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Chaptei Image Title Yeai on AP Exam Image Response question / multiple choice

2 Stele of Naiam-Sin (Ch. 2) (2u12)

Identify the work shown. What was its
intended meaning? Analyze how formal
and symbolic elements are used in the
work to communicate its intended
meaning. (10 minutes)
Citauel of Saigon II (Ch. 2) 2uu7

Nultiple Choice Questions (2uu7)
Questions 22-29
Stele of Bammuiabi (Ch. 2) 2uuS

Iuentify the woik show. What is the
subject of the woik anu how is it
conveyeu. (S minutes)
S }uugment of Bunefei Befoie 0siiis (Ch. S)

The image shows a poition of an ancient
Egyptian papyius scioll. Wheie weie
such sciolls geneially placeu, anu what
was theii function. (S minutes)
Queen TiyTiye, Egypt (Ch. S) 2uuS

Nultiple Choice Questions 2uuS Exam #
Ti Watching a Bippopotamus Bunt (Ch. S)

S Anavysos Kouios (Ch. S) 2u12

(Shown next to Boxei at Rest)
Nultiple choice 2u12 #1-7
Boxei At Rest (not in book), Bellenistic,
ngs2u1Sthe-boxei (Ch. S) 2u12

(Shown next to Anavysos Kouios)
Nultiple choice 2u12 #1-7
All sculptuie by Polykleitos (Speai Beaiei),
anu "Canon of piopoitions" (ch. S) 2u11

Bying uaul Bying uallic Tiumpetei (Ch. S)

The sliue shows a Roman copy of a lost
uieek oiiginal.

Name the specific ait-histoiical syle of
the oiiginal. Bow is the theme of ueath
tieateu anu why.
Nike (victoiy) of Samothiace (Ch. S) 2uu7

(Shown next to Nike Aujusting hei
Nultiple choice 2uu7 #1-7
Nike Aujusting hei Sanual (Ch. S) 2uu7

(Shown next to Nike of Samothiace)
Nultiple choice 2uu7 #1-7
Ch. S Kiitios Boy (Kiitian Boy.) (Ch. S) 2uu6

Name anu uate this sculptuie. Bow uoes
it uiffei fiom eailiei sculptuie in this
cultuie. Suppoit youi explanation by
compaiing it to one specific eailiei
sculptuie. (1u minutes)
6 Aich of Constantine, Rome (Ch. 6) 2uuS, 2u1S

2uuS: (Shown with Albeiti's west faaue
of Sant'Anuiea, Nantua)

The aichitect of the builuing shown on
the iight (west faaue of Sant'Anuiea) is
Leon Battista Albeiti. Name the peiiou
of the builuing. Bow anu why uiu Albeiti
auapt elements of the woik shown heie
(Aich of Constantine).

2u1S: The geneial view anu uetail
shown in the Aich of Constantine. What
was the intenueu meaning of the
monument. Analyze how the ieuse of
sculptuial fiagments fiom othei Roman
woiks of ait ieinfoices the intenueu
meaning of the monument. (1u minutes)
Aia Pacis Augustae, Rome (Ch. 6) 2u12

Saicophagus fiom Ceiveteii (Ch. 6) 2u11

Nultiple Choice 2u11 #1-8
Colosseum, Rome (Ch. 6) 2uu9

(both exteiioi anu inteiioi view aie
The sliues show two views of the same
builuing. Iuentify the builuing. Analyze
how innovative elements weie useu in
both the uesign anu constiuction of the
builuing. (1u minutes)
Bionysiac mysteiy scene, villa of Nysteiies,
Pompeii (Ch. 6)- not in book. 2uu8

(shown next to Poitiait of Busbanu anu
Wife, Pompeii)
Nultiple choice 2uu8 #1-7
Poitiait of Busbanu anu Wife, Pompeii (Ch 6)
- not in book. 2uu8

(Shown next to Bionysiac mysteiy
scene, villa of the Nysteiies)
Nultiple choice 2uu8 #1-7
Naison Caiiee, Fiance (Ch. 6) 2uu7

Analyze how this Roman temple is
similai to anu uiffeient fiom a uieek
temple. (S minutes)
Atiium, Bouse of the Silvei Weuuing, Pompeii
(uiffeient sliues in book.) (Ch. 6) 2uu6

(Shown with The Ixion Room)
Nultiple Choice 2uu6 #18-24
The Ixion Room, Bouse of the vettii, Pompeii
(uiffeient sliues in book.) (Ch. 6) 2uu6

(Shown with Atiium of the Bouse of the
Silvei Weuuing)
Nultiple Choice 2uu6 #18-24
Statue of an olu maiket Woman (not in book)
(Ch. 6) 2uuS

Name the ait histoiical peiiou of the
sculptuie. Biscuss how the
chaiacteiistics that place the sculptuie
in this peiiou also uiffeientiate it fiom
sculptuie of the pieceuing peiiou. (1u
Poitiait of a Roman Patiician (not in book!)
(ch. 6) 2uu4

(Shown next to Poitiait of Constantine)

This piece is fiom the beginning of the
Roman poitiait tiauition, anu the woik
next to it is fiom the enu of that
tiauition. Iuentify the poitiait anu
uiscuss ways in which the function anu
time peiiou of each woik account foi the
uiffeiences in theii appeaiances. (1u
Poitiait of Constantine fiom the Basilica Nova
(not in book) (Ch. 6) 2uu4

(Shown next to Poitiait of a Roman

This piece is fiom the enu of the Roman
poitiait tiauition, anu the woik next to
it is fiom the beginning of that tiauition.
Iuentify the poitiait fiom the beginning
anu uiscuss ways in which the function
anu time peiiou of each woik account
foi the uiffeiences in theii appeaiances.
(1u minutes)
Pont Bu uaiu, Fiance (Ch. 6) 2uuS

Iuentify the stiuctuie shown. In what
ways uoes this stiuctuie ieflect the
impeiial aspiiations of the eaily Roman
7 viigin anu Chilu with Saints anu Angels (Ch. 7)

(shown with The 0lu Testament Tiinity)
Nultiple Choice 2u11 #9-1S
The 0lu Testament Tiinity (Ch. 7) 2u11

(Shown with viigin anu Chilu with
Saints anu Angels)
Nultiple Choice 2u11j#9-1S
Chuich of Santa Sabina (Ch. 7) 2u1u

(exteiioi view shown with inteiioi
Nultiple choice 2u1u # 8-16
Aichangel Nichael (Ch. 7) 2u1u

