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Is Technology Redefning Smart?

Is Technology Redefning Smart?

Laura Shell
Western Oregon University
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
Younger and younger children can handle once thought
advanced mathematical skills Some adults are relying on com!uters
to aid in their memory "areers in #hich one$s creativity can shine are
on the rise "ould it %e that technology is redefning #hat it means to
%e smart? Thom!son &'(1)* argues that kee!ing logs o+ our memories
can hel! us recall #hat #e have %een through Relying on logs
contradicts the thought that a good memory makes one smart Ruen
&'(1'* de+ends musicians #hen he argues that ,ust %ecause #e can
get music +or +ree- doesn$t mean #e should .aking the /smart0
choice #hile do#nloading music #ould also mean making the
considerate choice Ro%inson &'(11* and 1ink &'((2* cele%rate the
+act that having +un at #ork- and taking %reaks #hen needed can hel!
create a more !roductive #ork!lace 3m!loyers are smart i+ they
encourage such #ork ha%its Rushko4 &'(1)* 5uestions #ays in #hich
!eo!le are stretching themselves too thin Working around the clock
and al#ays %eing accessi%le via e6mail can overload one$s sel+ I
%elieve that increased demands to give u! one$s time causes stress to
those #ho have to !rove he or she is smart #ith their time
Older Generations Have Difculty Seeing Youths Strengths
with Technology
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
It seems to %e that %eing tech savvy and 7uent in We% '( tools
is a must in today$s society 8auerlein &'((9* com!lains that youth
seem to %e re!eatedly critici:ed %y older generations #ho only see the
negative e4ects o+ such gadgets Yet- young !eo!le can e;cel at a
much +aster rate #ith these technologies I agree #ith 8auerlein- even
though older generations are critici:ing them- youth are getting
smarter in #hat today$s society demands o+ them
In my !arents$ and grand!arents generation a smart student #as
one #ho got good grades- read o+ten- had nice hand#riting and had
attaina%le goals in li+e- amongst many other 5uantifa%le
measurements I remem%er #hen I sho#ed my grandmother- then in
her 9($s- a ne#s!a!er cli!!ing o+ my middle school honor roll
announcement .y mother had highlighted my name under the )2 or
higher range .y grandmother studied the cli!!ing- turned to me and
said- /<o# come you didn$t get this one?0 She #as !ointing to the =(
section o+ honors That$s ho# it #as #ith my grandmother She #as a
kind !erson> she ,ust had high e;!ectations She had to #ork very
hard in her li+etime She had lived through The ?reat @e!ression She
had also %een a teacher +or many years- %ack in a time #here she
didn$t have a curriculum to %ase her teaching on> she had to come u!
#ith many lessons on her o#n She had to #ork hard to make a living
that derived +rom academic learning I think it #as al#ays diAcult +or
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
her to see success in the arts in the same %all!ark as success in
Quirkiness can be seen as Smart
It used to %e that +or a student to %e !ortrayed as smart he or
she e;celled in math- reading- #riting- science and social studies
3;celling in music may have %een an added measurement o+
so!histication Bn adult #ho #as thought o+ as smart #ould have
+ollo#ed all o+ society$s rules In today$s age- %eing smart is !aired
#ith %eing 5uirky B s!eaker that evokes laughter +rom the audience-
and curious stares #ill most likely get the largest audience T3@ talks
are flled #ith innovative thinkers #ho can communicate #ell- and have
an out6o+6the %o; #ay o+ +acing challenges In Smarter Than You Think,
Thom!son &'(1)* interacts #ith one o+ the frst !eo!le to have a
#eara%le com!uter The man #ore a !urse6si:ed ta%let that connected
to his glasses The glasses !ro,ected his customi:ed com!uter screen
This #as essentially the frst edition o+ ?oogle ?lass <e #as a%le to
connect #ell #ith Thom!son- and retrieve ama:ing statistics that aided
in their discussion in a seamless #ay Yes- this man looked a %it goo+y
#ith his contra!tion- yet he #as interesting In a #ay- this inventor
reminded me o+ a nutty !ro+essor> +unny %y the frst o%servation- yet
res!ected as smart
Technology Hels !etain "emories
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
Thom!son &'(1)* also shared the story o+ a !ro+essor- @r Roy-
#ho #illingly set u! 11 cameras in his home to record the frst t#o
years o+ his son$s li+e <e #anted to see ho# adult interaction !layed a
