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SyllabusEspaol II, Full Year Credit

Seora H. Emerson, Classroom B208!"#e $lannin% &rea B20'
$(one) *+8,8-00 .oi#e mail) *+8,8//2 E,mail)
0ebsite) also found on GHS website
Edmodo Group Code 1or Espaol 2 students) 27sanh
2parents need to #onta#t Sra. Emerson 1or t(eir uni3ue Edmodo a##ess #ode4
Remind tet!emai" messa#e reminders) I in5ite you to si%n up 1or #lass
announ#ementsreminders 5ia te6t andor email by te6tin% 72-8b to 28824///,8020 andor
emailin% a blan9 email to 2-8b7mail.remind.#om. Your #ell p(one pro5ider 1ees apply to re#ei5e
te6ts 1rom :emind.
$et) ;es#ubre 2 2and ot(er resour#es4
<Bien5enidos a la #lase de espaol= 0(y are >e o?erin% t(is #ourse@ :esear#( s(o>s t(at
studyin% anot(er lan%ua%e #an)
In#rease #o%niti5e abilities in ot(er a#ademi# and ele#ti5e #ourses
Aa9e you more mar9etable in a >orld e#onomy
$ro5ide anot(er outlet 1or sel1,e6pression B e6pand your present B 1uture >orld o1
Better prepare you 1or post,se#ondary studies 1or bot( in B out,o1,state #olle%es B
C(e International Dan%ua%e ;epartment >ill support t(e #ommon #ore #urri#ulum and t(e distri#tEs
Home>or9 B Fradin% $ro#edures $oli#y. It is our %oal to enable students to demonstrate t(eir best
>or9 and #ontinue to ma9e pro%ress in t(eir lan%ua%e s9ills. 0e >ill stri5e to %uide students to
s(o> >(at t(ey #an do and >(at t(eyEre #apable o1 in t(e lan%ua%e.
Internationa" Lan#ua#e A%adem& Fla#ier Hi%( S#(ool International Dan%ua%e students #an
earn Aerit ;istin#tion at %raduation by #ompletin% a #ourse o1 study t(at in#ludes #ompletin% 8
#redits in t(e same lan%ua%e and 2 years o1 anot(er lan%ua%e o?ered at FHS. Students may opt to
#reate and maintain a port1olio o1 '+ e6tra#urri#ular#ommunity in5ol5ement a#ti5ities #ompleted
t(rou%(out t(eir lan%ua%e study at FHS to be turned in on or be1ore Aar#( ' o1 t(eir senior year in
lieu o1 #ompletin% 2 years o1 anot(er lan%ua%e. C(e F$& re3uirement is /.2 o5erall and /.2 in
International Dan%ua%e #ourses. Students earnin% t(is distin#tion are eli%ible to >ear a li%(t blue
distin#tion #ord at %raduation.
In Spanis( II >e >ill #ontinue t(e present tense and mo5e on to t(e present subGun#ti5e and past
tenses, #ontinue 5o#abulary e6pansion, and study more #ompli#ated %rammati#al stru#tures. C(is
#ourse stri5es to (elp t(e learner a#3uire 9no>led%e o1 t(e lan%ua%e by inte%ratin% t(e 1our s9ills o1
listenin%, readin%, >ritin% and spea9in% >it( an emp(asis on oral proH#ien#y. Students are
e6pe#ted to spea9 Spanis( in #lass on a daily basisdonEt be a1raid to ma9e mista9es= E6amples
o1 spea9in% a#ti5ities in#lude spee#(espresentations, %ames, s9its, #lass dis#ussions, and tea#(er
and or student,dire#ted #on5ersations. Spanis( II students >ill be e6pe#ted to e6pand senten#e
stru#ture, spea9 and >rite >it( more detail, e6press opinions, in3uire, narrate and des#ribe in t(e
present, past, and 1uture 2ir I aJ4 tenses in oral and >ritten 1orms. You #an enGoy and su##eed in
t(e lan%ua%e by studyin% t(e 5o#abulary and %rammar #on#epts o1 #urrent and past #(apters,
#ompletin% all >ritten and oral assi%nments and parti#ipatin% in daily #lassroom a#ti5ities. Kust li9e
pra#ti#in% a sport or learnin% to play an instrument, studyin%pra#ti#in% t(e 5o#abulary and
#on#epts presented in #lass s(ould be done se5eral times a >ee9 outside o1 #lass and not Gust
be1ore t(e test or 3uiLto really e6#el, you must do more t(an Gust attend #lass= 0e e6pe#t to
#o5er t(e le5el 2 te6tspendin% appro6imately 2 M / >ee9s per Nle##iOnP 2lesson#(apter4.