The woik shown is a sixth centuiy ivoiy
ielieve uepicting Saint Nichael the
Aichangel. Which elements tie the woik
to the Classical tiauition. Which
elements ueviate fiom the Classical
tiauition. (S minutes)
Saicophagus of }unius Bassus (Ch. 7) 2uu9

Nultiple Choice 2uu9 #16-24
Bagia Sophia, Istanbul (Ch. 7) 2uu8

(shown as inteiioi view anu the plan)
Nultiple choice 2uu8 # 22-28
Palatine Chapel (Ch. 7) 2uu8

(shown both as a plan an uan inteiioi
The sliues show a plan anu an inteiioi
view of Chailemagne's Palatine Chapel
in Aachen, ciica 8uu C.E. The builuing
contains uelibeiate iefeiences to eailiei
Name at least one eailiei aichitectuial
peiiou iefeienceu in the Palatine Chapel.
Iuentify one significant way in which the
Palatine Chapel ieinteipiets
aichitectuial elements of that eailiei
peiiou anu explain why. (1u minutes)
uoou Shepheiu, Lunette ovei the entiance,
Nausoleum of ualla Placiuia (Ch. 7) 2uu6

The woik shown is Eaily Chiistian.
Biscuss chaiacteiistics of the woik that
ieveal its Classical souices. (S minutes)
The Betiayal of }esus, Buccio (othei images in
book) (Ch. 7) 2uuS

8 Piayei Ball, uieat Nosque, Coiuoba, Spain (Ch.
8) 2u11

Nultiple choice 2u11 # 16-22
Bome on the Rock, }eiusalem (Ch. 8) 2u1u

(exteiioi shown) The builuing shown is
the Bome of the Rock in }eiusalem. With
which ieligion is the builuing uiiectly
associateu. Biscuss the builuing's
stiuctuie anu oinamentation in ielation
to its ieligious significance. (S minutes)
1S uieat Fiiuay Nosque in Nali (aka The uieat
Nosque of Bjenn) (Ch. 1S) 2u1S
The plan anu the aeiial view show the
uieat Nosque of Bjenn in piesent-uay
Nali. Iuentify specific featuies in the
builuing that aie uistinctive to mosque
aichitectuie. Analyze how mosque
aichitectuie ielates to the piactices of
Islam. (1u minutes)

14 Ciucifixion with Angels anu Nouining Figuies,
Linsau uospels (Ch. 14) 2u1S

Nultiple Choice 2u1S #1-7
Boois of Bishop Beinwaiu (Ch. 14) 2u1S

(Shown with the uates of Paiauise)
Nultiple Choice 2u1S #1S-22
Chi Rho Iota Page fiom the Book of Kells (Ch.
14) 2uu9

This sliue shows a manusciipt page.
Iuentify the cultuie in which the
manusciipt page was maue. Bow is the
manusciipt page chaiacteiistic of its
cultuie. (S minutes)
Puise Covei fiom the Sutton Boo Buiial Ship
(Ch. 14) 2uu4

(Next to Cioss Page fiom the
Linuisfaine uospels)
Iuentify the cultuie oi style of the
manusciipt page anu uiscuss the ait
histoiical ielationship between the two
woiks shown. (1u minutes)
Cioss Page fiom the Linuisfaine uospels (not
in book) (Ch. 14) 2uu4

(Next to Puise Covei fiom the Sutton
Boo Buiial Ship)
Iuentify the cultuie oi style of the
manusciipt page anu uiscuss the ait
histoiical ielationship between the two
woiks shown. (1u minutes)
St. Natthew, the uospel Book of Aichbishop
Ebbo of Reims (Ch. 14) 2uuS

Iuentify the histoiical peiiou of the
manusciipt illustiation shown. Biscuss
the aitistic styles eviuent in the woik. (S
1S Poite Niegeville fiom chuich of St. Seinin,
Toulouse (Ch. 1S) 2u11

Attiibute the woik to a specific ait-
histoiical peiiou. }ustify youi attiibution
by uiscussing specific chaiacteiistics of
the woik that aie commonly associateu
with that ait-histoiical peiiou. (1u
Betails fiom the Bayeux Tapestiy (Ch. 1S)

Iuentify the woik. What weie the likely
political motivations foi its cieation.
Bow aie these motivations expiesseu in
the woik. (1u minutes)
West Poital, Catheuial of St. Lazaie, Autun
(Ch. 1S) 2uuS

(Shown also in uetail) Name the ait
histoiical peiiou of the poital. Biscuss
the ielationship between the placement
of the tympanum anu its iconogiaphy. (S
Santiago Catheuial, Spain (not in book!) (Ch.
1S) 2uuS

Nultiple Choice 2uuS Exam # 17-24
16 }amb Figuies, Royal Poital, West Faaue,
Chaities Catheuial, Fiance (Ch. 16) 2uu9

(Shown with Ekkehaiu anu 0ta)

The two woiks shown weie maue in the
same peiiou, about 1uu yeais apait.
Iuentify the peiiou. Explain how the two
woiks exemplify uevelopments in
sculptuie uuiing that peiiou. Refei to
specific chaiacteiistics of both woiks to
suppoit youi answei. (1u minutes)
Ekkehaiu anu 0ta, ueimany (Ch. 16) 2uu9

(Shown with }amb Figuies of the
Chaities Catheuiale)

The two woiks shown weie maue in the
same peiiou, about 1uu yeais apait.
Iuentify the peiiou. Explain how the two
woiks exemplify uevelopments in
sculptuie uuiing that peiiou. Refei to
specific chaiacteiistics of both woiks to
suppoit youi answei. (1u minutes)
Tiee of }esse, west faaue, Chaities Catheuial
(Ch. 16) 2uu7

Iuentify the meuium anu ait-histoiical
peiiou of the object shown. Explain the
ieligious anu visual ieasons foi the
extensive use of this meuium uuiing its
peiiou. (S minutes)
Siena Catheuial (Catheuial of oui Lauy) (ch.
16) 2uu6

(Show with Floience Catheuiale)
Nultiple Choice 2uu6 #1-9
Inteiioi of Beauvais Catheuial, Fiance (not in
book) (Ch. 16) 2uu4

(shown next to Inteiioi of Kings College

Both builuings aie fiom the same ait
histoiical peiiou. Name the peiiou.
Account foi the uiffeiences in the
inteiiois of these builuings. (1u
Inteiioi of King's College Chapel, Englanu (not
in book) (Ch. 16) 2uu4

(shown next to Inteiioi of Beauvais

Both builuings aie fiom the same ait
histoiical peiiou. Name the peiiou.
Account foi the uiffeiences in the
inteiiois of these builuings. (1u
17 The Neeting at the uoluen uate, uiotto ui
Bonuone (not in book.) (Ch.17) 2u1S

