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August 18th, 2014-Dean Sherman


1. Manifest Gods life. Truly, truly live.
2. He didnt make you to worship, to go to church, to do a DTS, but to LIVE.
3. He breathed his life into a piece of dirt. He didnt breathe into us religion or
praise and worship, but he breathed LIFE.
4. We need to enjoy LIFE. Its good to enjoy life. Who made us to enjoy
life? Who made us to think enjoyment is of the flesh? All of you are
without Gods life is simply dirt.
5. Come on humans! Quit putting yourselves down-Its ok to be a human.
6. We are the image of God
8. Acts 17///he himself has no needs, he gives life and breath and everything
God gives LIFE & BREATH to everything.
God made cultures so we could feel for him and find him.
Every culture has been created to seek after you and they can find you.
Every group out there is orientated towards the creator of the universe. Dont think
their culture or religion doesnt want him.
Every culture, every person can find God. Every person can find God.
Colossians was written in response to gnosticism. They said Jesus could not be God
because he had a human body and anything human was bad. Colossians said on the
cross all of the trinity dwelled.
Intellect, sexuality, enjoyment, body parts, enjoying lunch, enjoying life is NOT BAD.
Selfishness is bad.
How many people are in hell because they havent seen Christians enjoy life?
This is a spiritual warfare issue. The enemy has suckered us into not enjoying life to
be more holy. How can it not be holy when a holy God who breathed life into you?
Human life is not bad.
There is a human in heaven in charge of the universe (Heb 2:11, 10:10)
Do we think heave is one eternal worship service? What do we think we will be
doing? LIVING. God gives life.
When the NT talks about pleasure, it means selfish pleasure, not enjoyment.
Heb 10:10///you are either holy or unsaved. Pick one and wrap your head around it.
Heb 2:11///have you ever heard someone say that concert is sold out but my brother
works there and I can get you tickets. Our brother runs the universe. Pray to him.
God made man to LIVE.
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Glory: The nature and character of God through a human/Gods life through us.
We glorify God by living the God life, by spreading the glory of God the way the
water covers the sea.
When Gods life is manifested through me, that is glory. Glory is not a church
service, its Gods life manifested in human life.

We are different from the other mammals because we were meant to rule.
Our mandate was always global.
There should never have been a concept of missions. We were always called to ALL the
My jurisdiction has been global since the beginning.
Ive never had a missions call. I just did missions and stayed and Gods ok with it and has
blessed it. When we get specifics, thats Gods speaking because you cant be a ll places at
PSALMS 8-Why do we get down on ourselves.
The word sovereign doesnt mean God controls everything. It means he is ruler over. Queen
Elizabeth is sovereign over the UK but she is not responsible for all that happens. It we
pollute the river it is our fault and only we can clean it.
All weve had for all of eternity is life, life, life. There is no death in God.
Why do we think God restricts us? Why do we attach God to death?
God said eat freely of the garden. He says he sets people free.
God tried to prevent death from coming by preventing them from eating the tree.
Whats God into? LIFE LIFE LIFE.
Why do you slow down around a corner? to prevent death. Hundreds of times a day we rule
over death.
We rule over the works of Gods hands, over sin, Satan, and death.

The word US means shadow. Image means shadow.
The word Likeness means model.

Everything about us except the piece of dirt God breathed life into is God.

