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Portfolio Page (IRA 2010 Standards)
Course: RDG 5410---Interactive Computer Applications in Literacy Education

Standards-This artifact meets the following standards/elements:
Standard 2-Curriculum and Instruction:
2.3-Use a wide range of texts (e.g. narrative, expository, and poetry) from traditional
print, digital, and online resources.
Standard 5-Literate Environment:
5.4-Use a variety of classroom configurations (i.e. whole class, small group and
individual) to differentiate instruction.

I. Description of Artifact: The artifacts used to demonstrate attainment of these standards were
the multimedia projects for classroom instruction (Google Literature Trip, Digital Storybook),
the Graphic Novel Project and the Virtual Teaching Web 2.0 Webinar.
The artifacts demonstrate attainment of the targeted standard as follows:
2.3: The supporting classroom instruction/tutorial efforts and the work done in the
development and completion of the Google Literature Trip, the Digital Storybook and the
Graphic Novel Project have expanded my professional inventory of specific digital classroom
tools. Further these efforts have facilitated a greater understanding of the efficacy and
importance of such tools in meeting the specific needs and abilities of all learners and the
insurance of curricular relevance, in the 21
5.4: The work in preparation for (Screencast and PowerPoint for Socrative), and the
participation in the Virtual Teaching Web 2.0 Webinar have dramatically enhanced my
motivation and capacity to expand the use of Web based modalities, in my curricula. This
creates the potential for greater differentiation of instruction and a general enhancement of
student interest.
II. I began this course not as an outright technophobe but certainly full of trepidation and its
attendant resistance. This condition has been significantly mitigated. Not only have I added
some Cool Web 2.0 Tools, but have developed a much greater comfort zone in working my

way through new applications. I have also developed a more thoughtful approach and
awareness of both the possibilities and pitfalls of technology in education. I believe my work on
these artifacts and in this course in general, will re-invigorate my own classroom efforts to
introduce more opportunities for appropriate use of technology, in the servicing the needs of
all of my students. Additionally, as I sometimes struggled, to learn from and adapt to the
demands of this course work, I deepened my sense of empathy towards my own students, as
they struggle for understanding. Finally, the collaborative presentation/discussion (through
Weebly, Blackboard, and the Webinar), modeled many of the skill sets required to support my
colleagues efforts in these areas.

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