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P Pr ro ov ve en n S St te ep p b by y S St te ep p B Bl lu ue ep pr ri in nt t t to o M Ma ak ki in ng g O Ov ve er r $ $5 50 0K K E Ev ve er ry y M Mo on nt th h O On nl li in ne e

Written by Bertil Jenner 2010. All Rights Reserved
You may not transmit, duplicate, transfer, copy, share or modify the content of any part of
this document without written permission of the author. 2010 1
L Le eg ga al l N No ot t i i c ce e













Terms f Use





S So o i in n o ot th he er r w wo or rd ds s, ,

The material contained in this manual is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

There are NO Resell Rights for the FatCat Blueprint.

There are NO Private Label Rights for the FatCat Blueprint.

You may NOT distribute this manual in any way (paid or free). Distribute the FatCat Blueprint
illegally and you will be subject to the maximum fine/penalty imposed by law.


Welcome to the FatCat Blueprint. A thoroughly tried and tested step by step blueprint to
making a lot of money online with Google AdSense.

In the current economic climate, there are many snake oil sales people offering shiny
potions and misinformation to the hard working people who are just trying to pay their
mortgages, stop being wage slaves or just trying to pursue financial freedom. I am
confident that this document will give you a clear understanding of how to quickly start
making money online in a methodical and proven way.

The biggest challenge that new online marketers have is gaining quality traffic at
reasonable costs. Contrary to what you may have heard or read, making money online is
not as easy as some gurus would like you to believe. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication
and persistence.

Google AdSense is nothing new and has been around since around the year 2003. As
quality traffic is the biggest challenge for AdSense publishers as well, there have been
plenty of techniques that have been used to acquire it. 2010 3

There has been AdSense Arbitrage techniques where people bought traffic directly from
Google AdWords and other pay per click search engines and sent it to their AdSense
websites. There have also been different types of webpage generators where people built
thousands of web pages instantly in the hope of getting a few clicks from long keyword

There have also been other types of short term gimmicks and tricks. This blueprint is not
about gimmicks and tricks. It is about making profits quickly while at the same time building
long term assets that you could sell at a premium or even pass on to your children if you
wish to. Create value and the money will come.

I have been directly involved in marketing online for nearly 10 years, and with Google
AdSense since it began. Most offline businesses are still not online yet. The market for
online advertising is set to grow even further over the coming years as more businesses
and people come online via their computers or other applications. The AdSense game is
still growing and presents the opportunity for average people to make thousands, hundreds
of thousands and even millions of dollars in the comfort of their own home.

There are multiple ways to generate vast profits from your website which has Google
AdSense ads on it. I have used and tested most them. This AdSense Blueprint is based on
fact gained from experience. I will cover only the methods that have thoroughly proven
themselves to work so that you can emulate them in a formulaic, repeatable and consistent
way. I know they work because I continue to use them to this day.

By the time you complete absorbing all of the contents of this blueprint, you will have no
doubt of what you need to do in order to earn thousands of dollars online. You will know
exactly what you need to do and how to do it and in what order.

I welcome your comments to this step by step blueprint: BertilJ

Wishing you success on your AdSense journey,

Bertil Jenner 2010 4 2010 5



I In nt tr ro od du uc ct ti io on n: : M My y S St to or ry y
H He ey y B Be er rt ti il l, , I If f Y Yo ou u a ar re e M Ma ak ki in ng g S So o M Mu uc ch h M Mo on ne ey y, , W Wh hy y A Ar re e Y Yo ou u R Re ev ve ea al li in ng g Y Yo ou ur r S Se ec cr re et ts s? ?
H Ho ow w t to o G Ge et t t th he e M Mo os st t f fr ro om m T Th hi is s $ $5 50 0, ,0 00 00 0 p pe er r M Mo on nt th h A Ad dS Se en ns se e B Bl lu ue ep pr ri in nt t


C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 1: : W Wh hy y I I P Pr re ef fe er r A Ad dS Se en ns se e a an nd d H Ho ow w T To o Q Qu ui ic ck kl ly y G Ge et t Y Yo ou ur r F Fr re ee e A Ac cc co ou un nt t . .. .. .. .. .1 17 7
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 2 2: : H Ho ow w t to o F Fi in nd d H Ho ot t M Ma ar rk ke et ts s t th ha at t a ar re e E Ea as sy y t to o D Do om mi in na at te e . .. .. .. .. .2 26 6
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 3 3: : S St te ea al li in ng g O Ot th he er r P Pe eo op pl le e s s M Mo on ne ey y M Ma ak ki in ng g N Ni ic ch he es s. . . ..4 45 5
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 4 4: : P Pr ro of fi it ta ab bl le e K Ke ey yw wo or rd d R Re es se ea ar rc ch h a at t t th he e S Sp pe ee ed d o of f L Li ig gh ht t . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 63 3
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 5 5: : H Ho ow w t to o C Ca at tc ch h M Mo or re e F Fi is sh h w wi it th h t th he e S Sa am me e N Ne et t . .. .. . . .. .. .. .8 83 3
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 6 6: : S Se ec cr re et ts s t to o S Se el le ec ct ti in ng g K Ki il ll le er r D Do om ma ai in n N Na am me es s . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .9 96 6
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 7 7: : T Th he e B Be es st t W We eb b H Ho os st ti in ng g S So ol lu ut ti io on ns s . .. .. .. .1 10 07 7
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 8 8: : T Th he e G Gu ut ts s o of f Y Yo ou ur r 2 24 4/ /7 7 M Mo on ne ey y M Ma ak ke er rs s . .. .. .1 11 13 3
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 9 9: : H Ho ow w t to o M Ma ak ke e S Se ea ar rc ch h E En ng gi in ne es s F Fa al ll l i in n L Lo ov ve e w wi it th h y yo ou ur r S Si it te es s . . .1 12 26 6
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 10 0: : F Fa as st t C Co on nt te en nt t C Cr re ea at ti io on n . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .1 13 35 5
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 11 1: : M Mu ul lt ti ip pl ly y Y Yo ou ur rs se el lf f S Se ec cr re et ts s t to o C Ch he ea ap p O Ou ut ts so ou ur rc ci in ng g . .. . . . . .. .1 14 48 8
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 12 2: : T To o S Si il lo o o or r N No ot t T To o S Si il lo o . . . .1 15 52 2


C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 13 3: : O Of ff f S Si it te e S SE EO O . .. .. .. .. .1 15 54 4
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 14 4 A Ar rt ti ic cl le e B Ba ai it ti in ng g . .. . . .. . . .. .1 18 81 1
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 15 5: : A Ad dv va an nc ce ed d P Pr ro om mo ot ti io on n M Me et th ho od ds s . . . .. . . .. .1 19 93 3
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 16 6: : O Of ff fs si it te e P Pr ro om mo ot ti io on n O On n C Cr ra ac ck k ( (B BO ON NU US S C CH HA AP PT TE ER R) ) . . . .. . . .. .1 19 97 7


C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 17 7: : S Sc ca al li in ng g t to o S Si ix x- -F Fi ig gu ur re es s a an nd d B Be ey yo on nd d . . . . . .2 21 12 2
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 18 8: : H Ho ow w T To o I In ns st ta an nt tl ly y Q Qu ua ad dr ru up pl le e Y Yo ou ur r A Ad dS Se en ns se e E Ea ar rn ni in ng gs s . . . .. .2 22 21 1
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 1 19 9: : H Ho ow w t to o A Av vo oi id d L Lo os si in ng g y yo ou ur r A Ad dS Se en ns se e A Ac cc co ou un nt t . .2 23 32 2
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 2 20 0: : H Ho ow w t to o r re em ma ai in n L La as se er r F Fo oc cu us se ed d . .. . . .2 23 38 8
C Ch ha ap pt te er r 2 21 1: : A Ac ct ti io on n S St te ep ps s t to o M Ma ak ki in ng g $ $5 50 0, ,0 00 00 0 p pe er r M Mo on nt th h O On nl li in ne e . .. . . .2 24 40 0

I In nt t r ro od du uc ct t i i o on n: : M My y S St t o or ry y

The intention here is not to bore you with the details of my life. This blueprint is about you
and how you could passively make vast amounts of money online by using the exact
methods that I use. Knowing the long journey I have taken to reach my money making
methods will help you understand the perspective I am writing from. This in turn I posit will
help you believe in yourself and take concrete action.

A little over 10 years ago, I just had had enough of my corporate job. I was tired of my 4
hour daily commute. Fed up with my bosses. Tired of living from pay check to pay check.
Something had to change. I am sure some of you reading this could relate to this.

Between 1996-2000, there were many stories of young people creating services online and
either selling them for millions of dollars or growing them to become influential businesses.
Some of you may remember names like Martha Lane Fox of, Sabeer
Bhatia of Hotmail and David Bohnett of GeoCities amongst many others. Most of you
reading this can perhaps remember the soaring stock prices at the time and the stories of
fast success from people who quit their jobs to become online day traders.

So no wonder, I felt that creating an internet based business was the way out for me.
Unfortunately for me, every book or newspaper article I read at the time said that you need
at least $10,000 -$100,000 to just build a website. Other experts said you need a brilliant
idea to promote to venture capitalists so that they will offer you the start-up money for your
business. Others said that you need to know HTML, PHP and other programming
languages in order to make it online.

In retrospect, I now realize that those book authors and journalists writing those books and
articles did not have a clue what they were talking about. Nevertheless the years went by
as I did not have any spare $10,000 -$100,000 in my account, I did not have a brilliant idea
to pitch to any VC and nor could I afford to go back to University to start a Computer
Science Degree.

Discovering Internet Marketing

After sending off my parents at the airport in early 2000 after a short visit, I decided to
browse through the Airport Bookshop to kill some time before my transport arrived. Whilst
there, I came across a book titled Making Money Online by J ason Kelly. I decided to buy
the book after browsing it for a few seconds. This book was my first introduction to the
world of affiliate programs, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editors and on
how an individual could build a site for a few dollars. What really got me excited about the
book was the idea of earning $200 per month completely passively. I was completely

The book is very basic by current standards, but back in the year 2000, it was a revelation
to me. Many years later, I sent the author a Champagne Gift Basket as a Thank you. I do
hope he received it. 2010 6
I mentioned that book to some members of my family at the time and how I was going to
start making money online and quit my job. They obviously laughed. One of the people
whom I told my plans to was my sister in law who at the time worked for a large marketing

Many weeks later, she sent me an ad/flyer that she came across in one of her marketing
magazines. The ad was about the Internet Profit Maker Seminar in London, England, that
was being organized by a certain Andrew Reynolds. The seminar had some guest
speakers including the now late Corey Rudl, J onathan Mizel, Marlon Sanders and many
others. I did not know who they were and nor had I ever heard of any of the speakers. The
fee to attend the seminar was something like 595 (cant remember exactly). I could not
afford it so I did not attend it.

However the videos of the seminar were released a few months later and I think they cost a
bit less. I quickly bought them. The information in the videos did not make me any money
per se. However they introduced me to all of the best websites, courses and internet
marketing systems of the day. One of the people they introduced me to was Allan Gardyne

Through, I discovered Ken Evoy and his Ken Evoy
offered a free course that taught you how to build affiliate sites from scratch and how to
pre-sell and promote your offers. This course was free. To this date, this free course has
been the best investment I have ever made as far as my online education is concerned.

The first site I built using the Sitesell method took me about 3 months to complete. I learnt
how to build a website and wrote all of the content myself. The topic I chose to build my first
about was bad credit. I knew something about this so that is why I chose to build a site
around it.

In my first month after my site went live, I made a total of over $2,000 from the various
affiliate programs I was promoting. My site was not ranking high in the organic search
listings to start with, but I was doing quite well buying traffic from Looksmart and
(then then Yahoo Search Marketing). I could not believe how easy it all was. I
also knew that if I built a few more sites, I could easily surpass my day job income and
finally submit to my boss my resignation letter.

So I built another site soon afterwards in the insurance industry using the same techniques
that I learned from Ken Evoys Sitesell website. I also bought some resale rights licenses to
several products. By this time, about 8 months had passed since my first site went live and
I also started to rank quite highly in the organic search results for my bad credit site. My
earnings were a little over $8,000 per month at this stage. Most of the offers I was
promoting were from Commission J unction and of affiliate programs I found through the old website.

Four months later after extensive search engine marketing seminars, eBooks, courses and
efforts, I was on the first page of Google for the main keyword of my bad credit website. My
earnings at this stage had hit the $10,000 per month mark. I quite my day job and worked
on my internet businesses full time from home.

While I was building my first site, I used to work on it for 6 hours after I returned home from
my 10 hour work day. I was sleep deprived but highly motivated. Oddly though, when I
became full time, I seemed to spend only 2 hours per day doing productive work on my 2010 7
internet business. I had no targets to worry about and no bosses to oversee me. I was
spending most of my time surfing the net and checking out the news on TV (although they
repeat they same thing over and over again). My sites kept on making the same amount of
money for a short while but soon my income started to drop.

Buying clicks from the pay per click search engines was increasingly becoming more and
more competitive during this time. Something had to change or I would soon need to go
back and beg for my old job back. That dreaded thought propelled me to take action.

I did not want to rent an office as that would create a need to commute to work. So I
decided to get planning permission to build a home office in my back yard. This cost me
several thousands to do, but doing it boosted my productivity once again. I worked between
set times and I do not take any TV news breaks as I do not have a TV in my home office.

At around this time, my original purely white hat bad credit site was de-indexed by Google
for no apparent reason. This took quite a chunk from my earnings and it angered me
intensely. I thought it was unfair, especially considering so many crappy directory type sites
that were beginning to appear in the index at the time.

I did everything I could to figure out why my beloved site was de-indexed. I paid SEO
consultants and self proclaimed SEO analysts and gurus to help me figure out the problem.
I then continued to cultivate more quality link partners and add very good content to the
pages from professional financial journalists. I tried EVERYTHING including contacting

But all my efforts resulted to nothing at the time.

The bad credit site did however return to the Google index a few years later, though without
any action from me, as I completely abandoned it for more lucrative affairs. The site just
suddenly popped back up again in the top 10 results for the its primary keyword. It is this
de-indexing of my highly profitable loan site that led me to seriously start building multiple

I mentioned earlier on that I learnt about Allan Gardynes newsletter and website via the
Internet Profit Maker Seminar Videos. His newsletter is one of the few I am still
subscribed to for over 9 years. In one of his newsletters, he mentioned about a guy called
Phil Wiley and his newsletter. I subscribed to it to see what this guy has to say.

You have to remember that 9 years ago, there werent new shiny product launches
everyday of the week in the internet marketing arena that offer you the world for $2,000.
The few big name internet marketing gurus often promoted there own products. They did
not promote anything and everything just as long as it had a 4 figure affiliate commission.

These days some gurus have 20 or more full time employees who need to be paid at the
end of each month. This pressure to meet these large payrolls forces the gurus to generate
income from every source that is available to them. An email list of 100,000 people then
simply gets reduced to just a source of income. Integrity and trying to genuinely help your
subscribers succeed at earning a living online becomes redundant when you have a huge
payroll to meet.

The few people who unsubscribe to such guru lists are immediately replaced by newbies.
The result is that the product recommendations and advice in such guru email lists are 2010 8
often just for the benefit of lining the pockets of the guru instead of passing on useful skills
to the subscribers.

I do not have any staff in my online business and everything is outsourced. My main source
of income is my offline business. I therefore have no need to mislead you in any way for the
benefit of making a commission from you.

Joining the UPS Club

Nevertheless, a few months after joining Phil Wileys newsletter, he mentioned in his
newsletter a new application called Traffic Equalizer that generated websites within
seconds by building directory like pages.

Now, I did already know of the idea of copying and using search engine results as content,
but the recent launch at the time of Google AdSense brought a whole new meaning to
scraping. So I thought I will give this new application a test drive.

After getting to grips with how to use the software, I built 30 sites using it and then pointed
two high Page Rank links that I bought to each one of those sites. I also submitted each of
the 30 URLs to That is all I did.

After about 2 weeks I decided to check if the sites were earning anything. To my disbelief
they were making more than $300 per day altogether. Two weeks after that, they had
passed the $700 per day mark.

In the two weeks that followed, I started to maniacally build more sites. I managed to build
100 more sites within the next month. My income a month after all 100 sites were up had
surpassed the $2000 per day level. One site in one niche was making over $300 per day by
itself and others were making $30 per day and some $3 per day. It all varied. But it was all
up and up.

By this time I was receiving my checks from Google via a courier service. I was officially a
member of the UPS Club as it used to be called. This was a term coined for people who
earned more than $10K per month from AdSense. At this point I started to build a large
team to outsource the site building tasks to. This is when things started to really take off.

My earnings peaked at $105,000 in a single month from Google AdSense before the site
generator party started to come to a close. Google started getting smarter and their
algorithm started to identify and de-index websites that were built using website generator
software like Traffic Equalizer or Directory Generator.

A site would be indexed for a month before being de-indexed. A month turned to a week
before vanishing from the Google search results for such auto generated sites. Then sites
remained indexed only for a few days. Even my team of full time site builders could not
keep with such fast rates of de-indexing.

Below is a screenshot from one of my AdSense accounts from that time that shows the
drop in earnings from $13K to $500 within a period of about 3 months. This collapse in
earnings was happening across all of my accounts. 2010 9

I managed to prolong the party though by partnering with a professional software developer
who could automatically build thousands of sites per day. We would buy 30,000 .info
domains per month and build thousands of blogs with AdSense on them. This too was
profitable for a few months, but then Google started also closing AdSense accounts. So at
this point the party was truly over!

Using other monetization methods apart from AdSense just did not work that well as the
return on investment did not make the process worthwhile.

Many of us who were building these sites thought we were really clever and sharp, but in
truth we were just lucky. I know a few big name marketers who railed against the use of
such page generators in public and in their newsletters but whom in private were building
their own page generator website empires.

Although the page generator days were over for me, I fortunately had invested most of my
earnings in two offline businesses. The offline businesses I invested in were all with
partners. I provided the capital and they provided the expertise. One offline business was
involved with real estate and the other in the health industry. The health industry business
is my biggest earner amongst all of my business activities. However, I am just the silent
majority investor in them and hence do not take part in the daily running of them.

A part of me regrets using the mass website building page generators as the result is that I
wasted several good years creating useless websites instead of long term assets. But on
the other hand, the earnings from it put me in a position to actually build two very solid
offline businesses that are employing many people. The income also afforded me the 2010 10
luxury of being able to test and experiment nearly every new internet marketing course,
seminar or membership website that came out. So on the one hand I am ashamed of
creating junk websites for the sake of making money but on the other hand I am proud that
the profits eventually went to a good use.

Forex Trading

Due to my extensive travelling, I often needed to convert my online income into other
currencies. I had noticed the large discrepancies when I converted U.S dollars into British
Pound Sterling and Euro over the years. This really piqued my curiosity and interest in
foreign currency trading (forex trading).

I had been slowly attending seminars and courses about forex trading over the years. So
when the AdSense party ended, I had some money and time to start doing some serious
trading. I went right deep into it.

Forex trading is very tempting because of the arithmetic involved and the very huge profit
potential. I traded some of it myself and invested some of my money in funds managed by
professional traders. I lost a bit of money in my own account and the professionals lost a
lot of my money in their professionally traded accounts. Needless to say, I decided forex
was not for me. I felt I could perform much more consistently and passively in internet

After failing miserably in the forex arena, I decided to focus 100% in what I truly know about
and in what I had an excellent track record in. Internet Marketing!

The Comeback

We all have an amount of money that we believe we deserve to be paid compensated for
our time. In other words are income expectations. It is said that once your income
expectation has been expanded or stretched significantly, it is very difficult to go back.
Once you start being paid $1000 per hour for your labour, it is difficult to go back and be
satisfied with earning $100 per hour.

This is what happened to me. After breaking the six figures in a month in AdSense
earnings, I truly believed that it is what my online efforts deserve consistently. By this time
though my overall online earnings had dropped to below what I was earning with my
original websites, as I had completely abandoned my original whitehat sites. Nearly all of
my page generator sites were de-indexed. I was earning only about $100 per day from
AdSense from thousands upon thousands of domains I owned.

So I started again to build websites in the same fashion that I had built my first loan website
in an effort to reach a monthly six figure income again. I was going to go all whitehat and
monetize the sites with AdSense ads instead of Affiliate merchants. Search engines were
more sophisticated by now and the costs of buying clicks higher, but the fundamentals had
not changed. Give the search engines what they want and they will reward you by ranking
your site high in their results.

Trying to achieve the above in an optimal way took me to attending and buying many
internet marketing courses, forums, systems, manuals, seminars and private membership 2010 11
sites. I have tried and used them all! Most of my purchases were useless, but every now
and then a course mentions something that is worth testing.

With each unsuccessful test I discovered what truly does not work. With each successful
test I discovered what truly works. This gradual distillation of internet marketing methods
over the past few years resulted into me finding out for certain the best techniques that
work for building websites for online AdSense income.

I Do Not Work For the CIA, Really I Dont

Maybe it is a result of working from home without face to face social interactions, but I do
take part in quite a few social activities. Apart from being political active, I take lessons in
salsa dancing, flying, the classic guitar, wine tasting and the Spanish language. I also do
aerobics and weight training regularly plus play soccer whenever I can. Inevitably I get
asked, So what do you do? I hate this question.

In the old days I used to say that I work online or on the internet. Then people would
usually say with a smirk, ehem or start explaining the problems they are having with their
computer. As I am neither a purveyor of porn nor a computer techie, I decided to avoid that
response. When I changed my answer to the question to building websites, the next
question would always be, what is your web address. I did not want people knowing that I
make my living promoting hemorrhoid treatments and the like. Also, as an AdSense
publisher, you do not want people knowing your websites. So I had to think of another

I then decided to avoid the question all together when asked. But then people half jokingly
started commenting that I worked for the security services and I was a spy. The fact that I
drive a couple of very nice cars, travel a lot and seem to spend cash freely did not help.
People I guess think that spies are truly like J ames Bond.
These days, when I am asked of what I do for a living, my answer is that I am a J anitor.
People never give a follow up question and usually immediately excuse themselves if at a
cocktail party. Problem solved.

Teaching and Coaching Internet Marketing

Some of my close relations and friends do know of what I do for a living. It is in my quest to
teach them exactly what I do in a step by step manner that this AdSense blueprint was
born. The first person I taught this to was my elder brother Martin. He would say, Come
on; show me how you make money on the internet.

Questions like that prompted me to think of what I would have liked to have known when I
first decided that I wanted to earn a full time income online. Because of the nature of HTML
links and the fact that I have a stutter, I generally do not like communicating by telephone.
So email was my preferred method of sending my thought processes, principles and
instructions to my brother.

My brother (Martin) used to be in the Military. So he is very task oriented and excels at
executing instructions. He is a doer. No surprise then, that success with my instructions
came very rapidly for him. It is very exciting to make money online if you have never done it
before, even for an ex-military man. 2010 12
Martin tried to teach his by now stay at home wife (remember the sister in law who worked
for a marketing company) about what he was doing and his success at it. She wanted in
and asked me to help her. She did first ask her husband to properly teach her, but they just
argued during their training sessions as I think his Drill Sergeant like teaching technique did
not go down too well with his wife. So she inevitably asked me to teach her what I taught
her husband. It was much easier to coach her in my method because I already had the
emails and the format ready from what I had exchanged with my brother.

My sister in law also happens to be a member of an active Christian Prayer Group. After a
few months of training from me, she gave a testimonial of her success with my system in
one of her prayer group meetings. Any Christians out there will understand what I mean.
Word spread around about this internet guy and my internet training was suddenly in
great demand. I became a kind of mini-celebrity in that circle.

Exchanging emails though with so many people while trying to grow my online business
was starting to eat into my time. I could never say NO to people who wanted my help as I
too was once there. I knew I could help them but I had to find a more efficient way of
delivering that help. Email just would not cut it. It is this that eventually forced me to take
the notes and the to do lists that I used to build my AdSense income and then combine
them with the emails that I exchanged with my brother and sister in-law into a step by step
MS word document. This document formed the backbone of this blueprint.

After over a year and a half, my sister in law is already consistently earning more than what
she did as a junior marketing executive in a Fortune 500 company. My brother has not
quite his job as he really enjoys it. But he is using his money from his AdSense business to
buy rental properties. He enjoys his job even more as he knows he does not need it to
support his family. There are many more success stories I could share like the ones shown
in the sales page, but I think that this My Story section is becoming too long.
All you need to aspire to is for you to become the success story. This is the purpose of this
blueprint. To turn you into a success story using the step by step proven methods that I am
about to show you. No more trying to guess your way to financial freedom.

H He ey y B Be er rt t i i l l , , i i f f y yo ou u a ar re e M Ma ak ki i n ng g S So o M Mu uc ch h M Mo on ne ey y, ,
W Wh hy y A Ar re e Y Yo ou u R Re ev ve ea al l i i n ng g Y Yo ou ur r S Se ec cr re et t s s? ?

I truly believe you should always ask that question before you buy any product related to
making money online. For example if somebody is selling websites with the claim that each
will automatically make you $100 per day without any work from you, you got to as the
question, so why is the person selling such websites?

If you can not find a logical answer, then you should stick to the adage, If it is too good to
be true, then it probably is.

In no part of this document will you come across a claim that you can make $100 per day
by just pressing a few buttons and then putting your feet up as the money rolls in. If that is 2010 13
what you are looking for, then a lottery ticket should have been your purchase, not this

So why am I showing you my hard learnt secrets?

Do what you enjoy, and the money will follow. I am sure you have all heard that mantra. I
never truly experienced it before, but exchanging those training emails with my brother,
sister in law and her friends, was quite a revelation to me. I actually enjoyed it! Being able
to change peoples lives for the better is truly a buzz in itself. I always thought that Oprah
was full of it sometimes when she used to say it, but it is true. Helping others truly is a
reward in itself.
Teaching other people my techniques will in no way affect my AdSense earnings in any
way. The market is just far too large and there is enough space for many more successful
AdSense publishers.

I have been marketing online for a long time but yet, I have never bothered to build a
significant list of high value customers. This blueprint is a way to change that. I have great
things planned for the very near future and having a group of proven people whom are in
the same wavelength as myself would accelerate the success of those plans dramatically.
In other words, I need you to succeed as my future goals can only be achieved via your
individual successes with this blueprint. In other words, I need you.


After being dissatisfied with so many online make money products and always thinking
that I could do a better job, I decided to put my experience and expertise onto digital paper,
and create a make money online product that I would be happy with if I was just starting

Caveat Emptor

Many popular make money online products are written by people who have not really
made any significant income online and thus their creations are usually just theory. You
can easily identify them by the lack of specific nitty gritty nuts and bolts details in their

Other products are created by people who have made money in the past with certain
methods, but the methods have ceased to be effective. The vendors of such products
usually then reveal their secrets a few months just before the systems become totally
obsolete. This is very common.

Other internet marketing products have been created by people who have had success
once or maybe twice by doing a particular activity online. They then package it and sell it
with a claim that theirs is a successful blueprint for making money online that can be
duplicated by any person in any market during any season. As you can imagine doing 2010 14
something successfully once or twice does not mean you have discovered a repeatable

I wanted to create a blueprint that was based on my own personal experience and success.
I wanted to create a blueprint that was based on solid principles so that it will be effective
for many years to come. I wanted to create a blueprint that truly was tried and tested by
different people across different niches. The result is what you are about to read, which is a
proven step by step business model that you can follow and actually succeed at first time

H Ho ow w t t o o g ge et t T Th he e M Mo os st t f f r ro om m T Th hi i s s $ $5 50 0, ,0 00 00 0 p pe er r
M Mo on nt t h h A Ad dS Se en ns se e B Bl l u ue ep pr ri i n nt t

The information you are about to read is a compilation of nearly 10 years of experience of
making money online. Every part of the step by step instructions have been tested and
proven to work. I know they work because I am still creating successful sites every day
using the exact same methods that I am going to reveal to you. Here is how to get the most
out of this blueprint:

1) Read through the whole blueprint once. Do not take notes or take any actions. J ust
read it and understand the concepts and what is involved. If you are new to internet
marketing and search engine optimization, then I suggest you also review the bonus
manual, SEO Bully that you downloaded with this blueprint. This blueprint is about
profiting from free search engine traffic, so understanding search engine
optimization fundamentals is paramount if you are ever going to profit from this

2) Many money making systems fail for users because the authors of those systems
often expect their readers to have the same knowledge, budget and expertise as
they do. They forget to include the little details that make all the difference. I do not
assume that in this blueprint. I will reveal to you the where, why, who, how and what
of my entire process. So then re-read the blueprint and take detailed notes.

3) From those notes, personalize the core action plan I give you so as to match your
budget, aspirations and personal preferences. You will need to personalize my
method as that is the only way that you will internalize what is required and
understand it completely enough to take action. As long as you do not deviate from
my core action plan, big time success will be yours to cease.

4) Take ACTION! Do not first start with aim of $30,000 per month within 30 days. This
is unlikely to happen and I am not here about making false promises. If that is your
style, then there are thousands of useless get rich quick courses out there that you
can pursue. This blueprint is about building assets that will earn you a passive
income for years to come. If you are earning $0 per day at the moment, set yourself
practical milestones. First aim for say $30 per day, then $100, then $300 then $1000 2010 15

My training has been completely life changing to the different people I have shown my
AdSense system to. I truly believe implementing what is in this blueprint will also be
completely life changing for you too if you decide to take action. So lets get started!

This blueprint is about showing you how to build websites that will be monetized mainly
with Google AdSense ads. The websites will be very easy to build and will each have a
goal of earning an easily achievable amount of money. I will show you how to effectively
increase the earnings for each site individually and how to do the whole process on a large
scale. Scaling is the key to how large your monthly payment from AdSense will be. I will
show you how to do scale in an affordable and efficient way. I will reveal which methods
and techniques I have tested and which ones I personally use and why. There is also a lot
more that will be revealed to you in this document. So lets get started!

 2010 16











r r



I just love Google AdSense. I started testing AdSense on my sites since the time they
made the program available to the public at around the summer of 2003. I was making very
good money with my affiliate sites at the time, but my AdSense ads consistently
outperformed my affiliate offers.

Do not get me wrong. Affiliate marketing is great and I still use it in certain niches. But my
main earner online is by far my Google AdSense websites. The good thing though is that
you can do both if you choose to.

For those of you who may not know what Google AdSense is, here is a good description
from Wikipedia: AdSense is an advertisement application run by Google. Website owners can enroll in
this program to enable text, image, and more recently, video advertisements on their websites. These
advertisements are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression

How it all works is very simple. As a website owner, all you need to do is insert some code
that you copy from your Google AdSense Account, onto your web pages. Each time a
visitor comes to your site, The Code you inserted will show some advertisements on that
webpage. These advertisements will either be targeted towards the visitor directly or be
related to the content of that particular website. If the visitor clicks on any of the
advertisements that are being shown to them, you the webmaster, will earn a portion of the
money that the advertiser is paying to Google.

As you can see then, the way to earn more money with AdSense involves either getting a
lot more traffic to your website or making your existing traffic click on more ads. This
blueprint will show you exactly how to do both. I will also show you how to systematically
ramp up your actions so as to put you on track to make well over $50,000 per month.

Some gurus who promote product creation and email marketing as the best way to earn
money online like to knock affiliate marketers. They say that affiliate marketing is a poor
business model because you usually do not own the relationship with the customer. They
usually go on to say that you are basically just building a business for somebody else and
that you are wasting time trying to make money with affiliate marketing or AdSense. 2010 17
Then you have some affiliate marketing gurus who like to knock people who monetize their
websites with AdSense. They call AdSense, adcents, and say that you are wasting your
life trying to make pennies from AdSense. Some even go on to say that running Google
AdSense sites is not even a business at all

Self proclaimed gurus who go on criticizing other models of making money usually just
reflects their lack of business nous. In simple terms and with the exception of Not for Profit
Enterprises, a business is any activity performed with an expectation of profit, is run in a
systematic, continuous and regular professional manner, and has ordinary commercial
principles governing it.

The best method that you should use to make money online should match the nature of
your personality. Making products, affiliate marketing and Google AdSense, all can be very
lucrative. I know because I have done all them.

To date though, I have not tried such opportunities like stuffing envelopes, filling in surveys
or online poker. Therefore I can not comment on the efficacy of those three money making
schemes, even if they seem suspect to me. I personally stay away from fleeting business
opportunities and other get rich quick discoveries. I only focus on activities that relate to
long term business building.

Personally, I have never been comfortable with emailing people offers that I just do not
believe in. As a result I completely flopped with my efforts at emailing marketing. Reading
those sales letters that say that you could print money on demand, by just sending an
email, is very tempting. But try as I might, I just could not pull it off.

The reason behind my abysmal performance at email marketing I eventually discovered
was that I was never truly comfortable with emailing desperate people and promoting offers
to buy a course for $2,000, even though I have never tried or tested the course myself. This
is just an example of the importance of doing what you are comfortable with instead of
trying to force yourself into business activities that you are unconsciously resisting to
succeed at.

Developing your own products is good and so is affiliate marketing, email marketing,
AdSense and probably stuffing envelopes from home too. They all can be successful
business models if you know what you are doing and if your personality is comfortable with
doing it.

Why I Prefer AdSense

The good thing about AdSense is that EVERYBODY needs and uses information. Google
AdSense is about monetizing information. Because everybody needs information, EVERY
personality type out there will thus always be comfortable and psychologically accepting of
the AdSense business model. There is no ripping off anybody involved, there is no selling
involved and there is no need to try to suck money from gullible people.

After you do the initial work, all the money you will be earning will be more or less
completely passive. You will continue to be earning when you are asleep and on vacation,
for many years to come, just by that one time effort. 2010 18
Whatever your goal is, be it to be an online millionaire or quit your day job or to just cover
your home mortgage payments, car payments, school tuition, credit card debt or vacation
costs; it is all possible with AdSense. I have experienced each of those goals and can
testify that actualization will be entirely dependent on how much consistent effort you put
into following a successful system. Your goals, confidence and ambitions will change each
time you surpass a new income benchmark.

To be good at normal affiliate marketing, you really need to be savvy at marketing. A good
marketing brain is also important if you are going to sell a product that you created yourself.
This lack of marketing knowledge and ability is one of the biggest reasons that most people
fail at affiliate marketing and sales led online marketing in general. It is no surprise that the
most successful internet marketing gurus usually come from either a sales or technical

If you are not a techie geek who can create winning products or if you do not come from a
sales or marketing background, you will have a tough time trying to make money online.
J ournalists also do well online. I guess it is because they have been trained to learn to
choose and write articles (products) that people want to read (buy).

So if you have never worked in sales, journalism or as a software engineer or technician,
you will find success at internet marketing a big learning curve. There is a way though to
reduce and even eliminate the innate advantages that some people have and equalize the
playing field.

Google AdSense, I have found, is a great equalizer to lack of marketing expertise. You do
not need to have any sales or technical experience to be extremely successful with

Common Google AdSense Misconceptions

Here are a few popular misconceptions about Google AdSense:

If you rely on Google AdSense, then you will have relinquished control of your future
success to another company. You probably already have heard of comments like that in
forums or online sales literature.

This is a comment usually used by sales people of products that stand to sell more if the
reader develops paranoia about easily being banned by Google. The idea behind it is that
your AdSense income is reliant on traffic from the major free search engines and on having
an active an account with Google. If your website becomes de-indexed by Google,
MSN/Bing/Yahoo, the reasoning is that you will lose your whole source income as you will
have lost your source of traffic. Also losing an active Google Adsense account would imply
not being paid. This is mainly just fear mongering.

In truth though, there is no business that is not reliant on some other entity. Car
manufacturers are reliant on their suppliers and global commodity prices, major Wall Street
Banks and Insurance Companies are reliant on other Banks as we have recently learned,
and an ice-cream van business is reliant on the weather. No business is ever completely
independent as a business can never flourish by just transacting with itself. 2010 19
If you start trading currencies or stocks online, you will be at the mercy of your retail broker.
If you are creating your own products online, you will be at the mercy of all kinds of online
fraudsters. If you own rental property, then you will be at the mercy of your tenants and
mortgage provider.

Every business activity you can think of will involve some real risk. There is no such a thing
as a risk free business, if there were, everybody would be doing it and it would stop being
profitable. Even buying Government Bonds involves some risk, as the Russian Ruble Crisis
of 1998 showed.

A regular task that my offline business undertakes is to take proactive action daily to ensure
that our invoices always get settled in reasonable time. My offline business is a subscription
type service where each client pays an average of $120,000 annually. The payments are
made monthly as the service is consumed. If for some reason 10 or more of my customers
were simultaneously late by 4 or more months in paying their monthly fees, it would cause
me some concern.

How will my business pay its hard working staff their monthly salaries if it has no money to
pay them and if my bank refuses to extend the businesss overdraft facility? As a matter of
fact, many small businesses fail not because they are poorly run or that they run of
customers, but they fail because of poor cash flow. Most small business cash flow crises is
the result of when the small businesses are not paid what is owed to them in reasonable
time from their customers and clients.

As you can see, nearly every business, large and small, is dependent somehow on another
entity. As AdSense publishers, that entity just happens to be Google and the other search

A smart business owner though, like the banks, car makers and ice-cream van businesses
that are surviving and thriving in the current economic turmoil, will understand the inherent
risks of the business they are in and do every thing possible to mitigate those risks. This
blueprint will show you exactly how to protect and secure your income earnings and to not
be totally dependent on any single outside entity like Google AdSense.

Do not let the fear that is perpetuated by people who want to get to your wallet stop you
from taking action. I have built thousands upon thousands of AdSense monetized websites
over the years and I can assure you that there is nothing to fear about if you know what you
are doing. By the time you finish reading this blueprint, you too will know what you are
doing and thus also will have no fear.

One complaint you may have heard from AdSense Naysayers is that, You only get paid
pennies with AdSense. People who say this usually do not understand the idea of volume
in business. The Mars family (one of the richest in the world), became rich by selling
something that costs pennies. What matters is volume. They just do not sell one chocolate
bar; they sell millions of them and in bulk. This argument is very nave.

People who think that way will usually go out and pursue expensive items to sell so that
they can then earn very big commissions on those expensive items. Good idea, but one
problem. The problem is that the market is usually quite small if you just want to earn as an
affiliate for high ticket items. 2010 20
Such people will do some keyword research online and then find what they believe is a
winning topic, like say J et Charters. They invest their efforts trying to promote such a high
ticket item and then end up being disappointed. A lack of traffic that converts to buyers is
usually the problem. I personally do not know anyone who has hired a jet lately. Do you?

AdSense vs. Affiliate Marketing

One reason I prefer AdSense over affiliate marketing is the ease of implementation and
maintenance of AdSense sites. It is very easy to create an AdSense site and make money
on anything you can think of. This is not true for affiliate sales based sites. Trying to find a
few affiliates on waste disposal or on Third World Debt from the affiliate networks may
take you a while. But Google AdSense will always have plenty of advertisers for most
topics that a mind can think of.

Another benefit of AdSense is that you do not have to deal with several affiliate networks.
Besides the issue of the few affiliate merchants who may decide to keep your hard earned
commissions for themselves, the idea of dealing with several hundred merchants can be
truly taxing to your organizational skills.

The reason is because affiliate merchants may decide to change or cancel an affiliate
promotion at any time. This means that you will also need to change the nature of that
affiliate offer on your website. Sometimes affiliate merchants become suspended by the
Affiliate Network, usually due to financial problems the merchant may be going through.
When this happens, you also need to change your website. The sad fact is that, if you are
dealing with hundreds of affiliate offers, you will be needing to change the offers on your
websites quite often in order to remain up to date and get paid for your marketing efforts.

The majority of my AdSense sites have not been changed in several years and they are still
earning as much money as they did when I initially promoted them. Google is not going
bankrupt any time soon and they pay you once each month with all of the relevant statistics
at your disposal. This is very easy to track and manage. One login page and one payment
monthly payment. You will have no need to create spreadsheets upon spreadsheets with
the different login and offer details from each different merchant from each of the affiliate
and CPA networks that you are part of.

No Selling Required

If you are like me and you do not enjoy selling, then AdSense offers another advantage.
Unlike with affiliate marketing or e-commerce, you do not need to do any selling or pre-
selling when you monetize your sites with Google AdSense. The advertisers who have their
advertisements on your site will be doing all of the selling for you. They will be doing all of
the marketing and testing to see which titles and sentences work best in their
advertisements. As an AdSense publisher, you do not need to worry about any of that.

The best affiliate marketers, product developers and e-commerce website owners
understand that the money is in the buy keywords. These buy keywords are the kind of
keywords that people use to make search queries when they have already done their
research and have their credit card in hand ready to make a purchase. They convert much
better than other keywords and having top rankings with them will result in more sales with
a lot less traffic. 2010 21

Assuming xxxxx is a product name, an affiliate marketer would ideally want to rank for

Xxxxx bonus
Buy xxxxx
xxxxx review(s)
purchase xxxxx
xxxxx sale
xxxxx discount
xxxxx store
xxxxx on eBay
cheap xxxxx
used xxxxx

I think you get the idea.

With AdSense, you do not have to worry about any of that. You will not be competing with
the super affiliates who already know about those buy keywords. You will be able to make
money whether the keywords are the lucrative and competitive buy keywords or not. Any
traffic that is interested in the subject matter of your website will be good for you if you
monetize your websites with Google AdSense.

High Paying Keywords

You might find plenty of lists in internet marketing forums and on the internet in general that
contain lists of high paying AdSense keyword phrases. These are keywords that
advertisers are willing to pay Google the most for in order to have their advertisements
show up.

Some keywords are listed at $60 per click and more in order to show in the top 3 ad
positions. The truth is most companies that are willing to pay $60 to get a visitor are also
not stupid. Most of the time, such advertisers will usually restrict their advertising to the
Google search engine and its search partners only.

Therefore do not waste your time trying to only build web pages that are based on reputed
high paying ads.

What is good about AdSense is that you can make a whole lot of money by targeting both
keyword phrases that have a high cost per click (CPC) and those that do not. The reason is
that high CPC topics will usually be harder to get good search engine rankings for and will
thus result in less traffic for your site. The lower CPC sites are far less competitive, this
usually means that high rankings are easier to achieve and with it the high traffic that
comes with high search engine rankings.

As you can see, both high and low CPC keywords can bring you a good income. You do
not need to worry too much about this when using AdSense as you will be able to make a
profit either way. 2010 22
I started with affiliate marketing and I am still profitable with it. The fact though is that, with
the exception of a few products, expect a conversion ratio that is in the region of 0.5%. If
you send 100 customers to an affiliate merchant offer for a product that is selling for $60,
with a typical physical product commission of 8%, you will be making $2.40 for every 100
customers you send to the affiliate page.

Of course the savvy affiliates of course do things differently.
-They only promote expensive products where 8% would actually mean something.
-They also promote products that pay a high commission, like the digital products on
-They use buy keywords which lead to vastly better conversions. They sell to people who
are desperate for a solution and thus are more likely to buy a product once they find it.
-They use custom tools to identify and use keywords that nobody else knows about and
dominate the pay per click search results with their keywords.
-They use Cost per Action (CPA) offers that usually pay more.
-Some affiliates use email spamming and blackhat methods to target sites like Craigslist.
-They collect email addresses and send recurring offers to clients.

Apart from the spamming, I used to do all of the above and more when my main focus was
affiliate marketing. All I can say is that it is a lot more difficult to make a lot of money as an
affiliate marketer than it is with AdSense. The reason I believe is that there are far fewer
important elements in AdSense than there are in affiliate marketing. Because of this, it is
possible to effectively scale very quickly with AdSense than it is with affiliate marketing.

Have you wondered why that some of the busiest and most popular content providers in
the world have AdSense ads on them? It surely is not because their MBA filled Marketing
Departments can not figure out alternative ways to monetize their content. The reason is
simply that AdSense works very well once you know what you are doing and in my opinion
it is by far the easiest method of making a lot of money online. It is as close as it gets to
making money from thin air. It works very well for the big corporations and also for us
independent thinkers that belong to the work form home crowd.

