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Reviews and Testing

Section A: Multiple Choices 1) Challenges of Review and Testing are:

Lack of domain epertise
Monoton! of the "o# and coping with re$uirement changes
Both (a) and (b)
%one of the a#ove
&) '''''''' is a process of eecuting a program with the intent of finding errors(
)eer review
+) ,hich of the following could #e a criteria to stop review
-efects are rectified and verified #! review team leader
Reviewers decide that there is no need for another review
Too man! errors are found in the review
All of the above
.) /n a software development environment '''''''''''' is confirmation that the output
of a particular phase of development meets all of the input re$uirements for that phase(
Reviews and Testing
Software Validation
Software Testing
Software *erification
0) The #asic #uilding #lock of an! activit! in an! phase of the S-LC which forms the
core of ,ipro1s Reviews and Testing )rocess is called the :
)eer Review
*erification and *alidation Techni$ues
ETVX Model
All of the a#ove
2) The ''''''''''' #ased testing is a s!stematic3 statistical wa! of testing the software(
4rthogonal Arra!
5ser interface
%one of the a#ove
6) '''''''' is a method for determining if a set of test data or test cases is useful(
Automated testing
Mutation testing
Module testing
7unctional testing
8) Mike 7agan of /9M pu#lished a paper in 1:623 descri#ing a method called
'''''''''' which formalised the software review process(
eer review ;<)
4nline review
)air review
Ta#le review
:) ,hich of the following reviews have well defined roles
)eer review
Table review
All of the a#ove
1=) '''''' demonstrates satisfactor! suita#ilit! for use in the intended operating
11) The various kinds of classifications of testing are ''''''''''
Level > #ased classification
T!pe > #ased classification
S!stem > #ased classification
Both (a) and (b)
1&) '''''''' involves checking that each feature specified in the component design has
#een implemented in the component(
!nit testing
/ntegration testing
/nterface testing
S!stem testing
1+) ?Test3 ?pro#e3 )urif! are some of the '''''''''' used in pro"ects(
*erification tools
Testing tools
*alidation tools
All of the a#ove
1.) '''''''' involves testing two or more modules together with the intent of finding
defects #etween the modules(
5nit testing
"ntegration or interface testing
S!stem testing
7eature testing
10) ,hich of the following templates are related to reviews in veloci>@<
#elease #eview Su$$ary ;<)
-efect )revention Report
All of the a#ove
12) '''''''' techni$ues eamine input and output of test data and derive test cases
#ased on an anal!sis of the input and output domains(
7lowA Coverage > 9ased testing
S!stem 9ased testing
%o$ain&Based testing
%one of the a#ove
16) ,hich of the following are the highlights of unit testing <
involves testing of basic building bloc's of the syste$
testing to verif! the inter>module interactions thoroughl!
testing is generall! done #! an independent test team3 and not #! developer
All of the a#ove
18) A '''' provides a framework for setting the input parameters3 eecuting the unit and
reading the output parameter(
Test #ed
Test driver
Test stu#
All of the above
1:) ,hich of the following are o#"ectives of a review<
*erif!ing that specifications are met
/dentif!ing deviations from standards and specifications
Collecting data for improvement
All of the above
&=) ,hich of the following are different t!pes of reviews<
Both (a) and (b)
%one of the a#ove
&1) The highlights of Acceptance testing are :
checks the s!stem against the re$uirement specification
focuses on whether the s!stem delivers what was re$uested and is informed #! the
testing done #! customer and not the developer
All of the above
&&) ''''''''' determines how well a product performs when a load is placed on the
s!stem resources that nears and then eceeds the s!stem capacit!(
Stress testing
Capacit! testing
Load testing
Compati#ilit! Testing
&+) A group of test scripts which when taken together test all functions of an entire
s!stem is called the ''''''''''(
Test Suite
Test Bed
Test )roduct
All of the a#ove
&.) Brrors are classified #ased on
Both (() and ())
%one of the a#ove
&0) '''''''''' refers to 1Are we #uilding the product R/CDT<1

refers to 1Are we #uilding the R/CDT product Validation*
Reviews and testing
1) Software #ugs occur due to ''''''''''' reasons(
)oor understanding of re$uirements
)oorl! documented code
Software compleit! and inade$uate use of development tools
All of the above
&) The ''''''''''' #ased testing is a s!stematic3 statistical wa! of testing the software(
4rthogonal Arra!
