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Language and literature

Style Point of view

Theme Purpose
Character Setting
Factual What are literary devices? What literary devices do authors employ?
Factual What is setting? How does time and place affect a story?
Conceptual What constitutes character? How do authors create character?
Conceptual How do writers create stories? How do writers create stories which entertain?
Conceptual What is plot? What is the importance of a good storyline?
Conceptual What is fgurative language? Why do authors uss simile and metaphor in a story?
Conceptual What is theme? How are themes developed in stories?
Conceptual What is irony? How do authors employ irony in a story?
Debatable What is resolution? Do all stories have to have a happy ending?
Debatable What is sensory language? How can sensory language enhance the reader's experience?
Debatable What is confict? What is the importance of confict in a story? Can you habe a story without confict?
Teacher(s| Julie Clarke, David Marrinson Subject group and d|sc|p||ne Language A: English
Un|t t|t|e Author Study and Character Writing MYP Year Grade 9 Un|t durat|on 3 Weeks
Inqu|ry: Estab||sh|ng the purpose of the un|t
Key concept Re|ated concept(s| G|oba| context
Creativity Perspective
Ident|t|es and
Statement of |nqu|ry
Authors employ a variety of literary devices to craft written texts which entertain audiences, tell stories and convey messages.
Inqu|ry quest|ons
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Object|ves Summat|ve assessment
A: Ana|ys|ng
analyse the content, context, language,
structure, technique and style of text(sj and the
relationships among texts
analyse the effects of the creator's choices on
an audience
justify opinions and ideas, using examples,
explanations and terminology
evaluate similarities and differences by
connecting features across and within genres and
B: Organ|z|ng
employ organizational structures that serve the
context and intention
organize opinions and ideas in a sustained,
coherent and logical manner
Students will analyze various literary elements and
structures in short stories. These aspects of literature
will include character, plot, theme, setting, confict,
sensory language, fgurative language, resolution and
irony, Students will choose one of these elements to
focus upon in an extended paragraph.
Approaches to |earn|ng (ATL|
III. Organ|zat|on sk|||s
Manag|ng t|me and tasks effect|ve|y
Plan short- and long-term assignments;
meet deadlines
Create plans to prepare for summative
assessments (examinations and
Keep and use a weekly planner for
Set goals that are challenging and realistic
Plan strategies and take action to achieve
personal and academic goals
Bring necessary equipment and supplies to
Keep an organized and logical system of
information fles/notebooks
Use appropriate strategies for organizing
complex information
Understand and use sensory learning
preferences (learning stylesj
1. Concise creative piece with a focus on
character - !"#$%&' %& )*+,*&, -#.,/. )0*,.1
oral presentation.
2. Concise creative piece with a focus on how
a character was affected by setting, events
and other elements - -2%# )%+*& oral
3. Reading short stories - various
4. discussing and analyzing above.
5. Practise analytical structure.
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Literary Analysis
creative response
Select and use technology effectively and
Act|on: Teach|ng and |earn|ng through |nqu|ry
Content Learn|ng process
Know|edge & Sk|||s: Learn|ng Exper|ences
How will students know what is expected of them? Will they see examples, rubrics, templates, etc.?
How will students aquire the knowledge and practice the skills required? How will they practice applying these?
Do the students have enough prior knowledge?
Models including student exemplars and shared class writing an doratory tasks
1. Analyzing character in short stories through discussion, quote analysis and connecting to personal
experience and other texts.
2. Practising skills of developing character through in class tasks such as character profle graphic organizers,
brainstorm knowledge of how charcter is observed and developed.
Teach|ng strateg|es
How will we use formative assessments to give students feedback during the unit?
What different teaching methodologies will be employed?
How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? Have we considered those learning in the language other
than their mother tongue? Have we considered those with special educational needs?
Remind students that formative assessments practise skills necessary to be used in summative assessment and
connect back to fnal goal (summative taskj.
differentiating tasks
1. Using a variety of texts which are culturally diverse and of varying reading levels of diffculty. Texts should be
reading level accessible to all students.
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2. Setting tasks which allow for personal choice - eg. character story tasks allow for students to develop the
character in any direction, within any context
Describe how you will differentiate teaching & learning for this unit?
Learner Pro|e
Th|nkers: Developing ideas based on observations of people in their lives and characters in literature.
Commun|cators: Oratory
1.Telling character life stories through a series of events and settings.
2.Developing character traits leading to the creation of a fctional character.
Reect|ve: Making connections between literature and real life.
Internat|ona| M|ndedness
A variety of stories to encompass various cultures will be included.
1. Short Story Texts
Jigs and Reels - anthology of short stories by Joanne Harris
Short stories including
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Ugly Sister (from Joanne Harris' anthologyj
Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl (irony and characterj
The Sniper by Liam OFlaherty (irony, confictj
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson (sensory language, settingj
The veldt by Ray Bradbury (sensory language, settingj
Fever Dream by Ray Bradbury (sensory languagej
The Landlady by Roald Dahl (character, confictj
2. 'Walking in Someone Else's Shoes' prompts for story telling (life story through series of events and settingsj
3. 'Evil Simon' graphic prompt for character trait building.
Reect|on: Cons|der|ng the p|ann|ng, process and |mpact of the |nqu|ry
Pr|or to teach|ng the un|t Dur|ng teach|ng After teach|ng the un|t
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Teachers met to decide upon 2 things - which
elements of literature to address and which short
story texts to study.
The stories selected had wide appeal.
Ways to build character traits were developed with
great success.
Credibilty and entertainment value to an audience of
how character was developed was powerful.
Connections could be made to Humanities
(particularly History when looking at context of
piecesj and to Art.
Teachers met and recommend that a Iormative
task be included where analysis oI an element oI
the text is included. The structure oI the task, be it
oral or written should Iollow the organization oI a
literary essay. This is not to say that students
should create and read or write an essay, rather,
they should generate points pertinent to the task
which Iollow the structure /Iramework. The
purpose oI this task is to reinIorce the structure oI
analysis and develop conIidence so it becomes
second nature.
Exemplars Ior all perIormance tasks are essential
Ior students in order to provide a model and to
demonstrate an expectation oI Ior a level oI
Data collected related specifcally to how students
performed as analytical writers and as oral
presenters. This guided the planning of tasks for units
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