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AO1 DEVELOP IDEAS - (marks out of 25)-

Develop their ideas through sustained and

focused investigations informed by contextual
and other sources, demonstrating analytical
and critical understanding.
AO2- EXPERIMENT(marks out of 25)
Experiment with and select appropriate
resources, media, materials, techniques, and
processes reviewing and refining their ideas as
their work develops. and contexts.
AO3 RECORD IDEAS -(marks out of 25)
Record in visual and/or other forms, ideas,
observations and insights relevant to their
intentions, demonstrating an ability to reflect
on their work and progress.
AO4 PRESENT A RESPONSE (marks out of 25)
Present a personal, informed and meaningful
response demonstrating critical understanding,
realising intentions and where appropriate,
make connections between visual, written, oral
or other elements
AO1 DEVELOP IDEAS - (marks out of 25)-
You need to show that youve tried out a variety of different ideas
and not just done the first thing that popped into your head. Show
how your ideas have changed. Through your development you
need to have worked with a range of photography techniques and
responded to the work of other artists/ cultures.

AO2- EXPERIMENT(marks out of 25)
Show how your ideas have changed and improved. Through your
development work you need to have experimented with a range of
art materials/ techniques and processes. Consider lighting,
composition, lens choice, photo shop, props, mixed media,
animation, collage, video etc and dont forget drawing!

Your choice of media needs to be appropriate for the job in hand.
AO3 RECORD IDEAS -(marks out of 25)
Recording what you see and also your ideas. Through photography
and drawing!

Are all of your photographs in focus or as you intended. Have you
considered background space? Have you carefully considered the
lighting? Exposure? Aperture? Shutter speed? Have you made sure
your photographs improve as the project develops (where
possible)? Annotate and explain your project!

(marks out of 25)

Make a final piece of work which does
what you set out to achieve. It should
be personal to you and it needs to be
clear that through making the piece,
you used other artists work to help


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