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Creating Transforati!e E"#erien$es T%ro&g% P'a$e()ase* E*&$ation

+en ,at-ins
Co'ora*o State Uni!ersit.
It is a safe ass&#tion t%at a'' e*&$ators 0ant to a-e a *ifferen$e1 an* t%e &'ti(fa$ete*
Master2s *egrees in t%e fie'* of A*&'t E*&$ation in re$ent .ears is a testaent to t%e *e!e'o#ing
'an*s$a#e an* $ontin&e* $oitent of #rofessiona's to t%e fie'* of e*&$ation3 Sin$e t%e a*!ent
of an*ragog. in 1456 ). 7no0'es1 t%ere %as )een a re!o'&tion of t%o&g%t on t%e to#i$ an* t%e
)est #ra$ti$es in!o'!e*3 T%e fie'* of en!ironenta' e*&$ation &ti'i8es a*&'t e*&$ation an* t%e
e"#erientia' 'earning o*e' to in*&$e $%ange fro #rogra #arti$i#ants3 T%is a*&'t
en!ironenta' e*&$ation is sti'' re'ati!e'. ne0 )&t is gaining tra$tion an* #o#&'arit. in Nat&re
Center settings3 T%is sti'' eerging fie'* e#'o.s t0o #ra$ti$es of e"#erientia' 'earning t%at %a!e
$oe to t%e forefront an* t%ese #ra$ti$es are s%a#ing t%e 0a. t%at #rogras are )eing r&n3 T%ese
t0o fo$i of e"#erientia' 'earning are ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e an* sit&ate* $ognition 9Merria1 /665:
Ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e in!o'!e ref'e$ting on e"#erien$es an* a##'.ing t%at -no0'e*ge to ot%er
sit&ations in an effort to %a!e 'earners a-e ;&*gents3 Sit&ate* $ognition states t%at 'earning
ta-es #'a$e 0%en soeone is *oing soet%ing t%at %as so$ia'1 $&'t&ra'1 an*$a' $onte"ts
9Stee'1 /61/:3 +asi$a''. <)oo-< sart !ers&s <*oing< sart3 Here 0e 0i'' 'oo- at a for of
sit&ate* $ognition1 #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation3 P'a$e()ase* e*&$ation o#erates fro a $o#'e"it.
t%eor. 'ens of e"#erientia' 'earning1 %e'#ing 'earners <&n*erstan* t%e $%anges in t%e $o#'e"
s.stes in 0%i$% t%e. fin* t%ese'!es<3 9Merria1 /665: T%e goa' 0i'' )e to &se sit&ate*
$ognition an* ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e 'earning et%o*s to $reate a $onne$tion )et0een a*&'t
e*&$ation1 e"#erientia' 'earning1 an* #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation in or*er to $reate a transforati!e
e"#erien$e for a*&'ts3 M&$% 0or- %as a'rea*. )een *one 0%i$% $ites t%e )enefits of #'a$e()ase*
e*&$ation for $%i'*ren1 )&t t%e e!i*en$e for its i#'i$ations in a*&'t e*&$ation is soe0%at
Creating Transforati!e E"#erien$es T%ro&g% P'a$e()ase* E*&$ation
+'oo2s 914>?: $ogniti!e 'e!e's *es$ri)e t%e s.nt%esis $ogniti!e 'e!e' as one 0%ere
'earners are a)'e to integrate 'earning fro ne0 areas into a #'an for so'!ing a #ro)'e3 I*ea''.