Why do we put ourselves down? We are made in the image of God.
I was made for Spiritual Warfare
We were put here by God to rule over Satan, Sin, and Death.
Everything Satan has done through history he has done through a human.
Satan cannot do anything alone. He does everything through a doorway called
humans. That is why you are significant. You are a doorkeeper here. You were not
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put here to learn bible verses and have worship meetings. You were put here to rule
over sin, Satan, and death.
Thats why Satan approached the humans, not the animals.
We really are the gatekeepers. We are here to be watchman on the walls, to keep evil
Satan knows you are the way in. Thats why he tempts you everyday, not the monkeys
in the zoo. Were all Christians, why is Satan still working on me? Because we are the
only way in. He cant accomplish anything without working through a human.
We need to understand Spiritual Warfare so that we keep the door shut to evil.
How much evil is there in your hometown? Exactly the amount that humans have
allowed through their sin and selfishness.
Every time you are tempted and dont sin, you have ruled over sin. Dont let sin rule
over you Romans 6.
When the holy spirit comes, he will bring things to your memory.
I have had supernatural memory come during this meeting
Believe God. Thats why we have worship times.
What is the image of God we are manifesting.
GOD IS A RELATIONSHIP. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Because God is a
relationship, the image of God has to be a relationship.
If I have one female, do I have the image? If I have one male, do I have the image? If
I have two men or two women, do I have the image? NO. the image of God has to
be relationship.
It is relationship with distinctions. Therefore the image of God must have distinctions.
Relationship/Love rules. Independence doesnt rule. It allows the enemy to rule.
Let them rule-Genesis 1:26-28
Who is going to rule over evil? Them. Relationship. Name a culture that isnt male
What do we know about families, churches, marriages, nations: They fight.
Want evil to stay out of your family, marriage, ministry, DTS outreach? Stay in
relationship. Stay in unity and the enemy cant do zip.
If you keep the gate shut called relationship. If there is no open door called bad
relationship Satan cannot rule.
If we ask who has had perfect relationships, no one can raise their hands. We have all
had messed up relationships to some degree.
Thats the door. Poor relationship is the door to bad stuff in your family, marriage, life.
You can keep the door shut all the time, but you do need to know that is the door
that evil comes through.
There is no evil on the planet that didnt come through messed up human
Now do you see why there is so much war? Evil? Lust? What is lust? Bad relating.
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Attraction is a human function. You cant get rid of attraction because it is the way
God made you. God is attracted. Youre his wife! You are the bride of Christ! Do you
think he has attraction?
Lust is treating someone like a McDonalds hamburger. Its something to be
consumed for your temporary enjoyment. Its never ok in any generation because the
person you are lusting after or having sex with has incredible worth, is worth way
more than that.
consume Mars bars not humans
I go into DTSs and people are laying on the ground saying less of me. What do
you think the bridegroom would think if you went into the wedding chamber and the
bride laid down on the floor saying less of me, less of me. The bridegroom would
say I dont want less of you, I want all of you.
If you are saying less selfishness that is correct. Dont mix selfishness and
humanness. You are not bad. Selfishness is bad.
A lot of people drop out of christianity because they cant get over attraction and
they confuse it with lust.
Attraction is a wonderful gift so that you ENJOY the sunset, the food, music,
people. God gifted you. Celebrate that!
Lust is a selfish consuming use of that attraction.
Lust is not normal. It is a destructive behavior, not ever normal.
When someone lusts, they are violating you in their mental place without your
Every woman on the planet has a radar for lust. Every man on the planet has a radar
for seduction.
Lust is someone entering their personal, private space without their permission. Its
ok to think of your wife that way because she has given you that permission.
Satan cant do anything here without your choice. This thing of choice is huge.
I wonder if this is where I miss it. I focus so much on choosing some specific leading
of God, rather than simply focusing on whether I am overcoming sin and the enemy
and then able to freely live.
The main point in every rape case is whether it was consensual. Its the difference
between going to prison and going free.
Christianity is all about redemption. Amen.
My wife was the most bold, effective witness of Jesus. Shes always starting
conversations with people wherever she goes. We cant get on a plane without her
helping someone. She loves everybody and serves everyday and talks to everybody.
I relate better to the Christians, and she relates better to the sinners.
When we have good relationships with God, good relationships with each other-we
rule over sin, evil, Satan, and death.
Celebrate your humanity. Human is good. Selfishness is bad.
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When we have bad relationships with God and with each other, Satan is able to rule
in our place.
The human condition on any given day is the way it is because of relationships.
There are people who are not in relationship with God (salvation) and they are not in
good relationship with each other.
Satans entire agenda is to bring bad relating.
Satans agenda is really simple. He wants it to be hard to relate to God and hard
to relate to other humans (race, gender, generation, theology, etc.) and hard to
relate to yourself. That is all of Satans agenda.
You are prepared for Spiritual Warfare for the rest of your life.
Whenever you start to think you are better than another generation, another person,
another race, gender you are in the midst of as evil as it gets. We think the other
group is inferior and we have a right to rule over them.
What is every war in history about? Ruling. Controlling.
We werent made to rule over each other, but to rule over sin, satan, and evil. And
love always wins. You were made to rule and to live and love.
God is a just god, so he made it that every person on planet has a shot at
understanding. The most primitive guy in the Amazonian jungle can understand that
we need to love God and love others the same way.
Satans entire agenda is to bring bad relationships.
You are to determine that you will not let a bad relationship go down.
Relate to and love God, relate to and love people.
His whole goal is to make it hard to relate to God, then make it hard to relate to
Norwegians, Japanese, Calvanists, etc.
What is Gods only agenda? (he made it so that everybody can understand, even
without words. No matter how primitive, how sophisticated, how educated or
uneducated-people can get it).
The cross is not our symbol because Jesus happened to die on one. He planned for
Jesus to die on one so that it could help explain our whole religion. The most
primitive person can get it the same.
All Christianity is is a restoration between God and people (evangelism,up and down)
and a restoration of relationship between people and other people and people and
yourself (discipleship, side ways)
Colossians 1:19-20, 2 Corinthians 5:18
Reconciliation: bring it back to its original state
Everything: every dog, cat, banana tree, life on mars (if it existed)-everything will go
back to its original state.
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When you do evangelism, youre letting people know they can be brought back to
how humans were created originally.
No one since Adam and Eve fell have used their whole brain.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19 (All of this is from god, who reconciled us to himself through
Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world
to himself in Christ, not counting peoples sins against them. And he has committed
to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christs ambassadors, as though
God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christs behalf: Be
reconciled to God!
(What if you are a pastor, a theologian, an evangelist, the janitor-there is no other
Christian ministry than reconciliation).
Ephesians 2:13-16 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away {this is about
relationship-every married person knows you can be in the same bed as someone
and be far away} have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our
peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing
wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and
regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two,
thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the
cross, by which he put to death their hostility.
Its a demonic thing for you to feel like you can never be close enough to God
or intimate enough.
Satan is the one who gives us ambiguities. No one in this room can tell you whether
you are intimate enough.
We are in Christ-how close can you get? We are brought near by the blood of
Christ. Quit thinking its something YOU do. True or false: an hour of prayer makes
you closer to God? FALSE. What makes you close to God? the blood of Jesus.
What we call close to God more of God is yielding more to what we already
When you came into worship today, you felt the presence of God more than when
you were riding the van over. So what happened when you started worshipping? You
were yielding to. Were you in Christ before you entered the room? Yes. What was
different when you sensed his presence and you yielded to it. Worship and prayer
are the ways we yield more to what we already have.
(ah. again. there are huge lies over me that Im never quite there. Im never good
Come on guys, you need to have confidence.
Hebrews 10:10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of
the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Hebrews 10:19-Therefore brothers and sisters, since we have condence to enter the
Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus.
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Guys, I wouldnt trade the love I have for my wife now and for God now for my first
love for a hundred honeymoons.
Get rid of religious crap that says you grow away from people you love. that is not
What terminology is so confusing? -draw near to God. -God came. -
Can you get holier than the blood of Jesus makes you? Then why are you trying so
hard? You are as holy as you are ever going to get.
Ephesians 2:14-16 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one
and has destroyed the barrier, the diving wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh
the law with its commands and regulations. his purpose was to create in himself one
new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both
of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.
I am a new creation. I am not getting gradually saved. I got saved in one hit. No
other religion is an immediate death, bury sin, an immediate renewal, and an
immediate walk into new life. This is not like any other religion in history. We dont
try harder, learn more, grasp more to get closer to Jesus.
No one needs to scratch their head over this thing. God saw to it that this was noble,
understandable, and transferable. The image of God is relationships because God is
father, son, and holy spirit.
Satan is trying to bring bad relationships and rule over that, and God, Christianity is
bringing good relationships with God and each other.
How do you maintain good relationships? Repent quickly and continuously and
always exercise faith. Always exercise faith in Gods love for you that keeps
your relationship with God tight. Faith is a choice. (Job-even if he kills me, I will
still trust him. I know my redeemer lives and wont leave me in this condition. He
always exercised faith).
Ephesians 4:26-27 In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you
are still angry and do not give the devil a foothold. (tell me a people group, age
group, nation, ethnicity that doesnt understand the sun going down-God is good
and has made this accessible to all).
Sundown is only hours from wherever you are. So repent quickly. Repent
Dont let the sun go down on your anger, lust, whatever. Always exercise faith in
Gods love for you that keeps your relationship with God tight.
You can keep that relationship with God tight and strong TODAY. You have to have
faith in your relationship with God. When do you do mess up, get rid of it quickly!
Deal with sin the same way. Always say I know you love me. I know you accept me.
You dont have to spend two minutes of your life in loose relationship with God.

