Sie sind auf Seite 1von 6

!"#$%#&%' !)*+, #$% !,-.

,$),/ 0&#%, 3
1.#&",&2 3
4$5" 3 4$5" 6
7,#%5$82 95",&#".&,
:,; <%,#' #$% =,"#5>'
3.8L.1: Quote accuiately fiom a text when explaining what the text says explicitly anu
when uiawing infeiences fiom the text.
3.8L.2: Beteimine a theme of a stoiy, uiama, oi poem fiom uetails in the text, incluuing
how chaiacteis in a stoiy oi uiama iesponu to challenges oi how the speakei in a
poem ieflects upon a topic; summaiize the text.
!"#$%&'#()" )+ ,")-.$/%$ '"/ !/$'0
3.8L.9: Compaie anu contiast stoiies in the same genie (e.g., mysteiies anu auventuie
stoiies) on theii appioaches to similai themes anu topics.
7,#%5$82 <$?*&@#"5*$#> A,B"
:,; <%,#' #$% =,"#5>'
3.8l.1: Quote accuiately fiom a text when explaining what the text says explicitly
anu when uiawing infeiences fiom the text.
3.8l.2: Beteimine two oi moie main iueas of a text anu explain how they aie
suppoiteu by key uetails; summaiize the text.
!"#$%&'#()" )+ ,")-.$/%$ '"/ !/$'0
3.8l.9: Integiate infoimation fiom seveial texts on the same topic in oiuei to wiite
oi speak about the subject knowleugeably.
C&5"5$82 D#&&#"5E,
A,B" A;+,' #$% F.&+*','
S.W.S: Wiite naiiatives to uevelop ieal oi imagineu expeiiences oi events using
effective technique, uesciiptive uetails, anu cleai event sequences.
1&)/23#()" '"/ 4(0#&(52#()" )+ 6&(#("%
3.W.4: Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment anu oiganization
aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu auuience.
3.W.3: With guiuance anu suppoit fiom peeis anu auults, uevelop anu stiengthen
wiiting as neeueu by planning, ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new appioach.
7$0$'&38 #) 92(./ '"/ 1&$0$"# ,")-.$/%$
S.W.8: Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation
fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of souices.
S.W.9: Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit analysis,
ieflection, anu ieseaich.

C&5"5$82 D#&&#"5E,
A,B" A;+,' #$% F.&+*','
S.W.S: Wiite naiiatives to uevelop ieal oi imagineu expeiiences oi events using
effective technique, uesciiptive uetails, anu cleai event sequences.
1&)/23#()" '"/ 4(0#&(52#()" )+ 6&(#("%
3.W.4: Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment anu
oiganization aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu auuience.
3.W.3: With guiuance anu suppoit fiom peeis anu auults, uevelop anu stiengthen
wiiting as neeueu by planning, ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new
S.W.6: With some guiuance anu suppoit fiom auults, use technology, incluuing the
Inteinet, to piouuce anu publish wiiting as well as to inteiact anu collaboiate with
otheis; uemonstiate sufficient commanu of keyboaiuing skills to type a minimum of
two pages in a single sitting.
7$0$'&38 #) 92(./ '"/ 1&$0$"# ,")-.$/%$
S.W.8: Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation
fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of souices.
S.W.9: Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit analysis,
ieflection, anu ieseaich.
!+,#G5$8 #$% 95'",$5$8
H*@+&,I,$'5*$ #$% H*>>#J*&#"5*$
3.SL.1 Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups, and
Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3 Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers' ldeas and
expresslng Lhelr own clearly.
3.SL.2 Summarlze a wrlLLen LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed ln dlverse medla and
formaLs, lncludlng vlsually, quanLlLaLlvely, and orally.
F&,',$"#"5*$ *? :$*K>,%8, #$% <%,#'
3.SL.6 AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when
approprlaLe Lo Lask and slLuaLlon.
!+,#G5$8 #$% 95'",$5$8
H*@+&,I,$'5*$ #$% H*>>#J*&#"5*$
3.SL.1 Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups,
and Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3 Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers'
ldeas and expresslng Lhelr own clearly.
3.SL.2 Summarlze a wrlLLen LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed ln dlverse medla
and formaLs, lncludlng vlsually, quanLlLaLlvely, and orally.
F&,',$"#"5*$ *? :$*K>,%8, #$% <%,#'
3.SL.6 AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when
approprlaLe Lo Lask and slLuaLlon.

