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How has Jazz influenced people from when it first started to today?

Early Jazz music began known in the 1800's when it represented sorrowful blues music for
African-Americans. During this time Jazz was an escape for those who suffered slavery and
racism. Although Jazz was popular music among everyone, it was not accepted by the white
population who held onto their racist views for many years. A change came around when Benny
Goodman held a multi-race concert for all to play music and all to attend.
African-Americans were forced into slavery much earlier than the 1800's but Jazz became
known as their escape as they could freely play music and express their sorrows rather than
becoming a target of the white population. Jazz became an escape for many at this time but as
Jazz progressed so did the meaning of Jazz music and the transition of different instruments,
beats and chords.
The early 20th century was when Jazz became liked and listened to among the wide population.
This was helped by Benny Goodman and his multi-race concert for all to attend and it also
introduced Jazz to other musicians. As Jazz became more popular, the demand for it increased
which lead to Jazz musicians adopting the 4/4 beat for dancing. As the 1920's slowly
progressed Jazz music developed from an escape route to what was considered a sophisticated
The Jazz influence in the 1920's took on an important role as feminism and women rights
became known. Many woman taking part in this fight looked to Jazz for support and guidance
as Jazz itself took a huge step in the rights and freedom for African-Americans. Dress code for
Jazz music took on an influence as it encouraged women to take a stand and stretch the limit to
the current rules. At this time the chords of Jazz music held a different structure to what pop-
music or classical music had. Due to this Jazz music soon became known as the devil music.
Through this shake up Jazz continued to progress and become different to mankind.
Jazz' influence became so major because it held what was considered a 'torch of freedom' and
began the start of the getting rid of sexism and racism. Without feminism and women earning
their right's, it is considered that the civil rights movement would never have taken place. The
reason for this is because the population and society were becoming known and accustomed to
change. Jazz helped to win over social equality.
Jazz stretched the bounds of music because it has introduced different styles of music to Jazz,
leading to the expansion of drum beats, guitar/violin chords and the use of horns to improve and
become creative within music. This kind of influence is what lead to the change for society as
artists such as Louis Armstrong proved that change can happen to African-Americans and to
other groups of society that were being degraded. The influence of Jazz from the 19th century
to the 21st has impacted the world.

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