There is nothing nicer then coming from some 2 week vacation where you felt you over
spent way too much money then you planned to and then return home to find that while you
were away, you have earned more than 6 times the cost of your Extravagant holiday. When
you have your systems in place like how I will show you, Google AdSense sites can just
keep churning money for you day in day out. This is what this step by step blueprint will
show you how to do.

How to Get a Google AdSense Account Quickly

You will need to have an account with Google AdSense in order to be able to earn money
from the system advocated in this blueprint. Assuming you do not already have an
AdSense account, all you need to do is apply for one by signing up here. J ust click the
Sign up now button and get started. You will only need one account to start with that you
will be able to use on as many websites as you please.

You will need a website before you apply for an account though. If you set up your websites
the way I show you how in this blueprint, you could easily just use one of your newly
created websites and use it in your AdSense account application submission. 2010 23
If you are in a hurry, you can just create a blog from Googles Blogger and add 10 original
articles on it. You will not to spread the adding of these articles over a few days.

Make sure that your newly created blog abide by all Google and Google AdSense policies.

I personally have never had any problems being approved into the eBay Partner Network,
Google AdSense, Commission J unction, Copeac, Hydra, Linkshare or any other affiliate
network. Here are some simple rules that will almost always help you tremendously to the
success of your application process.

1. Do not apply to any program unless you have a good and professional looking
website or blog online.

2. Do not ever use a free email address in your application. You should use an email
address that is the domain of the site or blog that you are submitting in your
For example if your websites domain name is, then the
email address you use in your submission should be yourname@

3. Give the impression that you are professional and serious about your internet
business. Sell yourself accordingly to give a positive impression that you are going
to make a lot of money for the network. Do not over do it though!

4. If using a blog in your application, use Blogger Blogs if applying to AdSense. If
applying to affiliate or CPA networks, Wordpress Blogs are a better option as there
are many more templates and plugins available for them.

5. Choose a broad topic for your domain. Instead of antique grandfather clocks,
choose antique clocks or grandfather clocks or even just clocks. If a site is too
specific, the network may reject you as they may not have any offers that will be
suitable for your niche website.

6. Avoid using hyphens if you can. If you must, stick to a maximum of two hyphens.
Anything beyond that starts to look like a spam site.

7. Make sure you have a Privacy Policy, About Us and Contact Us page on your
website. If you are not sure what to put in your Privacy Policy, there are plenty of
free privacy policy generators that you could use, just do a search online for
AdSense privacy policy generator. I make mine quite generic so that I can easily
re-use each generated privacy policy on several of my AdSense sites.

8. Always use your real contact information in your application form and in the contact
us page of your website. People reviewing your application often do check that your
details are genuine.

9. Make sure that the Contact Us page on your website matches exactly the details
that you used to register the domain name that you will be submitting in your

10. Make sure the whois information for the domain that you will use in your application
is not hidden or private. People reviewing your application sometimes like to check 2010 24
the whois details of your domain. If you are hiding it, they may think that maybe you
are not who you say you are and reject your application.

11. If you have a freephone number, make sure you paste it on your homepage. If you
have an LLC, use it. But note that neither of these is essential for getting accepted
into any of the networks as of today. But they may help if you are having problems
getting accepted. You can easily forward freephone numbers to any phone you
want, anywhere in the world. You can easily find plenty of freephone providers by
searching online.

12. Have at least 10 pages or posts on your website or blog. The articles or blog posts
need to be at the very minimum at least 300 words each and must offer useful
information on the subject at hand. This can very quickly be outsourced.

Alternatively, you can just completely rewrite articles already present in the many
article directories available. You need to give the impression that you are
knowledgeable about your niche.

13. The site must look professional. The best way to achieve this is by using attractive
ready made templates. Try to include a relevant image on your homepage at least. If
you can include pictures on your internal pages as well, that will be even better.

14. The website needs to be clean and informative. Do not fill it up with ads from other
networks when you are making your applications. There should no monetization on
your website.

15. Do not do this with Google AdSense, but if you are applying to Cost per Action
(CPA) networks, calling them a day after you make your application will usually get
you approved very quickly. But if you do decide to call CPA networks, you need to
know what verticals you are targeting, how much traffic your site will be getting,
what is your monthly budget, how you will be promoting their offers and generally be
comfortable and know what you are talking about.

The good thing though is that you are not required to have any other account, apart
from a Google AdSense account, in order to make this step by step blueprint work for
you. I have included details of how to get accepted into CPA and affiliate networks
because you may find it useful later on as part of the risk minimization and scaling

As I said, if you do not already have an AdSense account, you can very easily use the
first website you build with this blueprint as your AdSense application site. The websites
you will be building with this blueprint will be professional looking and provide useful
content to its readers. J ust exactly what Google AdSense wants! 2010 25












Before you build your first website, you need to decide which exact market your website is
going to deal with. This exact market will be the primary subject that the website is going to
be about. This primary subject is the niche. There are plenty of ways of finding good niches
to build your websites around. In this blueprint, I am going to show you 3 ruthlessly
effective methods that I have used and continue to profit from successfully.

The method you will end up using for yourself will be depend on how much time you have
to spend on building your online business and how much money you have available to
facilitate that process.

Over the several years that I have been doing business online, many website keyword tools
have come and some have disappeared. I have used most of the popular tools and some
unique custom ones too. But what I can say is that to date, I have never come across a tool
or formula that will tell you with 100% certainty that the niche you build your website around
is going to make you rich through free search engine traffic.

Although very nice and profitable, free traffic does come at a price. The price you will pay
will come in the form of time consuming keyword research and monotonous search engine
optimization. Using the systems I use though will make free traffic much cheaper for you.

Yes I know that if you get good traffic to your auto loan themed website and convert them
to buyers then you can make a lot of money. But getting good free traffic to an auto loan
website via SEO is not an easy task. It is because of this difficulty in doing SEO for
competitive markets that you need to know how to best find the optimum niches to build
your websites around.

As I have already mentioned, I am going to show you three methods that I use. These
methods are as close as you can get to 100% certainty in your hot niche selection. Since
slowly using them over the years, the return on investment (ROI) on my new AdSense sites
has multiplied manifold.

In the past, I used to look at the usual keyword selection variables of; competing sites,
volume of searches, Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) and other standard methods. What
I discovered by effectively using such standard methods was that my return was around
80%-100% per year per site on average. 2010 26
Such a return would be exceptionally excellent for a traditional brick and mortar business
like a fast food franchise or a real estate speculation company because 100% of a $100K
investment is pretty good. However if you are spending $85 to build and promote a site, a
yearly $85 profit is nothing to brag about. We need massive scale in order to turn your little
$85 AdSense websites into million dollar empires.

The way to do this works similarly as how compounding benefits currency speculators. An
investment of $10,000 put into an account that profited by 1% and whose profits are
theoretically reinvested daily would become $377,834 after 1 year, $14,276,000 after 2
years, $539,392,000 at the end of 3 years and a whopping $20,380,072,407 at the end of 4
years. In the fifth year you would richer than all of the Forbes 100 combined.

Ok Ok, I know that doing the above is not really realistic for the average investor. But the
point I am trying to put forward is the power of compounding and of reinvesting your profits
back into your business.

The primary niches and individual internal webpage keywords that I select using my
methods end up on average giving me a 1000% annual return for each of my AdSense
sites. As you can see, this is many times more profitable than the standard way of doing
things that is constantly being perpetuated by gurus. Note though that it has not always
been this way. The process I currently use that brings about such high returns did not just
emerge overnight. A lot of sweat and tears went into discovering it.

Now if you build new websites each month from your profits, your overall growth from your
AdSense business may be many times more than 1000%. Consistently ploughing your
earnings back into building more profitable websites is the formula behind how to earn a
middle six figures with AdSense.

In this chapter, I am going to only discuss the first method of finding a good niche to target.
This first method or Method 1 is very effective and has been responsible for creating
many extremely profitable websites for me.

Here I am going to explain what I do. Where you start will however depend on your budget
and time. You can start with 5, 10, 20 or 50 site batches. It all depends on how much you
can afford in set up costs. For this example, I am going to show how to use this method to
build a batch of 10 profitable sites.

I would expect these 10 sites to bring me total profits of around $1,000 per month on
average. Some batches of 10 would bring me $300 per month and other batches would
bring me $1,800. The $1,000 shown is just the overall average.

Here we go.

Step 1: Collecting a List of Seed Keywords

Go to the Google keywords tool by simply googling google keywords or by clicking here. 2010 27

{Fig. 2.1}

You then enter what is called a seed keyword into the search box. The results you get will
then be filtered to pick out the best keyword phrases that meet certain criteria. These best
keyword phrases chosen for each of the seed keywords will be the potential primary
subjects for your AdSense websites or in other words, niches.

Finding Seed Keywords

Seed keywords are just generic phrases that describe a particular popular market. The
phrases dog, dog training, food supplements, vitamins, pc repair and binoculars
are examples of generic keyword phrases. Besides being too generic, seed keywords will
usually be phrases that are very commonly used and thus will have a very high number of
websites that also use them in their content. This means that you will have a very high
number of quality competitors if you your goal is to be the leader in that niche.

There are many ways of coming up with good seed keywords. Here is a few of them.

You can find ideas for good seed keywords by visiting the best sellers rankings at, (eBay pulse),,,,,,, Google Trends or any other commercial site. You 2010 28
can also visit any of your favorite news sites or websites and look at what is being

If you decide to preview a book on, check out its Table of Contents for some
great ideas for seed keywords. Of course this will not work out if the book you are
previewing is Pride and Prejudice, but if the book is non-fiction and about something
practical like Home Repair or Adventure Travel, this method works really well.
Websites that are offering information on niche physical products also tend to do very well
with AdSense. They tend to get higher than average click-throughs and often, the sites will
not have too many competitors.
As a test, do a quick search in Google for some specific consumer physical products you
have bought recently while including their details like model numbers and/or colour.
Chances are that some of the results in the top 10 are from Amazon or eBay. If you see
Amazon or eBay links in the top 3 of your search results, chances are that you could easily
make money with AdSense if you built a site around that specific product.
People who are searching for a particular product online are usually looking for information
about it in order to buy. So if you have a niche website that is focused on particular physical
products, the AdSense ads on that site will be showing ads offering sales, discounts and
other tantalizing offers related to that product.
As a result, physical product niche sites tend to gain higher than average click-throughs as
the visitors to them are click crazy as they go about searching for the best deals and
information on the particular product they are interested in.

You can find a whole host of physical products to use as seed keywords by doing some
searches on Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart and other big online retailer sites.

Below is a list of the most popular markets. You can review the list in order to gain some
good ideas for seed keywords:

List of Top Markets

car insurance
credit cards
cell phones
flowers 2010 29
mobile phones
real estate
web hosting
weight loss

For an even more comprehensive list of popular categories and potential seed keywords,
see: Whilst there, click on any of the phrases
listed under Categories for this search to get plenty of ideas for seed keywords. As an
example, see the image below for the results after choosing the Consumer Electronics
category. 2010 30

{fig 1.1}

The articles and advertisements in magazines and newspapers are also another good
source for finding seed keywords.

You can also just look around your house or your shopping mall. What have you bought
recently? What have your friends bought? What did your place of work buy recently? What
part of their house did your neighbor improve recently? What does your place of work badly
need? Answers to the above questions can all be the basis of good seed keywords.

For any of you who have worked in construction or heavy industry, you will know the cost of
industrial adhesives, machinery, drills and other industrial equipment. Most people do not
think of industrial supplies and equipment when building affiliate or AdSense websites. You
will find that there is less competition in such markets. Therefore industrial products can be
the source of plenty of good seed keywords.

A nice place I visit to find some good seed keyword ideas is and J ust looking at their categories and sub-categories will give you
enough seed keyword ideas to last you several years.

Another good way of brainstorming good seed keywords is to use the Google wonder
wheel. Do a search on Google using any word that comes to your head. After you choose
show options for web results, you will see on the left side of the screen a menu with a
link to the Wonder wheel. Click on that link to see the wonder wheel. You can then dig 2010 31
deeper by clicking the different links in the wheel. If you type in an already known
successful niche, using the wonder wheel is a simple quick way to find similar phrases that
may also be as profitable. These phrases can also be good seed keywords.

Some people have a lot of success of just building sites based on product best sellers from Not the books, but the products that are priced $50 or more. They like using because getting content is as easy as rewriting the features and reviews. I
have tested this method and there is some truth to it. It seems to work best though when
you focus on trademarked terms, model numbers, model colors and other ways of
accurately describing products.

You could also just do a bit of Freudian like free association and just let your mind wander
and associate the first product that comes on your mind and then associate it with another
product, service or phrase.

For example as write this, I am looking at my KEYBOARD. Keyboard is associated with
COMPUTER which is associated with WINDOWS which is associated with HOME which is
TRADING --etc etc etc

I think you get the point I am trying to make. Everything you see when you open your eyes
is a potential seed keyword. There are thus millions of profitable niches you can eventually
build sites on.

I am as far away as possible from being one of those creative types with long hair and
sandals. Despite this, it took me less than 2 minutes to come up with all of those 50 or so
capitalized words. Those 50 capitalized words would be the seed words that you could
submit into the Google Keyword tool.

Below in the picture, I have submitted the term divorce into the Google Keyword Tool
(GKT) and then arranged the results by descending average search volume. 2010 32

{fig 2.3}

As you can see from the image above, inserting the seed keyword brings about many more
keywords to choose from. Each seed keyword can give you 10 to 100 and more new
keywords. I try to find at least one good new keyword for each seed keyword I put into the
GKT. You will eventually review each new keyword based on certain criteria in order to
reveal some potentially profitable niches that you can target and build your websites

Under the first block of results in the Google keyword tool, there is usually some more
Additional keywords to be considered results at the bottom. These can be a source of
even more seed keywords.

Under the Advertiser Competition column, you will note those green bars. If you slowly
hover your cursor above any of the green bars, you will see ratings of very low, low,
average, high, and very high advertiser competition.

The next column lists the Local Search Volume for the previous month for the particular
keyword phrase. The column after that lists the Global Monthly Search Volume which is
just the average search volume for that keyword for the previous 12 months.

Note that these results are just estimates based on people who use Google and its search
network. Take these results with a pinch of salt though as they are mainly just estimates.
No keyword tool is ever going to be 100% accurate, and to be honest, it does not really
matter that much for our purposes. The results from the Google Keyword tool are more
than adequate. 2010 33
Now that you know about how to find new keywords using the Google Keyword Tool, let me
show you how to filter them so as to discover the hidden profitable niches.

Step 2: Filtering your Seed Keyword List

After you insert a seed keyword into the Google keyword tool, you will need to review the
results. First look at the new keywords that are made up of at least 3 words. You then will
need to take that chosen new keyword and apply some filtering criteria*. If the new keyword
passes these filters, then you should take it and put in your list of niches to target.

Here are the criteria that the new keywords need to meet:

1. The website topic should have 3 or more words This has already just been
mentioned and it will be the first think you look at. A niche being made up of 3 or
more words in it bolsters the chance that your eventual niche website will be found
high in the search engine results rankings when people search by using long
keyword phrases (long tail keyword combinations). The more uncommon the words
that make up the 3 or more words of that website topic phrase, the better. Also the
more words that the new keyword is made up of, usually the better.

2. The Advertiser Competition from the Google Keyword Tool should be average,
high or very high High advertiser competition implies a high cost to buy ads for that
particular keyword phrase and hence clicks. This is good news for AdSense
publishers as we get paid a percentage of what the advertiser paid for the clicks.
The higher the click cost, the more we get paid.

3. The Global Monthly Search Volume should be at least 4000 Ideally, the
approximate average monthly search volume from the Google tool should be 18,000
or more. I put 4000, because in some cases, where the Advertiser Competition is
high or very high, a niche with 4000 Google searches per month will bring some
great profits.

So because of this, my filter starts from 4000. But I usually select those with 18000
or more average monthly searches when I do the final choosing, unless if the
competition for that keyword is high or very high.

If you are using the better and more precise Exact Match option in the Google
keyword tool, go for keywords with at least 2000 average searches per month.

4. {allintitle:keyword phrase}should yield less than 10,000 results in Google
There should be less than 10,000 or less results when you do the
{allintitle:keyword phrase}search without the braces. For example for the
keyword phrase wedding table decorations, you would put into the Google search
box the following, allintitle:wedding table decorations. 2010 34

{Fig. 2.4}

5. You want keyword phrases that have less than 50,000 search results in quotes
There should be less than 50,000 results when you do a search with that keyword in
quotes in the Google search engine. So for example for the keyword wedding table
decorations, you would enter into the Google search box the phase: wedding table

*Note that none of these filtering criteria are set in stone. They are just good and sensible
guidelines that have worked for me and my trainees.

So Here Is What You Do
Insert a seed keyword like WEDDING into the Google keyword tool. You then arrange the
results according to descending average monthly search volume. From there, you just look
for phrases that are 3 or more words in length, have average or more advertiser
competition and that have at least 18,000 average monthly searches.

This minimum monthly search volume can be set to 4,000 if the advertiser competition for
that chosen keyword is high or very high.

You then do an allintitle search to ensure the results are less than 10,000. Finally you
then do a search in quotes to ensure you get less than 50,000 results for that new keyword.

Lets take for the example seed keyword of WEDDING. At the time of writing this blueprint,
you could just choose plenty of new keywords that meet the above 3 criteria. For example
you could choose:

wedding guest book:

{Fig. 2.5}

cheap wedding dresses:

{Fig. 2.6}

wedding table decorations:

{Fig. 2.7}

make your own wedding invitations:

{Fig. 2.8}

If you wanted to, there are plenty of further choices you could make. However, just choose
the one that you think will make a good and interesting website. I know that making such a
decision may be difficult for people who are new to website marketing. So if you are having 2010 35
trouble deciding on which new keyword to eventually choose, you could use several tools
to help you decide which one to go with.

1) For starters you could use the keyword difficulty tool found here to help choose the niche
topic keywords that are easier to rank highly for. From the tool, the keyword phrases with a
difficulty of 50% or less usually make up good niches.


The lower the difficulty, the better the niche topic keyword.

2) You could use the Microsoft research tool found here to find the niche topic keywords
with the best combination of traffic, click-through and cost per click. You will need to
register an account with Microsoft Advertising though before you can use this particular

You would just multiply the (Searches) x (CTR%/100) x (Avg.CPC). The niche topic
keyword with the higher number would be the better choice. 2010 36


3) You could also use this commercial Intention tool.


The higher the commercial intent, the better the niche topic.

The above three tools are just aids to assist you if you are new to internet marketing and
are unable to decide which niche topic keywords to go forth with. Apart from the first
keyword difficulty tool which I do find quite useful, the majority of readers of this document
will not need to use the remaining two tools.

So now that you have perhaps decided on your first niche, say wedding table decorations,
then just click the add link when you are on the Google keyword Tool so as to
automatically add the keyword into a text file. 2010 37

Repeat the above process for finding niches for several new keywords from the same seed
keyword and then move on to new seed keywords. Repeat this until you have your list of 5,
10, 20, 30 or 100 niches.

This system works very well because it is easily scalable. You can start with trying to build
just one AdSense site or 20 if you choose or even more. It just depends on your budget,
time and ambitions.

All of the niches found that have been selected on the premise of having healthy advertiser
competition and that have also passed the 5 filter criteria, will be good enough to use as the
primary keyword phrase for your website.

Despite this though, you may still want to increase your chances of finding winning topics.
This is what I will discuss in the next step. This next step is optional. I started using it after
discovering it by accident. Using it will cost you more in terms of effort, but on the other
hand your earnings per site will also improve.

Before I move on to the next step, note that for this first niche finding method, the free
Google Keyword Tool is more than enough and works very well. However there are several
commercial keyword tools that may help in making the criteria filtering quicker. I have at
one point or another used all of the main keyword and niche selection tools that are on the
market. I will express to you my opinions later on in this document.

Step 3: How to Ensure You Have a Winning Niche (Optional)

Let me assume that you found 10 good niches from the previous step.

This step is about finding out which ones of your newly found niches have the highest
probability of being the most profitable. This is what you will need to do in this step.

a) Buy 10 Domain Names, 1 for Each Niche

Firstly, you will need to buy a domain name for each of the 10 niches you discovered from
the previous step. I discuss domain names quite fully later on in this blueprint, so if you
have never chosen one or registered one before, do not worry. For now just note that the
domains names you buy in this step should have the exact niche keyword phrases in them.
So for example if the niche is wedding table decorations, the domain should be something

You will then use free articles available from the free article directories to create a 1 page
website on each of the 10 domains. So by the end, you will have 10 domains that each has
a homepage with an article on it. This article should ideally be about a subject related to the
niche topic keyword associated with the domain.

So if the domain is for the niche topic keyword of wedding
table decorations, then the free article you put on the homepage should be about wedding
table decorations or even just about weddings.

Lets discuss the next stage. 2010 38

b) Create 10 Unique Articles, 1 for Each Niche

After you have bought 10 domains and populated each one of them with a relevant article,
the next step is to create 1 good unique article for each of those 10 niches. These articles
will eventually each be submitted to the leading article directory,

If you have never successfully submitted an article to (EZA), you should
ensure that each one of your articles has the following main elements.

Each should have the exact niche keyword phrase in its title, but the title itself should not
be just that niche keyword. So for example if the niche was wedding table decorations,
the article title can be something like How to Choose Wedding Table Decorations.

Article Titles starting with any of the phrases or words below will usually make the article
sound more interesting and hence end up being read more often:
"When to ...",
"How to...", "
"7 Tips to...." ,
"11 Tips...",
"10 Tips on..."
"Secrets to....",
"Top Tips on..."
"Revealed: ..."
Discover ...
Save Money by
Save Time By etc

The title needs to be interesting and be a short catchy sentence. The habit of using
interesting article titles will assist you in all your future writing projects. The title must
answer a question or give a benefit that somebody might be asking or wanting to know if
they search using that niche topic keyword. Hence you need to maintain their interest in
reading the article in order for the reader to get the answer or the information they are
seeking. Remember this is all about marketing.

For example if the niche was, "Computer Recycling Services", possible article titles are

"Top 10 Computer Recycling Services"
"Best Computer Recycling Services"
"Reviews of Computer Recycling Services"
Where to Find Computer Recycling Services in Your Area
What You Should Know First About Computer Recycling Services

etc... I could go on and on.

You need to immediately indicate the benefit of what reading the article will provide within
the article. There are many other variations and ways of structuring a title to make it
interesting, but use the above as an example. 2010 39
The best thing you can do if you are unsure on how to write titles, just go to and do a search of the most read articles. You will notice a
common thread in how the article titles have been written.

The next step is to create a description for the article. The description should just be a
sentence or two that entices that would entice the reader to want to read more. Again, just
visit and see what sort of descriptions the most popular articles have.

Article Content
Make sure the article is between 350-500 words in length and actually provides useful
information pertaining to the niche.

The niche keyword phrase should occur about 2 to 4 times in the article. It must be
included in the first paragraph and in the final paragraph. Do not overuse any keyword
within the article as EzineArticles will otherwise reject it for keyword abuse. J ust make sure
the article is written in a natural way such that a reader would actually enjoy reading. Do
not write articles for search engines; write them for your readers. If you do this, the search
engines will love it anyway.

I personally do not write articles anymore. These days, I always outsource this task. It will
cost you about $5 to get a decent 350-500 word article written. The more articles you order
from an outsourcer, the cheaper the price per article is going to be. If you are good and fast
at writing, then by all means write the articles yourself. If not, just outsource it. I will discuss
outsourcing later on in this document, so for now just read on.

Resource Box
Once you have the article done, you then need to create a resource box that will be used
for submission to If say your article is for the niche of wedding table
decorations, the resource box could just say:

My name is Edgar J ames and I am an expert in wedding table decorations. Please
visit my site at http://* to learn how to get the
best wedding table decorations and avoid embarrassment.
Do not copy the above. Try to be original. You may also visit and see
how the most popular authors have written their resource boxes for some ideas.

Note that I have included the actual URL in the resource box together with my niche
keyword phrase in the anchor text. Make sure that this anchor text is properly hyperlinked
to point to the domain that you created for that niche.

Here are some examples of good article resource boxes from EzineArticles.

Teeth Whitening - How to Get Beautiful White Teeth For Under $4

{Fig.2.11} 2010 40

How to Cure Genital Herpes Blisters


How to Get Rid of Zits



You will notice some commonalities amongst all or most of the above examples of good
resource boxes.

1) The resource boxes deem to develop trust in the writer. If you do not have any
formal qualifications on the subject of the article, trust can be attained by simply
including your name and your interest in the matter. Your interest is simply the
reason why you are involved in that topic. So the fact that someone may have
suffered acne for 10 years is sufficient enough to the reader to develop a rapport
that suggests that the reader and the author have something in common. Having
something in common is a first step towards developing trust.

A photo of the author is also a nice touch. But I do not personally use any photos in
my resource boxes. I would not want to frighten any readers.

2) They all have two links in their resource boxes. One with the anchor text pointing to
the authors website and the other has the full URL of that website.

3) You must include a call to action and a reason for doing so. The reader must be told
that they need to click through to visit your website in order to receive the solution to
their problem. If you do not tell them to click here or something similar, the typical
internet user will just read your article and think that that is all you have to say on the
subject. You need to direct them to go to your website in order to gain all of the best
information on the pertinent subject.

4) People love freebies. If you offer something for free like a product, application,
counter or report on your website, this will be an extra incentive for people to click
though to visit it. I personally generally do not use this method as sourcing these free
products is time consuming. However I do offer free reports and applications when I
build large authority sites. But for the type of sites you will be building for this
blueprint, you should not bother with this. 2010 41
5) We are all motivated by wanting to either avoid pain or pursue pleasure. This is what
some NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) gurus tell us. So if you clearly shout out
very loudly in you resource text that the reader will avoid a certain embarrassment or
extreme discomfort by clicking through and visiting your website, the better.

Offering some pleasure also works well, but avoiding pain works better. This is
because humans have evolved for millions of years to become this way. All of those
cavemen and women who did not remember the pain of being bitten by a sabre-
tooth tiger never lived long enough to reproduce and pass on their genes. This is
also why we tend to remember and endlessly replay in our minds painful events in
our lives more often than we do the pleasurable ones. Avoiding pain is always a
bigger motivator.

6) Even though it is your article and your website, remember to always keep the focus
on the reader and their problems.

Having an effective resource box can make a huge difference to the amounts of visitors to
your site from where the article is located. Once you make a couple of good ones, you can
then use them as a template for all of your future resource boxes.

Now that you know what is required in the articles that will be used for submission to
EzineArticles, you need to create 10 of them. One article for each of the 10 niches you

This can take you a day or two if you write them yourself or even less if you outsource the
article writing to more than 1 person. While you are waiting for the articles to be written for
you, you can always continue with doing some more niche research or go on to sign up
with EzineArticles ,in case you are not.

Once you have your 10 articles ready, go on and submit them to EzineArticles. This should
take you less than 10 minutes if you have all of the information ready as described above.
Fill in the appropriate fields, check spelling and submit each article.

It may take a couple of days to get the article reviewed by an editor and be published. If
you follow the EzineArticles guidelines, you should not have any problem.

c) The Secret Sauce of this Method

Choosing the right niche is probably the most important step in this blueprint. The system
described in this blueprint relies on getting free search engine traffic to our sites with the
minimum of effort. You can spend the same effort and make $10 per day for an AdSense
site in one niche and then make $0.10 per day in another niche with the same effort.

It took me a few years of analyzing the nature of my most profitable sites before I figured
out a simple technique of identifying winning niche topics before having to actually build
and promote them.

The secret sauce in this technique of finding the best niches to build your AdSense website
around actually uses is how you do it. 2010 42
By now, you should have 10 domains that have each been populated by a free relevant
article. You should also have submitted 10 relevant articles to EzineArticles with the
relevant resource box.

About two weeks after your articles have been published in EzineArticles, you will be able
to start getting useful statistics about your articles. The longer your articles have been live,
the better quality of statistical information you will get. I usually wait about 1 month to get
better stats. You will be using these stats to find the best niche topics to build your
AdSense websites around.

Because of the authority that EzineArticles has with the main search engines, it is easier to
get an article to rank highly in the search engines, all be it for a brief duration, if it is on the
homepage of EzineArticles. When you submit an article to EzineArticles, it will for a short
period of time be featured on the first page of EzineArticles under the Recently Approved
Articles section.

Here are the steps to take to spot the best niches to target.

Login to your EzineArticles account then choose the link for Article(s) Views that you will
find on the left side menu under the heading Account Statistics. The page that will come
up will list all of your articles that have been published together with statistics on how many
people have viewed your articles and how many people clicked the URLs in your resource
box for that article so as to visit your website associated with that niche.

The articles that have the most views should in theory be the ones that that are in niches
that are the easiest to rank highly for. However we are just not looking for high rankings
and traffic. We want to be in niches that attract visitors that are desperate and hungry.
Desperate and hungry website surfers are usually click happy as they go about searching
for the solution to whatever problem they have, be it some genital warts remover or an auto
glass repair shop.

This is why you should be more interested in the articles with the most URL clicks instead
of the ones with the most views.

So just re-arrange the statistics in the Article(s) Views page by descending URL clicks.
The articles with the highest URL clicks will be the ones that are about the niche topics that
will be the most profitable to you.

In the example of 10 niches, how many of those 10 niches you choose is up to, but I would
recommend picking the 5 niches that are associated with the articles that have the top 5
highest URL Clicks. It is these niches that will have the most promise as they have the right
combination of a good volume of traffic, desperate visitors who are keen to act and ease of
optimizing them in the search engines.

I discovered this niche selection technique of using the highest URL clicks from
EzineArticles by chance. I never usually played around with the statistics from
EzineArticles, but one day I did. I discovered that all of my best performing sites also
happen to have the best URL clicks in EzineArticles. I then went on to check my other
EzineArticles accounts to see whether there is an correlation between the URL clicks from
EzineArticles and my websites profitability. 2010 43
My other EzineArticles accounts thoroughly confirmed it. The correlation between
EzineArticles URL clicks and AdSense website profitability was evident. So I then decided
to use this URL clicks information for my niche selection before I built the complete
websites. The method I used is what you have here in STEP 3 and it works exceptionally

How to Reduce Costs

If you have a limited budget and you do not want to buy new domains to point your
EzineArticles resource boxes to, then you can just use 1 generic domain name instead.
The generic domain name could be something like,,,, etc. It just needs to be generic.

You would then create a blog or website on this generic domain and populate it with 10 free
articles from article directories. You would include an article about each of the 10 niches in
this generic blog.

If you did indeed decide to use just one generic domain, then all of the links in each one of
the 10 articles you submitted to EzineArticles would point to this generic blog.

If you have 10 niches, you might think that you are saving about $81
(9 domains that you are not going to buy x $9 which is the average cost of a domain)

So in this example, if you decide to build websites based on the domains with the 5 highest
URL clicks, you will then actually only be saving about $45 i.e. (5x$9). This saving is not
worth it in my opinion even though it may seem like it is at first.

The 50% of the domains with the lowest URL clicks that you will not use can also be very
useful later on for website promotion. I will show you how in a later chapter on website

I personally have never tried using such a generic domain, but I do not see why it would not
work. I use separate domains instead of one generic one because more people are going
to click the links in the resource boxes if the links are pointing to related niches than if the
links are pointing to a generic site.

When I use unique domains, I will eventually be building complete AdSense sites on 50%
those domains anyway. So my advice is to use unique URLs instead of a generic one.
However if your budget is limited, then you may want to try using a generic domain instead
of separate unique ones.

In the next chapter I am going to show you another method of finding great niches to target.
I personally do not use this next method as I find it slightly unethical and creatively limiting.
I have tested it though and it works. This blueprint is about showing you what works,
therefore even though I do not personally use it any longer, you may find that it is the
perfect method for your personality. 2010 44






l l


If you are still having problems finding niches or are short of money to buy domains, there
is a method that you could use that could provide you with some good niches quickly. This
Method 2 will be using data compiled by the top article directories over a period of several

The technique is slightly sneaky and the article authors who are secretly profiting from their
little known niches may not be too happy by this method. But the method is not illegal and
completely above board.

How to Legally Steal Other Peoples Profitable Niches

This second method of finding hot niches is about finding from article directories, the exact
keyword phrases that are ranking high in the search engines. So the person who wrote and
submitted the article will have done all of the work. All you have to do is to discover which
articles from the article directories are the ones that have received the most views.

As the visitors to those articles will be mainly from the free search engines, a high amount
of views for an article suggests that it has or has had a high ranking in the search engines.
You will then search and then steal the keyword phrases that are attracting the high
volume traffic to those articles and build AdSense websites around it. These stolen
keyword phrases would be your new hot niches.

Although this method is good, it does though have a minor drawback. This is because this
method is based on the amount of times an article has been viewed rather than actual
click-throughs to the URLs in the articles resource box. Click-throughs are better indicators
of profitability because they also show the level of desperation from the buyers.

Nevertheless, this drawback can be easily overcome by just eventually choosing niches
with at least average Advertiser Competition in the Google keyword Tool. This will make
sense after you read what the method entails, so here it goes.

This niche stealing method involves using Google search and your choice of any of the top
article directories. As is currently the most popular article directory, I will
use EzineArticles in my description of Method 2. 2010 45

The Code

At the bottom of each listed article on EzineArticles, there is a statement that describes the
number of views that the article has received since it was submitted. You will be using this
information in order to quickly find out which articles have been viewed the most.

Because most people who submit to EzineArticles do not do any further SEO on those
submissions, it is fair to assume that an article that gets many views on EzineArticles
probably covers a topic that is of interest to many people. It will also be less difficult to get it
ranked highly in the major search engines.

You will be using one of Googles advanced operands in a code in order to expedite this
process. The Code you will need is: "This article has been viewed 1000..100000" "Article Submitted On: * *, 2009"

As you can probably guess from the start of the code, The Code above is for usage if the
directory you are going to use is If you decide to use other directories,
you may need a slightly adjusted different code, for example: "This article has been viewed 1000..100000" "Views: 1000..100000" "This article has been viewed 1000..100000"

You can find the proper code to use by visiting the directory in question.

I suggest you stick with EzineArticles as you will get far more useful results there. Their
code: "This article has been viewed 1000..100000" "Article Submitted On: * *, 2009"

Dissecting The Code

The first part of The Code identifies the website e.g. When using
other directories, that part would be replaced with the domain name of your directory or
website of choice.

The second part, "This article has been viewed 1000..100000", refers to the number of views you
want your filter to work on e.g. 1000..100000

Those two dots between the view ranges are just Googles advanced search numeric range

If want to search articles that had been viewed from 500 to 1000 times, you would replace
the above view number ranges with 500..1000.

Note that if you decide to use a different directory or website instead of EzineArticles, you
will usually need to change the text that comes before the article view numbers to match
the text that is used in your alternative directory. EzineArticles uses the text This article has
been viewed. 2010 46

{Fig. 3.1}

The directory does not have any text prior to the view number; therefore
you would not need to put any text prior to the numerical range numbers.

{Fig. 3.2}

That is why therefore, The Code to use for the ArticleBase directory if you want to find
articles that have been viewed between 1000 and 100,000 times is simply: "Views: 1000..100000"

Remember that you are not trying to do bum or article marketing here. All that you want to
do is just gauge which topics get many views.

The last part of the code, "Article Submitted On: * *, 2009", is just used to filter the views based
on the article submission dates e.g. * *, 2009".

This date filter mainly only applies to EzineArticles. If you decide to use any of the other
directories for this type of research, you probably will not need to use this third part of the

The date could be changed to whatever date you choose to use. So 2009 could be
replaced with 2007 if that is the year you want to research the views for. Using the two
asterisks side by side as they are, will give you the article view results for the whole year
which you specify.

If you want to search for results based on a specific submission date, say J uly 23, then the
last part of The Code should look like: "Article Submitted On: july 23, 2009". 2010 47

You will need to replace the first asterisk with the month and the second one with the actual
number of the date.

If you wanted to discover the number of visitor views from articles submitted during all of
the days of September in the year 2009, the last part of The Code would look like:
"Article Submitted On: july *, 2009".

You will need to just replace the first asterisk with the month of the submissions you want to
research while leaving the second asterisk as is.

So you can just take The Code and place it in the Google search box to find all of the
articles that have been viewed a certain number of times in your specified year in
EzineArticles. Once you get the results, you can than quickly look at the titles and
descriptions of those articles in order to discover what are the niches those topics are

The image below represents the results for using the code: "This article has been viewed 1000..100000" "Article Submitted On: * *, 2009"

{Fig. 3.3}

Looking at the results, there are over 100,000 niches you get started with. Even if you find
those niches, you still need to apply the filtering criteria I discussed in the previous chapter 2010 48
in order to be sure that you have not fluked out by finding a highly viewed niche that is not
profitable or that is perhaps seasonal or just topical.

Although very seldom, an author of a listed article may also have do a bit of promotion of
that article by other means in order to get it viewed and read by more people. This may
lead to The Code above perhaps giving you 1 or 2 misleading results. Because of unknown
factors like that, it is therefore wiser if you applied all of the filtering criteria I suggested in
the last chapter before settling on a particular niche. Even if you dont, you still always must
be flexible and be using of your commonsense when deciding whether or not to go ahead
with a particular niche.

J ust using The Code as is will result in an assortment of all types of niches. A better way of
using The Code is to mix a seed keyword with The Code. You could also first find a good
niche using the Google keyword tool and then use The Code with it. To do this, you simply
enter the keyword in the Google search box followed by the code:

keyword "This article has been viewed 1000..100000" "Article Submitted On: * *, 2009"

So if I wanted to find popular niche ideas which are associated with the keyword phrase
golfing, I would enter into the Google search box the following Code:

golfing "This article has been viewed 1000..100000" "Article Submitted On: * *, 2009"

Here is an example of the sort of results you would get:

{Fig.3.4} 2010 49

The first page of the results show that golf ball positioning, golf swing tips and finding cheap
golf balls are all potentially popular topics to write about.

You could do the above for any phrase or topic you wish in order to get an idea of the sort
of topics that attract eyeballs.

Use this shortcut method if you are having a real problem with coming up with ideas for

Taking It a Step Further

So far, you should be able to get some great subject ideas to build your AdSense websites
on based on stealing other peoples niches. With a bit more research though, you could
dig even deeper in order to discover the actual exact keyword phrases that are responsible
for the high views for any article in the article directories.

I will demonstrate this with an example. Let us say we want to find some good niches that
are in the digital camera market. Below is The Code I will put in the Google search box.

digital camera "This article has been viewed 1000..100000" "Article Submitted On: * *, 2009"

The results at the time of writing this document would be: 2010 50

The image continues


Amongst the search results, any of the top 10 results are good to use. I would suggest
though that you choose an article with a title that is not too generic. Generic keywords are
usually harder to rank well in search engines. So the more esoteric the topic, the better.
In this example, I will take the article with the title: Canon PowerShot SD780IS Review.
As of the time I am writing this, the article has been viewed 5619 times since March 18,
2009. 2010 51

I would then click on that article and then copy the URL of its location.
The URL for the article is:
I would then go to the Google keywords tool and perform a website content search using
this URL. 2010 52

After I get the results, I would then sort them by Global Search Volume. Here is what the
results would look like: 2010 53

Then add all of the keywords and save them in a text file. This can easily be done by
clicking the add all link at the bottom of each section of the keyword results. 2010 54


The next step involves finding out which keywords from your chosen article are the ones
that are ranking in the top 3 search engines and hence bringing in the traffic. To do this,
you will need to use a keyword ranking checker. There are many free ones and commercial
ones out there. You can use any tool you prefer.
As a demonstration, I will be using the one found here as I already have an account there.
They also have a free version of the tool which you could use and it would not cost you
Here is what you need to do if you are using the ranking tool that I am using.
Before you do anything, you would need to go to the preferences tab of the keyword
ranking tool and ensure that your settings are optimally set. In this case of using Rank
Tracker, you would select the Preferences tab, then Search Safety Settings and then
Human Emulation.
You set the time delays between queries and next results pages at 1-2 seconds. 2010 55


You will then need to go to the Preferences tab again and choose Rank Checking
Precision. Set this to 10 as you will not be concerned about results beyond the first page.
Side Comment:
You can set the setting to whatever you choose to, but I find that the settings
above do provide results faster. Note though that search engines do not like users
to abuse its systems. When thousands of people use automated tools to make
automated queries, it does have an effect on the resources of the search engines.
Search engines (or their owners to be more precise) do not like this and do indeed
temporarily usually ban IP addresses of users who seem to be making excessive
automated queries. Therefore you need to strike a good balance between your
want of getting results quickly from the search engine and your need of not
wanting to get your computers IP address banned. 2010 56


Now that you have our optimal preference settings adjusted, you can continue with the

Firstly, you select New from the keyword ranking tool and then paste the article URL. 2010 57

You then select the search engines which you want to discover the rankings for. You
should just care about the main 3 search engines and therefore select Google, Yahoo and
MSN/Bing (Microsoft). But Yahoo as of recently is using the Bing search engine for its
results. So you really just need to care about Google and Bing results. 2010 58


Next, you paste the list of keywords you saved from the Google Keyword Tool.

{Fig.3.15} 2010 59

Then click Next.


Note that the more keywords you have on your list, the longer the search will take. Also the
more search engines you have selected, the longer the search will take. It is therefore wise
to choose keywords which are in the title of the article and only the ones with higher search
volumes. In this way you will be able to find the necessary keywords without spending too
much time waiting on results from your keyword ranking checker tool.

Here are the results of the above search:


Because Google has over 70% of the search engine market, I will thus arrange the results
according to ascending Google rankings and save them. 2010 60

If you are having trouble saving them, just right click on your mouse and choose save
keywords to clipboard. Then paste what you have saved onto a spreadsheet. From here
just select the column with keywords and save them.


You next take these saved results and paste them again in the Google Keyword tool while
using the Descriptive words or phrases option while the Match Type is set to Exact. You
will then re-arrange the results by descending Global Monthly Search Volume.

{Fig.3.19} 2010 61
From the results you get, you can then easily discover what are the keyword terms that
easily ranked highly in the search engines and hence provide the freest traffic for your
efforts. These keyword terms can become the niches that you build your AdSense websites

Usually the keywords will also be in the article but sometimes they will not. When they are
not, the keywords will be responsible for the high ranking of some other article in that is related to your original chosen article. This is because when you
use the Google keyword tool with the Website content setting, it finds keywords that are
related to the content of the URL you have inputted.

The method shown in this chapter offers another way of finding some good niches. The
final method I am going to show in the next chapter is my favourite and the one I currently
mainly use.

 2010 62









i i

As finding the correct niche first is the most important part of this blueprint, I am going to
show you one final method that works very well. How I usually find methods that work well
for finding niches is simply by working backwards.

When I started building my first sites, finding profitable niches was to a large extent
guesswork. I threw some sites up and hoped for the best in that some will stick and earn
enough to make the process worthwhile.

Knowing which keyword tool actually worked required several months of trial and error
experimentation. Now fortunately, I already have a large number of niches that I know work
very well. So what I do is just use the tool or method that purports to be able to find niches
for you and see if it will give me the result of a niche that I already know is profitable.

Most niche finding tools that are on the market usually do not work as effectively as the
promoters of those methods claim them to. I do not blame the vendors of these tools for
this disparity as there are just too many factors in the algorithms used by the search
engines when ranking websites. It is because of this that finding profitable niches has
always been more of an art than a science.

Most tools and methods that are used for finding niches usually focus on competition
data. This refers to the number of competing sites in a niche and the volume of searches
in that niche.

Such methods tend to be slightly misleading; just because there is less competition in a
particular market, it does not mean that it will be easier to be profitable in it. Because there
are fewer people who do boxing as a sport than say running, it does not mean that it is any
easier to win a Gold medal at the Olympics in boxing than it is in the popular 1500m
running race.

So methods that are too focused on competition will usually inadvertently lead to wrong
niche choices. If you want to avoid such niche selection blunders, you must take into
account the strength of that competition in order to truly get a better understanding of what
you may be up against in a particular niche.