t%is is 0%ere a'' e*&$ators 0o&'* 'i-e for t%eir #rogra #arti$i#ants to 'i!e1 in a $onstant state of
$reation an* ne0 i*ea foration3 Unfort&nate'. t%is *oes not a'0a.s %a##en1 an* -ee#ing
#arti$i#ants engage* an* intereste* $an )e$oe a feat of effort3 +eing #'anne* o&t1 %a!ing $'ear
o);e$ti!es1 an* a*%ering to a #rogra s$%e*&'e $an %e'# to en%an$e 'earning1 )&t %o0 *o 0e
tea$% a*&'ts 0%en t%e. $an $%oose t%eir o0n 'e!e' of in!o'!eent an* interest in a #rogra@
Ho0 $an 0e tr&'. $reate for a transforati!e e"#erien$e@ T%is is a $oon #ro)'e 0it%
en!ironenta' e*&$ation 9EE: an* inter#retation3 Man. ties t%ese #rogras attra$t a non(
$a#ti!e a&*ien$e t%at a. %a!e no $'&e 0%at #rogra t%e. 0an*ere* into or 0%at a #rogra is
e!en a)o&t3 T%is is 0%ere en!ironenta' e*&$ation *iffers fro $'assroo e*&$ation3 O&t of
ne$essit.1 an EE or inter#retation #rogra &st a'so *o&)'e as a so&r$e of entertainent or art
an* &st $o)ine engaging s$enarios 0it% inte''e$t&a''. sti&'ating to#i$s to $reate a 'earning
e"#erien$e t%at is as &niA&e as t%e #arti$i#ants3 T%ese inter#reti!e an* en!ironenta' e*&$ation
o*e's &se an. 'earning strategies an* #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation is a ne0er o*e' t%at is gaining
tra$tion3 T%e goa' of #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation is to $reate an e"#erien$e <0%ere). st&*ents are
as-e* to res#on* $reati!e'. to stories of t%eir %oegro&n*B an* t%e. )e$oe #art of t%e
$o&nit. Cof 'earningD rat%er t%an a #assi!e o)ser!er of it<3 9So)e'1 /66E:
In t%e )&rgeoning fie'* of en!ironenta' e*&$ation1 an* its ste#(si)'ing inter#retation1 a
s%ift in a$tion is a'so a goa' 0%ere). a #arti$i#ant a. 'earn to $are a)o&t a reso&r$e so t%e. $an
'earn to $are for a reso&r$e3 Creation of an o0ners%i# o*e' is #arao&nt so t%at nat&ra' s#a$es
an* #'a$es a. )e #reser!e* ). in*i!i*&a's 0%o %a!e a !este* interest in t%e reso&r$e3
U'tiate'.1 en!ironenta' e*&$ators are stri!ing to $reate an o##ort&nit. for ste0ar*s%i#3 T%is
$an #ro!e *iffi$&'t 0%en an a&*ien$e a. not )e $ogniti!e'. engage* in a #rogra or t%ere is no
fina' goa' of t%e #rogra s&$% as a $ertifi$ate or onetar. )enefit3 To $o)at t%is1 en!ironenta'
e*&$ators an* inter#reters ta-e a*!antage of t%e tangi)'e reso&r$es aro&n* t%e in or*er to
engage #arti$i#ants3 Ho0e!er1 e!en t%o&g% it is genera''. a$-no0'e*ge* t%at tie s#ent o&tsi*e
in nat&re $an in*&$e $%ange1 it is *iffi$&'t to ga&ge t%e effe$ti!eness of en!ironenta' e*&$ation
9EE: #rogras )e$a&se n&ero&s st&*ies are $orre'ation st&*ies t%at $annot $'ai <$a&se an*
effe$t< re'ations%i#s 9H&ngerfor* F Vo'-1 1446: t%e 0a. t%at $'assroo #rogras $an3 +e$a&se
of t%is1 EE o*e's are 'ent an air of )eing et%erea' an* ineffe$ti!e3 T%is sees to $reate
*etra$tors of en!ironenta' e*&$ation an* inter#retation an* t%ese fie'*s are )eginning to
e)ra$e t%e i*eas of in$'&*ing *ata an* assessent into t%eir e!a'&ation et%o*s in or*er to
