--
not ;cn:lc:
r. l
fhus ths cxistenc€ of $t. *e};.ll.1n rcr.:s,lns a L-yst€.ty; a splendltt setil:4

1 l

iq"-1f9t! becn ]oc;rtLd. slnce iho 'tiilr cent.i:y. $efore -,bat t=o
:lo :;ap rccorded. lt. \ !

1c9oga].nC to e$otcrlc toachj5g, q\?_,gojf;-.c__89_Dt._q9ry€,L+_..1s:__an_e_9tj.h.
-49q!- i 4.s-p.erq..
_ sono c].alni a'rrt'rycno,
nri-is- e' fiii6r.r;reirbii' br "tcslii{.'-?i."
-f^l Je-sug, ct(l'of :'.pporcnl-us cf
'*l+9...!::-.T,9?. uho ttre clnti:. \
cr.. tllEi :n r_ca.]-l!y. flp_,lgS_li.-+ng_orio_Tr.:t_cs
li1_neeli '..:_1.:111.
.rhls t.'oui.d.scrlvo
tl3::1:., !k'$cr:,
t'hc pioulc.n-af.his
appoara:rccs e.-r:bst'--i-ri:ui.t?rtric..rl{'i1;-tn il
z'Jr.ays tro-naO ttiffercnt na:-:es; oniy s1n3:
LTrtz .ile:S D3 ceon ]fio\.,T as S!. (;
'lrc Sectct Doctrlne sirys
tjlet'd.tlli.:4, thc erA 01-.plsces hc v.'as ia.t1 be-.. a-\
J.t tlre. i1uth, u:lnttiry ne ir:rs iloc:r seirn r.!r sDeln, Lnrl ir l:.iurcc, (r,.rf jz i;:ce,
'dts boolir"{A_:q_e_s__Vg_14te
- r:i:osaln.T',, 1s rcg:ardcd, as & 116-o i)1cce ef \;
ooculriil'r. rf rs Dbtbol:;i:i:,'li1c pi.ecc hut abo n vnlturr:ro c.oc..r-
lritnt fot uro Eerlletlc rielenccg The Magic of Wisdom

Fhe_Conte de i;t. Gerarqln. {gggj. Tuesjlily. ih+,z0th tiz-

rn tho flrst ciraDter of hls
book tircre ls ilr18 d,os,rrr of an
Altar. iie cee ii;,;; i.ipi'.iio*rr.
!j*g*{l.,.-crq-ofi;rcrniia: rt sue_
,^ i-ll F'rounds-oi-tiii-or,'iiu
1s n syrbor o!
lltg_I? ycars thot alpo needed to
Dc-cone en Inj..utnte, { 12-yonrs-of
not neari l2 x g!?-4gy* -,n=ii-._ii preachlns rr
'. -tl,g ase.of 13 ycars.* _-'=;'i"tesus nof, a I? ycar olil
Doy, but o i-a1-j.n rnr.[iaiio-n.i.
a:r 1lg.
In Sreer-:^.rsoi:Iy. ]zirr-:"eni.
InitG.i; "r his ttrle as
to"t"'',. "*+;;_;i - ido.l" equals hts e]:renr
9^sl3!gl, is irrs
!f, ,|'3l1 i'
.-1e. ieFien.f f s.
ZO cr-ps I'eflr.:
9:i ace, he could start rrnC do
o- year?..Jnittatlin tn.perherps f..r:quir--
.l,hrts ryc t.'lgl:i .teJio .ebrgtio_l/eals could be ons. :rear.
;js ,iz i- X. iE- !-t?;iFS! ! ! .
liotc thri! ilin6e of the $Rg_r-B1n

l$T:i d'{i*il"ii :U ilri;rl,"i":f: "ilSii;}i,'ifli';",',i"

rllascullne. I13St "nu
il; i6 ihc.i:,4vsc:.c'tiribcl or tho regeneentlon
;;erld!, ijre r,yltr""ii;;r;;#"e
;1":or oi. s_Dirib ana .ht_

g€SgI-es_seg3: r;ey ci' ths.? .irj_snes, $ign cf !,1bra,

.lril.P:iln the g?t!t?,
j;.jtsilAy :n the 3cnir.3,
ttre ._ ..
_ __ kno-.rlcoGe: nei.;..":,
q.'!iT rasrion.
i?ei. Chrl-"t sail , ',ye il-e the
sa].lr oi tlre p-a:..i!]..,.
l']res9 are rci bllt s,l_
91.".:19 i, :.J s1.r.:Urllnot
.'l._,,' The G.r:c.:r i11...$ijr_:.1,}9_:g+__ic t.:_?+
.t ?
l_fi;d95j. . :'.-. un: jr :rbirbr.r=raia.r.1sir,
__1ri-_a!ii oa ' o'.T l-(tlaglsl.!,
! he Irr6dispo.elt.,...:;l iiJ.s c crrstcl_
1at1'.rn6, or jle crur .-:!!cc"i n-' i:".nii[tatlon,
rr thc rrrst cr_-9 -i;,ir'I,::di.Ji
fioi:r ..corplc tc *4!.-
19^.11 $J[;iicr.:.ieg
crrcLe co;tcins itc-r*i3-6sl;ri,hr -- -oli-iitrquo
itr"8*:: At:_B,ntig
these t.'o cilcicc o'. i?otc,ciic::
(8]r::bc.1. in Ee*,u.i- j crc 3,,,gr ti:,o glcen riolr..rns, J C:;
. ,

fotcnt orC+=s, tllg:r_ :tll"'l,Tfr3"u*t.1:*,
-uhrcc d.e6roes:_
:{" *jdyi'-[herue
*' i'lll9.l,ii.9e--- _ Dhr r;r!norirr ibir.'il
€. 99,.:-..qr:-1.?4 t!:c: r.i:l;r,ti.U.i,,rrii.{i;:i.
?;,-.8!|!t ilre r..rii-r;di'i."lc; ; -
-rrJ. otnej' ;--
{eiJees .?.:s j.:erd.l7 tJc;jitcr.:
'urere lro:io:trg.
crrr r,lrfr:; br:. ii11;..g; i;;;rj;;;;".i,.""" .;o-.i.;l,i; t;or.!i, but \
_s-.ary irtvc rire !,-,:.,:e ;ie!is,-iiil",i"" lt ls neces-
'lnc:e to r:rrivc-nt-if.o d.ecpcl ieani.r:e.
t.:rec tler*-ccs :u-,:rj.f,:.-t-e.,ei,j-"ftara,
prtrciJ)l"c!j tjtei:.c i,li"isu'ln aII ..ilcherric \
nrc,.iii.ii3i-ti""ii_so_ -
t-1.$'*{ $ p l s 1 t )
:.lnsrai .nt'r-e
oz- atclutn

O!3a1'o The Magic of Wisdom

, Gcntc ie Sb. Snrn.ei:.1- r-:,;: 3. Tuusrint. i:nv ZGth r5?.

IrJ 5t. ,.flori,B I s lelrilce
3Lo_-t'ils!rqg_o_1.._.:_+I-ic-g{.y_-qp_.-e_q_ef .*-*d
qlt,t.i1p-d-o.Er-L !!_aq-t-s--ntJ-tltp littlc. ltcnark that -:ercurt 1s tho
;biEengbr oirtno-EhT:lEetrjeon- tho Divine an0 tho iiu:an- B61ng.
tlre Anilque Iritiailons
In there voro ihree :]oiolcec, Ct'e3t
Iq-qqqlggv-, lncJ.uCirg .rlst=ono:ry ::nd riedlclne, (.:rstrcsopiry is a ccn'rblnatlon
of :'reitololly, !iol.,3y aai, thllcsoplryi. Ahus I:1 t:re le:ple of r}eo-
'Ec,soEry thoy leernec-/'stiolog1.' xs--.-l;!"e-.D.qge*9f, !ne--1.F!...;il:-iet-lpn, and
ovon 1i ve do eet, i'rnht'tc loiln tiiC-F:Ebr6iln5ctr:1ne' of -Dtilcsophy end
Rollgion, lrc are nltla1;'s co:dng back to tho synbols of .rrs*urology.
'a 'tl_le (do not coafuse r'.'1th the rragic ard irluslon) , r..'es'
nastering'of po'.'ior, :.e i?cv)-odnc of r'.strolo6f, c{-rg.-$p_.1}p_1.19gt!.qg
1n iiedicit:e, blolairy, es?rororg., llhllosopny eic.. .
j\strgiogy*\'r.rq. tI.? slT.:b.-q]of ,_t.irq_s3l-r.J._-tr. !st3!cg;.q-e.r_i_l!e.::g1.liingd.o;r, sliP
of the phys1cal, - th2 si-s
lggia rrns .tho Trreparaticn ior tbo trans::utnt,ion, yrhere .!-icr.r1ed.ger.-as usedl
L0 the control Gf lianuiti forees, for real rngic'is on1; gnlra-nstural,
the knc:ded6o aad use or' nettrrrl ial,;s.-
The thifd_Ae;iree.,.anj-r.rl .'.is -\::5eay. the resl vis,ior:.'' The corite d s
GEi-nll--C;fid,lneo l:o".'itij ioi,'citil' tf,C"fin;;s1"El but elso +r^ a
vegetable ctnd orir*a.i. iie .!r1-e oia tbo rrlso6a to i:i-rs;r.-.e
. Toclay, lnstead.of the ',;s;i': :lggi.a, lre ugo the tela -fcbsci::etly., rrhlch't13':5:5
kacvlei5o of tbe paral-fe1 bor:-reen tlro i:;c1ences. It r;?nd1es thc ntuibcr
of vltretlCns fro:: the ple.rcts, solourc, nus1c, c:tr.rl3s, C-lnnd.s, o t c . . . ! x
preporatlon of their J:i.stei:/. ;
'Iho 5rd degroe hes':dsib::. rr-usi:rrles Lho self, - yuc. :iers 1s nn rl.qisr-
staDdinc of ihe sl:bJectl'-.g s:ii ctrj'octlTor'(Aot nc'c.:s.lar113'J;.ai,hrrY o e e ) .
n n d t iJ.. lr,it ll.t rl It tlfl i

!4. tf:c.flrst. Ch3?'de: cf h1s bookrt;Ia L'rqs 'fron$alnto.Trlj:es$I{1y', St. OernElD

{elfs"lior: vd' ;al; usd the itse tbc {epthsr a-ia-ne rta'"s
agalnst trio d,angcrs:-
1. ltc-ebuse cf porrer ;liv6n te rlrin b;,r tiod..
2 . Ind.:.s c&-c.t1c,il,
Ite spol:e cf !:a:'i he, aii,cr bslie iro.;se ssed of tbe ])!r'r..?rE, spc?e end a}f
vas des+,rci.'eC in cri lxsia:l:i. lie ,.hiLccl:,ilio, to'-r:loE he i';ab
spcd:lng, nerer tc !'clicl: 1n hic r'octstoils. iie p:rcpiresie:l ths tr'to yga:s
vhlch !a hed to speld 1n tlre Ec:: of t;he Inrluisitlcn.
.T-he_s.c.c.o4{cj:_;i!.t_c-1 translrorts jrl]rbo Vesuvius r:riiere lie set trjt an eltar
proi):rle{i i3::!tKo
propnlei i3 ::!tKo Fr (iicr&r
Ficr&tr opeta'"lrn.,
o;eta'"ltn., :jud.d,cn'lJrt' ila:rl-es. -,i?.
:judd.en'lrr.' ilR:-ll-es,
:jUd.d,en'ly, ila:rl-es, '"1:
-,h.=. or,ntal-n,
or::rtaln, 6t:i.6::i
tfe Aitpr disap;car;J,
_thq_+i!ef dLsaptcar.rJ, rnir. i-.e
cF.':i founi, !t1;:ssli j.n n Si'.br;errilean pas$3.6€ira:i
ie fo::nX
vllere llt"goirg '.lr*-qii:r'r'1e,:i: i e-.r'i
ar'i thcth tr'1gfl :':lr.J- befo:e he canc ouL in:!
a tri'st,e1'l.Ug fo3i:.
In, ghapte_r 3 lre ls on rrstor, srnii ccntlnucs hlc Jor:r::ey nndergronnC, e }a4i
on bls head io Llg:'! bhc';'t1i'. rit lact, after r?ury 5"1'**g-l.cs, lre airlves
.ai a bcach of grser seno.
descill,os l lEi<e cf fise tir.roqJr he :ilrsi Lr oriler to bch:fuI
once r:')i',3 'che 1i.q91-,of *a1'. Lq ';hlo plc'.ce hc flghta $ii:l serFents and.
rvhLia s!:r:i:s
In chapter 5llg-jgt:n+ys th::r:;;' tho alr, and a.? th.s::otent r.ibcn be b6i!.e-
ves thr.t he trlll- be d.achcd. cn ths to$ks,-ho agaln flrds b!-sel-f on bsauti-
oushlous, surrourced by Ilerfuqes r',irich ittl +,he n1.r.... --iuay ue find.
sirbols, scarcelT eieLained.
l+-.c^I.1!-teT-F iharc r.=e panrln]-L: sXir!.anntlons i'rlth hcri-reilc lnscrl:)tlon3,
o ntr"lito of i'erc{eq, iicbi.?t:, anri Grec!:. iioro lro coric to !.1s.rsal itiche-
rt'3 'r:(€i .
Chup+,cr 7.f!:1d,3 h.l.rt la r. ,,ry, t:lrc:ro !i; is i.:enc:Icd- ?:;r e::--l:t:.i.!.;r (Irlp-
D1l:g rreteFr r,5lch nB c;:'.t:ic:.. .j;;. 16 dayS.
In ahrr.?icr B 5C 1s ln p. cltouJii rool;r, r' nl-*.-Jgr .n?!iu,-r3r., in-+:rlptiaig
9ic... .;'r-iallO 'i:hlcir '!l'.i;u:; L:, d;-.rrnio croi1t,i....
Chuptor I u51r.'s :'.n o:' bi::cl:'rl1',,t1 :t:;j:?1;.1-rturi :-iotl) (1' <;.a;rs;
rrhclo e:'r: t'c'.r.,ii .!il.-:iiolq i'&r., j1e sl"::1r.s i..., O.C.i,:,Ci! i:3 1n::=.
cletif ::t cChti..-r{tt t,:t r,hi:: c';:r(rl' hj:+" . ..)t'(tthr,: :t:.rr::n .rlr.1n1'.3 :-':iitu'.
.ttl ,cboltr,t L:'. ho rtr.1tct:..''L.... : :..aC= i!!:c' ii:o,fe af n Srrhr:O.-. f!:rcc:s,
hrltdo;ar.. - -oic:icc,.
?i;.a'dao::i'i o! !=:r.i;ri1';it tiro o1c.ua3-ce.rcrl:rr. r-.v r.olirl
oyos {oDtrfi,tC. I g..'.:1,. '!?-a Ji}:;.it;r't;oc,,.:;ti3cal rrc o:: I s..n9or. ...n'-""
5)- -.,'tl) ....
--rtl The Magic of Wisdom

l'QtraRTrtr!:Issrqfj .pfiTH SDCTOR.. pr0tj Tueaday. ZCth. l:sy rg2

I {Cornt De S t . G e r n a l n )
. corst 6e salnt Ge*aln rnslsts arso on'the rarue
of the
oathsntllcal aynbol,

' .c rrR€ (sgrrrt)

o o jiS, (!.arter)
a oe (uu1o:r
-l1l-rn or.
i o o o,
.--ry' . Splrlt lt l.atter)
F.AnTlI.(crentlve forn)
10. ( .to \ t
tr ot 12 ) 4. g z I r r^o
. - '.:o -T:t7'

. iilt
IIt]- whlch 1" S=-1-r-1.,
fe eyaUoffseA by 1. lst. Der.r.e
!!!'whlch ls !q!j:i 1s syibotleed b; -?-. zna-'*""'i'-1.
{{J;ff wDlch ls Urtcr oi gfi:lt .aui ii:..tter
ls eynbcllacd by l. . ]rtt. il
. I A j ' T R w b t c h l s 6 r s : 1 1 : c F o / e . i s s.ynbolloed
bv 4" ?th. 'r

_ ldd 1o1,2 and. I e.rd 1t cquals lg. $o the 4 llcIleota nrle 13.
It ls very logorten+, to urdiretariil ihls 1n c1-nholc15r'and Oorrnz dc 5t,
Gcrcaln lnslsts cn thls"
IoD 1s tbe lf,ih, Ie.;ter of the I(s)bslob. lCx9 Ecl;,5o1y.tlo1y.
Yod tn reallty l s t h e v e l u e ot
of ileirhl 1,e.1Yod rna i.ieph.
fhc f l r s t letter of the Eebr.ex }-lplabet, Aleph, end the lOth. letter
Yo{l are r e o l l y a repebltlo: cf qlre tren'thg oihet. I ecd 10, In
rrallty !C 1 s o n 1 ; r l . . i h a t 1s noFe lnportant, ani yoe reallse whct
I n e u r . le thls. it ls i-,.ir?ru ccrrte.:i:ty.
If you a sqr:ere l r o n 1 2 , 4 6 ? S 9 1 9 y o u g e t i 6 J , YOu ]:ro',r
there are ]50 de4rees ln a clrcie . You noilce f Ocast glve J. Ihnt
ls rerTr lnportant becsure uhen Chrlst sald
"I e.n thc beg1rnJ;ag and the
erdtr (Alnha and. Cue6nl 1n reallty he nerer aa10 '"hst beeeusp A)'ptc':
and Crc;a l:evc o1L7 ralrrg of fUC- Clrlst satil ".[ E:!',!r? i:lep]r a;il
the Tsur (va1ue )Sul
rcr' ls the bese oi au. the Keb}clah. ioit gqw.1s ro, Jeaua nrso
equals l), i?j,th yoa you riake $li ihe other l;ttdrs
- l6J degrreee eoupl-etes the unrvcrsai clrcLc, rf irr-isr la yJD rte
ls t'he foruula to polce +.lie L'i:lveraal Clrclc,
Ihe reeslyil I tld uot glve J for the nqu.",rln6 c! the S:nlera ls
thlE. ) 1e not n h.utan nesi€" It ts Oirlnc::unber" Creitire for:a.
I{uober 5. le the nu;ber of Co0 ln the l.lan. the lJra-ocC.'

a- ._Ilf,d S|lff zlth G ln the c.n"rc 1s the Znd. Dc6ree - - T h r " ol

. Ftce;ascnrT'
lE _rt _exnctly s F.n susDendcd. rcall;, dlvln1sed. t h e ssn beE,lns
to be Dlvbe. rt rs for'-hqi t"'u"ut ihe:.e nrc ica:r--w onr,y ] cr5:el:r
ln I'reecascriry. I n S c o ; t i s h - 1 ' r e s r - r : s r n r Ji l , r c t e c , - ! 4 .
tbs 4th. !elrE
the stl r- ; 1ff ll',,ryr, .Slnict rf :hc Znr.r,De6rcq o.i irr:ar:a xu.a:,,
u *,,.,"n,il.'.j.:;"::i :t_: : ;'fi
n 1..nar...

tYV The Magic of Wisdom

/^-/ u
,J/ :

JIIYtgs{.l*lW' trl* r'I *' -'

*JiLt-+:+gj-:ij:J, '9 ar"1 cf 'u:t-uhr:<Ln::i:"1
a; 'T rf'-
.fl:lr.o llrc. rt::'l]' tl.'tr:'1
.Dcssiitl11ii't:s l!"tt' '
. ur -..,q .,i oi-r'.'l'cn lt bet-*:rt"
\li;or.r€i '
1? r: roi,,i'.-"i'"";aiiljs, '
)l;ll"li;'.;3 i,;;rl";ffi o,"'.,-,i r ii'xir :r:1chrn:' u rrcr tn
;"' ii "ii' iii{'l:l'-::l::t*l"lt:1"::''li*iF:1"
t l u o , 1 g d:':.i!
; Jn g 3 . "ii:"iif
iiiS*. <i.r I :,*n:!:nl 1::: ct:_!Eglr;r,j9tll1': -
ffi#E;ifffiffi .,.i'.a rr:!: fcr thn r:dv1in":cnr:rtcl
tl:c'.Uau1. f'; :ti ionl tn !;3si"-1r,faf l:rcy (iD !rot- s.15! r j:cr:ri3-irsfOXO
'.'ro:t&t t'!'
s;rlno! en! s:uir.
..!..-.itt-lij:rt '.r-v:tr. tc frn u.rtirro:;lJsd nn5I1:
dla1serous. r:::?-ij.:qqi.-jir.s .tr,e.!.ii.Sl;i+'+tsg-lir:t--S--iflglat'gr Q-'!e:'IIlgL!t
n nd a tct g..:ltl!'lj
.'- ' r"' '"'fhg
.-':i''-" orr\f ir ^
? t r r . c h l n g ( i i . r e t r b y l h ' : C o : ' i t o ' C o : ' L . 'rr : gvr.bol
..i. .,.. .rir-liiiii"rei i'cldi.ns, lol'tra:'.t of
' i:.tiuir.r
':' " " -'tloo*.:'9l-f:', tn-is ltttto ixtn c:t."cd ':';: sionc'
. i J i*:';t.."e'''-r 1]' or' ;'hc crri'ci-arr-'j".}?'=-l]tslr1
.:.Ati Jf.t.' 'g'1'-firrl! 1'
'. li'sos ]:;t:. iiJ I's' ;:lctt':cd !r'o
i. .
. ,.iiti:'rt.-tle ns,:pirldo ccno for initl"''"l3lt'
. .
-: .. .,..',: .' .'liorc?t:,cn, 1;i the cent:c Of-tho :f13:,C1€,(9!-!:ts
' ';o.;<r-of 'cho sl:ctci'), -'licre 1s iou'-'d- -;is -l'gt't'*:
' ' '..!h-tchr" qii'i'- j-l'::-'o:t,nnt- ' I:'raj'r']r 3:6'
,'-j :ii' . f-eih, . .!ref
fi-o-'*ii 'r'::::'.ruu',-icrl-ii::.'.L !i'-";i.' li ilr: 'rly
. .-'l: prorcc t:l
: rorc i:r ar.r-tI-.:glr
insisaii ot a 40 rlr]:ue'
ij**--. .
.-,,'..,!,--,;i;;;';i';:tj1 . a
- 's'3.!'tt':! ta' i3 ths-1nit1:''1 or tirt'$:r1r1t"r-''l'
l:gggiit1.1.*;o*o,o ==---
c."a1:c" oi'.*,t'-*'itorld fio::.t-{-:;c i"-:i..'o,:,;,,.,r.
-s#ii':s' :';:;';G-I;i"iJ;:'"'
1*:S,iI;*;i *,*l: 3' :i::.,y;;
(rarls ) . ($C'ii5 '!':or1g3l'
.Ite anur,I:1+io_r,...4:
l.ho u.ti,f:. i',:t'-i'.1:jrts ln LL'on,

iclc:1L'd |i9 c.:.!