Dont let sin stay.

Forgive quickly and continuously (Matthew 18) and live in humility.
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Two humble people will always be in unity. It is impossible to not be in unity with
another humble person.
How can you stay in a place of continuous forgiveness? Love mercy.
Say I love mercy. Offend me. hurt me. Im almost anxious for someone to offend
me because Im so ready to forgive them. come on. do something. hurt me. I love to
let people off.
Humble people do not conflict. Conflict comes when someone gets proud. (and its
always the other person)
I will forgive myself every time i have a memory or a feeling that comes the failure.

August 19th, 2014

It wasnt Gods decision to heal the woman who touched him. Her faith was defined
by her.
Do you worship me or worship worship?
Jesus didnt feel the presence of God when he was about to die for us. He was
Guys you have to know the truth that the presence of God is where you dont feel it.
If you think you know what the presence feels like, youre going to get really
frightened when you dont feel it and you wont have any confidence.
go and make disciples of all people and I WILL BE WITH YOU to the end of the age
as you do this
Its impossible to obey the great commission and not have god with you.
how come we take it for granted that God will be at a church but we dont have the
same assumption with other places, with the everywhere we go.
He wants us to know he visits with us and manifests his presence when we gather
together, but guys, you have to also know that he is with you as you go out and do
his work.
One of the main tricks of the enemy is to tell you that God is not in your outreach. To
plant thinking of this is a ywam thing, your leaders took you there because you have
contacts. That is bologna. Dont ever listen to the enemy saying God is not in this
outreach. That is never the truth.
Jesus said to go into all the world, so if you stay on this planet, you are fine!
Joshua-be strong and very courageous (you will not always feel). He had to make a
choice to be courageous. You can be strong and courageous because I will be with
you, wherever you go.
God did not say be careful that I am in this. Dont miss God and go on some
outreach that I didnt lead you into. That is so much bull shit.
I the sovereign God will go with you, the human, wherever you go.
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Joshua 1
Its not possible God is not with you because you are in a mission right now
God thank you that you are with me-if I turn left, you are there. If I turn right, you are
there because you promise to go where I go.
Gods with me, he will never leave me, never forsake me, not for a minute.
Anything wrong with this planet is not God-its us. Thats why God become a human,
because humans were put in charge and didnt rule.
Romans 5:12///Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death
through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned
Sin entered through one man. Did God have anything to do with sin coming here?
No. God hates sin.
Quit blaming God for death. What about things I have to die to? there is probably
something in it that is not good. Probably, or definitely? Definitely.
God doesnt kill-he just changes the date. God does not kill, sin kills. God just
changes the dates of the inevitable. We will never reach the world unless we are
clear on this.
How do you live the image of God? tight relationship with God, tight relationship
with others, tight relationship with yourself.
How do you practically live out the God life today? God is relationship.
John 17
The glory of God before we came was the father, son, and holy spirit liked and loved
each other. So much so there is a sprit of God
Everything about the spirit of God is a relational quality: love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, etc..
The glory of god is not a feeling in a worship meeting-its loving each other and
loving God, because its been there forever. We had relationships before we had dirt
and matter and solar systems. The trinity was always there, loving each other, in
Relationships are the most valuable commodity in the universe.
Why do we give diamonds and gold? It shows the value and quality of the
relationship. It tends to cement our relationship. Why? Because they are valuable.
Relationships are the most valuable thing in the universe because they are:
1. the essence of God
2. they are eternal (they have always been)
Yesterday, at about 9:45am, something began that can never end. Some of you met
Dean Sherman and you can never go back on that.
A billion years from now you will never be able to say I didnt meet Dean Sherman.
Its now a done deal. We now have a relationship. Its not very big yet, but it is
impossible to ever go back there.
A relationship is as valuable as the two people who make it up.
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HATE: a willful, continuous murder of a relationship.
Jesus said you might as well put a bullet into someone if you are going to hate them.
You have killed something called a relationship and that is the most valuable thing on
the universe.
No human is a half. When you get married you do not become a half.
living together will never equal marriage. Its an act of God, just like salvation. Hindus
are married. They havent submitted to the truth that will save them, but they have
submitted to the truth that will marry them.
One husband, one wife, one marriage and they are all equal in their value.
It will last forever if we dont kill it. The enemy hates good relationships. He works
24/7 to break them down, make them difficult.
The unoffendable heart. We need to live with unoffended hearts. Live not letting
people hurt us, offend us, bother us. Let it go. Show mercy.
Its the most powerful spiritual warfare you can do.
SIN: bad relationship
every commandment in your bible is a way of relating to God and to other people.
Thats why it says all the commands can be summed up as love your neighbor
Truth is so simple and so knowable. God does not bring ambiguities.
You dont have to use religious words-bad relationship is sin/lack of love.
Sin is not loving God, others, and yourself the way you are supposed to.
We could never use the word sin again and not be compromising something as long
as we are getting across the concept.
If I want to sleep with your wife, I am not relating to you properly.
We shouldnt talk about being called to missions. We should be looking into where
the field is.
I needed the cross as much as any other human. The cross did as good of a job on
me as any other Christian. Now live this way. That is good relationship.

GENESIS 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and
multiply, ll the earth and subdue it.