assert t%eir effe$ti!eness3
7e. to an. #rogra is its a)i'it. to )e re$reate* or *eee* effe$ti!e an* t%at is 0%ere
t%eor. an* #ra$ti$e nee* to )e$oe inf&se* 0it% en!ironenta' e*&$ation an* inter#retation3 In
*oing so1 t%eir s&$$esses 0i'' )e a$-no0'e*ge* an* !a'&e* in t%e e*&$ation $o&nit. instea*
of )eing 'oo-e* &#on as no!e' or s&#erf'&o&s3 Here 0e 0i'' 'oo- at *ata(*ri!en o*e's 'i-e
<#'a$e()ase*< e*&$ation an* $o&#'e t%e 0it% a$$e#te* e*&$ationa' t%eories an* o*e's to
s.nt%esi8e a ne0 o*e' 0%i$% $an %o'* its o0n an* )e $onsi*ere* or arg&e* for erit in t%e fie'*
of e*&$ation3 S#e$ifi$a''.1 atte#ting to as$ertain 0%et%er a transforati!e 'earning e"#erien$e
gaine* fro a <#'a$e()ase*< e*&$ationa' #rogra is t%e res&'t of ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$es or sit&ate*
$ognition #ra$ti$es 0i'' )e -e.3 T%e net )enefit of t%is t.#e of ana'.8ation 0o&'* )e to *eterine
if fo$&sing 'earning on t%e s&rro&n*ing en!ironent an* its reso&r$es is #refera)'e to t%e
intro*&$tion an* ana'.8ation of a to#i$ 0%ere a s#e$ifi$ <site< is not in $onsi*eration an*
in*i!i*&a's $o&'* sta. in a $'assroo setting3 +asi$a''. 0e 0ant to -no0 if )eing o&t in t%e fie'*
is ne$essar. to $reate a $%ange in attit&*e or )e%a!ior of a*&'t #rogra #arti$i#ants3
T%ro&g%o&t t%is st&*.1 en!ironenta' e*&$ation 0i'' )e &se* as a e*i& to ana'.8e t%e
e"#erientia' e*&$ation o*e' an* tra$e sit&ate* $ognition #ast an$%ore* instr&$tion to #'a$e(
)ase* e*&$ation an* *eterine if t%is #'a$e()ase* a##roa$% ig%t )e s&ffi$ient to i''i$it $%ange
in t%e for of transforati!e e"#erien$es for a*&'ts or if t%e ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e strateg. is
#refera)'e3 T%e ain ai is not to ;&"ta#ose e"#erientia' 'earning t%eor. an* transforati!e
'earning t%eor.1 )&t rat%er to see if $onne$tions $an )e a*e )et0een t%e t0o an* t%e t%eories
&se* in tan*e to *ire$t #rograing $onstr&$tion3 In t%e f&t&re1 t%e fin*ings $o&'* )e &se* to
$o#are an* $ontrast ref'e$ti!e an* #'a$e()ase*1 sit&ate* $ognition #ra$ti$es to *eterine 0%i$%
of t%ese 'earning et%o*s is s&ita)'e 0%en $reating #rogras 0%ere $%anges in )e%a!ior in
regar*s to en!ironenta' e*&$ation are t%e goa'3
First1 t%e t%eories )eing *is$&sse*1 sit&ate* $ognition an* ref'e$ti!e 'earning t%eor.1 &st
)e #resente* in or*er to *ifferentiate )et0een t%e t0o an* *eterine t%e )enefits in t%e 0a.
in*i!i*&a's 'earn3 T%en1 a )rief %istor. of #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation as it #ertains to en!ironenta'
e*&$ation 0i'' )e *is$&sse* to )ring fai'iari8ation of t%e e*i& to t%e forefront of t%e
$on!ersation3 After t%at t%e *is$&ssion )egins in earnest as sit&ate* $ognition an* ref'e$ti!e
'earning t%eor. 0i'' )e $o&#'e* 0it% #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation in an effort to )ring t%e t%eories
toget%er3 T%e goa' 0i'' )e to s.nt%esi8e t%is inforation in or*er to inter#ret 0%i$% o*e'1