r'.'c ir:r.: g tb

tho Gloat ti:;inbo} of .r.'r'cei:.1Jor!r:'r ,\; u:.i

19 thc trg:-Jr.'ilc $-r r,t"e t"ro s II l-i t-:ccr{
t:l)la I.s. .j.nP red' ':::ri c=e tr,-,11?' 55t
:f$+sc pif h+:'s rJc sll:bolic c!
f lI]3Fl+ irttd. :'ia,
uu1 " -:4:.'i.
'ttid fcrcc ilc!: thc tilul
16 slr$iUs'-'j. 1r1 -Y']al. A
flro fcTf;o i=o:: ihc iloon
19 s:t::.)L!ir:,1 l.n ';.lii-Lc'.
i'i'ti:o tlien3l::
it: til* ctrl'':":
urc tlle I Q73:z L*f tiJ4' . . . Cirllt'.til'.=-- -t 1'.o Ie. i
gol.:c', jJ;tri : rr:,1, a i-.!'j, t't1' I'hl loe a;,::1:-- I':. tO. ..f.
sor-.cti!:c:' ih'r .Lot";cr 5?'.)11 iiuPgri.c'r -- i',I
-"9. .i5 - z
1n tle tliri4i."it, - thO Jcs?
tlold, .'.riri.
aflrus rro trfl'.'c :j:gr--(r1--;.ccl .
.l : ;cj.-- tJ-- -: :a:1 !. .

r.-Ii .ii ':,!.rt' r:rai''t g":.'LOl {' f -'"fcc:a.:;on.-l';

';:",ri1,.lat,t'' 1t c;'llt-'I trr th' s-reaf -<o.9€
:ja'l t 'bvc:i i
dut :ri';" .:'..:i-;?.:r.Je C:,lJ.i l,i! A n o r n c r : - o n ' . c .f i c r ; ' s . 1 t l 5 : : ' : - i
'.Tit1:r-:r in'p"ri'l* l'"\ tY"S
tUi -_' l v1:; :. :iiIl,r:C. tO ti:rT::. ;;';f';;,,:r., o hr;t'orn
?,i3"""rn"i .]f "':.:ir("..-'' '' tht"r' -':c
nr';:a 1r ll.r:rll;:.1,',' i:rgli ?c t'.e;:;'t,e

tVJ- The Magic of Wisdom

fssg e. J.ti i:t., Uoor,:o'! 'r'ol rrle+,

f_t( i;ii_i. 4 u-u'j,_ll_Y. ffi-4F.
,l'lUs '5 :-LD!:on' l:= r.-.i:f:lrrLl_rh]ch..t,rlos. S.oJpfrDLno..tlLi..i-t:llq?.1,-of +.h'J .
tp:r-crc-uo-.90.!.cS-t,!.'.'q*ttrO'il'jf.,..:;'..r.iiilrjpr:ill-'+.-?ni..lgt"*li7r .,
lilsrtrvo- riiiii'i,ii,qc-fron' 'retJ iriln r,:.rttii:ir-'Jjici ,- ai:.i Co ii.'.'l i;:te irarrr I r''l-l-
'cotr.,con tt'.c i\-:o. The s';tcrrpt 't.u i6.'iti,l;:;.-i'riii.t'-rlril-I::::.],l:tr,=:{{!:!'9
:fiicsei'oia,, 'v"'o
il,(il:i;',g;i-:i-!,r,a. tn tho rrldclo 01' ?!ic
;-tlil i;i.";. i:,11" 1t,,-i,:r"iring"er:h'rttlec ln the fun'ilpnc:rtrrl l:oj.cneo:,
'Ihrrs iil:re r''rc 3 i...'a'LdcgJ"scli'.
,U-J-q"i:riii ;ic:.,cprnt1y, lft'r:-!$- tlr:.t ilth U:; 'rl:?'+'.'1i-'i
Tno no$.; 1r:::i!'1;i,irL}}cctEsinly tnt,iit,ti:l:l-itc*nl'-lg.
-!ri;; 't]i' t,o" ? ac;rer:i, ![c-rU!1511:i-]11----ii:1i:-.t-:P,-''
i'i.ii':;nld--i:L'r Tirti co:t"'elr;roratr
i, cr:ie,:$ , iXS- :.bqlqn*ltii.:r--.Q!...{-e;g-e-c-!.
-,he 3li {J6ccs. .
r1r.'ia! 1s lre'"
1'tro scpurr.:t;lon l-:1,o t5o 4 tjroups,(r'cf . r': o]ersrt+-'sI"-
l,?.,3 iho ii-'.'lbolic tlegrces., illita trlsonry.
4 tO IB r CaiiltUlaf , p.e(t.:.?!,;rji':r:.r.
is-to-go " *trifogoilio " i titac:c i:r.cciu-y,'uer in ii':rbbalah'
rr sl,' crsail?e
sir3.;rr5g " uu1't=:':.ii , i'rrite r'r.'scr^r!', sdriuir'tlP-t-'l'r'e
forcc; :lnl-on er- gtlrii aad
lthe trto til:n:1:I'r)5: -
I -.ffi iEr.n -Eyr.l-qa,*;errish
Fe-8.-.,, anC-'Pbo*nlclun, .uscsl thg r:rcrd
SLr.;r0J-;','irt, itcFpil:ss J , ,:iin- ! sanechf , ptiilcsoliric
hu;Ci Q:-':{I-r'r 'r'ol'd'
2o .:.'lrei,lro'tD oi ,Jnc<'rues !e i:l:jo',ir, brctl:cr of Jssus,- uses tbg
rjhIlLJOLi::'IN,{nisf ortrne | , tiith si-...:bci.of :;be inzlsi bl.:
( si.n I --tn}
univclso, Si:Ol'iiIa. ( s-.'D Joilr'ua f::.9.)' Jssotes bolonJ.,?o -"his
. g,rou?. r-rr_ _ !..+
T.jiul thc Jcr':1sh (iroup hnd. rihe cri! .t':i1.i3:5gt1..1iiLi;''I'bu"
(lihitc iio?herhr:o,i] ,"'ii:O i'.'t ?hc'
ic..o:'-; 11isl;:.'. t'trt i:ne'rz
tle iir:Sancs.
ii^e si,:.:boi.' ttic c;rllircl- fc::aii, S-Cj:-'f-- hi..d.a iiebb'i.'i..{-sLj.o v;Jtre.

?l:erc cru re.r'ri;.'enLl" 5:? {*:;ecs, ::i' 1i'::i3rf- Ls 3lre?rcs:nirtlon oi GcC

lii=:ole, ti:c ::';tJ::,";:rc Cu:*u, t*: }-or.:;xrbj.c1 oJ cil,c u:zir'o' ]ie:g c:ln
Uc gfvJi t.i:ri i3--.'.1-r1;{p!;, f;r'tl-erc ii nare i'.'ucze ln the lccliton tc g|:e
,ili.i lZ rlo:'--,:cg ll.fDto$cnis -i:l:e X;? '.':a:ti... 'ihn J:l:-o:lI'iliJ.c f:'e? f:i1?3'-,heE:
'.:,ire',5a ,iifi'::;'-rl"-i'trr'.i'lltle'',
3,i '.'.?y5oi '..i::r!c:.!, tc lt':':!sc llls i'irlnc.
'l.hgrc-.l.:'-=-,.r:a+.l tii:? !'t:1t beJ.rrg'si'i;ii.'t,ecI"lca-
IbE:r,-'rui.:i ar, ii:rgii ci',j s1>-*3i;1)-ii.cs
-':-h*r': ;o::rot1.1:i,:, i'l cc:i:tIuci,icn, 1:''-, :::c,.1lt4tic;r. the.-.e rie;:ccr c\fl's]-:'icl:c of Surcs:i c.e-
vel-oir;,:e:-.t ai:::s3,'.:o-.c i'ilo*i.: I l-1nr
flre -'fr:!:r:Le. 1s '.lre. -sn_i't-'!tc-.U;r!.-'r:::se, tirc llacrOcca't-.14 fcrce 13 ci-lrec-
toi:.e lii oi' t);:-, lt'.i:.'-:'v:i.:.u, t'.1g'l"r:!rLi: aiccre lrrg i;o .e:.tcc 5te1ri;, c:t'J
ta II :r,; g c:'.'ri.
!.:r..I, Lc' :;:: c...:i.a.:'-? li:r; t
J.. ...2.
... t:r.t
9.!g u:jjt:.r-U;ibr:
9.r,.:qe-Vl: .:rf
-r:rr. r l " . ' i i J i : 9 . r : .
9.ll $'i+rc+o::i: :iS.
-.iie r6CCfet
sJ::. reervv j:e-rt;
:ltC ',';C.-r'k-1r-
g!cc. 'rc xeailt tlle';"o'r]' rn i'lbei'
lc a ir=eiiagon :r:le '-iusii fi:+:'i':!.'t'i
onl1,' xhs trtf,i;t -vh+;rcrn oi,cn i,ri-itutil'''-*.'Liitiit".".,-tn"i
:f::': :::i-''-'';e
nni'. n::;iti,:r'.f,lcnc::i rtcc;t- T - i , : . +t,' & ' . s - i . r . : : : . L L ! . . | . .L,ili c , ; . ' ; 1 1 , ' . ' : t ; r a c : ' . 1: : ;
of Stoc:{'.rri.,ir'.'i'r- - $r1.Ytile ir'Ciio otld ti,c $yo:Ci .*13\'os, r* !!1t\f thoio le llo

?bc CoaLe te St. C:er:rln gi:es Lg Ctr';.isol hls 'cri.veI, sl;rpiy as n sitbcr
of h1c c'?-o:-r1t:.o:lln o;.;--;51t hl;noll .r.) i'hrr
'J'he tiv:':bol ::.r-'
tl:,.: Oa::r:ag:; iri::! Llr.: ljo,-r3:e: -
:'.';d ,-:'r't;jiUUICIi (::.O t,_l r:J,(: ti..-t tt':.-rL3,4 COnSEl:UCtICn.
Ali,:';-i.':.',hcri: irr th:- g. !le-..4c3-!.ILi._e2iipCi.-,s---...!g.r1i:.1;.e.-tla-Q!.tp]-er o^l
t|e Ji'd:io 1;o ::ec th::? 1t J.s rtr.Jrt
ttiril,"':.'h,:'lJ::lr{g:t-'linC tlio"Oiril.e t:.,ii<,?i...:tii-rc m.njf:lsLr.t:.nD of .l}::1t,,
;'.nrl i.irr: IecL,L':tr:lc oi :ite Ertt:r.xo g:.2+l: 5j rc.r1L!]'_ ..a;;rt t\tiiti; inn i:: {;l:=:
Lifo. .' rri otril' i:9 C.ii,..
71 a.. Adoe. ullll :r'1rr-t'*:

,r,..::\ //r*,tr rr \t'r4ff"'t'
i ;:..:uc::' i:'

$yr-:lrrr-! c1 t,ilo :f it,ri ! '.!.:r .r.t.:i;.)i'"if,rf. cJ l'lrr clo:-i::ii r!3' 4:tg Ac,hpols..

'---a .qd1

tl6 i The Magic of Wisdom

I:.:!:'\-qi}I-!!rJ ! :ii-:l-il4-!,i9.3.?B' Ael--i. 39g9$-tY,-?o+--Ljl'-1{-_:.2<
"cf,trrr D:: s?. c it:-'lI}{.& fR:..-"AsiflnY'l.
F-ffiffi: ls1!
2. --a (Ernena,gon;Ei=
\/\/. \
l'\,'"\ 'rh' . il'" .': 'I*
'-./t" t;) sPIRrr
& l.tAl?rn-', .'.1-. '.ii l{arta and )'. Jesu: ct
-r.. -

i' /-t\ ",

ili i-,_

K t"q (). 1o 10 repea.tcdt tt.. 9lill. y6i-:run

': '.!i ' JOD-ETA.; YOIEIYA; J,itrCYA; IIiVA;
\\ I]|YD. *i.
Shcrra r Yc,i - 22 Arcnndn. : '.-) a_.' . r
(f,t " (r.', , (Tlre Conlses )
( )
! - 1 , " -',, ? 3
radlus t.=,'A*'1 7*
. acoCt l, "14I594i12, ,,it*iti:,. Pi
t '
2..- .t
"' ...: -'
) 1428',?I
COI'-.ASSn-'rd.-sQUtnEr_ske SPIFIT e ILiTT;n, you aee lhat Jn ihe
llne elLro, aira lt you put cn each oitle r,f t,he sli:l;1e outl^.ine. l,
. you.have the !.!cni':gral Cf th.r E.-\!,;.T:l=l.i;;,
1,c., l,'.tRJAr JEStj$, .?CSi:iiI"
I call ygrFa'r,tsrE:io:t tr) suisethurg also - lt nnkeg i;111.19:.,.;.l.fiord _.+tA{.
- Xe hnve saen ralrtlonslrjp lf i.tgph ta Yoi ( 1e i0i (rr,fcr Frt;:e 6
'i), \
Thi Philcsoptrlc.a] y0? eqtalr :E:!dLt, th: llarr. YOD'AI).ill-
. lte.f+.leeeenis the first Ean r-s'i:i?:J:ed 1n the Uri-.'el;.c. tha ftli'- r';rJse.r
i s Y p 0 - } f f i ; T 0 a I E d A ; . T r l J o Y A ' .I E Y ; ; I B l r } ) , f h e s a n e t s l u e g r : S I R I . ' i h c eane
ralue os YLlj
ff se tske the irese of ihe greac syobo.l. of frceo:cii:ry. TheCtf,lP.r5S
. ve hare t'hrce pD1nt6: those eqrrel tho'.three ].:other Ie'Lterr ii ;h: ilr:b;cw
Alphabel. fhese. three )loiher Letters A;,U|B. l.iX!-!, SC,r!-Ci;-!re uo l,ire
w o r d s l l ! : L ' u. l ( ? h e : - . e . ; e a l s o j d o u b l a l c t t d i s anl 12 srinpte leLtcr.s,t
. sht:r,ic nerula ske-lch nhich is tlre begc fer a).L Ciroilu.:ttsn.
r;.tth ihs Con;,=-,ss you nskc e.11 tbe ccnsijiuct:on rounl thcse th;ee le'.?.;t:'g.
I . t v e i l k e S i . : n s i r . a E r u e r s t r r A ' t h c . U o n p a s , u1 u l o r i - , U l . l e l r . e h a T e s k e y .
ittat 1s fihcna eglalu the ?2 ^i€ales, tile Cl,'.Cie. zhc LhlYErne ln

'Clrclc. That 1e rery -{-lrp;r'"ent beceirse Yoo lg.l:hc Cornpaos,22 tr the

Sheee eqr:als ). glras threc poosribllltleo ..'i ugr,ic:rstan$ln6
( T : ' t n o s o p l : 1 c) ,
. tic tale -rI beohuae t!,tere ? ? l e t t e r s tn t,he 9ebran Alghrt,oi
(tablararr). ?? Arcnnca, unrl ? lengv o! G o { 1 . T o O C o n r s s s S q u a r e t i i r : 1 , :
=l -:) :! =-22
-T-pt. 'i
I sy:'..bol1col crplarratlon oi tiro Ctrtw,rr:rpil Pi, ii:.':t
6ltea ny exglnnatlon .ot tLc llnlrerss.l ?:t 1n n7 'r'l;Jth-. Cr::r.tory
Ths Flnilu fornular;f,$i;, glvcn ln the Ycfina.
(fn thc Frenssronry Syllol , Coupaos Anit squar. 3ur-.o'$'^sd b y
C i r a l c , l n i h e n l d d . l e s o n e t l n e s y o u . g l l a l l f : . h d t h e ? i y + s ' o ; 3 o c 1. S g n e-
t l u e 6 y o u s h e l l llnd cnly a iettir - 1n thc tttrlti-
lCont'! ). ..

s\'. .\ The Magic of Wisdom

glesdhy Jl.t ?-
t +!rrj-Lt J tls$-$--- +s1tj-s t!-!Q.!.' -IFJ!-4. L'Jry-+
F{g&- !'jq!ie+-Pu
ffi#r:' gtc:rnd ?get of r{Y lecture. tt ls. iltl'I" oo""
to ftrlsh thls "
. #-F
c,:,$Ftlehtoa. -.F#e
r'cD=hotusr (zt+5?t'1.3.1(tJ'?
F,il]u+ 0u x2-9\
r,\ \il'3 .i
tg.-- 3r{r
r,?l trb= H -=i;r':;:l*)l]r,, t
f&i tz: s?).Tz'f
sr.lii'? , 6 + Hi \-ii,"'Jt'+nl? "
l-3r/ _,_ ___* _:_"_.-:.--:--L-=.#'*--:----'-
laet n:ght' '- f 'nn nct

'r;!rgt l nysgU here orl+'lclsed

Tbe eane cf G'""1 eie 1:rrltc0 ty tr''e
ooa:- thc woId ls poor'-ue
6 1 r e ' J 3 t r e s $ t l l s l " i i t 'i""i'
:-'n*"I te l':I'ii,rsF 1t r:cnnc
i'/€ iiir-"11-a51:i'i;liirln' try to 17':l:e:,g
czeteaelor. ooti lcoe' t!"ct'r'e usc to for
s. !n sorr-:
wc trtt'lere^,srlrd. il-;t'iel<e-tnu
s;oi|_ ].t.laiirrnrdJ yo,, rrave.iicI = > i e ! n ' 1 t - ! - o n o !
the a=1}otcno.. sri ygu a u i : i 1 c l " = " t " o l ' i - l i t " i ' ? tltY - tlto
; nhc't ve RF'rI'15'-'l'
thsi. an,r r r'.".'i*tli. irliit"u t'v i"i
trhet ttc sgv sar;t:;; "oii"]
"'--;;-- teLe the flrg?''
*r Gcc sl'rborl:isllv (csc abo're)'-ge
"trtt : Dalcth'
c r ' r a c t c t r " * * l l J ' ; ' ; : ; - = - c i a : ' o :o]'-'
' i ; t ; ; ; rllir
i ' . ' r ' rtire-5=p
..then ,,. rctIiJ'''"iro "
.. role 'or"" i ,r='**,.r?i Ti"-(9Ln;rl!t;ll"oi'lt,l,'-'SoHl::'t:'
ror.rtl e eqitr.te )t3':' :i"t' :lTLr: ;-.].;":;. "-r:-t"-x"or
o!' ':'t= ?'"rl*olt- 1t::-Iioi
:'" t'il{ t:'l::trn'u
iu !'tl{
'^o :::i
t:'i::. .
ur):e r ccr:?lcur. 1:z':ru:'ic:'' l'ho ayabol lI
olt*"J"::'e '""o.vt1'=it*-t;- ;tlcr ssrd-n?+''+"r': 5u' '
ln l';cenc's"t'ty ,,i-i.",:tt
.,!r? r:rJcii :" iti-u"I"ro 'ir* ' il; so-co:i cguzta )i'4 ' 3nd
i;c scr,et:.o
ctrl:ocp';)c:!ii' itl-it^t'
The l(,{ 1e tl:e ti"irr.,

;';iffi ',. ; ;;ru; ;; ;ca*li'.

r nlrsv"ut-.1y;i:i-:li:;i::l'': :i:- 1ll3.--'-^--.:.;^::'i]:.i'F'i:;+
f t:* ; ;;*;
iT,tt' r,^,
---ir-i;r;;';;;;rr: it ls th:r'e * a=.1:11 2 corur:rs Eir,:
T?u;;t; nna cnr
If ne te;:e'z'iijC:'r '-bc':.:'t"l-c sLonr po-"'
o:1e.cb coit'r:qt" ;;':";:ll;^:*:i'1."::"
cr *"ite3'1bc3ur';'
Solii"n"i:;" '11' 12'o ?t^ ^-
1 cule .L
a .',-t --2
.g- ?i z'tr't -
. cu-oe 1 crccD ]sr

s; ?:jt'.i:il=r.[sll;::;"1:; tliil'll;i't"l:tli;-;i;-;;'"
nnrl9? ri;
\t ue tora 21 e-rurlo?s' '!l l:?-I
i:;rrrlf l;=1"I kli'
;j j li ;;i; -''8"1il
.n :
;'ffi i"
"1" "ii i.''
1e.'",1,i i;. E uhlch o-6rBi
Tbree t1n"cs 25 eq'sli ) llrros I ): Y

Ec thn i ie $reo
Ec tlts t Ec c)'waleDc
EE tltat Ee li*t,
r.!rn.reryil; l,-"" o-""j,1:.:t1:,1,:
oo"i :If t ir'l
I"i:r:;;;:: liillTii
;,ii:,' o fl i'
*;Il i-'l*'
rlit: ;l: i:-1,;..,
i:y bii
*t.l :;'X!*l.i'-i 3il.t"l'li-
"'';, o*.?.i :;^ii:-o;;l';r;:irl
;; ; {'-i'J'i'i,'"gv=l!j1?'=+l
: i :-;l' 1'r :i;.-
.(C;::'i'4 ). " " " The Magic of Wisdom

t,:_t!.:i*s_i!j;t_IJ!_j llitllt-glg Tre.

