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During the Full Moon phase the Moon will appear to be full 2 or 3 days, see comments 1 Chodesh

6 work day's 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sabbath's

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

There will be no day 30 in a 29 day Moon cycle! 30 Chodesh

We suggest you read the study "Scriptures that refer to the New Moon" before you study this calendar it should help
you by A) Providing scripture to support the Full New Moon, Sabbath, and Feasts. B) Give you a brief introduction to
the Ancient Hebrew Calendar. And C) Provide some insight into the overall apostasy regarding the Moedim
(appointed times) of YaHWaH. And D) If you can refute it using Scripture, Hebrew, and History, Yosiah will uncover
his Nazerite head, shave it and his beard bald, tear his priestly garments, repent and follow you in his new found truth!!!
The first thing one must realize when studying the Ancient Hebrew Calendar is there are three different types of days
they are defined as follows:
Footnote #1 - A New Moon day or Chodesh, a one or two day feast, depending on whether the moon cycle is 29 or 30 days
Footnote #2 - A work day, there are 6 in a row, then the Sabbath, and it repeats 4 times total each Moon-th!
Footnote #3 - A Sabbath day, occurring just as the scripture states after 6 days of work, uninterrupted except for the New Moon
which to the Hebrew, started each moon cycle or as we would say "Month" an absolute fact that needed no mention in scripture!
Please also note there are hidden comments in all boxes with an arrow and the dates 1, 2, 29, and 30 to see them right
click in the cell and choose "show comment"

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