$o)ination of o*e's1 or ne$essit. of a ne0 training too' is t%e ost effe$ti!e in *ire$ting
en!ironenta' e*&$ation #rograing $onstr&$tion for a*&'ts 0%en a #rograing o);e$ti!e is
e'i$iting #ositi!e )e%a!ior $%anges in a*&'ts to0ar*s t%e en!ironent3 T%is goa' a'so fa''s
*ire$t'. in 'ine 0it% t%at of en!ironenta' e*&$ation a$$or*ing to t%e Tsi)'i De$'aration of 145G1
H$reate ne0 #atterns of )e%a!iors of in*i!i*&a's1 gro&#s1 an* so$iet. as a 0%o'e to0ar*s t%e
T%e *efinition of en!ironenta' e*&$ation is so $o#'e" an* roote* in e*&$ationa'
%istor. t%at e!en t%e En!ironenta' Prote$tion Agen$.Js 9EPA: Offi$e of En!ironenta'
E*&$ationJs *efinition of En!ironenta' E*&$ation 9EE: is o!er fort. 0or*s 'ong1
En!ironenta' E*&$ation en%an$es $riti$a'(t%in-ing1 #ro)'e(so'!ing1 an*
effe$ti!e *e$ision(a-ing s-i''s3 It a'so tea$%es in*i!i*&a's to 0eig% !ario&s si*es
of an en!ironenta' iss&e to a-e infore* an* res#onsi)'e *e$isions3
En!ironenta' e*&$ation *oes not a*!o$ate a #arti$&'ar !ie0#oint or $o&rse of
a$tion3 9Fe*era' Register1 144?:3
An* 0%i'e t%e *efinition entions t%at it *oes not a*!o$ate for a #arti$&'ar !ie0#oint1 0e $an
ta-e into $onsi*eration one of t%e tenets fro t%e Tsi)'i De$'aration t%at 0as entione* 0%i$% is
to &se e*&$ation to $reate a ne0 #attern of )e%a!iors t%at )enefit t%e en!ironent3
En!ironenta' e*&$ation an* inter#retation go a)o&t t%is #ro$ess ). &sing t%e E"#erientia'
Kearning t%eor. an* sin$e t%e e#%asis of #rogras is see-ing $%ange 0it%in $o#'e" s.stes1
9Merria1 /665: t%ese t0o e*&$ationa' s.stes are o#erating fro a $o#'e"it. t%eor. 'ens3
T%at is a 'ot of terino'og. t%at is )eing t%ro0n aro&n* )&t &'tiate'. t%e t0o ain et%o*s of
*e'i!ering inforation in en!ironenta' e*&$ation an* inter#reti!e #rogras are t%ro&g%
ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e an* sit&ate* $ognition1 )ot% of 0%i$% are &n*er t%e %ea*ings of e"#erientia'
'earning3 To #&t t%ings ore si#'.1 t%e goa' of ee an* inter#retation #rogras is to %e'# 'earners
*is$o!er t%e s.#tos1 rea' $a&ses1 an* reasona)'e so'&tions of en!ironenta' #ro)'es 9Tsi)'i
De$'aration1 1455:3
Merria 9/665: e"#'ains t%at sit&ate* $ognition *iffers fro ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e in s&)t'e
)&t *efiniti!e 0a.s3 First'.1 sit&ate* $ognition s&ggests t%at 'earners 'earn an* a##'. -no0'e*ge
in $oor*ination as o##ose* to ref'e$ting on an* a##'.ing e"#erien$es to a'ternati!e sit&ations
'ater3 In I''eris2s Conte#orar. T%eories of Kearning9/664:1 EngestrL $a''s t%is <gra*&a'
a$A&isition of aster.< an* sa.s t%at oti!ation to 'earn stes fro #arti$i#ation in $&'t&ra''.
!a'&e* $o''a)orati!e #ra$ti$es in 0%i$% soet%ing &sef&' is #ro*&$e*3 T%e *efinition of sit&ate*
$ognition $an a'so )e e"ten*e* to in$'&*e$a' s#a$es 0%ere 'earning a. )e ore 'i-e'. to
ta-e #'a$e3 In t%eir )oo-1 +ear* F ,i'son 9/61=: *is$&ss %o0 o&t*oor e'eents affe$t t%e A&a'it.
