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[F] = Full Control [P] = Partial Control [C] = Conceptual Control

Curriculum and Professional Development Division K12 Foreign Language

SPANISH I3840 Teacher Guide
UNIT 7: Lets Eat

By the end of this unit, students will be able to
Interpersonal Communication Interpretive Communication Presentational Communication Culture, Connections,
Comparisons, and Communities Conversation Reading Listening Speaking Writing
1.7.1 Order food and drink in a restaurant or a
1.7.2 Ask for the bill in a restaurant
1.7.3 Ask for and understand basic information
about a menu
1.7.4 Ask for what they need in a restaurant
1.7.5 Ask for help from someone to locate food
items in a store or market
1.7.6 Ask how much something costs
1.7.7 Talk about what they eat
2.7.1 Understand some of
what they read on a
2.7.2 Understand some of
what they read about
a restaurant in an ad
or review in a
newspaper, brochure,
or online
2.7.3 Understand some of
what they read in a
recipe or shopping list
3.7.1 Understand when a
waiter tells them the
daily specials
3.7.2 Understand some of
what people say about
3.7.3 Understand what they
hear in a restaurant
4.7.1 Talk about a restaurant
and its menu
4.7.2 Give their preferences
and recommendations
of what to order in a
4.7.3 Tell the basic
ingredients in certain
5.7.1 Write a description of a
restaurant and its menu
5.7.2 Give their preferences
and recommendations of
what to order in a
6.7.1 Understand the Spanish-speaking worlds view on
meal times, portion sizes, table etiquette, and
What will students know by the end of this unit?
Vocabulary Language Structures and Conventions
Utensils and place settings
The bill and currency
Weights, measures, portions, and amounts
Food descriptions
Ordering and appropriate expressions of courtesy for commercial transactions
Comparatives and superlatives
Partitive articles (some, any) [P]
Demonstrative adjectives [P]
Articles used as pronouns [C]
Comparatives and superlatives [P]
Polite expressions when ordering [P]
What universal concepts should I teach throughout this course?
7.0.1 Identify and use cognates that exist between Spanish and English
7.0.2 Compare language structures between Spanish and English
7.0.3 Compare and contrast the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world with their own culture
7.0.4 Recognize opportunities to use Spanish outside of the classroom setting
7.0.5 Recognize and use gestures, manners, behaviors, greetings, and idiomatic expressions of the Spanish-speaking world
7.0.6 Recognize similarities and differences in the Spanish-speaking writing system and use it with increasing accuracy
7.0.7 Recognize and use the Spanish sound system with increasing accuracy

Quarter 4
Curriculum and Professional Development Division K12 Foreign Language

SPANI SH I 3840 Vocabulary Guide
UNI T 7: Lets Eat

Quarter 4
el tenedor fork
la cuchara spoon
el plato plate
la servilleta napkin
el cuchillo knife
la taza cup
el tazn bowl
el vaso glass

Food and Restaurants
el caf coffee
el agua water
el refresco soda
la leche milk
el t tea
la limonada lemonade
el pan bread
la hamburguesa hamburger
el sndwich sandwich
la sopa soup
la fruta fruit
la manzana apple
el fresa strawberry
la banana banana
la naranja orange
la carne meat
la carne de res beef
el pollo chicken
el pescado fish
las verduras vegetables
el maz corn
las zanahorias carrots
las papas potatoes
los frijoles beans
la cebolla onion
el tomate tomato
la ensalada salad
las papas fritas french fries
el postre dessert
la torta cake
el pastel pastry
el helado ice cream
la galleta cookie

ms que
more tan
ms de
menos que
less tan
menos de
mejor better
peor worse
tantos como as many as
tanto como as much as

Food Descriptions
caliente hot
fro cold
picante spicy
salado salty
asqueroso disgusting
delicioso delicious
bueno good
malo bad

el kilo kilo
la onza ounce
la libra pound
mucho a lot
demasiado too much
poco a little
bastante enough
suficiente sufficient
el trozo a piece
otro another

Currency and Bills
el dlar dollar
el billete bill (paper money)
la moneda coin
la cuenta bill (final amount due)
la tarjeta de crdito credit card
el efectivo cash
Cunto cuesta? How much does it cost?
la propina tip
caro expensive
barato cheap
el cambio change
los impuestos taxes
el dinero money
Es incluido? Is it included?

Perdone. Excuse me.
Un men, por favor. A menu, please.
Qu le gustara? What would you like?
Me gustara Id like
En seguida, pronto. Right away.
Aqu est. Here it is.
Buen provecho! Enjoy your meal!
pagar top pay for
pedir to ask for
cenar to eat dinner
almorzar to eat lunch
desayunarse to eat breakfast
preferir to prefer
cocinar to cook
tomar to take (medicine)
beber to drink
comprar to buy
tener hambre to be hungry
tener sed to be thirsty

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