H*$E,$"5*$' *? !"#$%#&% L$8>5'I
3.L.1: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu
usage when wiiting oi speaking
3.L.2: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization,
H*$E,$"5*$' *? !"#$%#&% L$8>5'I
3.L.1: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu
usage when wiiting oi speaking
3.L.2: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization,
punctuation, anu spelling when wiiting.
,")-.$/%$ )+ :'"%2'%$
S.l.S 0se knowleuge of language anu its conventions when wiiting, speaking, ieauing,
oi listening.
;)3'52.'&< =3>2(0(#()" '"/ ?0$
3.L.3: Bemonstiate unueistanuing of figuiative language, woiu ielationships, anu
nuances in woiu meanings.
S.L.6: Acquiie anu use accuiately giaue-appiopiiate geneial acauemic anu uomain-
specific woius anu phiases, incluuing those that signal contiast, auuition, anu othei
logical ielationships (e.g., !"#$%$&, '()!"*+!, -$%$&)!$($.., ./0/('&(1, 0"&$"%$&, /-
punctuation, anu spelling when wiiting.
,")-.$/%$ )+ :'"%2'%$
S.l.S 0se knowleuge of language anu its conventions when wiiting, speaking,
ieauing, oi listening.
;)3'52.'&< =3>2(0(#()" '"/ ?0$
3.L.4: Beteimine oi claiify the meaning of unknown anu multiple-meaning woius
anu phiases baseu on +&'2$ 3 &$'2/-+ '-2 4"-)$-), choosing flexibly fiom a iange of
S.L.6: Acquiie anu use accuiately giaue-appiopiiate geneial acauemic anu uomain-
specific woius anu phiases, incluuing those that signal contiast, auuition, anu othei
logical ielationships (e.g., !"#$%$&, '()!"*+!, -$%$&)!$($.., ./0/('&(1, 0"&$"%$&, /-

!"#$%#&%' !)*+, #$% !,-.,$),/ 0&#%, 3
1.#&",&2 6
4$5" M 4$5" N
7,#%5$82 95",&#".&,
:,; <%,#' #$% =,"#5>'
3.8L.1: Quote accuiately fiom a text when explaining what the text says explicitly anu
when uiawing infeiences fiom the text.
3.8L.2: Beteimine a theme of a stoiy, uiama, oi poem fiom uetails in the text, incluuing
how chaiacteis in a stoiy oi uiama iesponu to challenges oi how the speakei in a
poem ieflects upon a topic; summaiize the text.
S.RL.S Compaie anu contiast two oi moie chaiacteis, settings, oi events in a stoiy oi
uiama, uiawing on specific uetails in the text (e.g., how chaiacteis inteiact).
@&'+# '"/ A#&23#2&$
S.RL.4: Beteimine the meaning of woius anu phiases as they aie useu in a text,
incluuing figuiative language such as metaphois anu similes.
3.8L.3: Explain how a seiies of chapteis, scenes, oi stanzas fits togethei to pioviue the
oveiall stiuctuie of a paiticulai stoiy, uiama, oi poem.
7,#%5$82 <$?*&@#"5*$#> A,B"
:,; <%,#' #$% =,"#5>'
3.8l.1: Quote accuiately fiom a text when explaining what the text says explicitly
anu when uiawing infeiences fiom the text.
3.8l.2: Beteimine two oi moie main iueas of a text anu explain how they aie
suppoiteu by key uetails; summaiize the text.
S.RI.S: Explain the ielationships oi inteiactions between two oi moie inuiviuuals,
events, iueas, oi concepts in a histoiical, scientific, oi technical text baseu on
specific infoimation in the text
@&'+# '"/ A#&23#2&$
3.8l.4: Beteimine the meaning of geneial acauemic anu uomain-specific woius anu
phiases in a text ielevant to a +&'2$ 3 )"5/4 "& .*67$4) '&$'.
3.8l.3: Compaie anu contiast the oveiall stiuctuie (e.g., chionology, compaiison,
causeeffect, pioblemsolution) of events, iueas, concepts, oi infoimation in two oi
C&5"5$82 <$?*&@#"5*$OLB+*'5"*&;
A,'" A;+,' #$% F.&+*','
S.W.2: Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts to examine a topic anu convey iueas anu
infoimation cleaily.
1&)/23#()" '"/ 4(0#&(52#()" )+ 6&(#("%
3.W.4: Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment anu oiganization
aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu auuience.
3.W.3: With guiuance anu suppoit fiom peeis anu auults, uevelop anu stiengthen
wiiting as neeueu by planning, ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new appioach.
7$0$'&38 #) 92(./ '"/ 1&$0$"# ,")-.$/%$
S:W. 7: Conuuct shoit ieseaich piojects that use seveial souices to builu knowleuge
thiough investigation of uiffeient aspects of a topic.
S.W.8: Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation
fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of souices.
S.W.9: Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit analysis,
ieflection, anu ieseaich.