5ser interface
%one of the a#ove
+) ,hich of the following templates are related to reviews in veloci>@<
#elease #eview Su$$ary ;<)
-efect )revention Report
All of the a#ove
.) 7ocus of the integration testing is to verif!
the features specified in the design has #een implemented
functionalit! of the s!stem as a whole
the inter&$odule interactions thoroughly
All of the a#ove
0) '''''''''' refers to 1Are we #uilding the product R/CDT<1
2) ,hich of the following reviews have well defined roles
)eer review
Table review
All of the a#ove
6) '''''''' involves testing two or more modules together with the intent of finding
defects #etween the modules(
5nit testing
"ntegration or interface testing
S!stem testing
7eature testing
8) A '''' provides a framework for setting the input parameters3 eecuting the unit and
reading the output parameter(
Test #ed
Test driver
Test stu#
All of the a#ove
:) Sometimes a need ma! arise for an eternal review of the software product( ,hich of
the following needs will prompt !ou to go for an BRT<
-omain Content
Technical Content
Cosmetic Content
All of the above
1=) )reparation of a '''''''' is ver! important3 #efore conducting 5nit testing(
S!stem Test )lan
5nit Test Case
!nit Test lan
All of the a#ove
11) ,hich of the following are #road t!pes of efficienc! techni$ues in testing :
7lowA Coverage > 9ased testing
-omain 9ased testing
S!stem 9ased testing
Both (a) and (b)
1&) The highlights of Acceptance testing are :
checks the s!stem against the re$uirement specification
focuses on whether the s!stem delivers what was re$uested and is informed #! the
testing done #! customer and not the developer
All of the above
1+) Ta#le review process is followed mostl! for reviewing documents( ,hat is the other
name of Ta#le Review )rocess<
)BST Anal!sis
7agan1s Review )rocess
S,4T Anal!sis
1.) The purpose of 7unctional testing are:
finding defects
verif!ing that the module performs its intended functions as stated in the specification
establishing confidence that a +rogra$ does what it is su++osed to do ;<)
All of the a#ove
10) ,hich of the following are Code Compleit! measures used as #asis for testing :
McCa#e measures
Dalstead measures
Com#ination measures
All of the above
12) '''''''''' is a formal evaluation techni$ue in which software re$uirements3
design3 or code are eamined to detect faults(
Syste$ Testing ;<)
All of the a#ove
16) '''''' demonstrates satisfactor! suita#ilit! for use in the intended operating
18) Advantages of Automated testing tools are:
Repeata#ilit! E Scala#ilit!
All of the above
1:) ''''''''' is a document that defines the input3 action and the corresponding
epected output3 to determine if a certain feature of an application is working correctl!(
Test )lan
Test Script
Test ,ase
Test 9ed
&=) '''''''' determines if a new software version is performing well enough to accept
it for a ma"or testing effort(
Mutation testing
Load testing
S$o'e testing
Release testing
&1) '''''''' is a process of eecuting a program with the intent of finding errors(
)eer review
&&) ,hich of the following is %4T a document defect t!pe
Lack of clarit!