of 'earning e"#erien$es an* t%e. fo&n* t%at t%ere is a $orre'ation )et0een 'earning an* )eing in a
s#e$ifi$ #'a$e3 T%is $o&'* )e a reason 0%. en!ironenta' e*&$ation an* inter#retation re'. so
&$% on t%is o*e' as t%e. s%are &niA&e s#a$es 0it% #rogra #arti$i#ants3 T%e i*ea of ref'e$ting
on 'earning or %o0 soet%ing is 'earne* is not #resent in sit&ate* $ognition an* 'earning is )ase*
so'e'. on t%e a$t of )eing #resent an* going t%ro&g% t%e otions of a #arti$&'ar #ra$ti$e3
In $ontrast1 ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e en$o&rages #rogra #arti$i#ants to a-e ;&*gents a)o&t
$o#'e" sit&ations an* to $onsi*er &'ti#'e #ers#e$ti!es 9Merria1 /665:3 Me8iro0 9/664: a'so
s&ggests t%at ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$es a''o0 a*&'ts to assess t%e reasons an* ass&#tions s&##orting a
)e'ief to )e a)'e to arri!e at a tentati!e )est ;&*gent3 A$$or*ing to t%e Tsi)'i De$'aration of
14551 t%is is e"a$t'. t%e -in* of a$tion t%at en!ironenta' e*&$ation 0o&'* see- to %a!e )e$a&se
of a #rogra3 T%is is an i#ortant *istin$tion fro sit&ate* $ognition an* fro t%ese t0o
*efinitions1 it is eas. to see %o0 an e*&$ationa' #rogra $o&'* )e foratte* in one of t0o 0a.s3
Sit&ate* $ognition 0o&'* ai to e"#ose #arti$i#ants to a #arti$&'ar et%o* of 'earning 0%i'e
ref'e$ti!e 'earning 0o&'* %a!e #arti$i#ants *e$i*e if a #rogra is #arti$&'ar'. !a'&a)'e3 T%e
reasoning )e%in* $onstr&$ting a #rogra 0it% one of t%e t0o t%eories is !arie*1 )&t it sees as
t%o&g% if an e*&$ator 0o&'* 'i-e to %it &#on %ig%er 'e!e' +'oo2s 914>?: s.nt%esis $ogniti!e
'e!e's1 t%en ref'e$ti!e 'earning 0o&'* a'ost )e a ne$essit.3 Sin$e ref'e$ti!e 'earning is
res#onsi)'e for %ig%er or*er t%in-ing an* t%e $reation of *ee#er insig%ts t%at 'ea* to a$tion1
9Merria1 /665: an* sit&ate* $ognition %e'#s to intro*&$e 'earners to t%e tangi)'e 0or'* aro&n*
t%e1 it 0o&'* t%en a-e sense t%at t%e 'ogi$a' t%ing to *o 0o&'* )e to arr. t%e i*eas an*
$onstr&$t a #rogra t%at 0o&'* ta-e a*!antage of )ot% s.stes3 T%is 0o&'* in effe$t -i'' t0o
)ir*s 0it% one stone1 -inest%eti$a''. engaging #arti$i#ants 0%i'e $reating transforati!e
o##ort&nities &ti'i8ing ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$es3 +&t 0%at $o&'* t%is 'oo- 'i-e@
T%e #'a$e()ase* o*e' of e*&$ation ans0ers t%is A&estion3 T%is &niA&e a##roa$% to
e*&$ation an* engages 'earners 0it% $ontent s#e$ifi$ to a #'a$e an* ). &sing )io'og.1 e$o'og.1
so$io'og.1 #o'iti$s1 an* geogra#%. s#e$ifi$ to a region3 97na##1 /666: T%e #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation
o*e' first garnere* nationa' attention 0it% Da!i* So)e'2s 9144E: )oo- P'a$e +ase* E*&$ation:
Conne$ting C'assroos an* Co&nit.3 ,%i'e &$% of t%e ateria' in So)e'2s )oo- is re'egate*
to t%e in* frae of a $%i'* in re'ation to #'a$e )ase* e*&$ation1 t%ere %a!e )een st&*ies *one
t%at s&ggest transforati!e e"#erien$es $an $oe a)o&t as a res&'t of #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation for
a*&'ts3 H&ngerfor* 91446: ta'-s a)o&t #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation in re'ation to en!ironenta'
e*&$ation an* a-es t%e assertion t%at if %&an )eings are ore -no0'e*gea)'e a)o&t t%e
