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Comenius evaluation

Students were asked to evaluate the items form 0 (minimum)
to 5 (maximum)

2. Evaluation of the experience in general
3. I think the experience is useful things
4. I have learnt a lot of interesting
5. I enjoyed working in groups and creating products
for the project

Students were asked to evaluate the items from 0
(minimum) to 5 (maximum)




6. I would like to know more about different countries and
cultures in Europe
7. I would like to learn another foreign language
8. I have used a foreign language
German students learn at least two foreign languages, so they think two is enough, whereas
most of Basque students would like to learn another one. Being so close to the German
students made them think learning German might be interesting.

Students were asked to evaluate the items form 0
(minimum) to 5 (maximum)
9. I have learnt about the European Union culture and problems

10-1. Do you feel more confident using English (and other foreign
language) after taking part in this project?

English students are especial needs, but some of them tried hard to speak Spanish.
French students had a poor level of English and Spanish. The teachers were asked to
choose more carefully the students who take part in the project.
10-2. Has the project improved your language skills in general?

It depends on the country. Basque students also spoke Spanish during the visit, so as
there are more answers from the Basque team than from other countries, their
answers influence the to some extent average. On the other hand, French were too
shy to talk, so their answers dont count too much.
10-3. Do you feel your social skills have improved as a result of
the contact with other European schools?

10-4. Do you feel your ICT skills have improved as a result of the
contact with other European schools?

It was the beginning of the school year, so the answers might have been different at
the end of the term of school year.
10-5. Are you more motivated for school work and language
studies after participating in this project?

11. Grade from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much) how much you

Project activities and visits
Group work

12. How would you define your participation in this project?

13. The work of our teachers was
14. The project has made the group stronger
15. The relationship with our teachers was

16. Would you recommend others to take part in the project?
All of them answered they would recommend the experience

17. Did you like the experience of hosting a foreign student?
Grade from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much)

Some Basque students didnt enjoy hosting French as much as hosting German
students because of their poor language.
18. Did you find that language was a barrier for communication?

Language was a barrier of communication for French students who could hardly speak
English or Spanish.
Any other comment? __
What should be improved in the project?
Longer stays is the response which is repeated in their answers.
17. What is your favourite memory of the project?
The afternoons with the exchange students
The Basque are nice and lovely people. The French are unsocial
I really had fun working in the project. Everybody is very nice
Getting to know everyone
Salt Valley
All was great
Getting to know people
Meeting new people
It was great
Talking to partners from Europe. Having fun and laughing
Meeting people
Good food and guest family. The evenings at home
The family
Free time
Talking to others
Group work and visits
Ice cream factory and family
Meeting people from other countries
Good food and weather. Host family. Teachers. Ataria. People are
friendly. The food
Knowing more things about different countries. I liked the displays. It was
good fun. I really enjoyed it. Talking to partners
Salt valley
Ice cream factory
How nice Basque people are. French cannot speak English
The trip to Pasaia and San Sebastian. The time spent with the German
Very good food. The salt valley was the most interesting and that we
mixed countries in the groups
The sea
Boat trip
18. Feel free to add any remarks
I will miss my Basque partner
Too short to learn languages
The English level of French students was horrible
Why not longer stays?
Longer exchanges

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