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Instiuctoi: Ni. Biiuges
0ffice Bouis: Aftei school & uuiing fifth peiiou.
Couise Neeting Place: 0Su8

EF=(C9 J9C:()'<)F*K5*<(FB=:<)F*: Welcome to English III
(Ameiican Liteiatuie)! Ny name is Ni. Biiuges (Ni. B) anu I
am exciteu to stait a new yeai with you, as I am suie we will
have an amazing school yeai togethei. This yeai we will
enueavoi to ieau texts that will challenge you to think
ciitically, anu if you appioach this class as I will, with a sense
of enthusiasm, attention to uetail, anu ueteimination, I am
confiuent we will benefit gieatly fiom oui expeiiences togethei.
Although we will be ieauing many of the canonical texts foi ENu III, we will also ieau a gieat
ueal of expositoiy texts as well. I will tieat this couise moie as an expositoiy ieauing anu
wiiting couise, which means we will bieak the class into smallei, moie succinct units. This
class is the fiist of a two-semestei sequence. Aftei youi successful completion of this couise,
(both semesteis) you will have eaineu 1u cieuits.
This couise invites you to consiuei ieauing anu wiiting in high school as a social piocess. We
will uiscuss how texts woik as conveisation, anu you will uncovei stiategies foi ieauing anu
wiiting ciitically. When you ieau this quaitei, you will seek to unueistanu not only the text
itself, but also the conveisation it is joining. 0ui couise ieauings will piesent you with ways of
uneaithing new insights about the ieauings, one that you will shaie with otheis in oui class.
With all of this saiu, we will get the unueistanuing that ieauing anu wiiting aie iiievocably
inteitwineu. We will ieau so we can wiite. 0ui motivation foi wiiting then will be baseu upon
the belief that we have piouuceu something new oi challenging oi otheiwise useful to auu to
the conveisationsomething that extenus oi impioves upon the woik of otheis who have
investigateu the same pioblem. This kinu of thinking necessitates lots of ieseaich. When you
wiite this semestei, it is helpful that you think of youiselves as asseiting youi voice into a
conveisation. The woik you will uo uuiing these two semesteis will inciease youi ability to
think moie in-uepth about the texts you will piouuce.

&<=B9*< 2L'9:<"<)F*CM
Come to class on time anu piepaieu to woik;
Always iespect the speakei who is auuiessing the class by being quiet anu attentive;
Complete activities exactly as assigneu;
Tuin off all electionics anu keep them out of sight;
Naintain youi integiityalways. No giaue is woith youi goou name;
Bo not thiow anything at any time in the classioom.

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N9":D9( 2L'9:<"<)F*C:
I will be on time foi class anu piepaieu to woik;
I will always iespect the speakei who is auuiessing the class by being quiet anu
I will woik to give assignments that aie meaning anu ielevant to you as a stuuent;
I will not become uistiacteu by electionic uevice, noi will I allow the class to be
uisiupteu by someone's constant use of theii uevices;
I will chionicle all assignments that we uo all yeai anu keep an accuiate account of youi
piogiess in this couise.

!=(<D9( ND)*+C <F 2L'9:<: Because this couise is uesigneu to fostei in us ciitical thinking
skills, you will be uoing a significant amount of ieauing anu wiiting. You shoulu expect to
spenu at least six-eight houis pei week piepaiing foi class. 0ui class is centeieu on uiscussions
anu woikshops, anu it is theiefoie essential that you attenu each class session ieauy to have a
lively uiscussion about the ieauings.
4("B)*+ "*B 7CC9CC89*<: uiauing will be baseu on class woik anu homewoik (incluuing
ieauing, wiiting speaking anu listening assignments; class uiscussions; notes anu notebooks;
paiticipation in gioup anu paitnei woik) anu assessments (incluuing essays, piojects, gioup
woik anu piojects, speeches, tests, quizzes, anu poitfolios). Foi the puipose of quaitei anu
semestei giaue iepoits, listeu below is how giaues aie calculateu:
A + (1uu%) A (99-94%) A- (9S-9u%) B+ (89-87%) B (86-84%) B- (8S-8u%)
C+ (79-77%) C (76-74%) C- (7S-7u%) B+ (69-67%) B (66-64%) B- (6S-6u%)
F (S9-u%)
Stuuents will be iewaiueu extia cieuit foi submitting essays. Foi each essay that is bettei than
the iteiation, stuuents will ieceive extia cieuit. This is WILL only tiue foi stuuents who submit
all woik thioughout the wiiting piocess. Foi stuuents who have ieceiveu a 6, they will be given
extia cieuit if they can maintain that 6.
O#"+)"()C8: }ust uon't uo it. Plagiaiism can be uefineu as knowingly attempting to use
someone's woik as youi own, anu this soit of thing will not be toleiateu. If you'ie evei in
uoubt (especially about citation piactices), please ask me. I am heie to help you. I will be moie
than willing to assist you with any help you may neeu. I will follow Nv0SB's guiuelines foi
plagiaiism, which might iesult in you ieceiving an F foi this couise. Foi moie infoimation,
please iefei to the "Acauemic Regulations anu Pioceuuies" in the Nv0SB Bulletin of Couise's
policies on plagiaiism.

;"<9 PF(Q "*B 208")#)*+ 7CC)+*89*<C: It is essential to the woik of this couise that all of the
assignments aie tuineu in on time. When they aie not, you iun the iisk of falling behinuanu
it is often times veiy uifficult to catch back up in that case. ueneially, I uo not accept late woik,
but I uo know that life happens. In this instance, stuuents neeu to let me know in auvance.
Stuuents will ieceive a giaue ieuuction of a thiiu of a lettei giaue foi eveiy uay (not class) an
assignment is late. Assignments aie still uue even if you not be in class that uay. You will neeu
to e-mail me the assignment !"#$%" class staits. You neeu to ieceive a confiimation e-mail that I
!"## % &'()*+ ,-./0.1 234 555 6789():"* ;)<9("<=(9> ?(@ A()B+9C

was able to successful open the attachment anu you will also neeu to biing a haiu copy to class
upon youi ietuin.

7<<9*B"*:9: Youi success in this class is paitly uepenuent upon you being in class. That is, it is
essential that you attenu class. If you miss class, you will uefinitely miss impoitant woik,
infoimation anu paiticipation points foi the uay. Although I uo encouiage stuuents to attenu
eveiy class session, I unueistanu theie aie unfoieseeable situations that may cause you to miss
class. With that saiu, aftei youi thiiu absence, you will be uockeu one thiiu of a lettei giaue.
Foi example, if stuuent who misses a fouith class session enus the couise with a B, theii giaue
will be loweieu to a B- because of theii attenuance. (In actuality, youi giaue may be affecteu
even moie than that, because paiticipation points cannot be eaineu if stuuents aie not piesent
in class.)

2#9:<(F*): J9R):9C: 0nless the gioup uiscussions call foi you to use youi an election uevice,
please have cell phones, iPous, etc. put away. Laptops anu tablets aie useful tools in a 21

centuiy classioom, when useu to access Blackboaiu ieauings. Asiue fiom that, (unless they aie
being useu to take notes oi complete an in class activity) uo use them foi social meuia

N"(B)*9CC: Please be on time because being taiuy one seives as a uistiaction to those who aie
woiking uiligently. We will have a lot of moments wheie we will uo gioup collaboiation. It will
be veiy uifficult to jump into a gioup if we'ie not on time because it will take away fiom the
gioup's woik.

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