C&5"5$82 <$?*&@#"5*$OLB+*'5"*&;
A,B" A;+,' #$% F.&+*','
S.W.2: Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts to examine a topic anu convey iueas
anu infoimation cleaily.
1&)/23#()" '"/ 4(0#&(52#()" )+ 6&(#("%
3.W.4: Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment anu
oiganization aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu auuience.
3.W.3: With guiuance anu suppoit fiom peeis anu auults, uevelop anu stiengthen
wiiting as neeueu by planning, ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new
S.W.6: With some guiuance anu suppoit fiom auults, use technology, incluuing the
Inteinet, to piouuce anu publish wiiting as well as to inteiact anu collaboiate with
otheis; uemonstiate sufficient commanu of keyboaiuing skills to type a minimum of
two pages in a single sitting.
7$0$'&38 #) 92(./ '"/ 1&$0$"# ,")-.$/%$
S:W. 7: Conuuct shoit ieseaich piojects that use seveial souices to builu knowleuge
thiough investigation of uiffeient aspects of a topic.
S.W.8: Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation

fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of souices.
S.W.9: Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit analysis,
ieflection, anu ieseaich.

!+,#G5$8 #$% 95'",$5$8
H*@+&,I,$'5*$ #$% H*>>#J*&#"5*$
3.SL.1 Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups, and
Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3 Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers' ldeas and
expresslng Lhelr own clearly.
F&,',$"#"5*$ *? :$*K>,%8, #$% <%,#'
3.SL.4 8eporL on a Loplc or LexL or presenL an oplnlon, sequenclng ldeas loglcally and uslng
approprlaLe facLs and relevanL, descrlpLlve deLalls Lo supporL maln ldeas or Lhemes, speak
clearly aL an undersLandable pace.
3.SL. 6 AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when
approprlaLe Lo Lask and slLuaLlon.

