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:Historical Literary Milestones Part - 1 :-

1)Beowulf - ( 700 & 1000 Ad)

!e settin" of t!e e#ic is t!e si$t! century in w!at is now %nown as &en'ar% and sout!western (weden
!e first )ld *n"lis! *#ic and an ad+entures #oe'
,ritten &ialect:-,est (a$on-
,-H-Hudson e$#resses:- .A +i+id #ictures of #eace a'on" our re'ote forefat!ers add "reatly to t!e +alue of
a fine old Poe'.
/t is 0est %nown for .(i'#le lan"ua"e and Precison .-
1)2aed'on- (310-340 *sti')
!e earliest *n"lis! #oet and t!e first 'a%er of *n"lis! 5erse-
6) 7in" Alfred: (489-901)
:reat ranslator & !e founder of *n"lis! #rose-
ranslated 'any latin wor%s into )ld *n"lis! is also %nown as .An"lo -(a$on.- &ialect was s#o%en and written
0y 7in" Alfred-
8) ;o!n ,ycliff: (1618-1648)
!e first translator of .!e Holy Bi0le.-
Po#ularly %nown as .!e Mornin" strar of t!e refor'ation< and conte'#orary of 2!aucer-
,ycliff translated t!e 0i0lical scri#tures fro' Latin-
=).2anter0ury ales.-
/t is t!e first t!e finest #oetic testa'ent of *n"land .
collection of series of (tories it reflects a 'irror of society-
2!aucer>s lon" #oe' follows t!e ?ourney of a "rou# of #il"ri's< 61 includin" 2!aucer !i'self< fro' t!e
a0ard /nn in (out!war% to (t !o'as @ Bec%et>s s!rine at 2anter0ury 2at!edral-
Ainest wor% of c!aucer and Monu'ental wor% of Medie+al a"e-
He set u# first Printin" Press in 1873 in *n"land
Printed lar"e nu'0er of wor%s<
!e Beciryell of t!e !istories of roye-
/n 1877 Airst 0oo% #rinted in *n"land-
,ritten in Latin in 1=13< and !e finest wor% of (ir !o'as More-
/t is #o#ularly called as
. !e rue #rolo"ue of Benaissance.
!e first Monu'ent of 'odern (ocialis'-

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