Attiibute the painting to the aitist who
painteu it. }ustify youi attiibution by
uiscussing specific visual chaiacteiistics
of the painting that aie commonly
associateu with the woik of that aitist.
(1u minutes)
viigin anu Chilu (Ch. 17) 2u12

(Shown with vespeibilu)
Nultiple Choice 2u12 #1S-21
vespeibilu (Ch. 17) 2u12

(Shown with viigin anu Chilu !"#$%)
Nultiple Choice 2u12 #1S-21
Sala uella Pace, Loienzetti (Ch. 17) 2uu8

(Shown next to Allegoiy of uoou
uoveinment in the City)
The sliues show two views of the same
fiesco cycle in the Palazzo Pubblico in
Siena. Iuentify the aitist. Explain how
the subject anu meaning of the fiesco
cycle ielate to its location. (1u minutes)
Allegoiy of uoou uoveinment in the City anu
in the Countiy, Loienzetti (Ch. 17) 2uu8

(Shown next to ioom view of Sala Bella
The sliues show two views of the same
fiesco cycle in the Palazzo Pubblico in
Siena. Iuentify the aitist. Explain how
the subject anu meaning of the fiesco
cycle ielate to its location. (1u minutes)
Nauonna anu Chilu (Noigan Nauonna) (Ch.
17) not in book. 2uu8

Iuentify the ait-histoiical peiiou of the
sculptuie. What key chaiacteiistics
suppoit youi placement of the woik in
the peiiou you have iuentifieu. (S
Floience Catheuial (Ch. 17) 2uu6

(Shown with West faaue of Catheuiale
of 0ui Lauy in Siena)
Nultiple Choice 2uu6 # 1-9
viigin anu Chilu (Nauonna) Enthioneu, uiotto
(Ch. 17) 2uu6

Iuentify the aitist of this painting. In
which ait histoiical peiiou woulu you
place the painting. }ustify youi uecision.
(1u minutes)
18 Ties Riches Beuies uu Buc ue Beiiy (Ch. 18)

Nultiple choice 2uu4 exam # 17-2S
Bouble Poitiait; Tiauitionally known as
uiovanni Ainolfini anu his Wife, uiovanna
Cenami (Ch. 18) 2u11

Nultiple Choice 2u11 # 2S-29
Neioue Altaipiece, Campin (Ch. 18) 2u1u

(shown with Annunciation Noith
Coiiiuoi, Nonasteiy of San Naico, Fia
Angelico) Nultiple choice 2u1u #1-7

Nay fiom Les Ties Riches Beuies uu Bue ue
Beiiy (not in book) (Ch. 18) 2uu4

Bouse of }acques Coeui, Fiance (Ch. 18) 2uuS

(next to Leon Battista Albeiti, Palazzo
Rucellai) Both of the iesiuences shown
weie built foi wealthy meichants in the
miu-fifteenth centuiy. This builuing is
Fiench anu Albeiti's is Italian. Biscuss
anu account foi the uiffeiences between
the builuings. (1u minutes)
19 East Boois, Baptistiy of San uiovanni,
Floience, uhibeiti (Ch. 19) 2u1S

(Shown with Boois of Bishop
Nultiple Choice 2u1S #1S-22
Annunciation Noith Coiiiuoi, Nonasteiy of
San Naico, Fia Angelico (Ch. 19) 2u1u

(shown with Neioue Altaipiece)
Nultiple choice 2u1u #1-7s
Baviu, Bonatello (Ch. 19) 2uu9

(Shown next to St. Naik by Bonatello)
Nultiple choice 2uu9 #1-7
St. Naik, Bonatello (not in book.) (Ch. 19)

(Shown next to Baviu by Bonatello)
Nultiple choice 2uu9 #1-7
West faaue of chuich of Sant' Anuiea,
Nantua, Albeiti (Ch. 19) 2uuS

Shown with Aich of Constantine)

The aichitect of the builuing shown
(west faaue of Sant'Anuiea) is Leon
Battista Albeiti. Name the peiiou of the
builuing. Bow anu why uiu Albeiti auapt
elements of the woik shown with
it(Aich of Constantine).
Biith of venus, Botticelli (Ch. 19) 2uu4

Nultiple Choice on 2uu4 exam # 1-9
Saint }ames Leu to Naityiuom, Nantegna (not
in book) (Ch. 19) 2uu4

Iuentify the peiiou of the fiesco shown
heie in a black-anu-white illustiation.
Bow uoes the woik exemplify the
aitistic conceins of its peiiou. (S
Palazzo Rucellai, Albeiti (Ch. 19) 2uuS

(next to Bouse of }acques Coeui) Both of
the iesiuences shown weie built foi
wealthy meichants in the miu-fifteenth
centuiy. This builuing is Italian, the
othei is Fiench. Biscuss anu account foi
the uiffeiences between the builuings.
(1u minutes)
Saciifice of Isaac, competition to uesign
Baptiseiy uoois of S. uiovanni, Floience,
uhibeiti, (Ch. 19) 2uuS

This panel was uesigneu by Loienzo
uhibeiti in 14u1-14u2. Foi what
puipose uiu uhibeiti uesign this panel.
Which aspects of the woik aie uothic
anu which aspects ieflect Renaissance
innovations. (1u minutes)
2u School of Athens, Raphael (Ch. 2u) 2u1S

The woik is &'% )*'##+ #, -.'%/0 by
Raphael. Analyze how both the subject
mattei anu the style of the woik ieflect
humanist inteiests uuiing the Bigh
Renaissance. (1u minutes)
0lu St. Petei's Basilica, Rome (ch. 2u) 2u12

Nultiple Choice 2u12 # 8-14
venus of 0ibano, Titian (Ch. 2u) 2u11

The painting on the left is Titian's 1%/20
#, 34"5/# (1SS8). The painting on the
iight is Nanet's 6+7895! (186S). Bow
has Nanet appiopiiateu Titian's
painting to comment on social issues
anu to challenge aitistic tiauitions. (1u
Entombment (AKA Beposition oi Becent fiom
the Cioss), Pontoimo (ch. 2u) 2uu8

Nultiple choice 2uu8 #8-14
The Sisteis of the Aitist anu theii uoveiness,
Anguissola (Ch. 2u) - not in book. 2uu7

(Shown with Two Sisteis anu a Biothei
of the Aitist)
Nultiple Choice 2uu7 #8-14
Two Sisteis anu a Biothei of the Aitist (Ch.
2u) - not in book. 2uu7

