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English 7 Syllabus and Course Description

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.

Ernest Hemingway

Course Description
7th grade English at Del Mar Middle School operates as a transition year in English. We
consider it a bridge from developing the passionate reader to developing the passionate
analytical reader, thinker, and writer. Students regularly practice analytical ways of reading
literature and composing written work to interpret what they've read; students are also
asked to argue for or against ideas and beliefs conveyed in course texts. Students focus on
effective written and spoken communication, whether expository, argumentative, fictional,
or poetic. A command of the English language is emphasized through the development of
vocabulary and grammar--including parts of speech, parts of a sentence, and punctuation.

7th grade students use reading strategies as well as the inquiry model of constructing
meaning in texts to tackle increasingly complex reading material. These strategies provide
students with the foundation for effective life-long reading comprehension across the
genres. 7th grade English reading begins with a focus on short works of fiction in order to
review and master the literary elements of story and to provide a common language
students will use in middle school, high school, and college to analyze literature. We will
transition from the short story to the novel with our reading of Wonder. We will study the
various roles conflict plays in the lives of individuals and communities. We will look at
conflict resolution or problem solving as a catalyst for innovation as we read biographies
and autobiographies.

Writing units will include personal and fictional narrative, argument, creative nonfiction,
expository texts, dramatic works including playwriting and screenwriting and poetry.
Students will expand their notion of genre by producing written work such as blogs,
podcasts, and websites in order to become well-versed in 21st century skills.

Lastly, 7th grade students will improve their public speaking skills through the practice of
various forms of public address. Students will use some of their written work for this
purpose. Units for public speaking will include personal statement, original prose, and
argument. In addition, students will be expected to participate in Socratic Seminar
discussions of the literary works we consider in class as well as some of their independent

Students are required to have the following materials for class each day.

Several #2 pencils with erasers
Two pens (black or blue)
2-inch binder
College-ruled notebook paper
Single-Subject notebook/composition book
Standard colored pencil set (8+ colors)
Charged and properly functioning laptop w/ a charger
USB Storage Drive

Grading Policy
Projects and Essays (50-100 points)
Classwork and Homework (10 points)
Quizzes and Exams (20-100 points)

Student grades will be posted regularly on Powerschool.

Guiding Questions
Multiple classroom assignments and activities will be designed towards students
developing the knowledge and understanding necessary to apply their learning to the
specific essential questions listed below.

How are stories formed?
How does society influence and shape us?
How can I remain an individual within society?
What is my role in society, and how do I fit in?
How does one persuade others?

Through the course of this year, students will complete assignments that answer each of
the questions listed above using the information they have gained from their studies in this

All students will keep an organized writing portfolio and reading journal. Specific
instructions on how to organize these instruments will be provided in class. Students are
encouraged to make updating and reviewing their portfolios and journals a regular routine.
Checks will be conducted regularly.

Class Participation
Activities designed to help students master the Common Core standards will be a part of
every class period. These activities vary in scope and include skill builders, experiential
exercises, problem solving group and partner work, class discussions, debates, writing
exercises, and role-plays.

Students are expected to complete one major project each trimester along with several
smaller ones throughout the trimester. The main project will be to produce a collaborative
product with a team. Students will also be expected to deliver high-quality individual work
to the assigned project. Students will be graded for their individual work and will receive a
team grade. The team grade WILL NOT impact a students individual grade.

Exams are designed to assess the material students are learning and will be given at the
end of each unit.

Students can expect to have homework regularly. Students are assigned 30 minutes of
reading every night (as per district policy). In addition, all students are expected to review
writing genres, vocabulary, and English grammar, usage, and mechanics. Short writing
assignments that encourage students to critically think about content will be assigned.
Often students will be asked to complete a project or activity they began in class for
homework, and they may be required to collaborate with other students out of class to
complete assignments. Any assignment not submitted will initially be recorded as a zero in
the grade book.

Make-Up and Late Work - Students should arrange with another student, or check the
class website, to get class information in case of absence. Assignments and due dates are
posted on the course website. Students are responsible for the material missed during an
absence, and if a student misses an exam, a make-up exam will be given once the student
returns. Major work will be accepted with 5% of the total grade deducted for each day late
(with exceptions for excused absences). Students may retake assessments on which they
score 70% or below.

Student Signature____________________________Date______________

Parent Signature____________________________Date______________

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