':jljl:l4:,t e _g"!*_gcIEal n 4 l'rg.eEurooBIIrr

tT*,,':Tf lfp)i
; niare'4;i,il,,r=i(#i'tH;
l',uu kzl q; B;{^ei'i,('^-*-i1i.")
-' i'
i.J4o'rt '{-!l:---Zlztlt)?:.v-:I-... [] z dei)
iiit[,yi,.d]i',irS/,!,:; tr.'+d ' .'-:.--
*ir,e .*t-Iffi-Pi3;li-fatr l1-1i.7i$----'
n"i;ilirncvfir .AA5iaiB3ry,i. ii;;r" ai ar'i
.ooii" ?ii"i"a-ti.'rrrcl.o wcrdt:r'Ir'-TIlt e<i':,rls ),c. I ta!-c
If g.r
ana- r .nothei :' t, equite itlS'
ii"i i ". o l i "- g i l - i .i ri i -i r,r" 8 4 th rz r :.,^;on - 35'
Ihls $u;-,bcr I6E 1s e-c.,ly.,ha pcriccllcn of st! the nrt1bers fro"r )
t ' o t r c l j ' for sll the C{c:'''tt onl
I f I t a t c 1 6 8 , the l.ty u'urbef ? I he:c- t iJo'rrd )
I hsve- !28 iihlctt
( b r c a u s c 1 c t b c n r : : . b e r c r a e l r . l r - o-f t i a e y'. '
]60 1 6 0
';irld ft carurot
BGD'.Ifi }lu'rhte ch r vihioh intrgllah"".""" l* "
COlr:o1Ae:rcc. T!^.cre muet bc sc-ncthhS tberc'
))? ecusts )?E Plug 4,. 5i& is K c f . errd rt be,:euse 1t la lol-:')h
vhlch rrreni, in gYnboLcfJ '.rf I i c b r e r . 'Dior'. $o I hcre a.J(c; and e Fco:'
{Cyall ol .tl.: S'ir: ttl }'ears'. C1c1c ci th: .''lcc'nl 9 F c o r g . l .
I !'.it cverythlr; 1:l =.:::telr. bcc&uee f havl lr.or:red ihcre ls e
syr,birlcgy. I l y t h l s s y r ' ! 4 r ' . ( J i . i h a ? e E s d ' t si r',ori(, an'l I hart fo'r.l Ioor
ki:,' .'.r,d'a 0cor-' I E1',t :'o'.1 i.':a: E:rd .asll ; - o u t o r c h e n b c = . t l ' . :
: i'hct? I )
a t ' i t h t I ( e j ' e q r r a l s 5 ) 2 , e q u . q l o t h e p c : ' f e c t i,aisnce . e!,rrli1br1un {t
lc ilnlsh r.j. l:ct':re I f,1ve You thc Cr+ar; S.ynbei,
1\g Gree.t f.rcelle.
'lhe oynbc'I eq 16c.1la l i l t h c Fr: c -a ecn
thc G:ca! Arclrltr:t lllno':1i. 'th: it 5ives us e :1:d1:a'ricli !c'r aLl t t o : k t : c a 3 h c Lst - Lo tirc
)J;ri, dc6r:c.
- i : : lY' 5 &' 4 ' Y-ou.elnl! sc:
Il you tqXe :rour 3tble onii rcfer io }]x:ldue h c - ] ' e l r l a ro'l'
t r t " - i c n " t f l h l s l r - r n d
t l i e r c f e r e n ' J e H i l c : e i . [ o : r c gi " a s i l
l{hrtl Uos?s ir,.s ecr,nrlCe4. to ttti i']* "'f"" tt}.: Srotrh'l 1t ehU.r;ed =}'O
a c g : 1 t 1i n i c ' n 3 : icd"
s 3rrpent, r,nrl :)ri';.-;;';;ti-cnJr'eec
there ln tls P,3s:'b11ltt cterrre tlra
the or4.eli';
SYror,'r. Thg tlanelout'tf1cn
to the lnc--C51':.
lls !".a.'ve?hcr? t h e r . : o h l e n o f t h e A l ; l t t n ; ' .
i h e ! : o b L e a c f t u ; i l c e n t l f 1 3 R t 1 c : 1I u l ' : 't
hro tc0aY.
In thlo 3.vnbol t h e R o d l s o u r e e l v c : .
arc ?he rYr.bol o f t h t s l n o r g a n l c . t ' h o
Tha tro Sertcnts :rrer?gen'! t!:e -two no!cri't'1ts
ti.l-pinxali. (;asttlzei tr,'rd ld'n (ttt.qt't'1r.e) -
lou na;ry tJEtci{ i;ct(':' r '
at-6ut-i;!ir."h I'huve-toio +"1'1
Fh;;; tio-rcireoe:,t also-the Swr E:ril !.('Lil'

Tbe OGlrr:; e t e kr ozle d5e a4 il the sub J e: t 1r e

r-c tnt to trascr'uie co::Dlcte17 vlih i'hess
tuo forcza
't The Magic of Wisdom



fijraR!4l-J.lsrFl -_{tt!.I_SI9T?.r lheg e.. I!!9jtg;,l.c-tU!r.'_.:,+_

:€)un! de r't. Gernpln l! [rsen&goJr]rn itrr! ? {f1r;gg€g1fl-!

y,fc6tart by reailel.rg the Fgnd, ol ]logee- ID n::rrns vri slrrt

'lO }il 0f by ict.rrfledec. by Inltlctlo--r,
. trc ard en. th: lbt.. il:xtec of Inltlatlon, slt,lt::rat? the
UUrlDEiltA CILtl]tL ilheu wc haYc s':bf lretc.l thlg ltul:ihcru Ch:lkr.r &f.d
i:ei r v i . t h t n ' , \ u i c s I ' r e s ' , ) t : g o e a l b L I l ' i 3 r c f ) , 1 1 ' t . i h c n w € c ' o E ' ! rn the
ENJY;nS 1 Gil]:{?' D:tCi:C?.;it?D end "r'r.}ic.ihe 36c;ifi psrt
' Thc scqonrl. pol"-rt S?rt5l.5.Ti.:{1iA C}l!:{il-. $ c q r c i h c r e l e c a''fo
uf ';ho Clrr,.lo. oav.e
UC hl:re ple;cd.'oureel.t'eg. Ellrer ? h e - - p r o ? c c t ! ' o n
tn t i e f i n p l ' c . ' ' J c s r c l ' : t a ' e e n t t : c ? C o l " i $ r g ' In ihe ?nd. CI{AiSA vrc
i'tc 6o t h l o u g b thls Fdh' thc real
a r e beg1r.r.1n5 ?o bc !l itr: ljaht'
nuy and ree conc gtr llre ]rd ' de6rec '

tltu'ilPtr*t CiU:nt; lYlth the 3 :]olsr'ltlee 1:: h : n d s c i e a l l ; c t!:e

real fiLU l-lliiiiji.i.'
t{s subllruttc the f o.-ce. woi} aiono * Xggter. "o

.' ther: $c co a l1tt1e blt f'r:the:', -tl.y to speclnl.lFc 9PT?01:.1s.

? i c e r e c : t : ) a a t H i i r , i i - r : - l - c i l i r i l ' - : r i r ; C i * ' ' r r r r g i ' t h e t i l l T c r 3f rAnr;)r 'i fc,' ' ! q ' i l t ) " t v r r
"!r the ccniic cr"iht 1ll:re:ec. iir the Celi:e or' the
arc t-!r i.i,;I'i. iren'ihe centre up:l'rrrc,s eI.L 1s :rr i'tl,'ttx. bclr'lv
{he centre l'lnc 1o ia:'lc:cos' iihea ve c'r! c:l +hi3 ath' d:6re ac
l i o l l d, T!l: .perleoi bnlrr::cc.. lher:
ore G.rrus. rxsirr.stova cf thc
i:lcg io
ve arc {r-lshed, ulth +.hc p}^-slacl }1fe, therc the ingtrustor
E1? : Jus Ii.c c ctn tho tio;'lil

lhe linc'wc cal.l trEhc Thrc'nc of Jus'"'*c':'. ricSri? :,'.!c, IIUI \te

uu{t harc a cJ.esr Ercdiatendlr.e oi the t:ori

'Io're' . Serc'uines 1t i c
r : 8 e t b e S u r o r a . C i r r l e ? g o l l ri dcn't con: to bil&: 7E3,;e.
Ecce6s8ry tc
.. I ccnr T.'lt.ri s S$o1'orr,

cn +,he Jth- .)e6:er wc trc cu ihc YICCllii\ cFnLl:l. TheTe ",F'e

1a be6rai!r1 t o b e n e r e t ! : : . t ! i u s t l t : r i t l l i r t r c t o f . Iic gl'tt-;
Ilatructc-r 'ny 'i!..'rratllzr.
h 1 c i c s . c h i . : : f i b y r ; ; , ! . - L i ; r - o p e e o hr r r f l o ' i i - ioei lie r:an.1:r'
1 : t h c . l : l c : r c e e r d b e < r . r . r s :i r l o r : , . O r i c i o i t - - t o irect actil he ca:r 1:ite
h1e teacb:;'.' - l'.is IrL'':cualc,ir. "o
Th:le.trc l'^s:c
! r : l l r e 6 t h , d c ; t : c s u e ai'c on tho LliLi.g-Ci:,:-13-t: *rhrre th':. ivo
thr deselcpneai of thc 1:1.. e ; ' o i;i"1;
' -'niins
rii:ino" , ) ti"r':r-:1r ^
t o ;i;ii;'j";' vou nc< p:rf cc'-i';-
ttclelo :rcc[. It 1s danP;crlus
nhat J'or: are dolr8.
t h e C r c s s e f O h r l e t i . s n c t . l u e t & t t e 3 5 l r r woolt . I+. lsl e.J.:rQ
a 6rcst s:rrlnl. I t r ' : s c i . n e c r o c s o f t h e sut,.lli:a*" ioi: , t h e c l a s s joai : t c :
thi urtrei la st':.',bol1scd. t.\ul -f* e::rl tc.ql're the Perleot t'o
tc Dut ariother oross thut
E: tsu Slorttlcd. hln:rc']'f '
. The ?+,h.- the liast'er In1t1:to'
SAF.ASS.I\-!ADy,1 eIi\7JLt: 9e hae rtrlfeet:d hfunoelf ::. i;:ritorgcJ. Cc:r: c.11ir- t

r-ndl he bns reachcd ;hc toy. the .'JlClSi1"t?X I'1.F9 .'r OR:I. I'': :l''
5o r-eh.avr th: ? de6rec-q. each o::e cor:eg?en0iua sn tl:c
prlnotpal nor.ea of c':elo, th: ? traditlonai plenete,. the 7 C h e ] c r e c '

I h o F l c c r t r t o n e t 4 - i c t s k c a = e o l Y W ,- r et oq I l Y trsr.cPsfg 'tho-
forcc and t'c r.clc e r.ol Tes,plc 1n the Ilr:lveroc. ri 1'cc?if t't
Llplit" [!-(:dtrstondlrS eor] l c e + e ,
Pi.JCl: ltl?!l Y:t The Magic of Wisdom

,1 / I

U{IVFJ(5II, cii:1t Bii.)TE'aF.gqp. E E l D a U , \ n T . : i 5 . .1 8 s t . Geo.?cr

ffi-t,,mgiG[:FF?-EFrn' fuesdsY. loth. ilgr;-- rq?-'
eL .l
F S:Ci(;fS . Uifilll,i::n

lorlnder oi ihr'-)i1s,9icn' Dii. S. R. Da Ia F:4!!Ib.;:.

Splrltual Bvotherg -'^i $lrlcrso lurln6 s lcn6 perloO,, naay
h te. n o w w e h a v a t l i e d , . t c
' tol ocur ,€t h glre you tho dlffereni aop:oia of lrusan
i're here trleC. io 61ve you sr lnstructlon 1n ?5e nlfferent
klnd oi rcl!,glons, ooooldl:rg ?o tlre eolcepte 1n the no;l'd tcclsy.
Fe-0o.ngt.try !o oonrert_i9u, but leevc 7ou ?he_p.ritot frceicn of you--
6m t i r o n : t r t , a t tbe'sene--ti.:r:c tr7lng to 6;1vc a lltt.Ie ilsht.

. r T et r y t o e x p c g c t h e d i i f e r c n * theorles flcn ths,ccst' lnporta:l+,

of the )ol scligtqns oni'.fio?ensrrts e::1stLr.g tc'i:y 1l ile worli. s-nl
oausllrg- the dtvlslcas ioe v;erld, lie_111:e_+rg_t9El lsck the..
c.-fi; iCiifO. to cong becl* en the real rueanlnl of iEiIGiCi I'1".1-r
;;;e-'F;5hi-nt;;;1r*- n;,:l;ru. It 1e rot ths flrgt tl=s 1r: ihe hlator:'
bi-hiitsnf*.S tbat b-Ye trled tc a=h1ere thls. 9tfferent
itl-;;t d!rtherhools l:a?e -\:en fnrmded ev6;T;1-!ie:: et dli:'crr'ai t1ceo.

-a t]8re opoke:r of t-hc tsror.h.el.i:oncc! lj;':en6s9r!:;i.

llc c le1', :teeka
ago,_ard r so ag ini *;; ;i:': l{il"iit", *i$1"r.:ltlf . "di*S*ri{ ;!i'f 3
n r o ?c n 9 n t 9 . It
Ui;;;ili;"ec :'e'r.iil;i;,-ln 1n ^'he d1?fcrept
ibs occult $ectse
lll:-i: to RtGliT;-
Instltutlcnsc ?he rlai t:i"r"g, ihc'flrst. 1dlecw.86't9 en4 tuk!4
tl" psssi:.i di time hc.?o br4oe-. hlsunltcC.
!!q--f.opir. r1iro."itt -'.: cri q::. 1..1 c
ip. -ti t..:- t n . rnt-c r 11 1 - ?.c-'.4.t.9t . i t
atce ncrc ln +.i:c f ::iory c'i' iiir.l:i=!.ty 'de arc or t:c tgt'ae:f ,Y:'hcr9
the lunan teht n.! to r':ii' s'c:.-'h'c s1'c g.-thc c'rd oi 'Ibc c:is
thi !1s?"g"-4i=.="-lt ita cstlniccnent of ; 1gr :-'-crb-
di'6on, rnd- cnc:r;lro?hcc;r taa
Aouarlan;.tc. iI f[-ttte 515e cf ihe Scn Df :'3;lr '+rc
;i".;-n; iU rn{e=stand. tiet if lrc tri?€ seelno lf rt-ali9:-.1hat.,J.e
tV 5L;n of thc. Scn l:1-n - thn Age oi Th: Ch:r1e'i i'lirg' lf
fgg;it llie -c: l'"e te b 1'he ?:ecejui
ue rcallge vrhtii !.s r,.*r.ri,5.r:Clsis'ou thele
cpooh. c|--lst L3r6n sltr :i :he sci. cf lirn" .'-cuc:'ia.'! !.4e.
ibr cf the asgoclatlqrg rrhlah havt qlgo'
trlcil tc preech E=oiher}:cci in one rcR:'3
a:r'i cspeole-lly .tc p:aacb about t|.a Chf,1st
XlnZdair 1a nro"-l'.c: T;sS/ls tbs ROSICiIL?Iii
l!otenler.',;. .
*vlrin6; f hrre to
Cf cau:se tl'.ere 1g oun
a,ake vcry c!c-*f' Jn thc lioslcruclrn
tcaahlnrl, as 1n l:leetf sotr-r'. Thcoscp-- - -
. srrd ln iich novenent e:tlebltc ln 'ths :slil
toaayo itte t:a,i,e t*'s >.reer tc-:zt by' i a d!!!zrttz
covciu}ta, dlffc:rent brsncheg. h:lsc
tcdry.fll3ie:cni; '.C
k 11:irf r l s o f i l o s l : : a . r o l r n l sn:
Juet-aEr Yrc hr.zq crtr.t :'lzes- 1:r Fr:e-
;;;;*i; ii itt:r'r'rnt srctr of chrlsiia:r'irt:'
^AnLrSlcRucrlt sTvsJr,,
gn4 .tiii 2'gr.ot, croYr-nre:'tts. of. B'rAdhlsn'
.=:#-. 1..:

So tofcy nI*ays vle f1r.d erb-illvlglens

1n- ie-';h r.Lrelrtni and nlslnterprr'?a Dions
conocnrlng the tcaoh!-ag .
. I h e . v e t o t-e- l5l .t . y o u ' i h * . t r L l r e r f e E t s t F L n - i ! c w o r i t t o l l a v oc n ly
sjx A,osloitteIe."e:- itrtr:ie,-il* ? n o u s e n c g - 3 n ( t 1 . . Q r r s e r : 1 f l!3 .
EcEbers of itorlu: uole.u .rssoc:atrois; iie i:!tsrF5: : : o r a i n c i r i !'
i,lffcrrnt l i c s l p r u c ' - n ' r i ' b i f i o e J " -
l i
: i
u c-ii' - '
= 1
r 3
' - :R tl';le ' a
eqol+f les oi 1 a t l b e a q)+'
arntheols, c sts..;e ci io.t,-d. t c l : : i-a' r l .-""'-f
a:'i:li . ' 'lt'ti se :alk tit
Chri:r?,,. i, ilrriii rjl,: o !oLr':4.1s.'r+.t",t ''" .
o i i''et,: wc ::?es'lt'
" o h ; . 1 - - , , z e h a 7 : , . : cb e g . ; : : c 1 f l o = . u l ] i t i i a ' i i " " c r o r = a

\fl. j
a The Magic of Wisdom

TYEISAI CR1:ATBNJT'ITiiTJJ! -h s a 2 .E!Eg. lB st.0o,rce

Aiu^nl^s N]s::II; . ?=.:tII lolt'-J:gsJJ3
. . - -3R.aSIcRE{:4il qE:RjfS LrirY.qlli:Dn (Cg!l-ttn}_
Thcfc ls erly one-Chrlst lor sone pc.opl.. .!esr,. cf UczrrCtb. but vr
pu9lbg conploteiy !.rcpaitial when we try i'o-eriose tho l'leht of aliffe:lt
.bol1cfg, !'sr oe lt from he Eo crlil;lse,. tb p:eaoh cqly c:re ursy, ie
Brc here to cx?o!? tha dtffereut iheorled, not to tfy to gro?€ ctrtc lral.
o r' t h e o t b e r .
Hc want to glne a l15ht on the theerlea an{l leav: to av:ry nan* tho
frcctlon of h1s orrn tbcr:6ht. AB,tesus 1a t"he nost laiorl:r:rt Chrlst fc: Eo ls Cautena Buddba. the oost rirTorteat Buddhs for otlrers,
Eow'1n iidolor!:o1!!1tr8, !g Ln Freecoeonry wc dcntt ?rrow eznctly witrc
It orlslhatodr but 1!;ro go Seeper c'-tl tlccpet wc ehall- flni tba? llke
other lt gtartcd. frorq +,hc begLn:r!r6' of hur-"anlty, In resllty
whst we Jgrcw e.hout the. R'v:1cruc1a.o,iloY;octtr ls thai l'1, Ftatted mqre ot
lcoe vlth the Dleciple of thc'C!rl,sb. Jesus cf l{szrrerh. tsri rre_ere Euro
alsc thet ths lioslsrEclcn s:i18t befolc ths? bcaauire. t-ne FyT.Doi l!?e-It'
t1i9- of .
i!6'Rcse e.nd the Crogs 1! igsra ancj.c-':t. .EOet fr:rthe=-i,icji-Irai-firi
{tfW._O_f N o e a r e t b ,
rt ncaas tlat ttr: aynbor of thc cross cxlstrd a 1on6. lo,g tlnc
.before Jegua, eDC tbc synb:i of the Rose aud Cross also.
It ls alirays rcr;r d,lffloult to fln{ a reccrri. a real. procf of thc
dtffcrent liless

.. I eb^all try to crpose to you cotrcctly a:1d olJcotlrcl;rthe ucot

lnportent of ihe ioslc:uolg:r ncrrcoentE today . L an :rot herc to r,:yeaL
th-e. se=r.eta or ixtln:rte detn-l1g of the R;gloru:lan issoolBtlon^ lrit Jucf
t.o-r.s'.-ce.l.the scoret qf lieet:::3J.1f,i.str 1ir, Feuerel. . lbe rrst iheor.y :a
.thtt thts coae ftso FOSlii?S'rtStD tlti 1.6:-l:.,cettuty, i doa:r) ne=r thl;
$hcre iu tbe trutb, f ionrE !:ea= thai rhc=: ccn=re'to;d thc ltiayoscae.. lut
I Jugt aay there ls a rery rrc.atheory, o l'5:1ca1 :4:r" ihai: 1t couia
tbr Ger=r-n ircieEscr, F . a s c n - r + u s- t " n z t 6 t h . C e r ' t u W , $o.
atart therc.
flnd E rcoord of a lic'rcsggt vrhloh -.::ken icr:'is gysrbol' a Rocc at the
lnterseotl,on oi !h: Crcsa" Arofcrsor F-cgi:lc.u^q - 1t mco:ls fiore arf.
Crors so vre 3gn,^, lg1o',r1i tt ls thc nainc c! a E:rn O: a !*uelsi::ftrr o31t
a s;rnbo.L. 6r:r !i :.s :hc flTsi:lEc wc i1n4 the r;.'a:ol cf t:re Roee cn ts
bterseotloc. of the Crosa,
Il 1t ?as a r,an thcn lrc iorsicd e. esgoelatl3a of Ch:lgtla:rtty
r o 1 x c Or i l t h t h c ' . e a c h . i t f , ani !:: rr::llty
o i 3 u d d h 1 e n-q'ccu; vra flnd 1n eseh
Roslsitola.: aczensrt tEc beslo ldea Ch;lag rvlth .n. nlziure q!. .iact-
o*l_Philos o?:zl ,
Acttral11' the Rcslsru,:1r:g tree':rlug t's f.r: lrg:0 ?o t=ra€tst3.ia it ve
t r y t o e a l c e a i i e e p c r 3 u - : r e n ' fi c c : u o s b l : i , ' i ' ; a u c : f t h r l : pll!,cr'gpfy is o
irublle vrri.gerleet'-c'ir. c: thc lii8:t pg?t:lr 1! lc ?+;:t aec! trill rt 1o
.:.'1 su;;pr,ii tl,e &!scuc!19t1.' . sti't $lmll-f c
iel6om th.a{ o Ros:clu:tan tb-e rvnbola'
ahglt aee tat." iui-"" cf-c#iiirJiliti-iJl-iri.iitrsJ:-n
otH-qR l]CYt:JiliTs: Agert ft'cn Rorr:rk::s o! the l6th" Cetu:y, we h,r,va
;'s,-Tiffit-Trrlortaal -:J.\'ru:.trt - the ircich 9C5:C3'.jII z;lth a :zecrtlcd
pro6,f ol-iia cLi'.neiar;r:,-:i; rn ih: ?*,h. {? eent:slco,.bcf or-e.
ftoiinr-rlsi.- .-.Iii; lr.eJae"ari"rg or"{i.:s-io.ii3!:t-in. Tasnlr,,_5}w_ltzcrlan!
toA;t;'--'it, vr.g rc-ee'rdliiengd t r 1 i 2 o i , : f : a o r r r .s 3 h q e ' n i l l llbllTv
rnd it ls very inDor?ant f cr an cocuLt uvraneat to thl:! ll99t .**l+t'
oti"iinci t h c n w e f : c r d $ o n o = c D r o o r l zrEit
ir itg tstebilsha.eit'). 1 D t\lrope '
iie;;'-d; ;;.;-t-J;;-r925-';ri'irna t h l s n c ' Y e E e n t c o t a b l i a h e d '
Thcn wr turvr lflehael iv:rnoif o tLi last Srrat nngt:r 4 or 3
wt lur':eil1atel3
T o d o i t r h e l r w e 9 9 ^ a k o b o u ' t t h c R o o l - ' r u o l s n no?::ccnt' loPortant tubila'
thlnt oi rl=. acscclallons i r c n ^ r ' r e r 1 : a e r h c h ^ ? e;i;ot
atlon nndtruigr.rlgat,lon to ttte 1dea.'