God puts his blessing on relationship
Psalms 133: How good it is for brothers to dwell together in unity, there God
commands a blessing, even life forevermore.
If you are afraid your marriage wont last, what God has joined together no man can
separate. If God has joined it together, it could last:)
Dont think humanistically about a marriage.
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The point of marriage is God does something. The reason you should be married is
because God does something. If you put your faith in god that he has done
something to make you one, why wouldnt you think it could last?
It doesnt get weaker, it gets stronger.
Give God a little credit. Dont think about your future marriage from a human
standpoint. Give God some credit that he can join you together and keep you
together and keep you in love with each other for 100 years if necessary.
God blesses marriage. Have some confidence.
Nothing since you gave your life to Jesus is up to you
alone. You are a new creature in Jesus Christ.
Jesus spent his first 30 years just relating. Relating to God, to himself, to others.
Before he did a miracle, did a teaching, he just related.
Romans 5:17 those who have received abundant provision of grace and of the gift
of righteousness, shall reign in lifethrough Jesus Christ.
Another word for Grace is ability. We have supernatural ability.
I have abundance (more than Ill ever use) of grace (divine ability) through
righteousness and I can reign over sin, death, and bad relationship.
If you are in good relationship, you will never be without the blessing of God.
If you want the blessing of god on your family, forgive quickly, love easily.
Fill the earth so you can subdue it and rule over it.
As far as we know, the first blessing God gave to his creation was sex. He told them
to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.
Satan has commandeered sexuality. We are meant to rule and to take back
everything that was lost. We need to take it back.
Satan had nothing to do with sex. It is 100% a god thing.
What have we taught-female anatomy causes sin.
Come on guys-redeem this stuff. The first place we rule over Satan is to rule our
sexuality. Believe the truth that God made bodies, hormones, parts of our bodies
that bring arousal. This is very calculated under the fear of God.
Satan has nothing to do with your sexuality. It is 100% the idea of a holy God.
God blessed people to make babies. Its the first thing he blessed us for. He blessed
us to make babies before he ever blessed a church service.
Some of us only think the blessing of God only comes in religious functions. We
have the blessing of God on LIFE. On your average Tuesday, not just in
a worship meeting.
What is associated with making babies: new life, creativity, uniqueness,
The way we are fruitful, productive, positive
Every person in this room has the capacity to make a new life.
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Children were designed to not have life without relationship. They will actually die
without being touched and cared for.
We are here to multiply good relationship, good marriages, and good families.
If you every want to notice what is true, notice what Satan attacks.
What do you get attacked in most? I think I get attacked most in the areas of
condemnation, or viewing myself as wrong and broken.
Nothing God made me to be tempts me to do something wrong.
Dont base your lust and on the base of your sex drive.
God wouldnt give you a sex drive and then tell you to not have it. that is not what
God is like.
Why does Satan care if I have sex or not? Why is he so concerned with our sexuality?
He wants as many children conceived and born as possible outside of a good
relational situation.
How many babies conceived today will be aborted before they take a breath?
millions. why? because they are unwanted pregnancies.
He hates the ability God has given us to have babies, to create life, because satan
cant do it. He hates you for it and he wants to screw it up as much as he can.
Why did God make sex pleasurable? Because it bonds you. If you only had that
sexual experience with one person, you would be drawn back to them over and over.
Weve turned over what it is supposed to be highly personal into something
technical. You are only supposed to know what one person is like sexually and that
would draw you back over and over to that person.
Who am I to talk on this? Just someone who is ticked off at the attempt of the
enemy to destroy, to mess up this area of sexuality.
How are we going to do spiritual warfare? How will we rule over Satans strategies?
1. I will rule over my sexuality/I will rule over my romantic love. I will redeem this! I
will be one of the most whole, wholesome people on earth about my sexuality.
I dont have to fall in love with the wrong people, and I dont have to fall out of
love with the right people.
Embrace broken people and embrace broken relationship. Its Christianity about
Theres no such thing as an illegitimate kid. God forms in not just forgiveness of sins,
but a new inheritance. A new father. The church needs to become the embracing,
accepting relationship to all the broken ones out there. If you want to do powerful
spiritual warfare, start embracing broken relationship and start being what they miss.
I love to tell people God is not like that, hes like this!
The church shouldnt be allowed to exist if all we will do is sing and preach. The
spirit of the sovereign Lord is to bind up the brokenhearted
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The anointing on Jesus is to heal broken relationships-with God, with others, with
You dont like yourself because you werent related to properly in your growing
up, therefore you are insecure, you are not condent in who you are.

August 20th

We are never more Christian than when we are giving up control, when we are being
less selfish.
Satans entire agenda is to discredit God and divide people.
He told Eve God has an ulterior motive. God knows youll be better, smarter, more in
control of your own life.
We need to be angry about the fact that Satan lies to you. Every thought that you
have that God cant love you because you have screwed it up too bad is totally from
the enemy.
The whole Christian life is about getting your mind renewed day after day after day
by what is true because Satan is lying to you all day every day.
Spiritual Warfare is not about the demons out there, its in your head.
1 Timothy 2:4
We dont need to experience things to help people. We dont need to have burn
scars in order to help burn victims. That thinking breaks down. How do you
experience suicide to help people who are suicidal?
If dont have right relationship with God, ourselves, and others-Satan rules in our
place. If we do have right relationship with God, ourselves and others-I RULE.
God is not in control of the woman being raped right now. It is not his will, its called
sin. Why is it allowed to happen then? Because there are people not in right
relationship with God.
If we could flip a switch in Edmonton, Alberta and bring everyone into right
relationship with God, Satan could do nothing in Edmonton, Alberta.
Do you see why we are training you for ministry? We can stop what the enemy is
doing! We can stop the poverty, we can stop the injustice, we can stop the human
trafficking. Why do I run around yelling in front of a bunch of 18y/os? Because God
we can do something about this! Quit sitting around and sucking breath and go help
someone, or at least pray for them.
Bringing someone into right relationship with God changes everything.
If we cant make a difference, then we shouldnt have DTS and we shouldnt have
Jesus Christ came into the word to save sinners. Not to start a religion called
Christianity, not to start meetings on Sundays. He came here to save people, redeem,
heal, restore, renew, reconcile relationships. Our God is the re-god.
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Every day for 30 years, Jesus lived. How did he lived? He related well. He kept good
relationship with God, with himself, with people around him. He just kept choosing
to have good relationship with people. This proves we were meant to LIVE.


