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Sela Whatley

English 1010
Self Assessment
In this class we had one major assignment that was an exploration research paper. I
chose to do mine on sex and the consequences that come with it. I thought this would be a
good topic to choose because not a lot of people like to talk about sex. My paper covers a lot
from sex in general to STDs.
This semester of English 1010 I learned many new things that were very helpful and that
will help me write through my entire life. I learned to communicate my purpose effectively, keep
my papers organized, and use better word choice to persuade my audience. English 1010 was
one of the best classes I have taken and has already helped outside of the class.
I tried my hardest to turn in quality work in this class and feel like I was successful. The
chats helped me focus on what I needed to do on my assignments and after that I tried to write
a rough draft to contain all my ideas and thoughts. To ensure that I had good work I wrote about
things that were important to me or that I had a strong opinion about. By doing this I didnt
repeat myself constantly and got more information about the topic as I could.
The biggest challenge of this class was definitely finding time to do it. This summer I
traveled out of the country for about a month and it was challenging to stop what I was doing to
do homework or read but I found the time to do it. Not only did I travel but I was selected as
cheer captain so keeping up when I got home after traveling I had to find time in between cheer
to do work. The last thing that made this class challenging was that I had three other classes I
had to keep up with. This was especially difficult because the three other classes gave a lot of
work weekly. Finding time in between traveling, cheer and my other three classes was very hard
but I managed to do it and keep decent grades in most of the classes.
Out of the four classes I took this summer this class was my favorite. I love writing and I
loved the challenge in this class with learning different writing concepts. This class helped me
expand on my writing skills and organization.