There are many variables that go in determining the strength of competing websites within
a niche. They include the age of the domain, title tag used and other factors. But the most 2010 63
important factor by far is the number of incoming links and their quality. This will all be
discussed later on this blueprint and is also covered in the accompanying document that
you received with this blueprint SEO Bully.

Side comments:
A lot of make money eBooks and special reports are usually just rehashed
information that has been repackaged and given a different name. You will rarely
come across new information that will genuinely show you a method that will make
you money. Most eBook and special report vendors are just keen to line up their
pockets with countless upsells and special offers. You tell me, if you are genuinely
interested in helping your clients make money online, why would you sell only 75% of
what is needed to use the system and then offer the critical final 25% as an upsell?

McDonalds dont advertise a Big Mac and then tell you that you need to pay an extra
50% for the beef and then another extra 25% for the Big Mac sauce. No, they sell
what they promised. A lot of internet marketers seem to misunderstand the concept of
what an upsell is supposed to be.

Amongst internet marketing products, I usually buy every tool that may offer an opportunity
to reduce my workload. The tools I like buying are usually software products that have been
developed by credible individuals that have a reputation to uphold or scripts that I have
outsourced myself to perform a particular function.

Unlike having to read a 100 page report before finding it is useless, it will usually take you
only a few minutes to find out if a particular application is of any use to you. Also many
applications will give you a free download so that you can test the software before you buy.

The amount of time saved by the usage of effective tools will always be beneficial to your
business. So do not waste 4 hours of your time trying to do something when there is a $97
piece of software that can do it for you in 1 minute. You must treat your online efforts as a
real business. Why use a shovel for 1 month if it is cheaper and more profitable to rent an
excavator for a few hours?

There is an online niche finding equivalent of an excavator that I have discovered recently.
To test it, I put in generic seed keywords into it to see if it will lead to me to finding niches
that I already know are profitable.

Out of all of the keyword and niche finding tools I have tested (most) over the years that are
on the market today, this one seems to be head and shoulders above the rest very in
digging out winning hot niches. In tests, this tool has consistently managed to find many
niches that I already know for a fact are profitable.

There are certain metrics that 90% of my already known profitable niches seem to show
when using this tool. I will reveal to you shortly what these metrics are so that you too could
quickly discover hot niches.

Note that everything that the tool does can be done manually at $0 direct financial cost to
you. I have just had this tool for nearly 4 months now, so I have only had time to build and
get results for only a few sites based on the niches found with this tool. I built 30 sites to
test further test the tool with the new niches it found. So far I am very impressed. 2010 64
On using the tool, I discovered that what the tool does is exactly what I had manually
attempted to do awhile back. The results of my manually efforts were good; however I did
proceed with doing it manually as it was just too time consuming. Even outsourcing it was
not good enough. I had tried to develop a script that does what this tool does without much
success, as the final product just had too many bugs. This tool though does everything
automatically what I had success doing manually.

Based on the results of 30 test sites, it seems that the new niches I found using this
software will give me an average annual ROI of 780%. The method I have used for nearly
all of my AdSense sites to date involved writing article to EZA and finding the articles with
the best click-throughs.

This 3
method of finding hot niches is different from the other two as it is all done
automatically for you by using a tool.

You can find the tool by clicking here.

How I Use the Tool

Although the Market Samurai user interface is intuitive, you will be better off if you take the
few minutes to watch the main training videos in order to get the best use of all of the
features. There is no point in me going over how to use the tool as the makers of the
product have already done an excellent job at it.

So what I will do is just describe how I went about finding the 30 niches with the average
780% yearly Return on Investment (ROI). For those that are not business minded, you may
need to have a better perspective. Putting your money in a typical savings account in a
bank will give you a return of about 4% or so. The average McDonalds Restaurant
Franchisee will get a cash return on investment of between 10% -20% annually depending
on how much debt they have etc. Those returns are often enough to turn McDonalds or
Burger King Franchisees into millionaires after they start owning several stores.

Preparation: Finding a Seed Keyword

Put a seed keyword phrase into Market Samurai. You can use any of the methods
described of finding seed keywords that were described in the second chapter.

For this example, I will use the seed keyword gardening. I chose this because I can see
somebody gardening outside my window as I am writing this.

I could put the seed keyword gardening into the Google Keyword tool to generate some
more ideas for some more seed keywords. However in this case, I will just use the phrase
gardening as it is. 2010 65


As you can see from figure 4.1, the term gardening has very high search volumes and
advertiser competition. This is good.

So I then create a New Keyword project in market Samurai and name it gardening. I
then click the update button. 2010 66


Here is what I will need to do next.

Step 1: Keyword Research

I select the keyword research tab and click the generate keywords button.

I then click the analyze keywords button in order to get the different numbers that I will
need to assess.

The figure below shows the settings that I should use and the results. 2010 67


I make sure I set the PBR (Phrase to Broad) to 15%. This helps eliminate phrases that
have their words ordered in such a way that is not used in standard English but people may
use when doing searches online e.g. Spanish learn fast.

Here are the other settings that you need to be aware of.

Searches refers to the average number of people who search for that keyword daily.

The SEOT is the estimated number of actual clicks you could get if your page ranked
number one in Google for that keyword.

The SEOC is the total number of web pages that mention a particular keyword in the same
order in the Google index.

The SEOTC is the total number of web pages that mention all of the words in a keyword
term in the title of the page

SEOTCR is the ratio expressed as a percentage of the SEOT to SEOC. The lower this
percentage, the weaker the competition is likely to be.

SEOV is the value of a keyword in a market. This is gained by multiplying the estimated
number of clicks that can be gained by being positioned number one in the Google listings 2010 68
for that keyword by the average cost per click for being listed number one in Google
AdWords for that keyword term.

Step 2: Finding the Hot Profitable Niches

Google as you know uses over 100 factors to determine how it ranks different pages in its
index when searchers enter in different keyword phrases in its search box. Google keeps
the exact formula for how it decides to rank web pages a top secret. As a result, it is
impossible to determine exactly how well a niche will do in the Google index. Unless their
names are Larry Page or Sergey Brin, anybody who claims otherwise is probably trying to
sell you something.

Luckily though, through reverse engineering the Google search results, it is possible to
make pretty good predictions of how well certain topics will do if they are optimized in the
search engines in certain ways.

In this step, I will start eliminating most of the 200 keywords found for the seed keyword
gardening that do not fit in with the 4 criteria below. I use these criteria as it will make
ranking high in the search engines for your chosen topic a lot easier and actually possible
with not too much effort. Here are the criteria:

1) The SEOTCR should ideally be less than 20%. However I am very flexible with this limit
if the other criteria are good.

2) The Searches should ideally be more than 70. Depending on the other factors, I may
choose niches with as low as 30 searches.

3) The SEOC should ideally be less than 30,000. I sometimes may use a figure of less than
100,000 or so if the other criteria fit.

4) The higher the SEOV the better. As you could easily sell your AdSense site that makes
$0.50 per day at a profit, most of the SEOV figures you come across will be good enough.
J ust as long as they are not less than $1, you should be fine.

The above 4 factors are what I look at first. Note that this process is not an exact science.
You should be flexible and only use the above limits as sensible guidelines, not immutable

So applying the 4 criteria above leaves me with 6 possible topics that I could use as the
primary keyword for my next AdSense monetized website. I will then arrange the data
according to ascending SEOTCR. 2010 69


I will then take the first keyword phrase on that list, raised bed gardening, and perform the
final analysis on it.

Step 3: Analyzing Strength of Competition

I click the tab next to the phrase raised bed gardening and then click the generate
results button in order to get some data about the sites that are ranked in the top 10 in
Google for that keyword phrase. 2010 70


What I look for is that 8 or more of the boxes in the BLP (outside links pointing to a
webpage) column are green. When a box is shaded the color Green in Market Samurai, it
means that the market is potentially a good one to be exploited for in regards to that
particular metric. So green is good in Market Samurai.

As you can see from figure 4.5, six of the sites that are ranked in the top 10 for raised bed
gardening have less than 100 incoming links pointing to them.

Clicking the arrow next to any of the top 10 URLs will give me even more options to check
the PageRanks of those incoming links or their anchor texts: 2010 71


As you can see, the number two ranked site has 3 incoming links. Three of those have a
Google PageRank of 1 and seven of them have a Google PageRank of zero. Their anchor
texts also leave nothing to be desired either.

Looking at the other columns in the image also tells me that most of those pages do not
have the keyword in the title of the page or in the URL of that page. There are also other
factors that you can see from the image that suggest that this topic is ripe to build an
AdSense site for.

Considering that the keyword has a possible 595 searchers searching for it daily and that it
has a daily SEOV of $194, this topic might be a goldmine.

If for some reason you do not like the keyword raised bed gardening, you could always
analyse any of the other 5 topics that fit the 4 criteria from Step two.

Doing the above analysis took me less than 5 minutes. Imagine how many niches you can
find in 1 hour or 1 day? Surely enough to build plenty of profitable AdSense sites.

So there! You have a very effective third method of finding profitable niche topics. 2010 72

Side Comment:
The developers of Market Samurai recently sent out an email which suggests a way of
quickly finding out which keywords are the easiest to rank for. The method they suggest,
which originally comes from one of their users, involves 3 steps:

1. The first thing you should look at is whether there is more than one competitor that
have a yes (Y) in all the YAH, Title, URL, Desc and Head columns.Ifthereismore

2. If the above step 1 does not hold true, then the next variable you should look at is the
PageRank (PR). You need to make sure that there are at least two competitors, out of the
top 10 shown, that have a PR of 3 or less.

3. Finally you will look at the backlinks pointing (BLP) to the rival websites. You need to
check that there are at least 2 competitors websites that have less than 50 backlinks
pointing to them.

If the above three steps are followed, then you should have an easy chance of ranking
highly for your chosen keyword phrase.

The above three steps are very similar to the steps that I showed and will lead to very
similar outcomes.

So whether you use my steps or the ones above, you should still be able to find niches
that easy to rank for.

Micro Niche Finder

Although Market Samurai is my current favorite niche finding tool, it is relatively quite new
to the internet marketing community. What I had been using very successfully before
Market Samurai was the Micro Niche Finder Tool. This tool has improved a lot over the
past few years and it is currently a very easy way of finding hot niches very quickly.

The only reason I currently prefer using Market Samurai is because it provides a lot more
information when you are performing your market research.

On the other hand though, Micro Niche Finder (MNF) is very easy to use and all you need
to do is enter a seed keyword and look for results that have a big green sphere next to
them. It is very simple to use and the niches it finds have been very profitable for me.

Because it does not show so much data from the search engines, I find it a lot quicker to
use too in comparison to Market Samurai. You will be able to find plenty of profitable niches
within seconds when using it. 2010 73
The software comes with extensive instructions on how to use it. I will therefore not repeat
those instructions, but will just show the factors that you should use to select the best
profitable niches when using it.

The settings that you use can all be changed to meet your needs, but I find the default
settings quite adequate. I have never needed to change them.

With MNF, there are 5 factors you will need to assess before making any final niche
selection. I will use an example for the seed keyword of red wine to demonstrate what you
will need to look at. I chose red wine as that is what is in front of me at the moment.


Factor 1: Phrase this is the actual phrase of the niche. This phrase needs to be made
up of at least 3 words.

Factor 2: Search Count this represents the local search volume for that exact keyword
phrase in Google and its network partners over the past month. What you should choose
for the minimum search count numbers will of course depend on many other factors
relating to that niche, but as a guide, the minimum search count you should look out for is
2000. Note that these numbers are based on the Google Exact Match Type. The higher
the Search Count the better as it implies a bigger market.

If the niche is very competitive and has high advertiser competition with high costs of
buying clicks (>$2), then I am quite happy to take niches with search counts that are as
low as 1000. 2010 74

Factor 3: Exact Phrase Count this is the number of search results you get when you do
a search in Google with quotes. For example if you put red wine in the Google search
box. It should represent the number of competing websites as the web pages that have a
particular keyword phrase in them are the most likely to be the web pages that may
outrank you in the search engine rankings. Of course there are many other factors to
ranking, but this is nevertheless a good indicator of the level of competitiveness in a
particular topic.

I generally only choose niches that have an Exact Phrase Count of less than 50,000. The
lower the better as it implies less competition. So 50,000 is my upper limit so to speak and
I use it if the search volumes in that niche are high enough. But what I really look out for is
niches that have an Exact Phrase Count of 10,000 or less.

Factor 4: Ad Cost this is the average cost that the bidders are paying per click for that
keyword phrase. It will determine the earnings you will get for each click of the AdSense
ads on your site (approx. 40%-50% of the ad cost). Therefore the higher the Ad Cost, the
better. Try to select niches that have an Ad Cost according to MNF of at least $0.30.

Being in a niche with high ad costs but with few advertisers will not be good for your
AdSense business. So in addition to using the Ad Cost data, you will also need to check the
number of competing Advertisers.

To do this, insert your chosen niche phrase into the Google Keyword Tool and confirm
whether the niche has at least Average Advertiser Competition. Any niche which has
Average, High or Very High Advertiser Competition will be a profitable one to pursue.

Note that some with low advertiser completion or even no advertiser competition can also
be profitable if the there is enough search volume. As a rule though, do not select such
niches when you are a beginner.

Another way to find the number of advertisers for your niche is to use the tool at SpyFu.
J ust enter a niche keyword phrase into the search box and review the results. The image
below represents the results after inputting the phrase cheap office chairs in Spyfu. Try
to select niches that have at least 8 Advertisers. 2010 75


Before all of these fancy tools were around, the way I used find out if there were enough
Advertisers in a particular niche was by just doing a search in Google for that niche and
then count the number of ads that come up. Niches that had at least 8 advertisers were
good to go. This approach still works today.

Factor 5: SOC this is the Strength of Competition. This is what makes this keyword
tool so effective and simple to use. The SOC is calculated by taking into account some of
the important variables that are used by SEO specialists in determining how much search
engine competition there is within a certain online market.

The current Micro Niche Finder SOC score takes into account the Google PageRank, web
page reputation, website authority, incoming links, PageRank of incoming links, number of
competing sites and more.

The SOC is the most powerful factor in MNF. If the SOC indicator says that you should
pursue a niche even if there are over 50,000 competitors for example, then I would
seriously consider building a website around that niche because the competition, even
though numerous, is perhaps weak.

Also if the niche has less than 3 words for example, I would consider building a website
around it if the SOC is very good. Finding a good 2 word niche though will be rare.

In the red wine example below; 2010 76


A Green Light means that you should go ahead and build a website in that niche.
A Yellow Light means that the niche will be tough to rank highly for, but still possible.
A Red Light means that you should not bother about that niche.

To really be successful at using MNF, consider building websites in niches that have a
SOC rating of 20 or less. The lower the SOC number, the better.

So far, I have shown you 4 effective methods of finding niches. The best methods in my
opinion are the ones that use the professional keyword tools, Market Samurai or Micro
Niche Finder. The surest way of guaranteeing a successful niche will involve using
EzineArticles. The cheapest niche finding method will involve using The Code for
EzineArticles. The choice is yours.

If you are on a tight budget, you could also use the SEO for Firefox plugin to get a lot of
data about your competition in your niche.

The niche finding method I recommend you use if you are a beginner with online marketing
is the Micro Niche finder keyword tool. This is because the tool is easy to use and very

If you an experienced with SEO, then Market Samurai should be the tool you use because
you will probably want to determine optimal numbers for yourself instead of relying on a
black box (SOC ratings). 2010 77

The problem though is that Market Samurai provides a lot of information. As a result of this,
this software application is occasionally very slow and clunky.
For Advanced Users Only

If you are already earning $100 per day or so from your internet marketing endeavours,
then I will consider you an advanced user for the purpose of this section. The reason I
chose $100 per day is for simple ROI implications.

I buy productivity applications regularly. Over the past couple of weeks I have been testing
a keyword tool that has come to the market. This tool combines the ease of data
interpretation from Micro Niche Finder with the excellent strength of competition analysis
that comes from Market Samurai. The tool combines the best of both worlds.

I am very impressed with tool so far as it makes profitable niche finding extremely fast. I
outsource practically every aspect of my website building; with exception of niche selection.
To date, I have always considered this part of website building as being too important to
leave to somebody else. The results you get from building and promoting 100 excellent
websites on niches which each end up making you $0.30 cents per day are not the same
as the results that come from building 100 sites that each earn you $5 or $10 per day. The
variance in the results will most likely be the direct outcome of the how you chose your
website niches.

Trying to find 100 good niches to build websites on can be extremely time consuming if you
try to do it manually. This new application I have come across is great for speeding up the
process even further. The benefits in speed can really only be appreciated and noticed if
you are building 100 or more websites per month.

The application is part of a package from the product Commission Blueprint 2.0 and it is
called Keyword Blueprint. You get it as part of purchasing Commission Blueprint 2.0. The
drawback though is that acquiring it comes with a high price tag. If you are a beginner on a
tight budget, the opportunity cost of buying it is too dear. You could spend that money on
building more sites instead of buying a niche finding tool that has is too powerful for your
current needs.

This high price is the second reason why I suggested that you should only consider buying
it if you are already earning at least $100 per day online. Currently as I am writing this, the
vendors of the product are offering a 7 Day Free Trial of the application. It is worth testing
out to see its usefulness.

I will just restate this again; do not buy it if you are just starting out with and have a limited
budget. Micro Niche Finder is an excellent tool which will get you more than enough niches
to easily get you to the $100-$300 per day level. Once you reach such income levels, then
you may want to speed up your site building processes by investing in the Keyword
Blueprint software application.

I was reluctant to discuss this software as I thought it may distract readers from this
blueprint. However my intention as stated in the introductory pages is to lay everything on
the table and show you everything that I do to make money with Google AdSense. So I
thus decided not to veer from my objective by withholding any secrets, even if it could be
at your expense. 2010 78

How I Use It

I use the keyword blueprint to find great niches with weak competition. I then sometimes
put the found niches into Micro Niche Finder for confirmation.

And also conversely, if I find a good keyword in Micro Niche Finder, I then just put it into the
Keyword Blueprint tool for confirmation.

Doing so either way around will often produce many more niche ideas that I could exploit.

Here are the steps I take when using the Keyword Blueprint:

Step 1

Insert a seed keyword into the keyword phrase field. My neighbors have decided to get a
divorce, so I will choose the seed keyword divorce.


You then click the Add Keyword button. Below are the salts you would get.
I have re-arranged by descending search volumes. 2010 79


Step 2

The next step is to tick the boxes associated with the keyword phrases that you think will
make good niches. I usually look for phrases that have 3 or more words and have sufficient
volume. Now volume with all keyword tools is tricky. This is because if the cost per click for
bidding on a keyword phrase on Google AdWords is high, a niche keyword phrase with
even a low search volume of 30 searches per day could bring you huge profits.

I therefore start looking for keyword phrases that have more than 3 words, starting from
highly searched terms and working my way down to the lowest searched terms. Depending
on the keyword, I will sometimes go to as low as searches that have 30 searches per day.
But typically, I will stop at 70 searches per day.

Also, do not select any keyword phrases that have a red dot in their value column.

Below is an image of some of the keyword phrases that I have selected that fit the above
criteria. I ticked 10 keyword phrases in total. 2010 80


After you have selected some keywords that fit the above criteria, click the gold magnifying
glass icon at the top of the column with the checked boxes. What follows is an image of the
results for my keyword phrase choices.

{Fig.4.13} 2010 81
The phrases with the gold star next to them are meant to be excellent niches to target.
They will have very weak competition in the search engines and also have adequate
search volumes. Only a minimum amount of off-site optimization should get your page for
that keyword ranked highly in the search engines assuming you have excellent on-site
optimization. I will discuss on-site/on-page and off-site/off-page optimization later on, so do
not worry if you do not understand what they are.

The keyword phrases with a green check are also very good niches to target. But they will
need slightly more off-page optimization to get them to rank highly. The ratings next to the
green checks indicate how good that niche is. The high the number, the better that keyword
phrase is to target. The highest rating is 20. Anything above 20 has a gold star.

The keyword phrases with red crosses are the ones you should not target and completely
avoid. Those phrases will have very strong competition and will require a great amount of
effort to get them to rank well in the search engines. So stay away from them!

So as you can see, within a few seconds of using the application, I found 2 excellent niches
I could target plus 4 very good ones.

Remember that I only used 3 word phrases and I only selected 10 phrases to analyse.
As you can see, it is easily possible to find enough phrases within a few hours of using this
software to keep you busy building websites for several months.

Step 3 (Optional)

If the winning keyword is too good in terms of search volumes, I sometimes will also use
Micro Niche Finder (MNF) just to confirm if I should go ahead with the niche or not. If Micro
Niche Finder tells me that the keyword is not bad to target, than I would go ahead a build a
website for that keyword.

The step is purely optional. However I do find that by doing it, I tend to get even more
keyword ideas from the Micro Niche Finder tool. This I guess is because MNF tends to
produce a lot of phrases with more words in them than Keyword Blueprint.

This chapter has equipped you with the necessary knowledge that is needed to find as
many profitable AdSense niches as you will ever need. The keyword phrases that you will
find will for the most part be used to create the homepage of your websites. The next
chapter will be about how to find the keyword phrases that will make up the internal web
pages of your websites.

 2010 82












This chapter is not about fishing techniques. It is about how to multiply your website traffic
by doing something that 99% of website owners are not aware of.

Now that you have found the hot niches that you want your AdSense websites to be about,
the next stage is to actually build the website. But before you start building any niche
AdSense website, you need to first find out what topics the inside pages of your websites
will be about.

Each AdSense website you put up will start with 6-10 pages, including the homepage. For
each of your websites, the homepage will be targeting the main niche keyword phrase that
you found via any of the methods discussed in Chapters 2, 3 and 4. You will therefore still
need to find at least 5-9 other good keyword phrases for each site. Once you know the
niche you want to cover, finding the keywords for the internal pages is a piece of cake.

There are several ways available of finding effective internal primary keywords for your web
pages, but here, I am just going to show you 3 methods. One of the methods I am going to
show you is what I consider to be the most effective and is what I use.

i) Google Keyword Tool

I have already discussed the Google Keyword Tool when I was showing you how to find
profitable niches, so you are probably quite familiar with it now. When Google first released
the tool, I really liked using it as it felt like you are getting results straight from the horses

I have built enough sites using data from it to be able to confirm that a webmaster will not
go wrong by using it properly. To start using it, just enter your chosen niche in the Google
Keyword Tool as you did previously. Based on the criteria for choosing niches discussed
previously, this niche will have 3 or more words in it. You can also do the search in Exact
Match mode in order to gather more precise results.

From there, just select the 5 -9 keywords that seem like they will make good article topics.
Try having a mixed selection of keywords so that you do not have keywords that all seem
identical by having the niche phrase in them. So say for the niche of cheap wedding
dresses, instead of using: 2010 83
cheap wedding dress
cheap wedding dresses size
cheap weddings dresses
cheap wedding dresses usa
cheap wedding dresses in

You should use a list of keywords that is more varied, for example:

cheap designer wedding dresses
informal low cost wedding gowns
buy cheap wedding dress
cheap new wedding gowns
beautiful discount bridal dresses

The more different the primary keywords of your internal pages are, the better the search
engine crawlers will like your site. Dont go crazy though and start using primary keywords
that are about completely different markets. All of the pages of a website must be about the
same general theme.

Using the example of cheap wedding dresses again, here are some good primary
keywords that you could use for the internal pages for that niche:

cheap wedding photography
planning a wedding on a budget
affordable wedding rings
how to have a cheap wedding
destination wedding photographers
affordable bridesmaid dresses

As you can see, the phrases used are relatively different. It is only the root word wedding
that they most have in common.

When searching for the internal page keywords, do not worry too much about the search
volume numbers. But just make sure that the Advertiser Competition is at least Average.
If you choose to, you could also use the 5 filtering criteria described in Chapter 2.

The Google keyword Tool is probably the best free keyword tool available. The main
drawback about it is that it often does not show the longer 4 and 5 word phrases. The best
way to get longer phrases in the results is to ensure that the phrase you input into the
search box is itself at least 3 words long.

Trying to do effective keyword research manually for the internal pages may end up taking
up a lot of your time. I personally do not do it manually and have been using a Private
Members Only Application for several years now. Read on to find out what I use.

ii) What I Use

What I like about this Private Members Only Application is the type of unique results you
get for the so little effort you put in. The application makes finding the best internal
keywords for your niche a breeze. I would like to show you the interface of the software, but
I am unfortunately not allowed to do so by the owners of the application.

To use it, all you need to do is just enter the name of the niche in a search form and click
Search. You then let the web based software do its magic for an hour or so. The tool will 2010 84
then give you a list of 30 of the best and most profitable keyword phrases that you should
target based on a secret proprietary algorithm that the developers have not revealed.

This application was specifically designed for the sole purpose of finding internal web page
keywords. I would like to reveal to you how it decides on which 30 keywords to give you,
but unfortunately the owners will not reveal their secret. All I can tell you is that it works
very well.

This application is what I use for my internal page keyword research and my results had
never been better since I started using it a few years ago. There are many other features of
this application, but the developers do not allow discussion of it. This tool somehow finds
the sugar that many AdSense gurus and other keyword tools will miss out when talking
about keyword research.

The application is very resource intensive but thankfully it is hosted on the developers
servers. They do ask members though to be careful and to not waste server resources by
playing with application as otherwise the application will end up to only be affordable to
internet marketing gurus.

The application is only a small part of the package that comes with membership of a certain
Private Group. Click here to review further details of the Private Group.

Please note that although I recommend and use the above application, you will also get
good results with the free Google Keyword Tool. The only difference is that it will just take
you a lot more time and effort to get good results with the free Google tool.

Apart from the tool I use and recommend, there are also some other decent tools too that I
have also used in the past.

iii) Market Samurai

This software has already been mentioned in the niche finding chapter.

How you would use it to find the primary keywords for the internal pages of your websites is
more or less the same as how you would use it to find individual profitable niches. The only
difference is that at this stage you are looking for between 5 and 9 keywords. Another
difference is that you can get away with less filtering.

In other words, I have had success finding good internal keywords by just choosing the
phrases that had decent volume and low SEOTCR. You would have the settings set in the
same as you did previously. For the internal pages, the primary keyword should have
Searches more than 25 and the SEOTCR should ideally be less than 20%.

Using the example of cheap wedding dresses, below is an image of the results you might
get from Market Samurai. As you can see from the image, there are plenty of keyword
phrases that meet those above conditions. My experience tells me that keyword phrases
that meet those two conditions will usually have quite a poor strength of competition. 2010 85


You can make your final picks by descending SEOV or descending Searches, it is up to
you. I personally prefer searches because the niches that we choose are full of desperate
people who like to click around different pages of a website. So more traffic usually
translates to more income as people may arrive at a site via a low SEOV page and then
click onto another page where the SEOV is much higher and click an AdSense ad on the
high SEOV page.

Because I do not want all of the internal web pages to seem too similar, I would also try to
choose phrases that are quite different. For example from the image, I could choose any
5-9 of the following 28 phrases for my internal web page keywords:

mother of the bride dresses, mother of the bride dress, martha stewart wedding, cheap bridesmaid dresses,
wedding gift registry, gothic wedding dresses, plus size wedding gowns, wedding guest dress, princess
wedding dresses, design your own wedding dress, traditional wedding dresses, affordable wedding dresses,
wedding dress up game, princess wedding gowns, ugly wedding dresses, lds wedding dresses, destination
wedding gowns, cheap plus size wedding dresses, wedding dresses for cheap, outdoor wedding dresses,
cheap wedding dresses uk, handmade wedding favors, tropical wedding dresses, hawaiian wedding favors,
lds wedding dress, moonlight wedding dress, mormon wedding dresses

Trying to find the above manually would take a very long time. 2010 86
iv) Micro Niche Finder

The method of finding the internal web page keywords when using Micro Niche finder is
quite straightforward. You will just need to select extra 5-7 keywords that have a low SOC
score. The good thing though is that the Search Count numbers can be much lower. This
of course means that finding the extra keyword phrases with low SOC scores will be a
simple affair.

The search count for these internal web page keywords should have a Search Count of at
least 300. Looking at the image below for the example of red wine, you can see for
yourself the abundance of potentially very good internal page keywords.

J ust select 5-7 phrases that have over 300 Search Counts and SOC scores of 20 or less
and proceed to the next step.


In the image above, you will notice that the keyword phrase removing red wine stain has a
very low SOC and a very high Ad Cost of $7.63. You will also notice there is not enough
data in its Search Count. Search Counts with Not Enough Data that also have very high
Ad Costs and low SOC scores can be very good choices for your internal page keywords.

Five to seven phrases that have at least 300 search counts imply a total Search Count of
between 1500 and 2100 for the internal pages. If you add to that the minimum Search
Count of 2000 for the websites homepage, then it means that your websites keyword
phrases will have a minimum Exact Search Count of between 3500 and 4100. These
numbers are more than enough to make you very good money with AdSense providing that 2010 87
you have decent rankings and your chosen keywords have good Advertiser Competition.

Note that there may appear to be discrepancy between the search volume numbers in
Market Samurai and those that are shown in the Micro Niche Finder Tool. The difference is
because the default settings in Market Samurai use Googles Keyword Tool Broad Match
Type setting while the default Micro Niche finder Settings use the Exact Match Type
setting. I have tried to stay with the default settings in my explanations because
those are the settings that most people will be using.

v) Other Tools

In addition to the above, there are also some other keyword tools that have analytical
features that are also pretty good for finding internal page keywords. The experienced
readers of this blueprint will probably be familiar with most all of them, so I will just mention
them for the benefit of those who are just delving into the world of online marketing.

Keyword Research Pro
Micro Niche Finder
Traffic Travis

But you do necessarily not need any of them; they just can make things a lot more faster
and efficient vis--vis doing it manually with the free Google Keyword Tool.

A quick note. Many regular folks usually just type in questions when doing searches online.
For example if they wanted to know where to find the best Toyota wheels, they would enter
into the search engine search box where can I find the best Toyota wheels?

Another cool tool you could currently use to take advantage of the above search tendencies
for free can be found here. You just enter a keyword into and it gives you the most popular
questions that have been asked based on that keyword. So for example if you enter the
term garden, below are the most popular questions asked for that have the term garden
in them. 2010 88


You will need to check with the Google keyword tool to confirm that the search volumes are
worthwhile though before you embark on building any websites based on the results it
retrieves. I personally do not use this method but I did build one site that was purely based
on articles that were popular questions. The site did perform well. I assume perhaps so
because most of the questions that were on it were not optimized in other sites.
Because of my 1 sites success with questions is why I thought I should mention the above
script. In case you are wondering, I did not build any more question based websites
because my current method already works very well as it is. If aint broke

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI for short is an indexing and retrieval method that uses a
mathematical technique called Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to identify patterns in
the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of
text. LSI is based on the principle that words that are used in the same contexts tend to
have similar meanings. A key feature of LSI is its ability to extract the conceptual content of
a body of text by establishing associations between those terms that occur in similar
contexts. (Source: Wikipedia).

I am sure you understood that just as much as I did. The good thing though is that we are
not trying to be Search Engine optimization (SEO) specialists here and nor are we applying
for a job at Google HQ. You do not need to be an SEO geek to make $50,000 per month
from free search engine traffic. All you want to achieve is to get as much free traffic from
the search engines as you can, with the minimum amount of effort. 2010 89

When someone visits a site, the online source of where the visitor came from is recorded
and so is the keyword phrase that was used to find your site. In the case of my network of
AdSense sites, my website traffic statistics show that a big chunk of the keyword phrases
that were used to find my web pages were unique on-off searches. Generally, a little over
50% of my websites traffic comes from keywords that have been used 5 or fewer times a
month to find my sites.

These sorts of rarely used keywords will not even show up in most keyword tools. It also
usually quite futile to try to create search engine optimized pages for such searches as they
are too rare and unique to be worth creating separate web pages for. Considering that
these unique searches can add up to become a significant amount of traffic for your
websites, so how can you attract these unique searches to your websites?

The answer lies in knowing what sorts of words are related to each other and ensuring that
you weave them into your website content. For example, there are only so many ways to
describe a wedding dress. The leading websites that deal with wedding dresses usually
also have some common words in all of them.

So for example a website that talks about wedding dresses will also perhaps have the
following words in it: wedding dress, bridesmaid, couture, designer, gowns, accessories,
girl, guest, cakes, new, bridal, size, hair, flowers, and cake.

So, by ensuring that you include these 16 extra words in your webpage about wedding
dresses, you are helping ensure that your webpage will also be listed when search engine
users do all sorts of unique searches related to wedding dresses, including if they do a
search for bridesmaid flowers, designer wedding gowns, bridal cakes, bridesmaid hair, and
designer accessories.

Imagine the power of implementing this for all of the pages of your sites. Most webmasters
are not aware of the power of this and end up just focusing on whichever the primary
keyword of that webpage is.

Apart from the advantage of being more reachable to a more diverse set of search engine
surfers, the other benefit of weaving in these extra terms in your website content is that the
search engines will deem your web pages more relevant compared to those web pages
that do not have those extra LSI terms.

Note that the major search engines collect all sorts of data about the content of the
websites that they crawl and index. They then use that information to compare different
websites within niches and also to continuously improve their ranking algorithms. Web
pages that have a combination of words that the search engine databases consider that a
site that is about a certain topic should have, will gain better search engine rankings as
they will be deemed more relevant.

It is not difficult to come with these extra LSI terms. You can just think about it yourself or
just do a simple search online and see what sort of keywords the top ranking sites have in
common. However this can be tedious and even difficult when you are discussing a niche
that you know nothing about.

There are several methods of finding out what are the best LSI terms to use. I will show you
here the most popular ones and also inform you of where I get my LSI terms from. 2010 90

A good free tool that will conveniently find these extra terms for you is at Quintura. You just
type in a primary keyword phrase that you want to find related words for and the results will
be shown in a cloud on the left of the screen. J ust copy 10 of those words from the cloud
and they will form your LSI terms.

You can click on any of the words in the cloud to dig deeper into that keyword and find
even more LSI terms. Look at the image below to see what the Quintura interface looks


Google Search
Another way of finding LSI terms to incorporate into your web pages is by using Google
itself and one of its advanced operands. J ust type into the Google search box the primary
keyword that the web page will be about precede it by a tilde (~). So for example if you
want to find the LSI terms for the primary webpage keyword phrase of baking ovens, just
enter into the Google search box without the quotes ~baking ovens.

Ideally though, you should do a tilde search for the ~baking by itself and then a second
one for the word ~ovens by itself. You then combine the results from the two searches to
get a list of good LSI terms. In this way you will be able to get much better combinations of
terms that people will actually be using when searching. 2010 91


All of the words that are shown in bold are words that would make good LSI terms for the
primary keyword phrase that was searched for with the tilde.

Google Keyword Tool
There are two ways of using the Google keyword Tool for finding LSI terms:

i) With this, you first need to do a search in Google for your primary keyword and then copy
the URL of one of the top ranked sites. I will use the example of basketball shoes.

Doing a standard search in Google reveals that is number one
in the Google search results at the moment. I will thus paste that URL in the Google
keyword tool and do a Website content search. 2010 92


The terms circled in red would all make good LSI terms for the chosen primary keyword.

ii) This second method of using the Google keyword Tool is a bit laborious and takes longer
to do. Nevertheless it could also be used if you any other keyword research tool like

You just enter your primary keyword into the search box of the Google Keyword Tool. Then
arrange them in order of descending Global search Volume. In the results, just note and
take the extra words that are around your primary keyword tool. These extra words will be
your LSI terms.

In the image below, I have underlined in red these extra words that around the primary
keyword of basketball shoes. Any of the red underlined phrases could be used as your
LSI terms. 2010 93


Go Rank
Another good method you could use is by using the keyword tool at Go Rank. J ust enter
your primary keyword and the tool will give some related terms which we will consider to be
our LSI terms.

Most of the major commercial keyword tools like WordTracker and NicheBot also have
related term tools.

The Tool That I Use

I personally used to use Quintura to find my LSI terms, but I do not anymore. This is
because the Private Members Only tool for finding profitable keywords for your websites
internal web pages that I mentioned earlier in this chapter, also comes with a feature that
automatically gives you 10 related keywords for each keyword you enter. These 10 related
keywords will be your LSI terms. If you have not yet reviewed the Private Club that offers
the LSI function, just simply click here.

This is a huge timesaver as it implies that I only need to enter the main niche keyword, and
this tool automatically finds me a filtered list of 30 of the best keywords to write articles for,
plus 10 LSI terms for each of those 30 best keywords. 2010 94
I have given you several tools so that you will be able to generate different LSI terms if you
choose to create several websites on the same niche. Having different LSI terms on pages
with same primary keyword will help ensure a difference in the content while at the same
time making those pages popular with the search engine spiders.

After you decide which LSI terms to use, just weave them into the articles you or your
outsourced writers will write. I outsource all of my writing. It costs me an extra $0.50-$1 to
do get LSI terms incorporated into each article. This slight extra cost will be responsible for
bringing many times more traffic than you would have received without the LSI integration.

You must weave the LSI terms into your website articles as doing so is a critical component
of this blueprint. Weaving in LSI terms makes the articles appear far more informative to
the reader and the search engines will give them better rankings as they will deem them to
be more relevant. This is why the high ranking authority sites will usually be full of LSI
terms in each of their pages. To the human reader, LSI term rich articles appear better
researched and more professional.

You usually do not necessarily have to have all of the suggestions you get from Quintura
into the articles. Even if you just weave in 5 or 6, the benefits will be sufficient. This is
because chances are, you will already have plenty of good LSI words within your articles
already, assuming of course that the articles have been well written and are providing
useful information. I personally ensure I add 10 LSI terms into each of my articles.

 2010 95







n n


The success you achieve with this blueprint you are reading depends entirely on you being
able to translate this step by step information into action. This action will involve you
building plenty of websites and promoting them using the methods I show you. Although it
is possible to outsource most of the work, it is still a good idea to know what your
outsourcers are doing.

One part that I never outsource out though is the selection and registration of the domain
names that I will use for my AdSense websites. After you finish reading this module, you
will know exactly what to do in order to find and register SEO friendly domains that will
boost traffic to your websites and click-through rates of your AdSense ads.

What Makes a Good Domain Name for AdSense?

The first step in owning a website is owning a domain name. Coming up with a good
domain name is not as easy as it used to be as most of the good short domain names are
already in use. Domains are bought for non-profit activities, business operations or domain
speculation. Buying domains professionally for the purpose of parking or reselling them can
be very lucrative. One individual for example, Kevin Ham, has over a hundred thousand
domains under his ownership and has nothing but ads on them. So because of all of these
factors, finding a good domain may take an extra minute or two.

The main criteria for choosing a domain name for our purposes is that the keyword phrase
of the chosen niche must be in the domain name. So for the niche blue widget, the best
domain for it would be However it is unlikely that that domain will be
available for registration, because chances are somebody else has already snatched it.
Ten years ago you could still get good three word domain names ending in dotcom, but not

But Google and GoDaddy Do not have their niches in their Domains

If you have millions of dollars to spend on branding your business through Super Bowl
advertisements and the like, then you will not need your niche keyword in your domain. If
you also plan to grow your website business virally like FaceBook or by building a large
affiliate sales force like, then you also will not need to have your niche in the 2010 96
domain name. Assuming you plan to do neither of the above at the moment, the cheapest
way that is left for marketing a new web property online is by attracting free search engine

That is what I use and that is what I teach in this blueprint. Here are the 3 reasons why you
need to have your niche keyword phrase in your domain name:

1. Search engines will rank you hire because they will see your site as being more
relevant to the topic at hand.

2. After doing a search for a keyword, a search engine surfer will more likely click
through to see what is on your site when they are browsing the search engine
results. A customer looking for cheap wedding dresses will be very pleased to find a
site called because the site has a Unique Selling
Proposition (USP) that exactly matches what the person doing the search is looking
for. Therefore your site will immediately be differentiated, noticed and more likely to
be visited because you will seem to be able to deliver a solution to the problem that
the net surfer has.

3. A big factor in getting ranked high in search engines is getting some links from other
websites. This is like if all of the cool kids in your high school said that J oey is cool,
then chances are that he is cool. This is sort of how search engines view links and
why they are a very important factor when they rank sites. Some other sites that will
link to your site will link to you by your websites domain name address. If your
websites address is also has the niche phrase you are targeting, then the search
engines will see your site as being even more relevant than other sites that are
competing for that keyword but that are not being linked to by that niche phrase by
other sites.

Which TLD?

The domains you choose should either end in .com, .net or .org. Each of those three
extensions at the end of the domain name is known as a TLD (Top Level Domain).

Try first to get the .com, then the .net and then if both of the former are unavailable, then
go for the .org. If your niche is exclusive to only one specific country, say the United
Kingdom, then by all means start with the TLD for that country. In the case of the United
Kingdom for example, you would start with, for Canada you would start with .ca,
Australia would be .au etc. I think you get the picture.

Note that the .com, short for commercial is a generic TLD and not the Country code
top-level domain for the United States of America. It is the original TLD and was intended
for commercial enterprises. The oldest still registered .com is, which was
registered in March 15, 1985. The TLD for the USA is supposed to be .us, but is mainly
used by U.S. State and local governments instead of the .gov TLD instead of by
businesses. By the way, if your niche keyword is long widgets, and
is available to register, then chances are that you can easily dominate that niche very
quickly 2010 97
Do not use .biz extensions! My testing shows that domains with the .BIZ extension get
indexed normally on Google and Yahoo (now using Bing results). However they may take a
lot longer to be indexed on MSN (or Bing). I tested 120 domains with an equal amount of
.COM, .NET, .BIZ and .ORG extensions. After 6 months, all of the .COM, .NET, and .ORG
domains were indexed in the three major search engines. However only 4 of the 30 .BIZ
domains were indexed on the MSN search engine. So if you want to get indexed quickly on
MSN (probably Bing too), you may be better off not using the .BIZ domain extension. Bing
is the new search engine from Microsoft and I have not yet tested the performance of .BIZ
domains on it yet.

I know some of you will be asking, hey Bertil, what about the cheap .info TLD? The short
answer is no, avoid it if you can. This is not necessarily because your site might not get
ranked because of using the .INFO extension, but the reason is because of perceived value
of the domain. Remember that these AdSense sites you will be building are also assets
that can be sold to the marketplace at a premium. Use a TLD with a low perceived value is
only going to reduce the value of your website assets.

Imagine trying to sell your expensive 8 bedroom mansion that has a heated swimming pool
and marble floors but is located in a rat infested slum where all of your neighbors are crack
dealers and pimps. This is the problem with using the .info TLD.

A few years ago, individual people were buying thousands upon thousands of domain
names that had the .INFO extension. This is because some companies were offering them
for sale at $0.99 - $2.99. This made them ideal for creating cheap disposable automatically
generated websites.

After a few years, search engines finally caught on to these auto generated sites and
usually de-indexed these sites within weeks and then later on within days. As a result the
makers of these sites had to create more and more sites to replace the ones that were de-
indexed. This resulted in hundreds of thousands of spammy websites being created that all
had the .INFO extension. This is where the bad reputation of the .INFO name comes from.

Any good entrepreneur will have an exit strategy. You should not try to be an exception.
The exit strategy for your AdSense sites should be to sell them off if you wish to. But some
buyers of websites will pay more for websites with .COM extensions than those with .INFO
extensions. Naturally you would want to get the best price for assets.

There are also perennial rumors that search engines penalize sites that use the .INFO
extension. My testing has not shown this, so I just mark that rumor as just another SEO

However the usually cheap cost of .INFO domains makes them very useful if you want to
test multiple markets by building unique 1 page websites. Such a strategy was discussed in
the Second Module when I showed you how to find hot niches by using EzineArticles and
multiple unique websites. You could use cheap .INFO domains for your unique websites.
I personally would not bother with this as the monetary savings you make are not worth it.
Your opinion may vary though.