Uc haz: t,h: fle1;rlcl, glrpllosc|. bc the t=ue ,t or 5 iLttcr'.st

(con?'d)...,, The Magic of Wisdom

trznsr! Gnrf,! . 3g!_l* rc;i'Dsg,lmlrrgi

,^c,tr,tRrltli l{IsslaEr - PEt'Ill sEcTi}t. tB st, ccnrrtora -felrcog
FROSICnLtI.I:| S:DRirS tIiIrEILEltr lOth.;lgsl?.-1qr2

fbcn vlc hcte the AI,I\C, Autlguo anlt ltatlo ordcr of iht Rooy Crosc.

It ls todlay tto noat'lnDortaat tccause of thc vul*srlattlca 9f

tbotr nor!, uut oocr. proplr qsk ne lf I thltk tho anore ls the truo'
RoalOruoian torohlcg. lfcll I ao not here to nake t Judgacat.
Brooklyn. g.s'A' ln 1915'
Soolcty for loychtc stucy rurd li ras founde€ b poprrlar'uaglo
by - vrrlggrte-
It lglg lt ryaa daclE:ed iverythcre-Uy-ttuto,
stlan of Bools.
Iast year bcfort a trlbrnal lu the Court ln t{ert York lt waa ssld
&clarcd, -Dubllgly
trh6! wh:n the l5ster K.F, trae lnei ln u.s,L. lE lgrr-hc the sotrrce.
iiiil itre Anoro l.{or=reat was tglsc e.ud cUt off f;oru
''fB.B_t'}"r9-.I wag
It la not qv }uslnesB to } lf, thc ],,^reterK..8. ' I
irss:er or not' Just glvo yat
,not present. o: to $tai? 11 he rs i rlaf lt for your
the dlfferent'ldei ii-il.-"o"ostat1ons torray and' leare f,

. r f u o p p o s e i e E c Y t r s l . a l l - t f i o u w h l c h - - o f - t h e - d l f'EEIn!;Lt
f c r e : r t - ' ! 9trJloRO'
- s 1 o ' r ubco$uac
uovctra-:t3-ls the n6=li#."n-Siilld'511r
G'16[i-Tr:iie le iro icir-G3cr
l n o g e o r o l x ' n . l s a t i t l g c l r c a o c a l r t n d labout-Rosleruolanlsn'
v l t t u s 1 l t - r . a r t d l a i g t a t.and
r- 1!'
of ql,.d - B€Te! ai' orssnf ostlou- ot*"iftfio the iirrs-o ane 9ro91.'
i'";iili . I h a ha;; 11o wltu
v e t s"-svtlilti-'io

rranc-e'itti-urt-itrrr cirlef of the Rosecrolx

hlgh deSrco of tni''ilou;;roti. tn the norld to6ay'
ln Tlbeto lut stfil- i o".nct'corc oi-tiiu-g-Roslctuclans +,rYo yefra a8oo
lotwlly thcre o"i-"ify-l--icceuge one dtoappesred'
'rcntght a ayobol of lhc
r hare pacsed r9F"'d s 11t"Ic-p1otu:e' flusicrucier noYeocnts
Rooe.and cross. I hsri girovn rt_io'oiiotll-ri:oi
t ' h e f i r s t a ; n b o l'lrapincac-aad
b u t t h c y & c p o ' t x t 3 " " i i o o t - i t ' . r ' i - r gr"itiipiii"-rtt 'theflrat 1f tlre:rc are
prcllolnary. fi-i.rl-i-irttic orte"tr aocortilnS
iral-f iilv ,ut,.g;ire^ne'-iii
sose real Iloslcruclcng !1 tbcrc8,lly ii"i"iio-rii,,o tncv-rou"t kaot the ftrgi;
to tbe key. Ii ?eople are
rynlo1 ! .
trOwI ofr.ell start ln recllty aftcr'th1s r'oto:lent!' llttl'c erposttlon ? o
nakc you rndcrstandl thc 61flererrt Rorloruclsn
'rrherc noet
are 15 ln rcsl1^'vlut ! lllrl"i1; 3.*t-a[",ifli.
lrportant tgdsy. aontt wsnt to Pleeolr :
ln thc
ycu rtc q12 hcre to sae thc Trutb vhat
Ilke I alwaYs tell yorl Erierstana real1:'
dtffcreit w&Ye. I shall try to $n}r:e
Roslcruolor fi€artsr

' (Contt0t"
"'' The Magic of Wisdom

Egg-L' .r ?_q!
f .0.,-U-!!,-g!Ei!-?,.
lqIlARIn[ ;'ISSICS . PiRTtI s4:IaR. rn or 1o ruc trin Seoro t !-!!!g!! c 0i-:( ! cn': 11l

Tbc Rodllruclan farahtnn ciar'tt

rtth thla Synbel, uheto 7on fl;3 ?!c
EosE an& t5o cncssr nro th6ro 15 tl:!
oontl'o of '"ha Crocs l8 tho..llocc..
You oee ln tbe oontrc tho
Olffcrent l=taic ot n Rodc.
Gs thc srtd.'l^o 0roel . thc fttr
-.if .ri:a9 xc 1bp.C.rcr
Fc ua0erstanl by thlr 5raghlo a
.llfht cn the teaohlng. aad,now i glrs
tou en crpl'anatlal.' lhe arall celr.tre

clrcle 1::.Sed oyrbollaee the oeltre
of the Ros€.
Iho acosr0. Rolt Girsic ls the
outrl{le of t}e fioso.
. The outct olrclo retrtor:ots tno
llsltcdt tillyerno le rrhlch the, iorc 1n,
' f h c r o $ a e ? a czr .thg ] Clrolea.
Ygu rclrenlet ln thc Zolaq YO'r TCD, YOD (5ely.Eolyr)oLll 7 tlneg
f,oly . thr? 1s thc ncug ei the nlflrc. The r4t9 cf the 9ltlne 1a rir.,ayr
ra?resentcd by the l c t t c r Y D D . , x lOs:,O. . t O + i o i r c l e c <+ IJ,.
Fo 6otr3er.ta:y..
wc hrve cxcl-'*f b5 - i h a : , u t l l d e o l r r l e , 10 ecniro oltolst.
(8 Tio).:? 2 ncg) l h s 2 8 e d glr-clee g-bgL1ae. thc ilogc hc:-ecl3., e:rd D l r D
!n-e..( 'roiridr
!h.e.,2 iro:..1dr - ,{Ae3ccosi:f
t{AePCCCSi:f d ldl,cRocosy.
irlCnocosx. the 8 r{hltc (y101et) olrcles
reptecent the I -\CurS it ttrc Chj:ese,, the 8 cc:s)lrrrtlons ii'csl Y!:lI fnd
You can sce lreneOlatcl;r hou the Chi.:rcse phlioeo;try 1l enbracc€ t.e ^ulc
Rcoloruelnr. ?he gicturc the'" l paase& arorsd iorlght Ls a oyrobol ci tle
) r 0I ' | !DE l c3 r € rgeG e an rl t h
Lra ca Cv . .h
r ; .1
= J:c: : s e rl E
e i 9^ uu- a: : r. .
- .:so'ln.thls cynlol wc leYc 12,',1nes ald 1o Clrclco. Rcaanber thr't
all the'dlf3-rrtnt ihtlocortles. hre boc:al an flg'r:'co e.nd n'l'nbelt. "C$D
AI.HLYSOgo]:lSALSiisd !a;s Pletc. 12 pl:.s 10.*-*t 23'-vhlo!r 1s ?qr:.t lr;oi-.''sat'
22 letterc. 2? Arclnes- - L::e eorBiete-EasterlnE. Ia:o a.nd IEil ar3 :Jnn'o:i.c
O l R o s i c r'c; rriieu,^ E e c b c n i i r o l t h e 3 l:rrcr c h aass s r aaeennllaagg i lbl iy l}ee?+--? 'r n bl ::'
uu;Ders ::rcbol. On +,he I )larrc.:o: : cf ihr (.'rcog ve flrrd a iicbrl:* I-ct::r
esp Egs 5 L'.tjI L'.i:I aynbollsln{i lL\lftait-Y! H.OSE:CF.3S5:
Thc ltose i'r lor .ilr.iili,nani, Ideal. Tfic-Crobs ts Eac:t31ec.

F:\ [

R . E S= R c e v r r c c t l n d .

lfu.'kf* .1,'l\ The Magic of Wisdom

4^ffi83r0R. rorel l8 st. Georcc'E To{..

'lCth._Jurre. LW
'n osI 9RU-c
I,t{ .-sF RiI s w v eItEoj'-(S ggt.' {t ) .
' lg-rc -havs .PnE.--,{a-1th-1
..R$ -;-Fes":t99!lg'-- KT:E -:-G3'*r'tJoa-'
nlho fower of thc ticeurriiiita Suppobt-f-ny ltorc'
ls lly Hope"
"fne loyir Of tne P.esur"ecil.on
rrrsaerro?ititi+;;F;rl{:g"+"lt"t*.1?y""t:'#*$" i,.o,r 1s oyhoper.
. Tbe lroee or_Resu$ecLIcr.r brlrss 'tiJcurg,s
us to.--th.e-!il.c'ql.T.-ql-tI3,tr.1n13uta.t!5t
iir ;;rir"-ui.i iroos*itoti'irrl-'oii-iu'tre or
trt"...qriillio"ii tlrts ;i;t;t'tr " n-ol,Lli.,3r.9l-t::.y
Roclorscranlgc are baseo 61 fi.?11"?"tttl'a
metsl tl.ilii'
r.-ron..b,Bee. r"ti,tt"ir'i'oi:l,,rtir+-!o-'s4;:1sit,i -i'lpr+-p''f'a-$r-(rron
pa5'ohlo .f gT?.q-'
.ql=. .?+. fflt. .to -
the rl b::enchee ln thle syubol of
go vo hrre algo tho 10 elrcies ani -.'o'irre
rqio 14. 1a rhe $vrbol ol
the pore ana croasl---r6|*--Ji;:-
tho tt'to YBg€Fr
Tbe Synbol ln thc faro of the !v-o..-!-!.tql-lc!9'
Svoruoa o:l the fiol]' Grnll'' ore vi€i5le , ono,
fu. .Stt"g* .c-f..I,1la -1 .J.pl11tr:al.,fl;:i.r --Aqg
_to iioslrq...!h-c. oth91 -1o..1:iv.!r
i{"iu'tie Errefl o^eiiga r'ic tijllcl};.rs. thg L7t.e,
ilu-fru,rin'rt'-:t1crr thst w; firt r'!:-:r thc Sr:n 1e
1l! sco:tlD. secrple i4-+ ;i3'r of trans-
n'etatl cr.
Th: Clrclc th*t we 1a tlre S;lbol :{ no
bogtrn!.:g. Do $16! s syrbcl shlch existod ln
rd;et ceill -thruss.iar-cl ycars afl. - T?..f" oaltec
g6.bonrl;. ttrr cv::'lrol cf th: *r.rl'!c tti.tiu; l.p-o.
lgll. L :tbec'dcthlcai ei"=tc! ;ilo. ,'Z'=t-i\'
Th,e.xu.rlrr lo is v.euw. ii..
lnpo=t*nt 'iE1')i
'leoeuee 1t b.rir:es rrs to th: E51tt.
'. a re?c?l-t1cc.
uc hare caly ? fli''-u:res. 10 te
thc ooil.blnatlgn c'f I r.udl zer"da 1rc, :ro be6{1n15'
' no saal. 1O 1s o;,Ly a s1-'rrrrol o! :xpleaglol' 'te
lceoy 1t neartr: riore tirs.n 1. b-at ve J:r rea!
nurerolcn' lt I,c l c:it :zcr.f .
r-!le I-J C1rcJ.r.srr=t th: j.i

Itlth the rt Srenshcg ua havc the lyn}ol of t..le a ll'e,"Lo. actlon
over the 4 elrtn:sts. Ydu .t1ox:va lutv.: /' ':l*E':nts 1n th:9od1r Just ea
we haya i .'itnc'ats ln the 0n1:'rrse..
(ielt-'' - lllili",",..
}fc4'].3-?Fl: - lerch. - 'iliei'e:ori
ir;nl;.it:i il*:; rlreath'
a, cllnlnll-{be.r:agter of theat) ona
sc heve to flght ai:olrsithese
'r!99:---f.-:;';;;- il'{'t'ur ourseires with ihe'E
at ttre oone t!.ne :-ril *:'irr '
rre oaR reclly..,.roii.'y$-; traill:.?. Srrc-e.gri.nst'etrciheir onG erer
iir;iilr"-bne'itvr &:rothe;. .^ --L---- r- ic{ra'!r-' -; Jojtl
?he 10 olrc:.;J";.;Ii.i."ro.. 6t:1c ?h.,1J.o :r;.hrrea !n istroicg
brrw ln-Iei;clery r: i:-rir.iO -dlfi'r';rt i'trjJuelers'
t h e E a r ? h q ; l u h l c h v c l t l c . t h e . . l - t l a a 1 1 1 o : : : . 1 l l g a c t s e l v t r g =t'grt'o - thc
thetr lnfluerot.' i ) c s ? c r l-- z L r l t n . . t i i " ; i ; g l l T:'rt-aoori:c
droFclo* of i)^.clt,ii"Ji . trl -1 . Il :' 10 r:r
e r l n c 1 ? r € Br r , ; o : r - o i i i i v l "' i U i - i o ' i p i i " . . " t - { i i - 5 c 2 h i r r t h ' - t h + t h1 e O w a 3 r so
the Senhlroth 4ocs act'" ! : a v d --c f'oconoc'ate'
1lv1'.,g. btJt a:Leo the iO wc.l'1. fO '"t "
: i .
l i
t t
l -
" i
- .
= f :
- r
* "
l :
t O
t ='h- - i i ' i i i 1 i r
; r
; e
1o sunbeln tt:t ve here and ttre 2? Lttt:tz of the Ei-?3llii
nre 1n::r.ilt; th* ir:-i- Ui-'JJil (i3i.Lll'if. Th:'algb 1g bgccd srr the

i}Ni; The Magic of Wisdom

Prcll 5 Tco.
f l!.; $, !;F};AT D(:Oi1!^rf,HLO9. ltl S'-. Gcorr:c-r-r
loj.m.Llrt ltls:::oil - PuPlll sECTOti

22 Lettors anc 10 nu.:''bors" Evc44id,ng trr Labbfl]eh ar ln ilclrery cnd Alrheco-rolry
tc bagcd on tho 22 lcttcrs end'l0 ;:u,tlors.

TtE.t-tE$jt.r.l{ ts o lto:hcF i2no.rolen a aacrnrJ-.lan,rr:De:o-ca}-tnlif*:t 3l!:"*!t---

ft hr; d l'riei vJ-ir:-'si.icn. s ::ct:I i:s'ir.ercc,
' !'" 1o n:t-.1:':c Ll= i:'1gl15h *tt.i3'tiq:
t'.hors ..r'6-C -u:r-u Jrrrl, ;i !l C" Sach.-Ictf,er ln Lhr.lLabbrilh lros,eir ccc.u,Ig ccns6,
eact. lclLcr,Ias throo acauirgr.

I. Tc:i,u:rl - l,h,: cr:Lual ioCtcr.

!. lllcrc.alrr:li: - e $]'&oi rnly"
3^ SFlboltc - th h1d€o:l !::aoln6 cf thn Trr?h.
'el:a aicc ttt lr flrcd lnporEani'
. lr-hrn r13 gpeak a'orrrl & b]:n3i::6 of. il'o C:uss, iL.a:aur
SLars 1r! lhc lielvcn, Lhcsc slals is thc oky v'hlch lusiio :l= /. cr.rJl'uol pclr,gs.
LLDiEIu-Ux {E;rcr"t'N ) Tattius
iiaol;A;-; (uto.rtr,i 6l- i t-"" i,i
Ati-frlAls (iior=i" cf -Y\ ) $crrplo :
rd+nurrrrr .'ilaucn o: fr ) flsclg'
In Dgi't'- tl}Jec St re :csrl: gha beginning o! tln.4 dlfr'ort'nt a:e5o33r
4 dlfr'eranl
Uo havr to tcl"o l,:lta ccrs-'.dc:a)lor t!'.at the C:o:ts ic thc ga-s: uo thl Crrlric St':no'
.tl a',r of .,:.r:..;:-J'-.;: s'\ip3c bf Lh" CLrirlc.ii-'o:r:. Icu rcic='b+i..i-
or-plc1! ic:,-cu rn ft;l::iss.Ji.*;-'afit irj-i.,rtrd utc,:?o !.rr !'$c Ei= hur€-1 tciali. U'nc aicno
tn: o;!rr hoi tc bs prllsi:s6 L ii;t1e bf llst!'o.
f i"grpoffairca'cr:t
.IJ.vr cr:to q'rJ qpc:r lt 9,.o Ls 3 cro.ta'
'{, ?L: l?
-: "
5it; It ls o ai,nbol of thc rtdec!.o-v:,; th*. lr :L'rc'"ln'rlg'
(-:.:*r..-{ It !r aito a tlt:ttut,'- o!- LII' r-c::?? L'oirtjri: liir
'only utnr tho ;i6r;:r'.4, bul c'r:: L;: =plrl{:r
!*---r Oy-*oilrllg tltc lr 3j.c:'^ili5.
L--i -G'.1C1fi.9 - tsa*h" Siil.-Jfi:ilrgr5 - !1ro
slir+s - ;1r" oliDLEiS iiaEcr.

tjc lzyo q,nboilszi lhcsa fr olc=c::igo The.v aro th,o 4 5rtr.1!.lfo7 17-^c3it:i]-:j. I""
ln ti:c p;.1'c1i.el. ,,': !:a',T gm'ro}ls:d tLggr:i-p:hctplco li'ii::jc ! Ui'-:'l r:'i-(ifr"
I: iacrnrL nr.:n j.:t r:n]:t:.' +-l--g.','
r1.: 6.:rir,(rj.!:,. tir::: ero tjl,T''.C.lr1iit?':j. An o1e:'lr.rit'i:'c
1r r sfltlli. a ici:: rto:rti !::*n< 5gc:t j.-: tl:,'r-'ln!tl;ot:id' iirLit':rl:::'-- :'1::i
l:Li:E,!t-^lit:.5--h: rbicss....: c.rtc4e 5 !,.i.rie. ?h: lpn:plrlts:jhlch ci.rEu;'i:ho
'.dbrctlons aJ shc -..o:'lj.

The & o1q:ac:rtr a:c also.trc i Sine!-pns nooded ln t{a31c"

b.LtliD- ilr, Sillll! - Flrc' P.iljlAai-5 - f,aretr. C{I! - 16gtt''

si"crd er-d"*c9t'-i$ rldeh la 5:r reclil! tlic

In ttrl T'zrc dar.6,l::o',\ 5:1.U |':';'-s ih: ',]:e
Cross^ in ghc lic:;o yiu lail [ho cy;,Lcl oi 5it:i:ol €'r'c tlt'J ttlp"
'"t3:. xo l'.:'trc oaln
J calt yoie +ttcn':1cn to sc::c'"hing ciorl. The cr;iirci yi
l.'ir-rIi..:hc!, ii t,ls nu,rb.Ji or'lhc playt-3 cr'ri:l
tr tha
dortr"cd "lj-"U": "i-irc-io-ilrcl"i-onri."ire
bi'ro iro;: ihl Tarc C:rdg"'
.Juttnl -I llrJght a:'*l -v.r.avc-(dn*
fn tiio Taro 0artg *t haw :..h8, ":':4")
t$d than ihs lf, tt,"loti. fir" lrurf:oi'lL lc aFC 4 rt:l:lr Tho-!'uat':ris
yc, of lrr Lg 5. 5 ls bhe InlLi.iclc t!:j::ier. "c.-5'

'rou Ficrrsonry ! dros lrcur agiant!'on to tht nrpr-pr 5

ra:l€5ruor ..r1ro !l l"cn
er bclng tirc Dlylyro n*!"".-- i:," Xta"i 1:. l{ iygtolirca b7 the $1'.r1 vl'?h th:
L ':'..
'. t,i

(ss.:01:uP..fJ To FoL:,O?r)

".:i!:.\: The Magic of Wisdom

'../ )

uil?ms.Atr snntT ERcT;riliii9:)D Pnf t-2. l8 St. Gcorsrrr Tce-

r. 5ffi l u e s d n y , 1 0 _ ! h . . ; a n d ,- ! i ?
lill_.3 It F.2r sJ:. jj'-Eli,l:Dl"- -(gce! -'g?. .
., bg s r.qBu.c-

You recenber aleo L-r tho Freemasonry leot' I shorved,3c'J wh=l

rcer of-
a 6 1 8 t 1 0 w e g o i a t o i o l o f ) 6 O - t h e ] i ' O - d e r :"hrt
r c s g u r r c L 2 , -.So
iUe drrcf s, thc circle ls :radc-bv.the jso, of all .^,be n::-:br:s
of -f -C o"n gnd.I iu! .'jhe -n
fios-l-- 15 r'rfpn tha oxccptloh J.bocauoe
l.9.-tlre F.93e. of. the. C1o1s.'
the ree.l l{aD - Jcsus of}. - tltt Chrls?'
' tlts --o ij:a gct:le lrY:s'r-us'g:r
If nc'stnrt
nc'stlrt l.u thc
l.u beglcnlnr o{
thc bcglcnln: of the
e p t s --
A d uots thcrc ere ol cor::si n )'cb L;;-oG;i "'g9-i9-3L"g::-l?i:":"lli"
+'*""*Fif:ll{1f*11*:11:: ;nl*t
=*i ii' to vi:l6e'r1et th
is3;J;." i:#tltiiliiu3"3o'fii;"ixl
1s sald to sonc scr:rct
It tllt,|ro^Ial*l*-t
^r,be0!s1c;. -
i"-to" io:n 5 L5e Yicr l5-r't rYr'-a'
l;rcsrasui6n cf
T s
l':i;!" fi ; "lni I i",, a .,i :l :; :: : ;",
-' :t^:=::-icrpi:-";
;- : 1;:# -;; "rTi "
*'" ; fi a; ; ; "
; ":';
;q: ti -^ e- o=o*'t: : :*=" i:i.;; -i*ii; I i' ?I ?"11
:t l.,"
r i., i,
It:tilJ^ rrtbb
h tit or ih;- cruri :'irl.ciiI oi
rhe crus::'i:r1c:r'
"i'i.I' -i!1,; " -" t-t["" H,:*
9f. i'-i:':]:1" i " .b"
?[l *.1
tll1i3h ec Ti
n 1 I
3 ?1"
i : i a ] ll;"l';;:;'il
n i ' n r - ' r s E '
r 4 s r e r
; - ; ;
-:'-=::-- . r r + ,r:;l
b c - c: : . - p l e;:;_I: e n
c -=5r
n e . ,slirn':c,krli""oor3";:::l
; ; - r i - " i i i cr
i,ffiil11:;i"!:'i;diiir.iiii r;sci;r.I!!e^I1191.t"i.:L-- -i*t i"l.'.t_t
r'e !ii i ;,1
^ - :;c"1r9 e .ap "u:*;r-isrjj<ji'i"---lJ-ii3::?c^
e'1 "-i:{,jlisT;
h he icc e r'cic
dcgr-qq-rP i
;i; led'io.ih"tcthe v;'

