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Interns Name: Albert Parker Date: 07/09/14

Subject: Social Studies rade !e"el: #


1% &'(S
)11*%1+% Social Studies% ,b- ,4- ,.- / identify the
geographic factors responsible for patterns of population in
places and regions;
I/We are going to explore the factors that determine where
people choose to live.
1% .i2 3nderstandin2s
When you become an adult, you may move outside of this
Wouldnt it be nice to live in a place where food is
readily available
r have access to drin!able water
"ow about !nowing that on cold nights you had enough
wood to start a fire.
#t some point in time you may want to move out of your
parents house. When you do, you might want to ma!e an
informed decision as to where you want to stay. $or example, if
you dont li!e the cold and you are not particularly fond of the
outdoors, you wouldnt what to move to #nchorage, #las!a.
%esides &ust not being your thing, it may be difficult for you to
* Assessment '"idence
Write an essay explaining the geographic factor that are responsible for determining the patterns of population movement
4% 04enin2 5ook
'oes anyone !now how long you can live without food( )about * wee!s, +, days- "ow about water( )about a wee!-
6% Instructional Strate2ies / Student Acti"ities
&eac$er In4ut/7odelin2
I have put together a slide show that will help the students in my class develop an understanding the geographic factors that
are responsible for patterns of populations. In this presentation the students will have to identify what resources contribute
directly to the development of populations.
.he students must identify what resources are essential for sustaining life. I will first gage their understanding of
necessity by as!ing them what resources are need for them to live. #fter which I will either confirm or education them
on the resources that are needed for human being to live )food, water, shelter-.
/ext I will show them a world map that illustrates the current patterns of human migration. 0lass participation will
obtained by as!ing them 1if they see a pattern2, and if so 1what is it2. .he map that I will use shows a pattern of
migration into the 3nited 4tates and 5urope. We will discuss, how available resources is the primary reason for this
pattern of population migration.
uided Practice
I will do an exercise call food for thought. .his exercise illustrates how resources are distributed around the world.
I will brea! the class up into 6 groups, consisting of 6 )#sia-,7 )#frica-,* )4outh #merica- ,+ )5urope- ,, )/orth
#merica-, each group of people will represent a region of the world. 5ach group will get a predetermined amount of
candy; #sia + pieces, #frica + pieces, 4outh #merica 8 pieces, 5urope a handful and /orth #merica the rest of the
bag. .his exercise is to teach the class the role that the distribution of resources plays on where peoples choose to

893 ,8$eckin2 :or 3nderstandin2-
.hroughout the presentation I will as! a number of 9uestions:
If you could live anywhere where would it be and why(
Why are so many people from around the world trying to move into /orth #merica(
What are natural resources(
If #frica, has so many natural resources why are people not moving there(
:/*;/+;,7, page , of +, +*<==*,<8.doc
#las!a is in /orth #merica, but why is the population there so sparse(
Inde4endent Practice
I will have them write a paper that as! them to explain where in the world they would want to live and why. In this paper they
would have to explain to me what resources are available and which ones are scares.
#% 7aterials / ;esources
0omputer with pro&ector
0ontinent sheets
7% rou4in2 Patterns
%rea! down into 6 groups of 6,7,*,+,, people respectively
+% 'ndin2< Summar= / ;e:lection
ther than the fact that we are luc!y to live in #merica, what did you learn(
9% &ec$nolo2=
>ower>oint presentation, google maps
:/*;/+;,7, page + of +, +*<==*,<8.doc

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