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Biology Syllabus 2014/2015

Instructor: Ms. Lauren Murphy, Room 3004 Tutorial Hours: Monday Friday 8:00 8:30
Contact: Webpage:
Text: CK 12 Phone: 512-570-2000 ext. 42123

Please check my website frequently for updates and announcements.

This paper should be kept in the front of your notebook for reference.

Biology investigates the relationship that living organisms have with one another and the world around them. The
topics covered in Biology will include cellular biology and microbiology; biochemistry; energy transfer; ecosystems;
and taxonomy; as well as many others. This course will also incorporate the latest findings in the fields of
molecular biology and biotechnology. Laboratory investigations are used to provide concrete experiences in order
for students to gain a better understanding of the topics being covered. Biology will involve a more in-depth study
of topics, including higher-level thinking skills in both laboratory exercises and assessment.

1. Acquire a detailed knowledge of the relationships that exist in the living world.
2. Improve your organization, study and research skills.
3. Improve your thinking, logic, and problem solving skills.
4. Improve your communication skills so that you can express yourself clearly both verbally and in written

GENERAL RULES: (what I expect from you)
1. Adhere to school rules as described in the student handbook.
2. Be polite to each other and me. This includes not having a cell phone turned on during class, unless
otherwise noted! Consequences for infraction of rules include teacher detention, parent contact and
possible referral.
3. Be responsible, organized and prepared for class when the bell rings.
Materials needed are a large 3--5 subject spiral, writing utensils including a pen & colored
pencils, two dry-erase markers, AND one of the following supplies to donate to the class
depending on the first letter of your last name:
A-F Kleenex
G-M Glue Sticks
N-S Tape
T-Z Post-It Notes (Standard Size)
4. Leaving the room - Use the bathroom in between classes. I will not let you leave the room while I am
lecturing or while you are taking a test. Passes to the nurse will be issued only in the case of an
5. I expect you to be doing biology work in biology class.
6. All work is expected to be in your own words and of course cheating, copy and plagiarism is
not tolerated!

TESTS & PROJECTS Tests may consist of short answer, matching,
completion, labeling, multiple choice, and essay. Projects include but
are not limited to your IRP.
Labs/Quizzes- may include formal lab write-ups and/or lab
activities as well as vocabulary quizzes, etc.
Unit Work Chapter Reviews, learning checks, INB checks, case
studies, and other assignments

ALL work is due by 4pm the day it is due and will be considered late if turned in after that. Late
penalty is 10% per class day and students have one calendar week to submit any late work after which it
will not be accepted.

*Unit work assignments (INB) and labs are NOT eligible for redoing.

According to LISD grading guidelines, the focus of grading is to measure student mastery. Therefore a grace
period of 1 calendar week will be given for students to remediate and then demonstrate mastery on a
test/assignment when a failing grade is earned. A new grade (no higher than 70%) will be recorded for
remediation and proof of mastery of content. Students may retest one time per each failed test. I may also require
corrections of the test (questions written out and answered completely), tutorials, or an oral quiz in order to
demonstrate mastery. Retest must be scheduled with me and completed within one calendar week of returned
original grade. It is the students responsibility to schedule any retests.

When you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain and make-up the work. You must inform instructor (e-mail
or in person) and arrange for make-up work. If you know you will be absent you must do this before you leave

**Always check the website for work or updates. **

When you miss a test, it should be made up immediately upon your return to school, whether or not it is
our A/B day. You must schedule an appointment. You may not make up tests during class time.

When you are absent for a lab, you may make it up for full credit upon appointment within 2 days of the
original lab day (while I still have the materials out and available). You are responsible for
understanding the lab material even if you missed the lab.

1. Dont procrastinate.
2. Read the text. You dont have to read the whole chapter, but read the sections from the notes
particularly the notes that you are confused about.
3. Ask me for help! Tutorials are available each day, tutorial times are posted outside ALL biology
teachers classrooms. If your teacher is not available it is not an excuse, ALL biology teachers can help
4. Dont turn assignments in late. Unit work is meant to help you study and understand the material. Not
only will you earn a zero for that particular grade, but you will also inevitably have lower test scores.
5. Be sure to answer all the questions on the labs. These are the best way to learn biology even if it is not
for a grade!
6. Stay organized. Keep your INB up to date and organized. Keep a calendar and schedule of all your
classes, due dates, extracurricular activities, and your study time.


I have read the grading and rules and agree to abide by them
Student name printed: ___________________________________Period:____________

Signature (student): ______________________________________________________

I have read and understand the grading and rules.
Signature (parent/guardian): _______________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Information:
Parent/Guardian Name:________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________________
Email: ____________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________

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