en!ironent an* its #ro)'es1 t%en t%e. 0i'' )e ore oti!ate* to a$t in res#onsi)'e 0a.s3 T%e
sae is tr&e for o);e$ti!es of #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation an* )ot% a'so a'ign 0it% t%e goa's an*
o&t$oes of Me8iro02s 9/664: ref'e$ti!e 'earning #ra$ti$es3 A'' of t%ese o*e's state t%at t%ere is
a transforati!e o&t$oe t%at s%o&'* ta-e #'a$e )e$a&se of #rograing3 S#e$ifi$a''.1 #'a$e(
)ase* e*&$ation asserts t%at: <P'a$e()ase* 'earning a##roa$%es see- to $a#ita'i8e on t%e strong
affinit. #eo#'e %a!e for t%eir $o&nities to a$$o#'is% e$o'ogi$a' an* $&'t&ra' 'itera$. as 0e''
as a range of $onser!ation an* $o&nit. ste0ar*s%i# o);e$ti!es3< 9C'ar-1 /66G: +e$a&se #'a$e(
)ase* e*&$ation is so stee#e* in $%ange an* %an*s(on a$ti!ities it sees an o)!io&s $%oi$e for a
e'*ing of sit&ate* $ognition an* ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$es3
T%e A&estion t%en )e$oes %o0 to in$or#orate t%e i*eas of ref'e$ti!e 'earning 0it%
sit&ate* $ognition@ As 0e %a!e seen1 #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation a'rea*. see-s to a$%ie!e t%is so 0%at
$o&'* )e a &sef&' too' to )ring t%e t0o #ra$ti$es toget%er@ To s.nt%esi8e t%ese $on$e#ts1 #'a$e(
)ase* e*&$ators $o&'* in$or#orate ref'e$ti!e ;o&rna'ing into t%eir #rogras3 <T%e ref'e$ti!e
;o&rna' %o'*s #otentia' for ser!ing as a irror to ref'e$t t%e st&*ent2s %eart an* in*3< 9H&))s F
+ran*1 /66>: E*&$ators $o&'* &se t%is #ra$ti$e to #&s% for0ar* t%e transforati!e 'earning
#ro$ess t%at #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation an* ref'e$ti!e 'earning )ot% see-3 Mo&rna's a. )e &se* in
fora' e*&$ation for a !ariet. of reasons1 for a )roa* n&)er of reasons1 an* 0it% a 0i*e range
of in*i!i*&a's 9D.ent F O2Conne''1 /665:1 t%e goa' of 0%i$% 0o&'* )e to $reate an interna'
*is$o&rse t%at 0o&'* a''o0 #rogra #arti$i#ants for&'ate a <a-ing of eaning< fro t%eir
t%o&g%ts 9H&))s F +ran*1 /66>:3 T%is ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e 0o&'* )e a 'ogi$a' ne"t ste# after t%e
sit&ate* $ognition re'ate* #ra$ti$es &niA&e to #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation3 T%e ;o&rna'ing 0o&'* a'so
%e'# to: fa$i'itate ref'e$tionN #ro!i*e en an* 0oen *ifferent e"#erien$es in re'ation to ;o&rna'
#ro#tsN an* #ro!i*e #arti$i#ants 0it% a &niA&e e*i& to assess t%eir o0n &n*erstan*ings
9D.ent F O2Conne''1 /665:3 Ha!ing tie in a #'a$e()ase* #rogra for a*&'t 'earners to
a$ti!e'. ref'e$t on sit&ate* $ognition a##roa$%es $o&'* )e %&ge'. a*!antageo&s in $reating
transforati!e e"#erien$es for 'earners3 Ho0e!er1 t%is 0o&'* nee* to )e *one $aref&''. so t%at
t%e #ro$ess of t&rning e"#erien$e into 'earning 0o&'*n2t )e in%i)ite* ). 0ea- of &nstr&$t&re*
;o&rna' 0riting a$ti!ities 9+o&*1 /661:3 Ha!ing a #ro*&$ti!e et%o* an* reasoning )e%in* t%e
;o&rna'ing 0o&'* )e essentia'1 )&t $a&tion 0o&'* a'so %a!e to )e e"%i)ite* so a*&'t 'earners
0o&'* not fee' t%e ;o&rna'ing a$ti!it. 0as an assignent1 )&t rat%er a tr&e e"#ression of t%eir
t%o&g%ts an* i*eas3 T%is 0o&'* ena)'e a*&'t 'earners to a-e t%eir o0n assessents an* fas%ion
t%eir o0n -no0'e*ge &sing reso&r$es t%at 0ere #ro!i*e* to t%e3 In t%is 0a.1 t%e instr&$tor tr&'.