'ateria"s( )-rin# *inder +ith separate se%tion ,or port,o"io!re-e%tions. /ipper pou%h to
*e 0ept in note*oo0 21or Qas(#ards>ritin% utensils4. 1 red pen. 1 *"a%0 or *"ue dr& erase
mar0er. 1 pa%0a#es o, )5 inde %ards 21or t(e year4. "oose "ea, paper. pen%i". *"a%0 and!or
*"ue pen2 Ri#e to (a5emar9ers, (i%(li%(ter, %lue sti#9, s#issors, #olored pen#ils. Students must
brin% appropriate te6tboo9, noteboo9, Qas(#ards, assi%nments, and >ritin% utensils to #lass
e5eryday. $et*oo0 must *e %o3ered at a"" times +ith a hea3& dut&!prote%ti3e %o3er4
stret%h&. ,a*ri% %o3ers are not prote%ti3e enou#h2 Flas(#ards are an essential #omponent to
be used bot( in #lass and at (ome. It is your responsibility to be prepared for class daily.
Gradin# 5ro%edures( E5aluations and assessments su#( as tests 2in#ludin% Hnal e6am4, 3uiLLes,
#ompre(ension #(e#9s, et#. to%et(er ma9e up appro6imately *+S o1 t(e total %rade. ;aily %rades
ma9e up appro6imately 2+S o1 t(e total %rade. Frades may in#lude a 5ariety o1 rubri# B Ntotal
pointP %rades.
6ai"& Grades( ;aily %rades are a#ti5ities and assi%nments desi%ned to (elp students pro%ress
to>ards and s(o> mastery o1 #ourse %oals. ;aily %rades #an in#lude listenin%, >ritin% B
spea9in% #lass a#ti5ities, noteboo9 #(e#9s, parti#ipation %rades, #ompre(ension #(e#9s B
(ome>or9. Students are e6pe#ted to be produ#e TU&DICY >or9, demonstratin% e?ort and
mastery o1 #orre#t #on#epts and s9ills. 0or9 to be #ompleted is due at t(e be%innin% o1 #lass.
&ssi%nments %raded on #ompletion need to demonstrate a #on#erted e?ort to #omplete t(e
tas9s >it( t(e #orre#t #on#epts and s9ills and must be '00S #omplete to re#ei5e 1ull #redit. &t
random times, (ome>or9 may be %raded on a##ura#y B >ill be assi%ned a number o1 points
based on t(e assi%nment and o1 #ourse, ans>ers must be #orre#t to re#ei5e points. & student
may not %i5e ans>ers to or #opy ans>ers 1rom anot(er studentV please re1er to t(e student
(andboo9 re%ardin% a#ademi# (onestyt(ere is a di?eren#e bet>een (elpin% and #(eatin%.
