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Back-to-School Night

Ms. Maya Loch

Albert Einstein Academy
Grade - Room 10

Welcome to the World of 4


A Day in Room 10:

*See attached schedule

Absences :

- If you know in advance that your child will be absent, please email Debi
Rodriguez and me. If your child is sick, please also email the nurse, Mrs.
Miller with the symptoms or diagnosis.
- Late Work: Late work is accepted according to the school policy:
* 1 day late = 10% deduction
* 2 days late = 20% deduction
* 3 days late = 30% deduction
* 4 or more days late = 0
* Students with excused absences are given grace days equal to the
number of days they are absent.
- Consistent missing or late work will affect report card grades

Fourth Grade Rules:

1. Follow directions the first time they are given
2. Talk only at appropriate times
3. Treat others with kindness and respect

Discipline and Consequences:

1. Verbal warning and conversations
2. If a student continues to break the rule(s), a note will be given to
the student to take home, have signed by a parent, and returned with a
signature the following day. The note should have an explanation in the
students words explaining why it was received.
3. Please visit my website for explanations of the three types of notes
4. Phone call home
5. Meet with Dr. Ramsey and Mr. Cusack


* Teams - Raffle Tickets. The four 4
grade classes compete in each room
for tickets each week that will be used in a raffle at the end of each
* Class - Class Points. Our class earns points for class behavior. When the
class reaches 20 points in 4 weeks, they earn a special bonus activity of their
* Groups - Table Points. Table groups that reach 10 points in 2 weeks, get
special privileges.
* Individual Stellar Student Award. One student each day is selected for
this coveted award of recognition for their excellent effort.


In general, homework in fourth grade should take 40-50 minutes each night.
* Reading Log
- Read for 20 minutes
- Fill out Reading Log for each night (due daily)
- Math and Language Arts homework (expect nightly)
- Studying for exams, Science, and Social Studies (periodically)

*Assignments will be written in students Binder Reminder daily as well as
online for each teacher. Please remember to check the appropriate
teachers website when looking for homework information or any
information regarding that subject.

Our Team

Math: Ms. Richardson
English Language Arts: Ms. Clemens
Social Studies: Miss Garrett
Science: Ms. Loch


*Students will be assessed in a variety of ways this year, including, in-class
assessments, group projects, quizzes, tests, presentations, and writing

*Tests will be one mode of assessment. Studying for tests should not be
left until the night before. Students should begin studying when the test is
announced in order to successfully retain the material.

*Our team does our best to avoid tests and project due dates from
falling too closely together, but sometimes more than one will fall in the
same week.

Grading Policy:

*I use a point system for most assignments, which translates into a letter
grade (A, B, C, D or N). These translate roughly as follows:
A+ = Above Grade Level (advanced, few mistakes, followed
directions, neat)
A = Mastery (few mistakes, followed directions, neat)
B = Grade Level (some mistakes, followed most directions)
C = Grade Level (some mistakes, followed some or few directions)
D = Below Grade Level (many mistakes, followed few directions,
incomplete, may need to redo work)
N = Below Grade Level or Little Effort (many mistakes, didnt
follow directions, incomplete, may need to redo work)

Citizenship Grades:
O = Outstanding
G = Good
S = Satisfactory
N = Needs to Improve
U = Unsatisfactory

Ms. Lochs Room Wish List:
I know you have donated many items and we are very appreciative and
thankful for them but we can always use more supplies. I will post needed
materials on my website and periodically email requests for science materials
and supplies. I will also enter projects in Donors Choose in order to take
advantage of matching funds. Your donations are GREATLY appreciated!

CommunicationA MUST!

* Classroom Website:
* Email: (emails are the BEST way to reach me)
* Other: Send a note or schedule a meeting
* Office Hours: Starting in October, the 4
grade team will keep office
hours after school on Thursdays from 3:15-4:00. We recommend making

Parents Can Make a Difference

I dreamt I stood in a studio
and watched two sculptors there.
The clay they used was a young childs mind,
and they fashioned it with care.
One was a teacherthe tools he used
were books, music, and art.
The other, a parent, worked with a
guiding hand and a gentle loving heart.
Day after day, the teacher toiled with touch,
that was deft and sure.
While the parent labored by his side
and polished and smoothed it over.
And when at last, their task was done,
they were proud of what they had wrought.
For the things they had molded into the child,
could neither be sold or bought.
And each agreed they would have failed,
if each had worked alone.
For behind the teacher stood the school
and behind the parent, a home.

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