Before You Brainstorm

So now you know exactly which domain name extensions to use and you also know that
you need to have the niche keyword in the domain name. The next step is just to 2010 98
brainstorm different possible domain names and check what is available to register. But
when you do brainstorm, try not to have more than 5 words in a domain. The shorter the
domain, the better. You could even use double dashes if you must.

Note that using hyphens with the domains is also good and effective, but they should only
be used if the non-hyphened versions are not available.

Some people even use double hyphens for their domains. So for example you could have or or cheapwedding There has never been a need for my part to use double hyphens, but for the
5 instances I have ever used them, the domains earned money at a level I was satisfied
with. Would they have made more if there werent double dashes? Who knows? But use
double hyphens only as a last resort.

Fast Brainstorming

There are tools out there that can help you brainstorm your domain search. One popular
one can be found at NameBoy. You just enter your primary keyword and optional
secondary one and then Nameboy will generate some domain name ideas for you.

{Fig. 6.1} 2010 99

5) blue-widget
6) bl
Nameboy will generate ideas based on words in its Thesaurus database. The tool will
indicate to you which names are available and which ones are not. Note though that I
would advise you NOT to register your domains through Nameboy as their prices tend to
be higher than other domain registrars. Also sometimes when they say a domain is
available, it actually isnt. So after you get your ideas for a domain from Nameboy, ensure
you register it somewhere else. If you have never done it before, in due course, I will tell
you which are the best places to register domain names.

I personally do not have a need to use Nameboy or any other such tool as I have my own
set of words that I like to use for my domains. After a while you will develop yours as well
and you will be able to find 100 good domains names in bulk with much ease.

For example I used to like words that ended with guide, center and source. I also many
years ago liked words that started with best, best-in and best-for, 1st-in, bestin,
bestfor and 1
-for. I used to be able to register hundreds of domains in one go because
not many domains started that way.

These days some SEO specialists say that it is better for SEO purposes if the main
keyword you are targeting is at the start of the domain. I do not know if this is true or not,
but nevertheless, I have changed the way I register domains and ensure that the niche
keyword starts first and then followed by some secondary word if absolutely necessary.

Numbers are also quite good to use as secondary words for your domains, for example you
could have or You get the idea.
But ideally, you should first try to find, in order;

do not use the .BIZ extension. If
here is no reason why it would not work for you.
Another good tool for brainstorming domain names is DomainsBot

Once you have tried the .ORG version with the hyphens and you still can not find the
available version, then you could either use double hyphens or you could add a word at th
end or beginning of your niche. So it could start trying, blue-widget-,,, and etc.

J ust to recap, whatever you do, do not waste too much time on choosing domains. J ust
ake sure that it has the niche keyword in it and that you m
you can not find a domain name that exactly matches your website topics primary
keyword, then try to add another descriptive word before or after the primary keyword that
will make your site stand out in the search results, e.g. words like best, guide, resource, to
tc. e

Remember that your average internet user is not going to be as savvy as you are. So when
they see the word BEST in a domain, they will psychologically be influenced. The above
approach to selecting domain names has worked very well for me in the past and it is still
orking well for me today. Therefore t w

. 2010 100

Play around with it to get some ideas and to see how it works.

Here is another domain brainstorming web application. It can be found at DomainIt
{Fig. 6.2}

. 2010 101

{Fig. 6.3}

The tool is self explanatory so I will let you play with it yourself.

If none of the above brainstorming tools are not to your taste, here is a final one,
BustaName. This site is also self-explanatory. So check it out and see if it will speed up
our domain name finding.

After reading the all of the above, finding good domain names for your AdSense sites
should be a breeze. I always register my domains in bulk and it usually takes me about 20
to 30 minutes to register 100 domains. I personally do not use any brainstorming tools.

The next step is choosing a domain name registering service.

Which Domain Registrar?

There are many domain registration services out there and choosing the right one for you
may be difficult at first. But once you have found a good one, just stick with it. I recommend 2010 102 2010 103
staying with only one domain registrar. The reason is because once you start having 30,
50, 100 and even 1000 domains, trying to manage all of them from different registrars
becomes a chore in itself. It is much easier to just having to login into one registrars control
panel and immediately see all of the domains that are about to expire. Having to login into 6
or 10 services to find such information is tedious to say the least.

Accepted wisdom is that you are better off with having an account with one large domain
company that is well known and which is accredited with ICANN (Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers). But the truth is that even large companies tumble. I
personally lost a bunch of domains due to the virtual collapse of one such company. I did
manage to save the majority of my domains but it was a real hassle.

The last I heard about this company was that they were being sued, so because of that I
will not mention their name. But I am sure you can easily find them online. This company
was recommended by everybody at the time and it indeed delivered a great service, until
their problems. Even the now late Michael J ackson himself used them.

Despite this, it is my opinion that you are better off dealing with one company. I do not
remember any other case where a major domain registration company faced such
problems. Also note that the problems with the big company were a direct result of feuding
between the owners. So assuming that the owners of your domain registrar are sensible
people, dealing with one company is the better strategy instead of trying to spread the risk
with different companies.

In the old days you had to email or call a registrar whenever you wanted to do make any
changes to your domains. These days though all of the major domain registrars have a
control panel where after you login you can manage your nameservers, transfer ownership
of your domains, renew them and more. Here are some of the important things you should
look out for when trying to choose which of the large domain registrars to open account

1. Cost Currently the price of the domains for the recommended TLDs is usual in the
-$10 range. This is what you should expect. The closer to the lower end of that
spectrum, the better. Note that if the price is below $7, chances are that your
sary feature of your
ng coupon codes and bonuses. They can range from 20%
discounts to Free Whois Protection to protect you from spammers. Note that most of
such discounts will only usually last for the first year. You will usually have to pay the
You can use this to your advantage by simply typing company name coupon.
ou are using. This will
usually lead you to some site that will list any current coupon that the registrar is
offering. Use this coupon code to give yourself a discount. When you start
s at a time, $1 savings do add up and matter.

registrar will have overcharged you on some other neces

2. Discounts and Free Bonuses Usually most registrars will try to entice you to u
their service by offeri
normal price after the second year. But if your domain is making a significant pr
paying the few extra dollars will not be a thought at all. A good thing about this is tha
the most popular registrars will almost always have some form of discounts going
Where the registrar name is the name of the company y
registering 100 domain
3. Upsells Be careful not to buy anything that you do not need. Some registrars will
want you to register for 2 years, others will try to offer you discounts if you host your
website with them.

Other registrars will try to offer you discounts if you buy extra TLD extensions of your
domain with them. Do not fall for it. J ust use your domain registrar for domain
registration and for the TLD you want. Thats it. If you were trying to build a brand
out of your domain name then buying the other TLDs for your domain would make
sense. As we are not trying to do that here, then dont.

4. Unnecessary Extra Charges Some companies will try to charge for services that
really should not be charged for. For example creating subdomains is free at most
companies. Be wary of companies that will try to charge you for it.

5. Good Support Like in everything else that is slightly technical, you need to ensure
that the service you will choose has good customer support. Nothing beats
communication with a real live human being. Also you do not want to use a service
that will put you on hold for 45 minutes while you listen to elevator music before you
speak to someone. These days the best services will also have Live Chat. I prefer
using live chat as trying to spell out 100 domain names over the telephone can be
very tedious. For non-urgent matters, a good email support system is also a must for
any domain registration company you choose.

You can usually find out about all of the above by just visiting a registrar and poking around
and reading the different links on their homepage.
There are also some very good forums that exclusively deal with domain names.
One I like is at Web Hosting Talk. Although it is for webhosting, it does have a section for
domain names. There are plenty of other forums which you can find by doing a simple
search on any of the search engines.

Recommended Registrars

Do a search in Google for domain registrar scam or domain registrar sucks where you
replace the domain registrar with a real name of a domain registrar. Chances are that you
will get a result some result for most of the leading services.

True, some registrars will have more numerous and more offensive scam search results
than others. But this should not put you off, as with any service you can not please
everybody all of the time. That is just life.

So knowing that no service will ever be perfect for everyone all of the time, you can save
yourself time by following what I use. I currently register the majority of my domains with

Other good services that you could also use include Godaddy, Moniker, Name, 1and1 and
Dotster. I have a few domains with GoDaddy, but I stopped adding more domains to them
because I was fed up with their multiple offers and upsells. I also found simply setting up
payment cumbersome. But that is just me.

If you are comfortable with upsells, then they may be an option for you. Some professional
domainers and people with email subscribers do not like Godaddy because of its interface
and that it is quite strict on domain owners of any allegations of spam. 2010 104

Whois Protection

You can find out the personal details of any domain name by simply visiting a whois
database and entering a domain name. The details given will show the email, phone
number, address and name of the registered owner.

You obviously have nothing to hide when you build your network of sites; however there
are some people out there with malicious intent. Email spammers use automated software
programs to just collect email addresses from these databases and then use them to send
you unsolicited email messages and they also may sell your email address to other
spammers. Besides spam, there also other reasons that you could think of that may lead
you to not want to have your personal details published in the World Wide Web.

When you use Whois protection, your details are usually replaced by the details of the
domain registrar. In this way no private person will be able to view your registration details
online and therefore putting a barrier between you and fly by night internet villains.

Besides a clean user friendly interface, I prefer using NameCheap to register my names as
they offer Free Whois Protection for your domains for the first year. So I take advantage of
it. If it were not for free, then I probably would not pay the extra fee for whois protection.

Most registrars will charge you extra for this, so if such is a registrar of your choice, I would
not worry about whois protection.

Using Trademarked Terms

Note that what follows is NOT legal advice and therefore should not be construed as
being such. You must seek your own Attorney for any professional advice regarding
the use of trademarked terms in your domains. No part of this document is legal
Personally, I do not knowingly include brand names or trademarked terms in any domains I
register. I never have and I do not intend to. The reason is that I do not like worrying about
things. So my take is that you should not use them!
But people still always keep asking me about them.
Let us say for example that you have discovered the niche keyword Nike tennis Shoes
and you have decided that you want to register the name 2010 105
Any company that owns a brand name and its trademark can legally force you to relinquish
ownership and possibly compensate them as well. Such a company will usually first send
you a threatening letter with a deadline.
Any sensible person will usually at this point relinquish ownership. The reason is that you
will be in the wrong and there is no two ways about it. You really do not want the trademark
owner to sue you for lost earnings or some other reason.
On the other hand though, some very big companies seem to not care less if their brand
names are used in the domains of webmasters. They seem to prefer that you do as it
makes their brand better known. It is almost like free publicity for them.
But this can change at any time for a company and the small website owner has no means
of knowing when a big company has changed its rules. So your $100 per day websites can
instantly become a $0 per day website if you receive a cease-and-desist letter from such a
Some people see the risk of using brand names in domains as being worth it due to the
SEO advantages and hence extra profits that can be brought about by being ranked highly
for such brand name terms. Personally I do not see it that way.
So to find out if the owner of a Trademark is currently friendly to webmasters who use their
trademarks in their domain names, there a few things you could do besides calling them
and asking.
You can do a Google search for the brand name. So in the case of,
do a search for Nike. Then see if the results of your search have any domains that have
the term Nike in them. If the there are many domains that have Nike in them and that
are not owned by Nike Inc, then chances are that the brand name owner of Nike is not
stringent on the use of their Nike trademark on non-affiliated websites.
You really do not want spend hundreds on researching and buying domains with
trademarked brand names in them to only find out later that you must relinquish ownership.
I have in the past inadvertently registered trademarked terms on several occasions. I
always comply with any legitimate request to relinquish ownership.

Now that you know how to find and choose the most profitable domain names for AdSense
site building, the next step is finding suitable hosting for your websites.

 2010 106







If you were a folder of files, a domain name is like the postal address of your home and the
webhost is like your actual home where you live in. The web host is the place where all of
the files of your domain will be stored. You just need to point to the domain registrar the
direction of your home so that any visitors you may have, may easily find you.

You do not need to be an expert at website hosting in order to benefit from it. The
AdSesnse sites you will build will not require any significant technical expertise if you use
the tools I recommend. Therefore choosing a suitable web host is not going to be difficult.

Do not even think about using a free hosting service. Apart from a lack of customer service,
you will also be expected to usually put some advertisements on your websites. Even if
they do not want you to put their banners on your site, you still should not use free web
hosting services.

This is because such free web hosts usually do not last very long. They tend to disappear
very quickly. So just forget about even considering using free web hosting. There is a place
for free hosting for those engaged in black hat search engine optimization techniques, but
this blueprint is not about blackhat methods.

What To look for in a Web Host

Besides the obvious factors of good customer support and fair prices, the main
considerations you should look at is cost, bandwidth allowance and the storage capacity
offered by a hosting service. The hosting cost will affect your budget, the bandwidth will
determine the maximum number of visitors you may have to your site and the storage will
determine how much data you can store via your files. Below are some other features of a
web hosting plan you should be aware of:

You will want to use a host that is fast and reliable and that guarantees their uptime. The
uptime by the way is the time that the host is functional throughout the year. An uptime of
99.5% is the minimum you should be willing to accept. 2010 107
Data Transfer (Bandwidth/Traffic):
Bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is allowed to occur between your site and the rest of
the internet. It is the amount of bytes transferred from your site to visitors when they browse
your site.
Think of the motorway and cars that use them. In such a scenario, the bandwidth is the
number of lanes on the motorway and the traffic is the number of vehicles on that
motorway. If you are the only vehicle using a motorway at a given time, you can reach your
desired destination very quickly. However if your vehicle is amongst many others using the
motorway at that time, all the lanes will be used up. As a result you will be traveling very
Some commercial hosts say that they offer unlimited bandwidth. If you think about, the
host has to pay for the bandwidth. Therefore there is no way they will allow you to consume
too much of it for free as they will be making a loss from your account. What the hosts will
usually do is send you a huge bill for going past the unlimited limit. So remember that
there is no such a thing as unlimited bandwidth in reality.
Disk space:
The same applies about unlimited disk space offers as to the unlimited bandwidth ones.
Disk space is cheap, so do not be enticed by huge disk space offers. Also, your AdSense
sites will not require too much disk space. We will not be running some archive for video or
software, so unlimited disk space should not entice you.
Your AdSense sites built according to this blueprint will require less than 5MB of storage
capacity. You will also be safe if you assume a monthly bandwidth limit of 500MB per site.
These figures are good limits to start with. As you accrue more and more websites in your
portfolio, you will come to know what figures are suited for your websites as perhaps you
may prefer using a lot of graphics and video in your sites. But the above figures are what I

There are also other factors like security settings, types of servers, crontabs, .htaccess etc.
But this blueprint is not about web hosting. I will thus give you some recommendations of
the services I use. This will help you get started quickly without the need for getting a
diploma in web hosting.

By the way, you also need to think 6 months ahead and 1 year ahead. This blueprint is
about building many websites that are more or less self-sustaining. A year from know you
may have 100-1000 websites. You have to plan ahead to ascertain the ease of growing
with your current host.

There are a few viable options when you want to host a multitude of sites economically.

Dedicated Server
This implies that you have a dedicated storage space at your chosen web host that no
other customer of theirs is using. It is all yours to do with as you please as you will have
control over the server. You can run complicated resource intensive scripts and nobody
would complain as you will not be sharing your hosting with anybody else. You are leasing
an entire server from your host and not sharing it with anybody else. 2010 108
Even though there are distinct benefits to it, you do not need this kind of hosting for what
we are trying to do. There are some notable disadvantages for using dedicated hosting
when you want to create the type of AdSense sites I am talking about.

The main reason I would advise against using dedicated hosting is that you do not want all
of your AdSense sites to be on one server. If for some unknown reason, a website that is in
your server gets blacklisted by a search engine, you run the small risk of all of your
websites that are on that server being blacklisted by a search engine. As you can imagine,
such a scenario would not be good for your fledgling AdSense empire. You can not put all
of your eggs in one basket.

Virtual Private Server (VPS, also referred to as Virtual Dedicated Server or VDS)
This is like dedicated hosting but the actual server is divided into virtual servers and shared
with others. Each virtual server can then run its own operating system and each server can
be independently rebooted. So they are like an in between place between those who want
the full control that a dedicated server may provide and the ease of use that comes with
shared hosting. However for our purposes, I do not recommend that you use a VPS.
Shared Hosting
Shared hosting means that you share the server with other webmasters. The drawback to
this type of hosting is that you do not have full control of the server. The advantage to
shared hosting is that because many webmasters are sharing the server, the cost of
maintenance of the server is also shared. The lower cost of using shared hosting makes it
ideal for building your AdSense empire.
Reseller Hosting
This is the type of hosting I strongly recommend you use for implementing the methods in
this blueprint. Reseller hosting is a type of shared hosting where the web host gives you the
ability to use your allotted hard drive space and bandwidth to host websites on behalf of
other people. The advantage comes in that you as the reseller, will be buying the hosting
service at wholesale prices. The trick is that you will not be reselling the services to
anybody else. You will just be using all of your alloted storage space and bandwidth limit for
only your own sites.
Doing this means that it becomes extremely affordable to host hundreds and even
thousands of sites if you wish to. You will usually be given access to a cPanel and WHM
software package. These tools will make it very convenient for you to set up new sites for
yourself as a reseller. You can just do a search online or at the host to learn how to do it. It
is very straightforward.
You do not want all of your sites to be on the same server though. Therefore it is best to
allow only a group of your websites to be on one server and then ensure that another batch
is on another server. You can do this by using different reseller web hosts or by just asking
the webhost you are using to assign your new reseller account on a different server as to
your previous accounts. I personally currently assign a maximum of 100 sites to each of my
reseller accounts. Depending on your comfort level, you can choose to put 30, 50 or 300
sites in one reseller account. It is all up to you and your own comfort levels.
When you are starting out though, you may just use the Add-on Domains feature of
cPanel. For those new to webhosting, the add-on domains feature allows webmasters to
create hundreds of independent websites as sub-domains under a single hosting account. I 2010 109
do not personally use the add-on domain feature when I build my sites, but there is nothing
to stop you. You can just read the instructions from your webhost to learn how to create
add-on domains. It is as simple as making a few mouse clicks. But once you are
established and are serious about your AdSense business, make sure you get yourself
some reseller accounts. You could of course also use add-on domains withing your reseller

Recommended Web Hosts

I have used probably over 50 different web hosts over the years. The reason I have used
so many is because when I started out building websites, I had no idea what dedicated
hosting or what reseller hosting was. So I was getting a new hosting account for each new
domain. I aslo wanted to spread the risk so I decided to use different webhosts.
I must say discovering about Dedicated and Reseller hosting from a forum (the old Traffic
Equalizer forum for those who were around) made a huge impact on my online ventures.
I must also say that most of the 50 or so web hosts I have used were good and provided an
acceptable standard of service. I can not remember any incidence where a web host
completely let me down. I think this maybe because I always stayed away from free and
very cheap services. Or maybe I have just been lucky in this regard.
Although the 50 or so were all good enough, I did develop certain preferances. The main
factor to my preferances was pricing. Some hosts charged considerably more for the same
standard of service as others.
Another is support. Some hosts offered immediate technical support through the phone,
email or live chat. Others took 2 days to answer emails and others responded within
minutes consistently and 24/7.
The features you get with your package is also a factor. Some provided Cpanel for example
and others did not. I personally would not use a host who does not provide Cpanel. I find
Cpanel as being extremely useful for non-technical people like myself.
Also the ease of payment and cancelling an account should also be considered. Some
hosts make it uneccesarily inconevenient to cancel their web hosting services and thus
billing. So you need to be aware of this.
Also avoid hosts that are popular with spammers and other undesirables. This is because
your web hosts can end up being blacklisted by the searche ngines and you may not know
about it.
In light of all of the above, below are 5 webhosts that I have used for many years without
any problems and that fit the criteria I have pointed out above. One of them is a relatively
new service and I may have only been with them for a year.
You can probably find a bad review from some disgruntled customer about any large web
hosting company. But do not be put off by this. Like in finding a domain registrar, no
company can please every customer all of the time. That is just a fact of life.
Below are the reseller web hosting services I still use for reseller hosting requirements: 2010 110

These 3 are just some other services I have used for VPS and multiple IP hosting. If you
follow my blueprint, you will not really be using either of these. But I have included them
here in case you have your own little twist in how you plan to build and promote your
LiquidWeb (especially good if you want a VPS)

SEOhosting (owned By hostgator but offers multiple IP hosting)
Gotwebhost (also offers multiple IP hosting)
Note though that I am sure there are many other reseller hosting services that you can try
out if you feel the above do not meet your quality test. No service is ever perfect.You can
visit WebHostingTalk to get some good feedback about the different web hosts.

Changing Nameservers
You will need to associate the domain names you purchased for your websites with your
chosen web host. One way of accomplishing this is by changing the current domain name
servers of your domain names to those specified by your chosen hosting company.
Once you open an account with your hosting company they will send you a Welcome
Email. This email will contain information about your account together with Nameserver
The name servers basically keep a record of the association between your domain name
( and the IP address, which is actually where your website files
are stored (eg.
These nameservers will often looklike: 2010 111
Most reputable domain registrars and web hosts will have an abundance of information via
text and sometimes video on how to change nameservers and other steps necessary when
setting up your first website. You only need to learn it once if you have never done it before.
My 9 year old nephew can do it, so you can imagine how straightforward it all is.
If you use Namecheap to register your domains, you can just specify your webhosts
nameservers when registering the domains. Most of the other registrars allow you this asw
ell, but I can not exactly remember which ones.

If you have followed this blueprint so far, you should now know exactly how to find
profitable niches, how to find the right domains for them and where to find the best hosting
for them.
The next section will be about how to build your actual site.

 2010 112









The remaining parts of the process are quite mechanical and straightforward. I am not
going to discuss basics like how to upload your files to your webhost (FTP) and change
nameservers, as that information is in abundance on the internet. Any reputable webhost or
domain registrar will also have plenty of instructions on how to accomplish such matters. It
would also be futile of me to explain file uploading and such because the process will
slightly very from webhost to webhost and will also depend on the FTP client you will be
using. The FTP client of your choice will also have full instructions on how to upload files.

Below is an image of what your website should look like once it has been built and
uploaded to your webhost. The AdSense ads are out of context in the examples below, but
that is because I quickly put up the sites, added the AdSense code and took a picture of it
for the sake of clarity for this blueprint. AdSense usually takes a few minutes to a few days
to get the ads to match the content accurately. So the image below is just to show you what
your sites ought to look like. 2010 113
{Fig. 8.1}
There are many website building software applications on the market that are very easy to
use if you want to build decent looking websites. Assuming you are not an HTML expert,
what you will be looking for are WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editors or
website builders.
Note though that some website builders are too expensive, some too difficult to master
quickly and some are just too unreliable. You can visit cnet to check out the expert reviews
of the different available website builders if you want. Alternatively, you can follow my path
and do as I do, as I have used quite a few website builders over the years.
Below are a few of them that will give you the results that are required for this blueprint with
the least amount of effort. I will not discuss how to use the software as all of the software
below comes with plenty of good documentation.
If you are not proficient with website designing, you will need to acquire some website
templates for some of the website builders discussed below. You can do a search online for
free html templates to get plenty of viable sources for cost free website templates.
Templates just need to be clean and not cluttered, so you could even just draw some
border lines and then add a header graphic to create your own AdSense template. An
adequate free tool to create headers can be found at xHeader. 2010 114
Do not bother with Flash or some other fancy gimmicks for your websites. It will not add a
dime to your bottom line and if anything, over-designed websites will most likely hurt your
AdSense income. So keep it simple and clean with any website templates you choose. A
good place to get free templates is at the Open Source Website Design site. However you
will need to include a link pointing to the template developers if use their templates.
Here are some good website building applications:

This is the granddaddy of them all and the software that most web design professionals
use. It has a lot more punch than what you will probably ever need. Its cost reflects the
amount of features it has. I built my first website using one of the earlier versions of the
software and I still use it to this day on certain types of sites. It took me several days to
learn how to use it and chances are you will need a few days too. Although Dreamweaver
may be the overall best web design software on the market, I do not recommend it though
for the type of websites advocated in this blueprint. The software is expensive and takes
time to master. However if you insist on buying it, use their 30 day trial period to test it out
or get it cheaper via eBay.

This application comes with MS Office the last time I checked, so it may be free to you if
have Microsoft Office installed in your computer. This software can do the job and I have
used it before. I personally find it a bit clunky and often difficult to get the sites just right
when using it. But again I am not a professional designer. It can do the job but I would not
recommend it unless you are already very proficient with it.

Kompozer (Formerly NVU)
I have never used this site building software but decided to include it here because it is
free. Check it out by clicking here. Here is what it says from their site:
KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use
WYSIWYG web page editing. KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-
technical computer users who want to create an attractive, professional-looking web site without needing to
know HTML or web coding.

This software is my second choice recommendation. It has been designed with the goal in
mind of being used by people wanting to build online direct response pages, affiliate sales
sites, AdSense sites, lead capture pages and more.
The software simplifies many typical internet marketing activities so that even a beginner
will not be overwhelmed. It will not create any award winning websites for you and there is
a learning curve. But despite that, it is a pretty good place to start. Click here to check it

This is a great blog platform and in my opinion, a cut above other blogging platforms. The 2010 115
reason is that, unlike say Blogger Blogs, you can host and have complete control over your
Many people love creating WordPress sites for AdSense. Although it does not fit in with this
blueprint, there is nothing wrong with experimenting with it if you are very proficient with
using WordPress. I personally prefer building normal static sites as I find I get better
profits with them.
My testing has consistently proven to me that the click-through rates are generally poorer
when my AdSense sites are in the form of a blog. I have tested many templates and the
results are always les satisfactory when compared to different templates on traditional
static websites.
I know these days WordPress blogs offer many advantages especially with all of the
plugins available for them. Even doing some basic SEO on your blogs can be as easy as
uploading a plugin. However the main reason of using a blog is the ease of which content
could be updated and how a blogger could interact with her readers.
The sites you will be building with this blueprint do not need to be updated regularly unless
you choose to for the purpose of morphing them into authority websites. Because of
excessive spamming from the likes of Viagra, porn and diet pill affiliates, many blog owners
disable the ability for readers to post comments. Therefore the benefits of creating your
websites as blogs are diminished.
The one advantage that remains is the ease of creating RSS feeds when using WordPress
or other Blog formats. However this too can easily be achieved when creating static HTML
sites. I will discuss how to create RSS feeds from HTML sites later on in this document.
Like the WordPress templates (themes) that came as a bonus with this blueprint, I know
that it is possible to create WordPress templates that make your website look like a static
HTML website. So here is the final point to be aware of before you start building your
websites. This point involves your exit strategy. You always want to build websites that you
can sell at any time; in the same way that you want to own a nice house that is in a good
street and near good schools so that you can always sell it at a profit if you wish to.
All of the sites you will build will be of high quality and much sought after by business
owners in the various niches your sites will be about. The sites you build will also be very
desirable for website speculators. These speculators buy profitable sites that have been
monetized by AdSense or affiliate programs. These speculators usually have great sway
with merchants, CPA and affiliate networks; they therefore can usually get much better
payouts for their efforts than the average publisher.
Other speculators have huge link networks. They know that they can buy your site, tweak it
a bit and point 2000 quality links to it. This will immediately give them a much better ROI
than if they invested in say Government Bonds.
As you would expect, most large players who make a living out of buying websites operate
very systematically. They are usually business people and not necessarily techies.
WordPress and other blogs usually need a database. Transferring this blog database may
render a few problems and make the transfer of ownership from you the seller to the buyer
a bit burdensome. As a result, blogs tend to generally have less people willing to buy them 2010 116
and therefore you may end up getting a lower price for your WordPress blog if you choose
to sell it.
I like using WordPress for data feed affiliate type sites and for building blog networks. But
that is another topic altogether.

Also, you should check out if you want cheapily convert your favorite
HTML/CSS website into a WordPress theme. I have never personally used the service but I
have heard good things said about it. Alternatively you could always just use any of the
WordPress themes or templates that you received as a bonus with the FatCat Blueprint.

What I Use and Recommend
The application I recommend comes as part of a private members only club that I
mentioned earlier on in the chapters about finding niches and keywords.
The private club and its software applications were exclusively designed for AdSense
publishers. Its website builder completely streamlines the AdSense site building process
and has inbuilt outsourcing functionalities that you may wish to take advantage of as I
discuss later on.
Although the club was designed for AdSense publishers in mind, you could still use Cost
per Action (CPA), Affiliate, Yahoo Publisher Network, eBay Publisher Network and other
forms of monetization if you wish. The website building application I continue to use to build
and expand my AdSense website empire can be found by clicking here.
The page shown in figure 8.1 was built using this website builder. Below is another image
of the same site built by using another template. There are many templates I could use, but
I am just trying to show you what your AdSense sites should look like. 2010 117
{Fig. 8.2}

I have removed the AdSense ads in the image below so that you can gain a better idea of
what a site will look like when built using the application I recommend. As you can see, the
sites are quite clean, functional and not too busy. This is the perfect combination for
massive AdSense success. Too many distractions like affiliate banners and links will
distract the visitor from what you want them to do i.e. click the AdSense ads. 2010 118
{Fig. 8.3}
What follows is another image of a webpage built by the recommended application and
how you should structure your sites. 2010 119
{Fig. 8.4}
You can of course use any website building application you choose. I prefer the one I use
and recommend because of the numerous bells and whistles that come with it that will
accelerate the rate at which you grow your empire of profitable websites. Simple things like
an ability to easily add reader comments to the website content and an in built blog network
make the recommended website builder my favorite choice by a long shot.

Other Website Builders
There are also quite a few good enough website builders on the market like CoffeeCup,
WYSIWYG Web Builder, Adobe Creative Suite, Blinkweb and also RapidWeaver if you are
a Mac user. The choice is yours. However you choose to build your sites, just ensure you
follow the methodology in this blueprint. Putting up a website is the easy bit.

As you may have noticed from the several images I have included in this chapter, the key
to having profitable AdSense pages is simple. In each page of your website, have the title
of the article, followed by the AdSense ads (large blocks), then the article. The links to the
other pages of site should ideally be on the top right side and should be on every page if
you are not building Silo structured sites (discussed later). 2010 120
The reason for having your menu bar on the right rather than the left is that most of your
websites visitors will find you via obscure keywords. They will come to your site via
different entry pages. Once they come to your site, they will then click on the different
pages of your site via the links on the top right hand side and perhaps click on the AdSense
ads at some point. Having the menu on the left side is a distraction from the AdSense ads.
I can not reveal my click-throughs as that is against Google AdSense TOS. But if you visit
plenty of online AdSense forums, the consensus is that about 15% of your visitors on
average may decide to click on an ad if you design your sites with the large AdSense ad
block just below the article title. I agree with this estimation.
Note that the click-through will depend on many other factors besides the location of the
AdSense ad block. The niche you are in, the content of your websites, the source of your
traffic, the colors of your ads and your article title will all play a role amongst other things.
People in desperate niches like hair loss and tooth pain relief for example usually tend to
click on ads more often than people in the not so desperate niches like say freight broker
training or retirement planning. Also for example, people arriving at your site via the MSN
(and now Bing) search engine tend to click ads more often than people coming through
from Google or Yahoo. This is also true for affiliates and CPA monetized sites.

AdSense Ad Placement
After you put up your sites, make sure you wait at least 4 weeks before switching on your
AdSense ads. You should count the 4 weeks from the day you did your first act of
promoting the site. The first act of promoting your site according to this blueprint will be
submitting an article to the article directories (discussed later). So therefore your AdSense
ads should go live at least 4 weeks after you have submitted your first article to the article
directories for promotional purposes.
This is because the other search engine rivals to Google, who own AdSense, may treat
new un-indexed websites with AdSense ads on it unfavorably (pure unscientific speculation
on my part). Also if you are promoting a site using website directories and link exchanges,
some directory and site owners do not like pointing links to websites with AdSense ads on
The guru consensus about AdSense placement falls into 4 main factors:
1. Make sure your ads are inside the article content. Doing this means that people will
come across your ads as they are reading your content. People tend to ignore ads
that are not in the main article body.

2. Ads should blend well with the colors and style of the website. This ensures that the
AdSense ads do not stand out too much like blatant advertisements. The purpose of
this is that people generally ignore ads. If people do not realize that an AdSense ad
is an advertisement, they are more likely to click on it. However you must do this ad
blending within the allowed limits of the Google AdSense Terms of Service. You do
not want to mislead visitors. 2010 121
3. Keeps ads above the fold. In other words, when people visit your site, the ads
should be immediately visible without the need for scrolling down or sideways.

4. Do not place too many ad blocks close together on your pages. This is because it
may make your site look spammy.
The above general guidelines are true for the most part. Google AdSense also has some
good tips for beginners which you can find out by visiting the AdSense Optimization Tips
If you look at the AdSense placement I use on my sites from the images above, you will
notice that I do not wrap the text around the AdSense ads as what is typically advised. I
find that the way I do it performs slightly better as the visitor is compelled to notice the
I really do not test any more about my AdSense placement as there are far too many
variables for each site that affect the click-through. I find it more profitable to stick to a
reasonably successful placement technique and just concentrate on building more
profitable sites.
I always ensure that the underlined title of my AdSense ad is blue, the rest of the text black,
the background is white and there are no borders on the AdSense blocks. I use the
336x280 Large Rectangle AdSense block once below the title of the article of that page.
Sometimes I use the same large rectangle block twice; side by side or one large block on
top of the other.

I do get noticeably more profits from my sites when I use two large blocks, one on top of
the other. For my sites, the increase in profits by using two adjacent ad blocks is 15% more
on average. I do not use this arrangement though as the sites end up looking quite
spammy. I just stick to using one large rectangle block.
Some AdSense publishers do not put any AdSense ads on the homepages of their sites. I
tested this on some of my sites. I built new sites and then did not put any ads on the
homepage. After several months when the earnings stabilized, I then proceeded to put
some AdSense ads on the homepages of those sites. My profits immediately increased by
about 18% on average for those sites. I guess this should only be expected as most traffic
will arrive via the homepage. Personally, I do put AdSense ads on my homepage.
The reason that some publishers choose not to put AdSense on their homepages is that
they feel that the ads make websites look spammy and even more like they have been
made for AdSense. The choice is yours of course. Personally, I do put AdSense ads on my
Also, putting one block below the title of the article and another at the end of the article
marginally increases profits.
Some people like to test bright colors for increased click-throughs and other similar
schemes. There are lots of variables involved when doing such tests and I find them not
worth my time as I am quite profitable with my current placement.
I personally include a light line to separate my article titles from the Adsense ads. This is in
order to comply with the recent AdSense guideline of not placing your AdSense block 2010 122
immediately below your article title. Google does not want this because it is easy to confuse
confuse a website visitor into thinking that the links in AdSense block are part of the content
of the article title. Putting a line eliminates any confusion.
You of course do not have to put a line, but you can just be sensible and not place and use
articles that will confuse your website visitors.

Best Template for Mind Boggling Click-Throughs
One of the best ways of dramatically improving your click-throughs is by using a few small
relevant images that are below your header but are right above your article title. The most
profitable method of using images was to place them right next to the AdSense ads. But
Google clamped down on this technique due to website visitors assuming that the images
were associated directly with the AdSense ads displayed. As a result, Google does not
allow the placement of images right next to the AdSense blocks in any way that may be
misleading to your websites visitors
There is a way around this though. The image below is a pictorial representation of the type
of template that will give you the highest click-throughs for your website. I have refrained
from actually showing you my live templates simply because everybody will start using the
exact same templates, rendering them less effective to everybody. By me showing you the
main features of the template, you can adjust any template you are using to give you the
very high click-throughs I experience for my websites.
Here is how your template should look like if you want very high click-throughs. 2010 123

{Fig. 8.5}
Note that the colors and borders I have used are just for demonstration purposes only.
They are not essential to making the template work for you. J ust make sure that that the 4
or 3 images you use are relevant to the primary keyword of the site. You could use the
same images for every page of your website.
You must ensure that the images and the AdSense ads are above the fold. That is why you
need to use images that are not too large and also why your header banner should not be
too wide.

Surprisingly, I personally do not use images for my own niche websites anymore. I still
have images above the article titles on my older sites, so I know the method still works very
well to this day. The reason I am not using images is simply that I am lazy and just found
that including images into my sites slowed down my established sitebuilding process.
I fully know that the ROI of finding good images would make the effort worthwhile, but I am
just lazy and quite happy with my current click-through rates, even though I know I could
improve them by adding a few images on them.
Many people just legally and illegally scrape their images from places like Amazon, eBay,
Google Images, Wal-Mart and other popular websites. I discuss legal ways of obtaining
quality photographs which you could use for your AdSense websites in a later chapter. 2010 124
The colors and backgrounds you use for your template should just be attractive. If you have
poor taste for colors, the best way of knowing what works in terms of color combinations for
your niche is simply to look and copy the colors that are used by the authority sites in any
particular niche.
Notice the horizontal grey line below the article title. It is there so as to ensure that Google
AdSense Quality Assurance do not accuse me of using misleading images that are not
associated with the AdSense ads. Doing so is against AdSense guidelines. Using such a
line to separate your images and title from your AdSense ads will reduce your click-
throughs by up to 2% in my testing. It is up to whether you use it or not if you decide to
employ templates like that above.
You can read further about this here.

Header Banners to Use or Not to Use?
Something you may want to test, if you are inclined that way, is to remove header banners.
Removing them from your AdSense sites will push the AdSense ads to the part of the
website that will attract the most eyeballs and hence clicks. The downside though is that
your website will look very spammy and you may fail a manual inspection from Google. I
personally use header banners for all my sites even though I know it is at the expense of a
reduced click-through rate. The choice is yours.
Ugly sites tend to get the best AdSense click-throughs because visitors to them want to
leave as fast as possible. It is just human nature. We all look at pictures of attractive people
a few seconds longer than we do of any Shrek lookalikes. It is instinctive. Deliberately
creating strategically ugly AdSense websites with no headers and with content written in
small grey unreadable text would be a quick way to boost your short term income. I would
of course advise against it as the intention with this blueprint is to create long terms assets
that you could sell for the highest amounts.

AdSense Channels A Must
Finally, make sure that each one of your AdSense websites is on its own channel. Currently
I use only URL channels as they are far quicker to implement than the Custom channels.
You just paste the domain name in a form in your AdSense account and your set. Buyers of
websites also prefer AdSense statistics extracted from URL channels. Custom channels
can be easily manipulated and can also be misleading. 2010 125













Search engine optimization can be divided into that which is done on your site (on-site
SEO) and that which is accomplished outside of your own site (off-site SEO). This chapter
is about effective on-site search engine optimization procedures. These procedures will
ensure that your websites pages will be indexed quickly and that they will have the best
chance of achieving the best rankings in the search engines, provided that its off-site SEO
elements are as good. Off-site SEO will be discussed in due course.
To create a website with pages that look like the examples I have shown in figures 8.1
through to figure 8.4, you will need to follow a few basic steps.
These steps will ensure that each page you create is fully optimized for the search engines
and for also maximizing your AdSense profits. There is not much point in creating a high
ranking website that does not even break even financially and there is also no point in
creating a highly converting site but which does not receive any significant traffic. So a
balance must always be established.
You usually do need to be highly versed in SEO methodologies in order to be able to
successfully optimize your websites for attracting free search engine traffic. This of course
does not apply if your site has such exceptional content or utility that it just grows virally like
Facebook, Tweeter and Google.
Even if you are a SEO expert, you will eventually just be following a sequence of steps in
order to optimize your pages. That is what I will be showing you. You do not need to
understand why you are following the SEO steps in order to benefit from them. However
knowing why you are following those SEO steps will put you in a position in the future
where you will be able to test, improve and adapt successfully the SEO of your websites all
by yourself. It will also mean you will easily be equipped to troubleshoot any search engine
ranking challenges you may face today or in the future.
It is for this reason that I decided to write the SEO Bully guide. If you are new or
intermediate in the world of SEO, this guide will be very useful in helping you understand
the reasoning behind the different SEO techniques. 2010 126
For you ER television show fans, this reminds me of a certain ER episode. In it, Dr. Lucien
Dubenko asks the trainee Doctor, Dr. Abby Lockhart, about the chemistry behind a certain
medical treatment she was administering. The trainee Doctor said she did not know. The
trainee also gave the impression that it did not matter whether she knew or not the
chemistry behind the medications. At that point Dr. Lucien Dubenko told her that by not
understanding the science behind the treatments, what she is then practicing is akin to
black magic associated with witch doctors. It is not professional medicine.
I have put the SEO Bully guide in a separate document so as to not distract you from what
you need to be doing. It also means that the experienced SEO people reading this blueprint
will not have to read any extra unnecessary text.
So below are the important things you will need to be aware of within your websites in order
to make it loveable to the search engines. Note that there are over 100 on-page and off-
page factors about your sites that the top search engines ascertain when indexing them.
Below are just the most important on-page factors that will give you the most bang for your
buck if you optimize them in the way I show you.

Web pages can be described as having two sections. The first one is what is called the
Header and the second is the Body. To study these important on-page elements, I will
discuss each section and the important elements within it.

Header Section

This usually contains text that will not eventually be seen by visitors to your site.
The header section contains several important tags which can be used to improve your
sites ranking. This section may also contain J avaScript and lately the codes for cascading
style sheets (CSS). CSS is just a way of optimizing the layout of your websites by the way.

Do not worry about CSS and J avaScript or anything else to do with web design as there
are plenty of good books and online tutorials out there if you want to become a professional
web designer. This blueprint is about making obscene amounts of money, so therefore I will
only deal with factors that will affect your websites money making capabilities.
The section will usually start with <head> and end with </head>. Note that the quotation
marks are NOT part of the code. Many of these elements are referred to as being tags.
i) Title tags
This arguably is the most important single feature you need to get right within your web
pages. This is what will usually appear on your browser when the page you want to visit is
loaded. It also what most search engines will put as the headline of your site when it
displays your sites descriptive snippet in the search results.
It is also partly used by the AdSense spider to help determine the nature of the content of
your webpage in order for it to be able to put suitably matching advertisements on it. The
more relevant to the content that the ads are, the better the AdSense click-through will be. 2010 127
I know that Google has introduced interest based advertising recently which you might
think might have changed things, but so far my network of sites with AdSense on them
have become even more profitable on average.

Side Comment:
For those who may not know Interest-based advertising enables advertisers to reach
users based on their interests (e.g. 'sports enthusiasts') and allows them to display ads
based on a user's previous interactions with them, such as visits to advertiser websites.
Each page of your site will need to have a different title as otherwise the search engine
spiders might penalize you slightly as they may perceive (as if lines of code have
perception) that all of your pages have the same content.
Many webmasters forget that what they put in the title tag will be what a search engine
surfer will first see about their site as that is what sometimes the title of their sites search
engine listing will show. So the title tag must also have good clickability so that when
people see your sites search engine listing, they will also want to click on it. It should not
be just a bunch of keywords separated by hyphens.
So therefore on balance, your title tag should ideally just have your primary keyword that
you are targeting for that page. So for example if the primary keyword for that page was
Costa Rica Weddings, your title tag for that page should then be just Costa Rica
Weddings. The closer to the beginning of the tag the primary keyword is, the better. So for
my websites, I just put the primary keyword in the title tag and nothing else.
Some SEO experts also recommend including secondary keywords in the title tag and then
separating them with a pipe (|), comma (,) or hyphen (-). So for example if the my
secondary keywords for the primary keyword of Costa Rica Wedding were beach
wedding photographer and wedding planning, my title tag would for example look like:
<title>Costa Rica Weddings|Beach Wedding Photogapher|Wedding Planning</title>
If you do choose to use secondary keywords in your web pages title tags, ensure that no
exact word is repeated more than twice.
For better clickability and depending on the content, you could use:
<title>Costa Rica Weddings Tips to Finding a Beach Wedding Photographer</title>

As you can imagine there are many variations you could use. Some SEO professionals just
include the primary keyword of the page together with a few of their LSI terms in the title
section. So for example if the LSI terms for Costa Rica Wedding are traditions,
coordinators, destination, honeymoon, planners, photography, the title tag may look like:

<title>Costa Rica Weddings Coordinators, Destination, Honeymoon and Planners</title>

I have tested all of the above different methods and can conclude that I did not find much of
a difference in search engine traffic results that was related to how many extra keywords
are included in the title tag. This may because the more keywords you include in the title
tags, the more diluted each of the keywords becomes. But that is just speculation. 2010 128
It also could be because most of my traffic comes from such a wide variation of keyword
terms such that including an extra couple of words does not make a noticeable difference.

