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!"##$% ' ( !"#$ &' () *+'( #,'-$ !'./& !#.


1hls lesson seLs up Lhe hlsLorlcal conLexL Lo glve Lhe Lngllsh unlL a purpose and conLexL. 1he hlsLorlcal conLexL ls
World War l (Calllpoll).
ln Lhls sequence you wlll flnd ouL whaL sLudenLs know or do noL know abouL Lhe Loplc. 1hls wlll enable you Lo gulde
and faclllLaLe sLudenLs as Lhey Lune lnLo Lhe Loplc, and Lhere wlll be opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo dlscuss and ask
1he non-flcLlon narraLlve 5lmpsoo ooJ bls uookey by Mark Creenwood wlll be used Lo lnLroduce Lhe unlL. 1hls LexL
ls a plcLure book serles, abouL an exLraordlnary lndlvldual and hls donkey, famous for Lhelr acLs of bravery and
aldlng soldlers durlng World War l.

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 70 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+5-*+$%
Whole class Leacher led lesson
SLudenLs work ln palrs
9$87# *":*; 'Slmpson and hls uonkey' by Mark Creenwood.
6<= charL (See Appendlx 1)
SLlcky noLes
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
Caln knowledge on evenLs LhaL Look place durlng Lhe llrsL World War.
8esearch a person of lnLeresL on Lhe lnLerneL.
undersLand how lmages conLrlbuLe Lo Lhelr undersLandlng of verbal lnformaLlon ln a facLual LexL.
arLlclpaLe and conLrlbuLe Lo class dlscusslons abouL Lhe Loplc.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 9#+3-#3) 6 2:;.)554+3 #+& &)<)/';4+3 4&)#5 6 =>29=?@AB
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lJeotlfy ooJ explolo bow ooolytlcol lmoqes llke flqotes, tobles, Jloqtoms, mops ooJ qtopbs coottlbote
to oot ooJetstooJloq of vetbol lofotmotloo lo foctool ooJ petsooslve texts.
2/#,'.#$4'+E obsetvloq bow sepoeotlol eveots coo be tepteseoteJ vlsoolly by o setles of lmoqes, locloJloq comlc sttlps,
tlmelloes, pboto stotles, ptoceJote Jloqtoms ooJ flowcbotts, llfe-cycle Jloqtoms, ooJ tbe flow of lmoqes lo plctote books.

2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 0+$).#D$4+3 (4$" '$").5 6 =>297?GHI
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lottlclpote lo ooJ coottlbote to Jlscossloos, clotlfyloq ooJ lotettoqotloq lJeos, Jeveloploq ooJ
soppottloq otqomeots, sbotloq ooJ evolootloq lofotmotloo, expetleoces ooJ oploloos.
2/#,'.#$4'+E osloq sttoteqles, fot exomple poosloq, poestlooloq, tepbtosloq, tepeotloq, sommotlsloq, tevlewloq ooJ oskloq
clotlfyloq poestloos.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 l.), (LS 6 lll.), (LS 6 v.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.), (v8 6 vlll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; A"**+%4 *H" #8"%" (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
Show sLudenLs Lhe focus LexL (5lmpsoo ooJ bls uookey by Mark Creenwood) and predlcL whaL lL may be abouL by looklng
aL Lhe cover. ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs LhaL we are golng Lo focus on evenLs LhaL happened durlng World War l and explore
varlous memorable characLers from Lhls evenL.
A*"G I; 6"@+"B G2+$2 C%$B1".4" J6<= 8H-2*K (approx. 20 mlnuLes)
uo a 6<= 8H-2* wlLh Lhe sLudenLs. (lf Lhey do noL know whaL lL ls, brlefly explaln Lhe reasons for dolng Lhls - Lhls ls Lo
be dlsplayed ln Lhe classroom durlng Lhe course of Lhe unlL). ln palrs or small groups, sLudenLs use sLlcky noLes Lo
record whaL Lhey know abouL Lhe evenLs LhaL occurred durlng Lhe llrsL World War (l.e. AnZACS ln Calllpoll, nurses).

