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7/28/14 9:24 AM RE: Falls - Heinke, Pamela S

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Pl am,
All Lhe CnAs hlred by March aLLended mandaLory skllls lab ln whlch lLems such as proper galL belL use and
body mechanlcs were revlewed, lncludlng a fall scenarlo wlLh revlew of safeLy lnLervenLlons, hourly
roundlng assessmenLs, and fall huddle debrleflng.
Powever, Lhe ACs are noL requlred Lo aLLend Lhese skllls labs, so perhaps Lhere are gaps amongsL Lhls group?
l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe CnAs/ACs do recelve some general Lralnlng upon hlre buL can'L remember whaL all Lhe skllls
are. l would have Lo check Lomorrow when l am back ln Lhe offlce. kyle--do you remember lf Lhese skllls are
revelwed ln P8.
1here skllls checkllsLs lnclude slgnlng off on such Lhlngs durlng orlenLaLlon, however, LhaL cerLalnly lsn'L a
guaranLee LhaL such skllls are LaughL correcLly!! l wonder lf lL would be helpful Lo revlew such lLems aL Lhe
quarLerly meeLlngs? MlghL be worLh lL lf we are seelng more falls relaLed Lo CnA/AC presence or lack Lhereof.
Annsley J Buffington RN, BSN, OCN
Clinical Nurse Educator
Oncology, Bone Marrow Transplant, Gyn-Onc

The Department of Professional Resources improves lives by empowering healthcare professionals to
influence quality care through education, discovery and navigation of change.

!"#$% Pelnke, amela S
&'()% Wednesday, !uly 9, 2014 2:43 M
*#% Crock, !ohanna 1, MarLlnez, nlcole u - Cncology
+,% 8ufflngLon, Annsley !, Pammond, kyle 8, Pelnke, amela S
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7/28/14 9:24 AM RE: Falls - Heinke, Pamela S
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Pl Ladles,
Culck quesLlon- !o and nlcole, do you have numbers on how many lalls are dlrecLly relaLed Lo problems from
CnA/ACs? l've been wonderlng abouL Lhls laLely as lL seems llke a loL of our lalls are only when CnA/ACs
are ln Lhe room.. or noL ln Lhe room..
l am hoplng Lo plan a Lralnlng course wlLh Lhem for my nexL meeLlng. l wanL Lo empower Lhe CnA/AC Lo use
Lhe lall Lool ln Lhe room and use Lhls as a Lalklng polnL wlLh paLlenLs Loo. 1here really ls no reason why Lhey
shouldn'L be uslng Lhls Loo (afLer Lhey have checked wlLh Lhe 8n and agreed hlgh fall, moderaLe fall, or low fall
rlsk). l'm guesslng lf l can glve a dlrecL number llke 3/10 lalls (or whaLever Lhe number ls) are when CnAs are
ln dlrecL care of Lhe pL, Lhls mlghL be klnd of a wake up call for Lhls group.
kyle and Annsley, l wanL Lo Lry Lo lncorporaLe someLhlng llke a: how Lo ambulaLe paLlenLs correcLly, how Lo
LolleL paLlenLs, how Lo Lransfer, ecLera, by an 8n so LhaL we know lL ls belng properly LaughL on Lhe lnlLlal hlre.
l wanL lL Lo be emphaslzed aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Lralnlng why Lhls ls so lmporLanL and Lhelr dlrecL lmpacL.
1he llLeraLure shows LhaL Lhls maLLers..
Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units

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