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Changing from a permit for studies, research, training or unpaid internship purposes

to a salaried work and residency permit

- Who can begin the process?
An employer who would like to recruit a foreign person holding a studies permit.
The foreign person to recruit must prove that meets the following conditions:
3 years in a situation of student residence,
have successfully completed their studies or research project and
not have been funded by grant or organisms in public or development cooperation programs in the country of origin.

- May the applicant seek representation?
Yes, a representative document is required, in which the individual business person, the administrator or a person with
recruitment authority, awards authority to the representative to submit the application before the Administrative Body.

- How to begin the process? By submitting the application directly to the authorised offices register, to any
administrative register in Catalonia.

Necessary documentation [PDF,181,87 KB.]

Application form and payment receipt of work permit fees
Enter details to which it will request and obtain the application form that incorporates the payment receipt of
work permit fee.

A payment receipt of residency permit fees

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