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Physical Assessment Elderly

Physical Assessment Elderly

Nathan Biles
Kaplan University
Physical Assessment Elderly
Physical Assessment
This physical assessment is of Annie Anderson (the alternate adult from doc sharing! As
"ith the previous assessments of the younger child and myself # have $ro%en it do"n into
sections! The first couple sections are &uestionnaires and health screenings for any pre'e(isting
conditions that "ould prevent an e(ercise or physical activity program! # also go over the results
of a physical e(am from the )o"ley and *ran%s te(t$oo%+ Fitness Professionals Handbook.
After going over these results # discuss motivational strategies and recommendations for
reaching her goals! # also go over her readiness for change and $ody composition!
The physical assessment readiness &uestionnaire (Par', is a &uestionnaire that is designed
to screen for any pre'e(isting medical conditions that "ould hinder you from performing
physical activity! The &uestionnaire has you contact a physician $efore involving yourself in a
physical activity program if you ans"er yes to any of the &uestions in the &uestionnaire! Annie
has ans"ered yes to a couple of the &uestions $ut she has gotten the o% from a physician to move
for"ard "ith a program!
Health Status Questionnaire
The health status &uestionnaire is a more in depth loo% at your health status and is
recommended $efore participating in fitness testing (*ran%s - )o"ley+ .//0! The
&uestionnaire is $ro%en do"n into 1 sections! The sections include+ medical history+ ris% factor
assessment+ medications and physical activity patterns and o$2ectives! The doctor has already
given the go ahead $ut there are still a couple of things that should $e noted a$out her health
General Medical History
Physical Assessment Elderly
3eneral medical history consists of heart history+ symptoms and additional health issues!
Annie has recently had three stents put in cardiac arteries to relieve chest pain and $loc%ages!
4tents are used to prevent coronary heart disease and often ma%e the patient a candidate for
hospital $ased cardiac reha$ilitation programs ()o"ley - *ran%s+ .//0! Another thing to note is
people "ith stents are often on anticoagulants to help prevent clotting! 4ome anticoagulants
increase the ris% of $ruising so it should $e noted "hen developing a program!
Risk Factor Assesment and Medications
Annie has several ris% factors! )igh cholesterol and high $lood pressure are t"o of them!
They are corrected "ith medications! 4he also has had a $one scan that sho"ed very early stages
of osteoporosis! 5steoporosis is decreased $one mass that particularly affects older "omen
()o"ley - *ran%s+ .//0! 4trengthening muscles and improving their endurance is one "ay to
help prevent osteoporosis!
Health and Lifestyle Behaviors
Annie en2oys "al%ing+ gardening+ crafting and golfing! 6al%ing+ gardening and golfing are
all good physical activities! To $e a$le to continue doing those into ones later years it is
important to focus on muscle groups that these activities use! No one "ould en2oy gardening if
your "hole $ody ached 2ust getting up and do"n off your %nees! Keep notes on ho" you feel
during these activities and any signs of specific pains $ecause often times there can $e an
e(ercise that focuses on a muscle group that is causing the pain!
Body om!ostion
Annie is 78 inches tall and "eighs 178l$s! )er "aist is 90 inches and her hip is 81!1
inches! )er B:# is .;!1 and she is over"eight! A normal "eight for Annie "ould $e $elo" 181!
)er goal is to lose ./l$s so this "ould put her in the normal range! )er "aist<hip ratio is a$ove
Physical Assessment Elderly
the normal for "omen (Thygerson - Thygersons+ ./11! This should also even out if she
achieves her goal of losing ./l$s!
Annie "ants to lose ./l$s! =osing "eight involves a com$ination of t"o things+ nutrition
and physical activity! # "ould recommend loo%ing into a healthier eating if it is a concern for
Annie! The U4>A :yPlate!com "e$site provides an e(ample of "hat your ideal meals should
loo% li%e! Are you getting enough vegeta$les and fruits? Annie li%es gardening so # "ould
recommend gro"ing her o"n vegeta$les $ecause it has many different $enefits!
Readiness for han#e
Annie@s readiness for change "ould $e in the action stage! 4he understands the $enefits of
$eing physically active and performs physical activity a$out 9 times a "ee%! *ocus here should
$e driven to"ards esta$lishing and %eeping routines "ith her physical activity goals!
Assessment Results
Annie had three assessments! The first "as her resting heart rate+ "hich "as 7/ $pm! 4he
scored an 1; on the chair stand test and an 1; on the arm curl! These tests assess upper $ody and
lo"er $ody strength and they $oth measure in the average or a$ove average range (Top End
4ports+ ./1.!
Motivational Strate#ies and $echni%ues
:otivational strategies "or% $est "hen they are tailored to the individuals@ stage of change!
Annie understands the $enefits of $eing active and has a goal to lose ./l$s! 4he is physically
active 9 days a "ee%! The %ey points to focus on are esta$lishing and %eeping routines!
Physical Assessment Elderly
:y recommendations "ould $e a couple of things! 5ne concern # have is the development
of osteoporosis! 4trength training is a good means of prevention for this! 4tronger muscles help
support your $ones! # "ould also recommend a form of $alance training! *alls are a common
in2ury that can lead to complications as you get older $ecause your $ody can@t recover as "ell as
"hen you are younger! 3etting an early start at preventing these through $alance $ased e(ercise
programs "ould $e "ise! >oing this "hile in the action phase of motivational readiness can help
"ith cementing it into a steady routine!
# "ould also try to ma%e some recommendations for nutrition! Annie@s nutrition may or
may not $e the "orst $ut as # mentioned earlier it goes hand in hand "ith physical fitness in
achieving "eight loss goals! Trying to motivate Annie to gro" her o"n fruits and vegeta$les
$ecause of her ho$$y for gardening might $e a nice "ay to implement this! # myself gro" a
small garden for my family and it encourages me to eat from it and therefor get more fruits and
Aecommendations "ould also $e made for strength training and cardio fitness! 4trength
training is important $ecause of the concerns listed $efore and cardio fitness can help "ith her
cholesterol and $lood pressure! Even though her medications %eep those in chec%+ e(ercise could
go a long "ay in helping those health concerns!
5ne thing that # find helpful in esta$lishing routine is to e(ercise "ith people! Boining a
gym "ith a friend or enrolling in classes can esta$lish relationships that people can support each
other in common goals! 6hen you s%ip a "or%out $y yourself you are only letting yourself
do"n $ut "hen you let someone else do"n it ma%es it a little harder to s%ip it! Plus you have the
support to %eep at something!
Physical Assessment Elderly
Annie is in stage 8 of her motivational readiness for change! 4he understands the $enefits
and has ta%en steps to"ards $eing more physically active! The %ey for her success to her goals
lies in esta$lishing a routine of healthy living through proper nutrition and physical activity! #
have recommended that she ta%es part in a strength training program to help "ith her
osteoporosis prevention as "ell as focusing on her nutrition and cardio'e(ercises for her "eight
loss goals!
Physical Assessment Elderly
*ran%s+ B! >+ )o"ley+ E! T! (.//0 Fitness professionals handbook (5
ed.), Champaign #=D
)uman Kinetics
Thygerson+ A! =+ Thygerson+ 4! :+ (./11 Fit to be well (2
ed). 4ud$ury+ :AD Bones - Bartlett
=earning+ ==C
Top End 4ports! (./1.! Senior fitness testing! Aetrieved from

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