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Oral Interpretation Instructor: Mr.

Term 1 -- 2014 E-mail:
Course #escription: Oral Interpretation is the study of literature through the medium of
oral performance. The goal of this course is to bring to life the printed word. The
course will include the study of poetry, prose, and drama through the many diferent
competition categories available. Selection of literature, audience analysis, readers
theatre, as well as principles and performance skills of oral interpretation will be
Course O$%ecti&es:
Students will be epected to!
"emonstrate an ability to efectively choose, adapt, and analy#e a literary selection
for oral presentation.
$nderstand the importance of interpretation shading through personal presentations,
eercises, and class lectures on pitch, tone, rate, intensity, beats, and pauses.
"emonstrate an ability to efectively present a literary selection in oral performance
incorporating appropriate vocal and physical techni%ues.
&ompose and deliver an appropriate introduction for a literary tet in oral
'ecogni#e and describe, in oral and written evaluations, what constitutes an efective
oral performance of ones self and others.
(ork together with other students in a team environment.
)earn the importance of appropriate audience eti%uette and sportsmanship.
$nderstand the rules and regulations of oral interpretation as developed by the South
"akota *igh School +ctivities +ssociation and the ,ational -orensic )eague.
'epresent +berdeen &entral *igh School positively at all times when attending
tournaments and around other teams.
Course Content:
.Instruction will be based on the following tetbook! Oral Interpretation (12
.,ote! Students will also receive many handouts on material that will be covered
throughout the term. +lso, numerous literary resources are available within the classroom
for students to utili#e. Students will be responsible for /nding the literature to be prepared
or performed by looking through classroom /les, plays, or tets.
0ach student will!
1erform in class a 234 minute selection in the following categories!
a. 1oetry5,on3original oratory5Serious5*umor5Storytelling (100 points)
b. 'eaders Theatre5"uo (100 points)
1erform in class his5her 6378 minute competition piece. +dvanced Interp students
will have a minimum of two competition pieces that they will perform in
class and at competitions. (100 points)
&ut a minimum of 9 new original cuttings from selections of literature (100 points)
&onstructively criti%ue his5her own performance as well as the work of others
a. (rite a 93: page self3evaluation at the end of the term (*0 points)
b. (rite criti%ues of others in class for each of the performances (* 10 points
Take one ma;or eam at the end of the term (100 points)
Take short %ui##es throughout the class (Com$ine" total o+ *0 points)
&omplete two character analysis guides for diferent selections (Com$ine" total o+
*0 points)
<e assessed on his5her use of time management and practice skills, listening skills,
promptness, /le organi#ation, and participation. The instructor will take notes
throughout the term regarding each students classroom behavior, participation, and
time management. Students will be given points based on the number of
tournaments he5she attends =see course contract>. They will also be evaluated on
their professionalism and communication at tournaments.
(200 points)
Total Term ,oints: -00 points minimum
.eneral Course ,olicies an" ,roce"ures:
/0tten"ance: is essential for success in this course. Occasional absences do occur, but
understand that much of the instructional material that is presented through class notes,
discussion, media, 1'+&TI&0S, and performances. So, attendance is crucial. ?ou will
practice independently and in small groups during the class time so you must be present to
bene/t from the practice time.
/Tar"ies: Students must be in the classroom when the bell rings or they will be considered
@swept.A If a student is late from the oBce or from another teacher, a pass must be
presented. Tardy students should 1E2ER walk into the room during a classmates
/Ma!e-up 3or!: is each students responsibility. In order to receive full credit, students
must submit work in a timely fashion. If students will be absent because of a school activity,
please make arrangements in advance. -or one days absence, students have two days to
complete and turn in the work. -or two days or more in a row of absences, four days will be
given. (ork received after the allotted time will be treated as late work. Turn in all make3up
work in the @late workA folder in the tray.
/4ate 3or!: is unacceptable. Students will be held accountable for presenting work the
day it is due. Only assignments done on time will receive full credit. )ate performances will
be dropped one full letter grade.
Classroom 5e'a&ior:
Students are epected to!
<e in their seats and %uiet when the bell rings at the start of class.
'emain seated until dismissed if the teacher or another student is speaking or
performing. Students will not be allowed to gather at the door before the bell rings.
Co to the restroom before class begins. There is ade%uate time in between classes to
take a restroom break and still arrive to class on time. Only in cases of emergency
will students be allowed to leave during class time. Students must sign out each
time. ,o students will be allowed to come in or leave while a performance is going
on in the classroom.
<e respectful of each others thoughts, ideas, and performances. This means being
good listeners at all times. ,o talking during student performances or lectures is
'espect the classroom and building. Since this is a performance class or theatre, no
food, drink, or gum will be allowed in the classroom =only water is allowed>.
*ave all assignments for presentations typed out, unless otherwise instructed, and
matted on black construction paper. Students should not read directly from a book or
a photocopy of a book page for their assignments. 0ach piece that students present
during the term must be put into their /le folder in the room.
&heck out any scripts, cuttings, books, or materials from the classroom with the
Dake two original cuttings during the term.
"ress appropriately when performing a selection for class. Oral Interpretation is
speaking in public and considered a formal situation. Students are encouraged to
dress for the occasion and will receive bonus points for doing so.
#ress pro+essionally 3'en atten"ing tournaments. T'e +ollo3ing stan"ar"s
are +ollo3e" across t'e nation an" 3ill $e man"atory +or all C67 stu"ents:
a. Dales are epected to wear a tie and dress shirt with dress slacks. Suits
are preferred, but not mandatory.
b. -emales are epected to wear dress pants or skirts that touch the knees
=,ylons mandatory if wearing skirts> with professional dress top. <la#ers
are preferred, but not mandatory.
c. "ress shirts and bla#ers should be either one solid color or have small
d. ,o open3toed shoes or sandals.
e. Shirts must be tucked in.
f. *air must be well groomed and pulled out of the students face.

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