Sela Whatley
English 1010
Kimberly Strickland
July 29, 2014
Sex for Teens and Parents
Safe sex is no sex. Although most people would like to avoid this topic and the
awkwardness of it, it is a must have conversation. Sex is a big part of every persons
life. We were all born from it, most girls will eventually give birth, and men will get a girl
pregnant. The reason for the talk is so that we can understand sex and pursue this
activity safely.
I chose this topic because there is a big problem with parents avoiding this
needed talk with their kids. It was shocking to hear how many people were deprived of
this educational privilege. I am taking a sexuality class and over half of the students in it
talk about never talking to their parents about sex, pregnancy or anything of this topic.
Whether the sex talk is about protection, STDs, Pregnancy or sex itself it can be
an uncomfortable talk, but this is a deeply needed talk. We deal with sex and sexuality
throughout our whole life ranging from puberty to teenage experimentation to marriage
to child birth. We need to provide children and teens with ample knowledge about their
bodies and how to be safe in their sex lives.
Educating yourself with accurate information is important because it helps
prevent lifelong consequences. It can prevent teenage pregnancy, STDs, emotional
scaring and physical damage. With more information you can make decisions based on
the information you have and make a smart choice. Informing yourself at a younger age
is recommended. This way you get used to finding correct information and searching for
information you want.
Try to make it a point to talk to your parents about sex. Although they may not
answer all your questions most parents will answer the very important questions with
accurate information.
Parents, having the sex talk should not make your kid feel shameful about their
sexuality or embarrassed, but it should make them feel more open and comfortable with
it. At a young age maybe three or four years old a kid may start touching themselves or
checking their body out. You should let them know that this is ok to do but only when
they are by themselves. Emphasize the fact that this should only be private. This is
when you need to discuss that it is their body and only they should touch their body in
certain place. Tell them if anyone touches them there besides themselves they should
tell you right away. With more mature questions like where do babies come from or
more advanced questions you should answer as age appropriate as possible. For
example, babies come from mommies. It is important that you dont lie to your kids at
this age or they may not come back to you for information when they are older.
As kids mature they will start going through puberty, this is another important
topic. It is helpful to talk about this before it starts. Having your kids get used to
showering daily can help problems that come with puberty. Letting your kids know they
will be getting hair down there, or that a girl will get boobs and her period. Letting a boy
know his voice will get deeper and ejaculation will start. This will all get them prepared
for what is changing with their body.
On the subject of sex and the many things that come with it, this age would be
the perfect age to start talking about what it is, and the physical aspect of it. Along with
that you will need to talk about the consequences. They will ask lots of questions and
you need to do your best to answer them accurately and enthusiastically. Depending on
the way you react to talking about sex and their questions can have a big impact on how
they think and feel about sex.
During the teen years you will want to go over sex consequences in depth and
about all their options. There are many options like; Planned Parenthood, Birth control,
Condoms, Plan B, Abortion, and Abstinence. Parents favorite option by far is
abstinence of course, but you have to think of your kids favorite option as well. Teen
years should be the easier years apart from actual sexual activity. All the hard questions
should be answered and understood. As a parent it is imperative to let them know that
they can come to you for anything they need. This is not something that you can just
say but that you need to show them from toddler years to preteen years to teen years
Asking for contraception is as scary asking as it is for you hearing them ask.
Having to ask for protection may even stop teens from using it. This is why when you
talk to them you need to tell them all of their options. Let them know that youre ok with
getting them birth control or condoms because it is protecting them. Some kids are still
uncomfortable asking their parents for contraception, which is why it is important you tell
them all their options. Planned Parenthood would be very helpful in this situation.
Planned Parenthood is a clinic for teens that need contraception, doctor
appointments, or abortions. They can receive all of these things cheap or free all while
staying confidential. Not only do they provide safe and effective health care, but they
also provide accurate information. Planned Parenthood would be helpful for teens that
havent gotten a lot of information about sex, the consequences, and how to prevent
Pregnancy is obviously a big consequence of sex, especially for teens that were
not intending to have a kid. Most teens that engage in sex arent trying to have a baby,
but if they are not taught about the dangers of sex and ways to prevent pregnancy they
cant avoid it. Pregnancy can be avoided by birth control and a few other options. This
is one of the many reasons why you should inform your kid.
Birth control is widely used across the U.S. it is very helpful for women that have
sex and dont want to get pregnant. Birth control medicine works by giving your body
fake hormones that change the way your ovaries ovulate and stop ovulation. Although
birth control is great at preventing birth, it does not protect against any STD. It also isnt
one hundred percent effective.
Birth control comes in many forms, especially the hormonal method. You can get
the depo-shot that lasts for three months and it ninety-seven percent effective. You can
get the pill that is issued in monthly packages and is ninety-two percent. The patch that
ejects hormones through your skin changed weekly and is also ninety-two percent. Or
you can get an IUD, which is inserted into your cervix by your doctor. It radiates
hormones into your uterus and is effective until removed. Another type of IUD is still
inserted into your cervix, but instead of it sending hormones to your uterus it confuses
the way the sperm swim. Both IUDs are ninety-nine percent effective. The last
hormonal method I will cover is the ring. It is a flexible ring inserted into the vagina that
last three weeks. This needs to be changed the week of your period.
Hormonal methods of birth control can have many side effects, even if taken
correctly. The addition in hormones can make girls more emotional or sensitive. It may
make you gain weight or get fatty on areas prone to fat. This includes bigger boobs. It
can cause skin and acne changes, for better or for worse. It can also change your
menstrual cycle. Taking these medications wrong can have the same effects just worse
with an addition of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and severe mood swings. It will also
give you a higher risk of getting pregnant while taking the medicine.
There are also many good things about the hormonal method of birth control. It
can make your boobs bigger and more firm. It can clear up acne on your face or body. It
often helps resolve severe cramping or heavy periods. And the obvious, it helps prevent
unwanted pregnancy.
Plan B is a helpful emergency pill that can help avoid pregnancy if your teen ever
slips up on contraception. This is a pill that makes a girl start her period so there is no
uterine lining for the egg, if fertilized, to implant itself into. A great option if a condom
breaks or she forgets a birth control pill.
Apart from hormonal birth control abortion is an option; let your teen know that.
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy and although it is not a preferred option it is
still an option. Many people use abortion as their birth control but this should only be an
emergency option. Abortion still has a lot of social disagreement but in the end it is your
kids right to know about this option.
Another form of birth control would be condoms. This is the most used form of
contraception. A condom is a latex-like fabric that goes onto a penis and stops sperm
from coming in contact with the vagina and eggs completely. Condoms are eighty-five
percent effective when used with mistakes and all. They are ninety-seven percent
effective when used correctly every time.
The great thing about condoms is that they prevent pregnancy and STDs, when
used correctly. The bad thing about condoms is that if they arent used right they dont
protect from anything. Many times boys get the wrong size, or dont put them on
correctly. This is why it is important to use birth control, or have a back up method.
STDs are very important to talk to your kids. Besides pregnancy it is one of the
worst things to happen to a teenager or a child. STDs are sexually transmitted dieses
and there are thousands. Some have cures like syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.
Some you will have forever, like herpes or HIV.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia are all bacterial infections. They are easily
cured with antibiotics. If they are not cured in a timely manner they can cause serious
issues. Issues can range anywhere from, painful sores, sterility, blindness, damage to
organs, nerve damage, brain damage and even death.
HIV/ AIDS is probably the most serious STD. This STD is transferred just like all
the other STDs. The only difference is that it does not have a cure. Symptoms take a
while to show up and when they do it is considered HIV. HIV destroys our white blood
cells and makes it almost impossible for our body to fight infections off. After someone
with this disease is diagnosed with an infection they call it AIDS. People with HIV often
die of simple diseases or infections.
Other consequences of sex can be emotional damage, physical damage, and a
social shame at your kids school. Sex is still not accepted everywhere although
everyone will most likely do it in their lifetime. This is why so many people advertise
abstinence only; it really is the only way to stay one hundred percent safe from all the
consequences of sex.
No sex is safe sex but teaching them only this will not keep them from having
sex. We shouldnt deny our kids information that will protect them their whole life.
Knowing about sex may not always stop kids from having sex but it will help influence
their decisions. Hopefully they will use the information you have given them to engage
in protected, smart sex.

