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Name: ____________________________ Factor Label Method Worksheet

Using the Factor Label Method (Railroad tracks) complete the following problems. Youll need to do this
on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this sheet. Make sure to show all work
1. The distance from the thumb to the little finger on your hand is 7.7 inches. !on"ert this to cm.
#. $rutus the skydi"ing dog% &um'ed from an air'lane (7# m abo"e the ground. )o* many miles did
he fall+
,. The -tatue of Liberty is the hea"iest statue in the *orld *eighing #(%.,(./ metric tons. )o* many
'ounds is this+
(. The largest great *hite shark e"er ca'tured *as (..m long. )o* many feet is this+
01nteresting Fact: 2reat *hite sharks li"e u' to 133 years and ha"e ,%333 teeth at any one time.4
. The end of the school year is in ______ days% ho* many minutes is this+ )o* many seconds is this+
.. )o* many cm are in 1# cm+
7. 1f you ran #7., feet% ho* many miles did you run+
/. 1f you drink a gallon of milk% ho* many milliliters did you &ust drink+
5. 6 Ty'ical dairy co* 'roduces .. lbs of milk a day% ho* many ounces is this+
13. Which is higher% a basketball hoo' at 13 ft. or 13 meters+
11. T*o oil rich lands are selling at the same 'rice. 7ne 'lot of land contains ,3 acres and the other 'lot of land
is # s8 miles. Which is the better deal+
1#. 9ay Le*is has a mass #,5 lbs% and $arrett 9uud has a mass of ,/. o:. Which 'layer has the greater mass+
1,. 6n 6merican football field is 133 yards long. )o* many meters are in a football field+
1(. 1f $illy runs all the *ay around a track% he *ould be running (33 m. )o* many inches is this+
1. 1f you li"ed to be 133 years old% ho* many heartbeats *ould you ha"e+ 01magine you ha"e around 73 heart
beats 'er minute4
1.. ;our body has about .. liters of blood. This .. liters of blood circulates through the body three times
e"ery minute. 1n one day% the blood tra"els a total of 15%333 km% ho* many miles is this+
17. The a"erage <m'eror =enguin is about ( inches tall% ho* tall is that in feet+
1/. The *orld>s tallest horse 0a $elgian named ?ake4 is #13.# cm tall. )o* many meters tall is he+
15. The t*o adult male @iller Whales at sea *orld *eigh around 5%73 lbs. )o* many grams do these big
mammialian AfishB *eigh+

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