It is important you include the primary keyword though as it will help also help in
determining the kind of ads you get.

So although there are many ways to structure the title tag, I personally just include only the
primary keyword of that page. So for the example above, my title tag for that page would
look like:

<t i t l e>Cost a Ri ca Weddi ngs</ t i t l e>
You are of course welcome to try other approaches, as my experience suggests that in the
worst case scenario, including secondary terms will not hurt your rankings.

ii) Meta-Keywords tag

Spammers have completely killed off the SEO use of this tag. Nevertheless I still do
populate this tag with a few of the keyword phrases that are in the content of that page. So
I will just include the primary keyword plus all of the LSI terms associated with it.

In my older sites I used to sift through the content of a web page and select 3 of the best
different keywords from that page and then include them in the meta-keywords tag. I then
became lazy and just included the primary keyword. I then started to get scared that I may
be missing some ranking brownie points and then decided to just include all of my LSI

To be honest none of my actions made any difference to my rankings. But for
completeness sake, I still do include the primary keyword of the page in the Meta keyword
tag at the least. I will add the whole range of LSI terms at the most.

So using the Costa Rica Wedding example, my meta-keywords tag would typical look like:

<meta name="keywords" content="Costa Rica Weddings, Coordinators, Destination, Honeymoon, Planners">

Or if I feel like it:

<meta name="keywords" content=" Costa Rica Weddings, Beach Wedding Photographer, Wedding

Choose whatever you are comfortable with.

iii) Meta-Description tag

This is tag is meant to be a brief summary of that particular web pages content. It is
sometimes used by search engines and directories as the snippet when they display
information that describes your site. It is therefore good to have a good description tag
even though they are not a major factor in determining your web pages ranking. The 2010 129
reason you should use it is that it may influence whether or not someone will click through
to actual visit your site after they read its description in the search engine results listings.

Ensure you include the primary keyword of that page in the description and that you limit
the whole description to 170 characters or 200 characters at most.

For the Costa Rica Wedding example, here is how my meta-description tag would look like,
depending on the content of course:

<meta name="description" content="Find out the secrets to a having a memorable Costa Rica Wedding that
does not break the budget.">

Make sure that the description is a good teaser and that it will make somebody actually
want to visit your site.

Body Section

The section will contain all that can be seen when the user loads the page. The section will
usually start with <body> and finish with </body>.

It is in this section of your web pages where you will include your articles, AdSense code,
links and images.

Below are the factors that are important as far as the body section is concerned and which
you will need to be aware of when building your AdSense sites.

i) H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 tags
The <h1>to <h6>tags are used to define HTML headings.
<h1> defines the largest heading and <h6> defines the
smallest heading.

In the old days, some of us used to use all of the tags on each page. We would start with
the title of the article in a H1 tag and finish with last subtitle of the article within a H6 tag.

These days, it is really not necessary to include all of the tags within a page in order to get
ranked highly. This is because there are so many other more critical factors that are being

For those not using CSS or who are not very conversant with web design, these header
tags can make headlines and sub-headlines quite ugly if misused. As a result some
webmasters just choose to ignore them. Despite of this, you should still use them in your
AdSense websites.

If you use any of the above mentioned website building tools, adjusting your Header tags to
make them more attractive is quite straightforward. 2010 130

I always try to at least use the h1 and h2 tags in all of my pages. I will use the H1 tag for
the actual title of my article and then the H2 for some subtitle whereby I will just have the
primary keyword of the page in the H2 tag by itself.

Here is an example of how I would use the h1 and h2 tags for an article on Divorce

<h1>How to Choose the Best Divorce Lawyers</h1>

<h2>Divorce Lawyers</h2>

Sometimes the two tags will just follow each other and sometimes they will be separated by
content. It just depends on the nature and content of the article.

ii) Keyword Density

A decade ago, getting ranked was almost as easy as just repeating your keywords as many
times as you reasonably could in your articles. But like all other search engine gimmicks
that are not beneficial to the end user, it did not last.

Also at around that time, some SEO gurus were recommending that webmasters should
build different web pages for different search engines that each have the optimal keyword
density associated with that search engine. For those who do not know, Keyword density
is just the times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number
of words on the page expressed as a percentage.

Different search engines treat keyword density differently at different times. You could lose
your mind trying to constantly be up to date with the optimal keyword densities for the
different search engines. I find that Yahoo and MSN (and now Bing) are noticeably
influenced by keyword density. However Google does not really care that much.

The best way to get around the tedium of chasing the favored 4%-7% keyword density level
is to just have your content written as naturally as possible.

Your articles for this AdSense blueprint will be 350 to 500 words in length. You need to
make sure that each article has the primary keyword 2-4 times within it. Ensuring so will
make the article still appear natural to the reader while at the same time keep Yahoo, MSN
and Bing happy. Doing so works! So do not worry anymore about keyword density.

The keyword should appear once in the first paragraph of your article and should also
make an appearance in the last paragraph if you can. Remember that throughout the
article, what matters is that you include as many variations of the main keyword as you can.
Also include at least 10 relevant LSI terms.

If your article is about a product, make sure that you include the brand names and different
model numbers and colors available. The more the detail, the more relevant your article will
become. Always avoid writing generic articles full of fluff and multiple repetitions of the
primary keyword. 2010 131

Such articles do not work for what we are trying to do. The sophisticated search engines of
today can very easily spot and disregard them. The articles you write need to be useful and
original. They must be the type that somebody with the addressed problem may actually
want to read.

iii) Image ALT tags
Although I do not generally do it for my AdSense sites, some people do choose to include
images in their sites. This does indeed make the web pages appear prettier and more
professional looking. Some people even claim that it improves ad click-through.
But do not try to put your images directly next to your AdSense ads. This was a technique
used a while back and if the image matched the ads, it did improve click-through
significantly. However it is kind of deceptive. Showing a random image of a wedding gown
next to ads about wedding gowns may be misleading. As a result, you should not put your
images next to the AdSense ads. Google AdSense cracked down on the technique a while
ago and it is not allowed any longer.
If however you do include images that are away and clearly distinct from your AdSense
blocks, you should make use of the Image ALT tags. ALT text is text that is added to the
image tag so as to help people who can not see the images, including the visually impaired
and people who have their computer settings set so as to not allow images to show up.

Although this tag is not important, it will not hurt you and will help a certain percentage of
your websites visitors.

If I had an image of a Costa Rica wedding named costaricawedding.gif" that I want to use
for my page on Costa Rica weddings, here is what my Image ALT tag would look like:
<IMG SRC="costaricawedding.gif" ALT=" Costa Rica Wedding">

iv) Internal linking
An internal link allows you to link to another section on the same web page or a different
page of the same website. So internal links can either lead to a different part of the same
page or a different page of the same site. Wherever they may lead, what is important is to
ensure that the text that is used for the link either has a primary or secondary keyword
phrase in it. This keyword phrase needs to be relevant to the destination page of the link.
So if the home page of your site is about Divorce Lawyers, make sure that any link that is
used to link to it has the text Divorce Lawyers in it instead of Home. This text that is
used for linking is also referred to as the anchor text.
Each link to the different pages of your site should have the primary keyword of that page
as the anchor text that is used to link to it in the menu. 2010 132
(Fig 8.4}
As you can see from the example in the image above, the text to the left side of the image
all link to pages that discuss Cheap laptop computers, reconditioned laptop computers,
inexpensive laptop computers etc. All of those phrases are the primary keywords for the
respective web pages. Using the correct anchor text is extremely important for on-site SEO.
Also try to stick to blue whenever you are creating links or anchor text. This is because web
users are just used to seeing links that are blue and underlined. Any other color might not
be recognized as a link by some users. Although my links in Fig 8.4 may not appear
underlined, but if you hover a mouse around it, a line will appear below underneath the text.
I do not underline my links because I would rather the visitor click on the web pages
AdSense ads instead of its internal links. If the websites visitor though does decide to click
on one of the internal links, the underline that appears will ensure that they know they are
Another thing to note is that using blue underlined links is more important when dealing
with anchor text for links that are embedded within the actual content. 2010 133
The final point to be aware of concerns how you name the files that contain your websites
internal pages. The file names of the internal pages need to be named after the primary
keyword of that page. So for the example in the image above, the file names of the internal
pages should be named:


I prefer to use hyphens as separators for individual page files as the names of pages can
sometimes be 4 words long or longer. This way, a search engine searcher can easily read
what the page is about from the URL. The search engine spiders will read the hyphen as a
space. It is quite OK also to Not use hyphnes as seperators. It is up to you. But do not use
underscores as seperators as some search engine crawlers do not interpret them as an
empty space.
In the next part of this blueprint, I am going to discuss what to actually put in your AdSense
websites. Apart from making you daily profits, these websites you create will also be
valuable assets that you can sell at a premium at a future date if you wish. So read
carefully to discover how it is done. 2010 134





You need to have good content on your sites in order to appeal to the visitors to your sites
who may be looking for information. You also need to appeal to search engine spiders that
will eventually determine your web pages rankings in the search engines. It is not difficult to
achieve this. All that you need to do is to have well written and properly researched articles
in your website that follow essential SEO.
I have gone through the SEO steps you need to undertake to make your web pages SEO
ready. But if you want a better understanding of SEO, just make sure you go through my
guide book, SEO Bully, which you downloaded when you received this blueprint.
The articles that you include in your AdSense sites need to be useful. I experimented in the
past with building large sites with generic rubbish articles. Yes you will get some clicks to
them, but the Return on Investment (ROI) will not be very good and your sites will be de-
indexed if the content is really poor. It seems that search engines, Google mainly, have a
very sophisticated way of determining quality in articles. I do not work at Google
Headquarters, so I can not give any definitive inside scoop of how they do it. I have heard
bits and pieces here and there, but at the end of the day it is just speculation. In the end, in
order to make money, all you need to know is that poor quality content is a bad long term
I spent several months writing the content for my first website that was on the topic of bad
credit loans. I then spent a few months writing the content for my second site that was
about insurance. I am not a web designer but I used Dreamweaver to design both of them
myself. So they were quite ugly and amateur looking. The loan site had about 100 pages
and the insurance site had about 50.
These sites have been up for over 8 years now. I do not promote them in any way and I do
absolutely nothing to them. As I mentioned earlier on, I stopped concentrating on these
large content type sites after my loan site got de-indexed. Nevertheless, despite no effort
from me for several years, both of them are still making me over $1500 per month in total.
The reason that those two sites for example have been doing so well over the years is that
they have good and useful content. If your content has value, there is no reason why you
could not exchange that value for money. Quality content will pay for itself many times over
for many years to come. What could you do with a passive cash injection of $18,000 every
I have to admit, I do not like writing. I especially do not like writing on topics that I know
nothing about. I come from an Engineering background. I think I only had to write 7 or 8
wordy reports during my whole time while studying Mechanical Engineering.
Going to Business School later on and having to write real reports on marketing and
management case studies was a real drag for me to say the least. I was just too 2010 135
comfortable with design and solving mathematical problems. Writing still is outside my
comfort zone. Writing this report was not much of an effort though because I really am just
writing what I already know and have experienced.
I did not need to do any extra research for writing this blueprint. The research had already
been done and I know the results by heart. Also a big chunk of the meat of this report is
based on my email exchanges with people I have taught this system to. And finally, writing
something about the marketing of breakfast cornflakes in order for it to then be graded by
some pompous Professor is totally different from writing about something that you are
confident will change many peoples lives for the better.

I had to rescue my brother from losing his familys home in Michigan recently. Although I
wished that he had taken up my offer to teach him how to make money online several
years ago, he declined, as he hates the internet and does not really have any spare time.
He works very hard at his job and the little spare time he has, he spends with his young
children. I can understand his perspective completely. Nonetheless, knowing that I am in a
position to help my brother and other people that I care about is reward enough. But being
able to teach other hard working people who I may not personally know the money making
skills I have learnt, is even more of a prize. So writing this blueprint was totally effortless,
even though I generally do not like writing.
It is for this reason of disliking writing that I was quite overjoyed to find out about how easy
it was to get cheap writing done through various online websites. There is no way I would
be doing the volume of sites I am doing today if I did not start outsourcing all of my writing
early on.
Note though, that is not essential to outsource when you are starting out. If you are short of
funds or just really enjoy doing research and writing, then by all means do it yourself. Also
some people may prefer to build only a few very large sites on topics they are passionate
about, in this case you can do well by writing your own quality content.
But to be honest, however you look at, you will eventually need to hire people or outsource
various parts of your online endeavours if you really want to hit those high AdSense income
numbers. I do not know of anybody online who is in the mid six figures or 7 figure range
who does not either outsource or employ people.
As currently I outsource all of my article writing, I figured that the best way of showing you
how to write the best articles for your AdSense sites is to show you how I post a writer
wanted project description on the freelancer sites and what I then include in the Project
Specifications that I send to the chosen a writer. I will discuss outsourcing in detail later on
in this blueprint.
NOTE that the Project Specifications is not what I would post in the freelance sites like
Elance or at, but it is what I would send PRIVATELY to the eventual
winning bidder or to my employee. So please DO NOT post the below Project
Specifications on some freelancing site. The below Project Specification should just be
used to give you an idea on how I like my articles to be written.
If you decide to outsource, make sure that you write your own Writer Wanted Project
Description when you post to the freelancer sites. The reason is because you are not me.
My life experiences has tuned me into a different person to you, so I am honed to seeing
things in a particular way. If you present a description exactly like me, you will not be tuned 2010 136
to any mistakes or errors that the articles may have. You need to write your own
descriptions so that you will be in touch with it and understand what to expect from your
Here is an example of a project description that I have used on one of the online freelancer

Example Writer Wanted Project Description:

The project description you post on the freelance site should not cover all of the details as
you may inadvertently reveal your money making secrets. You will need to send the full
project details i.e. Project Specifications, only to the writer with the winning bid.
Please put a sensible "delivery within" time, as overly optimistic timescales suggests that you do not understand what is
The articles MUST be unique. I will not pay for nor accept articles copied from somewhere else. I will confirm this
using, and my own software. So if you feel that you can not write grammatically correct
articles in English that are original, please do not bid. Poorly written articles will always be rejected and the project
cancelled, wasting both of our times. So do not bid if you can only write in broken English. The project guidelines need
to be followed exactly.
In your bids, please place the TOTAL cost that you expect to be paid for the project and the TOTAL time you expect it
will take, not the cost per letter or time per article.
All of the 60 articles will be about 10 different subjects. The articles need to be at least 500 words in length and have at
least four paragraphs. For quality enhancement, I will provide 10 simple one word phrases (LSI) that will need to be
integrated into the articles. You will also need to include a 10 (average) worded short description of the article.
I would expect you to use the internet and all of its resources for any research.

Unique Article Writer Wanted
I need 60 original and unique articles that are structurally and grammatically correct. I will provide a keyword phrase
that each article should cover.
Anyway, below is a Project Specification that I have actually sent to a writer. It is only the
niches and keywords that have been changed. Reading it will give you an idea of how your
articles should be written and how your outsourced writers should write their articles if you
choose to outsource that task. Remember that this is a just a guideline of how I get good
articles written. You should be ready to create your own approach to get good articles
written. All that matters are that the articles are good, useful and SEO friendly.
Even with such detailed specifications, like in any project management task, you will need
to follow up on your writers.
Note that in the Project Specification example below, I am asking the writer to write 60
articles for me. The number could 5 or 20, 30 or whatever your requirements are and 2010 137
budget permits. J ust make sure though that the writer is able to complete it in less than a
month. Ideally the project should be small enough to be completed within less than 2 weeks
if you are dealing with an individual writer. Less than a month if dealing with a team of
writers. Having to wait for more than a month is risky in that if the writer falls ill, gets bored
or gets more lucrative writing projects, you will have wasted a whole month. So outsource
in small batches so as to get more practical and faster turnaround times.

Example of Project Specifications Sent To Selected Writer:
Thank you for your introduction email and for accepting the project.

I need 60 original and unique articles that are structurally and grammatically correct. Below you will find keyword
phrases (kw) which will provide the subject matter for each article.

Each one of those keyword (kw) phrases should be included in the title of its respective article.

Each of those kw phrases should also appear at least twice more within the article, but not more than four times
within the article. Make sure to include this kw phrase in the first and last paragraph. The writing style for each article
should just be natural.

Each article should comprise of at least 500 words. It can be as long as you need it to be. Ideally each article should also
have at least 4 paragraphs.

I do not need to restate the importance of all the articles being original and unique as I will not pay for nor accept articles
copied from somewhere else.

All of the article topics will be in groups of 6. I would like each of the articles to be saved in its own PLAIN TEXT file
with the keyword phrase as the file title. Then all the group of 6 text files can be saved in a folder that can then be
emailed or downloaded by me.

Writing Style

Try to use more synonyms and variations of the phrase whenever possible within the article. This just seems more
natural to the reader. For example, "laptop batteries "and "batteries for laptops" are interchangeable.Women's shoes"
and "ladies footwear" are also interchangeable. Also "distance learning programs" and "distance studying programs" and
"distance degree programs" and "distance education programs" are also all interchangeable.

"Washington real estate", "real estate for Washington", " properties for Washington", " real estate for Washington,
homes for sale in Wa." and " houses for sale in Washington " are all interchangeable with each other. All this will
enhance the readability of the article as that is how somebody writing naturally would write. You probably already
realize this but I just wanted to emphasize it.

Lets say the primary keyword phrase for an article is job interview tips. I would expect this article to have certain
words in them if written in a natural style. Words like employment, career, hiring, salary, employee, management,
CV and resume would be expected to occur somewhere within the article. I am not saying that all those words should be
in the article, but one would expect an article about the Residence of the Queen of England to have Buckingham Palace
somewhere in it in the same way an article about Indian Independence to have Mahatma Gandhi, J awaharlal
Nehru, 1947 or Britain somewhere in it. This just makes sense when writing naturally and informatively.

This is how I would like you to write the articles.

Additional Details:

Please include an 8-12 word short description of the article at the top of each article. 2010 138
So the structure of the text files you send me with the article will look like below:

8-10 word article description

Article Title

Actual Article....

For example for an article with a keyword phrase Warehouse Management System", the article you present to me
would look like:

The 8-12 worded description should just describe the benefit what you wrote or are going to write about and must
contain the article topic keyword phrase that I supplied. The decryption can thus be 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 words in length.

Choosing Article Content
The articles need to be useful to the reader. They will be used for web content. People read online articles usually in
order to solve a problem of some type. They do this by finding information about that problem they have. The articles
you write will need to be informative to help someone solve a problem. These problems could be someone looking for
information on an illness, best online wedding dress shops, best places to visit in Alaska, best boarding schools etc.

People also always want to make money, save money or save time. Writing articles that are reviews, comparisons,
solutions, recommendations of the best products and services, warnings and dangers - always help people solve
problems, save money, make money or save time.

Common sense should prevail when choosing article content. By this I mean you can simply do a search online to find
the meaning of any topic if you are not sure. If the topic phrase is Orlando Replacement Windows, then you need to
understand that Orlando is a city in the USA. Therefore someone making such a search is looking for replacement
window services that deal with people living in Orlando; they are not looking for the movie actor Orlando Blooms

A review of 2 or 3 such services, importance of replacement windows, cost of replacement windows, different types of
replacement windows and what to look for when choosing them or a combination of any of those angles would make for
a nice and useful article for example. A Writer in the past, who I am not using anymore, wrote about the Orlando
replacement Windows company. The article clearly showed that the company did not exist (if it did the writer knew
nothing about it) and was just full of useless generic fluff.

For example if the topic is Los Angeles Moving Companies. The article could be about what to look for in a moving
company in Los Angeles. It could also be about reviews of 3 or 4 good Los Angeles moving companies. Whatever you
decide to write on, it needs to clearly match what the searcher was looking for.

If you search at Google for Los Angeles moving companies BBB, without the quotes, you will probably get an
outcome of a few good Los Angeles movers. BBB stands for Better Business Bureau. Companies with too many
complaints against usually will not have the BBB sticker on their site. You are welcome to use other means to identify
good services. Top 3 results from Google are usually quite Ok to use as well. 2010 139

You can use the information on the About Us and homepages pages of most sites to write a decent review of most

If the article topic keyword is Moving House Boxes, the article should contain a review or two of where to get
Moving House Boxes or what to look for in good Moving House Boxes or How to Avoid Using Bad Moving House
Boxes, etc.

Note that unless, otherwise stated or indicated in the topic keyword, all the articles are for United States of America
readers. Thus, the services reviewed need to be from the United States and be serving the USA.

About The Article Title
The title needs to be interesting. A short catchy sentence. This habit will assist in all future writing projects. The title
must answer a question or give a benefit that somebody might be asking or wanting to know about and hence maintain
their interest in reading the article to get the answer or information they are seeking. Remember this is all about

For example if the keyword phrase was, Computer Recycling Services", possible article titles are:

"Top 10 Computer Recycling Services"
"Best Computer Recycling Services"
"Leading Computer Recycling Services"
"Reviews of Computer Recycling Services"
"Reasons for Using Computer Recycling Services"
"Five Reasons why you should use Computer Recycling Services"
"How Computer Recycling Services help the Environment"
"How to use Computer Recycling Services"
Benefits of Computer Recycling Services"
"How Computer Recycling Services Save the Planet"
"How the Environment Profits from Computer Recycling Services
"How your children will be saved by Computer Recycling Services
"Secrets of Computer Recycling Services
Why you must use Computer Recycling Services
"Why every Patriot must use Computer Recycling Services
"If you love your country the use Computer Recycling Services
"Do not abuse technology, Use Computer Recycling Services
Why the Smartest Americans use Computer Recycling Services
"Why Smart People Computer Recycling Services
"Why Graduates use Computer Recycling Services
"How Computer Recycling Services Save your Kids"

I could go on and on. You could also look for any coffee table magazine to get an idea of what sort of article titles attract
viewers. Note that all the first letters of each word in the title are capitalized. I know this is obvious for most writers, but
it is a common mistake in the article submissions I receive.

Generally, articles having the following types of phrases often attract readers:

When to ...
How to...
7 Tips to....
11 Tips...
10 Tips on...
Secrets to....
Top Tips on...
Revealed: ....
New 2010 140
How can I
Where can you
What can I
When can I
How do it
Where can
Which is
How much
Where can I
Hints and tips
Low Price
Lowest Price
Get Rid of
For Sale

They always make articles appear interesting. Try to use the above type of phrases for the majority of the titles in each
group of articles. Also do not forget to include the primary keyword phrase as well in the title.

LSI Integration
Under each keyword phrase, there is a list of 10 LSI terms. Please naturally weave all of these 10 terms into
different parts of the article. The result will be a much better article. In the very rare circumstances when you can
not weave a particular LSI word in a particular article, then by all means exclude it from the article and let me know you
have excluded that particular LSI word. This should not really happen though as the LSI words have been carefully
chosen to fit in with the primary keyword.

More About the 8-12 Word Article Description
do not use "article" in the sentence that describes the article. The person reading the article already knows that it is an
article. That is why most newspaper articles do not describe themselves as articles, because the reader already knows that
it is an article.

For a sample article keyword phrase of recycling systems, the 10 worded article descriptions should be something like:

Discover what are the best recycling systems used for different countries.
his description can be between 8 to 12 words, but it must contain the article keyword phrase. 2010 141

The description is really a short sentence describing the benefit of reading the article and should attempt to tease you into
reading the article. It should describe what you will discover, learn, find, or know etc after reading the article. It is
teaser/taster to make the reader want to continue reading the article. Below are some examples of benefit teasing
descriptions. Note that being sentences, they all end with a full stop (period), like any normal sentence.

Come out with the best possible results with commodity trading software that works.
Find out new baby shower party ideas to make your party fun and memorable.
Discover what currency trading is all about and how you too can join the fun.
How doing a so called people background check can save you money later on.

The description of the article should just not be a statement about the article, but rather a description about it. For
example in an article with the keyword of "eye contact lenses", a bad description is: "Eye contact lenses have replaced
the bulky reading glasses because they are comfortable to wear and convenient ".

This description is really just a statement. It does not describe the article. A better description based on that bad
description would be:

"Find out why eye contact lenses have replaced the bulky reading glasses".

As you can see from reading this description, you can get an idea of what the article is about.

Sometime the article keyword or LSI term will be misspelled deliberately, leave the intentional misspellings as they are
when you do the spell check. One thing, try to include the LSI words exactly as they may appear. So if one of the LSI
words is misspelt, just include it as the misspelling. Do not correct it. Popular misspellings are often a very good source
of traffic.

Also if a kw phrase or LSI term has a British spelling like "colour", do not change it to its American equivalent. The LSI
words are very carefully selected for SEO purposes, so just include them exactly as they have been listed.

About Plain Text Files
Please do send the completed article files as plain text documents (notepad), Not as MS WORD files. If you do not know
what I am talking about please ask me or do a quick search on Google.

Below is a full list of the article keyword phrases that are to be used as the subject matter for the different topics. There
are several groups of 6 keywords depending on how many projects you are doing for me. So there could be 3 or 10
groups of 6 keywords. Please ensure that each of the seven related articles are in their own folders, preferably with the
first keyword in the list as the folder title. Therefore when you submit the work to me there should be X folders, each
with 6 articles. (X is the number of groups of articles you will be writing for me)

Important: These keyword phrases need to be included once in the titleof the article and up to four times within the
article itself, but never more than four times in the body of the article as alternative words should be used.

------------------------------ X * 6 Keyword Phrases------------------------------

Group 1

Installing laminate flooring
LSI: formica,rating,discount,concrete,cork,kronoswiss,tarkett,parquet,plank,compare

westhollow laminate flooring
LSI: laminate,flooring,estimate,find,vinyl,floor,glue,laminated,shaw,floors

swiftlock laminate flooring
LSI: best,bruce,mannington,wilsonart,installation,manufacturers,forums,krono,manufacturer,sale

balta laminate flooring
LSI: laying,diy,armstrong,installing,glueless,of,oak,suppliers,dupont,cheap 2010 142
installing trafficmaster flooring
LSI: price,buy,cheapest,install,canada,do,it,yourself,how,to

installing glueless laminate flooring
LSI: tips,bathroom,wood,kitchen,phoenix,kronotex,tiles,underlay,harmonics,swiftlock

Group 2

single mom dating

dating no no's

men dating single moms

single mother dating

single mom dating tips

why women reject men

Group 3

negotiation skills training

harvard negotiation project

negotiation skills training courses

crisis negotiation training

interpersonal skills training

soft skills training

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Group 7

Group 8 2010 143

Group 9

Group 10

designer pocket watches

collector's watches

cartier women's watches

men's pocket watches

colibri pocket watch

men's swiss army watches

--------------------------- End of X*6 Keyword Phrases-----------------------------

Please send me 1-3 sample articles after you complete them so that I can confirm we are on the same page. Before you
send the sample articles, please review the project details again. Because like every other human, I would rather not
repeat myself. This project is just about writing 500 worded grammatically correct and LSI friendly articles with the
keyword phrase appearing in the title and up to four times within the body of the article. Also required is the 8-12
worded article description. Thats it.

Here is a checklist of 8 things you should check for each article before sending them to me. Use it as it will save both of
us allot of email exchanges.


1. Use the search function of your text editor to check that the keyword phrase appears 2 - 4 times in the body of
the article. Make sure that the article primary keyword is in the first and last paragraph.

2. Make sure that the enticing 8-12 worded article description has the article keyword phrase in it. The
description is a normal sentence, therefore only the first letter of the first word needs to be capitalized.
Exceptions to this apply like any normal sentence (names of people, countries etc.)

3. Make sure that the article keyword is in the article title. Ensure that the first letter of each word in the article
title is capitalized.

4. Ensure that all of the 10 LSI terms are integrated in the article.

5. I trust you are competent with the English language, so proofread the article to make sure there are no obvious
grammatically mistakes or broken English sentences. Do a spell check and word count to ensure there 500
words or more in the body of the article. Sometimes the keyword or LSI term will be misspelled deliberately,
leave the intentional misspellings as is. Ensure there is a space between the paragraphs.

6. The name of the plain text files where the articles are saved are all named EXACTLY after the primary
keyword phrase for that article. Not similar or close to or the same meaning, but the text file name needs to be 2010 144

7. That all of the articles for each of the 6 related keywords in a group are in their own folders. So you will be
sending me X folders in total each containing 6 articles. The folders should be named by the first keyword in
the group of 6 articles so that I can quickly identify what is supposed be in that folder.

8. In addition, avoid using any fancy formatting like bullet points () or anything else as it will all appear as
jumbled characters when I load them into my system from the plain text files. Instead of using bullets, just use
hyphens (-) or numbers.

If I feel that you are not the right person for the project, I will terminate the project and pay you for any work done until
that point. Obviously I will let you know about it via email or by whichever method we have been communicating to
date. If I am not the right webmaster for you or you feel that the project is not a good fit for your talents, I hope you will
let me know about it promptly and ask me to cancel it.

The instant you feel that you are unable to finish the project on time for whatever reason, please let me know. There will
be no hard feelings from my part as long as I am informed. Also, please let me know if your estimated time for
completion of the project changes considerably from the one you placed in your bidding. I need to know in advance
when to roughly expect the articles. For some inexplicable reason, there are extraordinarily very high levels of fevers,
flu, server crashes, flooding, fires, computer breakdowns, diarrhoea and general bad luck it seems amongst freelance
article writers. The only malaise I have not heard of yet is an attack by locusts. So please, if you feel that something is
going to happen to you that will delay project completion, send me a message and let me know. It would be just
professional courtesy to do so.

My email address as you know is: If I do not respond within a day to your email, please use
the interface for contacting me.

I assume this may be a long document with extraneous details for an experienced writer, but I just feel I should explain
as best as I can what I am looking for. I will be happy to answer any questions or make further clarifications.

I look forward to working with you.

Please confirm that you have received this message.

Bertil J enner

------------ END OF PROJ ECT SPECIFICATIONS EXAMPLE--------------------

For my 10 niche websites, I will be getting at least 6x10 articles from the writer I would be
using in the above description. I will however need a total of 8 articles for each website. Six
of them will be used for the actual content for the website. For the remaining two, one will
be used to submit to article directories and the remaining one will be used for creating a
Lens on Squidoo, a hub in Hubpages or a blog in More will be revealed later
Note that the above keyword phrases in the project description are all for example
purposes only so as to give you a better idea of what you need to do.
If you are already an expert about the topics that you want written about or are willing to do
some basic initial research on them, you may always also include in the project details 2010 145
exactly what it is you want the writers to write about in each paragraph. In this way, the
writer will know exactly what it is you want and the quality of the articles will be better.
More about the Article Title
In the above project description, I have asked the writer to write an interesting title for each
article. Make sure though that the title is not too specific as otherwise it will limit the number
of people who may click through to read the article.

As a result, you may find it safer to just make the primary keyword phrase of the article as
the article title. I have done this recently for 100 of my sites as a test.

So for example in an article for the primary keyword phrase of "eye contact lenses", the
description could be: "Find out how understanding the basics of eye contact lenses
can help you make better purchasing decisions."

The article title would be just: "Eye Contact Lenses".

What I have discovered though from my testing was that neither the profitability of my sites
nor the click through rate to the ads, changed at all. They remained more or less the same.

Therefore you might find that just using the primary keyword as the article title is a good
way to save time and make the article creation process faster. The only drawback is that
the site will look more spammy and less professional if you do not use descriptive titles.

As a fact, Google for example has actual real people who manually visit websites that are
in the Google index to check their quality, amongst other things. A website that has all of its
article titles being just keywords will not give you any extra points in passing a manual
inspection from Googles quality assurance brigade. So in other words, even though there
may be no SEO advantage in using a creative article title, there is a benefit in that it makes
your articles appear less spammy.

J ust do what you are comfortable with though. Either way works just fine as far as income
earned is concerned.
Content for Physical Products
I stated in an earlier chapter that I like creating websites that cover tangible physical
products as opposed to intangible services. Saying this, I have many profitable sites that
cover services and other intangibles as well.
If you choose to build sites around physical products, you should tap into the reviews and
product descriptions of those products that you can find from online affiliate sites, Amazon,
eBay,, product manufacturers, etc. Completely rewriting those reviews and
descriptions is an easy way of getting content. Dont forget to tap into offline product
catalogues as well.
However you source your content, be factual and do not hype anything up. Whether you
decide to write about the experience of using a particular product or about the features of
that product, ensure that you are descriptive and that you do not lie. Remain neutral but

You have to remember that this is not affiliate marketing. You do not need to pre-sell
anything. 2010 146
If outsourcing, make sure you relay the above information to your writers.

 2010 147






a a

r r

As I said, I outsource all of my writing needs. In my opinion, unless you really enjoy writing,
have a very limited budget or just like pain; there is no reason for writing the articles
yourself. Remember that we are trying to be successful publishers, not successful writers.
So more of Rupert Murdoch rather than Gore Vidal.
It costs me $5 -$7 to get each of my 500 word articles written. I sometimes pay more when
I want specific research done or if the article is to be used for some other purpose where a
very high level of research is required. In general though, I do not pay more than $7 for my
AdSense site articles.
When you use freelancer sites like Elance and GetaFreelancer et al, you will find that there
are many good writers and also many bad ones. The feedback score is a good guide to
filter out bad writers but the problem is that service users do not always give honest
eBay used to have the same problem. People in some freelance sites are afraid to give
honest feedback to a poor writer in the fear that the writer will reciprocate in kind. As a
result, sometimes outsourcers and outsourcees always give each other excellent scores
when in truth there was nothing excellent about the writing.
Also there is a Machiavellian premise to writing false excellent reviews for poor writers. The
reason is that, why after suffering a bad relationship with a writer, should an AdSense site
builder freely inform her online competitors of who are the good and bad writers. It would
seem advantageous to the AdSense website publisher to mislead her rivals by saying that
a particular writer is excellent when in fact they are poor. As a result, you can not really rely
on the feedback ratings from online freelancer websites.
J ust like when reading Amazon product reviews or eBay feedback about a seller, I find that
the negative reviews tell a lot more about a product or a seller then the excellent reviews.
The same applies to freelance writer sites. If you find that a writer seems to have 2 or more
reviews commenting on their poor English and 8 reviews saying how excellent they are, I
personally would not use them.
Sometimes you will find writers offering their services for very low prices like $1 per article.
Good writers offer such low prices sometimes in order to build some feedback rankings.
People like you or me are unlikely to choose a bid from a writer who has no feedback. To
deal with this, some writers offer dirt cheap prices so that you can choose them and then
give them good feedback ratings. The more and better the feedback, the more likely that
the writers will have their bids chosen. 2010 148
I usually stay away from such low bids because in my experience, I find that such low bid
writers lose their motivation very quickly. There is really not much to motivate somebody to
do sufficient research and write all of 20 good articles for a mere $20. Such low bid writers
are useful if you only want less than 5 articles. In this way the project is small enough for
the writer to be able to sustain their motivation.

How to Find the Best Low Cost Writers
If you have never outsourced writing before, the best thing to do is to break your project up
into several small projects. Lets say you want 60 articles written. You can break down this
project into 5 separate projects of 12 articles. Then go and choose a different writer for
each of the different small projects. DO NOT put money in escrow yet.
Give each of your 5 writers your project description, but ensure you tell them that they need
to send you 2 completed articles for some of the primary keywords you sent them before
they continue with the rest of the project. Tell them that you will use these articles to see
whether they understood your instructions and so as to give them appropriate feedback if
required. Clearly state that they should not continue with the rest of the project unless you
have approved the articles they sent you and that you will only put money in escrow if you
are happy with those sample articles.
If you are happy with the 2 sample articles, only then should you put money in escrow.
Make sure you use Copyscape and any other tool you may have to ensure that the articles
are not copied from anywhere else online. If you do not have Copyscape, just do an exact
phrase search of some random chunks of text from the articles into Google Search. If you
get a result, check it out and see if the rest of the article was also just copied from that
website. If the article was copied from somewhere else, then do not use the writer under
any circumstances.
Out of the 5 writers you had chosen, probably 2 will be a waste of time, 1 will be average
and 2 will be good enough. Pay the writers that you do not want to use for the articles they
have sent you and terminate their projects. Then go on and give their projects to the writers
that you like. You will be able to use these writers over and over again for many years
usually. This is how I built up my team of reliable writers.
But always be out looking for good writers. Do not just settle for 2 or 5. The reason is that
you do not want to rely too much on anybody else for your business. Also people wherever
they are in the world or however good, they do get sick. Furthermore, peoples priorities
change over time. So someone who was a reliable writer last year may end up being
unreliable this year because perhaps they have paid off their debts. So just do not rely too
much on a few writers. Try to slowly build and expand your writing team as your business
You could always edit the sample articles that you received from the poor writers or you
could use them for blog posts (discussed later on). Personally I am lazy. I usually just
outsource the editing of the poorly written articles to another group of writers that I already
know are good.
Even after you have found your group of good writers, there are still a few things you need
to follow. Ensure that your project descriptions are very clear to exactly what you want. You
need to clearly define your schedule and what you hope the writer will accomplish within it. 2010 149
But in doing so, you need to be reasonable. Do not expect a New York Times level of
writing and research from your $5 per article writer.
Ensure that you allow a sufficient time for the writers to complete the project. In my
experience, 50% of the time, the writers will not meet the deadline. You need to plan for
this ahead before it happens. This is really just basic common sense so I will not go into it
any further.
Ensure that you are regularly in contact with your writers, especially the ones that you are
using for the first time. Try to keep track of the projects progress with regular
communication. Note though that this does not mean you should harass the writers several
times a day with inane questions.
Although you probably will not need it at the beginning of your website building efforts,
eventually though, you will probably need some professional project management software.
Although I currently use Basecamp for my project management needs, a good place to
start is with DeskAway. Other cool applications are Rememberthemilk and Toggl.

Please do not waste time with these tools if you are just starting out with your online
business. Trying to spend time learning and using each new application is time that could
be spent building sites. I have listed those task management websites for the benefit of
more advanced readers who may benefit from more efficient task management.
Here is a list of 10 places where you can find freelance writers, programmers, web
designers, link builders, directory submitters and everything else you may need for your
online business:
10. and other classified sites
11. Forums like, and other specialist forums.
There are many more freelance sites out there that you could use. But the above 10 sites
by themselves have more than enough talent than you will ever need. Also note that if you
use the website building software I recommend from the private membership club, they
have an in-house team of very good writers. You simply check a few boxes and the system
sends your keywords to a team of writers. Once the writers have finished writing the SEO
optimized articles, you can then preview them and then upload them to your website. Very
slick and easy.
I still use the outsource team from the private membership club. However my article writing
needs are very large and I just do not like relying on one group of writers for all of my
needs, regardless of how good they are. So for those intimidated by outsourcing or if you
are scared of being scammed by some unknown writers, I highly recommend that you start 2010 150
out with the outsourcing team that is available within the private membership club
mentioned earlier on.
I have never used it myself, but I have heard very good things about the affordable
American writers at Articlez. It will cost you about $6 to get a 350 world article. The writers
are native English speakers, so you are assured of well written articles that will speak with
the same references as most of your readers.
I have never tested PLR articles or different spinning systems for content for my AdSense
sites. My AdSense blueprint depends upon using unique and original content only.

 2010 151








Silos in SEO are a navigational website design method where your websites internal pages
are grouped together in their respective related categories. These related categories are
usually called themes. In such a navigational design, your homepage will only have links to
your silo pages. Your silo pages will then have links to your theme pages, which in turn
will have the links to the different articles of that theme.
As you can imagine this sort of design is a slightly more complicated to attain then the
normal standard flat navigational structure where all of the links to the internal pages can
just be found on the side menu on the homepage.
Google filed a new patent application in late 2006 that many SEO experts believed to be
proof of the direction of where Google was going with its search algorithm and spam
A part of this patent application states:

"An information retrieval system uses phrases to index, retrieve, organize and describe documents.
Phrases are identified that predict the presence of other phrases in documents. Documents are the
indexed according to their included phrases. A spam document is identified based on the number of
related phrases included in a document."

The above statement suggests that in order for an article to be deemed relevant by Google,
it is important to have in that article, other phrases related to the primary keyword of that
article. Weaving in our LSI terms into the articles helps achieve this. Using a silo structure
would theoretically only cement this requirement.
By the way, I know that there are 3 main search engines out there for English speakers, but
many SEO professionals are excitable whenever Google sneezes simply because of its
large market share. I know this varies from country to country, but here are some recent
figures from ComScore Inc., about current U.S internet searches:
Google: 65%
Yahoo: 19%
Bing: 9%
As you can see, Google rules. That is why any patent application from Google becomes a
hot topic in the geekiest SEO forums. Also note that it is almost a complete waste of time
trying to trick Google these days. You might be able to use very sophisticated tools like
Xrumer to get 100,000 incoming links to your webpage within a few days, but your page will
often be de-indexed very quickly. Unless your business model can work by being indexed
in the top 3 for a few days (and some do), do not waste your time with trying to game 2010 152
Google. They will always win in the end as they have far more resources at their disposal
and have far more to lose by losing.
There are many tools out there that allow you to build Silo sites and my site builder of
choice from the private members club is able to automate the building of Silo structured
sites with a click.
I have tested building sites based on the Silo Navigational Architecture. My results, based
on 30 sites, say that it does not really make much of a difference to my overall profitability.
Note though that all of my AdSense sites are fewer than 60 pages. Most of them have less
than 8 pages.

If you intend to build large sites with over 60 pages, it will probably be a good idea to use a
Silo structure just from an ease of use by the customer perspective and the duplicate
content issue from the search engine perspective.
If you have 100 links, and each link has anchor text with 3 words, that means that your
menu of 100 links may have 3x100 words in it. If your page articles only have 250 words in
them, it would mean that more than 50% of the content of that page will be duplicate
content, assuming of course that the menu occurs on every page. So a silo structure is
much more preferable for large sites of over 60 pages.
Having a silo designed site with only 8 pages will not make much difference to your search
engine rankings or profitability. I have tried this first hand, so you do not have to. 2010 153





I have thoroughly covered all you need to know about general on site and off site search
engine optimization in the companion document, SEO Bully, which comes with this
blueprint. There are many things that a webmaster could do to promote their website and
the most important ones are discussed in SEO Bully.
Below are some ideas that you could use to promote sites. I have actually done all of them
at some point in the past and can testify that they all work in different degrees. Below are
40 link building methods that I can remember using. There are many more that I have not
mentioned that are spammy, blackhat, or are just not even worth mentioning as they were a
waste of time. J ust quickly read through these methods. I will show you how I do it after you
get an idea of some of the different methods available.

1. Submit articles to the top article directories with anchor text pointing back to your site.
Ensure the article directories you submit to use dofollow links. A smart way of getting
more links through article marketing is to write articles on popular topics but then have your
resource box point links to your niche website. Articles on popular topics and categories
like weight loss and money making online get distributed far more vastly than articles on
topics like scorpions of the Sahara or Types of cloud formations.

2. Ask to exchange links with other webmasters in your niche. A simple search engine
search will reveal plenty of potential link exchange partners. You could also search for add
url or link exchange to find sites that are ready to exchange links with. If you add the root
keyword of your niche with either of those searches, you will quickly find sites in your niche
that are happy to exchange links with you.

3. Syndicate your content with article distribution services like Isnare and Article Marketer.

4. Use SEO friendly directory link buildings services like the one at Info Vilesilencer. It will
cost you though. These services will manually submit your website URL to the directories
that will most likely accept new sites while giving your site the most SEO benefits. Expect to
pay several hundred dollars for such services.

5. Use Unique Article Wizard to submit different versions of your articles to hundreds of
different websites, blogs and article directories.