role in learning to s!eak Cot many !eo!le #ould #ant their li+e
recorded like this- es!ecially +or an audience o+ one$s o#n college
students .any must have thought he #as out o+ his mind @r Roy
#as +ascinated %y the study himsel+ <e #as a%le to ca!ture more
memories than he #ould have dreamed o+- and he +elt +ortunate +or
that Bmongst the recordings #ere his son$s frst ste!s @r Roy #as
a%le to go %ack and vie# a !recious moment that most !arents aren$t
a%le to ca!ture on video In +act- @r Roy$s #i+e #asn$t there to #itness
the event and I$m sure she a!!reciated %eing a%le to go %ack and vie#
the moment she had missed Some may think the constant flming o+
one$s li+e as invasive- yet @r Roy #as a%le to go %ack and !ick and
choose #hich videos- or memories he #ould like to vie# again B
!erson #ho is /smart0 or organi:ed #ith their +amilies$ memories no#
flms constantly then goes %ack to collect note#orthy moments rather
than haul a camera or S.BRT !hone around to record
"reating documents to hel! one remem%er and share %ig
moments o+ in li+e seems to %e +avorite !astime o+ users o+ social
media Un+ortunately- i+ someone s!ends too much o+ his or her time
recording li+e$s events it may a!!ear as though they have missed out
on living those events .anaging li+e$s events through %logging-
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
,ournaling- recording- and !hotogra!hy can %e a time consuming and
unorgani:ed !rocess I+ one does not flter- or add a!!ro!riate la%els
or tags to #hat he or she has recorded he or she #ill most likely +eel
over#helmed as I o+ten +eel #ith my thousands o+ !ictures and
hundreds o+ videos in my collection Shirky &'((9* says that it is not
in+ormation overload that has We% '( users +eeling over#helmed> it is
flter +ailure Dor a We% '( user to %e considered smart- he or she
must also %e good at fltering the in+ormation he or she receives-
records- and shares
#lay can lead to a Healthy and Hay $i%estyle
1lay takes an im!ortant role in #hat it means to %e healthy 1ink
&'((2* mentions the interesting ne# e;ercise- laughter yoga- #hich
originated in India I+ laughter is considered the %est medicine-
creators o+ laughter yoga thought it #ould only make sense to add
yoga to the mi; to have an all6around !ositive- healthy e;!erience
Laughter yoga has s!read #orld#ide 3ven though the idea seems
less than ordinary- many are e;cited to try this ne# !ositive e;ercise
Ehatchadourian &'(1(* #rites a%out Eataria- the Laughter "lu%$s ?uru
<e states that Eataria /8elieves that true mirth+ul laughter can have a
li%erating- trans+ormative e4ect F one that momentarily erases all
!ractical concerns- +ears- needs- and even notions o+ time- and
!rovides a glim!se into s!iritual enlightenment0 &! 2G* B !erson #ho
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
is considered ha!!y at his or her #ork!lace is considered smart
Ro%inson &'(11* argues that it isn$t enough to ,ust %e good at #hat one
does in their career That !erson must also %e in his or her element
Ro%inson &'(11* cele%rates the !erks that ?oogle em!loyees en,oy
#hile #orking at ?oogle <ead5uarters The movie /The Interns0
sho#cases ?oogle as a ha!!y !lace in #hich smart !eo!le #ork-
?oogle interns take the slide do#n to lo#er 7oors- take na!s in
na!!ing !ods- and gather +ree +ood +rom the endless snack %ar
<o#ever- all this /+un0 associated #ith %eing smart could have
its dra#%acks Rushko4- &'(1)* descri%es the do#n+all o+ ?oogle
<ead5uarters %eing o!en around the clock ?oogle e;!ects #orkers to
have no li+e outside o+ #ork Blong #ith the +un- game6like
atmos!here- ?oogle also !rovides sho#ers and a laundry service so
#orkers don$t +eel the need to go home %et#een shi+ts This !lays on
the notion that %eing smart also means %eing availa%le at all times I
think this contradicts the thought that healthy choices- like getting
ade5uate slee!- make you smart <igh demands +orce !rogrammers to
#ork around the clock Their em!loyers then demand the same 5uality
#ork to %e !roduced in the middle o+ the night as during the day
3m!loyee$s %ecome more stressed and get less slee! due to long
hours o+ #ork In a sense- ?oogle is almost cult6like They have
created an atmos!here in #hich outsiders #ant to %e in the /cult0
%ecause there is +ree +ood- +un- and !o!ularity Yet- once in the /cult0
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
mem%ers are !ressured into doing more and more +or the com!any all
#hile their !ersonal lives shrink do#n to nothingness &Rushko4- '(1)*
&ccessibility and 'ollaboration while &way %rom (ork
