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Grade Grammar Guide
Lighthouse 6, Unit 2

We use the yet and already with the present perfect to talk about whether or
not we have done an activity by the present time. In this unit, we use yet and
already to talk about accomplishments.
We use yet with questions and negative answers, always at the end of the
sentence: Have you sung in public yet? She hasnt gone to Germany yet.
We use already with affirmative sentences, after the auxiliary have and before
the past participle form of the verb: They have already recorded a CD.

Usamos todava y ya con el presente perfecto para hablar de si hemos realizado o no una
actividad hasta el momento presente. En esta unidad, usamos todava y ya para hablar de
Usamos todava con preguntas y respuestas negativas, en Ingls siempre al final de la oracin.
Usamos ya en oraciones afirmativas, en Ingls detrs del verbo auxiliar haber y antes del participio
del verbo principal.

Present Perfect and Past Simple
We use the present perfect to talk about accomplishments in the past. The
emphasis is not on when the activity happened, but rather that it did or did not
happen: I have already recorded a CD.
We use the past simple to give specific information about when an activity
happened: I recorded a CD last week.
We can use both tenses together to show that we did an activity and explain
when it happened: I have already recorded a CD. I recorded it last week.

Presente Perfecto y Pasado Simple
Usamos el presente perfecto para hablar de logros en el pasado. El nfasis se hace en si se ha
efectuado o no la accin, y no en cundo ocurri: Ya he grabado un CD
Usamos el pasado simple para dar informacin especfica acerca de cundo se efectu una
accin: Grab un CD la semana pasada.
Podemos usar ambos tiempos juntos para mostrar que realizamos una accin y explicar cuando
se hizo: Ya he grabado un CD. Lo grab la semana pasada.

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