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OPS module to compare DBS table CHSFILTABLE

Tool for comparing two DBS table for charging filter and generate commands to fi
ll the difference.
When application system is upgraded by the function change, the charging filter
settings will be overwritten with the old data copied from CP-EX side during the
data transfer. You might want to change some settings in the new system with DB
S commands.
Advantage of this tool is that any inconsistent status in the base level can be
aligned to the target settings.
Usage of the tool is easy. You just need to prepare a complete printout of the D
BS table with command "DBTSP:TAB=CHSFILTABLE;" for both base and target level. C
ommands will be outputted to a file specified in the parameter '-o'.
Usage: -b <file1>
-t <file2>
-o <file3>
Parameter: Description of the Perl routine command line
- b mandatory Log file of chsfiltable of base level
- t mandatory Log file of chsfiltable of target level
- o mandatory Output file.
The file contains DBS commands to
align chsfiltable to target level.
perl -b dbs_chsfiltable_r122.log -t dbs_chsfiltable_r132.log -o
Probably it is more convenient to automate all procedure in the OPS script. We p
repared an OPS module where this perl script is called, and built it in the main
OPS script for R12.2->R13.2 CP upgrade. The OPS module is also attached, please
find the file 'module_dt.ccf'.

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