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Senior Kindergarten Thao Dien Unit of Inquiry 1 Overview

Unit of Inquiry

Transdisciplinary Theme. Who We Are. An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values;
personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends,
communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human

Central Idea: We are all unique with different physical and personal attributes but alike as we use our
bodies and senses to explore the world.

Concepts: Form, Function

Related Concepts: Systems (sensory), Identity, Interactions

Learner Profile: Caring and Risk-taker

Lines of Inquiry: Similarities and differences between myself and others
Body parts and their functions
Using senses to explore the world

Language Focus

Speaking and Listening
Participate in unplanned and planned
speaking and listening activities
Use conversational skills including taking
turns to listen and speaking
Use listening and speaking behaviours
including looking at the speaker and
speaking clearly
Show curiosity and asks questions about
pictures and texts
Enjoy listening to stories
Listen attentively and responds to stories
Join in with chants and poems
Recognise letter names and letter sounds
and the alphabet sequence
Link letter names to sounds
Write from left to write and top to bottom
Begin to identify sounds of letters
Experiment with writing using different
writing implements and media
Begin to discriminate between
letters/characters, numbers and symbols
Begin to form and identify some letters

Math Focus

Counts with one to one correspondence
Counts to 10, and orders, reads and
represents numbers in the range of 0-10
Orders a set of numbers from smallest to
Counts forwards and backwards from 10
Counts backwards by ones to subtract
Counts forwards by ones to add
Creates repeating patterns by cutting,
tearing, pasting, drawing or painting
Recognises a repeating pattern made from
shapes, objects or pictures
Describes a repeating pattern in terms of a
number pattern
Creates and describes simple patterns that
involve numbers and shapes
Compares lengths using non- standard
Sort objects into long and short groups and
uses the language of longer, shorter
Records length of comparisons by drawing
Names the days of the week
Describes daytime and night time
Relates an event to a particular day
Orders the days of the week
Begins to use a calendar and identifies
sequence of days and months
Identifies weekdays and weekend days

Physical Education

During the first Unit in Physical Education we will
be developing the students gross motor skills.
These skills will include kicking, catching, throwing,
running and evading. We will also play minor
games and get to know the other students in the


In Music the children will discover their bodies 5
senses through action songs and music games
with the music focus of vocal pitch, steady beat and
dynamics (loud and soft).

Visual Arts
Colour mixing using our hands
3D making play-dough characters/faces
Colour recognition rainbow activities
Design and make a musical instrument
Smelly socks and scented flowers art
Vietnamese Language & Culture
*Language focus: GREETINGS AND BODY
We will start the first two Vietnamese language
topics with Greetings and Body parts. The
students will learn how to greet others in a polite
way as well as how to name different body parts
in Vietnamese. They will also learn a
Vietnamese children song called Li cho bui

*Culture focus: MOON FESTIVAL

Julie Estacion and Michelle Koutsonikolis Robert Crowther
Senior Kindergarten Class Teachers PYP Coordinator

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