!+,#G5$8 #$% 95'",$5$8
H*@+&,I,$'5*$ #$% H*>>#J*&#"5*$
3.SL.1 Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups,
and Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3 Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers'
ldeas and expresslng Lhelr own clearly.
F&,',$"#"5*$ *? :$*K>,%8, #$% <%,#'
3.SL.4 8eporL on a Loplc or LexL or presenL an oplnlon, sequenclng ldeas loglcally and
uslng approprlaLe facLs and relevanL, descrlpLlve deLalls Lo supporL maln ldeas or
Lhemes, speak clearly aL an undersLandable pace.
3.SL.3 lnclude mulLlmedla componenLs (e.g., graphlcs, sound) and vlsual dlsplays ln
presenLaLlons when approprlaLe Lo enhance Lhe developmenL of maln ldeas or Lhemes.
3.SL.6 AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when
approprlaLe Lo Lask and slLuaLlon.
H*$E,$"5*$' *? !"#$%#&% L$8>5'I
3.L.1: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu
usage when wiiting oi speaking
3.L.2: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization,
punctuation, anu spelling when wiiting.
,")-.$/%$ )+ :'"%2'%$
S.L.S 0se knowleuge of language anu its conventions when wiiting, speaking, ieauing,
oi listening.
P*)#J.>#&; Q)-.5'5"5*$ #$% 4',
3.L.3: Bemonstiate unueistanuing of figuiative language, woiu ielationships, anu
nuances in woiu meanings.
S.L.6: Acquiie anu use accuiately giaue-appiopiiate geneial acauemic anu uomain-
specific woius anu phiases, incluuing those that signal contiast, auuition, anu othei
logical ielationships (e.g., !"#$%$&, '()!"*+!, -$%$&)!$($.., ./0/('&(1, 0"&$"%$&, /-
H*$E,$"5*$' *? !"#$%#&% L$8>5'I
3.L.1: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu
usage when wiiting oi speaking
3.L.2: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization,
punctuation, anu spelling when wiiting.
,")-.$/%$ )+ :'"%2'%$
S.L.S 0se knowleuge of language anu its conventions when wiiting, speaking,
ieauing, oi listening.
P*)#J.>#&; Q)-.5'5"5*$ #$% 4',
3.L.4: Beteimine oi claiify the meaning of unknown anu multiple-meaning woius
anu phiases baseu on +&'2$ 3 &$'2/-+ '-2 4"-)$-), choosing flexibly fiom a iange of
S.L.6: Acquiie anu use accuiately giaue-appiopiiate geneial acauemic anu uomain-
specific woius anu phiases, incluuing those that signal contiast, auuition, anu othei
logical ielationships (e.g., !"#$%$&, '()!"*+!, -$%$&)!$($.., ./0/('&(1, 0"&$"%$&, /-

!"#$%#&%' !)*+, #$% !,-.,$),/ 0&#%, 3
1.#&",&2 M
4$5" R 4$5" S
7,#%5$82 95",&#".&,
:,; <%,#' #$% =,"#5>'
3.8L.1: Quote accuiately fiom a text when explaining what the text says explicitly anu
when uiawing infeiences fiom the text.
3.8L.2: Beteimine a theme of a stoiy, uiama, oi poem fiom uetails in the text, incluuing
how chaiacteis in a stoiy oi uiama iesponu to challenges oi how the speakei in a
poem ieflects upon a topic; summaiize the text.
@&'+# '"/ A#&23#2&$
S.RL.6: Besciibe how a naiiatoi's oi speakei's point of view influences how events aie
!"#$%&'#()" )+ ,")-.$/%$ '"/ !/$'0
3.8L.7: Analyze how visual anu multimeuia elements contiibute to the meaning, tone, oi
beauty of a text (e.g., giaphic novel, multimeuia piesentation of fiction, folktale, myth,
7,#%5$82 95",&#".&,
:,; <%,#' #$% =,"#5>'
3.8l.1: Quote accuiately fiom a text when explaining what the text says explicitly
anu when uiawing infeiences fiom the text.
3.8l.2: Beteimine two oi moie main iueas of a text anu explain how they aie
suppoiteu by key uetails; summaiize
@&'+# '"/ A#&23#2&$
S.RI.6: Analyze multiple accounts of the same event oi topic, noting impoitant
similaiities anu uiffeiences in the point of view they iepiesent.
!"#$%&'#()" )+ ,")-.$/%$ '"/ !/$'0
3.8l. 7: Biaw on infoimation fiom multiple piint oi uigital souices, uemonstiating
the ability to locate an answei to a question quickly oi to solve a pioblem efficiently
3.8l.8: Explain how an authoi uses ieasons anu eviuence to suppoit paiticulai
points in a text, iuentifying which ieasons anu eviuence suppoit which point(s).
C&5"5$82 T+5$5*$
A,'" A;+,' #$% F.&+*','
S.W.1: Wiite opinion pieces on topics oi texts, suppoiting a point of view with ieasons
anu infoimation.
1&)/23#()" '"/ 4(0#&(52#()" )+ 6&(#("%
3.W.4: Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment anu oiganization
aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu auuience.
3.W.3: With guiuance anu suppoit fiom peeis anu auults, uevelop anu stiengthen
wiiting as neeueu by planning, ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new appioach.
7$0$'&38 #) 92(./ '"/ 1&$0$"# ,")-.$/%$
S.W.8: Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation
fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of souices.
S.W.9: Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit analysis,
ieflection, anu ieseaich