Home+or0 that is #raded ,or %omp"etion %an *e turned in "ate on"& i, &ou ha3e an
e%used or s%hoo" sponsored a*sen%e2 Home+or0 that is #raded ,or 7ua"it& %an *e
turned in "ate re#ard"ess o, reason. *ut +ithin %ertain "imits2
5arti%ipation( Class parti#ipation is a #riti#al #omponent o1 t(is #lass and students are e6pe#ted
to >or9 #ooperati5ely on many tas9s, in#ludin% 5arious oral #ommuni#ati5e a#ti5ities. Students
are e6pe#ted and re3uired to use t(e tar%et lan%ua%e in t(e #lassroom e5eryday as part o1
daily %radin% pro#eduresV t(is is essential to t(e lan%ua%e a#3uisition pro#ess. Student
intera#tion is 1or t(e purpose o1 pra#ti#in% assi%ned 1orei%n lan%ua%e s9ills and s(o>in%
pro%ress to>ards mastery o1 t(ose s9ills. & studentEs inability to stay N1o#usedP on and
parti#ipate in a parti#ular a#ti5ity pro(ibits (is(er ability to demonstrate mastery o1 ne#essary
s9ills. !t(er #lass parti#ipation or daily %rades may in#lude) noteboo9Gournal NtarGeta de
mar#arPport1olionoteboo9 #(e#9s, >rittenoral #lass a#ti5ities, listenin% a#ti5ities and bein%
prepared 1or #lass. 8e%ause parti%ipation in ,orei#n "an#ua#e stud& is more important
than e3er. #ood attendan%e is 3er& important2 I, &ou are not present. &ou %annot
parti%ipate in the re7uired a%ti3ities 9 most %"ass a%ti3ities %annot *e rep"i%ated
outside o, %"ass2 Sleepin% in #lass, spea9in% in En%lis(, >or9in% on or studyin% 1or anot(er
#lass subGe#t, not 9no>in% >(ere >e are in t(e material, #omin% to #lass unprepared and bein%
o? tas9 #an pro(ibit you 1rom ma9in% pro%ress andor earnin% parti#ipation points. Ho>e5er, i1
you (a5e e6#used absen#es or s#(ool,sponsored a#ti5ities, e5ery e?ort >ill be made to (elp
you earn missed parti#ipation points and a#(ie5e and master #ourse %oals in alternati5e
met(ods. I1 you e5er (a5e lo> points in t(e parti#ipation #ate%ory 2Wpuntos#lass doGo points4,
please #omplete e6tra pra#ti#e a5ailable upon re3uest 1or additional points in t(is #ate%ory.
$estin#) Cests >ill o##ur appro6imately e5ery 2,/ >ee9s. TuiLLes, #ompre(ension #(e#9s, et#.
may ta9e pla#e any dayyou #an e6pe#t at least ' 3uiL#ompre(ension #(e#9 e5ery >ee9.
TuiLLes#ompre(ension #(e#9s may be announ#ed or unannoun#ed. Students are e6pe#ted to
s(o> pro%ress to>ards and mastery o1 #ertain lan%ua%e s9ills and #ourse %oals t(rou%(out t(e
#ourse o1 t(e year as demonstrated t(rou%( a 5ariety o1 assessment tools. Be#ause mastery o1
t(ese %oals is t(e obGe#ti5e, students are permitted and may e5en be re3uired to reta9e
3uiLLestests >(en ne#essary. Students >ill be re3uired to attend a (elp session and #omplete
additional pra#ti#e in B208 prior to reta9in% a test or 3uiLplease see me to ma9e
'a0e-up :or0( You are responsible 1or Hndin% out, ma9in% up and turnin% in to t(e instru#tor all
>or9 missed >(en you are out o1 #lass. You #an Hnd daily assi%nments, as >ell as daily #lass
a#ti5ities posted on t(e Edmodo site as >ell as t(e #alendara%enda #lipboard in t(e #lassroom.
$lease re1er to t(e student (andboo9 or distri#t >ebsite 1or ma9e,up >or9 poli#ies.
Additiona" 6epartmenta" 'a0e-up :or0 9 Reta0e Guide"ines( Students >is(in% an
additional opportunity to demonstrate pro%ress to>ards learnin% %oals >ill be re3uired, as
determined by t(e studentEs tea#(er, to demonstrate t(at steps (a5e been ta9en to in#rease t(eir
proH#ien#y le5el. $lease be a>are t(at late >or9resubmissionsreta9es >ill not be allo>ed one
>ee9 past t(e date t(at e5aluations are posted online or t(e last 2 >ee9s o1 ea#( semester. Aa9e,
up >or9 turned in t(e last >ee9 o1 '
B /
3uarters may not be posted until t(e 1ollo>in% 3uarter.