(Shown with The Sisteis of the Aitist
anu theii uoveinness)
Nultiple Choice 2uu7 #8-14
21 Bescent fiom the Cioss, Rosso Fioientino (not
in book.) (Ch. 21) 2u1u

Attiibute the painting to an ait-
histoiical style. }ustify youi stylistic
attiibution by uiscussing specific
chaiacteiistics in the painting that aie
commonly associateu with that ait-
histoiical style. (1u minutes)
22 The Calling of St. Natthew, Caiavaggio (Ch. 22)

Nultiple choice 2u1S #8-14
The Tiiumph of the Name of }esus anu the Fall
of the Bamneu (Ch. 22) 2u11

Iuentify the peiiou in which the ceiling
was uecoiateu. Bow uiu the aitistic
elements of the ceiling coiiesponu to the
histoiical context when it was
uecoiateu. (1u minutes)
San Cailo alle Quattio Fontane, Boiiomini (Ch.
22) 2u12

Coionaio Chapel, Chuich of Santa Naiia Bella
vittoiia, Rome, Beinini (Ch. 22) 2u1u

Nultiple choice 2u1u #17-24
Aiiival of Naiie ue' Neuici at Naiseilles,
Rubens (in book.) (Ch. 22) 2uu9

(Shown next to Captain Fians Banning
Cocq Nusteiing Bis Company)
Nultiple Choice 2uu9 #8-1S
Captain Fians Banning Cocq Nusteiing his
Company, Rembianut (Ch. 22) 2uu9

(Shown next to Aiiival of Naiie ue'
Neuici at Naiseilles)
Nultiple Choice 2uu9 #8-1S
Las Neninas (The Naius of Bonoi), velazquez
(Ch. 22) 2uu8

The Baioque painting shown incluues
poitiayals of both its pation anu its
aitist. Name the aitist. Explain how the
painting seiveu the aims of both the
aitist anu the pation. (1u minutes)
The uuitai Playei, veimeei (Ch. 22) 2uu6

Attiibute this painting to an aitist you
have stuuieu. Suppoit youi attiibution
by compaiing this painting to anothei
specific painting by the same aitist. (1u
}uuith Slaying Bolofeines, uentileschi (not in
book) (Ch. 22) 2uuS

Nultiple choice 2uuS # 26-S2
uloiification of St. Ignatius, Pozzo (not in
book) (Ch. 22) 2uu4

(Shown with Inteiioi of the Choii of St.
Bavo's Chuich)

Iuentify the centuiy in which these
woiks weie cieateu. Biscuss how the
ieligious beliefs of theii iespective
cultuies ueteimineu the appeaiance of
each inteiioi. (1u minutes)
Inteiioi of the Choii of St. Bavo's Chuich,
Baailem (not in book) (Ch. 22) 2uu4

Shown with uloiification of St. Ignatius)

Iuentify the centuiy in which these
woiks weie cieateu. Biscuss how the
ieligious beliefs of theii iespective
cultuies ueteimineu the appeaiance of
each inteiioi. (1u minutes)
Apollo anu Baphne, uianloienzo Beinini (not
in book) (Ch. 22) 2uuS

Nultiple Choice 2uuS Exam # 1-9
Baviu, uianloienzo Beinini (Ch. 22) 2uuS

Nultiple Choice 2uuS Exam # 1-9
2S Taj Nahal, Inuia (Ch. 2S) 2u1S

Nultiple Choice 2u1S # Su-S6
29 ueoige Washington, Bouuon (Ch. 29) 2u1u

This sculptuie of ueoige Washington
was maue by }ean-Antoine Bouuon at
the enu of the eighteenth centuiy.
Iuentify the stylistic peiiou of the woik.
Biscuss the elements of the sculptuie
that place it within this stylistic peiiou.
Explain why these elements aie useu in
this uepiction of ueoige Washington.
(1u minutes)
Coinelia Pointing to Bei Chiluien as Bei
Tieasuies (Ch. 29) 2uu9

The woik shown is by Angelica
Kauffmann. Iuentify the stylistic peiiou
of the woik. Biscuss the elements of the
woik that place it in its peiiou. (S
The Naiiiage Contiact, Bogaith (Ch. 29) 2uu7

(Shown next to The Bieakfast Scene)
Both of these paintings weie maue by
the same aitist. Iuentify the aitist. Citing
specific uetails fiom the paintings,
analyze how the aitist useu satiie to
comment on class anu taste in society of
the time. (1u minutes)
The Bieakfast Scene, Bogaith (not in book.)
(ch. 29) 2uu7

(Shown next to The Naiiiage Contiact)
Both of these paintings weie maue by
the same aitist. Iuentify the aitist. Citing
specific uetails fiom the paintings,
analyze how the aitist useu satiie to
comment on class anu taste in society of
the time. (1u minutes)
Pauline Boighese as venus, Canova - not in
book (Ch. 29) 2uu7

Iuentify the ait-histoiical style of this
sculptuie. Bow uo the foim anu content
of the sculptuie as a whole convey
meaning. (1u minutes)
0ath of Boiatii, Baviu (Ch. 29) 2uu6

(Shown with The village Biiue)
Nultiple Choice 2uu6 #1u-17
The village Biiue, uieuze (not in book) (Ch
29) 2uu6

(Shown with 0ath of Boiatii)
Nultiple choice 2uu6 #1u-17
Cupiu a Captive, Bouchei (not in book) (Ch.
29) 2uuS

(shown with The Neeting by }ean-
Bonoi Fiagonaiu)

Both of these woiks aie fiom the same
peiiou. Iuentify the peiiou. Biscuss how
the subject mattei anu style of these
woiks expiess the tastes anu inteiests of
the cultuie in which they weie
piouuceu. (1u minutes)
The Neeting, Fiagonaiu (Ch. 29) 2uuS

(shown with Cupiu a Captive by
Fianois Bouchei)

Both of these woiks aie fiom the same
peiiou. Iuentify the peiiou. Biscuss how
the subject mattei anu style of these
woiks expiess the tastes anu inteiests of
the cultuie in which they weie
piouuceu. (1u minutes)
A Philosophei uiving a Lectuie on the 0iieiy,
Beiby (not in book) (Ch. 29) 2uu4

(Shown next to An Expeiiment on a Biiu
in the Aii-Pump)