C&5"5$82 T+5$5*$
A,B" A;+,' #$% F.&+*','
S.W.1: Wiite opinion pieces on topics oi texts, suppoiting a point of view with
ieasons anu infoimation.
1&)/23#()" '"/ 4(0#&(52#()" )+ 6&(#("%
3.W.4: Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment anu
oiganization aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu auuience.
3.W.3: With guiuance anu suppoit fiom peeis anu auults, uevelop anu stiengthen
wiiting as neeueu by planning, ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new
S.W.6: With some guiuance anu suppoit fiom auults, use technology, incluuing the
Inteinet, to piouuce anu publish wiiting as well as to inteiact anu collaboiate with
otheis; uemonstiate sufficient commanu of keyboaiuing skills to type a minimum of
two pages in a single sitting.
7$0$'&38 #) 92(./ '"/ 1&$0$"# ,")-.$/%$
S.W.8: Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation
fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of souices.
S.W.9: Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit analysis,
ieflection, anu ieseaich
!+,#G5$8 #$% 95'",$5$8
H*@+&,I,$'5*$ #$% H*>>#J*&#"5*$
3.SL.1 Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups, and
Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3 Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers' ldeas and
expresslng Lhelr own clearly.
R.SL.3 Summarlze Lhe polnLs a speaker makes and explaln how each clalm ls supporLed by
reasons and evldence.
F&,',$"#"5*$ *? :$*K>,%8, #$% <%,#'
3.SL. 6 AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when
approprlaLe Lo Lask and slLuaLlon.
!+,#G5$8 #$% 95'",$5$8
3.SL.1 Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups,
and Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3 Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers'
ldeas and expresslng Lhelr own clearly.
R.SL.3 Summarlze Lhe polnLs a speaker makes and explaln how each clalm ls supporLed
by reasons and evldence.
F&,',$"#"5*$ *? :$*K>,%8, #$% <%,#'
3.SL. 6 AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when
approprlaLe Lo Lask and slLuaLlon.

H*$E,$"5*$' *? !"#$%#&% L$8>5'I
H*$E,$"5*$' *? !"#$%#&% L$8>5'I
3.L.1: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu
usage when wiiting oi speaking
3.L.2: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization,
punctuation, anu spelling when wiiting.
,")-.$/%$ )+ :'"%2'%$
S.L.S 0se knowleuge of language anu its conventions when wiiting, speaking, ieauing,
oi listening.
;)3'52.'&< =3>2(0(#()" '"/ ?0$
3.L.3: Bemonstiate unueistanuing of figuiative language, woiu ielationships, anu
nuances in woiu meanings.
S.L.6: Acquiie anu use accuiately giaue-appiopiiate geneial acauemic anu uomain-
specific woius anu phiases, incluuing those that signal contiast, auuition, anu othei
logical ielationships (e.g., !"#$%$&, '()!"*+!, -$%$&)!$($.., ./0/('&(1, 0"&$"%$&, /-
3.L.1: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu
usage when wiiting oi speaking
3.L.2: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization,
punctuation, anu spelling when wiiting.
,")-.$/%$ )+ :'"%2'%$
S.L.S 0se knowleuge of language anu its conventions when wiiting, speaking,
ieauing, oi listening.
;)3'52.'&< =3>2(0(#()" '"/ ?0$
3.L.4: Beteimine oi claiify the meaning of unknown anu multiple-meaning woius
anu phiases baseu on +&'2$ 3 &$'2/-+ '-2 4"-)$-), choosing flexibly fiom a iange of
S.L.6: Acquiie anu use accuiately giaue-appiopiiate geneial acauemic anu uomain-
specific woius anu phiases, incluuing those that signal contiast, auuition, anu othei
logical ielationships (e.g., !"#$%$&, '()!"*+!, -$%$&)!$($.., ./0/('&(1, 0"&$"%$&, /-