Ask quesLlons ln order for sLudenLs Lo revlew Lhelr prlor knowledge (wrlLe quesLlons on Lhe board lf necessary)
2:#K;/) O-)5$4'+5E wbot boppeoeJ Jotloq tbls wotlJ wot l? - wbo wos lovolveJ? - uo yoo koow of ooy
memotoble loJlvlJools of tbls wot? - wbete JlJ lt toke ploce?
Share knowledge wlLh sLudenLs abouL cerLaln evenLs and people LhaL were parL of Lhls war. (lnLroduce !ohn Slmpson
klrkpaLrlck and brlefly dlscuss whaL he dld Lo be remembered Lo Lhls day).
A*"G L; F%*2$.78" M$87# *":* (approx. 30 mlnuLes)
N"M$2" 2"-.+%4
CaLher sLudenLs on Lhe floor Lo begln readlng Lhe LexL (5lmpsoo ooJ bls Jookey).
redlcL whaL Lhe sLory wlll be abouL by looklng aL Lhe cover of Lhe LexL.

O72+%4 2"-.+%4
<#C #*7."%*# *$ *H+%C ->$7*;
now tbls book ls sttoctoteJ.
Ask stoJeots lf tbey tblok tbe book speoks of ttoe eveots.
wbot Jo tbe lllosttotloos oJJ to tbls occooot of 5lmpsoo ooJ bls Jookeys octloos?
now tbe ootbot qlves Jetolls of tbe cbotoctet ooJ settloq lo tbe book.
wbose petspectlve ls tbe fovooteJ ooe sbowo tbtooqboot tbls book?
<M*"2 2"-.+%4
O+#87## B+*H *H" 81-##;
now tbls book ls sttoctoteJ (explaln LhaL Lhls ls a nonflcLlon narraLlve)
wbose petspectlve JomlooteJ tbls vetsloo of tbe eveots tbot took ploce?
wbo wos tbe molo cbotoctet of tbls text?
wbot looqooqe feototes belpeJ tbe tecooot bolJ yoot lotetest? (e.q. oooo ooJ vetb qtoops, oJvetbs, oJvetb
qtoops, cobeslve Jevlces. Also bow plctotes oJJeJ meooloq to tbe tecooot, etc.)
A*"G P; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 13 mlnuLes)
6"@+"B+%4 BH-* B" H-@" 1"-2%*Q Ask sLudenLs Lo work ln palrs Lo add lnformaLlon Lhey have learnL onLo Lhe 8An
<#C #*7."%*# Lo Lhlnk abouL a memorable person LhaL Look parL ln Lhe llrsL World War (e.g. AnZAC soldler, nurses,
6"#"-28H; Allow sLudenLs Llme on a dlglLal devlce Lo carry ouL research of memorable lndlvlduals LhaL Look parL ln
Lhe war. 1hey can flnd a llsL of people on Lhe followlng webslLes:
hLLp:// hLLp://
AddlLlonally, Lhey can flnd Lhls lnformaLlon ln books abouL World War l heroes, AnZACS (1hese need Lo be provlded
by Lhe Leacher).


9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 6eadlng and <nalyslng =onflcLlon (6<=) SLraLegy

lor more lnformaLlon abouL 8An charLs: hLLp:// (Melser, 2009).

A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs sLruggllng readers (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).

!"##$% I ( 2:;/'.4+3 # ,4'3.#;"FE !"' (#5 P'"+ L4K;5'+ M4.*;#$.4D*1

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs wlll examlne a blography of Lhe maln characLer of 5lmpsoo ooJ bls Jookey (!ohn Slmpson
klrkpaLrlck) Lo ldenLlfy how language feaLures, lmages and vocabulary are used by dlfferenL auLhors Lo represenL
ldeas, characLers and evenLs (Lhls wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh lnformaLlon for Lhelr flrsL assessmenL plece for Lhls
SLudenLs wlll explore essenLlal lnformaLlon abouL how Lo wrlLe Lhelr own non-flcLlon narraLlve- whlch wlll be parL of
Lhelr second assessmenL for Lhls unlL.
SLudenLs wlll explore Lhe blography of !ohn Slmpson klrkpaLrlck, whlch wlll be lnLroduced durlng Lhls lesson. 1hls
wlll provlde addlLlonal hlsLorlcal background lnformaLlon for Lhe unlL. SLudenLs wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo look aL
boLh lnformaLlonal LexLs, and dlscuss Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL was or was noL lncluded ln Lhe nonflcLlon narraLlve.

