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27 Carl Lontoc August 27, 2014

2F-MT Sir Lupac

Doctrine of Double Effect
The Doctrine of Double Effect should be viewed with a positive light because the end
result of it or the "double effect" is good. The doctrine was created because the Church
acknowledges the fact that some actions may have both a good and bad effect. It's good to know
that the Church is really open-minded when it comes to these things. A given example is that a
pregnant woman came to her doctor and the doctor discovered that she has uterine cancer. If the
cancer is not removed, the woman's going to die. However, if the cancer is removed, the baby is
going to die. There is a dilemma but the Church can help provide guidance in difficult situations
like this. The good effect which is saving the mother's life is acceptable if four conditions are
met. First, the act itself must be good. Secondly, the only thing we can intend is the good effect
and not the bad one. Thirdly, the good has to come about on its own and has to precede the evil
effect because otherwise we will be saying that we could do evil to achieve good. Finally, there
has to be a grave reason. How can those principles help? First, the uterus can be removed
because that's removing the cancer. Secondly, all that is intended is to remove the cancer and not
to lead to the death of the child. It is foreseen that the child will die but that is not what is
intended. Thirdly, the good thing of removing the cancer's uterus isn't brought about by the death
of the child. It's the good act of removing the cancer that results unintentionally but in a foreseen
way in the death of the child. Finally, the gravity of the situation is that there are two lives on the
line and if there is no other way of resolving the tragic situation, one may go ahead and remove
the cancer's uterus even tough one may foresee the death of the child. This doctrine will really
help me in the decisions that I may have to make in the future whether it may be in healthcare or
personal decisions.

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