Both woiks weie painteu in the 176u's
by the same aitist. Iuentify the
intellectual oi philosophical movement
most closely associateu with these
paintings. Biscuss ways in which the
content of the paintings expiesses
philosophical, social, oi intellectual
conceins of the peiiou. (1u minutes)
An Expeiiment on a Biiu in the Aii-Pump,
}oseph Wiight Beiby (not in book) (Ch. 29)

(Shown next to A Philosophei uiving a
Lectuie on the 0iieiy)

Both woiks weie painteu in the 176u's
by the same aitist. Iuentify the
intellectual oi philosophical movement
most closely associateu with these
paintings. Biscuss ways in which the
content of the paintings expiesses
philosophical, social, oi intellectual
conceins of the peiiou. (1u minutes)
The Tiibuna at the 0ffizi, Zoffany (not in book)
(Ch. 29) 2uuS

Nultiple Choice 2uuS Exam # 1u-16
Su The 0xbow, Thomas Cole (Ch. Su) 2uuS, 2u1S

Bottom Image shown with The 0xbow in 2u1S
exam - IB: Among the Sieiia Nevaua,
Califoinia 1868 by Albeit Bieistaut

2uuS: Thomas Cole painteu the woik
shown. Iuenfity the ait histoiical school
with which Cole was associateu. Biscus
how the painting embouies the political,
social oi philosophical iueas of its time
(1u minutes)

2u1S: Nultiple Choice 2u1S #2S-29
A Buiial at 0inans, Couibet (Ch. Su) 2u1S

(Shown with The uleaneis)
The woiks weie painteu by two
uiffeient aitists associateu with the
nineteenth-centuiy movement calleu
Realism. 0sing specific eviuence, analyze
how the woiks ieflect the aitists'
contiasting views of Realism. (1u
The uleaneis, Nillet (Ch. Su) 2u1S

(Shown with A Buiial at 0inans)
The woiks weie painteu by two
uiffeient aitists associateu with the
nineteenth-centuiy movement calleu
Realism. 0sing specific eviuence, analyze
how the woiks ieflect the aitists'
contiasting views of Realism. (1u
Rain, Steam, anu Speeu: The uieat Westein
Railway, by Tuinei (Ch. Su, but not in

The Sleep of Reason Piouuces Nonsteis, uoya
(Ch. Su) 2u12

Nultiple Choice 2u12 #22-28
The Scieam, Nunch (Ch. Su) 2u12

(Shown with The Kiss)
Nultiple Choice 2u12 #29-S6
The Kiss, Klimt (Ch. Su) 2u12

(Shown with The Scieam)
Nultiple Choice 2u12 #29-S6
0lympia, Nanet (Ch. Su) 2u11

he painting on the left is Titian's 1%/20 #,
34"5/# (1SS8). The painting on the iight
is Nanet's 6+7895! (186S). Bow has
Nanet appiopiiateu Titian's painting to
comment on social issues anu to
challenge aitistic tiauitions. (1u
La Toilette, Naiy Cassatt (Nateinal Caiess is
in book) (Ch.Su) 2u1u

The woik shown is a late-nineteenth-
centuiy piint by Naiy Cassatt. With
which ait histoiical movement is the
aitist associateu. Analyze how the woik
incoipoiates the influence of }apanese
piints in both style anu subject mattei.
(1u minutes)
}ockey on a ualloping Boise, Nuybiiuge (not
in book.) (ch. Su) 2uu9

Iuentify the photogiaphei of the woik
shown. Bow uiu the photogiaphei's
woik expanu tiauitional moues of
iepiesentation. Bow uiu the
photogiaphei's woik influence painting.
(1u minutes)
The Plain at Auveis, van uogh (Ch. Su) 2uu8

Attiibute the painting to an aitist you
have stuuieu. }ustify youi attiibution by
iuentifying anu uiscussing specific
chaiacteiistics seen in the painting. (1u
Louis Sullivan. Caison, Piiie, Scott Builuing,
Chicago (Ch. Su) -not in book 2uu6

Iuentify the aichitect of this builuing.
Bow uiu the innovations in this builuing
leau to the uevelopment of the mouein
skysciapei. (1u minutes)
Staiiway, Tassel Bouse, victoi Boita (Ch. Su)

(Shown with Casa Nila) Nultiple choice
2uuS #18-2S
Casa Nila, uauui (not in book) (Ch. Su) 2uuS

(Shown with Tassel Bouse Staiiway)
Nultiple choice 2uuS #18-2S
The Baique of Bante anu viigil, Belacioix (not
in book) (Ch. Su) 2uuS

The sliue shown is Belacioix's &'%
:!4;2% #, <!/.% !/= 154>5+? exhibiteu at
the Paiis Salon of 1822. The following
text is an exceipt fiom a contempoiaiy
ieview of that exhibition.

"No painting in my opinion bettei
ieveals the futuie of a gieat paintei than
that of Belacioix uepicting the 'Baique
of Bante anu viigil.'. The biush stioke
is laige anu fiim, the coloi simple anu
vigoious although a bit iaw. The aitist
has. aitistic imagination that one might
call imaginative uiaughtmanship. Be
uispeises his figuies, gioups them,
gatheis them at will with the boluness of
Nichelangelo anu the iichness of
Rubens. I finu it in savage stiength,
aiuent but natuial, which gives way
without effoit to its own momentum."

With what ait histoiical movement is
the woik of this aitist commonly
associateu. Biscuss ways in which the
ciitic's iesponse to Belacioix's pictuie
ielates to aitistic conceins anu tienus of
the peiiou. Be suie to iefei to both the
sliue anu the text in youi answei. (1u
The uioss Clinic, Eakins (Ch. Su) 2uu4

(shown next to Eaily 0peiation using
Ethei - uagueiieotype)
Nultiple choice 2uu4 #1u-16
Eaily 0peiation 0sing Ethei, Southwoith anu
ectBetails.aitobj=S94u7 (Ch. Su) 2uu4

(Shown next to The uioss Clinic)
Nultiple choice 2uu4 #1u-16
The Lettei, Cassatt (Ch. Su) 2uu4

The following statement, maue by Naiy
Cassatt in 19u4, iefeis to hei 1879
collaboiation with the aitistic gioup
with which she most closely associateu.

"0ui.exhibition. was a piotest against
official exhibitions anu not a giouping of
aitists with the same tenuencies."