!"#$%#&%' !)*+, #$% !,-.,$),/ 0&#%, R
1.#&",&2 N
4$5" U 4$5" V
7,#%5$82 95",&#".&,
:,; <%,#' #$% =,"#5>'
3.8L.1: Quote accuiately fiom a text when explaining what the text says explicitly anu
when uiawing infeiences fiom the text.
@&'+# '"/ A#&23#2&$
3.8L.3 Explain how a seiies of chapteis, scenes, oi stanzas fits togethei to pioviue the
oveiall stiuctuie of a paiticulai stoiy, uiama, oi poem
!"#$%&'#()" )+ ,")-.$/%$ '"/ !/$'0
S.RL.9: Compaie anu contiast stoiies in the same genie (e.g., mysteiies anu auventuie
stoiies) on theii appioaches to similai themes anu topics.
7,#%5$82 <$?*&@#"5*$#> A,B"
:,; <%,#' #$% =,"#5>'
3.8l.1: Quote accuiately fiom a text when explaining what the text says explicitly
anu when uiawing infeiences fiom the text.
@&'+# '"/ A#&23#2&$
3.8l.3: Compaie anu contiast the oveiall stiuctuie (e.g., chionology, compaiison,
causeeffect, pioblemsolution) of events, iueas, concepts, oi infoimation in two oi
!"#$%&'#()" )+ ,")-.$/%$ '"/ !/$'0
3.8l.9: Integiate infoimation fiom seveial texts on the same topic in oiuei to wiite
oi speak about the subject knowleugeably
C&5"5$82 <$?*&@#"5*$OLB+*'5"*&;
A,B" A;+,' #$% F.&+*','
S.W.2: Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts to examine a topic anu convey iueas anu
infoimation cleaily.
1&)/23#()" '"/ 4(0#&(52#()" )+ 6&(#("%
3.W.4: Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment anu oiganization
aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu auuience.
3.W.3: With guiuance anu suppoit fiom peeis anu auults, uevelop anu stiengthen
wiiting as neeueu by planning, ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new appioach.
7$0$'&38 #) 92(./ '"/ 1&$0$"# ,")-.$/%$
S:W. 7: Conuuct shoit ieseaich piojects that use seveial souices to builu knowleuge
thiough investigation of uiffeient aspects of a topic.
S.W.8: Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation
fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of souices.
C&5"5$82 <$?*&@#"5*$OLB+*'5"*&;
A,B" A;+,' #$% F.&+*','
S.W.2: Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts to examine a topic anu convey iueas
anu infoimation cleaily.
1&)/23#()" '"/ 4(0#&(52#()" )+ 6&(#("%
3.W.4: Piouuce cleai anu coheient wiiting in which the uevelopment anu
oiganization aie appiopiiate to task, puipose, anu auuience.
3.W.3: With guiuance anu suppoit fiom peeis anu auults, uevelop anu stiengthen
wiiting as neeueu by planning, ievising, euiting, iewiiting, oi tiying a new
S.W.6: With some guiuance anu suppoit fiom auults, use technology, incluuing the
Inteinet, to piouuce anu publish wiiting as well as to inteiact anu collaboiate with
otheis; uemonstiate sufficient commanu of keyboaiuing skills to type a minimum of
two pages in a single sitting.
7$0$'&38 #) 92(./ '"/ 1&$0$"# ,")-.$/%$
S.W.9: Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit analysis,
ieflection, anu ieseaich.

