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Explores flocking behavior of flying "boids" aka "bird android".
Requires Python (, my favorite programming language, and
and VPython (, a fine Python graphics simulation extension for b
Thanks to Conrad Parker for the boids pseudocode.
Eric Nilsen
September 2003
Ideas for version 2.0:
perching on the ground for a bit
prevailing wind
random flock scattering
cone boid shape --> change boid axis to indicate direction
from visual import *
from random import randrange
class Boids:
def __init__(self, numboids = 10, sidesize = 100.0): #class constructor
with default parameters filled
#class constants
display(title = "Boids v1.0") #put a title in the display window
self.SIDE = sidesize #unit for a side of the flight space
#the next six lines define the boundaries of the torus
torus: donut shaped space, i.e. infinite
effect: boids flying out of bounds appear at the opposite side
note: cartesian matrices don't handle toruses very well, but I couldn'
figure out a better way to keep the flock in view.
self.MINX = self.SIDE * -1.0 #left
self.MINY = self.SIDE * -1.0 #bottom
self.MINZ = self.SIDE * -1.0 #back
self.MAXX = self.SIDE #right
self.MAXY = self.SIDE #top
self.MAXZ = self.SIDE #front

self.RADIUS = 1 #radius of a boid. I wimped and used sp
self.NEARBY = self.RADIUS * 5 #the 'halo' of space around each boid
self.FACTOR = .95 #the amount of movement to the perceived
flock center
self.NEGFACTOR = self.FACTOR * -1.0 #same thing, only negative

self.NUMBOIDS = numboids #the number of boids in the flock
self.boidflock = [] #empty list of boids
self.DT = 0.02 #delay time between snapshots
self.boids() #okay, now that all the constants have i
nitialized, let's fly!
def boids(self):
self.initializePositions() #create a space with boids
while (1==1): #loop forever
rate(100) #controls the animation speed, bigger =
self.moveAllBoidsToNewPositions() #um ... what it says

def initializePositions(self):
#wire frame of space
backBottom = curve(pos=[(self.MINX, self.MINY, self.MINZ), (self.MAXX, s
elf.MINY, self.MINZ)], color=color.white)
backTop = curve(pos=[(self.MINX, self.MAXY, self.MINZ), (self.MAXX, self
.MAXY, self.MINZ)], color=color.white)
frontBottom = curve(pos=[(self.MINX, self.MINY, self.MAXZ), (self.MAXX,
self.MINY, self.MAXZ)], color=color.white)
frontTop = curve(pos=[(self.MINX, self.MAXY, self.MAXZ), (self.MAXX, sel
f.MAXY, self.MAXZ)], color=color.white)
leftBottom = curve(pos=[(self.MINX, self.MINY, self.MINZ), (self.MINX, s
elf.MINY, self.MAXZ)], color=color.white)
leftTop = curve(pos=[(self.MINX, self.MAXY, self.MINZ), (self.MINX, self
.MAXY, self.MAXZ)], color=color.white)
rightBottom = curve(pos=[(self.MAXX, self.MINY, self.MINZ), (self.MAXX,
self.MINY, self.MAXZ)], color=color.white)
rightTop = curve(pos=[(self.MAXX, self.MAXY, self.MINZ), (self.MAXX, sel
f.MAXY, self.MAXZ)], color=color.white)
backLeft = curve(pos=[(self.MINX, self.MINY, self.MINZ), (self.MINX, sel
f.MAXY, self.MINZ)], color=color.white)
backRight = curve(pos=[(self.MAXX, self.MINY, self.MINZ), (self.MAXX, se
lf.MAXY, self.MINZ)], color=color.white)
frontLeft = curve(pos=[(self.MINX, self.MINY, self.MAXZ), (self.MINX, se
lf.MAXY, self.MAXZ)], color=color.white)
frontRight = curve(pos=[(self.MAXX, self.MINY, self.MAXZ), (self.MAXX, s
elf.MAXY, self.MAXZ)], color=color.white)
#splatter a flock in the space randomly
c = 0 #initialize the color switch
for b in range(self.NUMBOIDS): #for each boid, ...
x = randrange(self.MINX, self.MAXX) #random left-right
y = randrange(self.MINY, self.MAXY) #random up-down
z = randrange(self.MINZ, self.MAXZ) #random front-back
if c > 2: #reset the color switch when it
grows too big
c = 0
if c == 0:
COLOR = color.yellow #a third of the boids shall have
if c == 1:
COLOR = #and yea a third of the boids sh
all have red
if c == 2:
COLOR = #and verily a third of the boids
shall have blue
#splat a boid, add to flock list
self.boidflock.append(sphere(pos=(x,y,z), radius=self.RADIUS, color=