. ttr-r'tAp.ortclrlue'ire'relledts F?t' 1o"11'?j;?i55"i3'
L v:e:- 9t1il
c:rd.Illnduaien. i'= i'Tods;
t1l et ili i :ecord'e of'-'i'cl.lf:1:L:.-tli.; :.:
rilnj '-Tl
: - l i iIt !'o".3f =li: ther: ;
i o r " ) :i1i l.
t1}et ' c r -s - , ll o't;
? c:11;1 ;''e
-ricorcs s e r ? . ", ol-
i'i'3i;.t;il'=;! ' in. a
irii'' itresf ' it;r;.::A-:.;5a-i:.i:e
near t:-:c
:11:t: P.r:
s?:t :to: tc )tr:on .thrt
I c e u s'iioi"t.[-l---u-.u'u
r c c o r d s o ! .ilii,.. of iie: i91 9l-.i'.-i?::::1""
:ee:: !3g. !er:
flbct- tt : t c o r c '
r ;i: ':,e ?r !a:tee n I h:v:
nhcre'Christ i ' J F - gl l u l i r c s c c r o -:.f-{:l.T'. +^1":::
t:;'i -*'J :: .:',,.
1a so - ^ii
: Juit er;i'-jiii-t'!ii :or
"ili"i-l'l':lileilti .;'-9ur !i ),?1.";,:,.::;:";,:
1 t o rr E o i '' rti . 1 s . 4.-ilie
L 9:d r-i.:i--o"
jetr:J ci iie'zg]e::: :rsc
;''5L s
n s
r Eecre?
" t i ' t r e i g tthcr ::-"
f l 2 a : r o ,;c.i;-:;;:' ' l E . L v r r -' I t*ll' wss.dr:ita3 hcre :catsr
-REo o u".-{e3t5. i ":"::,):
A [c- =-c:,e- :etc:cs.he ';e's !r !-i]c'-' , ) c ; . Il : i i s . Chlns,
' he :'rot'e o:1: o::e-bcol< eriitl:d
P.e'o::::el1r'ito ie:3icr1ue. !:e nIr-'-'i 1g
qrgpllifiii]; iril:on.."r."" "?hc'!lisl":t-:''-;:e:tt b:.- fhc lbv"'
1 i t b 1 ' r b e d a : r . ! ! 1 e - } c ' 3 t l g - : -'.ici'
' ; : 1 ' 3 i a : h C l e * l t c f s;-'l;1
;ot 'ul ;ras t vvou
' ' l h t rr:rcae
e e : elit-*11t^:a'
! nr t h l rs i o o k i 2 c h n ii.iI. Dtiic, E n i J t;;-il;t;;'-
vo" tioit"t o u c a d J=1H" -13:i'^:*!
ii:.ri,"orrir., a 5:rrr sa6e. rach chs?t::
ii ,;:;""i'rr't-si-.";
ttca!:g so:eth1r:4.

'I reicr J " r u to

' ' e r c l - Y'-'rr e , s -nlEs'Ci?iD Gg-i'ir,3-l
u u thg . a b o c l : o i 1 3 c l r a : i e : s ,i
Each oi.qnier has c- lrpe:3.:1^'-rc:riie; - *riiit
j i t t Ii ' il ,t---"- ti ^i t. .i +u-=- ag r rr\cd.-r-
rJ1]39c:r i sS
a svtrv ao.l:- "-P:.:::'
^- {+ -n--o*!
i?il";l;i=',ii"i"lt"r lii "' 1! "4 *lt'';tere ; . :l
1s iouci,hl=Enuc:' c:epr=
iiiti'.I"it;;il"i;6-;-'pteor:;o.ttio, b'ri
ioi tUos" vho hare tl:e c:nprei:cns1c'n'
5 o r , ; 1 t h A . r - r O l l s r l r r E ; t t i l U : ' : e t t r c : ! " t h e s : l ' . 2 c ' b a n t l ' f s s ftli:h
e a f s A ihc
l? i''"' '
asr,tris tl-^tt yr: r,''-Il- t::c sltnocl-i') it:tu:s'
ii-:iii1J-" 1i";' e'li-l::: i-a:i1it'59L:l:': iil=;;,,'t
the i? ej,,ans' ui,L
Sisrtiti'i']",'"Lr rlo.i-irr iii'"Iii."I$;-;i"'-;iF-gl:::.'.iti:;,1
i;;;-iiti:rr.-iE i ' j s l r : r s rir.-
r c oi"
lh 1z' eilhcree cj. ir-f I':rnce' 11;
r fi^;rti. - tX'"';;;";!il; ti. J-liji 1i, i :*J: i.o-.: i -\y ;rh1 c h i ir:
tii'lii i ; " ru ir: fof: " C'! t:a; "o
l.rltau I i# .;;;
- - - - 1:16
irci; ti"-i"r:
il; a;;er r - . ?iisr i.,
nr- +
rs- n t!:l:
"^-i"iiii ::. : :.:it e:?lL:'
-il: ;;d;;Edtrcn flle' ;i i : F -: :F : 9 , 1 l
:cr-_trrs i2
':o conc !$cl- !:r a.9:t:
iillt-"ri-ltoii : L - . - - - * - - { - i t - . {'"rl,ui,l
n .ech lif e f; *'
l:S":i,rii lSill;,=o'!i'ty'o'.T"ir;=i i c i t : c e . s s 1 : r1i1;
t l r c iii.;
b1=rhia;.,:3 rrn ''"-""ii"tt,li;: ':
aB ,3Fr;cr i'.ii-clili.:-:il:,-: i;i*:oi"g.iii,;T:; l;
' * ' ' i l - : u n-*d: 5e
iii"inr.,. i'rc-":f".ry:.I:^^in - . r ioith"
a ' r r :o rarrh. or).ya
f;i^l;:";;r..tii'"i"ir";;='t !:rlrrc'rcc' 'r:c
'l;r:e. qnn bc
theory bui tt (Cor.t'cl....-'. The Magic of Wisdom


TYTfiSAf,CRFAT BIIJT]INIIIC]X. =?rt_2. 18 St" Oeo:f,eta
.iGtIARI,ritils3J.tri - .prsTit s.T?Jt &.es-3'. i

lF,os1eruslnn gcgrets-lFvetled't (Contr{tl. !gep{ny,-!?tht. J-t:-c' q,?

' r l ' 'dha!
ls posslbte also ls tlei rye can po throu5h the_.12--czo1utlcg1s,
of .the .!o.{19c}!ff.:_-Tll.9,lf..!....tgs{..
to sRre ourgelYcr fron thc Ecdlacal lnftur*rcr. t o b o Y - T D- l : l l : t l
t.o be.lroster ol the bod;r s16 nlrilo lt iiscns thr.t we donrt reoel.r*'3i1lf
'. id o r c t h e p : e < t l s p o s i t l o n 9 f t h c S t d r s e E , d w e n n l e o ur orm llfr', It :.:kes
tittf. ilfforcnce, rt neana i,e no 1cn6cr ii';e - rc ex1eb. I'" naiss
f;"fiy a b16 dlff errncc. ic lcri 6s \fc iyc p:lrllslogetl to ba ln. .!l'-ls
'tlt:ll"- :ccel.;e th; of .the
;[;-: rr.:,usfl:I. ".rt .lust ltreclsrcsltlcn
i"iio*c. of lhe Zoilao s . n d l t : 3 6 v "f a n . l t v l n g n " 5 u t ^ t h c - c s f Yo$=*,.
fror'r thls iis'yn, thcn you b:th..t-o.exlsE - Di"ta-t
i . g q q p . qf r o u t h l e ' I i 4 " " .
' c-t
( &ef er t o. .tlq r es I o;r-(*r.i:.i -d,-.i llrr.p-Ir-} ?J-z-slttil
II;,uSJti; tr - lhe iiss.t_er_.[qgg)r ) .
' 1lfc,
ilhen you ar? ln BifilVA lhn r::el e:lstenc;. thcn you for5rt.thc
thope 1n :esi3=rctls:1 ulth orer-t1zc loyrerr' n f ; t c ?over
Th':t ls reiily
of the ltesuirictlon suTpcrts a;r hope't sa;r the liosicruolanso

The 12 S1fl.3 of the.Zoi.lec.arc nlso svnbcllsei ln.tha. i? rcrls d!

II N[sCttE. l l a y b e . i t v r n e g n ? . r , r 1 ; { b : n o t i I d c n ' 1 . . 1 : ' . c r ' r .- l u t t h e : e s . : e
12 rvdrks from llercule, 12 r';n;/s, Jn gone Boslcruclan ASgOcl-u'.tons il:fe
: orc.l? dcgreee also."
"- The &olut1cfl accoldtn6 to th: lnitlatlon ol Apollcrnlus ls 61r:n
by a"Tery n l . o c s y r r ' o o l - t h r : 1 2 s ; : c i e ] 1 c h o u r s or irc'.tscg, anil for er:h
housi he 6lvas rt nane of t genlus.
PA.PUS(tjedtcrnc). SI:i.iU;K (Jud5e). .'(Ta11sr,ns
Fiq.7-tJ-'-/'iti e:rctancyi
Z.A!ID.I iscananl) IEIGLJT (Slov;) IIZ:{-'!I )
I t A Y J l : . . ( O e n t oc f O l g n l i ) r ) ' . . :''cic'

. Sone oi the iioslcruclans l':s'"e taken 'th? !!84cs2 and rn.rbe s c - : d f

yo[ tcrrcri'-hc ftrsi o : 1e e 1 t 1 s ? t t ? u s " 9 o y o u e e c I a E n o t a !'.og1:ruc:-r:.s.
hpus'is o n l Y o n e o f n Y d l s c 1 1 ] : ! s .
' o f t h e R o s t c r u i l e ' n s $ T e a e c c r d l n S t o ' t h e cvol:'ulcr. of
Thi ir.noci olr l^ss r.
thc'12 hcuses..,.;acfr-c'nr: h''s. rr so'cinl. "olit jl?.!:-:-!1:l i.; th:.. lri;'
ii'lriii'itr.e-oi c.o*auc.t. Iherr nust be 1? !:os1cr'..:r16ns
;:";-;;;t;-ti"-}.ii' a. T e s , i 2 s c s l c r u c l n n s , 3 ' 2! r ' 1 ' b e s o t ' i g r r . ; L ,
Coioitio".""z Thele nusi be ihere"
' Tlls:en res
I'dioirld lt!:e you to rnad sonethtng alouf. Apcllcrlus.
I ?C:li-FfCR!'
A iI n
t l ll-i' ll a
a ; t9'6c . tIrff il rr:: irtl: s! 5 Ial ooLt fa. . rI ce3 lr n
r ec
4 ;f..: T
r . t: l n :il- 9
u .lrt o+f tLhi res ..vC
u ' . ^i . r i -' -"' i: -' -
" .-:r '-

:nl i-..i*r icl "ett S a g e , . I : ! o n r t - r : ' t c : :{'i ' : ' r 9 u h a z c r : a C . o i - t h : - } l ^ : : - F 9 . c . : : - : :

u " ""-c-'iti. -^
iiie .. Hi' ciituru:d ercrvbcdl' ;I eo'ur$e e:t.d: he,trib5l , I-T'-t: tl----2
I i i o gi i; Il=' i . r 1I l l;' I,i i' i r| i i?.Lrr .r{ ,h e
OQlf ltrn
l c l 'r . l r' e
'r; u' ? J3J s ' a i te ra r4i(i1 ^ t' { rv e JJ uu s" iu d i b a ; p e s r e d .e i d - r e n ; ; t a r z r
.ai ',rtlr
, G L i ' a t + 1 , t:fore U:.l"UIE thc'ir1b'.r-ral-^
Lllc 'llfs+ro:,r
'iscJ let
5 L hlo gl'i:
--':' ilYe his ilie 1'-'
ir'"a'cur-'btr.t nobody broirs *irare and vthen ht dled'

rt was ilrollcnlug'who rl!.<l. 'r.\ny-nnn uho-nantR to be ny il1s:lpir

stuitt oii.p''ir.'ir'.-?l*ial--n*s'i'Ii1 ilu-ctner'r i?:,?h-ill,t'l1i:.:"i'..:10
'']:f s
;fi;; ;;";li i"t"oi"'ii*;;; iT;"[-it tl y't'':ii. -I: :Hlr-I:3i:.:'='
u,outfl ttpii riot eat of '.he flesh of nn nrin-"'ir
l f h e - s t l " l l h n 3' g scil.! atiac.-.:1.:r. :
i - l K A . . . . e

oS i:rt ?rgili'
- - - ) , n "nr" rervi.ulcr:r/
cnd in tls ooctrf".
fo: ll.'iirl"i'l#l
tE? )'i1e i nari 5;";'it;'"ii'i':"i*
r . - r ^ - ii
orJ. rru--sri-*e'tJ
I : - lii;;'i';c!'
r$ ^.., { f q6nr a r: re ri teAa cC; r: r li r :' '! ?!
;;:'" of thlc Il'ir'.
.{it.-:fi""rott -d:l:t,:1:t;t-it,,"t
4.,'..-v.r^:..'-r- i"i-""-i."c''-to-5e rv ovrndisciplc"-
!T,E-r,-.rilc-lliql4l9: jrnothe--lioslsruqlcn I":
ii.di. srtY,'||ffi;iy ":;;;i;: :;.;:';;;;;
"'!'i;;t'ii=l ucre osh-r'Hoeic:ilcr':i:-::l;'?
.i3iliit."'r."l.iti"llJ" ;;i;-;.'';'l'i-i"-:,:LT:.'";t:::'':'
h::'r' 'Li'i:': n
iH;l';;l ;"|;i;i'Ili',,-..,1.':;.i l;";'iii-"-i'it'-o;;' ;a1u7
icert'clu'." The Magic of Wisdom



?nrt 2. ![St= Gg-tr{rrrE Te;'

. 93

: H'=iii:
of '?Fiv - H1g

l:i.3l"'r:ri"T," rr r#;
-^{-+{id{ i?t o9eclnl'

i:.;F;;; . L::'il"tiil:il',t::l iil:i*liil'

i.;';;.-- toJn a nslr thore 11.t.:*: tlldl:'^li:ni'::i'
i"i^io-iEn. tact :'cBr'
cll the xsoenlc'"i"iof"
Thsre 1s Br
irii' iosroruclnn loblcrqs' ":"iq"llni:;"
J ?i1:*" tl'.t+.3Yil,18}
ix{::tl"ifi ;";
err- h"
rav 1? 13 l;Ilt
- l{a
----j-a{ 1 .f i
g O
v -n-? :- -
na.t' Lcr.r . I

,r to ta].k
I dqntt nant talk"tflIht
nr athcf
to:1sht obout lacorr'-Toltr;"
: -'+;;.
1nf or$atlon E'bou"'

:* ::l:.*i.l*ii.* "1,iill,f l":,1:i#'J

"l 1:"
li:, Hi.i[;llt| *1"'t
"Ili fi i'il: :*f*i"ilillT:";:i:*::"
1n a Roslolutle;r io'"""iit:""'
u"pti:'fiiv'utoot occtrltlsn'

' Il f;:. ll :l'


iii:"' ::^{';t
*;lll:'ii I*
trvrnr':hrs todS:l artl"'!hl3r are

:#p. n#ffi Jirr"-elalns

l tl:li: ti'i"-tii.-').erchi:rfl rion frbet' llc i:nol{
fr"n iztD.r nno ,i.
t h s t t o v ? t ""o ti i ..i".
'i ti " i " - = i -i 'l' "' ;; ;i ; r oi- ir
'n " p"opr e' todnv.' ' Te
cou".:-'iu" ol.nt|. F.e-ai. _-11.'.n''.'
the occret"-oi tr,, i"'J'--i'o- *oq''""'rnr
}!cr .;il;;;;i";;i i:oo
rransporr ycurs e.t!a.u"91':.106 ili?]l lliSlltn :ilfii:ttf-1,
rtrinll"' betttr:euSnerlca- "L:,' "]ir" l*ev
l:' -
" IJ :
}I F "ln'
pEs slili f :t t:;* i;i::.;itit'ti.'Hlr;loxn;'o
"" ;;:";::;:':,T;;;ec:;; ;..
e:. rio:' : ;'iTll
;,,: iir:.,:.l:.t """"'
sotwodit'f :r,oi'i'" "1" =trurt ii:"T'lt],:lt";ii; . :gl sli;i!'ft,.u oro
"; f t
tli: .I.ili I: H";'lF
":ifi o
i'r nI;l;:
:i:# rl"iri.h:i p,x;l':ii',fi
ii;f,lii:iii, ilj', "
1'" r":r ;':.u
onIY but'
-sll€ rrt

i :
ii*{l;j ft*ffi-il'
lilirarng to the Ft:c3l:=EL's
r- -L^r, tha Rc.nal:saildlr
antl go

" "- :': i : ; l:'{

a"*,tlol,li.l'iilll i *;-' I i "I ":
'lt ilaIlttt"o
ttre :ione
.rrescc c.esorly'ri=^ilrt"lltlh
It."tli8:rtil"iii*lt:"''*"" (Ccn'i'0)" "'"' The Magic of Wisdom


lart 2 18 st. GrorsJs 1'c"
trtrviRstt c.Rlt\! !8oTilfilIJJD.
tCilf!,.ffit"t.t,. il't.
rinvrl]'?in I'$estlav' lO"h'-Jun LJ:8
(Cgnt'dt )'
O';rtanel: '
tie hsse forrndl ln Arssrlel l k y p t - r iel lxaa; c; 3t l.y. t h e s s m ' a s 1 n ^ ' h r r i E - ' ? 1 ' r '
t ' h : n ? . s t e ' p r '
south Lncricn. 3ho.eon$lrnci1o".ff
l ? S 1 6 r '-s. l,c' a{ ,i n- t-hr e, 1, - Z o G l n c ' ? hpr r r?r L L e ' L '
I d:'aw your nttc:rtlcn. to thr h.av^ th:
and. tt c ) rcpir.s,..rliiri,a'^in."ir"ry-ttrnity,- Plrto 1u hls book
gr+ryrherr lrc tlud ihi snn'
;ii:'iLlli5" vrltrs.. of Atlnntls' "ut"o"'l'id"iitt'--"---

: i o y o u g e | : l . h : v e" it'h" te g l n c . l r r r : n c i ^ o f l n l ti tl fnl tt rl t, nounel r r t h coef ent w a psli;!r:*e" 1s 1 : r c 3 i r ' 3 c i '

tlrEn and Scnetlc. -.-,ott tn:,;i'ii-t'
i o - I n i * t - t h t t t r l o n o i : t h F t i t ''r' 'rJi t 'ZL:c' c" t :
ls tlne
A r y a n c n C S c r ' . I : ; 1 ' J ,t " i ' t nna l:Ji'"io t ' i r t L l r l 0 r r ' 3':"r
t tr"a" tn"c; 1h .t s . * c . o - - s r " t i t o . = r r s i
b "-ijtt
i : h + ' , r o r r t r . t o c r + 1 re r e - 1 n - . " r
lloslcr::gleJ_brn:rches r.n
,;". ;r;", v , ' : i e t : r l r + , h e f ,n r e i r c n i l b e ?
r c a L l i y c . r I , c n c r " " - , i - o i - r r ' r . a t ' 1 ' r r ri."ili"Ari""jc"ocraiions
orzini! t;r th? rYcrI'
1i:cr.r 3r.'ii [jt'i".iot
tsitI1"1"r..;l ail ili lt;li. i l,fl"".;;'ii:'l;:lli.:'
nozrmrnr ;"* un".ii"f l;;";hn_f ' u ci-...lrrlne'
i i t r o " i r t o oi--:i"iu=
t (ru:i1c1nr'l. 'rh.c7: rar':
ncl cn' o=' thns." a335ciltl:ns 1:r
blolcgy, .:u'.:fir.rni-c-til' ttschlng to th' wc'rld
thc rcal Hostgrurranob1i. each;!vci a raalli'6ocd
Itou. ot'ic nore l'liiie 11'-i':
In oyethcsts r vroul.j. J:ist, 111:r to ult' 1 n t h e - i r c : I C . - The::
conoc-rln.1 tn, optio"-ir.,.a"t"ao1 onc ' C:r -'he ?i'::h
R o s l i r r . r c i c n o o t * t i t l J ' - * i r l"' - 'ci 'rhn.r.t'l."t ;r'rtri ,' ilI.'.t.'i'ul i", J, -";ii-i t-:vt o . { n l n t ' r r i - - t ' r n
ott' r I1 I: :ilT-=
b? f,l"€n ty calv-ca;; t ' f r ' : t ' i i o * t " l ' 1 4 t a ' . 4 ; ' ; r : r : ' d" re r'o: i:::'3
vou ci,n i:es! 1! ror :;orl:'g-'1i' lt ttt lor yi': ''t'-n--
i 6 1 1 ; rq, c r d r - . . -g
, he !s; a r z e s - b ; ; ' i i i ; t t i t l ' e € s r d . i a r ' c ' ' '.
i1!i tl',. .pc:funa she ;
o{f-e1s.;.- ..:..
''.: ! 'r
The lioglcluclsa Pc;l':l:e ' .

ll."'iii r1'#::- ..-.:' ' ' l+e'

brt 1f '-You Y; .

