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This project encompasses the proposed digitalisation of the Cypress Gardens Golf Academy Pro Shop
to transition from a physical sales system to a digital point of sales system. As the Golf Pro Shop is managed
by two employees throughout business hours, it is only natural to want to maximize profit as well as efficiency
during the work day. The inability to accept credit cards on a standard cash register combined with the slow
speed of keying all the sales into the register represent an issue to that motive. This warrants an upgrade to

The goal of this project is to complete a successful transition from a cash in hand system to a digital


Three contracts to carry out required infrastructure establishment to get the work done for the project

Server rack installed, wiring infrastructure laid out in order to support the incoming machines of phase

Basic infrastructure will be fully installed allowing for the proceeding phase to be carried out in

System fully prepared for production and end user acceptance testing. Reliability checks will take place
and end of project operations will be conducted. A review of the performance of the project staff in adhering to

Milestone Date Status Responsible Issues/Comments
ProjectCharterdrafted May19 Completed Jonel
Projectkickoff May21 Completed Anthony wentverywell
Scopecompleted May21 Completed Rachita
Timetableestablished May22 Completed AnthonyandJonel
WorkBreakdownSchedule May22 Completed Jonel
Getcontractstowinnerofbid June21 Completed Jonel
SystemInstallation June23 Anthonyand

UATTesting July2426 Allparties noissuesfound
Progressreports Every
Finalprojectdelivered July27
Finalprojectreportcompleted July29
Acknowledgelessonslearned July31 Allparties


The task of the bid for each contract must given to the appropriate team member. That team member
will carry out the task accordingly by passing out the bid for each respective contract to prospective companies.
The task will be completed once the team member receives the winning bid from each respective company and

The team member who previously gave out the bid will come in on a weekend and be present on site
while the contractors carry out work on their assigned task. The team member will ensure the tasks assigned
to the contractors as stated in their contracts is completed. Meaning that the wiring and server rack will be
completed in a timely manner within the timeframe allotted. Thus providing the deliverable by completion of the

Basic infrastructure establishment will be seen to its completion. The network will be wired into the rack
with all machines installed. Basic configurations of operating systems will be loaded and configured into the
network. These tasks will be completed by those with the proper contracts as continued on from the previous

Advanced infrastructure configuration. The deliverable for this stage will be the completion of the final
level of tasks. The web developer will install and configure the delivered product for the website and online
database. This in turn will be hooked up into the stores infrastructure by the CGGA employee once his training
is complete. Thus as a result of these two tasks and activities the full project infrastructure will be completed

To begin with, Jonel will process the bids for the contracting. Rachita will be in charge of the
management of the budget both in regards towards activities and tasks as well as necessary equipment.

The CGGA Golf Pro Shop employee will be responsible for the resources pertaining to the installation of
the server rack. The contractor hired to do the wiring will be in charge of all resources pertaining to wiring and
the patch panels. A managed solutions provider may be hired on to take care of additional complications
involved in the installation and configuration of the server and switches after the installation of the wiring and

The web developer will be responsible for all of our resources dedicated towards developing our
software package. In the event of unforeseen complications additional money from the budget may be allocated

Estimates of the tasks to be carried out in this project will use timeboxing in order to prioritise
completion of the project while keeping the scope from expanding. By adhering strictly to the timeboxing of the
tasks it will set a solid deadline and prevent the scope of the project from expanding to areas outside of the

To begin with time boxes will be used extensively at the start of the project in the event that bidding out
contracts takes longer than expected, or that one of the contract winners declines the contract causing delays
in the projects progression. A time constraint will be fixed contingent upon the receipt of the contract being
confirmed by the prospective company. After it is confirmed and they have accepted it, they will be given a span
of a month to follow through on completing their assigned tasks as outlined in phase two. Phase one negotiation
of the contracts will be given a two week span of bidding and a two week span to confirm the contract and lock
in the conditions and expected payments. Following this, the activities and tasks as outlined in phases two and
three should be completed within month as mentioned previously, allowing for the establishment of basic
infrastructure. Following this phase four will be completed by the end of July feeding off the completion of
phases two and three. In order to see to this the three constraints of project management we will have time

In the event of complications, there is a possibility of cost increases in order to hire on additional help to
expedite of the processes at hand or purchase parts as needed. As this is on a fixed deadline cost increase
and scope reduction will take priority in order to meet the estimated deadline for each activity and task. For

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