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GeoClub Constitution and By-Laws


Section A: Name The name of this club shall be GeoClub.
Section B: Purpose The purpose of this club shall be:
1. To bring together students who hae an interest in geology and geography.
!. To e"pand learning outside the academic enironment.
#. To ma$e the community aware of geosciences and their applications.
Section A: E!i"i#i!it$ - %embership shall be open to any student of
&orthwest %issouri 'tate (niersity upon payment of the dues as outlined in
'ection B.
Section B: Dues Dues shall be $15 per year or $10 per semester.
Section A: O%%icers The officers shall be a )resident* +ice-)resident*
'ecretary* and Treasurer.
Section B: E!i"i#i!it$ ,fficers must be full-time students who hae at least
two semesters of college completed and hae completed at least - credits of
geology.geography courses. )resident* +ice-)resident* and Treasurer must
be at least 1/ years of age.
Section C: E!ection The officers shall be elected by ballot at the last
meeting of the spring semester by a ma0ority of the ote cast for that office.
Section : Term The officers shall sere for one year and their term of
office shall begin at the commencement of the fall semester.
Section E: &acanc$ 1f a acancy occurs in the office of )resident* the +ice-
)resident shall assume the office for the remainder of the term and acancies
in any other office shall be filled by a special election.
Section A: Presi(ent it shall be the duty of the )resident to:
)reside at meetings
+ote only in case of a tie
2epresent the club
3ppoint committee chairpersons sub0ect to the approal of the 4"ecutie
)erform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office
Section B: &ice)Presi(ent 1t shall be the duty of the +ice-)resident to:
)reside in the absence of the )resident
)erform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office
Section C: Secretar$ 1t shall be the duty of the 'ecretary to:
2ecord the minutes of all meetings
5eep a file of the club6s records
%aintain a current roster of membership
1ssue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of
the club
Section : Treasurer 1t shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:
2eceie all funds and process 2e7uest for )ayment* 8eposit 'lip* and
,fficer 'ignature 9orms
5eep an itemi:ed account of all receipts and e"penditures and ma$e
reports as directed

Section A: %eetings 2egular meetings shall be held eery two wee$s
during the regular school year.
Section B: 'pecial %eeting 'pecial meetings may be called by the
)resident with the approal of the 4"ecutie Committee.
Section C: ;uorum 3 7uorum shall consist of <e"ample: two-thirds =!.#>? of
the membership. <The number re7uired should be small enough to ensure that
a 7uorum will usually be present but large enough to protect the club against
decisions being made by a small minority.?
Section A: Responsi#i!it$ %anagement of this club shall be ested in an
4"ecutie Committee responsible to the entire membership to uphold these
Section B: Mem#ers,ip This committee shall consist of the officers as
listed in 3rticle 111 and the faculty adisor=s>.
Section C: Meetin"s This committee shall meet at least once between
regular meetings of the club to organi:e and plan future actiities.
Section A: Se!ection there shall be a faculty.staff adisor=s> who shall be
selected each year by the membership.
Section B: uties The responsibilities of the faculty adisor=s> shall be to:
%aintain an awareness of the actiities and programs sponsored by the
student club.
%eet on a regular basis with the leader of the student club to discuss
upcoming meetings* long range plans* goals* and problems of the club.
3ttend regular meetings* e"ecutie board meetings as often as schedule
3ssist in the orientation of new officers.
4"plain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to the club.
%aintain contact with the 'tudent Life ,ffice.
)roide direction in the area of parliamentary procedure* meeting
facilitation* group-building* goal setting* and program planning.
3ssist the club treasurer in monitoring e"penditures* fundraising
actiities* and corporate sponsorship to maintain an accurate and up-
to-date account ledger.
1nform club members of those factors that constitute unacceptable
behaior on the part of the club members* and the possible
conse7uence of said behaiors.

Section A: Specia! Committees The )resident shall hae the authority to
appoint any special committees* with the approal of the 4"ecutie
Committee* from time to time as need demands.

Section A: Se!ection these bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds =!.#>
ma0ority ote of the chapter membership.
Section B: Notice 3ll members shall receie adance notice of the
proposed amendment at least fie days before the meeting. <The time may be
e"tended to the following meeting.?

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