Jesus didnt write a book. The way the man lived on Wednesday was light. Then he
said to us his followers: YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
The way I live is more the light than what I preach.
In the USA, 50% of the Christian kids when they leave home to go to college or go to
work, drop out of church. Many of them drop out of Christian living.
The main reason they give is I was living the way my mom and church wanted me to
live and now that Im on my own, I want to live how I want to live. I want to
experience life.
What have we done wrong Christians that our own children think life is out there, not
in here?
This is not the Christian faith, this is the Christian life. Jesus modeled to us for 30
years to just live the God life.
Dont go on outreach and offer people freedom from sin and a home in heaven.
Offer to them abundant life!
Were the ones who have made non-believers think that living life is outside of being
a Christian. Do you want to accept Jesus so when you die and go to heaven? Well
I dont plan to die anytime soon so I should live a bit more and maybe do that later.
Jesus Christ was not a monk! Jesus Christ was intensely social. Occasionally he went
off on his own to pray on his own. That was the exception, not the rule.
He got criticized because they didnt fast enough.
What was he doing in his godly life? Having lunch. Telling jokes. Playing games. His
first miracle was at a social gathering, a wedding feast. I would have done the first
miracle at a healing rally with the organ softly playing. Jesus did his first miracle ever
at a party. Why were they out of wine? Everyone drank it all. What is everyone like
once theyve drank all the wine? They were partying away in there. He wanted the
supernatural holiness of God to come right in the midst of living, not to be cloistered
off into a building one day a week.
We only started meeting one day a week in a special building after 300 years. In Acts
they met in homes and temple courts and they met every day.
Why did they meet in homes, around food, etc.? God was trying to start the Christian
life, not the Christian religion. It was Gods intention to show a new way to live life.
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People in your hometown drove by 14 churches on their way to work this morning.
They know what we believe and do in those churches. They know that we claim the
presence of God comes when we sing. They know what we do and they dont care.
They dont care what you believe and they dont care what you do in that church.
You could explain how good the meeting was last Sunday and they could say oh
well-I went sailing. They will look at the way you live. They will call you on that.

His life was light-not his doctrinal statement.
John 10:10-I have come that you will have LIFE (zoe)-and LIFE to the fullest.
two kinds of life in greek: Bio (undead, still breathing, existing-raise your hand if all
you want to do in life is keep breathing, or would you rather go cut some flowers and
put them on the table or fix your hair the way you did today), and Zoe: (lived life to
the fullest).
Thats why Jesus came to this planet-not to pardon your sin so that you can go to
heaven, but so you can live life to the fullest.
Quit waiting for what God can do for you and start thanking him for what he has
done for you.
You wont be anymore Christian tomorrow than you are today.
You have the availability of FULL LIFE today.
I am a totally new creation.
I have abundant provision of divine ability called grace I have the gift of
righteousness, nothing I did or didnt do makes any difference. Its a free gift. And I
can reign, rule in LIFE.
I have authority to live life. I HAVE AUTHORITY TO LIVE LIFE.
If you are living the godlife, you are living the image, if you are living the image you
are manifesting the glory, if you are manifesting the glory you are living the kingdom.
Those are all words and phrases to describe the same thing.
Church history has turned Christianity into a belief. We are one in christ because we
have a common life together. We are one in Christ.
Evangelical Christianity has emphasized the doorway into the kingdom rather than
the kingdom. Jesus emphasized the kingdom because he wanted us to life life. Its
like going to someones house and getting stuck at the door and only admiring the
door and just wanting to hang out there.
What is the definition of kingdom? People who are related to a particular kind and
related to the other people related to that same king.
ZOE: life, the state of one who is possessed of vitality or is animate, every living soul,
life, of the absolute fullness of life, both essential and ethical, which belongs to God
and through him both to the hypostatic logos and to Christ in whom the logos put
on human nature. Life real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, devoted to God,
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blessed in the portion even in this world of those who put their trust in Christ, but
after the resurrection to be consummated by new accessions and to last forever.
(John: 32 times, Romans: 14 times, 1 John: 10 times, Revelation: 17 times)
If you are born again and alive in Christ then you are the church. Nobody is more
church than me. Have that confidence.
You are the church. Kingdom is how you live. Now you have to get off your seat and
walk through Tuesdays, Wednesday, etc.
You have to know when you are reading the bible and talking about your life what is
eternal and what is part of the sequence. I am the church-that is forever, eternal.
Kingdom is sequence-keep forgiving, keep loving.
If you dont live according to the kingdom, you will live according to a system of bad
Everybody today will live their live according to the kingdom or according to the
world. You are in the kingdom, but will you live on Wednesday according to the
kingdom. if you are living today in a loving way, you are living according to the
kingdom. If you are living selfishly, then you are living according to the world.
We can all add a bunch of stuff to that list.
Dont be a controlling ywam leader. Every pain in history has come from a controller.
The reason Christians are controllers is because they think God is.
Satan has projected the image that God is a controller because he is a controller.
I am constantly amazed how many people think God is a controller.
How do we know God is not a controller? Because he let you sin.
The word sovereign does not mean totally control, it means total rulership.
Kingdom World (not the planet)
love selshness
serving controlling
submission rebellion
humility pride
generosity greed
justice injustice, prejudice, favorites
integrity, honesty corruption
wholeness (isaiah 61) brokenness
forgiveness bitterness
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CONTROL: to direct the behavior of (a person or animal): to cause to do what you
want, to have power over, to direct the actions or function: to cause (something) to
act or function in a certain way.
Im never more satanic then when I am functioning in pride. Satans nature is more
described by pride then even immorality.
Christians think they are doing well if they are staying out of bed with the wrong
people, but the root of those things is pride. Get rid of the reason you cant get out
of bed with your boyfriend.
(how to bring correction and not be controlling: explain to them how you are serving
them by bringing that correction)
There is enough money right now so that no one would be poor. Its called greed.
Some of the greedy people are born again and on their way to heaven. Its about the
way you live and not just your state.
Are you saved is evangelism. But guys, living everyday is discipleship.
How much has the church cared about emotional wholeness? If we dont think God
cares about happiness, then we wont care about emotional wholeness.
If we dont bring healing to people, who will? If we dont receive healing for our own
hearts, who will?
Everything inside you is your broken heart-your personality, emotions. Jesus died to
Lay hands on everyone around you and pray for their inner being. Dont just stop at
The way I live my life every day becomes a channel for spirit power.
Spirit power functions through you every day, either holy spirit or evil spirit.
1 Corinthians 4:20-the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power. There is
a spirit behind serving, a spirit behind love, there is a spirit of truth, there is a spirit of
righteousness. Everything you can do on the left hand side of the chart has spirit
power. It is a quality of God and those qualities run through his spirit.
1 john 5:19-the whole world (not the whole planet-God has control of the planet.
Satan controls) is under the power of the evil one.
There is a spirit behind pride, behind corruption, behind un-forgiveness. All those
things are under the control of Satan himself. You can become a channel for evil
spirit before lunch by just sitting there and lusting or being bitter.
Let the bible talk. Dont bring to the bible some method that will keep you from
understanding it. The main method is the holy spirit.
You dont do anything in a given day that isnt a channel for spirit power.
How do you put on the breastplate of righteousness-do the left hand column.
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Dont think of yourself as a one-dimensional container. You can be filled with the
spirit and still have feelings of anger. See yourself rather as the water in the kitchen
and the bathroom.
The holy spirit doesnt sit in you like tea sits in a cup. Its Gods spirit and Gods spirit
flows into and through you.
John 7:38///He who believes in me, out of his innermost being will flow rivers of
Its a flow, not a stagnant pool. Spirit power doesnt sit in you like water sits in a cup.
Spirit power and evil power flows through you because it comes from outside.
When you yield yourself, holy spirit flows through you, like when you turn the lever on
a tap.
What good is it for you to be spirit filled?
The spirit of the Lord is upon me TO preach good news to the poor, set the captives
free, bind up the brokenhearted
God, the holy spirit, is omnipresent everywhere, and he flows through you.
Colossians 1:13-He has delivered from the dominion of darkness and transferred us
into the Kingdom of God. Everyone in the world is under a spirit power.
Thats a problem in the USA-we dont believe there is real evil and its having an effect
on the planet that we dont believe that evil really exists.
We need to know we were under the dominion of darkness and needed to be
supernaturally delivered because of the cross and the blood of Jesus.
1. It will make us appreciate our salvation. Its not about how bad or good we are, its
that we were dead in our sins and need to be made alive. Its about being delivered
from a demonic darkness and transferred into the kingdom of God. And nothing can
separate me from the love of God. Hes able to keep me (its not me keeping him, its
him keeping me.)
Satan is not impressed with human opinions, but he HAS to move with the word of
God. Thats why its the sword of the spirit. (Lord what are the scriptures that back up
what I am believing you to do?)
1 Corinthians 2:12 We have not received the spirit of the WORLD, but the spirit who
is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.
I dont have the spirit of the world. You can still fall into sin because you have free
will, but you wont do it as often or easily because you start the day with a full deck
(?). I do have the spirit of God.

