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2014-2015 Syllabus

Art 3 and 4: Portfolio Development Honors/AP

Long Reach High School Ms. Bulkowski-Larsen
(Retain this packet in your visual journal throughout the semester!)
Course Descriptions
The portfolio is a vehicle through which students synthesize knowledge they have
gained of art appreciation and media exploration. To that end, Art 3 and 4 students will
create work of the highest possible quality: work that documents a range of technical,
formal, and expressive experiences, and work that begins to focus on a particular
interest or problem. Art 3 and 4 students are expected to work beyond scheduled
periods and to take the responsibility to leave the art room if the assignment requires.
Students will maintain a sketchbook/journal. Art 3 and 4 students who are registered for
Advanced Placement credit are expected to take the A.P. exam in May. Bear in mind
that these students will be required to meet the National Advanced Placement Board
requirements, which may require additional work beyond the requirements of this
course. It is exceedingly difficult for an Art 3 student enrolled for one-credit to pass the
Advanced Placement Studio Exam. Students and parents are asked to carefully
consider the level that best suits the students academic and artistic goals. Students
taking the AP Studio Exam will be required to create a portfolio of 24 AP quality pieces.
The quality required can be better understood by visiting the College Board website and choosing Studio Art under the course section.
There are sample portfolios with the score received noted and the rationale for the
Course Objectives
In this course you will build a portfolio of work that can be used for college admission
and for advanced placement credit.
If you are in Art 3 or 4 Honors you will develop your abilities to:
1. Develop creative responses to given art problems through research, discussion and
experimentation. 2. Maintain a sketchbook journal that demonstrates personal
expression through the use of visual images, collected materials and written
commentary. 3. Engage in collaboration and continuing critical dialogue with artists,
instructor and peer mentors. 4. Compose an artists statement that reflects aesthetic
choices and a personal direction developed over a period of time. 5. Identify and
evaluate how artistic behaviors and problems solving skills are essential components for
success in a variety of career fields. 6. Recognize and apply technical approaches
through the use of a variety of media to develop a repertoire of visual experiences with
a sense of quality. 7. Analyze and apply ways contemporary and master artists and
cultures use concepts and ideas in a theme or series for the development of personal
artwork. 8. Analyze and apply ways contemporary and master artists approach subject
matter from direct observation. 9. Maintain a sketchbook/journal that incorporates
personal expression through visual, collected and written commentary to employ as a
reference and to generate future ideas. 10. Demonstrate independent pursuit of art
making based on guided instruction in the development of a portfolio. 11. Maintain and
refine digital portfolio of personal artworks for the purpose of participating in a web-
based community.
In addition Art 3 or 4 AP students will:
1. Establish criteria to be used in the development of personal artwork and defend
artistic choices using sophisticated vocabulary. 2. Engage in periodic portfolio critiques
to assess strengths/needs to develop criteria for further art works. 3. Recognize,
provide, and accept constructive criticism for personal artistic development and peer
mentoring.4. Demonstrate independent pursuit of art making based on guided
instruction in the development of a portfolio. 5. Analyze, evaluate and prepare personal
portfolios to meet specific criteria for further educational and career goals, (AP, college
entrance, work resume). 6. Select and apply materials and techniques to identify their
potential in visual statements and develop mastery in their use.
Requirements for the Portfolio
There are three essentials to every portfolio: 1. The portfolio work will be of the
highest possible quality.
2. The portfolio work will document a range of technical, formal, and expressive
3. The portfolio work will begin to focus on a particular interest, theme or problem.
In the building of the best possible portfolio, this course will focus on interpreting your
own experiences, primarily through observation and experimentation.
At the end of the term, the work in your portfolio should demonstrate your ability to do
the following:
Think creatively, Think critically, Take risks, Interpret the world around you, Experiment
with techniques and concepts in a visual journal, Draw what you see, Work in diverse
media, Depict light, Depict space, Handle color for realistic as well as expressive
purposes, Respond to or reinterpret works of master artists and artists from other
cultures and Develop a series of thematically related works.

**You will be required to maintain a Personal Portfolio Plan, which will be attached to
the inside of your portfolio folder. Your will be required, as well, to update the table of
contents before submitting your work for a grade at the end of a marking period.