6. Use the private label rights (PLR) articles from Article Underground to build your network
of incoming links.

7. Create a few audio files to start your own podcast. You can then submit it to podcast
directories. The audio files are just simple MP3 files and can just be audio versions of your 2010 154
articles or blog posts. You will need to create an RSS feed for your MP3 files using You then submit the RSS feed to the
different podcast directories.

8. Pay people to post blog comments for you in different blogs across the net that will have
a link to your website. These are called pay per post (PPP) reviews. There is a popular site
for this at

9. Build sites using PR Pumper on different IP addresses on different servers. You then
use these sites to link to your main site.

10. Create a network of blogs on different IP addresses and servers and then interlink
them. You can use auto content creation applications like Caffeinated Content to create
content automatically for your site. You then place links on the automatic blog posts back to
your websites.

11. Submit your links to directories that allow linking to the inside pages of your website.
You have to note that many directories only allow linking to your homepage. Being able to
link to the inside pages of your websites is a bonus.

12. Find all of the incoming links that your competitors have by using tools like SEO Elite,
and then contact them to get backlinks.

13. Offer to sponsor sites. In exchange for your sponsorship, you can then put a banner or
link text that links back to your site. This is very effective especially your site is targeting a
specific small geographic region.

14. Create bookmarks on different social bookmarking sites. These bookmarking sites often
get crawled by the top 3 search engines several times daily. So even if there links become
nofollow, there is an advantage in that your sites will get crawled by the search engine
spiders more often. Also there are rumours that Yahoo and MSN/Bing do not really take
notice of the nofollow command.

15. Try link baiting. Link bait inspires other webmasters to link to you without any prompting
from you. Here are some good methods to achieve that. Create and offer for free:
- a useful tool
- an interview with celebrity in your niche and publish it
- a valuable resource like a list, special report or how to guide
- a quiz or test
- a test for something that has not been tested before
- a funny or interesting video
- an expose of a scammer
- a disagreement with an authority in your niche
- templates or plugins that have links pointing to your site
- a crazy theory and back it up with pseudoscience
- an affiliate program for your site. Affiliates linking to you via certain affiliate programs will
pass on link juice to your site.
- PDF files. So create a free PDF report that has links to your website in it. Then give
people a reason to distribute it. Google can read PDF files.
- etc. 2010 155

16. Use controversy to create attention for your site. People like to read things that are out
of the ordinary. If you have an amusing or controversial article on your site, other
webmasters will naturally want to talk about it and then possibly link to the article on their
own volition. This is another form of link baiting.

17. Promote your site with press releases. Ensure your press release has a link back to
your site. You can use services like Prweb to get it distributed efficiently. A cheaper news
and press release distribution service can be found at WebWire.

18. Participate actively in forums, Yahoo answers and Google Groups by asking questions
and offering answers. Ensure you have a link back to your site in your sig or within the post.
Always read the rules of the forum or group before posting any links. Note though that
forums can also be vicious time vampires. Many Internet Marketers waste many hours in
forums under the pretext of learning. But in actuality, they are just avoiding doing real work.

19. Create a good video with a link to your site and submit it to YouTube and other video

20. Buy links from different text link brokers like

21. Submit your RSS feeds using automatic RSS submitters.

22. Promote your sites links using Twitter

23. Create a lens in Squidoo, a hub in hubpages and a blog in You then link
back to your site.
24. Submit a good story to Digg that has a link back to another article on your site
25. Cross promote your site using Digg. This can be achieved by first submitting an
interesting story on Digg that will in turn have a link somewhere within it to an article on
your site.
26. Use Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and other networks to link back to your site.

27. Image Share through sites like
28. Create applications like toolbars, screensavers or simple scripts and then submit them
to software directories. You will need to create something called a Portable Application
Description (PAD) file which you can then use PAD Express to automatically submit that
PAD file to hundreds of software directories. The lady at explains
this system very well. But with this method, you will need to make your submissions
regularly in order to sustain the benefits.
You can create screensavers from free stock images and then use sites like or to create the screensaver. You can
then create a PAD file for it and submit it to software directories to get links back to your
site. The Promosoft software at is what I used to submit my PAD file to
the directories. This is much easier than trying to submit a PAD file to each software
directory individually. 2010 156
29. Give testimonials to products you have used and make sure that there is a link back to
your site.
30a). Use automatic link building applications and memberships like 3waylinks, 1waylinks
and Comment Kahuna. There are many more such services that you can use. My advice to
you though is to avoid any service that requires you to put any code in your monetized
website for the purpose of gaining automatic links to it. My testing of quite a few such
services suggests that the risk is eventually never worth it. This blueprint will show far more
whitehat and long lasting ways to get thousands of incoming links without the real fear of
having your monetized websites de-indexed.
b) Every year there is usually a method of getting links that becomes popular and than gets
overused and abused before its effectiveness ceases. These methods are usually very
effective when they do work and if you get in early, you will reap the benefits either for the
short term or the long term. Currently as of the time of writing this blueprint, two such
popular methods include services from Angelas Links and Pauls Links.
This blueprint will be updated frequently with the changing internet. So whichever sites are
listed above, it will be the flavor of the year as far as getting quality links. To date,
Angelas Links are the real deal. Will they help you, yes. Do you need them to make this
blueprint work? The answer is aresounding no. I would recommend perhaps using such
services after you have discovered an exceptionally profitable niche that you can not resist
expanding and developing into a large authority site.
31. Use powerful multiple promotion tools like BruteforceSEO and SEnuke.
32. Video distribution through applications like TrafficGeyser and TubeMogul.
33. Blog Trackbacks can also be a valuable source of links.
34. Creating profiles with links back to your sites on Social Networking sites, forums and
other web properties that allow you to create profiles.
35. Paid to Post Sites like
36. Document Sharing
37. Write outstanding articles and then contact the different authority site owners in your
niche and ask them if they would like to place your article on their site. Your article will
obviously have a link that goes back to your own site. Some people use article spinners so
as to promise each of the website owners they contact a unique article. You need to ensure
that your site is a good quality site before you contact these different webmasters. Also
make sure that you do not have any ads when you do ask for your article to be placed.
Many webmasters out there for some reason hate the idea of people making money on the

38. Use the site: feature in Google to find high authority blogs operated by government
and educational institutions. Imagine having plenty of links to your site from Harvard
University, the Federal Trade Commission and other sites like it? You can find such
authority sites by doing a search without the quotes for blog or blog
in Google. You can replace the word blog with other identifiers like blogs, wordpress, 2010 157
comments here, farming blog, food blogs etc. Once you find such sites you simply
paste a comment with a link back to your site.

You can of course extend this to other countries and institutions like blogs for
military blogs, blog for United Kingdom Universities and other variations. You
could also of course just search for site:blogs in order to just find high ranking blogs to
post to. There are some browser plugins discussed in the blueprint that will help you quickly
identify dofollow links if you want to.

39. Combine and mix different RSS feeds from your website, videos, blogs, etc. into one
feed and then submit it. You can find a good description of the method here:

40. Buy links from authority directories like,, and the Yahoo Directory. Note though that Google is tough on directories
lately. Directory listings will mainly benefit your rankings for the Yahoo and MSN/

I obviously do not use all 40 of the methods above. I just use a combination of a few
methods that have proven to work and that have proven to have the best ROI. I will show
you the exact methods I use in this chapter and the subsequent three chapters.

How I Promote My Sites

As this is a step by step blueprint, I am going to show you here the off-site SEO steps that I
do to promote my sites and in which you could follow and gain the same results as I do.
After you read companion guide to this blueprint, SEO Bully, you will get plenty of more
ideas of what to do if you choose to. I however will only show you here what I do and what
you could do also if you want to copy what I do to earn many thousands each month from
Google AdSense.
Note that out of all of the methods available, I consistently only use methods that are white
hat and that have already worked for several years and will continue to do so for years to
come. I do also test some grey hat methods just to see if the ROI is worth it in the short
term. The method shown on this chapter is the method I use to promote the majority of my
AdSense sites.
You could by all means use all of the 40 methods above, but I am not recommending that
you do that. I recommend you use only the methods that have proven to me to give the
most bang for my efforts. Not surprisingly, the methods I will show you are the exact
methods I use. Nothing more, nothing less. You do not need to go and test all of the above
40 linking methods yourself. I have already done it for you.
Briefly, the main aim of my off-site SEO is to get incoming links with the correct anchor text
from as many different quality sites as possible. For website I build, there is a 7 step
process I use to promote them.
1. Article Submission
2. Directory Submission 2010 158
3. Blog Posts
4. Automated Incoming Links
5. Social Bookmarking
6. Squidoo/Hubpages/BloggerBlogs
7. RSS Submission
The two steps that are the most crucial are steps 1 and step 3. Article submission and
getting links from blog posts is what will make the most difference by far. The other steps
just help to give you a better boost to your websites rankings and also to give you further
ranking longevity.
What will follow is a description of the steps I take and in the order I take them for optimal
ROI (Return on Investment).

Step 1.Article Submission
Some people rely solely on submitting their articles to article directories for their traffic
needs. But you will need to submit 1 or several articles per day for a month or so in order to
get a huge traffic boost from articles. Chances are you have heard article marketing and
that is what it entails. Some call it bum marketing.
The purpose for submitting an article to article directories in this step is not necessarily to
gain direct traffic from our articles. The main goal is to get indexed by the search engines
quickly. Getting extra traffic from the articles will just be a bonus.
Remember that in Chapter 10, I discussed content creation. In that chapter I mentioned
that in addition to the articles for the actual website, you should ensure you get 2 extra
articles written. One article would be for article submission and the other for Squidoo/Hub
or Blogger Blogs.
In addition to having the article, you will also need to write a 2 or 3 sentence resource box
that will have a link or two to your AdSense website. Make sure that this resource box is
enticing to the reader and that the anchor text is suitable for your website. Check out some
of the resource boxes from the popular writers at EzineArticles to see what a good resource
box should contain. I will discuss resource boxes later on.
Now that you have you have your article and resource box, the next step is to submit them
to the different directories. My three favorite article directories are:
3. 2010 159
You can go and then submit your articles manually to those three directories. There are
other directories that you can submit your articles to, I have listed them below. If you are
doing your submissions manually, then you should not submit to directories beyond the
three mentioned above simply because your ROI of doing so will not be so good.
As you can imagine, trying to submit articles manually is very time consuming if you are
going to submit to more than 3 article directories. Thankfully there are plenty of tools that
can automate the article submission process. Each tool and directory is slightly different so
it is not reasonable for me to try to discuss each tool individually. But all you need to do is
pick one article submitter and stick with it. It will save thousands and thousands of man
hours, especially if you outsource the task.
Whether you decide to automate this task is up to. Some experts say that submitting to
too many directories is like spamming and will affect your sites rankings. Others self
proclaimed experts say that submitting to only 1 or 2 articles will not bring you the most
Several years of my own testing and tracking tells me a slightly different story. Below is the
percentage amount of directory traffic that a typical website of mine will currently gain as
result of using the leading article directories that allow author resource boxes with multiple
dofollow outgoing links. In other words, it is the amount of benefits my sites gains as a
result of using some of the top directories. 2010 160
EzineArticles 60%
ArticlesBase 9%
GoArticles 8%
ArticleDashboard 3%
ArticleAlley 2%
ArticleSnatch 1.5%
A1articles 1%
ArticleCity 0.8%
ArticlesFactory 0.7%
ArticleCube 0.4%
365Articles 0.3%
ArticleRich 0.2%
ABCarticleDirectory 0.2%

The remaining directories will give you rapidly diminishing benefits. Note though that the
traffic levels and overall power of the different directories fluctuate over time. But the
article power of the top 3 directories has remained consistent over several years now.

So from my experience, submitting to the top 3 directories will give the best ROI for your
efforts. However if you are outsourcing or using automation, then it becomes worthwhile to
submit to more than the top 3 directories.
Here is a list of some of the popular article submitters. None of them are perfect. Some
may stall occasionally and some may have a few directories that are defunct. Often,
directories change the way they accept articles and this often causes issues when trying to
use the software, before the software developers get a chance to update it. Nevertheless it
is still infinitely better to use any one of these article submission tools than trying to do it
manually in my opinion:
As our intention is to only just get a few links so as to get indexed quickly via our article
submission, just submitting to EzineArticles and GoArticles will often do that job
adequately. So use the automatic submitters if you plan on gaining traffic from your articles
by submitting plenty of them to those directories, however if you are following this blueprint,
you only need to submit to 2 of the top 3 directories that I have listed.
However if you also want to get a bit more link juice for your website, then go on and
submit to any number of the above article directories using the auto-submitters. After all,
the more article directories your article is listed in, the more backlinks your site will get. 2010 161
Some internet marketers use an application called UniqueArticleWizard (UAW) to submit
different versions of the same article to different article directories and blogs. The idea
behind it is that search engines will not index the exact same article too many times
because the search engines will deem it as duplicate content.
I know some people will disagree with the following, but I can only discuss what I have
experienced. I tested UAW on 5 domains. My results showed to me that it is not worthwhile
using it for the purposes of this blueprint. Also article spinners are not required as far as
this blueprint is concerned.
I do not mind using the different article submitting software to submit to many useless
article directories because it does not really cost anything. However changing the content
when using UAW and having to create so many different versions of an article is time
consuming and expensive for someone who is wanting to eventually have 100s of
Also many webmasters take the articles from the directories and place them on their
websites. If your article is popular, you may end up getting many links to your website from
the different webmasters who decide to use your article on their websites.
Some webmasters are unscrupulous and choose to not use the resource boxes that come
with articles from the article directories. A good way around this is to place the full URL of
your website somewhere within your submitted article content. In this way, your link will
actually show as a link if your stolen article is placed on a WordPress blog. It will also at
least reveal your sites address on normal static sites.
Do not however do this when submitting to EzineArticles. They may reject your article if you
do this.
How do I currently submit my articles? Well, the site builder I use from the private
membership club comes with an inbuilt article submitter. It submits to my three favorite
directories and many of the other top ones. I just need to paste the article in a form and
click submit. The article submitter then takes about 1 minute to submit to all of the top
article directories.
So in summary, in this step, submit an article to at least two of the top three directories with
links in the article resource box that point back to your AdSense website.

Step 2. Directory Submission
In this step, you submit your website description, title and URL to online directories of sites
like (Dont bother submitting there though). The directories list your site and you
thus gain a link back to your site. Simple.
Submitting your websites to directories is a good way of getting one way links back to your
sites. Many people who have been building sites for many years will tell you that the
benefits of submitting to directories is not that great any more because Google does not
care that much about links from directories. This may be true but my testing shows that
MSN/Bing and Yahoo still do care about Directory Link J uice. Although Google IS the Big
Daddy of search engines, do not underestimate the Power of MSN/Bing and Yahoo. Some 2010 162
of my most profitable web assets get 90% of their traffic from just MSN/Bing or sometimes
just Yahoo.
You need to be aware though that some directories link back to you with no follow links.
The no follow HTML attribute links was meant to help reduce spam; links that have it are
not supposed to be of any SEO benefit. So to be on the safe side, do not bother posting
your links in such directories. It is easy to spot them. You just go to the directory and click
the view tab on your browser, then source to see the linking code behind the links. If
there is a: rel=nofollow in the link, then you know that the links from that directory may
possibly be useless for SEO purposes.
There are some directories like, where for a fee; you get your site listed on pages
with good Google PageRank. These high Google PageRank paid directories work quite
well for SEO purposes, however I do not use them for my AdSense sites as the ROI will be
poor. I only use them once I decided to expand my little AdSense site into 100 pages plus
authority site on the niche.

There are also some services that will submit your website details to the various top
directories for you for a fee. Do a quick search for seo friendly directory submission to find
many services that will submit your site to directories that have a high Google Page Rank
and that do not use the nofollow attribute. Again these services like the one at are usually quite effective. The only problem again is that the
ROI will be poor for our AdSense sites in the short term. I only use such services once a
site has proven itself and I have decided to create a large authority site on the topic. Expect
to pay about $250 for 1000 directory links if you choose to use such paid services.
The most cost effective way to submit to many good directories is to outsource the task to
any one from the popular freelancer sites. It costs me an average of $0.05 to submit one
link to one directory. I obviously do not put out projects on the freelance sites that are
looking for one person to submit one link to one directory. I order in bulk. You get much
better prices if you outsource in bulk and that is what you should do, but only once you are
confident with a service provider.
So getting 100 directory links to your websites homepage may cost you only $5. You get a
good ROI by doing this. Even if you are not as lucky as I am and you are charged $0.10 per
link per site, the ROI will still be good. Because you have to remember that these directory
links are meant to be permanent.
By the way the more quality directories you submit to, the better your SEO results. Start
with 100 directory submissions per site. Ensure you vary the anchor text of your links in
your submissions.
Many professional directory submission freelancers will also have their own list of
directories they submit to. If they dont, you could always provide a list for them.
Another way of submitting to directories is to do it manually yourself. As you can guess, this
will be a very poor investment of your time. Do not do this. The only time I would
recommend submitting to a directory manually is if you were submitting a large authority
site like, Yahoo Directory or some other high authority directories. Besides that, 2010 163
There is a middle ground though. This is automatic directory submission by using directory
submission software. I have provided with this blueprint a great directory submission
application that you could use. The directories it submits to are of good quality and will
benefit your SEO efforts. It will submit to over 2000 directories.
The directory submitter that comes with this blueprint is one the best I have ever used and I
would not recommend you buy anything else. It is currently being sold online for $97. So
please do not think any less of it because you have received it as a free bonus. You could
just give your outsourcee this directory submission software and tell him or her how many
directories you want your sites to be submitted to. One hundred is a good start.

How do I currently submit to directories? Well, the site builder I use as part of the
private members only club comes with an inbuilt one-way link getting mechanism. The
method is proprietary so I am not allowed to discuss it unfortunately.
All I can say is that all I need to do is just fill in a form that asks for my websites domain,
contact email, name, keywords, description and title. I then click SUBMIT. That is it. The
directory submissions will be done automatically.
Please note that this step is not essential but is only secondary. It helps with varying your
incoming links, boosting your link popularity, boosting your PageRank and website indexing
across all of the other minor search engines. Submitting to over 1000 good website
directories for example will usually give you a visible PageRank change.
If you are unable to automate or outsource this task, then do not undertake it. You
will still get very good results if you just use all of the other steps.
So in summary, this step requires you to submit your website URLs to 100 or more
directories. Do not do this manually. This is a secondary step and my testing has shown me
that it is not essential.

Step 3. Blog Posting
This is the most important step and the crux of the promotion technique shown in this
The majority of blogs online will allow you to place comments on them. Amongst those that
do, some of them will also allow you to place a link within that comment. This can be very
useful for getting valuable contextual incoming links to your website.
The problem is that blackhat seo specialists did not take long to create applications that
would abuse this ease of placing links on blogs. There are tools out there that will
automatically search blogs that allow placing comments and then automatically post
hundreds of comments like I love this blog. Visit for more info on them. This
is commonly known as comment spam. There are also many other ways of spamming
blogs but teaching blog spamming is not the intent of this blueprint. 2010 164
As a result of the blog comment abuse, Google and the other search engines instigated the
nofollow attribute. WordPress, other blog platforms and blog plug-in developers also
came up with various tools and applications that would hamper or prevent this comment
The vigilance of bloggers together with very effective plug-ins has to a large part reduced
the amount of comment spam out there. As we are using AdSense, the last thing we want
to be associated with is spamming. Google are quite trigger happy in terminating AdSense
Accounts that have been reported for spamming. So our AdSense websites need to be
promoted in a whitehat and above board manner.
So your goal with this step is to find quality blogs that allow visitors to comment on them
and that also allow visitors to place outgoing links on those comments. You then need to
write comments on these blogs that will have links which point to your AdSense site.
There are tools like FastBlogFinder and RealLinkFinder that can automate your search
for dofollowblogs. You need to know though that a blog that allows dofollow commenting
today might very well disallow allow it next week. So such tools need to be updated often in
order to be effective.
If you are not happy with the tools that can do this, then just go to Google and do a search
for dofollow blog search engines. You will then find a list of various search engines that
will find blogs that allow the placement of dofollowcomments by visitors. Also doing a
search for dofollow list will lead you to plenty of sites that offer current lists of good
dofollow blogs.
Firefox also has a plug-in for their browser that can help you with your search for dofollow
blogs. The NoDoFollow extension will highlight links in a page according to their
nofollow/dofollow status. So with the plug-in, you can visit any blog and quickly find out for
yourself whether they allow dofollow comments or not.
Some SEO experts think that it is important to have a mix of nofollow and dofollow links
pointing to your site so as to have the links look more natural. I personally do not really care
if links are dofollow or not, so I guess I will naturally always have a good mixture in my
incoming links. The reason I do not care is that I am quite sure that the other smaller
search engines do not distinguish between dofollow and nofollow links. Nevertheless, a
dofollow link is always preferable to one which is not.
Note that just because the outgoing and internal links on a blog may all be dofollow; it does
not mean though that the comment section, which will allow you to place your websites link
on that blog, will necessarily be dofollow. You will discover that in plenty of blogs, the
comment sections will be nofollow. Most people with good blogs are slightly SEO savvy
and are aware of all of the plugins on the market that fight comment spam. WordPress has
the Akismet spam fighting plugin pre-installed these days. A blog administrator just needs
to click a button in her blog admin panel in order to start fighting comment spam.
You could also find blogs to post to manually by doing a primary search for your keyword
followed by the word blog. You could also add in your search string the terms .gov or
.edu in order to possibly get some very high quality blogs. You could also just search the
many blog directories out there. This is very time consuming and thus should be
outsourced at the earliest opportunity. 2010 165
There are also services out there at PayPerPost for example where you can just pay
people to do the blog commenting for you. In my opinion, such services should really only
be used if you have some authority site that you really want to spend some money on
promoting. It is more economical if you just hire a cheap freelancer to search dofollow
blogs for you and then do the necessary posting instead of paying significant sums with
such services.
There are tools that border more on the greyhat side of SEO if abused. Tools and services
like Comment Kahuna and The Free Blog Commenter for example can automate a big
part of your blog posting work for you.
I have written about the different services and methods for blog comment posting above to
give you an idea of the options available to you in order to achieve your goal of getting links
from blog comments. I have tried all of the above blog comment posting methods
mentioned plus others that I will not mention. As I said before, most methods will work to
some degree but others are just head and shoulders above others when it comes to ROI. I
am all about ROI. I will thus describe what I do and also recommend for the best ROI for
your efforts when it comes to blog comment posting.
How I do It
As you may have noticed, most of the methods of writing your comments on blogs rely on
first finding about 100 blogs with good PageRank. These blogs will also need to allow
visitors to write comments on them and be able to place dofollow links within those
comments. You can then always go back to your blogs, login to each one, place your
comments and wait for your comment and link to be moderated and published online.
There is an easier way though.
Imagine having your own blog network of several hundred blogs which you could
automatically have your blog post published without any fear of whether the blog is even
indexed in the search engines or if your blog allows dofollow comments. Imagine if you also
do not need to login into each individual blog as all of the blogs can be reached via one
The second best thing to having your own personal blog network, that has all of the above
qualities, is being a member of one. Welcome to the world of Private Blog Networks.
What do I do for blog posting? The private members club I have mentioned often comes
with a private blog network that you can post comments to and point links back to your
website. However, even though it is free for me and is effective, it is not my first choice for a
private blog network. That accolade goes to Linkvana. I post 100% of my blog posts
exclusively through Linkvana.
The reason I use LinkVana more than the one that comes with the private members club is
simply because LinkVana will also actually post the comments for you. Both the private
members club blog network and Linkvana have a blog comment writing service on offer,
however Linkvana will actual make the posts for you. I know that each post takes 15
seconds to post (I have timed it), but when you have several thousands of posts regularly,
every 10 second counts. So is only for this reason that I mainly prefer Linkvana when I am
posting blob comments for a site for the first time. 2010 166
Once a site has proven to be a money maker, I then also proceed to post 30% of my posts
via the private members club blog network. I do this as spreading the IP addresses of the
sources of your incoming links is beneficial for SEO.
For my typical 6 page AdSense website, I will typically post 20 blog posts targeting my
homepage, and 5 posts targeting each of my internal pages. I use variations of the anchor
text for any page I am targeting. If I am posting 20 comments for the homepage, 15 of them
will target the primary keyword for that homepage and 5 will use other secondary phrases
that are in that homepage. If I am posting 5 comments for any of the internal pages, 3 or 4
will target the primary phrase and 1 or 2 will target a secondary keyword.
When I say target a particular phrase, I am referring to what the anchor text of the link in
the blog comment will be.
Once a site has proven to be successful, I will continue to spend 20% of its monthly
revenue every alternate month on outsourcing the link building for it. I will use linkvana and
the private membership club blog network for this purpose. I find this is the best way to
ensure that a site remains profitable and does not get de-indexed for some reason.
To be honest this effort to continue building links to my already profitable websites is more
a result of my paranoia rather than a result of my own experiences. To date, many of my
AdSense sites keep earning for years and years without any extra promotion from me. But
to be on the safe side, I have started re-investing earned profits back into the sites. What I
have noticed. Surprise surprise though is that these sites actually start earning even more
when I do this.
Whether you decide to also re-invest in your sites or not is optional. But for completeness
sake, I just described exactly what I do. Also you may decide to sell your sites the minute
they are profitable. Doing this will mean that you do not need to re-invest your earnings so

Reducing Costs
Using either of these two private blog networks will give you a very good ROI. If you join the
private membership club, access to their Blog Network is free of charge. Being a member
of Linkvana will currently cost you $147 per month.
There are a few things you could do to reduce your costs for posting on blogs. If you
already are not a member of Linkvana or find that their monthly charge is outside your
budget, there is another new service that I have tested that is giving me good results. This
service is at Back Link Solutions and currently costs $97 per month for full membership.
They also have an associate membership at $27 per month. I have not tested this
associate membership so I can not comment on it.
The cost of getting content for your blog post can sometimes exceed the cost of creating
the actual content for your site. It will cost you $2 to get your 100 word post written for you
by most professional services online. However you could go to any of the freelance sites
and put up a project for someone to write blog posts for you. I have had a few different
people write posts for me at $0.50 per post. But I buy in bulk so usually mange to get lower
prices. But if you are just starting out with a small project, look to pay $0.50-$1.20 per post
if you get it done via a freelancer from one of the Freelance sites. 2010 167
It is much cheaper getting your blog comments completed through your own outsourced
writers instead of using the blog comment writing services from the private blog networks.
Here is an example of a project description I have used when looking for a writer to write
some blog comments for me.


long as long as you want beyond the 100 words minimum. I will provide the 60 topics with 360 keywords that each
of the paragraphs should be roughly about. Each topic will have one main keyword and 5 secondary keywords.
riting 2700 Paragraphs -100 Words Each
need 2700 short paragraphs written. Each paragraph must be a minimum of at least 100 words in length. It can be as
The main keyword for the topic will need 20 different paragraphs written for it and each of the 5 secondary keywords
The paragraphs can be generic but need to be roughly about the topic, and MUST include the topic keyword
sh and
The paragraphs must be unique. I will not pay for nor accept paragraphs copied from somewhere else. I will confirm

will each need 5 paragraphs written for it. So for each of the 60 topics, I will need 45 paragraphs written for them in
provided and must make sense. I am not looking for experts on the topics here, just someone with good Engli
who can write acceptable English language paragraphs.
this using, and my own software. So if you feel that you can not write paragraphs in
English that are original, please do not bid. I do not mind if the paragraphs have been rewritten from another source.
Here is another way to save money and reduce your overall website promotion costs of
blog comment posting.
J ust get the content of your website completely rewritten by somebody. It will cost you
about $2.50 per 500 words. Each of the AdSense websites you develop will have 8 articles
of about 500 words. Having these rewritten completely and transformed into blog
comments for posting will cost you a lot less than getting each post done for $2.
After you have your blog posts ready, you will then need to paste the posts into the private
blog network interface and include the hyperlinks that will be pointing to your websites
pages. This task of course can also be outsourced or done by you. It is really not that hard
copying and pasting a few paragraphs.
Alternatively you could just write your own blog comments. Each comment for blog posting
will need to usually be a minimum of 100 words in length. This is not difficult to write
yourself. And it even becomes easier if you use Speech Recognition Software like Dragon
Naturally Speaking. You can save yourself a lot of money doing it this way if you have more
time than money.

Another final way of saving money is to use Instant Article Wizard Pro. With this
application, you just type in a keyword phrase and than it will search the internet and then
automatically create paragraphs for you based on those sentences. With only a bit of
polishing and slight rewriting, these paragraphs are good to use as ideas for writing blog
posts. 2010 168
If Linkvana or the other private blog networks are beyond the scope of your budget, I will
show you in the next three chapters some excellent alternative methods of acquiring quality
backlinks for your AdSense websites. So do not worry. In fact in the next chapter, I am
going to show you a method with an even better ROI than the 7 step method shown in this
chapter. But before I do that, let me discuss other alternatives to Linkvana.

These services are at Article Marketing Automation and My Article Network. You can try out
the first service for example for free for the first 30 days to see if it fits your style. After that
it costs only $47 per month. The ROI from using it will be many times the monthly fee you
will be paying. The service involves submitting an article with tags that will allow it to be
spun multiple times. It will then be drip fed to the 10,000 blogs and sites that are in their
network that are across several countries and IP addresses. You can easily outsource the
creation of the spin-ready articles for $7-$14 via any of the freelance sites already
mentioned. Alternatively you could do it yourself.

The second service, My Article Network, is almost halfway between an article directory
submitter and a private blog network. I have not personally tested it yet but it looks like it
may be worth testing. You will just need to submit your spun articles to it like you would
with an article directory submitter. Then owners of the blogs in your niche have the option
to either publish your article or not. It seems like a good way of getting 1 way backlinks.
They have over 20,000 blogs in their network. So if you do not mind spinning articles, it
may be worth trying out once you have plenty of sites in your portfolio and have the budget
to test different services.

Spinning articles is not the sort of thing you should be spending your time on once you
have the funds to outsource the task. I tested this Article Marketing Automation System on
a few sites and the results were very positive. However I do not like spinning articles, so I
did not use this service to promote any more of my websites.

So in summary, in this step 3, use any good private blog network like Linkvana, the private
members club blog network or Article Marketing Automation, to post comments or article
snippets to. These comments and article snippets will have links to your website. You will
need a minimum of 20 links that point to your home page and 5 links for each of your
internal pages.

Step 4. Automated Incoming Links (Optional)
This step is completely optional and should be used only after you have several websites
under your belt.

Finding a service that will allow you to pay a small monthly fee in exchange for receiving
quality incoming links automatically is the holy grail of off page SEO. But like the Holy Grail,
such a service is not easy to find as far as my experience goes.

Once a niche proves profitable, I sometimes create several sites on the same niche. As a
test, I once took 20 profitable niches and created 5 new sites for each of those niches. For
each niche, I used one of the 4 of the most popular automatic linking systems on them. I
also did not use any automatic linking system on the 5
site. 2010 169
Some of the sites were on some of the automatic linking systems longer than others, as
some of these services were quite new at the time. So some had been using these auto-
linking systems for over 2 years and others had been using such systems for just a little
over 6 months.

My conclusion to date is that there has not been any noticeable difference in results
between the sites that have been using these auto-linking methods and my control batch
of 20 sites that have not used any auto-linking method.

What I can say though is that there is more incidence of higher PageRank on sites that do
use these auto-linking methods. Another advantage is that the sites also appear to be
visited by search engines more often. I have no yet noticed any disadvantage from using
these auto-linking methods apart from the cost and time.

The developers of such systems usually say that people do not get good results because
the keywords that they have used were too competitive. This is usually true. You really
need to choose keywords with very little competition to notice any benefits of using most of
the available auto linking systems. Because of this, you may decide that it is not worth
using any of the current systems as they are. What is the point of having a high ranking for
a term that is searched for only 10 times a month?

Although for the most part you will get your links automatically, you will usually need to
however do some preparation. You might either need to place a file on your website, create
a blog or something else.

Do not expect to get ranked for some highly competitive term using any of the services
below. What they are good at is long tail keyword phrase ranking. The ROI can be positive
as most of the services allow you to include several sites in their system at a fixed rate.

Here are some well known good auto-linking systems: (worked best for me, you will need to sign up and wait for an opening))

WEBSITE. More often than not, if the service becomes successful and goes on the radar of
the search engines, your websites will be de-indexed. This happens every time. Whatever
the creator of such a product tells you, do not believe it. Your websites will eventually get
de-indexed! I have tested so many such systems over the years and I can confidently
announce that conclusion.

There are also tools that are considered by many whitehat SEO professionals to be
blackhat. Such tools like AutoPligg and Xrumer can automatically get 1000s of backlinks
for your website in a relatively short period of time. I would not recommend you use such
tools for promoting your AdSense sites. I do not recommend doing this not because your
site may get de-indexed quickly, but because you will be spamming forums and other sites
for the purpose of getting links. Spamming is never a good long term business model, 2010 170
especially when the victims of your spamming can report you to Google and get your
AdSense account terminated.

I have tested the theory of whether building many backlinks to a domain quickly will
adversely affect rankings of that domain. My experience is that it does not. The reason may
be because the search engines will still take days if not weeks to find those hundreds of
links and count them in your favour. So just because you have acquired 1000 of links to
point to your website in one day, it does not mean that Yahoo, Bing and Google will find
them all and credit you with those incoming links in the same day.

If search engine algorithms de-indexed sites that built links too quickly, imagine how easy it
would be to eliminate your competitors online. You would just need to point 100,000 links to
their domain in a day and BOOM! They would disappear from the search engine indices.
We all know it is just not that easy.

Also all websites posting very popular videos or articles that suddenly get 1000s of
backlinks would always be de-indexed immediately. This is not the case in reality.

What do I do? Well besides my 100 test sites, I do not currently use any of the auto linking
systems when building my AdSense websites. I have left them on my 100 test domains
because I believe the monthly fees of using such systems are very low in comparison to the
benefits of a slightly higher PR. So the ROI is good! Selling links on your web pages with
PR on them is a profitable business model in itself.
So in summary, this step is not necessary and completely optional and can be skipped.
You do not need it to make this blueprint work for you. It should be used if your final
business model involves having websites with higher Google PageRank. This higher
PageRank could eventually be used as a monetization method in itself through selling links
or could be used to build your own quality private blog network.

Step 5. Social Bookmarking
In case you have been living in a cave for the past 8 years, Internet bookmarks are
just stored website addresses that can be retrieved. Social bookmarking is the practice of
saving and categorizing a particular website for your own use or to share with others via
social bookmarking communities.
Social bookmarking can be used to bring about more links and hence traffic to your
AdSense sites. After you create your free account at one of the leading social bookmarking
services online, you then simply bookmark your AdSense site. This will give an outgoing
link from the bookmarking service that will be pointing to your AdSense site. Most of the top
bookmarking services have good Google PR and are crawled several times idea by the top
3 search engines. Beside this advantage of getting an incoming link from a bookmarking
service, you may even get some traffic if you choose to make your bookmarks viewable to
the public.

As you want our AdSense websites to have incoming links from various sources, it is thus a
good idea to create several bookmarking accounts so as to get as many as reasonably
possible incoming links as you can. Some people have accounts in 30 or more social
bookmarking services. Some people have multiple accounts in multiple bookmarking 2010 171
services so that they can direct links to different pages of the same site. This deep internal
linking can be very powerful if done correctly.

As you can imagine, if you have 30 bookmarking accounts, bookmarking your sites will
become quite time consuming. It is very easy to outsource this task out for a few dollars or
instead you may decide to use software applications that do it for you. You may also
always of course create a custom script for it by yourself if you are a programmer or you
can get it developed by finding a programmer. Personally, I would rather buy a ready made
and proven software application and outsource its use to a freelancer.
So generally just remember that in theory, all bookmarks work like links. The more
bookmarks your site has, the better your profit should be.

Two popular applications for automatically bookmarking your site can be found at
Bookmarking Demon and Social Bot. Neither of these tools is perfect but they are great
time savers if you choose to go that path. I have tested Bookmarking marking Demon on
only 4 of my sites and my long tail keyword phrase traffic did increase noticeably.
Bookmarking Demon is regularly updated software that allows you to create multiple
accounts on the same social bookmarking service. You can then easily cross promote your
sites and inside pages in each account throughout all of your AdSense sites. You put your
favorite links using the application and it automatically bookmarks them using the stored
accounts that you created.

I can not exclusively say that my traffic improved to my test sites because of using
Bookmarking Demon as I also was using Linkvana and the steps shown in this chapter to
promote them. I would like to test both applications further but I must admit that it is quite
lower down my to do list at the moment. I am just way too busy implementing this proven
blueprint. Testing new ideas and tools although necessary for continued growth is also a
distraction unfortunately.

Here is a list of some social bookmarking sites: 2010 172
Yahoo! Buzz

All the extremely high PR social bookmarking sites on the list seem to be using the
'nofollow' tag for their outgoing links for bookmarks. Delicious has been nofollow for a while
now, as has Bibsonomy and Mister Wong. Furl has completely disappeared, becoming a
part of Diigo, which also employs the nofollow tag. which would have been
on that list but is currently not accessible anymore to the general public.

The current most popular ones in my opinion are,, Reddit,
StumbleUpon, Diigo, Propeller and Wists. Also note that is probably the
best source of direct traffic amongst bookmarking sites.

Although it is debatable if Yahoo and MSN/Bing really do care whether links are nofollow or
not, it is better to be on the safe side and target bookmarking sites that use dofollow links
whenever you can. Also note that if you create too many bookmarks in a short period of
time, your account may get suspended.

What do I do and what do I recommend? I recommend that you only create accounts in
3-5 bookmarking sites when you are starting out. I just bookmark my homepage of my site
in 3 social bookmarking sites. The 3 sites I use have changed over the years due to
services changing or just disappearing. I do not really care if the bookmarks are nofollow or
not as I feel that soon enough, all of the services will be nofollow anyway. Besides the
incoming links, the main reason I socially bookmark my sites is so as to get an RSS feed of
my bookmarks from the bookmarking service. This is quite handy and will be discussed
later on. 2010 173

The three bookmarking services I am using currently usually are a combination from the 6
( -sometimes
( -sometimes
( -sometimes

Any of the bookmarking services on the list above will do the job just as well. Once I
bookmark the homepage of my AdSense sites in those three services, I then also collect
the RSS feed for each one of my bookmark accounts and then save it. I will tell you how to
use these RSS feeds later on. That is all I do as far as bookmarking is concerned.

Once you have a few sites under your built and are making plenty of money, then go on to
test out any of the social bookmarking software I mentioned earlier on. What you do is
create multiple accounts on several bookmarking services. You can then go on to
bookmark 2 or 3 of your internal pages on separate accounts on different bookmarking
services. This could and should of course all be outsourced. I do not do this currently and I
do not recommend you do this when you are starting out as it is a grey hat technique and
may end up hurting you in the end. I just thought I should mention it in case later on it
becomes something you want to test.

If you want to focus on using Bookmarking, outsource the task out to people who will do the
bookmarking manually. It is quite inexpesive to do it that way and for the most part, none of
the bookmarks will get rejected.

Something else that was especially popular a year ago was the use of bookmarking
networks like the one at I have never personally used them,
but the idea behind them is sound. How they work is that you first join a network. After you
submit your domain into the network, you will be sent a list of websites to bookmark on your
bookmarking accounts. At the same time your sites domain will be sent to other members
of the network so they can bookmark it. The cumulative effect of so many people
bookmarking your site from different bookmarking accounts is supposed to boost your sites
rankings. I personally would not bother with such networks, but perhaps it may appeal to
some readers of this blueprint.

I almost forgot. You could also use the free service at SocialMarker to bookmark your site
to 50 or so social bookmarking websites. I have used it in the past and it works quite well
and I would recommend you use it when you are starting out and trying to squeeze every
penny from your efforts. Another similar free service can be found at OnlyWire. For the
current price of $24 per year, I like the paid version of Onlywire as it is ad free and comes
with full support. Well worth it in my experience.

So in summary, in this step 5, you need to bookmark each of your AdSense websites to at
least 3 social bookmarking websites. You will need to register a free account on those
websites. You will also need to collect the RSS feed for each one of your bookmarking
accounts and paste them all into a plain text file. 2010 174
You could automate and scale this bookmarking process by using the various automation
tools like Bookmarking Demon, Social Bot or SocialMarker.

Step 6.Squidoo/Hubpages/BloggerBlogs
Your goal here is to get some links from some authority sites.
The above three services are all user generated content authority sites that allow you to
create pages on any subject that interests you. These pages you create can have videos,
articles, photographs, maps, auction listings or anything else you may choose. Note though
that each of the above three have their own rules and operating requirements. There are
more such services online, but for our purposes, those three are more than enough as you
only need to use one of them in this step.
Either Squidoo lenses, Hubpages Hubs or Blogger Blogs will achieve what you want in this
step. Hubpages are quite strict on over promotion so be careful not to break their terms of
use by pointing too many links to your AdSense site or by over promoting your site in any
way. I prefer using Squidoo because it has a very easy user interface and they are very
promotion friendly. I will just describe what you need to do based on using Squidoo.
In the content creation stage, you created 8 articles. Six of them are to be used for your
website, 1 for article submission and the remainder for creating content on Squidoo.

You just create a Lens on Squidoo and paste your article and details in there. J ust ensure
that you have a few links (2-4) pointing to some of the internal pages of your target site with
the correct anchor text in those links.
Remember to save the RSS feed for your Squidoo lens into the same text file that you used
to save the RSS feeds from your social bookmarking services.
Ensure you point a few links to your Squidoo Lens. You may point the links from at least 5
of your blog comment posts from Step 3 to your Squidoo Lens. Alternatively you could just
bookmark your Lens in all of your bookmarking accounts or by simply using the free service
at SocialMarker. However recently though, many social bookmarking services do not allow
bookmarking Squidoo lenses and HubPage hubs.

A quick way to get links back to your Lens is by searching for other Lenses that are in your
niche and then clicking the add to this list button to add your own Lens into that list of
links. Not all lenses will have this option available but many do.
Besides your article, include 3 or 4 extra widgets that are provided by Squidoo. This helps
in making your site seem busy.
Whatever you do, your goal is to get your Squidoo Lens out of the red.
Although your purpose is to get incoming links, your Lens may also bring you a bit of direct
traffic if it is optimized and linked to. In order for your Squidoo Lens to be searchable from
Squidoo, it needs to be out of the red. Pointing links to it and following my article writing
guidelines will get you much closer to being out of the red. 2010 175
But at the same time, you are not relying on Squidoo for traffic. Therefore if your Squidoo
Lens is still not out of red after doing the above, do not worry about. Do not waste any extra
time on it as the 3 search engines will be the main sources of traffic for your AdSense
I will not go into how to create a Squidoo Lens as does an excellent job in
explaining the steps. Once you create your first Lens it is very easy to rinse and repeat.
The task of Squidoo Lens creation is also very outsource friendly. You should remember
this once you start making several hundreds per day.
Also do not forgot to name your Squidoo Lens in the same way you would try to name the
domain of your site. Try to name your Lens after the primary keyword of your site or the
primary keyword of the article you are going to promote. I usually name my Lenses after
the primary keyword of the article I am going to paste into Squidoo.

If you wish to, you may also submit your Lens to Squidoo Groups that are related to your
topic after it is not a work in progress. J ust do a search within Squidoo to find them.
Another optional tip is to ensure to use correct tags for your Lens. This will help in getting
your Lens found by your target market.

If you choose to, you can use different writers to write for your Squidoo Lenses and another
one for your articles that are to be used for article directory submission. In this way you can
have the same article about the primary keyword of your site written by different people. So
for example if the primary keyword of your site is Cheap Wedding Ideas, it then becomes
easier to have an article about cheap wedding ideas in your website, Squidoo Lens and for
article directory submission. Having the same writer create 3 articles for you may lead to 3
very similar articles. Using different writers reduces this risk.
So in summary, in Step 6, all you need to do is paste an article in Squidoo with links
pointing to your homepage and two internal pages. You will need to create an account in
Squidoo before they allow you to post any articles. In Squidoo, user generated content is
created in a form that they call a Lens.
You will need to collect the RSS feed of your new Squidoo Lens and save it in the same
text file that you used to save your bookmarking RSS feeds.