Halser, Nikol. Sex: A book for teens. San Francisco, California: Zest books, 2010.
This book is uncensored, meaning it may cover certain things parents dont feel
comfortable discussing with their kids. The topics in this book are topics teens may not
be comfortable asking their parents but want to know about. It is an idea with talking
about sex with teens. After talking you could give them a book like this to resolve any
other questions so they get accurate info instead of info from friends.
Borba, Michele. The big book of parenting solutions. Hoboken, NJ: Josey-Bass,
I only used one section in this book for my paper but the section was surprisingly
helpful. It discusses why it is important to talk to younger kids and how to make each
sex talk age appropriate.
Crooks & Baur. Our Sexuality (text book). Canada: Jon-David Hague, 2014,2011
This is my Sexualities text book and it covers all aspects of sexuality. It has many good
sections about risks, sex, and teens. It gives a lot of ideas about talking to your kids
about sex and sexuality. It gives more education for parents even if they are already
educated and it gives accurate information.
Rosenzweig, Janet. The sex-wise parent. New York, NY: Skyhorse, 2012.
This has some strong sections on the topic of talking to kids about sex and how to go
about doing it. It has a part that I am going to use in my paper about why parents dont
talk to their kids about sex and why you should talk to them about it. It has some good
ideas to start conversations and topics of the conversations.

Madison, Amber. Talking sex with your kids. Avon, MA: Adams Media, 2010
Talking sex with your kids is helpful because it talks more about emotion and physical
aspects of sex and sexual activities. There are conversations throughout the book that
have good and bad examples of how to bring up the conversation, how much you
should go into, and what is appropriate for different ages.

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