*iolation of standards
&+) /n a review process3 who moderates the review sessions<
#eview -eader
&.) ,hich of the following are the highlights of unit testing <
involves testing of basic building bloc's of the syste$
testing to verif! the inter>module interactions thoroughl!
testing is generall! done #! an independent test team3 and not #! developer
All of the a#ove
&0) ,h! is multiple rounds of s!stem testing recommended<
Set of test cases can #e eecuted in each round(
Acco$$odate bug and eli$inate $a.i$u$ defects
7or testing #asic re$uirement3 implied re$uirements 3 performance measures in various
shortage of resources to complete testing in one round
software config
1) A set of patches applied to s!stem releases like mainframe operating s!stems updates
is an eample of model(
Check>in3 Check>out
Long Transaction
Change set
&) ,orkspace is a concept using in which of the models
S!stem Model
Long Transaction
Change set
+) ''''''''''''' model focuses on versioning of product components
Check>in A Check>out
.) ,hich of the following is a re$uirement of /S4 :==1
Control of documents
/dentification and tracea#ilit!
Control of non>conforming product
All of the a#ove
0) StandardiFed3 measura#le process for change management are inherent of
SCM processes
SCM tools
SCM plan
%one of the a#ove
2) ,hich of the following options ensure cost saving due to SCM:
/dentification of C/;s)
Accurate release control
)roper resource allocation
%one of the a#ove
6) /f !ou have two sets of changes to a single file and !ou need to reflect #oth the
changes3 the task to #e performed is
8) ,hich of the following is %4T a C/ t!pe
-esign -ocument
Becuta#le Code
/nstallation Manual
Contract document
:) /n the composition model3 the two step process of composition and selection can #e
graphicall! visualiFed as '''''''''''' graph
1=) An aggregation of C/;s) that has #een formall! reviewed and agreed upon and taken
into control at single point in time can #e defined #!HHHHH( and using and SCM
tool it is identified #! HHHHH( ;7ill in the #lank from respective comma separated
)ro"ect3 )inning
9aseline3 La#el
9ranch3 Trigger
Ie!word3 )inning
11) JSCM is the art of identif!ing3 organiFing and controlling modifications to the
software #eing #uilt #! programming team( /t maimiFes productivit! #! minimiFing
mistakes(K /t is SCMLs definition #!:
Roger )ressmen
,a!ne 9a#ich
1&) Status Accounting provides
Status of change re$uest and defect reports
*ersion status of various configuration items ;C/s)
Status of configuration items in various pro"ect #aselines
All of the a#ove
1+) /n a pro"ect to identif! the #aseline artifacts which of the following techni$ues can #e
1.) Software Configuration management is a CMMi Level ''''' process area
10) ,hich of the following should #e considered as Configuration /tems for an! pro"ect:
)ro"ect plan3 Re$uirement specification3 Class diagrams
-esign specification3 -esign tools3 Activit! diagrams
Source Code3 Test plan3 test Script3 Test tools3 Test results
All of the a#ove
12) Management issues that need #e considered for SCM tool evaluation are
License Cost
After sales support
Availa#ilit! of upgrades
All of the a#ove
16) ''''''''' helps us to know how merging works
Merging manual
Merging online help
Merging Semantics
%one of the a#ove
18) Multiple people working on one work item is
Concurrent development
%one of the a#ove
1:) /dentification of configuration item is an essential part of SCM( ,hich is the
immediate #enefit of identif!ing the C/<
Managing release of multiple versions
)roducing )roduct -eltas
Anal!Fing historic information
Reporting pro"ect status
&=) ,hich of the following needs to #e taken into consideration for SCM tool selection
4S Support
-evelopment Bnvironment
Dardware Re$uirements
All of the a#ove
&1) To ensure change control3 *eloci>@ procedures sa!s:
The re$uest of change should #e recorded in Change Control Register
/mpact should #e determined and clientLs agreement should #e received for pa!ment
against change incorporation
Change should #e tracked till it is )M approves it
Risk assessment should #e done in the end
&&) -efining rights of individuals for accessing the pro"ect repositor! is defined at which
of the following stage of SCM:
SCM )lanning
SCM Control
SCM status accounting
SCM Audit
&+) '''''''represent the s!stem structure and provide a list of components or groups in
a hierarchical structure(
Check>in3 Check>out
S!stem Model
Change set
&.) CMMi level & is descri#ed as
&0) Some of the parameters considered for change evaluation are
Compleit! of Change
/mpact on eisting s!stem
All of the a#ove
software config
1) '''''' are conducted to find and eliminate errorsAdefects in the earl! stages of
product development(
Reviews and Testing
All of the a#ove
&) /n a ta#le review3 who records the defects and classifies errors<
Review Leader
+) A '''''' is a document which descri#es the o#"ective3 scope 3 approach and focus of
a software testing effort
Test Strateg!