Step 7. RSS Submission
To some people RSS stands for Rich Site Summary and to others it stands for RDF Site
Summary. But currently, RSS is commonly considered to stand for Really Simple
Syndication. To "syndicate" means to be officially available to multiple outlets. For
example, how the Snoopy and Charlie Brown Peanuts cartoons were syndicated across
several newspapers across the world.

An RSS feed is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document that is used by content
providers to publish frequently updated content. You will never need to create your own
RSS documents as they will automatically be created for you. You will just be using them. 2010 176
There are websites online which are called RSS Aggregators (Feed Readers). These sites
allow content providers like yourself, bloggers, news channels, radio stations etc., to submit
their RSS feeds to their directories. Web surfers then just need to go to these RSS
Aggregators and then choose which RSS feeds they want to subscribe to in order to keep
updated on new content from their favorite sites. So everybody wins. Internet users get to
receive the latest information on that the topics that interest them and content publishers
get to get the word out on any updates to their content.
In this section, I will show you how to get RSS feeds for your AdSense sites and how to
submit them to RSS Aggregators (Also Known As RSS Readers).
Why should you bother doing this step? The secondary reason for doing this step is that
submitting your site to those RSS Aggregators will give your website more exposure to the
internet and every now and then some people will subscribe to your RSS feed. These
subscribers will visit your site if they find its feed of interest.
As far as this blueprint is concerned, the main reason for submitting to RSS aggregators
though is that your listing of your RSS feed will provide a backlink to your AdSense site.
Also, other websites will syndicate your content, and link back to your website.
Another little advantage of submitting your feed to RSS aggregators is that RSS feeds get
picked up by search engines pretty quickly. Authority RSS aggregator sites like FeedAge
are regularly being crawled by Google. If your website is listed in these authority RSS
aggregators, it means that search engines crawlers will also find your websites pretty
quickly and crawl them as well prior to indexing. As result, submitting to RSS aggregators is
one of the fastest ways to get your new AdSense site indexed.

In addition to the RSS feed for your AdSense site, you should also submit the RSS feeds
from your Squidoo page and your Social Bookmarking Accounts in order to also pass on
some link juice to them also.
Once your RSS feed has been catalogued in the RSS aggregators, each time you update
the content to your site, your feed becomes updated automatically.
J ust like article directories or website directories, there are also many RSS aggregators out
there. Here is a list of some of the most popular: 2010 177
Trying to manually submit 5 or 6 RSS feed URLs to each one of the above directories will
be very time consuming and not a good usage of your time. The best way to go about it is
to use RSS submission software. Two popular applications that can automate this task are
BadAssRss and RSS Submit.
There are also plenty of free options which can be found by doing a search online. A good
one that I have used is at Feedage. I like it because it has a Bulk RSS Loader where I can
just paste my list of RSS feeds in one go and click the submit button.

How to Best Create RSS feeds from HTML Websites
This is one advantage that blogs have over normal static websites. Finding the RSS feed
URL for a blog is as easy as clicking the RSS icon. Some website creation applications
also have the ability to create this for you automatically, but most do not.
Some people use sitemap creation programs.
The best way though of quickly creating RSS feeds from HTML websites incase your
website builder does not do it automatically, is to use the free service at html2rss. After you
register for free, just submit your websites details.

Say if your website URL was, the image below shows how you may fill
in the details: 2010 178
{Fig. 13.1}
After submitting your details, you will get access to a link with an RSS feed for your
The feed created from this service will look like:
Such a feed is fine to use and can be easily submitted to the various directories to gain
some link juice for your websites. Personally though, I do not like the idea of submitting
feeds that do not have my primary domain in them.
There are other free services like the one at that will create the RSS feed for
your site. J ust do a search for rss feed creator or any similar term to find even more such
There are also HTML scrapping services that kind of do want we want. You can check
out, or for this. Although there are certain
disadvantages to using HTML scrapping, but doing so does work.

What do I do? The website building tool that is part of the private members club I keep
referring to automatically creates the RSS feeds for my AdSense sites. Besides creating
RSS feeds from static HTML sites, it allows me to combine different RSS feeds and then
automatically submits them to all of the top Authority RSS Aggregators. So I just paste the
feeds I want to submit into a form within my account and click submit.
EzineArticles also provides an RSS feed for youre your articles that you have with them. I
also add this EzineArticles RSS feed into the text file of my RSS feeds, which I then paste
into the form of my website builder and press submit. 2010 179
If you are using another website builder, you can easily just submit the EzineArticles RSS
feed with any of the other RSS submitters every time you have 30 or so new articles
accepted into EzineArticles.

So in summary, in this step, all you need to do is create an RSS feed for your website and
then submit it to the various RSS directories. It is best to use tools like BadAssRss ,RSS
Submit or Feedage to achieve this as trying to submit your feeds to 30 or more directories
will be very time consuming.
At the same time, take all of the RSS feeds from your bookmarking accounts, Squidoo and
EzineArticles and also submit them to the authority RSS directories.
This completes the 7 steps that I use to promote the majority of my websites. I have doing it
this particular way after several years of refinement. If you chose your niches in the ways I
showed you to, promoting your websites with the above 7 steps will bring you very quick

In the next chapter I am going to describe to you a very effective but different method of
promoting your websites. Please read on.

 2010 180




The 7 Step off-site promotion method described in the previous chapter of using a
combination of blog networks and social networking sites is how I promote 60% of my sites.
Even though it is the process that I use for the majority of my websites, it is not though the
most effective method use. I continue to use the 7 Step method because it is very easy to
outsource and the ROI is excellent.
About 30% of my websites use another method which I consider to be the most effective.
But even though it is the most effective in terms of ROI, it still does require you to do some
work to implement it successfully. This method is called Article Baiting.
Article Baiting is very much like common article marketing but with a slight twist. The
difference is that the intention with Article Baiting is not to actually get direct visitors to your
websites. The purpose is to get endless backlinks to your websites from the articles you
submit to the leading article directories and the webmasters who will eventually take those
articles and place them on their websites. So the articles will be bait for webmasters, and
just like fish bait, the articles you use as bait will need to be tantalizing to the webmasters.
The long term ROI is better when using Article Baiting as compared to the 7 Step Blog
comment method because webmasters will continue to pick up your submitted articles that
are in the Article Directories for a very long time into the future. This of course means that
you will continue to be gaining backlinks many years down the road just for your one time
effort. Another advantage of using Article Baiting is that it works very well even if you use it
exclusively as the only means of promoting your niche websites. With article baiting, you
will not need to mess around with blog networks or social networking; unless if you want to
of course.
The drawback to using it is that you will need an ample amount of articles to make the
Article Baiting process work at its best. But I will show you how to easily overcome this
You can not submit just 3 articles and expect the money to start rolling in. For each 6-8
page website, you will need to submit about 17-19 articles; assuming you picked your
niches correctly. Of course you can write these articles yourself if you enjoy that kind of
thing or if you are on a tight budget.
Personally though, I outsource all such tasks. As all of my AdSense sites start with being
only 6 pages at first, my total costs for promoting using Article Baiting are thus $85
assuming a price per article of $5.
The Article Baiting method works very well because the niches that I taught you to choose
should be easy to dominate. Seventeen articles will not give you enough backlinks if you 2010 181
are trying to rank well in the red wine or desktop computer niches. However if you are
trying to rank well in the removing red wine stain or student desktop computer loan
niches, 17 quality articles are enough in my experience to give you a profitable ROI.
So choosing good niches to target in the first place is the most important part of making this
Article Baiting process work. That is why it is important that you use one of the methods I
have shown you on how to find hot niches.

Article Directories
According to this list, the three top article directories according to Google PageRank are:
So these are the only ones that you will need to concern yourself with. You want to use the
article directories that receive the most traffic because they will also have the most number
of webmasters who will be searching them for articles to use on their blogs and websites.
The high PageRank is just an indicator of how authoritative the directory is perceived by
Google and hence most likely by the other search engines as well. As you probably may
already know, the more authority a web page has, the more often that web page will be
visited by the search engines. High authority therefore means that new article submissions
to the article directory will be noticed and indexed by the search engines much faster.
You are free to use any article directory that you wish to of course, but the 3 above will give
you the best ROI for your article submissions.
The choice of whether to submit your articles manually or to use article submission
software is really up to you. There are good and bad arguments from both camps and your
final decision will depend on your own view of risk. I personally use the article submission
features that come with the private membership club I have already mentioned. It used to
submit to 30 top article directories, although it currently has been changed and submits to
just EzineArticles.
If you choose to go the route of multiple article directory submissions, there are many other
good article submission applications on the market. This has already been discussed
previously so I will not dwell on it.
If on the other hand you want to be absolutely certain that you are not taking any risks, then
just submit manually to the top 1-3 directories. It is not very hard and can also be easily
outsourced. In my experience manual and automated submissions will more or less give
you the same level of results in the long run. 2010 182

Article Content
How to write effective article titles and descriptions has already been discussed earlier on
in the chapter about finding hot niches. All you need to remember is to ensure that the
article title and description both have a popular keyword phrase in them. I will clarify what
type of popular keyword phrase to include in the subsequent paragraphs.

As already mentioned the purpose of these Article Baiting articles is not to get direct visitors
from them. The purpose is to get incoming links from the article directories that will archive
your articles and from webmasters who will scrape them for their own blogs and websites.
As a result, the goal therefore is to target quality directories that have many webmasters
visiting them. You can easily identify these by their rank, as it is webmasters
who will often be browsing with Alexa trackers. The three directories above all fit the good
quality and high traffic filter. Highly trafficked directories imply more webmasters will be
available to scrape your articles.
But submitting a quality article on the Mating Habits of African Dung Beetles in one of the
popular directories is not going to help you that much as far as backlink acquisition is
concerned. This is simply because there are not that many people or webmasters
interested in that topic. Therefore such an article will not be scraped very often as
compared to an article on perhaps The Dung Beetle Diet How to Lose 30lbs in 30 Days.
As a result, it is imperative that the articles you write about for directory submission are all
on topics that are very popular. You can easily identify popular topics by looking at the
names of the top level categories and sub-categories at EzineArticles. 2010 183

Writing and submitting to article directories interesting articles that cover those popular
categories or sub-categories will ensure a good interest from webmasters. You have to
remember that people who run blogs and websites are often always looking for good
content for their web properties. Providing good content for such people is a very effective
long term approach for gaining incoming links to your websites.

To ensure that your articles get found by webmasters, you will need to include these
popular category phrases in the titles and descriptions of your articles. For example if your
websites niche fits in well with the popular category of Mobile Cell Phone, then an article
title like; How to Earn Money with your Mobile Cell Phone, will be very effective. Whatever
you choose, make sure that you include the popular category keyword phrase within the
article title and also the description of it.
The resource boxes of these popular interest articles you submit will then link back to your
AdSense websites. So even if your eventual AdSense website is about the Mating Habits
of African Dung Beetles, ensure that the articles you submit to the article directories that
will be promoting your Dung Beetle website are all on popular topics like that can be
associated with Beetles like travel, Satellite TV (nature programs), dating, etc.
What will matter is where the links in the resource boxes of those articles point to.
You must ensure that the articles you submit to the article directories are not exactly about
the same niche as the AdSense site that they are trying to promote. So for example if your
AdSense website is about the York T101 Treadmill, do not write and submit articles to the
directories that are about York T101 Treadmills. 2010 184
There are two reasons for NOT submitting articles to the article directories that are on
topics that match the topic of the AdSense website they are promoting.
1) The articles you submit to the directories might outrank your AdSense website. The
directories will most likely have PageRank that is much higher than yours, so they can very
easily outrank your AdSense website. So the last thing you want to do is create more
competition for yourself while enriching the Article Directory owners.

2) You do not want other people to identify and steal your niches. If you submit many
articles that are about the same topic, other people monitoring such things can easily spot
and start competing with you in your niche.
In order for your submitted articles to be scraped as often as possible, the articles also
need to be good enough in terms of the quality of their content. I personally outsource my
entire article writing to professional writers for $5-$7 per article. But if you choose to write
all of the articles yourself, you need to create useful content.
But writing the articles yourself is also not that difficult. The most efficient way of creating
quality content by yourself is to just rewrite articles from the special interest magazines and
non-fiction books that are already present in your house. If you do not have any magazines
or non-fiction books in your house, just borrow a few from your library or even buy some
from or your local bookstore.
How to books like those in the The Complete Idiot's Guide to or For Dummies
series are excellent sources for finding great content for rewriting. Hobby and special
interest publications like Mens Health, You & Your Wedding Magazine and Good
Housekeeping for example are a rich source for quality content that you can rewrite.

{Fig.14.2} 2010 185

I would personally buy second hand books for this purpose if I were writing the articles
myself because a 300 page book that I buy for $6 on Amazon can be the source for 300
plus high quality articles.
What I have done in the past when I outsourced some article writing locally to people I
know was exactly the above. I bought several second hand books from Amazon and paid
some stay at home parents and local College students to rewrite them for me.
Using Speech Recognition Software like Dragon Naturally Speaking (or probably even the
Windows Vista Speech Recognition Application) can make this task of rewriting books and
magazines much quicker in case you are a slow typist.
The benefit of writing from off-line published material is that you will then be certain that you
are re-writing content that has been carefully researched. Webmasters looking to scrape
content from directories will always notice this and be quick to include your articles in their
blogs and websites; providing you with thousands of backlinks for life.
Rewriting is just about using your own words to describe text that has been written by
somebody else. So there is no need to complicate it.
Although the articles and their titles will be about very popular topics, the article resource
boxes though will be specifically about the niche websites that will have your AdSense ads
on them. 2010 186
Resource Boxes
In Chapter 2, I wrote:

The above still applies in this section too. However you will be using two types of resource
boxes when executing Article Baiting. The first type (Type 1) will have both links pointing to
the homepage of an AdSense niche website that you are promoting. The example above is
an illustration of such a resource box.
The second type of resource box (Type 2) you will be using will have two links in them. The
first link will be pointing to the homepage of your AdSense site and the second link will be
pointing to one of the internal pages of that same website. Both links will have anchor text
that corresponds to the primary keyword of the pages that they are pointing to.
So if my wedding table decorations niche website had a few internal pages of which one
of them was about cheap bridal shoes, below is what the resource box should look like,
assuming that the main article was about How to Earn Money Planning Weddings.

My name is Edgar J ames and I have made plenty of cash planning weddings for several
years now. However my day time job involves reviewing the latest wedding table
decorations and cheap bridal shoes for consumers. Visit my site to learn more.
The first anchor text wedding table decorations, points to the URL
http://* The second anchor text cheap bridal shoes
points to the inside page of http://*
shoes.html. (I have included an asterisk before the URL because the URLs are just for example purposes
only. I have no personal association with URLs in question and nor do I even know if they actually exist)
You will be using both of these types of resource boxes if you decide to use Article Baiting.

The Process 2010 187
Once you have all of the fundamentals in place, article baiting is quite straightforward. Each
one of the web pages of your AdSense website will be promoted by having two articles
submitted to the article directories whereby the first link in the resource box will point to the
homepage of that AdSense site and the second link will point to that specific internal
webpage of that same AdSense site. When the webpage in question is the homepage, the
second link in the resource box can just be the URL of the site as shown in the first type of
resource box above.
As the main niche of your website will be the primary keyword of your homepage, you will
need to perform some extra promotion that is exclusive for the homepage. This is done by
submitting an extra 5 articles to the article directories that will have their resource box links
all pointing to the homepage. All of these 5 articles will be using the Type 1 resource boxes.
Some people use article spinning software so that they can submit a different article to
each individual article directory. My personal tests tell me that article spinning is not worth
the effort. So I personally do not use article spinning tools. My tests also showed me that
article spinning will not hurt your sites. So if you are keen on using article spinning, by all
means do so, but my advice is that dont bother.
So I personally will submit the same article to several of the top directories. If you are
submitting manually, then just ensure you submit to at least EzineArticles and either
GoArticles or ArticlesBase.
Note that EzineArticles are slow to approve and publish articles compared to say
GoArticles. So if you are manually submitting unique articles to each directory, you will get
your website indexed sooner if you submit your first article to GoArticles.
Article Submission Process
To demonstrate how to submit the articles correctly, I will use the example site in the image
below to show what you need to do. 2010 188
As you can see the niche is Cheap Laptop Computers. The website also has 7 internal
pages as can be seen on the top right side of Figure 14.4. You will therefore need 21
articles to promote the 8 page website.
It is 21 articles because there 8 pages that each will have 2 articles submitted to the
directories to promote them i.e. 8x2=16
The homepage will need an extra 5 articles to promote it.
Therefore in total you will need 16+5=21 articles to promote the whole website.
So here is how you would promote that site assuming that you have all of the internal web
pages built and that you have all of the promotional articles written. I will also assume that
the articles submitted will be on different topics including home based business, gaming,
DIY and mobile computing.
Step 1: Submit 2 articles that promote the homepage using the Type 1 resource box. The
resource box for them will therefore look like: 2010 189

Both anchor text of the resource box will be pointing to the homepage of the website at

Step 2: Submit 2 articles that promote the first internal web page reconditioned laptop
computers. The resource box for them will therefore look like:

The first link points to the websites homepage at http://*
and the second link points to the sites internal page associated with the anchor text which
is at http://*

Step 3: Submit 2 articles that promote the second internal webpage inexpensive laptop
computers. The resource box for them will therefore look like:

The first link points to the websites homepage at http://*
and the second link points to the sites internal page associated with the anchor text which
is at http://*
Steps 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: Repeat the process for all of the internal pages until you reach the last
one; which in this example is best laptops for students. The resource box for this final
internal page will look like:
My name is Edgar J ames and I have earned plenty of money with my Mobile Cell Ph
for several years now. My day time job though involves writing about the latest
eap ch
laptop computers at my site which is located at http://*
My name is Edgar J ames and I have been interested in computer gaming for several
years now. I also operate a website that reviews cheap laptop computers and
reconditioned laptop computers. Please visit the site to find the best bargains on laptops.
Apart from mobile computing issues, I enjoy writing on topics surrounding cheap laptop
computers. So if perhaps you are looking to find out what are the best laptops for
students or people on low budgets, do visit my website.
My name is Edgar J ames and I have bought many cheap laptop computers over the years.
Please visit my site my site to find out more and benefit from my experience of inexpensive
laptop computers.
My name is Edgar J ames and I have earned plenty of money from home for several
years now. My day time job though involves writing about the latest cheap laptop
computers at my site which is located at http://*
The first link points to the websites homepage at http://*
and the second link points to the sites internal page associated with the anchor text which
is at http://* 2010 190

My comment:
I have included an asterisk before the URLs because the URLs are just for example
purposes only. I have no personal association with URLs in question and nor do I even
know if they actually exist. Also the name Edgar J ames is just an example and you
should use the name associated with your article directory account. If there is an Edgar
J ames article marketer, I apologise in advance.

Please note that you do not have to use articles that are in different categories for each
internal web page you are promoting. In this example, I have assumed the articles were on
home based business, gaming, DIY and mobile computing so that I could just show you
how easy it is to assimilate the different popular article topics to the different types of
resource boxes.
Also the resource boxes need to only vary in anchor text and link destination. You do not
have to always have to change the surrounding text for each resource box you create. I just
did it to show you different variations of resource boxes. In Article Baiting, all you should
care about is to have your two links in the resource box. Whether they get clicked on or not
should not be a major concern to you as you are not after direct traffic from these article
baiting submissions.

Final Step: You will need to submit 5 articles to promote the homepage. The resource box
will look just like the one in step 1.

Thats it! Sit back and wait a 4 or more weeks to start seeing your AdSense income rising.

Note that after you start submitting a lot of articles per day and have started to earn four
figures per month on AdSense, you may opt to start using the EzineArticles Premium
service. With it, your articles will be reviewed faster and you will also be able to choose
when each of your articles will be published even after you submit them in bulk.

Final Words on Article Baiting
You should not submit all of the 21 articles in one day. You should try to do each step in
separate days or even in separate few days if your time is limited. In this way, if you are
building 10 sites at a time for example, you could complete step 1 for all 10 of your
websites in the first day, then the next day or so you do the same for step 2 and so on until
you complete the final step of submitting 5 articles for the homepage.
The order and timeframe in which you submit the articles is not set in stone. What matters
is that you eventually do submit them to the top directories.
Submitting 2 articles to promote each of the internal pages plus the 5 extra for the
homepage should work very well for your AdSense websites, provided you selected the
niches using the methods shown in this blueprint.
After your website has started earning and is providing you with an ROI that you are happy
with, you will need to protect those earnings and ensure that they last for a very long time.
You can submit to the article directories one new article each month that will be promoting
your profitable niche website. This article will be using the Type 2 resource box whereby 2010 191
one of the links in the resource box will point to the homepage and the other link will point
to one of the internal web pages of that niche site. Doing this will ensure a constant stream
of incoming links to your website. As a matter of fact, your profits will often increase over
time if you do this.
Another thing you can do to maintain and increase earnings in the long term is to add more
pages to your niche website and promote them accordingly. These extra pages will need to
be selected carefully using the methods already discussed.
Whether or not you choose to add pages to your sites will be up to and on how many
untapped keywords you may have found in that niche. I personally like the idea of
constantly building on new niches. So I only expand on sites if the untapped profit potential
just becomes too enticing too ignore.
Also, with any website organic search promotional method, newly indexed webpages may
sometimes quickly rise up the search engine rankings. Then two weeks later, those same
pages may seem to disappear from the top search rankings. If this happens to your
websites, do not worry. The sites will usually return to their previous high rankings within
the next 2-3 weeks.
On a final point, if you submit articles that are only 250-300 words to EzineArticles, your
cost per article will also be reduced significantly. If the short articles you submit are
targeted, you will also get more direct traffic from EzineArticles via click-throughs from your
resource boxes because fewer people will have been bored by your article before they see
your enticing article resource box.

 2010 192







The following are completely optional and should be pursued if you are already set up for it.
I am always testing and trying out new things and the following is just a brief description of
some promotional methods I am currently testing with some success.
I have termed them advanced not because they are difficult to implement or understand in
the same way that advanced calculus might be more abstruse than basic calculus. I have
called them advanced because they are methods that work quite well but should not be
attempted if you are just starting out. They are extra optional methods that you could use
if you already have the financial resources and the systems in place to implement them

a) Video Submissions
Creating a video and then submitting it to multiple video directories is an excellent way of
gaining quality backlinks to your website and also of getting instant traffic to it. The video
needs to be only 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length.
Video sites like receive a heavy amount of traffic daily by people using it to
search all sorts of things that are of interest them. Tapping into this flow of eyeballs can be
extremely lucrative.
The video does not have to be Hollywood production. J ust a few slides showing the
benefits of somebody visiting your site may do the trick. You could use Camtasia Screen
Capture to create your videos or the Free CamStudio. Whatever you use, ensure that you
have the URL of your website prominently displayed throughout your short video.

A high quality video that is well presented and that has good content will always be better
for attracting traffic than a poorly made video with poor audio. The problem though is that
video editing software is expensive, writing a good script may be challenging and your
video production skills may be very basic. As a result, trying to produce high quality videos
for your AdSense sites may not give you a good ROI.

There is a service though that can help you create short high quality videos at no cost to
you. This service can be found at 2010 193


This online website is very easy to use and you can quickly produce videos that are up to
30 seconds in length. It is easy to use because all you need to do is upload a few images
related to your topic, add a bit of text and then select some music from their vast music
library. Animoto will then turn your images into an impressive looking video that you will be
able to submit to the various video directories.
Remember that all you mainly want are backlinks. Getting actual direct visitors from
YouTube to your site is just a bonus. You will receive direct visitors either from people
noticing your URL after seeing your short video on a video sharing site like YouTube or
from people who see your video as a search engine listing. The person seeing your video
as a search result will then visit the link, watch your video and then maybe continue to
actually visit your site. Selecting the right keywords is critical when trying to promote using
You should use Traffic Geyser if you are submitting plenty of videos daily as the ROI from
using it will be worthwhile. If you are only submitting a few videos a month, you should use
the free Tube Mogul service. If you find creating videos a burden, you can easily outsource
the task out.
What do I do? I do NOT currently use video exclusively for my AdSense sites. I have been
testing video for a few of my affiliate sites built with data feeds and also on a couple of
authority sites that I have built. So far, video does work quite well for them. It is still hit and
miss when it comes to receiving direct traffic, but the incoming links from the video
directories are solid and really help with the rankings.
I do not recommend you use video promotion for your AdSense sites when you are just
starting out as it will just slow you down. If you already are familiar with video and can 2010 194
create and promote them within a few minutes, then by all means do so. J ust ensure that
you do not have any AdSense ads already placed on your website when you make your
promotional video submissions.
If you are a complete technophobe and the idea of recording videos and submitting them
seems daunting, then perhaps you could use a service that changes articles into videos
and then is able to submit them. Click here to find the leading service for this type of easy
video marketing.

(b) Personal Blog Networks
In Chapter 2, I discussed a niche selection method whereby you buy unique domains for all
of the articles you are going to submit to EzineArticles. The reason you would buy domains
for unproven niches is that you would still continue to make use of the domains that you
were not going to proceed to build AdSense sites on.
Linkvana and other private blog networks are extremely powerful for giving you some
incoming links. Imagine creating your own private Linkvana clone for your private use.
Once you have 50 or more domains that you have decided not to build AdSense sites on,
you then need to get hosting on several different C-Class IP addresses and different
If you have the funds you could always hire a programmer to create an easy blog post
submission interface like the one at Linkvana or the one in the private membership club
blog network. You could also post manually or outsource it out by simply giving the blog
login details to your outsourced staff.
You could just use automatic content creation sources like Caffeinated Content from to have plenty of good 100 page blogs created instantly or alternatively,
Firepow to have them built more slowly.
Then whenever you have a new AdSense site up, you could just tell your outsourced staff
to give point 100 links or whatever you decide, back to your AdSense site. You could of
course point these links back to your site more gradually over a period of time if you
You should not attempt to create such a private blog network when you are starting out by
registering brand new domains. If you are just starting out, you will get a much better ROI if
you use the other off-site promotion methods discussed.
The reason is that there are many factors that will determine the efficacy of your blog
network. Factors like age of domains, Google PR, how many backlinks point to your
domains, etc.
Artificially creating quality for your domains can be expensively achieved quickly by buying
quality expired domains or by working on your domains to give them the quality scores that
search engines like.
Your time would be much better spent building new AdSense sites and using the other
already proven website promotional methods instead of trying to build your own private 2010 195
blog network. You do not need to create your own blog network to make thousands of
dollars with AdSense. I have mentioned it because some people reading this blueprint may
already have plenty of old domains lying around doing nothing.
I do use my own private blog network to promote a very small fraction of my AdSense sites.
The sites do indeed perform well. It also saves me a few dollars from the cost of posting to
Linkvana. Creating your own blog network should be considered only once you are making
at least $10,000 per month or more. So if you are just starting out, keep this idea in mind
for possible future implementation.

 2010 196









Every website promotion method discussed so far in this blueprint works and will give you a
very good ROI. But combining certain different methods will fast track your results

My comments:
The promotion system described here should only be attempted by advanced
readers of this blueprint. The reason for this is that Article Baiting and the 7 Step
Blog Comment System are both adequate and complete enough on their own to
give you an excellent ROI on your website building. Trying to implement the system if
you are just starting out with your online business may distract and slow you down.

As it is said, the best way to eat an elephant is through one bite at a time with small
bites. Trying to implement the promotion system in this chapter may just be too many
bites simultaneously for a newbie. So if you are new to internet marketing and just
starting out, build a few sites first and use Article Baiting or the 7 Step Blog
commenting system. Once you have very good cash flow and can easily afford to
outsource, then you can come back and implement the system in this chapter if you
wish to.
You are not going to gain synergistic benefits from combining any old SEO methods.
Certain specific methods work very well in combination with each other as they all feed off
from one another. The end result is a radical enhancement of the effectiveness of your
promotional efforts while inputting the same amount of effort.

Salted French fries with ketchup does wonders for the taste buds, but sugar coated French
fries with mustard just does not have the same effect. Like a chef trying to create a
masterpiece, merely knowing the ingredients is not enough. You still need to know what
amounts of which ingredients to include in your recipe and in which order to include them. 2010 197

This is what I am going to show in this chapter. I will reveal to you which tried and proven
methods to use and in exactly which order to implement them, so that your websites can
gain the synergistic boost that will catapult your web pages to the top of the search engine

The Technique

There are 3 distinct parts to this technique:

1. Authority Blog Networking
2. Short Video Distribution
3. Social Bookmarking

You will do each part individually and then combine them all so that all three will be
interconnected. Once you know what you are doing, it takes at least 3 hours to complete
the whole process from start to finish for an individual campaign; if you decide to do
everything yourself from scratch.

All of it can be outsourced of course or you can outsource just parts of it. The ROI though is
very good whether if you do it yourself or if you outsource the whole process.

This technique relies on heavily promoting each individual webpage of a site separately. So
if your site has 6 pages, you will need to create 6 individual campaigns to get the absolute
most from the system.

The most important page of any website is the homepage. So therefore you should always
start your first campaign with the homepage. Once you complete the promotion of the
homepage, then you can continue with the other pages if you wish to.

I will guide you through each of the phases of using this technique.

Step 1: Authority Blog Network

The idea here is simple. Create a network of quality blogs that are interlinked and then
point some links from those blogs towards your AdSense sites that you own.

The problem though is that most people do not own enough blogs that can be considered
authorities in their niche. Links from authority sites are assumed to pass on more benefits
in SEO terms.

A quick solution to this is to create web pages on sites that are already considered authority
sites. Luckily there are authority sites, usually blog publishing systems and social networks,
which will allow you to do this. They include WordPress, WetPaint, Squidoo, Blogger Blogs,
Hubpages, Weebly and Mybloglog. There are others, but as our authority blog network can
be successful with just 5 blogs, I will not mention too many others.

The authority blog network will be the thread that connects the whole campaign together.
So you need to do it correctly. 2010 198

How to Do It

Lets say that the 6 primary keywords for your AdSense site are:

cheap wedding dresses
cheap designer wedding dresses
informal low cost wedding dresses
buy cheap wedding dress
cheap new wedding gowns
beautiful discount wedding dresses

Lets also say that the primary keyword for the homepage is cheap wedding dresses. So
the first campaign in this example will focus on promoting the homepage primary keyword
of cheap wedding dresses.

As you will be building pages on at least 5 separate authority sites, you will therefore need
4 extra different variations for the keyword cheap wedding dresses. All of these variations
though must have the primary term cheap wedding dresses in them.

You could just think for yourself the variations from your own imagination or you can use
the help of the various keyword tools already mentioned. So here is an example of 7 extra
variations for cheap wedding dresses extracted from the Google keyword tool.

eBay cheap wedding dresses
very cheap wedding dresses online
where to buy cheap wedding dresses
cheap wedding dresses for plus size women

I could easily find another 20 variations, but you only need four.

You would then go on to identify 4 extra variations for each of the remaining primary
keywords for your site.

If your money site is promoting an actual physical product, the quickest way to find these
keyword variations is to use some standard phrases that internet searchers always use
when searching for products:

for sale

J ust attach any of the above terms before or after your primary keyword phrase for the
campaign in order to get some very good keyword phrase variations for your blogs. 2010 199
So in summary, you will need to create content for the following 5 phrases for the first

cheap wedding dresses
eBay cheap wedding dresses
very cheap wedding dresses online
where to buy cheap wedding dresses
cheap wedding dresses for plus size women

I have been quite successful in my experiments with using 5 authority blogs. If you want to
go the extra mile and get faster results, you could always use 7 or more authority blogs in
your network. But based on the keyword selection criteria I taught you earlier on in this
blueprint, a minimum of 5 and maximum of 7 authority blogs should do the job nicely.

Here is a list of the URLs of the best 7 authority sites to build pages on: or http://www.LiveJ

So you will need to build a single page on 5 or all of the above authority sites. Each one of
those pages you build will be discussing one of the phrases from your first campaign.

So continuing with the above example for the first campaign for cheap wedding dresses,
here is what you would do:

Table 1
Authority Website Keyword Phrase Variation
Blog cheap wedding dresses
Blog eBay cheap wedding dresses
blog very cheap wedding dresses online
Blog where to buy cheap wedding dresses
Blog cheap wedding dresses for plus size women

The table shows an authority blog site and a keyword phrase that you would create content
for. The last two authority sites have no associated keyword phrases as you will be using
only 5 of the authority blogs instead of the 7 listed. You could use seven or more if you
wanted to go the whole hog.

Here is a list of good alternative services you could use to make up your list of 5-7 blogs.
With the exception of the first one which is excellent, I have not yet personally tested the
other ones on the list. I have listed these extra services in case you want to rank highly for
a really competitive keyword phrase, in which case you would need to use 7 or more blogs. 2010 200

If you have used the niche selection criteria shown at the beginning of this blueprint, 5-7
blogs should in all cases be enough for any campaign.

A good way to ascertain whether you should use 5 or 7 authority sites in your network is by
putting the target keyword phrase in the keyword difficulty tool found here.

If the target keyword phrase ranks 50% or less, 5 authority blogs are enough. If it is 50% to
60%, use 6 authority blogs. If the tool gives you a difficulty of 61%-70%, use 7 blogs. If the
difficulty is beyond 70%, I personally would not bother with the keyword and nor should

Once you build your page covering the keyword variation on the authority blog site, you will
also then have to link each blog page to the next authority blog page so as to create a ring.

So the 1
authority blog page will link to the 2
Authority blog page which will link to the 3

and so on until the last authority blog page which will then link to the 1
authority blog page.
This will create a perfect authority blog ring.

Notice that the linking is one direction only. Do not link backwards or in both directions. You
can place your outgoing links from any location of the content within your authority blog that
you choose. It does not really matter where you place your link for this technique to work.
J ust ensure that you have the appropriate anchor text. I personally prefer using contextual

For links pointing to your money site, ensure that you have the anchor text that matches
whichever is the primary keyword phrase of that money site you are linking to. For
maximum click rates though, it is best to place links pointing to the money site within the
content you have written. The link should be placed strategically so that a reader will want
to click it so as to get further information on the topic in question.

You should also only include one link only to your money site. These free authority sites
that allow you to create free blogs on their servers are becoming increasingly stricter in
their monitoring of spam and over promotion. Too many excessive links to the same URL
are a good indicator of spam.

For links to the other authority blogs within the ring, make sure you use the correct keyword
variation in the anchor text that is associated with that blog.

Each of the pages you have built on the authority blog sites will also have to link to your
AdSense site which you are promoting.

Authority Blog Site SEO 2010 201
Creating a blog on the authority website is quite straightforward. After you follow the simple
registration steps and have read their TOS and user guides, you should in no time be able
to create these authority blogs. Although nearly all of them are intuitive, reading the user
guides may reveal aspects about them that may not be intuitive.

After you have opened an account, you just then need to do a few things in order to gain
the SEO benefits of what you are trying to achieve with this technique. Luckily, most of the
recommended authority blog sites work in more or less the same way. Therefore I will just
generalize the principles that you need to keep in mind.

-Ensure that the keyword phrase variation that you will be using for that blog is included in
the tag line of that blog and in the introduction.

- Use the keyword phrase variation that you are creating the blog for as the blog name. So
if the phrase you are optimizing is very cheap wedding dresses online, then make sure
that the blog is also named Very Cheap Wedding Dresses Online.

- If you are given the choice of choosing what to name the URL of the blog, always choose
your target keyword as the URL. If the version without hyphens has been taken, then go on
to choose the URL version with the hyphens included.

- Make sure that the blog sub-domain or page name is also named after the target keyword
phrase variation. There may be length restrictions in the case of very long keyword
phrases. So be careful not select keyword phrases that are too long.

- Ensure that the title and description of the blog also have this keyword phrase variation in
them. Try to include this keyword phrase variation twice within the title of the blog. For
example if the keyword phrase variation is Cheap Wedding Dresses, the blog title could
be: Cheap Wedding Dresses - Best Advice on Finding Cheap Wedding Dresses.

Note though that this idea of including the target keyword phrase twice in the title does not
work for very long keyword phrases. So you may need to settle for only a single occurrence
of the target keyword phrase if that target keyword phrase is too long.

- Each blog you create should have a minimum of 200 words across at least 3 paragraphs.
The content must be original and useful in order for this technique to work. Each paragraph
should contain an occurrence of that keyword variation. Ideally this content should be
teaser information for your main AdSense money site. You should not be blatantly
advertising your money site, but you should rather have a good balance of information with
a touch of pre-selling or promotion of your money site.

- Do not have any AdSense or affiliate links on your main principle site while you are
creating your authority blog networks. The reason is that some authority blog publishing
systems allow their members to flag other blogs within their network. Spammers and
scammers have traditionally abused these authority blog publishing systems with their
affiliates links and AdSense ads. So as you can imagine, it will be easy to be painted with
same brush by the online do-gooding spam fighters. So to be on the safe side, withhold any
monetization until all of your blogs have been live for a week or so.

For each authority blog that you create, you will need to customize the blog as much as you
can and also follow basic SEO principles every time. For example for a WordPress blog, 2010 202
you could do the following:

- Select a theme that is different to the default theme

- Change the default tagline to something original and more descriptive of your blog.
Ensure that this new descriptive tagline has the target keyword in it. So for the WordPress
blog for the keyword very cheap wedding dresses online, the tagline could be something
like, Discover the best sources for very cheap wedding dresses online. You get the idea I
am sure.

- Edit the about page name and name it after your target keyword phrase. So you could
rename the page to More info on target keyword phrase or About keyword phrase, etc.
You should also rename the file to match the target keyword.

- Do not allow comments.

- Create a separate email address for each campaign or more conveniently, each group of
campaigns that are promoting a particular AdSense money site. This just helps in the
management of your campaigns and in preventing potential spam ever clogging up your
real email address.

Google Mail is good for this as it is easy to forward all your emails to your main email
address and the addresses do not receive a lot of spam compared to other Free Email

- Edit the uncategorized to the target keyword phrase. You should also include the target
keyword phrase for the blog in the description of the category. You want all your posts to
occur under the category named after the target keyword.

- Delete all of the default outgoing links and the Hello World message. If there are any
other default comments, delete them also.

- When making your first post, ensure that the permalink is changed to match the title of the
blog post.

- If you have the All in One SEO plugin, use it.

- Ensure you allow Trackbacks and Pingbacks

- Do not forget to add a tag cloud in case your template does not already allow tags by
default. You can add some extra widgets from the widgets menu.

-Rename the Blogroll to something related to your target keyword phrase. So something
like wedding dresses online will be suitable for our money site example. This is a good
place to add your link to the next authority blog site that you will create. 2010 203

Side comment:
Note that when I am referring to keyword phrase variation, I mean any of the phrases
that were variations of one of the primary keywords from my main site. In the example I
have been using so far, the primary keyword from my main site and the extra variations

cheap wedding dresses*
eBay cheap wedding dresses
very cheap wedding dresses online
where to buy cheap wedding dresses
cheap wedding dresses for plus size women
*primary keyword

As long as you do not select ultra competitive keywords, this method works very well. Do
not be surprised if your authority blogs also appear in the first page of search engine
results. Because of the sheer effectiveness of this technique, every now and then, you
might end up getting ranked for a super competitive two word phrase.

STEP 2. Short video distribution

I have already discussed video creation and distribution in the first section of the Advanced
Promotion Methods chapter. I mentioned Animoto, Camtasia, TubeMogul and
TrafficGeyser as useful tools.

Creating a decent video need not be challenging. You could outsource it, use Camtasia or
any piece of software out there. For beginners, I recommend you use the free service at
Animoto. You just need to find a few images that are related to the topic that the short video
is going to be about and put them all in a single folder. Then upload them to your Animoto
account (for commercial usage, you ought to get a commercial licence from Animoto).

I know that Getty Images is probably one of the best for finding good images to use for your
videos, but the problem is that it is not free. If you do not already have an account at Getty
Images, then you can do a search online for free stock images, free stock photos or any
other similar search query to find plenty of sources of free pictures that you could use in
your video. Here are some good stock photo sites that I like:

Make sure you resize the images to fit with the current permitted maximum size at Animoto.
Also ensure that you include the URL of your money site in visible text in at least the last
few images that you will be using in your short video. Ideally though, you should have your
AdSense site URL in all of the images. That is what I do. The best way to make sure your
URL is seen is if it is in white text with a black background. 2010 204
Although acquiring quality backlinks from video directories is the main goal of this step, the
direct traffic from video submissions will not hurt your ROI. So keep your AdSense website
URL visible at all times during your short video if you can.

Do not be too fussy about your choice of background music. As long as it does not distract
from the message of the video, the free music library offered by Animoto is more than good

Once you learn how to create your first video, your subsequent video creation efforts will
take a fraction of the time to complete.

Submitting Your Video To Video Directories:

I already discussed in an earlier chapter about distributing videos using either the more
expensive Traffic Geyser or the free Tube Mogul. If you are creating longer and better
quality videos, and are creating plenty of them daily, then Traffic Geyser will give you a
good ROI. Otherwise, if you are creating short videos using Animoto, have a limited budget
and are not gearing up for receiving direct traffic from your videos, then you should use the
free Tube Mogul to distribute your videos over the World Wide Web. Both of these services
will allow you upload your video to the various video sharing sites via a few clicks on your

If you are happy with your video created from Animoto, you should sign up and pay to
become a member. This will allow you to actually download the videos you created. If your
are unwilling to pay for Animoto, then you could quickly upload your video to YouTube
using the interface at Animoto. You will of course need to have created an account at
YouTube before you could do this.

After you upload your video to YouTube, you then go and grab that video from YouTube
and then convert that video to an MP4 file format. This MP4 file format could then be used
to submit the video all over the web. Good services for doing this conversion include, and; amongst others.

So now that you have a usable video URL, take it and submit with TubeMogul or
TrafficGeyser, depending on your budget and ambitions. The submission process is quite
straightforward. J ust follow the very clear instructions available on either of those video
distribution services.

Things to note when using Tubemogul or TrafficGeyser include standard SEO practices.
Include the keyword phrase of the site you want to promote in the titles, descriptions and
tags. A clever thing to do is to include the URL of your AdSense site at the beginning of the
description field. This is because viewers will immediately note your URL when they read
the description. Some video sharing sites will make the URL as a clickable link.

Different video sharing sites have different rules regarding the length of the description.
Putting the URL at the beginning ensures its occurrence in the description of all of the sites
that you will submit to.

Also ensure you use very close variations of your primary campaign keyword in your tags. 2010 205
So now that you have signed up and submitted your video to all of the necessary sites, you
will receive information on the video URL links of all the sites that you have submitted.
Make sure you paste them into a spreadsheet as you will be using them later on.

Letting the Search Engines Know:

You will need to let the search engines know that you have made these new video
submissions. The search engine spiders will then quickly crawl that URL and index it.

The quickest way to alert the search engines about your videos is to submit each one of
those video URL links that you pasted onto a spreadsheet into:


Try to vary the description a little with each one of your video URL link submissions to
Pingoat. Try to make the description enticing and interesting with each submission.

{Fig 16.1}

Then do the same process again with all of the video URL links at the Google URL
submission page. 2010 206

{Fig 16.2}

Combining Video with Your Authority Blog Network:

Remember that list of video URL links that you saved onto a spreadsheet? Well the next
step is to add video to the blogs that you created on your authority blog network.

Take the first video URL link on the list from the spreadsheet and then paste it onto your
WordPress authority blog as a new post. You do this on WordPress by using the
upload/insert tab.

Ensure you also add a few words that include the target keyword phrase to describe the
video. Also include tags that match your target keyword.

You will then take the second link from the video URL links spreadsheet and then post it to
your Squidoo authority blog. You continue the process until you have placed a different
video URL link in each one of your authority blogs.