August 21, 2014

Do not get stuck in a religious spirit. A religious spirit is doing things because thats
how weve done it, or because we have to.
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listen to God.
Kill your religiousness (Phil 3)
God is totally holy and he is also totally relaxed.
Please get God out of heaven, sitting on a chair. Get rid of that. His throne is
speaking about his authority. The throne room is just a euphemism for his presence.
God has never been sitting on a chair in a room. Why is this view not ok? It makes
him less accessible. It makes him something we have to go through loops and liturgy
to connect with. God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. He walked and
talked with him,
God goes on walkabout. God does not live at the church. He lives inside you, and he
walks with you.
God hates sin because its death, not because he cant handle it.
Where was God the day after Adam and Eve sinned? He was walking in the garden.
Adam was not seeking God, God was seeking Adam, Adam was hiding.
God has always taken the initiative to relate to us. It is not the truth that God
will not let you nd him unless you get desperate? What kind of a Father is
that? What kind of father makes you get desperate? God has always taken the
Adam withdrew, God did not withdraw. He went looking for the sinner who screwed
up his entire plan. He had to be greatly disappointed but he looked for them.
When they left the garden, God went with them.
The first murderer was Cain. We have said God wont speak if you are in sin. What
was the first conviction of sin? God speaking. After Cain killed Able, God spoke to
Do not twist the character of God when you teach people.
God walked and talked with a guy called Enoch. He walked and talked with a fallen
human called Enoch so consistently that he didnt die. The wages of sin is death
and Enoch didnt die.
God walked and talked with Job. How did Job know God so well? I know my
redeemer lives.
God walked with Noah and told him about something that had never happened
before-rain. He told him how to build a boat and how to get the animals. Noah never
went to church. Noah never went to a worship meeting that you think you have to go
to into to find God. Noah never heard a sermon.
How did Noah know God so well? God came to him. God revealed himself to him.
He revealed himself to Abraham in a hideously witchcraft and sin filled culture.
God has always had a street address. He lived in a temple in the holy of holies. He
was not in the sky-he was in a human town on a particular street.
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Then, at a particular time, God become one of us. Emmanual means God is us, one
of us.
Ive been chosen, in christ, before the foundation of the world. It was always the plan
that you would be in christ, whether jew, greek, male, female. You are chosen in
I will not leave you alone. Humans have never been alone. God has always been
with us.
Jesus Christ always lived in community. He travelled with 70 people. They lived
together, ate, told jokes, prayed, travelled-God lived in a human community. He ate
with sinners. This god loves to hang out with humans.
Where do you picture God to be right now? If we were worshipping in here, you
would think God is in here. But now that the lectures have started, you might think
that he left and will return when the worship starts again. You would be wrong.
God hangs out with humans. Thats his preferred place.
All he does in worship is manifest his presence so that we can feel it because he loves
us. He does it so that when were out there and not feeling it, we still know hes there.
Then Jesus said I will not leave you alone. He has never withdrawn since the day he
made Adam.
A lot of people think the HS wont come unless you do the right thing. Why did the
HS come? Because the Jewish feast of Pentecost came. Nothing to do with what the
humans did. The HS came because God had decided to send it. And he decided to
send it on the Pentecost. Most of the early Christians were Jews and God wanted
everyone to know that this that is happening is the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
because he is doing everything according to the Jewish calendar.
You dont have to wait for the spirit to come. No one has had to since Acts 2. We said
wait for the holy spirit (we need to say yield to the holy spirit) because the HS is
like air. You cant beat him to a place. He doesnt come and go.
The only reason we say come and go is because its a yielding to. Dont think he left
and that when you got your guitar out, he came back.
Anywhere you go on this planet, you can breathe. Anywhere you go, the HS is right
ive been at some church services that I didnt think God was attending, and I was
surprised that he was. Its because I thought I knew what he felt like and what he
looked like.
God said to Joshua I will be with you wherever you go. Where does God go?
Wherever you go?
You have a wrong concept of this God. I WILL BE WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO.
till the ends of the earth. Till the end of the age.