c = c + 1 #increment the color switch
## self.greenie = sphere(radius=self.RADIUS, #pseud
o-boid for testing
def moveAllBoidsToNewPositions(self):
for b in range(self.NUMBOIDS):
#manage boids hitting the torus 'boundaries'
if self.boidflock[b].x < self.MINX:
self.boidflock[b].x = self.MAXX

if self.boidflock[b].x > self.MAXX:
self.boidflock[b].x = self.MINX

if self.boidflock[b].y < self.MINY:
self.boidflock[b].y = self.MAXY

if self.boidflock[b].y > self.MAXY:
self.boidflock[b].y = self.MINY

if self.boidflock[b].z < self.MINZ:
self.boidflock[b].z = self.MAXZ

if self.boidflock[b].z > self.MAXZ:
self.boidflock[b].z = self.MINZ

v1 = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) #initialize vector for rule 1
v2 = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) #initialize vector for rule 2
v3 = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) #initialize vector for rule 3

v1 = self.rule1(b) #get the vector for rule 1
v2 = self.rule2(b) #get the vector for rule 2
v3 = self.rule3(b) #get the vector for rule 3
boidvelocity = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) #initialize the boid vel
boidvelocity = boidvelocity + v1 + v2 + v3 #accumulate the rules ve
ctor results
self.boidflock[b].pos = self.boidflock[b].pos + (boidvelocity*self.D
T) #move the boid

def rule1(self, aboid): #Rule 1: boids fly to perceived flock center
pfc = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) #pfc: perceived flock center
for b in range(self.NUMBOIDS): #for all the boids
if b != aboid: #except the boid at hand
pfc = pfc + self.boidflock[b].pos #calculate the total pfc
pfc = pfc/(self.NUMBOIDS - 1.0) #average the pfc
## self.greenie.pos = pfc #put greenie at the pfc, s
ee what's going on
#nudge the boid in the correct direction toward the pfc
if pfc.x > self.boidflock[aboid].x:
pfc.x = (pfc.x - self.boidflock[aboid].x)*self.FACTOR
if pfc.x < self.boidflock[aboid].x:
pfc.x = (self.boidflock[aboid].x - pfc.x)*self.NEGFACTOR
if pfc.y > self.boidflock[aboid].y:
pfc.y = (pfc.y - self.boidflock[aboid].y)*self.FACTOR
if pfc.y < self.boidflock[aboid].y:
pfc.y = (self.boidflock[aboid].y - pfc.y)*self.NEGFACTOR
if pfc.z > self.boidflock[aboid].z:
pfc.z = (pfc.z - self.boidflock[aboid].z)*self.FACTOR
if pfc.z < self.boidflock[aboid].z:
pfc.z = (self.boidflock[aboid].z - pfc.z)*self.NEGFACTOR
return pfc
def rule2(self, aboid): #Rule 2: boids avoid other boids
v = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) #initialize the avoidance vector
for b in range(self.NUMBOIDS):
if b != aboid:
if abs(self.boidflock[b].x - self.boidflock[aboid].x) < self.NEA
if self.boidflock[b].x > self.boidflock[aboid].x:
v.x = self.NEARBY * 12.0 #works better when I multipl
y by 12, don't know why
if self.boidflock[b].x < self.boidflock[aboid].x:
v.x = -self.NEARBY * 12.0
if abs(self.boidflock[b].y - self.boidflock[aboid].y) < self.NEA
if self.boidflock[b].y > self.boidflock[aboid].y:
v.y = self.NEARBY * 12.0
if self.boidflock[b].y < self.boidflock[aboid].y:
v.y = -self.NEARBY * 12.0
if abs(self.boidflock[b].z - self.boidflock[aboid].z) < self.NEA
if self.boidflock[b].z > self.boidflock[aboid].z:
v.z = self.NEARBY * 12.0
if self.boidflock[b].z < self.boidflock[aboid].z:
v.z = -self.NEARBY * 12.0
return v

def rule3(self, aboid): #Rule 3: boids try to match speed of flock
pfv = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) #pfv: perceived flock velocity

for b in range(self.NUMBOIDS):
if b != aboid:
pfv = pfv + self.boidflock[b].pos
pfv = pfv/(self.NUMBOIDS - 1.0)
pfv = pfv/(aboid + 1) #some of the boids are more sluggish than other

return pfv
if __name__ == "__main__":
#if you run this from Idle via the F5 key, the following occurs:
b = Boids() #instantiate the Boids class, the class constructor takes ca
re of the rest.
## b = Boids(20, 60.0) #here's a way to change the flock amount, and space

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