ste#s o&t of t%e 0a. an* t%e to#i$ )e$oes t%e $enter fo$&s of t%e #rogra1 an* t%e #arti$i#ants
0or- toget%er to $reate t%eir o0n *efinitions3
,%at *oes t%is ean for a*&'t e*&$ation an* t%e ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e@ To go )a$- to t%e
)eginning1 o&r goa's 0as to *is$o!er if a sit&ate* $ognition a##roa$% or a ref'e$ti!e 'earning
a##roa$% 0o&'* )e ore )enefi$ia' in $reating transforati!e 'earning3 ,%at 0e *is$o!ere* is
t%ere is a ne$essit. to en$o#ass )ot% of t%e strategies in or*er to )e ost effe$ti!e3 P'a$e()ase*
e*&$ation see-s to *o t%is ). &sing 'o$a' reso&r$es1 #arti$i#ants1 an* $o&nit. in!o'!eent to
root #rogra #arti$i#ants in a$a' s#a$e an* %o#ef&''. $reate a sense of o0ners%i# an*
&'tiate'. ste0ar*s%i#3 ,%ere o&r s.nt%esis ta-es #'a$e is in t%e e'*ing of i*eas an* ta-ing
ref'e$ti!e ;o&rna'ing into t%e s.ste as an a**itiona' too' for transforati!e 'earning3 Ref'e$ti!e
;o&rna'ing 0o&'* a''o0 #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation #rogra #arti$i#ants t%e o##ort&nit. to $reate a
*ee#er eaning an* &n*erstan*ing a)o&t t%e nat&ra' 0or'* an* reso&r$es aro&n* t%e 0%i'e
strengt%ening t%e transforati!e e"#erien$e o*e'3 T%is ne0 et%o* see-s to fa$i'itate *ee#er
&n*erstan*ing an* $o#re%ension of to#i$s e"isting in t%e for of #'a$e()ase* e*&$ation t%at
en$o#asses ref'e$ti!e ;o&rna'ing as one of its ais3 To t%is en*1 t%e entiret. of t%is t.#e of
#rograing 0o&'* see- to s%ift t%e o*e' fro one of inforation *ri!en to one 0%i$% 0o&'*
)e transforati!e in nat&re3 T%is 0o&'* )e an e"$e''ent o&t$oe for en!ironenta' e*&$ation1
#'a$e()ase* e*&$ation1 ref'e$ti!e 'earning1 an* sit&ate* $ognition as a'' of t%ese strategies see-
sii'ar goa's an* o);e$ti!es3 T%e transforati!e e"#erien$e 0o&'* %o#ef&''. )e satisfie* as
#rogra #arti$i#ants 0ere #&s%e* to0ar*s $reating )e%a!ior $%anges in regar*s to t%e
en!ironent an* en!ironenta' e*&$ation3 In #arting1 t%e transforati!e e"#erien$e is one
0%i$% a'' e*&$ators as#ire to1 to $reate soe great $%ange in #arti$i#ants 0a.s of t%in-ing3
Dir-" 9144G: #oints o&t t%at transforati!e o##ort&nities are rare 0it% a*&'t 'earners an*
#arti$i#ation *oes not ens&re s&$$ess3 For t%is reason1 it is essentia' t%at a*&'t e*&$ators &se a''
t%e too's at t%eir *is#osa' to )e as #re#are* as #ossi)'e s%o&'* t%at transforati!e oent s%o0
&# an* t%reaten to $%ange soeone2s t%in-ing3 Using t%e too's t%at 0e %a!e 'iste*1 an* $reate*
t%&s far s%o&'* gi!e an en!ironenta' e*&$ator an a*!antage 0%en t%e o##ort&nit. *oes arise3
+ear*1 C3N ,i'son1 M3P3 9/61=:3 E"#erientia' Kearning: A Han*)oo- for E*&$ation1 Training an*