Test Script
Test Case
Test )lan
.) /n a software development environment '''''''''''' is confirmation that the output
of a particular phase of development meets all of the input re$uirements for that phase(
Reviews and Testing
Software *alidation
Software Testing
Software *erification
0) Tools commonl! used for causal anal!sis are
)areto Anal!sis
Root cause anal!sis
9oth ;1) and ;&)
%one of the a#ove
2) The different t!pes of flowAcoverage #ased testing are:
Statement coverage
7ull )ath coverage
-ecision coverage
All of the a#ove
6) An informal meeting for evaluation or information purpose is a
%one of the a#ove
8) Ta#le review process is followed mostl! for reviewing documents( ,hat is the other
name of Ta#le Review )rocess<
)BST Anal!sis
7agan1s Review )rocess
S,4T Anal!sis
:) ''''''''''' stage ensures that review comments have #een incorporated during
Causal Anal!sis
7ollow up
1=) '''''''' helps anal!Fe the re$uired efforts for validating the accepta#ilit! of a
software product(
Test Case
Test )lan
Test Script
All of the a#ove
11) /f the cost of fiing a defect in the re$uirements phase is 13 what is the relative cost
of fiing a defect in the Testing )hase
1= to 10
1&) '''''''' compleit!>#ased testing measures program length and voca#ular!3
volume3 difficult!3 and effort(
%one of the a#ove
1+) Mike 7agan of /9M pu#lished a paper in 1:623 descri#ing a method called
'''''''''' which formalised the software review process(
)eer review
4nline review
)air review
Ta#le review
1.) '''''' provides a measure of the conditions which could ensure that a #ranch is
Condition coverage
Condition operand coverage
-ecision coverage
9oth ;a) and ;#)
10) ,hat is the correct definition of a Test Script<
/t is a document that defines the input3 action and epected output to determine if a
certain feature of an application is working correctl!
/t is a document that descri#es the se$uence of steps to eecute a test case(
/t is a logical group of test cases which when taken together test a particular function or
unit of the s!stem
%one of the a#ove
12) ''''''''''''' is a wa! of proving that !our s!stem does what is intended and also
meets all re$uirements(
*erification and *alidation
%one of the a#ove
16) N of effort recommended for review preparation is '''''''''
18) )reparation of a '''''''' is ver! important3 #efore conducting 5nit testing(
S!stem Test )lan
5nit Test Case
5nit Test )lan
All of the a#ove
1:) ,hich of the following are the commonl! accepted levels of testing in the Software
-evelopment Life C!cle <
5nit or Component testing
/ntegration testing
S!stem testing
All of the a#ove
&=) '''''''''' refers to testing the featuresA navigationA epected epectations3 when
more than one users from different machines operate on same 4#"ects(
Concurrent testing
7unctional testing
Module testing
All of the a#ove
&1) Sometimes a need ma! arise for an eternal review of the software product( ,hich
of the following needs will prompt !ou to go for an BRT<
-omain Content
Technical Content
Cosmetic Content
All of the a#ove
&&) '''''''''' implies testing the s!stem with the intent of confirming the readiness of
the product and customer acceptance of the product(
Load testing
S!stem testing
Acceptance Testing
/ntegration testing
&+) The #asic #uilding #lock of an! activit! in an! phase of the S-LC which forms the
core of ,ipro1s Reviews and Testing )rocess is called the :
)eer Review
*erification and *alidation Techni$ues