Yac. You ?rnnt to be tht .

lic:r': -r.sth: si:l:ll-,, --:"*-i'-it"''-;'j'tr'--T-'}::
sosc. T!:.:,tLr,\.? -1?:'11:'1
Of 1c.rc. .ri_ c"i '.,r,':.t
i **.-.----i-:,1...
Iirl'iil shiret.- l't-tl^lu-:11 'I
'i' '. '.i:'

Siiitiurri no3
i,:'tr',-J':eis th! 3i^:"t1-
;il1;i ie"n' oi lir':- ,'l'.' " i'.
^.-, ^--^ ':''l
..1 V
l;;;;-";;'ii'-bY thir'!, tinrin;'-
itnnd i'e car anot"t's
we:e m hlg ::i'
fihere itrc ilnllr
hrnds - rj:rcTe .o"i uiiit oili:'
i;i;;e oto"-cut., cnch llrcP nndc
;-;;;=;' Ye-t ihere ls. t!rr'
tios3 ox th. Crcse
ilotrl:l:ii'":nin?"i,3; .A. ,;iiii -i
Tou vrnnt to bs Glrr'lrt,
S o n c f . ' . ' n : r . i. n l i i s z e '
Snell thr .e.oget.J,.'tre-
;nemhrrl yo'!i dGn rt h:tvc


\\ tt-r:
It The Magic of Wisdom

18 3t. Oeorzr'! ?:e.

rrRealC:.tiCinn Saeratg thvrll"rl

,r (Conjt!!.
I. tnc g$r L-L!E-I9!t-l-:'5 2.

trrn' na'ltj:rq' hla Last'houf on

only thr l{ose. .iihen 'trous ot:Jaz'rt'th
lt. rt,t tli'. a- iiro-st'ord tnrue;c '-1.:;..I*:: .5''lr:
Ore zlslttk'
f,rrc -In"'1glble '
a zourrrl
f,r 'inrtriil':liceli#,
treelvert " .311e! I dl:rr.wy3u; -i\ tter'.tlon.' tc the s?rord9 '
id"";;;;tt-'G.':'r--: irtl' {leargq rnat!'nt'qs i:rPu
ft 1o
flrlt.lnrs t:c!q3.
alrovl thr 6tu'Lst ihrre !3 th^ Dore'r'et'fcrrr1 lcacc',1n i.le
fn thc- ' ' -ii
Tlilnrle bui telor* reach th1's
t=:' tli li . !i<rn t:'
sn''rtr' cr' '
;t;t; tre l*rts to bc i-r'ltirtr'
In these pyrcnl.ds ?h:.t i hnlc clokan aborr-'" th:ge arc not atlrr the
b-';,1.the;{ 6l'c t:i' ir;-r:anrds ln Ycilrs-:Ii.'
nvrinrig-in. *r-ni-:aFd l'lrxlcc .fn q e{ *: q
i;;;-ih; rligt- cbi"iicP - ;'Git;aP"\ /'+
to. the to? - s+:-1\,1!t''P19:"rrr'
- - - Eel-cc the rcir'r Fl'?$nld"'
1': --- . ..

Te.ePle' of G.od
It. ar.t tl:r
I l e . q r c th9 . C.';b1c . sloI.!: .ri.q .StSt
po11sh the.;ij*..93-9.'
s;rriI tir:-'lo-5e r'n'il. 1? ee:rea c:?
Ii ?lcnan'i:te BIa n&le curgo.Lvee
--lli-ti;;. 'rnr iro:rr ." ;he 33nboi-of
,,;Jc- _" iiuli":-l:""'"j. -bic'cl. -rq'
itjit .J;:.iIltuJr czr!: thr
tl'ot 1e tht resl ,',l1gs1:r 9i the iicslc;Ec1$l '
.+;'; ..:.. '. .

?ErC; !: 'rirSII .YilU

11referonce io the 'lhlrl tnitlaiion D:tl';.1:rfi, (pa.ssed erotrud). but noi

Thig 'fi.rc'icr lrrspiratlc:l -nd s{:ucll'. for sor-^1etines, j.r ttpc:i
a n o b j
aii-oljdctlo c i , e.
r:'ncie reLa': of ii*r'c:i.rr.tice
iirr'c:iLtice ir,
ir' g.icnei-nIi,
C.lcnei u1i, c-Iirl
c:ltl thoul--"s
thoul--"s iis;r
l n . ..'Ii
in. " I i is i s si;'dlal. io -".hSur:e U::e ci +,L"
Ci +,La in.'i'i-i:et-'r'i-i:et- r.-sna,
1s r. snal-I
nilnLlion,-en,3:az*rd, ir clr:?ecte:r ?x(! :':ii:l';o:.J- I';.1c plccer-u-'icz-l!ei:ed'
jll tirc hnils ijf ti:s cl.e j-n. !h:s hc s'"uC-re.r in .'iecl1^'o.1;ion a;ri r,o::.'uc::pla-'
'irui;l:s. sta,-rd l;rca-lai in iil:. It' i,s t' ilrat t!:e
iioa-, uni,il {.reali
'rr'.rt5:-: arc rcvealci, ii ia tirus t'hru ihe lrrcBf Li-fc 1a ngaki:r4 1s
is sought an{. found.
ThO lha'.-..L:rgrcfcrred to above; 1s r.oneiftres Sasseil-e.:.':ong a ST?uI, of
is-.. i',a.Egtrolrl.. ^- 1. Tho-':o 1:!lo a:e :';qc.yr-::,n;r. rec.d'.a=4 3;s':er
tlrnt iis:s,ecd. 'thc5c'tri-c Cal arl not Teilc]', ;et nc-!:]-i;q t'+i-the-p1.:ture-l'1F
gslf . ?hC ccpten.B o! oL: o:il: ..:i,nris il; the ;:ey :jlat r7i-al trsrocl: or J9{Ive
Iocl:od -,h,3 c.oor. iay those r',to crllir readl

.t The Magic of Wisdom

--;i'.',.:i;'-i'.-;' .
. L.f: Wcrtn
1 . . , '' , '''-.f .- -r ^1t.-ovt 6o r y d ) , j f t o u l t
,' ., . ,
. . .o b i D o s a r o a 6e
s w v r e lh u t

., cnn crPra6s ora6

.,,:-,tradltlon nherc pg llavG to lcllc'w so;dctblng €,sscllfs '' -
, l j . - , i t o 4 9 ro o o o y o r r n - f c e l l n g e b o u t r u c l c . _, .
. : J a
. , .

'': - .

.,i, ii-'.:;"-.'.".
1:''"-r'. .Thc sOot
.ThC sos
:' j' .. ,. 'j::' : ' t o 6 t v o t c o l c f l g
-'' ''::. . tho cr',lst10 .?otn
xant to rcvcit thc
i ..:. bg." t\.*j_I.fyr!t
". "1 ilSuar-u rs'i.lnr:r.:at
-- -- ._ .- J-

. . -.. grC16f.1g hroiherF:

f'-. : .. ^
l ' ; - ' . : 1 1 o 1 r , at n d h o u s i A t o r i ) a l d i o o l t ' o $ . : r L a } c ' o t . t n a c c y .
r ' ''i':"
1.t'.:vorcc syurbcltgce Jaurrrtlrra'- . - ".
'' ' , ' 1 , 1 . .' i: l
;-. . t.r'. ,- i lilt't" ,'c !cr;6' vntlr qu';I1'res r,3T?n:s
- , i " : . . - : ' ' , i . . : . + '. " ; : I r,i ts'pe drdch:rp;e.ef frrl't;
,,=.1:t:r{.',i ttt ,[ :.
;i :,[.^i..,u:.;;::;;,;"r n-'.,;o"

uo', io,. e'fori ociacniu igte'.t'.

, ' l".'i--::-:=:-l-;-_
..-. !,..:;:,tt'. fl
ttrro .f|.tcs: ..-c on ' -o : e
u .-_r
.. .,|jr oui'tl.ifrIi-"rrr.' ' i l__-t_,,
o w l v- " -:;
ui , c d
: ll. Dloolpcte5 ile dltkne$s-.
: i l . - ; ; 1 1 ' , " ', ..' : .

il,;;i+:i :r", , ' i " '..:I u*.':- ll;n.": ,' -

j i : , ' ' : . : : . . , . =j . - . . - . ' q i , = ' t' , t f ng }.:n ac en6
-::.'fi.!!arturr .'li
'.;:'"; . . .'1' ." ,; :" i' '. -, '1' ,i .' - '1. " t . . rf !v' i' e p ?rri!
.'' a' .'n:.. rI tr r :' !qo' '{r tcs . e 'r' -st
G i "f i l l g
'-. . -r'' J
: : . ' , : : : ; . ; : . " "' . ? o f o o l
a ..
ttrors thrt fLcrinfi a?' c' ='-2,
'':.t " -rr ^.
.r.' : ?+d' l:-*19."-in
;^.f -^-ila^- r.-\q. lXq| rrm ? anq.:aa1 1-r-r
r-Gl.ilC!1 1 ? C.'fr-.ce

i,;"t '.-'- t t r e l i c w a 6 ( r Q t l r s t i ( , n D . . . i i c t X | . , i 1 n r . 1 ; r r i , ,. . l f ! , V 1 ! ^ y d s t h s t D o b U o : . y"

. i . : . . , :'o1iir.,*iniii,i'*.
;:lt r- t o ' f r o O - i i i e r b g t r r n e a r t h e w o t c : , u ) . 1 a y l t . ' r o -!
. r e a b o u i ' . t t r ':briit .1? r w n ' t c t ';:"''
. ' r - - l . - Q:b'rt
t:i''te t'o rorni tark cn tbe',iir.;.ci.;i:' enc
.. .;i;ia+; ;;1
hl' 111''-iactad
' l -
iil,1".,., .:'*"" 11,
'ii:.,':;i'; ' nr; *"'.."r *, ruorti* ;r*."*ir',;;iruti'dffiqip,biso9"tit*'';" '-:
.i;.,.;i ji';;r;";;rr:"to.r,ul*J-w',J-uili
Llr.ot 1rr his ..;ilEjiii.titrr ilts Flirt'.r, ' .
lho rlf,ht r:t gno- .:llu;t'. f ot u15U. coq?olirs ; '.'
ixsctf:. .. j
-.1 -1..-Uivi'ilriifi',.ii!, c:{,atl-v hox, t'}
..':,:.: 1-he "-*c'hrizs iie.:crc..r
*,. !,i:-rtu ri.,."-t;.1;"r.;..": ;.iia?4 o Letr:rt,. artc'l''r;, '.'-,:':'-',
.: il;;";;;;I t-c i" orchco;;.'
,.:'r'.:t''r,i-fi i idfile.f dui :olnelirhr: rtii; :a:Pttrr,.inr': j .. ; -.-". '. :
r,; i..1' '- - . '
'"rr . ; ; : . ' t : "' ' . . . . :

1. The Magic of Wisdom

B o t t h o ' ; ' e n q n c r r e b u s 3 ; c o m r r o $ e ' ll l l r r t h e l r n l 5 g g g 6 n l s t : r of u.-,d+

il.:i:liics tllfl'crc:rt. tllr c:onroaliron td pcri'oct iocturlquo. etndtet,'
F,riigireC.. lio c:r|r ncret.crlilolsc Birch.
' iat3i.3r)Epgrredqisr, ilt:'rro.rer a3 a thene. bur f haye naror retlly
cg/:rr?-:e t J Iir'.'sc*rl, Lir wr..ter.. 3gn,c au.y he .:olrlod Dc'orrssy.' it !c 1ap-.:r.
1 l , l o . ? h r ; r r r , - . ?, ; r ' , r l p j , ( t l L y C t f f c r t n i , D c b u s s ; , '1 s d c f t n l t C l y at-rraitri
try lfaoe; iri.ct''c blrih ?{iJ aoriic tlru.r :,rt !'e'orunry. lho and, I th:nk.
aird h | $ .'l:]ln.i cig'.r irill ths .:lat,.k6 t1t{r lrQ'J,nrirr,s- Thc Itf e cl f ei:'trssy
s r d . r i ' r ' cr . i r s tc l r - r r t g l r : l c , " r . lt'i l f J : r e u t . . t i r e l r . ' . 1 1 c p ! ; s t - " l c n' i v a g. c o x ; ' - c t e i y 3 i l f -
cr+nt. ; i a v r l H r . . r ' i t { r 'r.B1 o. r e f - o t r t h u t a D e I l ' , r i - ' r - } o b u g e y . f l a h ! D E i t r e . l - i ' c = .
h a r c l t s c L ' n n o $ l c d i r t - t , h r , h e e L c n e l r uA 1 r { i C t m r i u : ) .

rlnil oi,r; I hcve tt lR alg.l. to Ghoy yJu the r*::nncctloi I r:fc-r.rcj to

lurrt :icek - Err3:t: r![h thc ocrui.t, .i r.n nc? herc lo ,i!,gcuss trus:.3 as a
nxgicl!n. 'l:'.' lj*;ther Jo hcro to hol 1 uE th:E t'rei, I ver,i r,o shch yir
th! rcerr I t I ir':lr cl nrrrgt c , Yo:r w: lI ur,le:ntqc'rd l r . n e r l l E t P l ; v l s t 3
rrcon. $re llr re$ilty,12 n o t . . : s o f r , u r , : o ( 5 b l r o i i a n r l .J w h 1 t c , i .

g ,A 4,. ffi
tf 8s I w

lr<L '.,1o
?he .5 bj.n;k rrotq:e srr r:Ivn:i:r tl::; lgrr of e1l tho murlo.
'rzl - ' t h o r e
ntrrrt Lh t h c f l v c : r t i . : r r r ) l r ! ! . : r .{ . ' l r l r r c g c , J a p n : r e o O . ls a l!:tlr
T r ' r t e t L g n n t t h t l r e n n t l q u e S t r r , c L - l .:i' " . r $ 1 c . . ' l
cnty rcccritil' ri-1,,''l;-;;;i L:ri'iiir:.r-loael notca. gld a s - r titd
you luou wcik thefc ire hnvc the oarcllr:I, t.'!e oc1x.otlc,n. Thc 5 )ll',t
. 1 o t , c a- i , l r o J a e n u a s ; : h o ' 7 a i r l , ? : o o r o . r ' t h c ? . o r l i l . q a t c f . . t h t . J a a i .
Arto J nnd ? lc l?. rlnd lhcrc lrc are ss r;te l? 6i.Fn{r of, tho zcalg.a,
D a s . he l . g n o l t h e Z o d l r o l a o o , t n r o t o d . w ' t t h a e e l c a e n t

If no iak: thc blaok no?ea lc luro

t h e c c n r re o t l t n r . ' l t h a n e l e n c - r t

U ?aursa. hrtlt,
@ Crrncci. lvatct.
-A- I.Ib:'n Atr
.fl iirr6ittar!us. Flrc-
W .il,1:1.r
r!u:r Aother
Srr wo hcrc'"ha l, cicircni'lr iri i,h6 cnttquo plv:rlo,s fba-- la
r r r y : E g v T t a n t . u n { J d o t ' 1 , ' u h . ' . n l u r r ; . ' b o d yh B r , g t v c : r r h l s c r p l a n a ' - 1 o D
bclore . I h a v c r l c Y c l ' g c e n t i r l r . r o r ! r ' c i r t . : . r ) r , ,: h l s t h e o r t ,
. t
rr wo ..snorn",.'t:ei.(i';t;if
;l l m c u tlut the hu-srt

ber:Te 1u cor'-pnge.i +,c I t .?!il{l". ilnd {t'oh f i a n , l r o k a - r , a . t . , . t - L

V\ 1,.1ngn es*ir 4tt i-uri. ;:r:kqo an crrnrlrJlon tgr e :r!rto.f lUl dlli.- o..!i:r 6
i4tlt tvli7r'{N
(Cont,di . - .. The Magic of Wisdom

.!:;i :l''i- . tir-t';'llli.'i.nii.. ..^-.qf-,J.

, . ' t ' r . l , tjii , l : . l i '.'ilhl G ..'!'t'li .
hY l'ill:

lrhl'lh rir. cf l.l rr tllnk:';r - t5c ? Ch.,kfc.s. ifc l:.qcn th-"-t cnolr Clnkra
1rt .rtr Gr,lrttdtl on ttl ''. Pie'-<'r:r' l'c; a .rin'r of rr'b::''ulori'' If nc !hc.icf"rupI
.:i .:r.oli u:: 'r.t ise l,,tHntllr by inrra;rl+ oll t!re-OllC';tqrfrAllr we i-:'rld
tlfc c::itgtj:..:il ("
l,lrr, I the rEaitl'wn i'if t'caPot: tI l,tr l,hc a'.1:JTatloas - ')l' 8'n cleti'n
\. :
Thc 5 t.lertretrts wr: lt{:v ': !rr. thc l"''lJ '

E3-k.g t:u Lndt:t.trnl
Thlrr t , 1 r a t t h e n u u l o l t r $ h n s r : h o o e j r - n n c l e n o n t n 9 t o t^
Al I u ?.1't ' lrrc c','-orebi'tcn . i t Flr'trrl't,. Ltt' I oyO"oi tf^" ! not':b arc tr ktnd
uua!oa i Ghak:c

i srr.) oustclgrr .:':l n folr:' Yott

A l!L;"i|",,TH'i;Y"iil"
' r' \ / lf hd z'tn pltr;r nof' cnly wlttr h-lo
K ,'\ 5 " . l r r , r t i t s , _ b u l .c r . n t / l e n r l f y
A. f ^" . v r t l ; l r i h c i ! : r : 5 1 c . .h e n c ! : o : r A " / l b r s t l o l t
flF. 4 " +
Jt "al' rhcJg.t.Bndri,-thr:f Chakrno'
. .- 4 . \/ r 1 \ Jt . lf hc Otn rtuk: a vl'tsret!'gn *r1l tho
'f, clrelrasr wd lqrcr sr ng6r" 'dtl'v to
t ; I ; "
+ \ n' l'tto ibc cvtlution t'f thc' lLr-"'
tccall*n; "
4 t u i . i l e . a i l t y r l L : . r u c : v r a s ! t h n i . ' c r r x : : { i ' r r r : ; h : r c F : " c o c n t t n { .l ' t ' l 3 s k ' : l e thDant'e
h ::e: C
t t 6 t e r , t h e D r ; . c r . . , , - . . r , .:-nf t:f1. l C i _Cr .-tOt l: l;':.':L,' i:,:l' l.i ir:r t i 1 . g - - i g q r l l L ; ' . t t t u ' 4 i . - T t r c : " ' . w c
?hc b n l a n a e b a r w s r :
' r
n t o' , f , . fliCf:CCi1;;r. Ther: thcrc ls
jq, - ;.etltcij." T;;.-i;"6'th; thrclJ - thc YICCUDHn'
. eone.thtnfl clce , .-
T h a { l v ; e 1 I ! \ r . m 1 $ . r t " L h e t l s e r r d i . o C i i , r l r e t t e a l e b c 2 l t r rwncl negc- lhl -l eY?de" f
'thon ri'lt'h eoi're alocla L
wLcl, the Ciglou:r i s. ":bl'ntlon
CIulrVO.yan':e. l'l!retlrrrl ciirl r.'!0$lt'. tn llre l,1e:ri;tl itfane then na tIluo-
l r r a t c u ' u l n D l c l e ! ; r l l t € 1 r : . r 6 Tt i i . .

i r-:.seo ?,hr'(,'.:.:ii:!l tli:ri:,' i1.t::).1i,Clltfl.'.{ tind wc o:€

lil.rllOAl,JIt lr, ttre fnlly},nl
l;L! C:XiUUI dlll;ll l-lj , i] c' t".r.r irr i.i:c :- l.Vtt: |; .' : (r]..
n 9 1 ] . " 1 f , ; h c r . r o i r r ; u s c r : r . c r r i I . ' / , . : J ' : . . t e i . g u t : a o o l : ! 6 r D u s l o h r r e lC c .hrcn"ot cl *l o. rr ot e.
llentoi-i,il.^e s i i r i , . i , , ' c i - t . i - . r . . . r e I o p t t r : ; , r : : c . t l ' i . n _i . i . . ' , , - 0 n t v e r u a l The
-- ?hF: i E b,iu,t ,l r::e.n irr li.V Lr:rrp. thtr.t-'I...crrrr. !.rf !l1Z
!ou rorncr:rb,:.i r.--c!r,r e.;*,,G:iigt,,|ytSlr,,,tqllt|.+3F].Btt;""ilFi:.:
ri"v y,rr,'tr:q*c.' thrr
;ll;i;;llil;; ;:ii;,1"";i,l:,."')"nq1":'i;t;i'iii,ir'
g 1 3 3 ! ' . ; t a t r . . ' . .b ! I
l',€ci,lt)6e l r e l / . . i r ' . t o
1 i r
i t
r t
" ttt-' o
' l t r r '\ri'tttc
iult ritttr'* i:': fer'[1t'a t'o bccc-f t'r
. o G 6 n oI < t r a l l e t . . j r r . r r r . r(:"g*tt. r ' , , .i \ i ' / : " - ; i''r:'lri .t .t "i i t*' ir':'nv r' i i ot r.e- . ' i t r l i l i r l e r ' ' t o c z l i ' ! ' n l n
1,r dJerthil-iif t r r g raal
butl.d:rrg. JuJri-tou?nec ihe
w l r a t l n l e B I 1 1 : y t t r t h c ' c o u r \ ' | . > ! r ' : - t"tror :rri ;' it;' a f gi"
;;;":" : ;s;,11n11'iil.;ii'f;i;$$i;"li-ii;*i,ltilyi:s,iill's,!l'l:*:
th; Jctrtlt s ( t"ut t
t..,enl*,,1'iutn'f;,tir;.1? Irq'-;rii'-:i,ll',*:i&1-#t"E;t"iiil.:it;"tnlol'!'
. 7 t . r v . t t r r i . B l n t ? y € t o G U ' ' ' + " + t y ' i o J a i w i " 6 i ' i ' j n i t l gj n l' '-or e
u - u n 0 \?- o
DoinL .f o * t ' t t ' t t " " " - t t t1
f i g " ' : r t J ; l '
h l t i 0 { t . t u n o \ ' + o p i ( o s e { t ' tirt,t
3. t'frit;;.-,i:t'"f;v!;tl:ili'sJit '
,'urrrr4-eduesre;;'";;;ii. . " t " " i.."lr'''-uist'ji'n
r''hr)'[\ Lh': Pa'):
"fnu su..J.ri.,ia'ttrr illiril:l:"'
b€netli l d:i gurr rrt |'
ne'r our'ture
tifolul.toar 'Y.u.t,,hl r',1'rrr

