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11th Grade English Literature OVERVIEW

Mrs. Williams 2014-2015

LITERATURE/WRITING: We will be focusing primarily on British literature and writing. The following is a list
of strategically designed unit plans that we will venture through to help you meet the goals and standards
set before you:

UNIT 1: Anglo-Saxon Time Period
Part I: Background of the Time period
Part II: Beowolf (downloaded in iBooks)
Part III: Test

UNIT 2: Medieval Time Period
Part I: Background of the Time Period
Part II: 3 Readings plus a video
Part V: Test and a Literary Analysis

UNIT 3: English Renaissance
Part I: Background of the Time Period
Part II: Shakespeares Macbeth
Part III: Test and Presentations
Part IV: Movie and Comparison Essay
Part IV: English Poets

UNIT 4: Research Paper
Part I: Choosing topic and sources
Part II: Note taking
Part III: Outlines
Part IV: Editing
Part V: Producing a Final Draft

UNIT 5: 17th Century
Part I: Background of the Time Period
Part II: Paradise Lost and Pilgrims Progress
Part III: Test

UNIT 6: 18th Century
Part I: Background of the Time Period
Part II:Gullivers Travels
Part III: Project: build a website

UNIT 7: Romanticism
Part I: Background of the Time Period
Part II: Frankenstein
Part III: Tests and Gothic Horror Narrative

BELL-RINGERS: The bell-ringers (done during the first 5 minutes of class) will cover things such as literary
terms, what would you do?, quote of the week, video journals, vocal review

11th Grade English Literature OVERVIEW
Mrs. Williams 2014-2015
VOCABULARY: Junior vocabulary focuses on Greek Roots. Every packets that is handed out on Monday
contains a group of roots and specific words that contain the root. You will have the full week to complete
the packet. On Friday, packets are due and a Greek Root quiz will be given. Vocabulary will not be given
on a four day week.

TESTS: Because it is difficult to keep up with which class is testing when, my class will have what I call
Testing Mondays, which means that (unless something drastic occurs) all of the tests will be on a
Monday. There are times that this will not happen but I will never give a unit test on a friday due to the
shortened class period. This, of course, does not extend to final exams. Students will be given a study
guide that will be completed for extra credit on the test several days before the actual test. Study guides
need to be completed in whole to gain the extra credit.

HOMEWORK: Whether completing blog questions, discussion questions, vocabulary, or reading, you will
have some sort of homework every night. All writing assignments are completed in class unless assigned

WRITING: All writing assignments will be written in MLA format. We follow Owl Purdue MLA, please use
the website as a reference. All writing will need to be uploaded to

LATE WORK AND SUCCESS FRIDAY: All late work is graded at a highest score of 70%. I call in any
student that is missing any kind of work, it does not matter if you have an A or a F, you will need to show up
in Success Friday. If you do not turn in the missing work by 3pm of that Success Friday, the assignment
will turn into a zero. All late work needs to be labeled LATE at the top of the page

TARDINESS AND ABSENCES: If you are not in my classroom when the bell rings, you are counted Tardy
unless you come in with a pass. If you are gone, you need to check the calendar under the clock in the
room, figure out what you missed and then look in the appropriate folder under the day of the week. You
have two days to complete the work. All absent work needs to be labeled ABS at the top of the page.

GRADING SCALE: Grades will be calculated by a point value system. The grading scale will be based
upon the percentages of (30%) Tests, (30%) Writing, (25%) Assignments, (10%) Quizzes, (5%)
The grading period will end at the conclusion of every quarter. Then, at the end of the semester the two
quarters will be added together with the final exam score. The semester score will be based upon the
percentages of (40%) 1st Quarter (40%) 2nd Quarter and (20%) Final Exam.

Actual grading scale:
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59-0 F

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