BT*G Model
All of the a#ove
&.) ''''''' is done to validate the entire product(
S!stem testing
Acceptance testing
Regression testing
/ntegration testing
&0) ?Test3 ?pro#e3 )urif! are some of the '''''''''' used in pro"ects(
*erification tools
Testing tools
*alidation tools
All of the a#ove
vel $
1) ,hich of this is not the intended use of Metrics<
To monitor the pro"ect performance
To take appropriate decisions #ased on measured values
To monitor individual performance
To revise plans
&) 4#"ectives of customer focus is to:
Blicit parameters that are critical to $ualit! from customers
Collect data and metrics
Track performance
All of the a#ove
+) All Configuration Audit issues are recorded in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and tracked to closure:
Software Configuration Audit Report ;SCAR)
Software Configuration 4rder 7orm ;SC47)
9aseline Record
.) The set of actions to #e taken when the perceived risk #ecomes a realit! is
documented as part of
Contingenc! plan
Mitigation )lan
-efect )revention Report
Risk Tracker
0) Risk $uantification is done #ased on
Risk pro#a#ilit! and impact of risk
Risk mitigation
Risk schedule
%one of the a#ove
2) )ractitioners working on pro"ects can suggest process improvements through a
)rocess /mprovement )roposal
Change Re$uest
All of the a#ove
6) ''''''''' serves as an important verification activit! to ensure the completeness of
testing in order to ensure product $ualit!(
5nit Testing
/ntegration Testing
Test Audit
S!stem testing
8) Croup that focus on the tools used #! pro"ects and the impact of using tools is
Tools group
All of the a#ove
:) Corrective and )reventive Action )lan should #e drawn for:
Customer complaints received
Customer feed#ack ratings
Customer Satisfaction surve!s
All of the a#ove
1=) Look ahead meetings and root cause anal!sis are eamples of
-efect prevention activities
Brror capture activities
Appraisal activities
%one of the a#ove
11) The effectiveness of the @ualit! Management S!stem is continuousl! improved
Audit results3 corrective and preventive actions3 CSATs3 Management Review
Sales reports3 9alance sheets3 Compan! audit reports
@ualit! group recruitments
/ndividual )erformance appraisals
1&) )ro"ect monitoring reviews are conducted to
review pro"ect progress
understand pro"ect re$uirements
monitor re$uirements volatalit!
All of the a#ove
1+) ,iproLs $ualit! s!stem is known as
)ro"ect -ata 9ank
1.) /n the eecution of maintenance pro"ects each trigger from the customer is recorded
in a:
Change Re$uest
Change control Register
10) '''''''''is used to document the featuresAfunctionalit! to #e tested3 test strateg!
and testing methods to #e used(
Test )lan
Test 7orm
Test development
Test -esign
12) 4rganiFational learning enters *eloci>@ through
@ueries and )/)
Audit findings
)ro"ect )erformance Anal!sis
All of the a#ove
16) ''''''''' is a techni$ue used for arriving and prioritiFing re$uirements(
)ugh matri
@ualit! 7unction -eplo!ment ;@7-)
*oice 4f Customer ;*4C)
All of the a#ove
18) Release review process involves
)M3 customer and TM
)M3 @C3 TM
All team mem#ers
entire team along with S@AM and customer
1:) Bach phase Aactivit! of a life c!cle model is represented in veloci>@ #! the
'''''''''''' Criteria
&=) )rocess artifacts that help to perform pro"ect activities in a standard manner are
Checklists and Templates
All of the a#ove
&1) The threshold value of Risk Score #e!ond which the Mitigation and contingenc!