Spirit power (both holy and evil) move to and through humans according to their
amount of yielding.
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Yielding: allow, surrender, open your heart to, seek after, to press in
Its all about having a lot of flow or a little bit of flow, according to the amount of
Why do we close our eyes when we pray? when we kiss? It helps us yield.
Why do we go forward in meetings? Its an act of yielding.
Whats probably the most concentrated yielding we have in our weekly schedule?
Spirit power moves through you most according to your yielding. Worship is
probably the most concentrated deliberate yielding that Christians ever do.
You dont have to be that Christian to go to heaven. So dont try so hard.
We fast because we are yielded more.
What was the outreach that Jesus sent his disciples on? He gave them authority over
If you can do something just because you have the talent or the education, its
probably not ministry. If its not God working through you, its not ministry.
God gave them power over the hardest kind of ministry-dealing with the demonic-so
they would know that God is stronger. That the only things that really matter are the
stuff that only God can do through us. Its not about me. Its about the power of God.
If God is not with us, then ywam needs to shut down because were too dumb and
ugly to reach the world. Its not about you! Its about God through you.
The most important thing you can learn in your life is how to yield.
We shouldnt chop up DTS into worship, intercession and teaching time. Big mistake.
You should be just as yielded in lecture time as you are in worship time. You would
feel the presence of God just as strongly if you were more yielded. But you are not
because you are in the academic time.
Worship time is part of my learning! Learning does not start in lecture. some of the
most important things you are learning for life and ministry are in worship.
What are you learning in worship time? Youre learning to yield. Youre in a DTS and
part of that training is being done in worship. Were not just getting our hearts ready
for the learning, we are learning. We are getting trained to yield. Dont go into
another worship time thinking this is another prep time for lecture. Dont ever
worship without tuning into the HS. Thats where he talks the most clearly.
I always get the finishing touches on my message sitting on the front row in the
church during the worship time. I arrive at the church on sunday morning w/ a
particular message and during the worship time, god forms a new message in me.
Lots of what I have taught this week has come during worship or while speaking. Its
in the flow of the spirit that you get revelation.
Dont get these religious ruts that only praying for people after is the ministry time.
Ive got to coach you to listen to things like that. Listen for God doing something for
you individually while im up here in front of the whole group.
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Dont put God in a box. Dont come to any part of your schedule less yielded than
another part of your schedule.
The history of God in two sentences::::
Everything God has ever done he has done by his spirit.
God does everything through yielded people.
The most important thing we will learn to do is to yield.
(what is the definition of obedience in the bible?)
The kingdom is not natural (eating and drinking) its supernatural good relationship,
supernatural peace, supernatural righteousness, supernatural everything.
The kingdom is a spirit thing. totally. totally. not natural.
If I could take you by the shirt and teach you something this morning, it would be to
never fight in the natural arena again. We are to never fight in the natural world.
How do you win the football game if you are on a different field from the other team?
You cant. Ephesians 6. What field is our opponent on? The heavenly realms, the spirit
world. How are you going to win over him if you never go there?
Do we actively resist the devil? How often do we say I resist you satan in the name
of Jesus
Guys, nobody is standing in front of the enemy. We are just having meetings and
saying wasnt that a lovely service?
You need to take a deliberate step as a result of the teaching this week to determine
that you are going to be a regular, deliberate participant against the powers of
darkness in the spiritual realm.
My job is to get you more busy and aware in the spiritual realm. Resist the devil and
he will FLEE from you.
Luke 10:19///He gives us power, authority over all the power of the enemy.
How many goals can a team make if they are the only team on the field? As many as
they want?
You develop another step in your discipleship if you decide that today I will stand in
front of the enemys strategies and say No way.
in my name, you will drive out the devil. Who will drive him out? me. can we do it
without God? nope. Start taking your responsibility to rule. Thats why you were put
Satan is trying to hard to take me out. Hes trying so hard. Ive been consumed with
my own broken heart and hes systematically taking me out by breaking me down
from the inside. Hes fed me so many lies of hatred for myself.
The enemy knows my potential more than me and he is actively resisting me. do I
resist him back? Get angry. Say no more. I have such a calling and I HATE that Satan
has opposed it.

