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3rd Grade Rhythm Lesson

Name: Melissa Kelso

Grade: 3rd Grade
Title of Lesson: Introduction to Rhythm: Ta and Ti-Ti
Grade Level(s): 3
Goal: The students ill learn a!out hole" half" #uarter" and ei$hth notes% The students
ill also !e a!le to reco$ni&e and com'ose usin$ #uarter notes (ta) and ei$hth notes (ti-
*% The students ill !e a!le to
reco$ni&e hole" half" #uarter"
and ei$hth notes%
+% The students ill !e a!le to
notate sim'le rhythms usin$
#uarter notes and ei$hth notes%

3% The students ill !e a!le to
com'ose sim'le rhythms usin$
#uarter notes and ei$hth notes%
National Music ,tandards
*% ,in$in$" alone and ith others"
a varied re'ertoire of music%
+% -erformin$ on instruments"
alone and ith others" a varied
re'ertoire of music%
.% /om'osin$ and arran$in$
music ithin s'ecified $uidelines%
0% Readin$ and notatin$ music%
1% Listenin$ to" analy&in$" and
descri!in$ music%

2% 3nderstandin$ relationshi's
!eteen music" the other arts" and
disci'lines outside the arts%
4ormative 5ssessment:
*% The students ill notate the
rhythm of section 5 of 6aydn7s
8,ur'rise ,ym'hony8 after
listenin$ to it%
+% 5fter sin$in$ 8Tin9le
Tin9le Little ,tar8 the students
ill notate the rhythm usin$
#uarter notes (ta) and ei$hth notes
3% The students ill com'ose and
'erform" in $rou's" rhythms usin$
#uarter notes (ta) and ei$hth notes
Rationale: Rhythm is a fundamental conce't in understandin$ and a''reciatin$ music%
,tudents need to not only !e a!le to reco$ni&e rhythms" !ut also !e a!le to notate and
'erform rhythms in order to have a !asic 9noled$e of ho music or9s%
/ontent Knoled$e:
,tudents already have a !asic idea of
rhythm from 'revious music classes% This
lesson ill solidify their 9noled$e of note

The teacher ill as9 the students to
8re'eat after me8 hile cla''in$ sim'le
rhythms usin$ #uarter notes and ei$hth
notes% (nce the class has successfully
re'eated several rhythms" the teacher ill
e:'lain hat rhythm is%
The teacher ill then introduce the flash
cards of a hole" half" #uarter" and ei$hth
note" shoin$ ho + half notes ; * hole
note" . #uarter notes ; + half notes ; *
hole note" etc% <uarter notes ill !e
s'o9en as 8ta8 and ei$hth notes as 8ti-ti8%
The class ill !rainstorm everyday
thin$s that have rhythm% The teacher may
need to hel'% Items may include a
heart!eat" a cloc9" indshield i'ers" etc%
The class ill then listen to a recordin$
of 'art 5 of the second movement of
6aydn7s 8,ur'rise ,ym'hony"8 'ayin$
close attention to the rhythm% The teacher
ill as9 the students to sin$ !ac9 the
melody% The class ill then notate the
rhythm of the melody on the chal9!oard
usin$ #uarter notes and ei$hth notes%
The class ill then sin$ 8Tin9le
Tin9le Little ,tar8 and notate the rhythm
of the melody usin$ #uarter notes and
ei$hth notes%
The teacher ill s'lit the class into small
$rou's of 3 or . students% =ach $rou' ill
!e $iven sets of flash cards ith #uarter
notes and ei$hth notes" a 'encil" and a 'iece
of 'a'er% The students ill !e as9ed to
com'ose a *+ !eat sim'le rhythm usin$
#uarter notes and ei$hth notes% >hen all
$rou's are done" they ill 'erform" as a
$rou'" their com'osed rhythms% The
students may then sitch 'a'ers ith
another $rou' to read and 'erform that
$rou'7s rhythm%
The class ill end ith a revie of ho
many #uarter notes are in a hole note"
ho many ei$hth notes are in a #uarter
note" etc% The students ill ind don !y
re'eatin$ several more rhythms $iven !y
the teacher" each one $ettin$ sloer and
#uieter" until class is over%
Materials: 4lash cards ith note values
Recordin$ of ,ur'rise ,ym'hony Mvmt% +
Recordin$ of 4li$ht of the ?um!le ?ee
6and drums
References: "Classics for Kids." Classics for Kids.
Web. 16 July 2010.
Edwards, Dr. Kay. "Introduction to Music
Unit." Classics for Kids. Dr. Kay
Edwards, Miami University, Web. 16
July 2010.
"Letter N." abcteach -- 5000+ free printable
pages and worksheets. Web. 16 July
"National Standards for Music Education."
MENC - The National Association for
Music Education - Home. Web. 16
July 2010.
"Rhythm." InstructorWeb. Web. 16 July
Mode: The students ill or9 as a class to notate
rhythms to 8,ur'rise ,ym'hony8 and
8Tin9le Tin9le Little ,tar8% They ill
or9 in small $rou's to com'ose and
'erform sim'le rhythms usin$ #uarter and
ei$hth notes%
,'ecial 5da'tations: ,tudents ho have a hard time hearin$ may
sit close to the front of the room% ,tudents
needin$ hel' ith com'osition or
'erformin$ rhythms may also as9 the
teacher or a $rou' mem!er%
5ntici'ated @ifficulties: ,tudents may have a hard time com'osin$
sim'le rhythms that are e:actly *+ !eats%

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