. tLf
\ \\"\\ \ \\\\ . . The
r.. Magic of Wisdom .4
i* . i :1

'-"'. '..t'":" t#
!.),.':',r..- .: 1 ..-.'.rt
;ii ;i. . i -
'':i, j iH
!****;rgrrl0.r'. rriaov'
I iil
. +d-a:ffi.1l.rl1f:ts!..)._
.gq*',g+Iti-Lg=;-ggl:+l ljl
lilr*lii'tii;"ilil.iki"r3.I;li::,;:.lll:t';':iii'l"ii:s:l'l r.n anothcr
. tt o,cans of sourse that I try to iE
thr' cdr:t,.ctign'!ett'J]1n the 4!!'f-ef:St
5siru.: 1t l5 ty *ol'r' t.'- mnk.' ;;irCtiiir.iliiif:-Stlli., iE
or nu.,l,l'
r rrrcrro.ns
r="'li: :iH
t9.pl1tfi- 'r ci'ri1"'iioi"I' tr1.*lclir' lf-lylrtuiTlg4-q'
o . I i : o t "' I r sther
"ii.l'i*L "' ' i' ' in
s h e.l l o
' o rrtl n u 3 1 r1 rrf!1 " 'r 11"' !t8' 1:n.:i- ln*d
thonto :ncrce_ u:rii'n.":s',;r.tonlg*::rlr:i::i"r:*llf:i:i:"r:::i?;;rt" iH
" t t r r r t ' ? ' t i e ed' tc ru
oi'",.,"io'-h'"i jtr!l::i.iif,$tt,
iloirv. w'e
;ii;;";; iE
rr grvlng. rr:; r..e +ltri;{i'^''^'i^
iiirli,r he-hap,,;.:.illi::,1;.:iiil'""ilii'ri"iltitfr-.rl"nnt*t'
T b e - { ' : . 1 <lro s e s
*rr*!.."plrl.-gi.LF --'.-_': _ , . , , i . , . . _t h a t h c n u s t - : 1 r . 'H

ffltri'I "'I"'rt"'*'o-"-'*'i'' H

iilrt;i*ii:Ti,;+",iiiiiilriliii:iiii^lxl H
. il-':
tBi*r*l{ H

ana H
;ii: !ni,r=

r' a#i'::a H
iI: ='.i"-,

$:,X b'nli'::il -O:i"

;:;J,l,:::I;dffi,ffi;| g
-icu -'hc r1r'1! i:rotri'rltt-ir':el!'*-:'
- l'.'t$t *'rpr a rr'.rr'al H


fll 4 af#i$iiqtii}::i::1 H
l. lll
I il |lrl I lli'""'"''i':'7':"'"t",:;;,., il
'N F
-'"" '-.,r'

': -- -{
tT:- .--

F<Ji,*?to"rf* 'FF-!:'-

; .H
Ifl The Magic of Wisdom

t4ryi':_rlrrt, ftgi_3..
:--- W ':
ryf,i.-m:ll..l=-.ll;t{li:1i11l :'
Con$cntrrry on"l-rI-!-ki'i-I.tlt1{)!:'.
- , - - - l i - . . - : - : ' . - , .
crplann,tlon arri trr.chirrr:'orr tlre Charttrrnt llntr.ri!t, Tltret. It lS nO
.oi.r"t",:cotfy. fi :ii 3ust tt.nt ,,?_nrF.r.',iv ln-q l{"Yr Arr'irrharr thrsa
tnrn lnltlotctt
- i t1o-l"fit' l f o f -
C r i r r t l . : f i - : ' 'n"<i i1o'i-'m 'ln th'' 53ne
t,reehln6s cnn br g1lven.. nis'not"ptts'if bl;
pIao.1.r bu+, we sr,,',not th' :rnrn' ngr', -iotl
l r , ' f o r ' ! - 9 4 ?' a o n ' t n e" ;r-d' o g o - . ' t g ' = - t l - - l : l t o
to elre thlr t.'chlng irti'i;-rti*ligtr-'c'a-u"rrltr'-'e{
ryecllvr tnr tesch!,ns'c.t'u.i vou €srnnot' iil'ii' :
the uorltl .' . ' , . ' b \ .
. . .

rort fIt^T tl;ns'.r.| tlLiT ])IlT:'Ii:r!'r

lT IS tlltLil-qilE-OItTnl' l;lrrynls^i'
irirri rri:ii.i
lrn"iin'..r.ui,rri '

I d : . l r r v y o | r r 6 t t . e r r t l c r r t c o n , , t h , . n c r z l r i c } r ' l s . v e r y l n n o r t a : r t . wl l1t -t-h1 I . . 1 - - l r l g Q

t h e s e t e r . c h i r t s a t t t : n o t e n 1 . - ra- t ' ; i . i ; i i ; t .nt-i.i'.v"tery.
p . 9 3 l t , ^ poqiiu!iiri oi ai'6lutrorr f or' thp ltunen' b'e1$4' '' '
?t t.t. . ! 1 . I . , F .
: '
r "b" '
o i i
r r
r "t ' t j i 1 . 1 2 l n t e r s p n e e ' i
t :
- r
h u
c r 1 s 1 9
,o.^ i.pnrnh::. lsrt'wr.,Di i tpd]re -or riiuolerl
iri.nuk, t lia t;t-b;ri
T h e ? w h : . : e o .y,or .u. '*r-ei -nr.,ltr""rli,,r.r. .. - ! . r r c v : - l ' J ' ' ; i . . n . ! l . . t t t t i " h i ; d the J'uena'rs
ilbratlon. i l ' . a . ; r
!he' fai'' (J vrhl:r
tliar"vr'hivr i.! lri'a,,Lt,ni.ol :rnd iit;-', C;Jfr.C;: 'l.l-. nF can
$.r., ilrc ji'pl1j''/'ii:i iru]ntiiini"in'irhtch
'ui r-loi ri it ifJr s, 'r. t- . . t h , J . e a ' l g r . $ touchlnq)' tsut we'o torrLr:f.,tre,,11ne.,ln,tlif"f'tcstltr1'
musr lrr,yr'f s.neza (tt,- 1 orlttc.'gi .iriO -tttlie ? sfiil":r{-L9+"lti-'qE' '
-t-o g.vqiop tirr. ctlitr t [?i''d':3
ttrr 6r.]r.;eub:'ttiylr.r-19n titrr
JJr rr.r 1n the gth, "" ' Ircc ;..r..c
".';iri',r' ?t.h- er r^nli-1i,
:'i-uit I n'Yr 1l:1
rac e. ond
?th, aub -C1v t n io.r1 iri
l."t i:ii.-tr"-t"i".ncq rr r!e/i rsst'.,wP start vrlth rr' nel faculty 1n devrlpp-'
ment. Yolr r'.trr.ntbr'l'th- .j t-u'fct lroct'rirl:' . lirlt plan ct r!a:'tn{ w
j,euri.rrraarrC /,t I";.ti;'"rtioft-iii'.-sr,..-jrrr,
-""a anr!..r'ith'iaocr an' raclr rrca''
':a*;h tlne 9i' i-r tieiv aga
. . . o o r ,' - lfeil -' "
aiveloottl r'..tenar:.
l::hrt t" " e;;.iSp-
;a;"-e. iew farurtv :c c*^iorue.+'' :recitrrsr i'l"rct'tf'r
ouch elalrr.,y+nci-io'i'n[-'tfrt I';ciir root rsoe'
"lon of"thr: Jttr'
u r n t t h e . y b e i , i n i n - i i , : - ' l j n - ! 1 1 , . ' r , t i r . ' i " i ' - . r 1 . ' . " ion)'y
wr wllt lrtre J ''?tt:r?s' nct J
[ftrr3,-fn ifo...
mrtolc-1c cocordlln6 to ?he'
So we har': the'! notlrr lrt rnut'lc becF'lrce ;;opittf on ^ the ? noter
r o c s l b l l i t y ' I - r h . t i u t"'rltrri'* bFlnl.., ti-Ziiio-';i..-
t[;-t orncia cr)rnprc
is . sar\€{-hrq.( '}1
Aleo.rn the i',odisc"
'J.;;' rt i.t ,,"'i ".-1.[Tiiii,1rtli,:5lnsrv'.!\?.-.29..1]-t.9'-13.
y9.,1 ii
!Ic--s-Ey:. "'q sogq111:-1"": t;I'"iFn
- l'IirE
Arlea - !rii!; '. I.,lo - l"r'ltTII caprlcorn "- ff'r
Tauruc - .r,r'iifli lrlf,i, ' '\ lti Aqunrlua Ar--t
Gen,inl - AIIi Llt'ia . " - ' $iA?'At '
:i( o:'P!o iie:lf'lt 'olsces
Canccr '' ITA'lJii. The Magic of Wisdom

f n l l u a l c t t 1 g t h c a p n e , Y o r ' rr c n e n l r e r h o t r . r o e k t o r ' A q u a r l u u rrprenented

b yI t h ee j5tthh. . b l aaookk n o ttee Jl ..ppuutt . t h l . c l . e r n e n tA e t h e r . l a - f q g l j _ W _ . ! . ! . -1 s . 4 . 1 : ,
Lt..!.'.tl..e-oupcrlor o.Glayg p.rt Ag!t1p_._o_q.-r_elbs_J9_tli-aiicdlo.r-

.. flw t h e l P o o i r " r g h ' e a t h e 4 c l r . u q n t c t n t h e l r o r d e ! : t - b - u tt h S . b . i a c k

'" note! formlrtx the bnce of nuolc, br' tnkrn aeportte!.;1. Theae 4
;, llc'ftcnt6 thrt we ha?e cre the 4 tlrr.d r:rnoteltdtlona ln the Zotttac. the-
: +-e""pii". "
Iirttherr apor.k;rrlwcya of ihe angel tlabrlel.
John (-tqrurrl.ur: tire iiet e:.' Catrl ef l . Element A1r.
Ncr[ tpcrrki..a:,rr!,ys of the llon of the Droorr, .'
( L c o ' - t h e J , . t r . n ) : : - l . c n e n tl ' l r e . . sirc:r)-s :rlurr;';' oi tho 8u11 .
. {':'r.rJt?e :he. $':.II) Iicqrcnt .rh':'th"
;' .luke llq*h. John'sp*i:r i t : lf t u : , 1 3o f t h e t r s n s m u t t t l o n . a u b l l n -
s.tlon.- ($crcr1:o t ' - Scorpton, It'i;Ie) El'encnt i'i'r'ter'
.So. you hs! e atnays tic 63!:e CYfnDo).ev"r'YvhPt'r..

":: But f ?'rrtoet,oolc rrtr {:he eZOlUtri{.,iri,tot only trr linElc but ln thr C e r m o s-
tle s c ! ' , r "t n i ' c r I ! t y .
!{rjq !h" !_.:14!!.^Er-ri cf t h. .f lr.ei. r1,1"r.13 .!.6q. J.q..-tlf-e-..1-a9:--l.iier!f$S-:
. : . . i a + , L ' pb i c e l c ' n - r i t l a b t i : r , . . ! s , 't h * i r o i ' ' ' a J O r r , ' l n b ? t w r n v t l o h 1 6 ' v e ! r u : l
' . J ' h , r , r : r ' e . .+ l . r i l * n t p 1 . i l ' * ! w : r n . r : . 9 i . 9 c .
- ba'ooed oyir , 'th.r Aolrolc6irl ?.9 hnf :. e-.!-if{gf:qi.-
"'' F L 4 l t f l t r - t l o r - . s f c o r r g r , cnil the j.r'tlat are wo:'k1ng
*{tfi fhe'oniie'i).r.'n'.nt ti:t tn r d.lffrunt nr..nlfartatlcr. to'frlril the l:rt'th"
:;i "" - 9 FOr+ yrr'uf (co.rurna.Frt,rl;t(.n a..\.,:lcrr,.=t r.otc trn bhe plnnl hao n zltra'.lol
l' .i1' , .l . - ' o f pei E'c'':1&. t.';r. trlgh notr - E,.tjL t',Lbr.it1on!-prr agconil. l'ldirle C
':: pcr D.:err1,1 r'i, <'no catl.yr hl6ber' 13D44 r-.i.bratLone Fer
5?? vlbr'rttcnu
.'.., .rco.od ulrtlc th^ lntercDqcpc lt:,r.: 45i vlbrel,ione per Eeoond.
. i. :.,'.r-r lh'O
. , ' . i '..J, .Dr, iitrth'!.-heF 6 l l , r r ? r r h l r l i " . ; r c l : , r : r { ! sE e c c i ! l n g ! o a l a l l . r s o l u i l . c i r .
.': lI9' . . 1-3 -Tc6s , Ther'i, rr-*e i etoJ,l:i':o;i3 cf frrin o 'ts l!h!Er'tor
-",'.1 . : -
nr'al':lP'ol:r':l';r, 2 f-rilurate j'' 'Yegnp.rda.the
' 4' sanryera''
:rt:: . :...:r,'
-- -'ril-i0iib,,;..
Ira, i:.'.6y!h,-.r ''"'rr-.r.{.r:thl.t v.r.v ttntiu-
rt$o fif.;;'E elonrntsr -!Ll-a ABhf{rDrr.
-+.he4 'rC
..' , .. i:Il,i--- tb KEIiPsrlrtlt' - -
.',' - -:;oy1*et cnoi{.--iili o-p*fii"!
Irr. weri;";:'il;
'Cer"r{i,ir"- t;iv-itlli'ior .. iatral' lient!+D
i fer-riinr, srl ". the..G. o)'deu..
"rtrl'o:ot. ' : '."
Numbar F('rt;ni- .. .;
'. ';"",
plyarcar Dlane'
f i h s n w e t r . l k e . b o' lui ;t: A r t a n o i i u g l c . w e r . r € t r 1 : < ' r u 6 l n t h c
'- l n c ; r . c f . o o u r a e o l-Fi tP G ! ' r t n c l c ' r v e r y w h , r a " t r u t t h c
It lt nct O.1TInpo.
.hu$rn !drn I^s tc creotothe'lnetilr;;;;: i;'tLt--we oiLL nrttfls6'.ife
'iJil"tii'ff-"iliirity 'j-' 7)r.r,h.titi'diiin"-throrr4h
-noi nu$lo a+il gT!:--I!--tn
;;i" f iiie irr.. iii'i,,ii-i"i",'-t'iiittt-"rn-Oiiij ha{t t'q 6r'rata (oongrotu-
gn thc rrt'tlota tolrl;,1:l l. :
, : ' .l n t t o n e . :
Plana }nd Yl,-{now ?hat
{cll" ne Eo tur',ih4r'
.lte trc
" Ei sl io$i."oosu tha artril

iH:;il:,;l;,ll i"i};
FemaBbtT I i.'l,l"i;
hRYo :"li :Ii#;
Jt.Ygl cotg llr ll;i:ill . . , "t - :
butlr the Aotral thnec { elrmentc hre.lT\ o hlXher Dl.nue'
rse + e.rsrqcrrLo vr
v'ra' E'v

i- . lft"r thot ve co!'rr ta Atti'oaoFhlr'.

'Actlrmrrml, 1o the +hyn!cul. /'otroloey 1a the 9oyohologloa1
Altr:tsr'DtlJ la n'rt,uit:lr'.:hi j! ) '

".' . Thep ve r.r'r ln ttrc, nzntal vhloh la the Thcurty (fronr Tbeol^fihlch
- -'r;;;;t-
tt n Greek urrlC lor Gcd) ' G':itri . t'rc!'t5-,fo'tlt9'.91
1! l.[4,'t"
thrn t? t".,',vcl-i.{iii''i'/:} ftre $tirltunl the rzal ln1t1atlr,a, The Magic of Wisdom

$pt.{L Gi,ljra !ROI5, ijttfirD .re.J.


' j
j.':,, lio eo have tho
.)Qf YflJ ll',lvr,{f$fcront
Urrl, u , rtays
r r . 1 3 t . , nncl
\s\' I slrn[ shotr you
v-v- i-- hait
'i-:' '
:'-- "
..1 I;

,ll i. 'l*r"reprcscnt? .ilro-ev9r.{lll 9l-1lo=:}:TT}3:,-

ii*i..'is:n, btpilr-Il.iT,"*:o"-:'Jn|',n3:-
n6tetlroro,soE.Fr i9 i:
vlrich j.s ;;c.ilift{urlu$.
tho rrc:,.t i'fr,r"siin
':,'';.'i"io'Iii'ri.t:icornnoscrs It i5 fu'r tlra't reaeolt tlra-"-the':p i:
r';iroccTo-lrc-ir:it:iihe qt-.ea:qnt-.1+-lq, - the.leck cl e' '- i'
{'. ="?;,i,''iioiu,r;;=6i,'lT"I"l*iil"ifr'Ir-.i.'ii.ld-*iq;riit. tiuostica,. ths I:
,i: f*'h."i;h";
::., fr;;-siiir:i-,ii.'"tsxr 'di:!.,wi!*f .*$l'"133"r*-
j. ;.,
'Jiii:-r"'-' 'iE-ili-tlre i:ii. !."-l"e$rlV
str.r:erion Iiilcr. F.tuic. i
ths oLe!€:f,t ilre :
.:;li. ii-eieii-etr', r'il.tir l,lbrrt. ;.t'Uer'tlrni-tlroy llY t," red,ch
'.ltc flre.i9..-4ot'' bb;iosiaie
'-: 'rarh secit'unr:I;;; tr"i"i- iir iin,lalTil-cdil'o.siiio:re f,
ji;,' if
n-..lir::Iro}'of.ln-r't-i;1t'ig+' ."': 'l' :ti.- : . ii
ii;.'t "..':..'."...:1.-:
,., $onr.y I'orthe rnit:,i:tlcn'che;r t:itv-t'tho 4-eioeanlsr,bUt thc f1.fe
t'..:;l': t#';f;f*,"*l*t-t.
lail sorn of tbo IsLrmdn.
l:;""ffi. i,
f'he loop!-e notuail.i_dc,-too-cYes i
- tlrerc lt e:d.silr- T-r(r. soo irbg Gi?fiscirce. O-na i-s cc.-pletc].5 :;
..?., ttro-fate.
;;1;1v;. j.t cloc; c;c:st. j-s a ,it:fic'ilc:.'i:--[c--fl; o:71e1siqr;
Thg c.j:.lcc'r:i.r'u'uhclog,i
'-'. . rurii tretOnnsr to i.;aiclrirr.... .r'or.''irri,ui:nco, \TIo i':6t}1if! o?er E:3 :1:e'
td6-ij-i6-; is'a Fhe.real.'YoSi
.r ; iqes not revoc'Ii?ir.t.he..fe.i3-- i,
!.:t. lnc. " "'
:.... '
,ii::t-: -' : "
.,i;:tr.-: r -. rrttfr tho'obJoct,ile.'tho
litth physlcnl :nnlfostetf,r-rr si9 ill"
th* obJoct,iler'tho physlcnl:*-r:nlfostetlr-rr i=1" ii'
;-'r: ,tx; tr clcnanis
:11:,t$ ctenant,s in.rrroit
in.tlroli .-.>;c:ti-ill-;;"-",:'
,:':t;c',;ti-vl-i;m,:' p.n+trliT,;.(gJt
p.n+itlilq'J$1 thg Sie-rsi'
thq sie-rsi' i'-eff-f'
i'-eF-t' l,
,:lr. tr!_r1
t::;,. , (ut.w-r1;o;ilirole)
fr!-1:-r -. --'- ) c
.r*..-. '
.:*,.- llre tJ:+ r-r,.r-..eii
!'.rr-r?irl.. tJl+
ili:e -!i:'-rtit!., t-r,ll.ed vlirr=.'-,1oi iirool.ogi',- El.3-ri.=-. . il
vtirr=.-"toi cf tirool.os;j,:.E1.3jj.-E-_._il

i:i .1,.+"i: \ itr:;;intil

''tn6' j:?r'iH8ri'1i.i+"iH-li-s==-!j
I'i. 6i.r";iEit'.;iii'i!:h-[lirf;ii:
/'.'1!&i'" tii of thc Ycrb. si. Jc-
it''' V i.ldi.--'- txr"er' - ^ l:
3rq tbo r=tb r:-:g
salci. "i;r the itegi-ri:lirra irel ttrc ?orb'
r:iFJi il-i-&t,'-+'vi.-irre #c,'rbi,is .:Tlre-.t1r:s-t-!.nil3-:'"++? i

j.n l":.'ieirJ-rrg,;', :i-r. i..l.I tlr.s antLqirr J-a.ir6t'-cger:- :

.tsor lnstnnce ',:,iv,':I'snt,-.3n$ gi-!h?-
t.'req 1r.s fivsn the ldea
. :. EUI - l't'ioli.
r..tEtrlt)to-r.i:.'- -
itb-cair,e'i:rZ ff rCt nced f ol Fextnli the ?'.a:3fr:-?s :-3
.: .': :i iiio*tn.
jiiit ','n*e-'-^ :'u '- i6r i;[i.t-r'neri-p-eopr":ts1i to €EsPress'tls1'
- - i.c
t 'Eg{'
A tt l.,Bq'tr, 113
.' ,'' ,:' 1'i'' '*': tl _:IfiH"iiffio*.,'+i_Frc
.',,-:,,.',t .',', yo.u-..!iiicr..r'i:r:
.' FT n, . .i :::.:': .11..'i!.'1:.'i"fT:f#
': r'..'. ',, -
Cririst'sald, .If " -V5,rr.l;n<n''; :i:il' Faihqi:r - I t .

on the
ddt*l.v3h*, :.fllt8,.1$
. : +t ts tho r'.:;'.1 :';
oi' J'ei-r"'.r.t'
:r.rrro J"|f trd:u. Iorrut 'i-3 ,L Cc'rit!! r:i'f.!."r
EOJ f-c:rrn il ,',- riiro u',-r.r:ir:i.i:i, ;';Srqloi-.oro.t!r';li'io',T oi:o
golA-of t!:r) ::c;:lir(; ci tir:'. l;;a'j-st - no'i 'Jcis[se .7esn
does:rrt :1eiur rrt:y1:lti.:'6i :;-i-rr:ci.r:
tto finil y..tltcr-<r thg a6e c)f tllct Dh--!r'.s iircath. -
vort, -'--;tl llit?";i]19p'
t,lrhv.: 1n -,.rilliccri.2t;r'.,.
t: The Magic of Wisdom

:.....: =i,.:i
il ,r1;i;,,.,,,iii;; ij:;jil+ii; ii *i;,i,.ltii:,',ql\r:i.-,.ilfii:1..t:-:li;,:
i,"i ;.";;i'il;iU
;d:, -
ffi ffio;;;*"*. "'', ..:, ,. .- !..,... .:t
ruffiiILiWIi. . :.