As this is a Honors/Advanced Placement course, a minimum of three to four hours of
outside work is expected each week. Most often, for each marking period there will be
three assignments, each taking nine or more hours to complete. As the long-term
homework assignment allows for the greatest individual interpretation and creative
problem solving, the expectation is substantial. Significantly, these are also the works
that colleges tend to be MOST interested in because the homework problems have the
greatest latitude for personal interpretation. Therefore these works are primarily
responsible for getting you into the college-level art program of your choice. The
homework is given more weight than individual classwork assignments. Therefore, any
student not submitting homeworkor submitting hastily-prepared homeworkwill be
unlikely to pass that marking period.
Assessment and Grading
Studio Guidelines: All students are expected to observe and adhere to all policies
defined in the Student Handbook regarding lateness and conduct. Lateness will not be
tolerated. As a studio class, attendance and promptness are critical to the success of
the student in Art III/IV. Students will abide by all safety procedures. Students are
expected to maintain the studio. Students are responsible to be where they are
assigned during the class period. Students are expected to participate in class
discussions and activities.
Portfolio, Assessment, and Grading:
Each student will compile a portfolio that consists of work done in class or at home,
worksheets, sketchbook/journal, and written assignments. Portfolio reviews will be
scheduled between the instructor and the student periodically throughout the
semester. We will assess each art problem while it is in progress and/or when it is
complete. This may take the form of written reflections, individual critiques, peer
commentary, or (most often) group critiques.
Intelligent, thoughtful, and open-minded participation in the assessment process is
mandatory, and will affect your marking period grade. At the end of every marking
period you will assess your own progress, reflecting on your finished works, your
processes, and your participation. After completing the grade assessment, you will
submit your entire portfolio, your visual journal, and your self- assessment to me for a
letter grade. Submitted work must be in pristine condition. Insure that your work is not
smeared, creased or torn; and is chronological order

Final works of art will be evaluated based upon the following components:
1. Objectives - Meeting the criteria or objectives for the specific assignment. Ex. An
assignment may include specific preparation/brainstorming
2. Studio Skills Proper handling of equipment, responsible use of time, respect
for others and their work, clean up, and class participation.
3. Craftsmanship / Presentation Neatness and respect for your work should be
evident in the appearance of a completed assignment.
4. Design Thoughtfulness to the composition and its relationship to personal
ideas. This system will allow the teacher and the student to evaluate specific
strengths and identify areas that need improvement.
Grades will be based upon percentages: A=90-100% B=80-90% C=70-80% D=60-70%
Out of class work will consist of 40% of the grade for the course. 60% will be in class
work. This at home time will be used for journal assignments, some preparation and
brainstorming, reviewing information, and for completing major assignments. Most
assignments will require students to complete out-of-class work. It is in the students
best interest to use their regular class time wisely to complete assignments. If in-class
time is not used wisely, more out-of-class work may be the result. It is the students
responsibility to check the class blog regularly for assignments and record homework
assignments so that they meet all posted deadlines.
Deadlines and Missed Work: Assignment deadlines are set at the discretion of the
instructor when the assignment is given. It is the students responsibility to make up
any missed work due to excused absences, and to collect daily objectives,
handouts, notes, assignments, etc. Students are also responsible for scheduling
appointments with the teacher to discuss make-up work. If the student is absent
on the day an assignment is due, the assignment should be handed in on the
following day. Late work will be graded with a loss of 10% for each day late.
Advanced Placement
Juniors and seniors who are interested in advanced placement credit will send a
portfolio of their work to the College Board early in May. Students may apply in three
areas: 2-D Design, Drawing/Painting, 3-D Design. You are required to submit 24 digital
images and five original pieces (no larger than 18 x 24-inches); you must submit a
duplicate set of 24 digital images to the LRHS art department for our permanent files.
(3-D requirements vary slightly.) If you plan to attend college and to study art, advanced
placement credit enables you to place out of introductory courses, and to go directly into
upper level studio courses. Only students planning to submit their portfolio to the
AP Board (the exam) may register for AP credit for this class. While I recommend
that everyone take the AP exam, you must be aware that if you do not give 100% in this
course for the entire year, you are unlikely to earn a 4 on the examthe minimum
score necessary to place out of college-level studio art courses. If you earn an A
average for the Art 3 and Art 4 courses, statistics show that you will likely earn a 4 or
better on your AP. See and under course
home pages choose the one in which you are interested: 2-D Design, Drawing/Painting
or 3-D Design. Click through and read about the course and the exam.
Digital Images
Students applying to the College Board, to college art programs, and to organizations
offering art scholarships will need to present reproductions of their artworkusually 20
works in digital form. I will be happy to help you up for shooting your work, but you will
need to provide digital storage in addition to keeping your Mahara page updated. This
year, you must make arrangements with me in advance to photograph your work. On
rare occasions will you be able to photography work after school. Therefore, plan
ahead: Allow ample time for shooting, processing, labeling and uploading your photo
documentation. While I want everyone to succeed, I cannot be responsible for assisting
you with your photo documentation if you have waited until the last minute.
Letters of Recommendation
If you have an A-average in my classes, I am most happy to write letters of
recommendation, provided you have followed the protocol outlined by the guidance
office. (If you have consistently turned in work late, or of less than your best efforts,
please do not ask me to write your letter if you do not want me to mention all the facts.)
Make sure you ask me for a recommendation well in advance of your application
Scholarship Opportunities
Many opportunities for scholarships come up during the school year. Make it your habit
to check for Art Announcements on the back wall storage room windows, where I will
post these competitions. You are encouraged to take advantage of any opportunity that
is presented. I will make all of the pertinent application information available to you, but
it is up to you to take the initiative to follow up on it. Any additional digital images,
recommendations, or input you might need from me is, of course, available upon
request, in the timely manner mentioned above. I am always happy to help excellent
students pursue their goals!
All materials are highly recommended... A hardbound sketchbook is necessary to
meet all course requirements. Having one on hand for idea generation and preliminary
brainstorming / sketching is a major component of building a strong college level
portfolio. Choose the size that feels right to you since there are a great deal of sizes and
shapes. It is highly recommended that you purchase a 5 x 7-inch or 9 x 12-inch hard
bound(preferred) or spiral bound sketchbook of good quality. Tablet bound sketchbooks
(bound with tape only), are discouraged, as they tend to fall apart quickly, which
increases the probability of lost assignments. Should you choose to NOT purchase
a sketchbook, there will be opportunities at the beginning of the school year to
learn how to make one on your own. Again, whether you purchase a sketchbook,
adapt / find / appropriate a second-hand book, or make one yourself, it is a
necessary component of this art class and will serve as a way to complete
assignments, brainstorm, and gather information that pertains to your
experiences in the class.