In a sense- ?oogle users are looked u!on as tech savvy and
there+ore smart Yet- utili:ing ?oogle a!!s means that you are
considered ready to #ork and availa%le anytime you have access to
#if or )? Salaried em!loyees !ro%a%ly have it the #orst ?oogle$s
/cult like0 tendencies seem to %e taking over the education system
1u%lic schools and universities are s#itching to ?mail and ?oogle @ocs
more and more ra!idly Schoolteachers are e;!ected to colla%orate in
!ro+essional learning committees and are encouraged to share ideas
via 1interest and Teacher$s 1ay Teachers
Bs a third grade teacher mysel+- I can admit that sometimes it
+eels good to get credit +or an idea that #as mine- and not the team$s
In my e;!erience- +orced team#ork does not al#ays !roduce the %est
results When seasoned teachers have to %end +rom their com+ort
level to accommodate the need o+ the team- meetings can 5uickly turn
into venting sessions in #hich some team mem%ers re+use to
colla%orate I+ the loudest- most in7uential mem%er o+ the team has a
negative or stu%%orn attitude- a team can hit a standstill and not get
much accom!lished Lencioni &'(('* suggests there are o%stacles
teams must overcome in order to %e success+ul <e argues that a
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
!yramid diagram in #hich the dys+unctions- as he calls them- range
+rom the %iggest im!act- at the %ase o+ the !yramid- to the smallest
im!act- at the to! o+ the !yramid The dys+unctions list +rom the
%ottom to the to! as a%sence o+ trust- +ear o+ con7ict- lack o+
commitment- avoidance o+ accounta%ility- and inattention to results I
%elieve that all o+ these dys+unctions can a4ect a team o+ teachers at
di4erent times B smart #orker is also one #ho shares his or her ideas
#ith their team
Teachers at my school no# have to decide much o+ #hat they do
as a team Teachers- ,ust like students- o+ten have to #ork in grou!s in
#hich one teacher carries most o+ the #eight This #ill hel! students
5uantitatively- yet the 5uality o+ instruction is lost at times Teachers
#ho have to take time to !re!are +or !ro+essional learning committees
aren$t given e;tra time to then !re!are +or their o#n class Teachers
o+ten get %urnt out on this notion- and +eel like they have an additional
#orkload B !ro+essional learning committee that runs correctly can
eliminate this negative e4ect Teachers o+ten +eel !ressure to go #ith
#hat the loudest mem%er o+ the team #ants to do- leading to a +ear o+
con7ict &Lencioni- '(('* Their confdence is le+t shaken- and the
5uality o+ their instruction can %e a4ected in a negative #ay This
%rings another ne# defnition and !ressure o+ %eing smartI smart is not
sim!ly e;celling in teaching %y onesel+ Co# one must e;cel in his or
her o#n teaching #hile hel!ing a grou! o+ other teachers e;cel
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
'reativity is )ey
<o#ever stress+ul this notion o+ sharing all ideas can %e-
teachers should not lose sight o+ %eing creative 8eing creative gets
someone closer to %eing in his or her element Ro%inson &'(11* states
that it is through creativity that one can fnd onesel+ in their element
It is not enough to sim!ly e;cel at #hat you do I o+ten #ent %ack and
+orth as to #hether teaching #as the right career !ath +or me I have
many ho%%ies and I o+ten thought that a career in dance or
!hotogra!hy #ould kee! me content +or many years I have yet to get
%ored #ith teaching It is a career in #hich I have the !o#er to %e
creative I can come u! #ith my o#n #ays to teach a lesson 3very
day is di4erent- and every school year changes that much more I am
thank+ul that I have +ound a career in #hich I cannot only ins!ire
creativity in my students- %ut I can teach using creative thinking as
#ell Society seems to sho#case those #ho have +ound ,oy in #hat
they do These !eo!le are considered smart in that they are
The Healthy 'hoice is the Smart 'hoice
Society no# recogni:es that healthy li+estyles come +rom making
smart choices The media can sometimes e;!loit this notion %y
sho#ing ads that sho#case a +alse sense o+ healthiness and %eing
smart Dor instance- a .c@onald$s commercial may sho# healthy
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
looking- attractive models devouring a 8ig .ac This gives vie#ers the
notion that i+ they eat a 8ig .ac +rom .c@onalds they #ill %e
considered attractive- and there+ore #ould have made a /smart0
choice The media can %e shameless in the #ay it tricks vie#ers into
thinking they are making smart choices B!!le commercials are
sim!le- and so!histicated- making consumers +eel like they are smart
