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He's So Sketchy

But in the very best way! When I was trolling for artists who draw like they paint and vice versa,
Giovanni Boldini iediately cae to ind! His ark aking is a tour de force, no atter if he is
working in oils, pastels, or when charcoal painting!
Spanish "ancer at the #oulin $ouge by Giovanni Boldini, oil on canvas, %& ' %(, )&(*!
Spanish "ancer at the #oulin $ouge by Giovanni Boldini,
oil on canvas, %& ' %(, )&(*! +ll works by Giovanni Boldini!

Boldini has an undeniable aptitude for charcoal drawing because of the variety of his strokes and
the physicality of his gesture! He really acts on the surface of his drawings and pencil sketches!
,ven a siple charcoal portrait or chalk drawing, when looked at through an abstract lens,
becoes a a-e of lines and oveent!
.hese sae characteristics in Boldini's approach to charcoal really stand out in his painting
ethods as well! His stroke is always in keeping with the direction or otion he is trying to
convey, and usually that turns out to be a lot of otion indeed! In fact, Boldini was known as the
/aster of swish/ because of the e'tensive aount of visual oveent he worked into his
paintings and drawings!
Girl in a Black Hat by Giovanni Boldini, pastel, )0&(! 1a 1ettura by Giovanni
Boldini, chalk on paper, )&2)!
Girl in a Black Hat, pastel, )0&(! 1a 1ettura, chalk on paper, )&2)!

#ost of all, I a intrigued by how /full/ Boldini akes his paintings and drawings feel with lines,
curves, and hatch arks alone! He can take the siplest building block of art and evolves it into
soething with so uch force and depth, even when his copositions are fairly sparse! In fact,
when I look at his work it is usually the strokes all around the figures that I tend to give y
attention! .hey are 3ust so free but give a sense of atosphere and spatiality to the works!
4ortrait of the #ar5uise by Giovanni Boldini, oil on canvas, )&)%!
4ortrait of the #ar5uise, oil on canvas, )&)%!

,ven a single abstract drawing or painting lesson could be your uch needed outlet to e'plore
e'pressiveness and gesture6aspects of art that we all try to incorporate in our artistic
repertoires! If you want to see what such painting can offer you, 7reating +bstract +rt could be
3ust the guide you are looking for! ,n3oy!

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