plans need to #e documented is
&&) is a repositor! of data and learning from closed pro"ects(
)ro"ect -ata 9ank
Si Sigma
%one of the a#ove
&+) Si sigma methodolog! that is used for reduction of c!cle time is
Cross 7unctional )rocess Map
Si steps
&.) is an initiative that involves measuring and anal!Fing #usiness processes(
Si Sigma
Root Cause Anal!sis
)ugh Matri
%one of the a#ove
&0) Si Sigma measures defects #ased on:
the teamLs decision
,iproLs Senior managementLs perception
CustomerLs perception
num#er of defects in the pro"ect
vel $
1) Configuration audits are verification mechanisms used to ensure that delivera#les are:
-efect free
4n schedule
Consistent with re$uirements
%one of the a#ove
&) /n ,ipro which model representation of CMM/ was adopted
Rank model
Linear model
Staged model
)rocess area model
+) Bach phase Aactivit! of a life c!cle model is represented in veloci>@ #! the
'''''''''''' Criteria
.) )-CA stands for
)lan3 -efine3 Change3 Add
)lan3 -o3 Change3 Aid
)lan3 -o3 Check3 Act
)lan3 -efine3 Check3 Add
0) /n *eloci>@3 intentions and directions for $ualit! initiative are documented in
)olicies section
)rocedure section
Cuidelines section
All of the a#ove
2) ,hat is the monthl! mechanism to record and track metrics of the pro"ect<
,ork )lans
6) 7or a pro"ect that involves resolving incidents3 "o# c!cle monitoring and software
upgrades3 the process model to #e chosen is
*>)rocess model
/terative )rocess model
)roduction Support process model
%one of the a#ove
8) /t is mandator! to take corrective and preventive actions for
Customer complaints
;a) and ;c)
:) This is the testing procedure according to which modules3 su# modules are tested and
test case verification is done
7unctional testing
Module testing
5nit testing
S!stem testing
1=) @ualit! is defined as
A#ilit! of the product to meet stated or implicit needs of customers
Set of process and procedures
5se of checklists and templates
All of the a#ove
11) /S4 stands for
/nternational 4rganiFation for StandardiFation
/nternational S!stems for 4rganiFation
/nternational S!stems 4rientation
/nternational S!stems 4rganiFation
1&) '''''''' are mistakes A faults caught during the same phase of S-LC
All of the a#ove
1+) Oou are a )ro"ect Bngineer who has "ust "oined ,ipro( Oou want to know all !our
responsi#ilities as defined #! veloci>@ for !our role( ,here would !ou go<
Treasure Douse
1.) )rior to start of the pro"ect3 the )M should estimate
good idea > he can get familiar with our estimation guidelines
it is a must to plan #etter on eecution of the pro"ect
verif! estimation and address differences if an!
all of the a#ove
10) The process model suited for pro"ects with dissimilar service re$uests is
Service )rocess model
Rational 5nified )rocess Model
*>)rocess Model
%one of the a#ove
12) The process followed in the software development pro"ect should #e:
Client specified processes
)rocesses as descri#ed in veloci@(
Tailored 4-C specific processes
An! 4ne of the a#ove
16) *oice 4f Customer ;*4C) can #e used to
)rioritiFe customer re$uirements
Select re$uirements
Anal!Fe customer re$uirements
Re$uirements tracea#ilit!
18) /n CMM/ the Level & stage is descri#ed as
1:) -)M4 stands for
-efects per million opportunities
-efects per million occasions
-erivations per million opportunities
An! of the a#ove
&=) /n the eecution of maintenance pro"ects each trigger from the customer is recorded
in a:
Change Re$uest
Change control Register
&1) Choose the odd one: 4ne of the process models %4T suita#le for -evelopment
/terative model
,aterfall -evelopment model
*>)rocess model
ConversionA )orting )rocess Model
&&) The following is not a section of the pro"ect plan template :
Resource )lan
Becution )rocess )lan
)ro"ect *ision
&+) ,hat does function point estimation mean:
A standard method to measure siFe of software pro"ects
A Metric for effort calculation
A review techni$ue A mechanism
An eperimental method to calculate pro"ect deliver! time
&.) /n CMMi level software process is improved in a controlled manner(
All of the a#ove
&0) The $ualit! group responsi#le for process definition3 metrics anal!sis and $ualit!
assurance activities at verticalAgroup vertical level is
Tools Croup
%one of the a#ove

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