To wish gioup of aitists uoes Cassatt's
iemaik peitain. Refeiiing to the Cassatt
woik shown anu a woik by the othei
aitist in this gioup, uefenu hei claim
that these aitists uiu not have the same
stylistic tenuencies. (S minutes)
S1 uueinica, Picasso (Ch. S1) 2uuS, 2u12

Picasso painteu this woik in iesponse to
a specific event. Name the event.
Besciibe the message of the painting
anu uiscuss the ways in which the
message is expiesseu. (1u miniutes)
Fountain, Buchamp (Ch. S1) 2u11

In 1917 a Baua aitist submitteu a mass-
piouuceu uiinal as a sculptuie to an
exhibition in New Yoik City. What was
the aitist's ieal name. Bow uiu the
aitist's submission challenge
conventional ways of thinking about ait
anu aitists. (1u minutes)
All Kanuinsky paintings (Ch S1) 2u1u

uuggenheim Nuseum, Fiank Lloyu Wiight
(not in book.) (Ch. S1) 2uu9

(Shown next to Fiank uehiy's
uuggenheim Nuseum)
Nultiple Choice 2uu9 #2S-S1
Aimchaii, Rietvelu (Ch. S1) - not in book- use
Schiouei house 2uu8

Nultiple choice 2uu8 #1S-21
villa Savoye (Savoye Bouse), Le Coibusiei (Ch.
S1) 2uu7

(Shown with Pompiuou National Centei
of Ait anu Cultuie)
Nultiple Choice 2uu7 #1S-21
Lobstei Tiap anu Fish Tail, Caluei (Ch. S1)

(Shown next to 0nique foims of
Continuity in Space)
Nultiple choice 2uu6 #2S-S1
0nique Foims of Continuity in Space, Boccioni
(Ch. S1) 2uu6

(Shown next to Lobstei Tiap anu Fish
Nultiple choice 2uu6 #2S-S1
0bject, 0ppenheim (Ch. S1) 2uu6

This woik is iepiesentative of which ait
histoiical movement. Explain how the
woik is iepiesentative of that
movement. (S minutes)
Impiovisation Su (28 is in the book),
Kanuinsky (Ch. S1) 2uuS

Nultiple Choice 2uuS Exam # 2S-S2
Self-Poitiait with Thoin Necklace, Kahlo (not
in book) (Ch. S1) 2uuS

The following is a quotation fiom a
lettei wiitten by Fiiua Kahlo in 19S2.
"Some ciitics have tiieu to classify me as
a suiiealist, but I uo not consiuei myself
to be a Suiiealist.. Really, I uo not know
whethei my paintings aie Suiiealist oi
not, but I uo know they aie the fiankest
expiession of myself. I uetest
Suiiealism. To me it seems to be a
uecauent manifestation of bouigeois ait,
a ueviation fiom the tiue ait that the
people hope foi fiom the aitist.. I wish
to be woithy with my painting, of the
people to whom I belong anu to the
iueas that stiengthen me. I want my
woik to be a contiibution to the stiuggle
of the people foi peace anu libeity."

Bo you agiee oi uisagiee with Kahlo's
asseition that she is not a Suiiealist.
Befenu youi position by uiscussing
specific elements fiom both the woik
shown anu the quotation. (1u minutes)
S2 vanna ventuii Bouse (Ch. S2) 2u11

(Shown next to The Poitlanu Builuing)
0n the left is a home uesigneu by Robeit
ventuii, built between 1961-64. 0n the
iight is the Poitlanu Builuing uesigneu
by Nichael uiaves, built in 198u. Both
aie examples of Postmouein
aichitectuie. Refeiiing to specific
Postmouein aichitectuial elements in
each builuing, uiscuss how the builuings
uiffei fiom Noueinist aichitectuie. (S
The Poitlanu Builuing, Nichael uiaves built in
198u. (2u11)

(Shown next to vanna ventuii Bouse)
0n the left is a home uesigneu by Robeit
ventuii, built between 1961-64. 0n the
iight is the Poitlanu Builuing uesigneu
by Nichael uiaves, built in 198u. Both
aie examples of Postmouein
aichitectuie. Refeiiing to specific
Postmouein aichitectuial elements in
each builuing, uiscuss how the builuings
uiffei fiom Noueinist aichitectuie. (S
Roy Lichtenstein painting (Ch. S2) 2u1u

(shown with Naiilyn Biptych)
Nultiple Choice 2u1u # 2S-S2
Naiilyn Biptych, Waihol (Ch. S2) 2u1u

(shown with Roy Lichtenstein Painting)
Nultiple Choice 2u1u #2S-S2
Who's Afiaiu of Aunt }emima. , Faith Ringgolu
(Tai Beach in book) (ChS2) 2u1u

The woik show in the stoiy quilt @'#A0
-,4!5= #, -2/. B%858!C (198S) by Faith
Ringgolu. Analyze how the aitist's
choices of imagei anu meuium auuiess
the social issues of iace anu genuei. (1u
uuggenheim Nuseum, uehiy (ch. S2) 2uu9

(Shown next to Fiank Lloyu Wiight's
uuggenheim Nuseum)
Nultiple Choice 2uu9 2S-S1
Spiial }etty, Smithson (Ch. S2) 2uu9

An aeiial view of a monumental
eaithwoik is shown. Iuentify the aitist.
What aitistic conceins motivate the
cieation of eaithwoiks such as the one
show. (1u minutes)
Autumn Rhythm, Pollock (Ch. S2) 2uu8

Both the 19Su painting shown heie anu
the quotation below aie the same aitist.
" Ny painting uoes not come fiom the
easel. I piefei to tack the upstietcheu
canvas to the haiu wall oi the flooi. 0n
the flooi I am moie at ease. I feel neaiei,
moie a pait of the painting, since this
way I can walk aiounu it, woik fiom the
foui siues anu liteially be in the
painting. When I am in my painting, I'm
not awaie of what I'm uoing. I have no
feais about making changes, uestioying
the image, etc., because the painting has
a life of its own. I tiy to let it come
Iuentify the aitist. Bow uoes the
painting ieflect the aitist's uesciiption of
his piocess. In youi answei, make
specific iefeiences to both the quotation
anu the painting. (1u minutes)
Pompiuou National Centei of Ait anu Cultuie
in Paiis (Ch. S2) 2uu7

(Shown with Le Coibusieis Savoye
Nultiple Choice 2uu7 #1S-21
Youi uaze Bits the Siue of my Face, Kiugei
(Ch. S2) - not in book 2uu7

This woik was maue by the Ameiican
aitist Baibaia Kiugei. Analyze how
Kiugei uses image anu text anu
appiopiiation to convey meaning in this
woik. (1u minutes)
Sun Tunnels, Nancy Bolt 1976 (not in book)
Nultiple Choice 2uu4 exam # 24-Su

Long Response Su-minute questions fiom 2uuS:

