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I, Rohan Gupta Roll No. 1815, a student of AIMT Ambala City and pursuin a reular
!ourse of M.".A #em. III #ession $%1&'15, I hereby underta(e aree and !onfirm that)
1. I shall follo* all +uru(shetra uni,ersity Rules - Terms.Conditions for summer
$. I shall underta(e full responsibility of all the !onse/uen!es should any person or
body suffer su!h a!!idents and personal in0uries and damae to property as result
of my nelien!e a!tof omission durin the !ouse of summer trainin.
1. I shall underta(e to uphold the ood name or AIMT and abide by the ,oi!e of
!ondu!t of the AIMT the !ompany the Industry and any other rele,ant rules and
reulations at all times durin the !ourse of my summer trainin.
&. I further !onfirm tht the AIMT shall not be held responsible for my mis!ondu!t or
*ron, doin at all times durin the !ourse of my summer trainin and ha,e rihts
to ta(e dis!plinary a!tion aainst me.
5. I further underta(e not to brea!h the terms and !onditions of the !ondu!t for
summer trainin bet*een myself and !onditions.
I shall submit my summer Trainin Report to the 2eptt. 3f Manaement AIMT
*ithin the stipulated period after !ompletion of summer trainin.
4ours #in!erely
Rohan Gupta

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