+or !urchasing the latest /I0 !roduct In +act- this may %e the very
reason the smart !hone got its name Smart is no# as im!ortant as
attractive- and success+ul While %eing smart and success+ul used to
al#ays go hand6in6hand- no# smart and attractive seem to %e +orming
a marriage- or at least media #ants consumers to %elieve this
(eb*+ased 'ommunication $eads to "ore (riting
Thom!son &'(1)* descri%es many instances o+ %loggers #riting
enough online to fll u! a novel This idea o+ten shocks %loggers-
%ecause they are used to #riting small %its at a time Writing +or an
audience makes the #riters !ut more heart into their #riting %ecause
they #ant the a!!roval o+ others- or they #ant to hel! their readers
out 1ink &'((2* discusses the art o+ storytelling <e states that
storytelling can %e done digitally through !hotos- 1hotosho!- videos-
and even art+ully cra+ted !lay lists %urned to a "@ I had a co#orker
#ho #as es!ecially skilled in the art o+ storytelling via /mi;ed ta!es0
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
#ith a dramatic rise and +all throughout their duration The "@s
consisted o+ music recorded %y inde!endent musicians> a !ractice that
Ruen &'(1'* may have deemed as less than ideal even though my
co#orker #as not attaining a monetary gain +rom these "@s <e #ould
o+ten title his creations- causing listeners to hear the songs as a story
One such treasure #as named- /The S!ace 8et#een a 8link and a
Tear0 Bn emotional /story0 #as certainly derived +rom those songs I
#ould la%el this co#orker %oth an artist and a storyteller <e used
di4erent tools than the average #riter- yet he le+t an im!act on those
#ho heard his /stories0 The a%ility to convey a message through
storytelling is one #ay o+ %eing smart
Storytelling can ca!tivate an audience <amilton and Weiss
&'((2* %elieve that storytelling motivates students They claim that
storytelling is an ancient tool #ith enduring !o#er We store
in+ormation in our %rains via stories <umans need to have
connections #ith #hat #e learn a%out in order to have #hat #e learn
stick in our memory This is #hy emotional moments +rom our !ast
o+ten stick in our memory Rushko4 &'(1)* descri%es ho# he relived a
car accident #ith a virtual reality !sychologist This #as healing to
Rushko4 %ecause he could have someone relive the !ain+ul memory
#ith him <e +elt understood <e #as a%le to tell his story in a more
com!lete #ay I+ storytelling can hel! listeners understand- and store
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
learned in+ormation- then e;celling in the gi+t o+ storytelling can make
one smart
I %elieve the ne# defnition o+ %eing smart is not to have all the
ans#ers- %ut to %e a%le to access and organi:e resources all #hile
%alancing time and remaining ha!!y "ommunication is the key to
%eing smart B highly intelligent !erson may not gain the la%el o+
%eing smart i+ he or she is introverted and does not share his or her
ideas Society$s ne# defnition o+ smart is aligned #ith %eing a%le to
make an im!act on society I+ a !erson can colla%orate #ell #ith
others- tell memora%le stories- thrive on %eing di4erent- %e healthy-
and !roduce high 5uality #ork all #hile %eing in his or her element-
that !erson is one very /smart0 individual This is a lo+ty defnition- yet
overall- it #ill cause society to thrive
8auerlein- . &'((9* The dumbest generation: How the digital age
stupefes young Americans and eopardi!es our future" Ce# York- CYI
Is Technology Redefning Smart?
<amilton- .- L Weiss- . &'((2* #hildren tell stories: Teaching and
using storytelling in the classroom" Eatonah- CYI Richard " O#en
1u%lishers- Inc
Ehatchadourian- R &'(1(* The laughing guru: $adan %ataria&s
prescription for total well'being" The Ce# Yorker- Bugust- )( ! 2G
Lencioni- 1&'(('* The f(e dysfunctions of a teamI A leadership fable
San Drancisco- "ali+orniaI Mossey 8ass
O$Reilly Inc and TechWe% &1roducer* &'((9* We% '( 3;!o CYI "lay
Shirky it$s not in+ormation overload it$s flter +ailure" Retrieved +rom
1ink- @ &'((2* A Whole new mind. New York, NY: Penguin.
Robinson, K., Sir. (2011). Out of our minds: Learning to be creative. West Sussex,
United Kingdo: !"#stone Pub$is%ing &td.
Ruen, !. (2012). Freeloading. New York: 'R (ooks.
Rushko4- @ &'(1)* )resent Shock: *hen e(erything happens now
Ce# York- CYI 1enguin ?rou!
Thom!son- " &'(1)* Smarter Than You Think: How technology is
changing our minds for the better" Ce# York- Ce# YorkI 1enguin
Is Technology Redefning Smart? 12

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