Cea#(er >ill ma9e e5ery e?ort to >or9 >it( students re3uired to attend NCat#(,Up ;aysPV
pro#edures and e6pe#tations o1 Cat#(,Up ;ays may 5ary dependin% on studentsE needs and
reasonable e6pe#tations 1or t(e instru#tor.
C"assroom 8eha3ior(
&. Be prepared.
B. Be prompt.
C. Be polite.
;. Be produ#ti5e.
E. Fum is allo>ed i1 I donEt see it or (ear it.
F. ;o not >or9 on ot(er assi%nments in #lass >it(out prior permission.
F. You may eat as lon% as it is not disrupti5e, messy, or smelly. Be5era%es must be in #ontainers
>it( lids.
H. 0(ile #ell p(ones are permitted durin% passin% periods B lun#(, t(ey are to remain in purses,
po#9ets, and ba#9 pa#9s durin% #lass unless instru#ted ot(er>ise by tea#(er. $arents please
re5ie> t(e s#(ool poli#y >it( your student. I5ods and musi# players are %enerally not to be
used in #lass and must be put a>ay. ;urin% some a#ti5ities t(ey may be a##eptable. Students
must as9 Hrst.
I. Students are e6pe#ted to 1ollo> t(e be(a5ior %uidelines outlined in t(e student (andboo9.
Conse7uen%es ,or Inappropriate 8eha3ior
'. You >ill be as9ed not to repeat be(a5ior and I e6pe#t t(at it >onXt (appen a%ain.
2. You may be as9ed to step outside t(e room. I1 as9ed to step outside you may lose t(e
opportunity to ma9e up t(e >or9 t(e #lass is doin%.
/. You may be as9ed to ser5e lun#( detention or Nroom detailP detention >it( me.
8. I >ill #allemail (ome.
+. I >ill send a dis#ipline re1erral to t(e o"#e.
-. I >ill set up a meetin% >it( parents andor administration.
He"p Sessions( $lease see me to ma9e an appointment 1or e6tra (elpsooner rather than
"ater. I am a5ailable almost e5ery day durin% /rd period, be1orea1ter s#(ool or durin% late
lun#(. Stayin% #urrent on your #ompre(ension and mastery o1 t(e s9ills, #on#epts and
5o#abulary is #ru#ial to your su##ess. ;onEt let yoursel1 1all be(ind= I am %lad to (elp you
please as9 me. C(ere is also a list o1 peer,tutors in Sra. EmersonEs #lassroom, B208, >it(
in1ormation on (o> to #onta#t t(em.
Important 6epartmenta" 5o"i%&( I1 you #(eat or ta9e #redit 1or >or9 t(at is not yours you >ill
re#ei5e a Lero or be e6pe#ted to redo t(e >or9 in order to re#ei5e #redit at t(e tea#(erEs dis#retion.
&lso t(ere >ill be a dis#ipline re1erral. Usin% online or ele#troni# translators, nati5e spea9ers, and
upper le5el students as sin%le >ord di#tionaries is o9aytranslatin% senten#es, no.