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August 22nd

In our discipleship we have to be committed to hearing. Jesus only did what he
heard God saying.
Everyone who interacts with God has to do so through spirit and truth (which doesnt
mean the bible-weve made that into a god) (the word truth there means reality)
John 8:28 then you will know that I am he ad that I do nothing on my own but speak
just what the Father has taught me.
When Jesus said I am the way, the TRUTH-he means the reality. Touch me, get to
know me.
You live the life of Jesus through your personality. I dont just believe in Jesus. I live
the life of the resurrected son of god through my unique personality.
Seriousness is not a fruit of the spirit
Grace does not cover sin, blood washes sin away. God doesnt look at us through
grace colored glasses so he doesnt see how sinful we are. Grace enables us to reign
in life.
I can reign in life over sin, over loneliness, rejection, fear, without money. I can reign
over any circumstance with an abundance of grace.
They that worship him must worship in spirit and reality.
Noah preached righteousness for 120 years (imagine God preaching to the whole
area since 1896)
Ask these two questions the rest of your life.
1. How is the spirit world affecting me right now?
2. How can I affect the spirit world? Start noticing so you can have faith and be
more deliberate about how you can affect the spirit world.
We have been affecting the spirit world anyways, but not noticing it. When we do it
deliberately, we are doing it by faith.
Psalms 149:6 may the praise of God be in their mouths, and a double-edged sword
in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to
bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron.
Everywhere you go in the christian world, you will come across worship and teaching.
Its not about emotionalism but its about spirit flow. Where did we learn to just sing a
spirit empowered worship and use of the word is what is drawing people to God.
Dont just get knowledge of the word. Open the bible and ask God for a sprit of
wisdom and revelation. Dont have a quiet time to just fill the hour and say I have a
quiet time. Dont have one then. If you have a quiet time yielded to the spirit.
I will not have a quiet time, do worship, read my bible, have a quiet time without
yielding to the spirit.
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Worship affects the nations (psalms 149:6) and so its important we get into it and
that we affect the spiritual realm.
The closeness of a relationship is determined by humility.
Whenever you worship the Lord you kick the devil.
You have been binding the enemy our entire lives, we just werent as aware of it.
The word in psalms 146 is declarations. There is power in the word of God coming
through you.
1 Timothy 4:14///
Worship in faith. pray in faith.
Christians never simply say prayers. Christians always pray in faith and in the spirit.
characteristics of prayer for every religion except ours:
1. amount of time, 2. intensity 3. amount of prayers prayed 4. sacrifice in prayer
Every religion except yours believes those four things are what gives you merit, favor
with God or gods.
Matthew 6:7///for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not
be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Christians do not pray for merit. Nothing you can do human gives more merit or favor
than God than the blood of Jesus has already given.
Why is God having favor on you? totally and completely because of what Jesus did
for you. Not of works, less any man should boast.
The word grace means favor.
I dont have to gain favor with God. He already likes me before I do anything. Im
totally acceptable based on what Jesus did for me. If I never pray again for the rest
of my life I will still be acceptable to God.
Guys you do not get christianity if you think God will love you more if you pray to him
The only thing that makes you acceptable to God is what Jesus did for you. Nothing
you do makes God accept you more.
If we get this, we will be more spontaneous and will break out in praise more than
you ever have. youll be worshipping before they even start their keyboards.
Say Our Father meaning you have that relationship before you did anything. You
start this interchange with God by saying Father. That means something was
accomplished completely before that prayer started. I always say Lord.
We never pray lots of prayer never for merit. Always to yield. ALWAYS
TO YIELD. Why do we sacrice? Why do we pray 24 hours? Why do we
fast? Why do we pray with intensity? TO YIELD.
All of those things give us a greater flow of the spirit through us.
Jericho: does any amount of walking around walls take them down? no. But they
were yielding to God. The more they walked around, they were yielding to God
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more and more and when enough of God was yielded through he could smash the
God is unlimited in his power, but he flows his power through people, and through
yielded people.
God would have never knocked the walls down if the people hadnt marched.
When you start with father, you are admitting you are already in favor. Father,
Husband. Start with an assumption of place of where you stand in the kingdom.
God is our Father as much as he is Jesus father.
We are heirs of God and joint heirs. We should have as much confidence to approach
him as Jesus had.
I believe all of this. But why then, when I have tried to yield soo much to Godwhy
has it been so hard? why have I gone through so much heartache? Why was it so
Christians should always pray in faith, and in the spirit.
True or False: An hour of prayer pleases God. -false An hour of prayer with faith
pleases God-true.
Hebrews 11:6///faith is what pleases God. Anyone who comes to him must believe
that he exists (and that he is that he is that he is-that he is this kind of a God. He has
this character, and unchangeable character and nature), that he is my father and
husband and that he loves me a lot and he will respond to me asking him.
Seek (in blue letter bible): 1. to seek out, search for. 2. to seek out, investigate
scrutinize, 3. to seek out for ones self, beg, crave, 4. to demand back, require.
I will never pray again without expectation.
spend your prayer meetings expecting reward.
Christians always pray in faith and spirit and it is to yield.
Praying in the spirit is a biblical absolute. Prayer in the greek includes what you call
The bible doesnt know anything about categories like pentecostal, baptist, etc.
pray for something to happen.
God deliver me from fatalism. You have not believed for daily bread when you
have prayed for daily bread that because God loves you, he will automatically meet
your needs and that asking doesnt change anything.
Do I really believe something actually changes when I pray for daily bread?
Fatalism is one of the strongest, most demonic things on this planet.
You will accept Satans strategies if you have a fatalistic mindset.
Ephesians 6:11///This verse tells you what evil looks like. This verse tells you why you
put on the armor of God. SO THAT you can take your stand against the schemes of
the devil. Satan does nothing by himself. He only does things when we let him do it.
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What about when im not strong enough? This just seems like it should have worked
better these last years
Satan never stops doing things automatically. He only stops doing things when
Christians demand him to in the name of Jesus.
(what if I dont realize its the devil? Why has it been SO HARD to figure out what the
devil is and what the will of god is?
Satan-stop condemning me in the name of Jesus! Stop stealing joy in the name of
Stand against the schemes of the devil.
If you dont like what is going on in your life, in your finances, in Iraq-then stand
against something.
Having a ying/yang view that each life is supposed to have a little bit of suffering is
buddhism. That would be a cute philosophy if there is no devil, but when the devil
hears you say I accept the bad with the good, hes going to give you bad.
Yes God is sovereign. But there is Satan and he lies to you. Cast down imaginations.
God wants to restore. He wants to restore. He wants to restore. He wants to restore.
He can restore. He can restore. He can restore.
Satan and demonic beings talk to every human mind every day. (why am I so
susceptible to it?) so notice it. Analyze your thoughts. Why am I thinking this negative
thing? Why am I thinking no one accepts me in the Newcastle base.
Some of you have habits of listening and believing all of your life. Start noticing. (I am
so angry. So angry. So angry)
2 Corinthians 4:4///The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that
they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of god
The god of this age blinds minds.
We cannot argue people to the truth.
evolution, hinduism, marxism started as one thought. dont tolerate the bad
thoughts in your mind.
Thats why people who are smarter and more educated than you believe things that
make you laugh.
mans problem is never simply a lack of information. Its a problem with darkness.
Why hasnt a lot of times talking with god changed my heart more? Why hasnt it
made a difference? Why is my heart so slow to change?
Push back the darkness, pray down light (revelation).
before next quiet time, before next church service, pray for Iraq,
Get out of the natural world only and start noticing what the spirit world is doing, but
the spirit of God which reveals.
Getting to know god is yielding to all of god that is available.
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So often God has told me stand up!
obedience is yielding to Gods goodness. Amen.
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