S:W. 7: Conuuct shoit ieseaich piojects that use seveial souices to builu knowleuge
thiough investigation of uiffeient aspects of a topic.
S.W.8: Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation
fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of souices.
S.W.9: Biaw eviuence fiom liteiaiy oi infoimational texts to suppoit analysis,
ieflection, anu ieseaich.

!+,#G5$8 #$% 95'",$5$8
H*@+&,I,$'5*$ #$% H*>>#J*&#"5*$
3.SL.1 Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups, and
Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3 Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers' ldeas and
expresslng Lhelr own clearly.
F&,',$"#"5*$ *? :$*K>,%8, #$% <%,#'
3.SL.4 8eporL on a Loplc or LexL or presenL an oplnlon, sequenclng ldeas loglcally and uslng
approprlaLe facLs and relevanL, descrlpLlve deLalls Lo supporL maln ldeas or Lhemes, speak
clearly aL an undersLandable pace.
3.SL. 6 AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when
approprlaLe Lo Lask and slLuaLlon.

!+,#G5$8 #$% 95'",$5$8
H*@+&,I,$'5*$ #$% H*>>#J*&#"5*$
3.SL.1 Lngage effecLlvely ln a range of collaboraLlve dlscusslons (one-on-one, ln groups,
and Leacher-led) wlLh dlverse parLners on grade 3 Loplcs and LexLs, bulldlng on oLhers'
ldeas and expresslng Lhelr own clearly.
F&,',$"#"5*$ *? :$*K>,%8, #$% <%,#'
3.SL.4 8eporL on a Loplc or LexL or presenL an oplnlon, sequenclng ldeas loglcally and
uslng approprlaLe facLs and relevanL, descrlpLlve deLalls Lo supporL maln ldeas or
Lhemes, speak clearly aL an undersLandable pace.
3.SL.3 lnclude mulLlmedla componenLs (e.g., graphlcs, sound) and vlsual dlsplays ln
presenLaLlons when approprlaLe Lo enhance Lhe developmenL of maln ldeas or Lhemes.
3.SL. 6 AdapL speech Lo a varleLy of conLexLs and Lasks, uslng formal Lngllsh when
approprlaLe Lo Lask and slLuaLlon.
H*$E,$"5*$' *? !"#$%#&% L$8>5'I
3.L.1: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu
usage when wiiting oi speaking
3.L.2: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization,
punctuation, anu spelling when wiiting.
,")-.$/%$ )+ :'"%2'%$
S.L.S: 0se knowleuge of language anu its conventions when wiiting, speaking, ieauing,
oi listening.
;)3'52.'&< =3>2(0(#()" '"/ ?0$
3.L.3: Bemonstiate unueistanuing of figuiative language, woiu ielationships anu
nuances in woiu meanings.
S.L.6: Acquiie anu use accuiately giaue-appiopiiate geneial acauemic anu uomain-
specific woius anu phiases, incluuing those that signal contiast, auuition, anu othei
logical ielationships (e.g., !"#$%$&, '()!"*+!, -$%$&)!$($.., ./0/('&(1, 0"&$"%$&, /-
H*$E,$"5*$' *? !"#$%#&% L$8>5'I
3.L.1: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English giammai anu
usage when wiiting oi speaking
3.L.2: Bemonstiate commanu of the conventions of stanuaiu English capitalization,
punctuation, anu spelling when wiiting.
,")-.$/%$ )+ :'"%2'%$
S.L.S: 0se knowleuge of language anu its conventions when wiiting, speaking,
ieauing, oi listening.
;)3'52.'&< =3>2(0(#()" '"/ ?0$
3.L.4: Beteimine oi claiify the meaning of unknown anu multiple-meaning woius
anu phiases baseu on +&'2$ 3 &$'2/-+ '-2 4"-)$-), choosing flexibly fiom a iange of
S.L.6: Acquiie anu use accuiately giaue-appiopiiate geneial acauemic anu uomain-
specific woius anu phiases, incluuing those that signal contiast, auuition, anu othei
logical ielationships (e.g., !"#$%$&, '()!"*+!, -$%$&)!$($.., ./0/('&(1, 0"&$"%$&, /-

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