:rjr. ry9nt.19n"
o,rqplrtgi'tipi-i r.,\src3's:'ir.peJ1rpry'., r
...... ",. ..;iiii:'.:,'
o r;ni _,,.:ii+i l::. ifti
.:Of tl."
th" ;rysrory
ltystory or
of uro
tlo volkl
r.ror;kl is
is tbo
tbo Elljr.tlTE..
T**., .. ..' ..
. '-;".,"*:;.lJ
, ,...l,,i.iil+ l-l{ .;r* ij,:
rvr:lto: .'.' I I I t .;'.;,:'
Tlbot \.thc[ you nnk tbem what Cotl 14, thoy
t'.:....r:r'.In [ii
,;:'i .#tt*":;t-^*t"t;1-3i f,13,"0i1"' 9r 'tetr .ril;.:i1s|
-l .fl
+i,,,,i:, ffibffi#'?
:- '::':.'rr'.'-'. fqorqlai-t"i[o
€*!i,l*ft#Jl"h]r,fti:lev 'Le {i't eg
r ll), sLlch
. - .. :';.,;i .
:;.1n.,..'.f ,;r- .Dit,j,g, coialng**
(Garraon{qi, Lr)o ftctn tho,qicf.iiTtlnos'
il,,r;ii:r,:r.;n;-*^"rr",r" .111.,t'.:*:1;. .'.;f::t,
l--,:; ': l]
.Lro-n6ani rtiu' nxt wo lrtcrrt i,
ri,,,:lr;.1':':.,. - : vttln, 1[*gnir;tt f.r 4.i.. - - ine'r sters:rts. thRt " i ''.' 1';
.,-.i . .j.. ho' l,Iu^ srr1,.st,n-ru rirc'iu:l*"ir',e'las;t'of
'-'i,'.';. 'Trg '.j'
.,i-' fiitd,. : - t " ' t ' . ' . ; , , ; t ' . t t ' ' . - .' .- r ' , , . : t . '
't'lo i.;
study the othor i i:
;:..: ; /utrolog; ;;;i:iiilie:i
yre ilra t c,neJ"t*, r;o starf vrJ'th-frsitr'

i;i:.:;iiti''f :' :':',,filii1:
ll i,,i;
tii""-&G HifrEiathe pffi-'ot.n'
.. ;. f ;.. vlbration as Earbh' . I-
;l:,i:t::;; ..i: ... ; ''i':',. '" Tl:o uor.'1i:tor.ori uau'sai'Ld
i'"lii.',i'!..,,. ::' u Tr,t, i,rosicrrln'prexusio tho iarnoviurntlonlnsr'. :r. l;
I ' ,, . r -' I ,.,1:..-.:.t;t'':
,,i .i,t. ,,.Foiti'
*i"1 r.i'llvo- *l ulu
:l;;, -..'. ..t1{: .:r;j:;i+;;i.:.;i;='r.i,;ti
'1-.:;' - :' :3:i."r"-i" l:
.. .i
. ,.j.., .r;-,,.,, ; * ; .:.'l.ij.
_.;r;l;il; $

oAlTfr .^rtl
6 lJ{
'::.- .- ' ..
.... .l- :.,.

..:.YThe artist -
to roaks a-connrlctlon trlth tho.DlvJ-n0, th-9^C1-ryr!All'
'.."'Ebrthat lrotrles
hnsto rr$ott:ti1.1"Jii"!liili?I, l'kl;J*,":*;?.*"3J3t*;
can-vas€ilveson'': tv.o. .,..
f :,rr$,o*i.ULlia;^,."ir,n"io-.xp.,liiu..
C:l-vcli tiu'os d'lnennion'
: dl:rionBlong, anO--sr'e'Irrtvo'td'
:'': . '$t"-'. ;ui"i.*.F,1q p? gTexgPsthe firs hlnsc-l'f, tlro rsal ttlon'of rnusl1'
' ',':.
il-"nbr irlil ,..,:iaaiJt"i"a.ifig',ttrcn ln thg snclcd vay. -
l ' ;;.'i;;il;; Ls slvcn tho focl-ins oi nrustcrro1."$ol "t:.Tlt',?ilu-T1' fr.,-.
.i.:,.;oaohblo otra v,ayn
. .;
1" .':. .' '. ' '' ':r.;r-iij.'.i:t,-.:i.'.
:.;:.,:.'.:i ..;.:, i; :, - ' . i ,.iutii:,: ,.,'::,:..i i;'.',:" '
;;;;;:i'.^',, '.'.:.. lrl'I'&l Yqu." , :..,11:ril
S lirrH ;..1:
i}i I,-lu.e
i ,.r'";t;'i:,;'.' .1 f-4r.cF
. .ii.1;.;::;j
,:.r::..:.',;r:,i+.ri.. .-...:_,..;:.i.:,..'
';'' ri 'ri;
'i',i, ;; i ; l,f"f1*,1t
;;' ;
i''"l; ,,, I ;;1.-si;..i
{,',:.;::,- i,.',i.. '''i;i;ii.;,,ii....ffiii,;;i.
r,l,:: .'' '.'
, ,,,- ''-,t,,:'t
, i'' :;"i*;':t ,:ji.:.";.,',,,.,.i;,i.
:r.ri :"":""
.i',t'i:;'i::'': -i"
',...i. . l,.l,,,,,
','. ',,:,ii;.,
rll.., :."., :,' , ,:;,""i:'"r'.
l ,' .',*
' '
:: :li._. :,":' .1:.;;.;.ll:;,r
lt:,ti:;;;r ,...ii^..
) :.1 ;.r,aii;i
l'-'..'' '- . :..1..- -
,l . ' t , r . ' i ' ' l t i : ' ; . , '. ' ' " : t . t : - : t t ,. + i - ' ; , , , . . . . . , : ' ; . ' . . - - -
- ' r i - , ' . ' ; ; . ' 't,i;::. l ; ' . ; .
: '. .:..
]. .1.':i l.'r, : The Magic of Wisdom

...r /
" '. _I t
trr lv i:.,sr:r, oiilA? BtiJ?tI..!:iJJD. Tc.,
tt ,, .' T J r , e g C o y .2 4 t l r . . T t u . r
)". i'll. 3,\ll I :f ilt: Cd:'.X:C' .:;:',TI:j!.!-!;:i!!i:"
-Ti:"?:*--j:ni---.==-s:l,l '
-!i.l:J.f J-,l/j'-' "j:' :+:-'-*----:--rf n 1"
;' g1'1.i::--
. t.' -.- :

-pnii[""r^tif sDeak ' { h rth,

nbout ' . inroDhicles of frg$t'is"r:trJt' :
r" not
-rTl8.l,r_.1.*.rr i.;t"i;'co . o . 4 l v e a v u r e lll"rri*
-i .:
[.'tinini- iiricrr vr'. itnrrilri' ct11 esotcrlc'

..E\reryone.has a )mowl.edparqor. or lrss of thesr yr"at pyrrnlill of i4llt'

c d r r t r t r c t l o n o i t h ; - l + n ' n t d of O\lr-'l-':
tho has nFv.r. 6bout the n;.'iterlous tn61cc--*r
o f n i ' ; r ' r o l o l ' y
lv?rybOdy hfs 6rc.n booi'.s,-lras hr'nrdl of a sreclnl klhrl
lns thr tllfrc.Ient.poasiibtt1t.r...1-,1.,",igijqllf=..t.q-.ibi=rll."-l,"llg-',?l-'-'.1*t-l--n-',*l'-:-..{l-li'
r*r.J\:- gl.:9J...P.I"1i11-13
t'tir*i*--,yrff F".tp}g}s#'+i"-1ff Fr..,*i1"o*-
ycu-ro',ow ar!: r''..'rrnitls
*mi-iU:f-lf,,il'lt 3u:e lonf; (^ nctr lg riual to t'?irox'
cd vrlth stone:! alc f"initt''"
i;.ri-Incncs), $iiqLiIiu-.y.l.l"i'-i'c'nii!!,f'?*a**iitP*fttl-o'
ryl14 1I n -::l r!S:q-. lvi JU
irp orr t h r o t !r:L-tf-il
IE[t- ::tl
ft -=;;ffEi*"e':cg-sffg'r_6;sqFan$!'u_-3_3'-l!:r.r:. If sornr of you
Th:.-segonC t h 1 a d l . J u s t m r : n to f t l r : ' s t o n ' e '
tJi-o;ty o f ' s t o -
n t
a n ' vr r : r r d l n t h r
h n r r v l s l t ' r 6 ? i . r"rt1- t *yt o . *uV ,h1i.vsr . ' . . !1.1.-hlock.s
tht"t"igtif nust br'r
construstlon of the,\-rr,nidsn s n r T ; ; ; " ; ; t i i ' s . , t t h e' ot'her
u"t-"o plnc"cl o n ? u r o n '
! p - ! , . . t l s o . . . y o u , . h n v eu . ' - i
rhet,lr 1s lBro8s1ii;"tJ,'i:i;i'i:-;ritil'
&l;i:. i :;; ""q; t:'
tt'Ft -ihise-
;.''i,,i " i l i t i io ii*aa"
i[t:" I;:l ":'llrlirilihi
lyrenlds. rlor ,,or, .i^y-!li:.g
{llr,{ii"''" to-bonstrtrct th'tr'-
Glr]ltT .

C;{EJPS (nlne of
i(ili. lirtrirti)
r 1 ? 8 - 1 1 2 25

The Three Sq'.:nr::

forn thc lrlangl".
.In the crntre ot
-''rj;'. i the trlangle ls
iir*ii,; rr5 ryu JF ciID....
i.:ii. Thq Ortat rlrchtt.ot
th;-'Lli lver.ce.

(ffng Cheops of fr;/:t

gavr hls pana on thr
nost tnDortant cf th.
threc, .ryrnnid.: ln
G h l z . e h)

'. I
:' (Cnrrrrl\ The Magic of Wisdom

\tee 2. G t - o r e .t s - - T q ' .
" l8 St.
TuepISy.,?{th. Jttl6,
! j r ;'
r s:rt I l : !c=on
:!iql+++ F+#. }.1$g119 ?=,S,{j.e-ll!)-4'-.1--$!
rhcn. ther.^r.(in:rr,rs
"bq.. nnotf'E,Ty3lf,,ry."nlncilitfI
llill,,li.*;lilrffi;:; .:ii_,,
ln-!..erI or. - * O J'rI C.u-.
9rrre..-t:rn I r'.s 1d r
ro'msr clf irc *rtn i o r t h F n d t r r J u : i + "r l o nI t l q x o w h c i t 1 t r v 1 6 ' r c 3 ' s l b l c l o r
ih;;;'l*j':itano t1) mnke ,such n. con:rt1rc!lon. , ^?!r1 o-r$-r-1p-'*.og*'(b3*e':t-t!-1f-
r-i'-s.l $.. . 1q.'}.'Fica qll. TY:e!-'ll;"
- '"f *-.p"t...151
cll, thls ls not tha tlnl to si"ttk nbout th' speolnl r rchltact':--r 1
te.:hnlquc the !.eyrtlDns rro3!r!sec, !u--t-.-I..,:1l-r-f.3.1r,-9-Lc.:r.i-Ihg-o::st-';-igill-i.i.-i-^t5 .i'"lc:i
sb!- q*"Jf'r9.!l:o+lcqgld.1:t.r: -- .1gll|'.;t-o-*-tjl.Uij".l-i-ql-19inLnl!-L-:.1g:'
#ffi'Eaifl-:5e.,i'-ri';;T. 'tuth'o"rn. L f e::
fhe date of the canrtruc?1cn of the .5yrnnlds ls stlll
p e o ; : l r s p o k e o f t h e a s h r v t r g 'bern c ':E:.iiPuct'f. 4 r:'-lJ
c.nturlrs e6o Srnrnlrls
a or 5.c)J yeirc-baiore oitr ag.' ?od.n!'..tht -sc.trr'-ilsts -sny 1tJ.:'l,Il^ey!'. lQ^r:-]9
e n d -r , n v b r 1 2 . j ) J f , S ? t r s b e f o r e G t ' r 1 o ! ' i ' i a h a v e n l s o a c c o r ( ll n g . t o l o - . '
i-ic'riliifrieriia'inirirred'by'tht'ljec:t noctrlne, i,hr tlaoretlcrl pc'-ss1:il1:;"
J o! oonrtructlon oi'if't.i. l 1 ' r a r l d o a s 2 J , , O . ) . )t.o . -? ) r . ' . ) l ; . y r a : " r . R 1 - 1 r . Y o ' : r c c l : s r
o f c o u r g e . + , h s t ? : i r O J ) t o 2 1 r 0 . ) . , J - a r s n g o : ' . ; q y e il v s s I c o l e n . ' - - ' i - i - " l f : i 1 s .
of thn lost cer.tln'ct.stlIl.
T h l l - : a r !-rsiiids r.n:r1nl , anrl [n .son--_of th- 1s]:nds
{fSl,q.iy .f o:' lnstnnc. ) , ilio tir- thr: .d e-icrt. rn ',tii ri'nd:r..'S3'1e:'r
, grJ}rtt todry zr.stl4rr. of thr lotrt ccrirtlnrnt of Ltlnntls. Trc or tr:re
I yesrs ago th.c -h"oldcnt df th, French--ll,rpubltor'Jlic.:tt Aurloi, heca:r gt
'"hr los:
I pltron of a bel Aleosleton fornrl 1n I'rsnce iol tbr r.novctlon of
t t'. Atlantl g,
but es st=eiLlnfr
I t .g-J-f-110--1-r5r.3rre.4nr.Cr<1-.a1-c'-i1-'ih'
.II Archncoroel-il111--$lc'fiTtr-ii6 c-,i;:ql!dij-*€l+!;li!lt;3;IEl3il5l=."5

I real.
I "*tEffi-----':-- !f,g-:h:v-I:::-:-:.
I i{clls lf the furnmlita wrrl co-ltruetad co tran;t.y'lr:
\ h r d n ngrDosc li. dornr so, o sp?r'!41
: e . t r . u e . t e o - - f v : . ; .; t: -- r ; ; . I " ' i " r t [ ; n " - t t r .ri:-v:i'
*!rs lrarrrrr
;i;:;:";:.;i.;I-ii t-iiatced,
'ii'n" ia; t c eileii
i;,;;; ;dl i,. ; ; roh r v : i ' i c r c c n c i n t c t " r l e'=:rthlnn
ccneinrct"i . ! : s . t f o : :hf,'
e , r : r t h l n f , '!:s' :hr
t h e ; ' c o n ; t r u c t e d . c c o r c t r - z . -:?
o io BoF.. s2ccir.l -cw,
[i$.6:u;"-.;j-itl lr* :o:': "i':..:1,:"1:
i;ij'gysiUoficnf teechlngl in frrct, we knirw todlay that the -Trer:1Lr er:
e o o t t h i n 6 s y m b o l l C c l , t-t"-o; hey..C - ( , l r l t l n s F . r r ' n t l r : g o n t h o : t h c h u : - r n t ' + 1 r '\ -
gannot d esiroy. i i rni rth L'-
i his t orv' 6i bur.rn
Lr-.^---':t h..---l+' ! f f . l r i3'
l|Y .rcr.. ? er!3tf
rrl : 99:<:
" - i n":
thqr,.. i r c t .aonin.-b;;k; i'.!n cc:';tot- c e.ri,:o3'b3'
: l l^r; ':.r
;;J;.";.il"i';itiov."a. but
' oi -l - nhi i g 1 n : l l j t c t .
if ;f di d" "bb! 'y " ^tthn;i''ai rni i;i "- c ihi iy' o tTht e h ree^r'ehtes i c : ' i . r t e n c : t h e . E r r 'i ',,
pf the
t h e coerno"-
C o r r n o n th"
t h e llself
l l s e l f , t r b i r i
,.vtrlfi-':Jif s - t r , . : ' E sr' l1i-r- *^pF?tr.'rilei?
.o_ok.of . 9..<l
? :Cl -'ss0n
i i - o i i - " ; ; - s n l : / p o o i r o " .I i l l e r r t u r : ' t : r p e ttchr:t,Y. se ok y r ' b u ' . r Y l r y e r ? ! t
riit-*i f,."i-if *o]'s f or our cl'8u io
"t i : he
-viE-oC !3'!-1tt
?-tIe,l.51'-*.-Iqg$-l-f 1:'-q-t!;;1-1-tJ11-r'1-c- ! f C i c . r s t p ' : j t': -
world. tha sr.nt Eonunents r rznlcn 1T'i;-*c'i;-;Ai;
i""-F,;"?;. ;f'tnfJ-'a-lolfs-l.'f6r.': of arehltecturc, than $? l'ecclYr a rer;'- gr':zi
.lrocon a l l o .

In f3ypt espcclelly we heve e T?ry greet or'rt of olmbol1sr, end "': bcr
r i vocua u e t h e i n s . ' . e n t p o s s l b t ) ' 1 t y o f U n r l eornl t1a7n-t b
a y m b o l l o t r 'l Y lln2; t"l.-e:1i1::e
olr.rr"". ocr wa hsva ao meny lsnguageo, rlot y vartel 'xFl?oai?nl
;;t-;i;; ; gue6c. of nurlc,
t-h -e"',i rni n u i t a n t l s b f i r t h . i i a - h a v c t!r! f,
i;;fl;;;.;, tri,nc"also t.he linf,ua r:" o! aclencen.4cc-ctllrr n!g,et:a. :'.c.
iii";h'd;; - i "fr nrisui?ii grip rrs_ihr poa.{rttttty. of '-rrdrrcisntl ln.f .. _T:,rr5't* .
tip.ded,'trr..- ' , ' ; ! r a r o f t h e i ' r o r l d a . l r v a T g 1 g r a i rr " ' r r n t 1 . ' r c
;;;.;".;t F,/.;a.?.
r ' r h e nn : i - v i i i i e O;.otro3'aIl the E::et trrlltlzn-
nouid be'wirr *rrd rololutlon, irpcn clrllisetlcn' It
el tcasblns o f h u n r n l t y thr trrr11l1orrrI
was for thnt. that t h e s ' ' "
' h
g e
r r
e e
t '
) tv . -
f tn 1f G
t l g
i t r r
. r
i f ' - i t
" r
t l
q c " d
: 1 t o n r c : a i v a
Drln:1nF anc
i;;q;i;";t#";;1..."it1, ri;;i-oi-'i"i.',1'oi"-"o"t'rr eualc,
r r i r o ? . - : ite
' t ' o nn,rrrottr r a sc$:1
d.!,i'c ' ' .' --.,el1 E:2a-'
l.of lnatlnc?. lill:^o...1'Ii-:1I t h i t o o k c li=t'
:it"tl";-;oiol oi
forcc cen ilestrov oii- r,n. grrrt l:""1i-t5l-"ir:X":.;,r lcJ i *ili :; rhtnk tcli-.-'-il
ilo"i.oe' - o:1:19:"-
:;to^.1. i..I .! '-lll n,/--
I n.,n.
(ColttC).,... The Magic of Wisdom

drrl r} c- qt nr ' n dt h e
i l l B h l n P t o d e s t r o y t h l n k n h o r r t t h l o c t h l n f , $ r v } r l c h l r e r l c h r rrbrynf e )on1:ior:'
nll rhe books r.".tr,l"rr"tii""iiu."ri;'";"-'-'ii.;.ou
-i'ne. 'qI'1-cariar! rs' tt'i c'"'"
rou h::v'
iliirtlicr f orn ereo. blilneg-..1?nilUt".'-ri'1o'ltei'r"'-t1r9 '3'got'erlc
iint tf tir$'orrovi.i'};;i}'itrrtcilv::
l ucorat tcrcnrne bu|i..i.-io;rov.l..l" to..j..1:'.1.r9:i
ani uj";;;"i,t. i;l..ii:iir".t',i"",
rorcc carqc "i.ylr.Jl'..:-..i.!1i'.':.
t!,gp i. lrip.ortoT !' .r"r.1uril,
rrc hrve arso rh. -ql-s ril Til-F.ti.l'i:*11t4ffi#""
1ii+! =!.ll,if.

u;tC-tt1'u"3roushrll r'rrrl:'rstttndc
'sfcyt ++ii+*+;l
an{ s3rnr.'ols". c?rrhvrh-l! 1:-h"tt 's7=bc1'
5 o' ,w a n d on
o n and
! o on o n -' atrr*,bolln'r
i ec {Eo the grat -;;b;jil" ;i. =:t:t-*til l:-ln:^::f1.1:i":;c'*,,
'tEB, u n to
c oour tO t h e EJ'dt cL u:
rn th'
il9l"o"X'rl"li "il r'i;".I:; i ;'.;; il;: "i' r Jr'''i ss!::'lnoL- .r-., lrarr- rll

i'i.Tti';;.;;-;;-;r." s''"t 1.:"-hiY:-:1:'

hare' to f lnd.
li;':".i::ii il,;;':' ;;i"i:.::'-:I'.:"T;.::
- _ n 1 t ] l , o r '& i J l i b " u i ' r ' . . i r " ; . - ;";1";'ti
rr,rdh lli;l'
( . r u 8 - 1 1 2 2 , 1".l'lilii
:g:) .Ee vna :}u'liiil;i:i:II'ii"*i';[-"\i i o i: ijrri
iii ::o.u!
1n ei'''C 'rf'rsrB'( wv!^'-''''' v*' -'--'-i-er'tfirt
-ryt:,;:i:.:t:t.,?"ll3ll. shit r.alon !t',
t ^'.1.!
r lr r1ttr d
r.a!gn tl3 f'.
l i l : J i i ; ; ' *i ;i d l i i ." ;" u -l " -gL--looi.
'i 1 ']i 'n l l?
.:i- ^t:i:::^r T:"1: n..
cisPhlcs-. . frI 1,,.,r rtr
a lth :-

. tlr:rio
t l m r r 0 $ s n - a n frit i-i-31;r;ii-inil*il.lioi""!I;iriirilrrlllii]T
'..'* g
e u f-t-0
J.nltlatlon wlthcu-! s
r r t e l ' ! ' rjd;--,''
; { - = ? tii nri;
di.3.not '.'- {an.iid!ato iI11 no
Sq 1f f or so'te
llttLe br:aFil.
illli;"';"il;q,!!.iis:;:., ill; i"irii;.:";-'
ol,ssr'*Ec-s* I":!. " ? ' i r r i i r , i i '.trthd..n- ,-i .",a. ., i i dwl a. t on ? ? t h e t s r n l 4 -
.E l.[i i t .
{'lui:'J' i r':iJii! gti !'gr ; * iJ :!'!'"
;';erlli'11.ti3ie'-iillil.:::!-g*-':*l: t;'i,illtll3t::"',.Li:='
or Grrtzch. a6oao:ir?rmda=-
,tli"t]$|.lto'til1i''?T.I'itll;;.1;';;iJ 5-io.'n
6rourtd t clrPlcu.
. Thlc 1s'(ser on. of 1}rr great-.E nbois oi
rii.'Pt. ?asi I) '
- l ' r q n t h r ] n q u n r l s . u z . 1 ' o t n t h l l' :$i P
x 4 ri.-lrt" ccirtri of thr tr1en1'l e
)t) c aYnbol for the l Y e o f , l g t
Grrit Archltcet of thi llnlTrrer ] '
Thls Bc of God.-1c-1-tr'r-qllaonnry
i\3.ce, the !rlan5Ir ) rriuerr'd ' -/' -sQrti'lr
ii'l i r'?n'.iarprtri th" enblco ;! lrr
5xj { ? - ei.o.}.i if.p. .{r.911.;lf-thrrorgt

L:)c.ol',lnor, D!' Tna cRi:'.ilv'-l
l gtq.g

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