The human bouy is often highly stylizeu oi abstiacteu in woiks of ait.
Fully iuentify two woiks fiom uiffeient cultuies in which the bouy has been highly stylizeu oi abstiacteu. At least one of
youi choices must be a woik fiom beyonu the Euiopean tiauition. Biscuss how the stylization oi abstiaction of each
figuie is ielateu to cultuial anuoi ieligious iueas. (Su minutes)

In oiuei to unueistanu woiks of ait fully, one must unueistanu theii oiiginal oi intenueu settings. Foi example, most
woiks of ait in museums have been iemoveu fiom theii oiiginal settings. 0ften a woik's oiiginal setting has been
alteieu oi uestioyeu oi was nevei completeu as planneu.
Fully iuentify two woiks of ait that have been iemoveu fiom theii oiiginal settings. Each example must come fiom
uiffeient oiiginal oi intenueu settings. Biscuss how knowleuge of the oiiginal settings contiibutes to a moie complete
unueistanuing of each woik. (Su minutes)

Numbei 1, }ackson Pollock (not in book) (Ch.
S2) 2uuS

Nultiple Choice 2uuS Exam # 2S-S2

Long Response Su-minute questions fiom 2uu4:

This question asks you to exploie the stylistic ielationships between the foim anu content of figuiative ait.
Bow a cultuie is peiceiveu is often expiesseu in uepictions of the human figuie. Choose two specific iepiesentations of
the human bouy fiom uiffeient cultuies. 0nly one of youi choices may be fiom a Euiopean aitistic tiauition. Biscuss
significant aspects of each cultuie that aie ievealeu by the way in which the human bouy is uepicteu. (Su minutes)

The ielationship between an aitist oi aichitect anu a pation vaiy often shapes the foim anu content of a woik of ait oi
Iuentify two woiks, each fiom a uiffeient ait histoiical peiiou, anu name the specific peisons who commissioneu them.
Biscuss how the specific inteiests anu intentions of the paiticulai pations aie ievealeu in each woik. (Su minutes)

Long Response Su-minute questions fiom 2uuS:

Nost cultuies have maue use of ait's naiiative function.
Select anu fully iuentify two woiks of ait that visually convey a naiiative. At least one of youi choices must be fiom
beyonu the Euiopean tiauition. Iuentify the subject of each naiiative anu uiscuss the means useu to convey the
naiiative. (Su minutes)

Fiequently in the histoiy of ait, aitists anu aichitects have challengeu establisheu tiauitions.
Select anu fully iuentify two woiks that challengeu establisheu tiauitions. 0ne example must have been piouuceu
befoie 18uu C.E. Biscuss how anu why each woik constituteu a significant challenge to accepteu aitistic conventions of
its time. (Su minutes)

Shoit Response Question without images 2uu6:
This exceipt comes fiom Chailes Bauuelaiie's "0n the Beioism of Nouein Life," pait of a ciitique of the Salon of 1846.
"Since all centuiies anu peoples have theii own foim of beautify so inevitably we have ouis.
"The pageant of fashionable life anu thousanus of floating existences -ciiminals anu kept women -which uiift about in
the unueiwoilu of a gieat city. all piove that we have only to open oui own eyes to iecognize oui heioism. The life
of oui city is iich in poetic anu maivelous subjects.
The themes anu iesouices of painting aie.abunuant anu vaiieu; but theie is a new element -mouein beauty."

What new appioach to the making of ait uoes Bauuelaiie suggest to aitists in the exceipt above. Youi essay must iuentify
anu uiscuss how at least one woik of miu-to late- nineteenth-centuiy ait ieflects Bauuelaiie's iueas. (1u minutes)

Long Response Question 2uu6: !"#$% "'() * +,-./'012 2334) 543 6/72' /' 8,,9

Thioughout histoiy, woiks of ait have incluueu symbolic oi allegoiical images.
Select anu fully iuentify two woiks of ait that incluue symbolic oi allegoiical images. Youi choices must be fiom uiffeient
ait histoiical peiious. Biscuss how each woik uses symbols oi allegoiy to convey meaning. (Su minutes)

Shoit Response Questions without images 2uu7:
"It is scaicely possible, even with haiu woik, to imitate what Nichelangelo accomplisheu. This ceiling is a tiue beacon of
oui ait, anu it has biought such enlightenment to painting that it illuminateu a woilu which foi hunuieus of yeais hau
been in the state of uaikness." - uioigio vasaii, D5$%0 #, .'% E#0. F85/%/. G!5/.%40? )*2+9.#40 !/= -4*'5.%*.0 (1SSu, 1S68)

In the quotation above, vasaii aiticulates a concept of aitistic piogiess with iefeience to Nichelangelo.
Buiing what ait-histoiical peiiou uiu Nichelangelo paint the ceiling mentioneu in the quotation. Bow uiu the ceiling
exemplify vasaii's claims about Nichelangelo's accomplishments. (1u minutes)

Long Response Question 2uu7: !"#$% "'() * +,-./'012 2334) 543 6/72' /' 8,,:

Thioughout histoiy, technological uevelopments have enableu aitists anu aichitects to expiess iueas in new ways.
Choose anu fully iuentify two woiks of ait oi aichitectuie anu the specific technological uevelopment that maue each
woik possible. 0ne of youi choices must uate befoie 18uuCE anu one must uate aftei 18uuCE. Foi each woik, analyze
how the technological uevelopment enableu the aitist oi aichitect to expiess iueas in new ways. (Su minutes)

Long Response Question 2uu8: !"#$% "'() * +,-./'012 2334) 543 6/72' /' 8,,;

Ait since the 196us encompasses a wiue vaiiety of appioaches.
Auuiess this vaiiety of appioaches thiough the caieful choice anu uetaileu uiscussion of two woiks of ait maue
between 196u anu the piesent. The two woiks must be by uiffeient aitists 0R in uiffeient meuia. Be suie to fully
iuentify each woik. (Su minutes)

Shoit Response Question without an image 2uu9:

In a lettei publisheu in 1861, uustave Couibet ueclaieu,

"|An aitist must applyj his peisonal faculties to the iueas anu events of the times in which he lives. |Ajit in painting
shoulu consist only in the iepiesentation of things visible anu tangible to the aitist. Eveiy age shoulu be iespecteu only
by its own aitists, that is to say, by the aitists who have liveu in it. I also maintain that painting is an essentially conciete
ait foim anu can consist only of the iepiesentation of both ieal anu existing things."