Note though that as of this moment, the authority blog publishing site at WetPaint only
accepts videos from YouTube. So do not try to paste a video from some other directory
onto WetPaint, it will not work. No doubt that will change soon though.

Once you have completed this, you then go on to submit each of your authority blog URLs
and RSS feeds to the two services already mentioned, plus a third one. 2010 207

1. (submit both blog url and RSS feed)
2. (submit just the blog URL)
3. (submit just the RSS link)

Doing this will help to reduce the time before the search engine spiders come to visit your
authority blog network.

Add RSS and Create an Authority Blog Ring:

You should also create a ring of RSS feeds for your authority blog network. Each authority
blog you build will automatically create an RSS feed for itself that you could grab and paste
onto any other place you choose. You will be grabbing and pasting these RSS feeds onto
the other authority blogs that are part of your campaign.

This is what you will want to achieve. The second authority blog you build should have the
RSS feed from the first authority blog you built. The third blog should have the RSS feed
from the second blog, etc. until you complete the ring by putting the RSS feed from the last
blog you built onto the first blog. All of the authority blogs you create will have a link or tab
where you can just add an external RSS feed quite easily.

Assuming you are building an authority blog network of 5 blogs, in the end therefore, your
blog (WordPress) will have an RSS feed for your 5
blog (Weebly), the 2
(Squidoo) will have an RSS feed for your 1
blog(WordPress), the 3rd blog (Blogger) will
have an RSS feed to your 2
blog (Squidoo), the 4
blog (hubpages) will have an RSS
feed for the 3rd blog (blogger), the 5
blog (Weebly) will have an RSS feed for the 4
(Hubpages). Such an arrangement would complete this RSS ring.

Do not forget to do the same and complete the ring for the authority blog URLs as already

Add Images to Your Authority Blogs:

Adding a picture onto the authority blogs makes them look more attractive. This helps in
case your blog receives a manual review from the powers that be from the search engines
or authority sites that house your blogs.

Another advantage of adding pictures to your blogs is that it makes them look more
professional. People will actually want to read your content and a few of those readers may
go on to click the link that will lead them to your AdSense site.

Make sure that the picture or image you add is related to the topic of the blog and that you
optimize the picture for SEO purposes.

Last But Not Least:

You could let the search engines know about your site by pinging and alerting the search
engine spiders as you complete each video and blog. A better way to save time is to save
all of the URLs that will need pinging and submitting, and then do them all in one sitting. 2010 208

J ust recap, here are the 3 services that you will need to submit the various URLs and RSS
feeds to:

1. (submit both blog url and RSS feed)
2. (submit just the blog URL)
3. (submit just the RSS link)

And here are the items that will need to be pinged and submitted

1. The actual blog URL and RSS feed URL of all of the authority blogs in your network.

2. All of the video URL links that you have created.

Keeping your Rankings:

Once you gain the top rankings that you wanted, you will still have to maintain them. The
fact is that search engines love fresh content. If no part of your authority blog network is
updated, the network will be deemed as stale by the search engine spiders and slowly start
to lose its hard fought top positions.

The way to beat this is simple. J ust visit each of your blogs each month and add some
fresh content. Adding a new post that consists of a short paragraph or two to each of your
authority blogs each month will ensure that they maintain their rankings for a very long
time. For authority blogs, it is much cheaper to maintain rankings this way than to add extra
incoming links.

Whilst logged in and adding content, why not also just go ahead and add a new outgoing
link to something else that is useful to the people in that blogs niche.

Once you have made these changes, make sure that you ping and submit any blog that
you have updated the content for.

The good thing is that all of this monthly maintenance can be very easily outsourced if you
can not be bothered to do it yourself.

STEP 3. Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking has already been discussed in earlier chapter.

I would just like to reiterate the benefits of using tools to automate the bookmarking process
in this step. Websites and tools like the ones at Bookmarking Demon, Socialbot and
SocialMarker will significantly speed up this step of the process. The last thing you want to
do is to download onto your computer all of the plugins and toolbars from all of your favorite
social bookmarking sites.

In this step, you will need to submit each one of your authority blogs using either
Bookmarking Demon, SocialBot or SocialMarker. 2010 209

You do this by taking the URL of the authority blog you created at WordPress, Squidoo,
Hubpages, Weebly, etc., and then bookmarking it using Socialmarker or any of the other
applications. Note that Socialmarker is free while the other two bookmarking services
mentioned are not.

The more social bookmarking sites you choose to submit to automatically, the longer the
process will take. It is therefore important to be aware of the most important social
bookmarking sites for this step. Make sure that you automatically submit to at least:


There are four other sites that are too important to automatically submit to. For these next
four sites, you should submit to them manually. After you create accounts in them,
submissions can be done very quickly. You could also install the icons on your toolbar for
these sites if you wish.

Stumbleupon (For Bulk RSS feed Submissions Only)

Always ensure you enter the Titles, Descriptions and Tags with SEO in mind whenever you
are doing the bookmarking. The descriptions field may be also be called reviews,
comments or something else depending on the social bookmarking site that you will be
on. You will always be able to immediately identify it though.

Make sure you grab the RSS feed from each of the social bookmarking sites that you have
used. You will then submit them to,

Some social bookmarking sites will also give you some extra URLs either for a personal
page or something else. Make sure you submit them as well if the pages are relevant to
your AdSense site.

For, you will need to grab the permalink that you will find under the Share
this clip section. You will take this permalink which should start with http:// and then
submit it to

By the way, Clipmarks is currently very effective and it will be worth your while to create two
bookmarks for each of your authority blogs. You can do this easily by submitting a slightly
different version of the original bookmark.

Many people unknowingly set their bookmarking accounts privacy setting to Private. This
of course is no good for your website traffic as nobody else will be able to access your
bookmarks. So it is vital that your privacy or equivalent settings are always set to public. 2010 210

This process of bookmarking gets easier after your first run, as after that, you will not be
hampered by the need to create any new accounts. Your task will just involve simple
bookmarking rather than account creation.

Bookmarking Video URL Links:

After you complete bookmarking all of your authority blog sites, then go on to bookmark
your entire video URL links in the same way. Make sure you slightly change the video
description with each submission. You do not want all of your submissions to be identical.


Some social bookmarking sites are more selective than others in what they allow. This has
arisen because spammers have tended to abuse these bookmarking services. For example
the folks at BlogCatalog will manually review each of your submissions. So for BlogCatalog
for example, you are better off staggering your submissions over several days. Once one
website has passed a review, only then do you proceed to submit another URL. You can do
this until all of your submissions have been done.

Hubpages are notorious for suspending accounts and flagging submissions for unknown
reasons. So just be aware of it and do not do anything that even slightly appears spammy
when you are doing your manual social bookmarking.

Thats it! Repeat the 3 steps for each AdSense or even affiliate site you want to promote,
and watch as the traffic to your websites explodes.

 2010 211







If you look at how the founders of any large successful business in the world, be it Ray
Kroc with the fast food giant McDonalds, Same Walton with Wal-Mart, Henry Ford with the
Ford Motor Company, Bill Gates et al with Microsoft or any business enterprise you can
think of; the founders of those businesses all did the same thing. They all, by chance or
design, discovered a blueprint whereby they consistently make more money out of doing a
particular activity than what they put into setting it up and running that activity.

The only way to make big money in business is to take a successful blueprint and duplicate
it as many times as you can. This is scaling and it is also the secret to making six figures
online and more.

In our blueprint of building small content rich websites and then monetizing them with
AdSense, scaling involves building as many websites as we need to build in order to reach
our financial objectives. Simply put the more profitable websites you build and monetize,
the more money you will make.

Scaling does not always involve building websites. For example the founders of Google
scaled by hiring more smart mathematicians and computer scientists. Google did not grow
by building more search engines, but they grew by providing better search results which
could only be done by hiring more of the best talent.

In this AdSense blueprint, rapid grow is achieved by building more websites. This is what I
do and it is also what you should do if you want to make a lot of money quickly and

You will often come across or hear about some people tinkering for years with SEO on their
single website. They then one day reach the number one spot in Google for their main
term. Within a few weeks their rankings disappear and then they are back to square one.

I on the other hand have a pretty consistent income as the search engines fluctuations do
not really affect my network of websites. As some sites become unfavored by a particular
search engine, some other sites of mine shoot up the rankings. As a result my earnings
growth is very consistent and measurable.

Four months ago when I first decided to write this blueprint, my monthly earnings with
AdSense were in the mid $30K range. To date as I am about to complete this blueprint, my
AdSense earnings have surpassed the $50K per month mark (although the advent of 2010 212 has probably helped too)

As long as you put up more quality websites using this blueprint, your income will only be
going in one direction.

Do not settle for 5 or 10 sites. Aim for 100, 300 and even eventually 1000 or more sites.
The more sites you build, the easier it becomes, as you will have your own rolodex of
reliable outsourcers that you will be using over and over again. If you follow this blueprint
and my recommendations, managing 300 sites will be as easy as managing 10. It is all
about using the correct tools, automation and having easily duplicable systems in place.

Can the CEO of a Fortune 100 company manage a house full of five under 7 year old
children better than their mother? Probably not. The Fortune 100 CEO might be
triumphantly managing 100,000 employees across five continents but may completely flop
to manage 5 children in a room. Why is that? The answer comes down to systems.

As the number of sites in your network increase, you will slowly develop systems that
exactly match your personality. The tools and methods I recommend in this blueprint will
naturally force you to develop effective systems as you grow.

I find it risible every time I hear a guru say that it is not possible to promote 100, 1000 or
even 10,000 sites. Gurus will say anything to make a sell. These same gurus sometime
employee whole teams of outsourcers for their own operations, but yet tell you that it is not
possible to manage 10,000 sites or even 100 sites.

How many properties and businesses does Donald Trump manage? How many staff does
Richard Branson manage? How many restaurants does the CEO of McDonalds manage?
You can not grow if you do not leverage other peoples talents. By the time you have 1000
sites; you will probably be outsourcing ALL of your tasks. The sites we are building are
pretty much self sustaining and do not require constant baby sitting. So managing 1000 or
more of them should be no sweat at all.

Laser Targeted Scaling Using Your Website Statistics

There is not much point in building many sites that are unprofitable. The methods I outlined
in the earlier chapters show you how to dramatically increase your chances of consistently
finding profitable niches.

Another method you should always use involves analyzing your profitable websites traffic

The more sites you build the better you will get at identifying winning niches as you will
have the statistics for the types of keywords and topics that lead to profitable AdSense
sites. So analyzing your website traffic data is very important when scaling your profit

A good way to ensure a sites success is to build websites based on the most popular
keyword phrases that were used to find your sites. So for example if the traffic statistics
from your website on cheap microwave ovens shows that in the previous month, the most
popular keyword phrase used by people to find your site was discount ovens for sale, 2010 213
then you should plan to immediately build a site with the primary keyword of discount
ovens for sale. This method has NEVER produced a failing site for me.

Ensure though that at least 10 or more visitors have used that phrase to reach your site
within a month long period. I know 10 visitors per month might seem low, but if you add all
of the LSI terms associated with that keyword phrase, then you will realize the potential of
such keyword terms.

You could also copy all of the keyword phrases that were used to find your site in the
previous month from your awstats or other statistics package from your webhosting
account (Google Analytics is very popular for website analysis, but I do not personally use it
and can not comment on it). You then paste this into the Google keyword tool and execute
a search to determine the traffic volumes associated with each of the keyword phrases.

For convenience, you might need to copy the figures from the website statistics package to
a plain text file, then from the plain text file onto and MS Excel file. Then copy the list from
the Excel file onto the Google keyword tool.

Once you have the search volume data from Google, you can then use the niche topic
filtering criteria discussed in Chapter 2 to select some keyword phrases to expand your
current site or to build a new website upon. I usually build new sites with this technique.

This technique works because if people have managed to find a page on your site based
on some obscure combination of keywords that have not yet been optimized for in your
website, imagine how much more of that traffic your site would receive if you actually
targeted and optimized that keyword phrase. This method works very well and can be a
source of multiples of profitable niches to target.

Both of these methods have a 100% success for me to date. Using a niche that has already
proven to be profitable and easy to rank for is an absolute no brainer and one of the easiest
ways to grow your website empire quickly.

Most web hosting services will come with a traffic statistics package that will give you a lot
of information about the most popular keywords used to find your site and the source of
your traffic.

There used to be a tool, Site Super Tracker, which was very good at giving extra
information about your traffic. It could tell you the source of your traffic, your most popular
pages and keywords, plus a lot more. Unfortunately, at the of publishing this blueprint,
SiteSuperTracker does not really work any more as Google has changed its codes. Keep
checking their site every now and then, as hopefully they will soon have a fix for the

Be very careful when installing tracking scripts on your sites though. Some of these scripts
will bring your servers to their knees and others will just steal the best keywords from your
site and secretly collect them for the benefit of the script developers. There are plenty on
the market, but I can not really recommend any of the tracking software that are available
at the moment. I will keep you updated though when I come across a good one.

Nevertheless, you do not need to have such a script if later down the line you want to
analyze your traffic stats effectively. The stats from your web hosting account, like awstats,
will provide you with more than enough information. 2010 214

Scaling On Steroids!

It costs me $84 to build and promote each new site. But I have plenty of experience and
outsource my tasks in huge volumes. If you decide not to do any of the writing yourself, it
will probably cost you between $90-$140 to build and promote each new site. This is
assuming a cost of $2 per blog post, which can of course be outsourced for much cheaper
or done by yourself if you want to save money. So if you outsource the blog post writing at
$1 per post, your budget for launching each new website will be closer to $100 per site.

If I promote my website using article baiting, my total cost to build and promote each site is
$125. However maintaining your websites rankings is cheaper with sites promoted with
Article Baiting. So in a one year period, the costs of promoting a website using article
baiting or the 7 step blog commenting method is about the same.

You can choose not to put any effort in maintaining your rankings as the traffic for your
sites will come from many different keyword phrases. However I have found that me
earnings gradually increase over time if I invest just a little bit of money each month in
either adding new content or building more links.

As you can imagine though, $84, $100 or $125 is a lot of money if you are just starting out.
But on the other hand, it is not a lot of money at all if you compare it to the starting costs of
a typical offline business. You have to spend money to make it, but that does not mean that
it is acceptable to be reckless with your setup costs.

A good way to scale up very quickly is by building winning sites and then selling them after
a couple of months when you have acquired some statistics for them that you can show to
a potential buyer.

So if for example you have built 5 websites that end up making an average of $1 per day,
you can then easily sell those five websites for $1,200-$3,000. Your websites final sale
price will depend on the websites earnings history and traffic data amongst other things.
The type of buyer and whether the sites were sold individually or in bulk will also affect the
final sale price. Bulk sales of websites can often attain a higher selling price because of a
higher level of interest associated with bulk websites sales.

You can then re-invest that money you earned and then go on to build 12-30 websites. You
could easily build the sites around those same 5 topics that produced an average of $1 per
site if you wish. Using AdSense URL channels and a good statistics package will ensure
that you will have the correct data to show potential website buyers if you choose to sell
your site.

In some topics, I have 5-12 sites covering the same niche. I can choose to sell any of them
at any time and then just quickly replace it with another site with new content that targets
the same keywords or I could extract new keywords from the awstats of the sold sites. This
is possible because I am only after long tail traffic. It would not be possible to have 30
profitable websites in the same niche if they all had to be number one in Google for the
same keyword.

Buy building and selling websites systematically, you might find yourself with 100 sites or
more within a very short period of time, even if you started with a modest budget. 2010 215

For example, recently I just sold 2 sites. The first was making me around $10 per day and
the second about $5 on average. Here are their AdSense stats:

Site 1: $10 per Day

{Fig. 17.1}

 2010 216

Site 2: $5 per Day

{Fig. 17.2}

I sold both sites for a total of $4,000. I could possibly get more or less for them, but I use a
very reputable site buyer who I am very happy with.

Here is the payment from PayPal for that $4000.

 2010 217

Email from PayPal:

{Fig. 17.3}

I am going to use that $4,000 to build 47 websites on niche topics that I already know are
winners. It cost me $168 to build those two sites that I sold for $4000. If I average even $3
per site for each of those $47 sites I build, I can then sell them for $34,000 if I wish to. You
can build over 340 profitable websites with $34,000 assuming a build cost of $100 per site.
This is scaling on steroids!


A few months have passed since I wrote the above paragraph. I built only 38 websites with
the $4000. Some of the websites had more than 6 pages on them that is why I built 38
websites instead of 47 as planned. Some keyword phrases I found from my current
websites traffic data and from my keyword tools were just too good to ignore.

Below is an image of my AdSense account for those 38 websites. The AdSense account
where I tracked these 38 websites is in British Pounds instead of U.S dollars.

As you can see, in the past 30 days therefore, the 38 websites I built using the money I
earned from the sale of 2 websites have earned me a total of British pounds 2,032. This 2010 218
amount is equal to $3,305.25 at todays exchange rate of 1 British pound =1.6266 U.S.

{Fig. 17.4}

The top 2 channels in the image above are all sites that are in exactly the same niche as
the two websites that I sold. I took the niche and keywords for the site that I sold that was
making $10 per day to build a new site with the same keywords but different content. This
new site has made $324 (199) in the last 30 days which is equivalent to $10.80 per day.

I did the same for the second website that I sold which was making $5 per day. The same
niche and keywords for the second site that I sold are now making me $4 per day (74.86
per month). So I could sell the same 2 websites and make another $4000 if I choose to
and then build another 38 websites

If I decided to sell all of the 38 sites, I could easily make $27,000 if I sold the websites
individually. If I sold all of the websites in bulk, I could very easily sell them for $50,000. If I
were patient, I could even get up to $70,000 for those 38 websites if I sold them in bulk.

So in less than 2 months, I have changed $4000 into something liquid that could be
exchanged for $50,000 and more.

What could you do with $50,000? Build 500 websites perhaps? 2010 219
Do you now see the potential of this?

--------------xxx--------END OF UPDATE--------xxx-------------

However, I do not generally build sites for selling. I generally build them and keep them as I
currently have plenty of cash flow for site building purposes. I sometimes just have too
many successful websites in one tiny niche and I decide to sell some of them off in order to
build sites in other niches so as to spread my risk.

As already mentioned, the sitebuilder I use comes with a system of automatically selling
websites to a group of exclusive buyers who are interested in buying websites built with
that website builder.

However the most popular place to sell your websites online is at Another
decent marketplace for websites is at Some people even sell
their sites on But whatever you do, make sure you use an escrow service like
the one at

As you can see now, making $50,000 per month online with AdSense is not that hard once
you know how to

Other Monetization Methods

I love AdSense. But just because you love something it does not mean you should get tied
to it. You should be adventurous and be willing to test out different monetization methods
on your highly performing web properties. This may include eBay auctions, CPA offers,
Clickbank offers, affiliate offers and others.

I know for a fact that some CPA and affiliate offers pay out better than AdSense. But I do
not use them as my personal goal is scaling with AdSense. Having to watch out for and
then remove expiring CPA and affiliate offers is a waste of my time. I would rather spend
that time expanding my network of AdSense websites.

Your personality and goals may be different, so you should test out different monetization
methods to see if they suite you.

Once I decide to build authority sites in a particular niche, only then do I test the different
monetization methods available for that authority site. Doing this is worthwhile for me in the
long term as I will be making more money as the authority site grows and grows.

 2010 220









a a

I have been using AdSense since Google made it available to the public in the summer of
2003 or thereabouts. So I have had over six years to test and test different methods that
work. I am going to reveal to you here a simple way of boosting your AdSense income of
any of your websites by over 400%.

As you may perhaps already be aware of, not all of your websites will be performing
equally. I for example have some sites that started out making $30 per day and some sites
that make $0.50 per day. This blueprint teaches that you should try building more sites
around the niche that makes you $30 per day, or whatever your highest earning websites

Note that a site that makes me $0.50 per day will give me annual return of over 100%. The
Billionaire Super Star Hedge Funder George Soros has achieved an average growth of
30% annually for the past 30 years for his main fund. And he is Billionaire 10 times over
because of that consistent 30% annual return.

 2010 221

Side comments:

My POOR performing AdSense sites still give me 100% annual returns. So I hope you
can see the power of this blueprint if you start looking at your AdSense website
building business as a hard nosed Wall Street investor. Granted, Soros does manage
billions of dollars and he started off with several millions in the first place back in 1970.
But the idea I am trying to present here is about the power of compound interest and
how it can revolutionize your wealth.

What many people across America and Europe are suffering from today is almost like
compound interest working against them. Paying the interest on credit cards and
personal loans over many years can by itself keep you broke for a very long time.

What you want is compound interest working for you. The only way you can do this
with your AdSense website business is if you approach your AdSense publishing
activities in a business like way.

Imagine if you go to a bank for a start up loan for some fast food burger restaurant
franchise but then you tell the bank manager that you plan to own the burger joint for
only 3 months. This is how most people approach there online money making

In order to gain the full potential of this AdSense blueprint, you need to have a 1 year
plan and beyond. You make some money and then you re-invest the earnings in
promoting current sites and building more AdSense websites. The snowball effect of
being consistent at doing this over a period of time should make you a lot of money

Even though $0.50 per day may bring you 100% annual returns, you may also want to
boost that $0.50 per day site and turn it into a $2 per day website or even more.

Here is what you should do if you want to boost the earnings of an AdSense monetized
website making $1 per day or less.


You will need to have an account at Wordze so that you could use the keyword research
functions available there.

Once logged in, select the keyword research tool. 2010 222



Enter the primary keyword of your AdSense website which you want to boost the earnings
of into the search box.

So then select new project in the select project drop down menu. Name this new project
the same name as the primary keyword of your AdSense site.

To illustrate the steps in this chapter, I will assume that my poor performing AdSense
website was in the niche of online flower delivery. So in this case, the new project will be
named online flower delivery.

In the filter options, select the All button.

Then click the search box to begin the search.
 2010 223


Save the results in the associated project. In this case there are only have 2 results.


Enter a shorter more popular version of the primary keyword into the search box. In our
example with the primary keyword of online flower delivery, you can then enter the phrase
flower delivery into the search box for example. 2010 224


There are now 162 results. You then also save those results with the first 2 results that you
extracted with the first search. J ust choose Select All and then Save All from the options
at the bottom of the list.


I think you get the idea now. You can then enter any other word that is in the same niche as
your poorly performing AdSense website. J ust make sure that it fits in well with the primary
keyword of that site.

In this example, you could then do searches for florist, send flowers, flower bouquet,
wedding flowers and any other popular keyword phrase that you can think of. 2010 225


And then,


Phrases that are 2 words or even just single words are better for this Step 4 as they will
tend to have more search results. 2010 226

Once you have over 1000 keywords saved, the next step is to go to the download page.


Clicking the link will take you to the download manager.

{Fig.17.7} 2010 227

Select Excel with KEI and with count.

These should be the default options and thus should already be pre-chosen for you.

Download the file and save it on your computer.


Open the Excel file.
On the top menu, choose Data and then select sort.


Choose the options as shown in the above image. In this way you will easily be able to sort
the keywords based on KEI in descending order.

KEI stands for Keyword Effectiveness Index. It is a formula that is used by some
Search engine optimizers to compare the number of searches for a keyword with the
number of search results to pinpoint which keywords would be the most effective for your
website. The higher the KEI, the better that keyword is for easy search engine ranking.

Not all search engine optimizers agree on the usefulness of KEI, and on an academic
perspective, nor do I. But the fact is that using it in the way I am showing you to WORKS!
I am all about what works. 2010 228

Once you have sorted the Excel file in order of descending KEI, here is what your results
should look like.


You will want to select keyword phrases that have the highest KEI and the highest
estimated traffic. The keywords should also make sense. The more pages you add to the
website that you want to boost the earnings for, the more money from AdSense you will

I usually do not choose any keywords that have a KEI less than 20. I will also typically
select at least 5-20 extra keywords depending on what the keyword results are, the
profitability of the niche to date and my budget.

Each of the chosen keywords will become the primary keyword for an extra page on the
website that you want to boost the AdSense earnings for. 2010 229

Once you have chosen your extra keywords, you will need to build web pages for them as
shown in the earlier chapters while keeping the on-page optimization elements in mind.
You will also need to promote those pages using the 7 step blog commenting method or
the article baiting method. If you are an experienced website search engine optimizer, you
could of course use the advanced promotional techniques discussed in chapters 15 and 16.

I have done these many times and on many different niches for several years now. It has
worked every time for me and my earnings usually increase by at least 400%.

Below is a before and after image of my AdSense earnings for a website which I
implemented the above steps to recently.



I uploaded the site on May 02 and pointed some links to it.
After about 2 weeks you can see that the traffic has about quadrupled. 2010 230


Even though the new pages were indexed in Google for only 3 weeks of the month, my
earnings for the month had increased by more than 600%. That site had been live since
J anuary of this year.

By just adding a few well chosen extra pages, I have managed to make that site which was
on course to just break even over the 1
year, be in a position to give me an annual ROI of
over 1000%.

Follow the above 8 steps and there is no reason why you too should not be able to boost
the earnings of your break even only sites.

Another method of quickly increasing the earnings of your AdSense websites is by writing
more articles and submitting them to EzineArticles plus the other top article directories. The
resource boxes in those articles will pull in quite a bit of traffic. But the problem with this
method is that the traffic will usually die out after a couple of weeks. So to be successful,
you would need to continually submit fresh content to the article directories. 2010 231









If you follow this blueprint consistently, you will start earning enough money to replace your
day job earnings within months. The average salary in the USA today is $35,500 per year.
So you will need to make $98 per day with your AdSense sites in order to make more than
the average salary in the richest country in the world United States (by GDP).

Making $98 per day is not at all hard. It is a lot easier than waking up at 7.00 AM to go to
work and then returning at 6.00 PM every day. You will not have to deal with office politics
or worry about promotions. You will not have to work 8 hours per day. You will be in
complete charge of your financial destiny.

On the other hand if you love your job, the beauty of AdSense earnings is that you may be
able to still work at your full time job if you want to AND still make substantial extra passive
money with AdSense if you wish. Whatever you choose to do with your time, your AdSense
websites will be working for you 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

It is a truly nice feeling to return home from an evening out where you spent more than
what you should and then to check your computer on returning home to discover that you
have made many times more money than what you spent on your whole expensive night
out on the town.

Imagine returning home from a two week exotic Holiday to find that you have earned more
money while your water skiing on the beach than you would have made at your regular job.
All of this is possible if you focus on building solid AdSense websites that will earn you a
passive income for years and years to come.

It is all not roses though. There is a potential downside that may lead to you losing your
AdSense passive income if you do not take certain precautions.

Below are the main things you need to be aware of in order to ensure that you keep
receiving your AdSense checks for as long as you choose to use Google AdSense as the
main monetization method on your websites.

Here is what you need to be aware of:

i) Read, understand and adhere to the Google Terms of Service.
Currently, they can be found here. 2010 232
ii) Read, understand and adhere to the Google AdSense Program Policies.
This is where some people get it wrong. Clicking your own ads is the quickest way of
getting your AdSense account banned. You have to remember that Google has far more
human and financial resources accessible to them than what you will likely ever have. It
would be foolish of you to try to outsmart Google in any way, as sooner or later you will be
found out and suffer the consequences.
iii) Read, understand and adhere to the Google Webmaster guidelines.
Following their guidelines will for the most part ensure that your site will remain indexed
and not be penalized in any way. It is true that your competitors can use insidious methods
to get your websites penalized, but this is very rare as the few people with the know how of
doing so will usually be trying to rank for buy Viagra or some other lucrative term. J ust
follow the webmaster guidelines and your websites should be alright. I have over 1000
websites at the moment and EVERY single one of them is indexed in all of the major
search engines.

iv) Include a banner from some affiliate merchant, ClickBank, eBay or some other
commission paying network on your websites.

For some reason, banners that are not directly related to the niche, but that serve the same
demographic seem to do quite well. For example I have several AdSense sites in the
wedding niche. On those sites, I usually put banners related to weight loss products and
dieting. I have even used Cost per Action banners with good success. I guess the sort of
person who is at the age where they will be looking for wedding dresses will also usually be
concerned about their weight.

I have many sites in geeky topics like PHP, wireless networks, Cold Fusion, etc. Banners
for dating sites usually do quite well on my techy sites. I guess geeks need dates too.

My websites on adventure travel to tropical regions have banners for a renewable energy
product that does quite well. The logic I guess is that anybody interested in the wider world
outside what they are used to will also be interested in preserving it. I think you get the idea
here of understanding the demographic of your likely visitors and putting good offers that
may likely interest them.

I usually place the banners at the end of the article or on the sides or just below the menu.
You need to test this out yourself and see if it is also worthwhile for you. For me, I have
often increased a websites earnings by doing this. Whenever possible, I also try to use
affiliate banners that offer dating and other recurring membership type services.

Another benefit of adding affiliate banners is that the Google AdSense terms say that you
should not just create a site for the purpose of putting AdSense ads on it. By putting affiliate
banners, the purpose of the site then goes beyond just being an AdSense site.

But if you do add banners or affiliate links to your sites, you must make sure that they do
not distract your sites visitors from the AdSense ads. If you put a banner below the side
menu for example, expect your average AdSense clickthrough to drop by 1-3%. So test
properly what results you are getting with your specific banners in your specific niches.

An even better long term way of preventing your site appearing like a made for AdSense
site, if you are so inclined, is to put an opt-in form on your site. You just sign up to an
autoresponder service like Aweber or Getresponse and link your opt-in form to the 2010 233
autoresponder. You offer something for free to your visitors, like a report related to the
content of the website, in exchange for their email address. In theory, by doing this you will
be able to continually sell them products forever. This is how clever affiliate marketers do it.

I personally do not do this. One reason is that I hate selling things that I do not know about
or believe in. The second is that some sites that are selling to desperate buyers, like
haemorrhoid treatments or wedding dresses, are not amenable to subscription marketing.
They want a solution and then get out. They will not be needing that solution a month from

On the other hand, sites catering to courses and training for a particular skill are often very
good for marketing via email to. People in those markets are always looking for updated
information and news related to their interest. If you build a network of AdSense sites on
foreign exchange trading for example, you could then collect email addresses from all of
them and merge them into one database and then promote different offers to all of the
members of your forex database at the same time.

Having a database of email addresses of people who voluntarily subscribed to your email
notifications and newsletters may even significantly increase the value of your website if
you choose to sell it. You could outsource all of the email writing if you choose to and have
the emails all sent out automatically by your autoresponder at predetermined dates.

I do not do personally do any email marketing with my AdSense sites as I generally am not
willing to invest in building long term relationships with customers in the many niches I am
in with my AdSense sites. I am happy to give them the information they are looking for, get
paid, and invest my money offline. That is just my preference.

I also know that with the huge amounts of money I make upfront without the use of email
opt-in forms or squeeze pages, I can very quickly build large email lists if I wish to by
simply using pay per click traffic. A sum of $30,000 can very quickly buy 60,000 visitors at
$0.50 per click. Assuming an optimistic opt-in rate of 20%, I can within a short period of
time of 1 month build an email list of 12,000 or so people theoretically. I guess that is why
the Wall Street J ournal, Washington Post and other major content publishers still allow you
to read their content without subscribing whether be it online or offline.

So as you can see, acquiring and building a list is not difficulty if you have enough money
to do it. The problem is building a good relationship with that last to a point which they trust
and buy your recommendations. Doing that in 300 niches is not easy, especially if you do
not enjoy it.

Another way of using AdSense with email marketing is by emailing your list every time a
new article on an interesting topic in your niche is added to your website. You just make
sure that the AdSense ads are prominently displayed on this new interesting article so that
your subscribers may be tempted to click on the ads. My experience of testing this proved
to me that success though is difficult with this method as your subscribers have already
seen your AdSense site and would usually be quite familiar with AdSense ads on it.

You are much better off directing your subscribers to affiliate or CPA offers. The payout will
be more as your subscribers will probably trust your recommendations and therefore your
conversion statistics will be much better than in normal PPC or organic search engine
affiliate marketing. 2010 234
Even though I personally do not collect emails with my AdSense sites, it does not mean
you shouldnt. I personally know a person who does collect emails on their AdSense sites
and is very successful at it.

Note that having affiliate banners or opt-in subscription forms that are above the fold may
reduce your AdSense earnings. This is because they may distract the visitor from clicking
Google AdSense ads. To get good AdSense profits, the blue links that are in your AdSense
ads should be the only clickable links that the visitor sees. So make sure your affiliate
banners are not a distraction to the AdSense ads, unless of course if your affiliate banners
are earning you more.

v) While following the Google webmaster guidelines should help in ensuring that your
websites are not penalized, you still should take extra precautions. One good extra layer of
protection you can place for yourself is by ensuring that not all of your websites are on the
same server and IP address. This can easily be achieved by using a separate web host for
each group of say 50 of your AdSense websites. This number can be 20, 60, 100, 300 or
whatever. It is up to you. I personally have 50 websites on each of my hosting accounts
that are on the same IP address.

So after you build your group of 50 or so websites, register for another account on the
same host but ensure that you ask that your account be on a different server. You could
also just register for a new account with a different webhost. Alternatively you could use a
webhost that offers multiple IP addresses. If you choose the multiple IP address route,
ensure that each group of websites is on a different server.

The main reason for using different IPs and servers is that sometimes Google has been
known to de-index a whole bunch of websites that are on the same server by design or
accident. If this ever happens to you, at least you will not have all of your websites de-
indexed from Google.

Adhering to the AdSense program policies should ensure to a great degree that your
AdSense account is safe. However your rivals may opt to use sophisticated tools to
automatically click on the AdSense ads on your website. This may lead to getting your
AdSense account banned. Note that I am being overly paranoid and extra cautious here, as
I do not personally know of anyone who has ever experienced this. But click bombing as it
is called is possible. So you could take measures to pre-empt any malicious attack.

There are scripts on the market that can help you fight this. But in truth, Google itself has
very sophisticated methods that they use track fraudulent clicks and their sources. I thus
recommend that you do not bother using such scripts when you are just starting out.

What I do recommend though is for you to create several legal entities (new corporations)
via incorporation and get yourself some EIN numbers. This is cheap and will allow you to
apply for different AdSense accounts under each of your new corporations. You will then be
able to split your AdSense earnings across several accounts. If for some bizarre reason
you lose an account, you will still be making plenty of money via your other AdSense
accounts. I would not recommend incorporating for the benefit of getting new AdSense
accounts until you are making at least $10,000 per month from AdSense.

Asking your spouse or sibling to open an AdSense account for you also works, but
depending on the nature of your personal relationships, sharing an AdSense account with 2010 235
your current loved ones may lead to complications down the road.

Note that even if you just have one AdSense account and you lose it for some bizarre
reason; you will still have many different options of monetizing your websites. Here are
some alternatives that you could use to replace your AdSense code with:
1.Yahoo! Publisher Network ads
2.Affiliate offers (CJ , linkshare,shareasale)
3.Ebay Partner Network auctions
4.CPA offers (Pepperjam Network, Copeac, Hydra etc)
5.Clickbank Offers,
9.sponsor link selling (,
12.Exit J unction
13.Target Point
16. Domain Parking
By the time you read this blueprint, some of the above listed companies may be out of
business. That is just the nature of this competitive sector of online advertising. That is why
you should try not to lose your AdSense account, as Google is unlikely to be going out of
business any time soon.
vi) Do not let ANYBODY know about your AdSense sites.
Showing off to your friends and family about how much money you are making online is
one thing, but then proceeding to show them your actual sites is very risky. Many friends
and family sometime start to click on the ads on your website in order to help you out.
This will always almost certainly lead to you being banned by AdSense for fraudulent clicks.

vii) Keep a low profile.
Once you start making money it is easy for some people to want to display their success. I
advise against doing so as even though it may lead to you being more popular in the
internet money making forums, the truth is that you will unlikely be making any more money
because of it.

I know people who have thousands of posts on popular marketing forums who in actuality
do not even make more than $100 per month online. They waste their energies on being
famous and being liked.

My advice is to keep a very low profile and just very quietly keep increasing the number
figures on your AdSense checks.

viii) Do not display your identity online.
It is very easy for somebody with malicious intent to negatively impact somebody else
online. If people do not know who you are or if you exist, it is unlikely that they will want to
come after your websites. I know of plenty of ways of getting a website penalized in
Google. I am also sure plenty of my rivals in the many niches I am involved in will also 2010 236
know how to get rival sites penalized. The good thing though is at best, they will only get
one of my websites as my WHOIS data is Hidden and none of my AdSense websites are
linked. I am being overly cautious here.

-ix) Build your AdSense websites in physical product niches.
Physical product niches like clocks, car wheels, binoculars etc., have a higher than average
click-throughs as previously discussed. Another advantage of building websites in physical
product niches is that even if you get your AdSense account suspended, you can just
replace the AdSense with affiliate ads from Amazon, eBay or some other affiliate network.

x) Diversify
Once you start making what you consider a significant income from your AdSense sites;
plan to invest in other online or offline ventures. For financial security, nothing beats having
multiple streams of income.

Although I make a tidy profit from my AdSense sites, my biggest source of income is my
offline business that I started with money I earned from my AdSense sites. I am just a silent
partner in this business so I have a lot of spare time to dedicate to my AdSense sites and
other online ventures.

By the way, once you start banking $30,000 and more into your bank account each month
for several months, all sorts of opportunities will start opening up for you. Your bank
business manager will call you up and start offering you investment opportunities. Prior to
building websites, I never had more than $5,000 in my bank account at one time. So
receiving such calls from my bank manager about investment opportunities was all very
new to me.

 2010 237








I am not a technology geek and nor am I interested in being a marketer. I started my
online ventures with less than $800 to spend. I woke up for work at 4 AM in the morning for
10 hour shifts, 6 days a week. That left me with between 4-7 hours per day to work on my
internet business.

As you can imagine, not wanting to work 60 hours per week doing something that you hate
is a very big motivator. The 4 -7 hours per day of time I had to work on my online ventures
were very productive.

This blueprint that you are reading has in a way taken many years to write. You are just
getting all of the information of what you need to do, in a step by step manner, in order to
make over $50,000 per month online. This knowledge has taken years for me to
accumulate. You are receiving it in an instant download.

Not having enough time, money or expertise are just not good enough excuses for you not
to implement this blueprint and become successful at it. It works and is continuing to work
for me thousands of time everyday across all of my websites. The very few people I have
taught this to and who have applied themselves are also experiencing the fruits of their
hard work.

One of the biggest factors that prevent people from being even moderately successful in
internet marketing is the persistent noise and distractions. Some of this noise is afflicted by
choice when for example you choose to visit the latest gossip on Paris Hilton. The other
noise is even more nefarious in my opinion.

This noise comes usually in the form of email. Yes, you guessed it, internet product
launches. There are people who have been doing internet marketing for 2 years or more
and have not made more than $10 online. They usually know everything about the theory
behind selling online though and are usually are extremely active in IM forums.

The main reason that such people never succeed onlne is that they never stick long
enough at doing anything to ever see success at it. They are very good at buying products
and starting, but their impatience always leads them to the next shiny new offer. Imagine
a farmer who gives up his crop at the first sign of drought, weed or insect invasion. 2010 238
You do not want to be like these people. The way to not be like such people is to not buy
into every product launch that comes via your inbox.

I know that it is tempting to want to discover the secret to making $100,000 per day within
30 days of starting, but you really need to know when someone is trying to market to you
with an irresistible offer and when someone is offering you a genuine solution to your

I personally know a couple of people who are making $10,000-$20,000 per day online. I
know even more people off-line who making over $50,000 per day. There is really no secret
at all to what they are doing. What they are doing different is that they do what you do, but
x100 or x1000 times more.

Also, every single one of those super successful business people has a business model
that is based on offering true value to their clients or customers. They are not trying to
scam anyone and they do not upsell and then downsell and then upsell their clients to
death. Their business models are not based on trying to suck as much money as possible
from their customers or clients.

So my point here is just to try to encourage you to not buy into every single product launch
that comes to your inbox. Doing so will completely distract you and you will end up knowing
a lot but accomplishing nothing online. You need to stick to a blueprint or method and make
it work for you.

I agree that continuing education is important. But so many wannabee marketers confuse
continuing education with continuous education.

Imagine an Elementary School Teacher who goes on to buy a course about becoming a
Pharmacist and then continues to buy a course on becoming a Stockbroker and then
continues to complete a course on becoming a Belly Dancer etc. None of those non-
pedagogy courses would significantly make her a better Elementary Teacher.

On the other hand, if the teacher decided to attend a course on Child Psychology, and then
another on Teaching Children with Autism, and then did a course on Managing Behaviour
In the Classroom etc.; then all of these teaching related courses would indeed help with the
continuing education of the Elementary School teacher.

The same could be said for internet marketing courses. Stick to buying courses that are
relevant to what you have chosen to do.

When I started out, it was easy to focus because I had no money to spend on every offer
that came my way and I had no time to digest that new product even if I had. This I feel
helped me tremendously in remaining focused to my goals.

Once I discovered something that worked, I assiduously focused on multiplying it as fast as
I could. I invested everything back into my sites as I knew very well that scaling massively
is the only way to generate success whether in online or offline business ventures.

You have in this blueprint something that has proven to work consistently. All you have to
do is apply it and scale it! 2010 239











All that you need to do in order to gain financial freedom has already been thoroughly
discussed. Your plan of action will vary slightly in accordance to your financial goals,
experience levels and budget. Even though my current situation is better, I too was once
without money and with no clue on how to make money online. So it should be no surprise
then that this blueprint has been written to meet the needs of people from both ends of the
internet marketing experience spectrum. Therefore there is no excuse for not taking action.
If you are new, you may be overwhelmed by now. But do not panic.
There are only 3 stages in this blueprint:
1. Build
2. Promote
3. Scale
You just need to select just one way that I have shown you of doing each of those steps. I
have shown different successful ways of doing each step simply because people have
different budgets, skills and available time. I do not want you to fail so that is why I have
given you choices to ensure that you make this blueprint work.
All of the methods I have shown you in how to complete each of the 3 stages are methods
that I have tried and tested. I have many websites that are making me money based on
each of the different methods that I have shown you. J ust choose what you are comfortable
with and get started.
In this chapter I have included the action steps that you need to take in order to reach your
financial goals in accordance with this blueprint. Adjust them to meet your personal
aspirations and budget. Make sure you stick to my instructions.


S 2010 240
Stage I - Building
1. Identify a profitable niche using any of the methods I have shown in chapter 2,3,4
and 5. You just need to use just one of them. For the quickest success, use either of
the methods shown in Chapter 4. This is the most important part of the process.

2. Find the keywords that will make up the internal pages of your site. See chapter 5.
3. Find a domain name using the principles shown in chapter 6. You should aslo find a
suitable webhost. See chapter 7 to see what to look for in a good webhost for
Google AdSense.
4. Create the content in the way shown in chapter 10, 11 and 12.
5. Build the website based on the principles shown in chapters 8 and 9.

Stage II - Promotion
6. Promote you site based on what is shown in chapter 13 or 14. You do not need to
use both methods. Either method is powerful enough on its own.

If you have the resources to do so, you can get even more success if you use the
advanced methods discussed in chapter 15 and chapter 16. These advanced
methods ARE NOT necessaary. They can be used instead of or together with either
of the methods in chapters 13 or 14. The methods in chapters15 and 16 are optional
and for the benefit of experienced webmasters who want to go the extra mile. I only
use the methods on a fraction of my sites. They do however have tremendous power
if used.

7. Wait for your sites to be indexed according to the timeframes discussed and then
start counting your AdSense earnings.

Stage III - Scaling

8. Use the methods shown in chapter 17 and/or 18 to explode your growth.

Thats It!
Then Rinse and Repeat

Follow the above and you will not regret it. Making money online, like many other activities,
is easy once you know how. If you have read this blueprint, you will have discovered the
how part. The rest is up to. How much you make online is not dependent on how much
you know. It depends on how much ACTION you take from what you know. 2010 241

Yours Sincerely,

Bertil Jenner 2010 242
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If you have read this blueprint and truly believe that other people may benefit from it as you
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