He"p,u" Hints to 5arents( Fre3uently parents are #on#erned as to (o> t(ey #an (elp t(eir son or
dau%(ter in a 1orei%n lan%ua%e >(en t(ey (a5e (ad little or no #onta#t >it( t(e lan%ua%e. $lease
be a>are t(at learnin%, a#3uirin% and retainin% a 1orei%n lan%ua%e ta0es time spent outside o,
%"ass. !ne >ay to (elp your sondau%(ter >it( t(is #ourse is to understand t(eir te6t. Fo t(rou%(
t(e te6t >it( t(em to be#ome a#3uainted >it( t(e layout o1 t(e #(apters and se#tions. &t t(e
be%innin% o1 e5ery #(apter, t(e obGe#ti5es and 9ey #on#epts are listed and t(e last pa%e o1 e5ery
#(apter #ontains t(e N9eyP 5o#abulary. Help to rein1or#e t(e 1a#t t(at 1orei%n lan%ua%e #ontinually
builds on pre5ious 9no>led%e and t(ere1ore re5ie> o1 pre5ious 5o#abulary, 5erbs, %rammati#al
#on#epts, et#. s(ould be re%ularly studied alon% >it( #urrent and ne> material. &s9 your
sondau%(ter to s(o> you a#tual (ome>or9#lass >or9 assi%nments and to e6plain tell you >(at
p(rases and senten#es mean. &not(er >ay to (elp your sondau%(ter is to en#oura%e (im(er to
spea9 and to ta0e ris0s >it( t(e lan%ua%e. $ra#ti#e >it( (im(er and en#oura%e t(eir interest in
an endea5or t(at is 3uite #(allen%in%, e6#itin% and >ort(>(ile. In addition to monitorin% t(e online
%radin% pro%ram 2$o>er S#(ool4 1or parents, p"ease *e in,ormed and loo9 1or %rade notiH#ations
2pro%ress reports4 and report #ards t(at >ill be sent (ome >it( students. I1 you >ould li9e to
(a5e a##ess to your sonEsdau%(terEs #lass Edmodo site >(ere I post daily a%endas B assi%nments,
please #onta#t me 1or your uni3ue parent lo%in 1or Edmodo t(at #orresponds >it( your
sondau%(ter. &dditionally, I in5ite you to si%n up 1or #lass announ#ementsreminders 5ia te6t
andor email by te6tin% 72-8b to 28824///,8020 andor emailin% a blan9 email to
2-8b7mail.remind.#om. Your #ell p(one pro5ider 1ees apply to re#ei5e te6ts 1rom :emind.

C(an9 you 1or your time and 1or readin% t(is in1ormation. $lease donEt (esitate to email me >it(
any 3uestions or #on#erns re%ardin% your #(ildEs pro%ress in my #lass. I loo9 1or>ard to an e6#itin%
year as I stri5e to do my best 1or ea#( student.
YYC(is syllabus represents a tentati5e s#(edule and may be adGusted to best meet t(e needs o1 t(e
Class $eriod ZZZZZZ
Student M $rinted Rame Student M Si%nature
StudentEs #mai" StudentEs #ell
2C(e re3uest 1or student email B #ell in1ormation is 1or s#(ool,related #ommuni#ation only.4
$arentsFuardians and Students) $lease read t(is in1ormation and return it >it( bot( si%natures.
Your si%natures let me 9no> t(at you (a5e read B understand t(e in1ormation in t(e syllabus >(i#(
is to be 9ept in t(e studentEs noteboo9 a1ter remo5in% t(is si%nature pa%e. I1 you (a5e 3uestions,
please email me (ere at s#(ool, emerson(7sd+.9' or lea5e a 5oi#e mail messa%e at *+8,
8//2. I am e6#ited about t(is year and I (ope you >ill 1eel t(e need to %et in5ol5ed and really
enGoy your study o1 Espaol.
$arentFuardian) I (a5e or >ill (a5e a##ess to t(e $o>er S#(ool system. ZZZZZyes ZZZZZZno

$arentFuardian M $rinted Rame2s4
$arentFuardian M Si%nature
$&:ERCES e-mai" address
$arentFuardian %e"" !9ay to te6t@ Yes Ro
$&:ERCES daytime B e5enin% telep(one numbers
i1 di?erent 1rom #ell
I1 you >ould li9e to (a5e a##ess to your sonEsdau%(terEs #lass Edmodo site >(ere I post daily
a%endas B assi%nments, please #onta#t me 1or your uni3ue parent lo%in 1or Edmodo t(at
#orresponds >it( your sondau%(ter. &dditionally, I in5ite you to si%n up 1or #lass
announ#ementsreminders 5ia te6t andor email by te6tin% 72-8b to 28824///,8020 andor
emailin% a blan9 email to 2-8b7mail.remind.#om. Your #ell p(one pro5ider 1ees apply to re#ei5e
te6ts 1rom :emind.

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