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Lute tablature converter

By Javier Llaca
Converts French lute tablature to numeric tablature.
** Input format **
First line of input is the number of strings in the original tablature.
Subsequent lines consist of note and duration parameters in the following format
(Note) (Duration)
StringLetter [<Fraction>][.]
3a 1/8.
(third string, fret a (open string), dotted eighth note duration)
Note and duration parameters are separated by a tab ('\t') character.
Note parameters are required.
Duration parameters are optional.
A fraction may be entered without a dot.
A dot may not be entered without a fraction.
Bar lines are denoted by a comma (',')
Refer to sample input file for more details.
** Output format **
Note durations are printed above the tablature.
The labels are:
w 1/1 w(hole)
h 1/2 h(alf)
q 1/4 q(uarter)
e 1/8 e(ighth)
s 1/16 s(ixteenth)
t 1/32 t(hirtysecond)
. dot increases note duration by half its value

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