Most students like to purchase their own set of drawing pencils. If you are unable to
do so, the art department can provide you with a set.
You are required to purchase or make and maintain a sturdy portfoliominimum
size is 30 x 40-inches. Your portfolio must have a handle and must be clearly labeled
with your name. (You will have the opportunity to obtain a cardboard portfolio during the
first few weeks of class.) You will also be assigned a personal portfolio slot. Storage of
artwork should be kept in your personal slots so that you always know exactly where
your portfolio is stored! This is your prize possession! Guard it as such!
The art department will supply the rest of your materials for the year. It may, however,
be the case that you wish to purchase your own materials for use at home. If so, take
your student I.D. (for 10%-20% discounts) and check out any of the following retailers
for art supplies: Michaels, AC Moore, Utrecht Baltimore ( or
I look forward to a wonderful year of artistic development and achievement!

I can be reached at or
410 313-7117 AND check out the class website for course information and

Please return the next page completed and signed by the end of
the week, Friday 8/29/14.

The syllabus is a contract. It can be found on my classroom website at: and clicking on your class section. By signing below, you
and your parents/guardians are acknowledging that you have read the entire course syllabus,
and will abide by and support all of its stated policies.

_____________________________ x_____________________________
student name (please print) student signature

I have reviewed the expectations for this course with the student in my care.

_____________________________ x_____________________________
parent/guardian name (please print) parent/guardian signature

_____________________________ ___________________________________
phone number (home) email address (please print clearly, this is my best way of contacting you)

phone number (work or cell, please indicate)

Some of the work we will be undertaking this year will be used for building a school-
based visual arts website and documented in an art educational research. For this
purpose, I, the teacher will photograph some of your artwork, students working in class,
and take some quotes from reflective statements. Advanced students, Art II and above,
will also use their documented work for a digital portfolio.

Please ask your parents / guardian to sign below giving permission for your artwork to be
reproduced for/in the school based website and art education publication. (I can publish and
post only student work for which parental permission has been granted.) Permission is not
required, and the website and research will in no way affect the assessment and grading of
student work throughout the year.

I grant permission for the Long Reach Fine Arts Department to document my child, their
artwork, and reflective statements for publication in school-based websites and art education

x_____________________________________ _________________
parent/guardian signature date

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