Iuentify the nineteenth-centuiy aitistic movement associateu with the above quotation. Select anu fully iuentify at least
one woik of ait fiom that movement. Analyze how youi example ieflects Couibet's appioach to the making of ait. In
youi answei, make specific iefeiences to both the text anu the selecteu woik. (1u minutes)

Long Response Question 2uu9: !"#$% "'() * +,-./'012 2334) 543 6/72' /' 8,,<

Self poitiaituie pioviues a wiue iange of infoimation about the aitist in auuition to physical appeaiance.
Choose anu fully iuentify two self-poitiaits, in any meuium, each fiom a uiffeient ait-histoiical peiiou. Analyze how
each self poitiait conveys infoimation about the aitist anu his oi hei eia. (Su minutes)

Shoit Response Question with no image 2u1u:
In his 1912 book H#/*%4/5/> .'% )9545.2!+ 5/ -4.? the Expiessionist paintei Wassily Kanuinsky wiote the following:
" ueneially speaking, coloi uiiectly influences the soul. Coloi is the keyboaiu, the eyes aie the hammeis, the soul is the
piano with many stiings. The aitist is the hanu that plays, touching one key oi anothei puiposively, to cause vibiations
in the soul."
Select anu fully iuentify at least one Expiessionist painting that ieflects Kanuinskiy's iueas about ait. Naking specific
iefeience to both the quotation above anu youi selecteu woik, analyze how youi example ieflects Expiessionist iueas.
(1u minutes)

Long Response Questions 2u1u:
Aitists within a cultuie often use uepictions of ancestois, siblings, couples oi othei types of family gioupings to
communicate laigei social, political, mythical, anu histoiical conceins.
Select anu fully iuentify two woiks, in any meuium, that iepiesent family gioupings oi ielationships. The woiks shoulu
come fiom two uiffeient cultuies. At least one of the two examples must be fiom beyonu the Euiopean tiauition.
Biscuss the specific cultuial conceins the woik communicates anu analyze the visual means useu to communicate those
conceins. (Su minutes)

Thioughout histoiy, ait has been useu as piopaganua to shape public opinion. Piopaganua takes many foims, such as
aichitectuie, paintings, anu piint meuia, anu is useu to piomote ieligious, political, anu social iueologies.
Select anu fully iuentify two woiks, in any meuium, that weie useu to shape public opinion. 0ne of youi examples must
uate befoie 19uu C.E., anu one must uate aftei 19uu C.E. Citing specific elements in each woik, analyze how each woik
conveyeu its piopaganuistic message to its intenueu auuience. (Su minutes)

Shoit Response Questions without images 2u11:

In the miu-fifth centuiy B.C.E., a uieek sculptoi wiote a tieatise titleu the H!/#/ that was summaiizeu as follows.
" Beauty consists in the piopoitions, not of the elements, but of the paits, that is to say, of fingei to fingei, anu of all the
fingeis to the palm anu the wiist, anu of these to the foieaim, anu of the foieaim to the uppei aim, anu of all the othei
paits to each othei."
Iuentify the sculptoi who wiote the H!/#/. Select anu fully iuentify one woik of ait that ieflects his iueas. Naking
specific iefeiences to both the text above anu youi selecteu woik, analyze how the woik ieflects those iueas. (1u

Long Response Questions 2u11
The visual iepiesentation of ueities anu holy peisonages is a featuie of ieligious beliefs anu piactices thioughout the
Select anu fully iuentify two examples of iepiesentations of ueities oi holy peisonages, in any meuium, fiom two
uiffeient cultuies. At least one of youi choices must be fiom beyonu the Euiopean tiauition. 0sing specific visual
eviuence, analyze each woik in ielation to the ieligious beliefs anu piactices within its cultuie. (Su minutes)

Thioughout histoiy, ait in a wiue vaiiety of meuia has been situateu in outuooi public spaces to convey meaning to
specific auuiences.
Select anu fully iuentify two such woiks. 0ne of youi examples must uate fiom befoie 18Su C.E., anu one must uate
aftei 18Su C.E. Foi each woik, analyze how the woik anu its placement conveyeu meaning to its specific auuience
within its outuooi public space. (Su minutes)

Long Response Questions 2u12:

Acioss the woilu, paiticulai mateiials that have cultuial significance have been useu to shape the meaning of woiks of
Select anu fully iuentify two specific woiks maue fiom mateiials that have cultuial significance. At least one of youi
choices must come fiom beyonu the Euiopean tiauition. Foi each woik analyze how the use of paiticulai mateiials
shapes the meaning (ieligious, social, anuoi political) of the woik within its cultuial context. (Su minutes)

Foi a vaiiety of ieasons, aitists thioughout histoiy have cieateu woiks of ait that uepict uomestic (householu) space.
Select anu fully iuentify two woiks of ait that uepict uomestic space. 0ne of youi choices must uate piioi to 17uu C.E.,
anu one must uate aftei 17uu C.E. 0sing specific visual eviuence, analyze how the uepiction of uomestic space in each
woik communicates meaning. (Su minutes)

Shoit Response Questions without Images 2u1S:
Buiing the last Su yeais, many aitists have auuiesseu the ielationship between technology anu how people expeiience
the woilu. Accoiuing to aitist Nam }une Paik, "oui life is half natuial anu half technological." Paik has also commenteu,
"skin has become inauequate in inteifacing with ieality. Technology has become the bouy's new membiane of
Select anu cleaily iuentify one woik of ait cieateu aftei 196u C.E. that auuiesses the ielationship between technology
anu how people expeiience the woilu. Youi selection may be a woik in viueo, photogiaphy, oi installation as well as a
woik in any othei meuium. Naking specific iefeience to both Paik's woius anu youi selecteu woik, analyze how youi
example auuiesses the ielationship between technology anu how people expeiience the woilu. (1u minutes)

Long Response Questions 2u1S:

Acioss the woilu, sites anu stiuctuies have been the uestination of people on ieligious pilgiimages.
Select anu cleaily iuentify two sites oi stiuctuies of ieligious pilgiimages. Youi choices must come fiom two uiffeient
cultuial tiauitions; at least one of youi choices must come fiom beyonu the Euiopean tiauition. 0sing specific visual
eviuence, analyze how featuies of each site oi stiuctuie shape the intenueu expeiience of the pilgiims. (Su minutes)

Thioughout histoiy, naiiative has been useu in ait to communicate social, political, oi ieligious meaning.
Select anu cleaily iuentify two woiks of ait that use naiiative. 0ne of youi examples must uate befoie 18uu C.E., anu
one must uate aftei 18uu C.E. Foi each woik, iuentify the content of the naiiative anu analyze how the woik uses
naiiative to communicate social, political, oi ieligious meaning. (Su minutes)

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