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I am a native Coloradoan.

I was born in Colorado Springs and grew up in Ignacio and Durango,

CO. I love Colorado. In my travels, I have seen oceans and deserts, cactus and redwoods, but the Rocky
Mountains speak to my soul in ways I cannot explain. The air and the water, the land, this is home.
I come from a solid family. I was raised primarily by my mother and grew up with three siblings.
To this day, my relationship with my mother and siblings is central to who I am. Growing up, we did not
have many luxuries and went through some hard times. Our experiences molded us into a family that
remains strong and connected. We operate as a team, supporting and loving each other. We are
grown, now, and each of us has children. We raise these children, together, and hold our roles of aunts
and uncle very dearly. I am because we are.
As a mother, I have learned more about myself and life than from any other experience. My son
is the love of my life. From him, I have learned patience and understanding. Raising my son has
fostered my ability to consciously apply empathy when interacting with others. He has taught me to live
with purpose, to do all things, big and small, with intent.
I am currently completing my degree in Social Studies for Secondary Education. I have long
been a social studies enthusiast. Perhaps stemming from my upbringing in a working-class family where
personal relationships were cherished, people and cultures have always intrigued me. My interest in the
study of who and why we are coincides with a desire to investigate and impact societal ills. As a
campaigner for social justice, I rely on a multifaceted knowledge of history to navigate societal
I also have always had deep-rooted dream of teaching. As a lover of knowledge, sparking an
interest in learning in others is rewarding. Above and beyond the nuts and bolts of content knowledge, I
find fulfillment through encouraging students to explore the possibility and wonder in the world. Also, I
value the investigation of diverse opinions (political, economic, social, etc.) in the classroom. I hope to
help influence students to be active citizens who understand the need for action and empathy in a
multicultural, global community filled with complex societal ills while still holding onto the beauty and
potential in the world. Knowledge and the ability to think critically are powerful resources. I long to
share these gifts with future generations.
I live a rich, rewarding life outside of my academic pursuits. I am alive and vibrant. I sing when
the moment moves me and dance at every chance I get. I find inspiration in all the little nooks of life.
Whether it is on top of Engineer Mountain or in discussion with a homeless man outside of Wal-Mart, I
am continuously reminded of the wonder of the human experience. Through my experiences and
conscious effort, I am on a constant path of growth. I understand that nothing is static or black and
white, so I seek out a well-rounded, compassionate comprehension of the world. I am a lover and a
giver, a campaigner for joy, a warrior for wisdom, and a voice for justice.

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