Coa$%ing3 Retrie!e* fro %tt#:OO0003e)'i)3$o3 =O>O/61E3
+'oo1 +en;ain3 914>?:3Ta"ono. of E*&$ationa' O);e$ti!es1 Han*)oo- I: T%e Cogniti!e
Doain3 Ne0 Por-1 NP: Da!i* M$7a.3
+o&*1 D3 9/661:3 Using ;o&rna' 0riting to en%an$e ref'e$ti!e #ra$ti$e3 New Directions in Adult
and Continuing Education, 461 4(153 Retrie!e* fro
C'ar-1 D3 9/66G:3 Kearning to Ma-e C%oi$es for t%e F&t&re: Conne$ting P&)'i$ Kan*s1 S$%oo's1
an* Co&nities t%ro&g% P'a$e()ase* Kearning an* Ci!i$ Engageent3 Retrie!e* fro
%tt#:OO0003n#s3go!O$i!i$Oreso&r$esOKearningS/6toS/6Ma-eS/6C%oi$es3#*f EO=O/61E
Dir-"1 M3M3 9144G:3 Transforati!e Kearning T%eor. in t%e Pra$ti$e of A*&'t E*&$ation: An
O!er!ie03 Retrie!e* fro
>4)54>E1>E=53#*f3 =O>O/61E3
D.ent1 M3E31 F OJConne''1 T3S3 9/665:3 Mo&rna' ,riting on ,i'*erness E"#e*itions as a Too' for
S&staina)i'it. E*&$ation T Ref'e$tion on t%e Potentia' an* t%e Rea'it.3 Applied
Environmental Education & Communication1 ?9/:1 1=4(1EG3 Retrie!e* fro
Fe*era' Register1 9De$e)er 161 144?:3 #3?>16?3 Retrie!e* fro
%tt#:OO0003g#o3go!Of*s.sO#-gOFR(144?(1/(16O%t'O4?(=1=>G3%t3 EO/6O/61E3
H&))s1 D3K31 F +ran*1 C3F3 9/66>:3 T%e Pa#er Mirror: Un*erstan*ing Ref'e$ti!e Mo&rna'ing3
Journal of Experiential Education1 /G91:1 ?6(513 Retrie!e* fro
A>/?A4C6A5E4C6>EOG41GD?1/(C/4C(CEE1(CE/=/DGA5>E?AFG63#*f3 EO/EO/61E
H&ngerfor*1 H3 an* T3 Vo'-3 91446:3 Changing Behavior hrough Environmental Education!"
Mo&rna' of En!ironenta' E*&$ation /11 no3= 9s#ring:3 Retrie!e* fro
S/6)e%a!iorS/6(S/6HS/6an*S/6V3#*f3 =O4O/61E
I''eris1 73 E*3 9/664:3 Conte#orar. T%eories of Kearning: Kearning t%eorists in t%eir o0n
0or*s3 O"for*1 Eng'an*: Ro&t'e*ge P&)'is%ing3
7na##1 C3 E3 F ,oo*%o&se1 M3 K3 9/666:3 P'a$e +ase* C&rri$&'& an* Instr&$tion: O&t*oor an*
En!ironenta' E*&$ation A##roa$%es ERIC Digest3 Retrie!e* fro
%tt#:OOfi'es3eri$3e*3go!Of&''te"tOEDEEG61/3#*f3 EO/>O/61E
Merria1 SN Caffare''a1 R3S3N +a&gartner1 K3M3 9/665: Kearning in A*&'t%oo*: A
Co#re%ensi!e G&i*e3 San Fran$is$o1 CA: Mose.(+ass +oo-s3
Me8iro01 M3N Ta.'or1 E3,3 9/664:3 Transforati!e Kearning in Pra$ti$e: Insig%ts fro
Co&nit.1 ,or-#'a$e1 an* Hig%er E*&$ation3 Retrie!e* fro %tt#:OO0003e)'i)3$o3
So)e'1 D3 9144E:3 P'a$e +ase* E*&$ation: Conne$ting C'assroos an* Co&nit.3 +arrington1
MA: T%e Orion So$iet.3
Stee'1 N3 M3 E*39/61/: En$.$'o#e*ia of t%e S$ien$es of Kearning3 Ne0 Por-1 NP: S#ringer
he #ilisi Declaration! 9145G: Conne$t1 t%e UNESCOOUNEP En!ironenta' E*&$ation
Ne0s'etter3 =3 91:3 Retrie!e* fro %tt#:OO0003g*r$3orgO&eOeeOt)i'isi3%t'3 EO1GO/61E3

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