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 70 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+5-*+$%
Whole class Leacher led lesson
SLudenLs work ln palrs or small
9$87# *":*; 'Slmpson and hls uonkey' by Mark Creenwood.
<..+*+$%-1 *":*; Iobo 5lmpsoo kltkpottlck bloqtopby (See
appendlx 2)
6<= charL and sLlcky noLes
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
undersLand LhaL blographles glve an accounL of a person's llfe and achlevemenLs.
Lxplore blographles and nonflcLlon narraLlve and dlscuss Lhelr slmllarlLles and dlfferences.
Choose one noLable person Lhey would llke Lo learn more abouL.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#$-.) 6 Q)5;'+&4+3 $' /4$).#$-.) 6 =>29R?8?B
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E Aoolyse ooJ evoloote slmllotltles ooJ Jlffeteoces lo texts oo slmllot toplcs, tbemes ot plots.
2/#,'.#$4'+E explotloq texts oo o slmllot toplc by ootbots wltb vety Jlffeteot styles, fot exomple compotloq footosy poest
oovels ot teollstlc oovels oo o speclflc tbeme, lJeotlfyloq Jlffeteoces lo tbe ose of oottotot, oottotlve sttoctote ooJ volce ooJ
looqooqe style ooJ teqlstet.
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 0+$).;.)$4+3S #+#/FT4+3S )<#/-#$4+3 6 =>297?G??
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E Aoolyse bow text sttoctotes ooJ looqooqe feototes wotk toqetbet to meet tbe potpose of o text.
2/#,'.#$4'+E compotloq tbe sttoctotes ooJ feototes of Jlffeteot texts, locloJloq ptlot ooJ Jlqltol sootces oo slmllot toplcs, ooJ
evolootloq wblcb feototes best olJ oovlqotloo ooJ cleot commoolcotloo oboot tbe toplc.
J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 l.), (LS 6 lll.), (LS 6 v.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.), (v8 6 lv.), (v8 6 vlll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; 6"@+"B G2"@+$7# 1"##$% (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey dld durlng Lhe lasL lesson.
rovlde an overvlew of whaL Lhey are golng Lo learn durlng Loday's lesson.

A*"G I; AH-2" G2+$2 C%$B1".4" $M +%M$2,-*+$% *":*# (approx. 20 mlnuLes)
8evlew whaL Lhese LexLs are.
ulscuss dlfferenL Lypes (e.g. nonflcLlon narraLlves, blographles, recounLs, eLc.). Ask sLudenLs lf Lhey know whaL Lhey are
(sLudenLs should know as Lhe focus LexL ls a nonflcLlon narraLlve - Lhls was brlefly menLloned durlng Lhe flrsL lesson).
8rlefly explaln Lo sLudenLs whaL nonflcLlon narraLlves are: 1be potpose of oooflctloo oottotlves (olso koowo os cteotlve ooo-flctloo
texts) ls to lofotm ooJ eJocote teoJets of ttoe eveots tbot bove tokeo ploce. lt ls tbe some os o blstotlcol text, os lt pteseots focts, cooses ooJ
effects, ooJ slqolflcooce. nowevet cteotlve ooo-flctloo texts olso oJJ oottotlve, locloJloq stotytellloq, Jloloqoe, settloq ooJ cbotoctet (nooJ,

Lnsure everyone ls aware LhaL Lhe focus LexL ls a non-flcLlon narraLlve, whlch has lncluded plcLures of Lhe evenLs LhaL
Look place Lo provlde Lhe reader wlLh facLual lnformaLlon abouL !ohn k. Slmpson and hls donkey.

A*"G L; F%*2$.78" >+$42-GHE ->$7* T$H% A+,G#$% U+2CG-*2+8C (approx. 20 mlnuLes)
F%."G"%."%* 2"-.+%4; Allow sLudenLs Lo read Lhe blography lndlvldually (See appendlx 2).
VH$1" 81-## .+#87##+$%; ulscuss any new lnformaLlon Lhey may have acqulred from readlng Lhe blography (make noLe
of Lhese on Lhe board as sLudenLs volunLeer Lhelr answers).
F% G-+2# allow sLudenLs Lo dlscuss why Lhey Lhlnk Lhe auLhor omlLLed cerLaln lnformaLlon ln Lhe non-flcLlon narraLlve.
(rovlde Lhem wlLh Lhe focus LexL so Lhey can revlew lL Lo answer any querles).
Ask sLudenLs Lo volunLeer Lhelr responses.

A*"G P; ):G1+8+* *"-8H+%4; Lxplaln Lhe dlfference beLween a nonflcLlon narraLlve and a blography (approx. 20 mlnuLes)
ConLenL lnformaLlon can be found here: hLLp://
A*"G W; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
<#C #*7."%*# *$ B$2C +% G-+2# *$ -.. ,$2" +%M$2,-*+$% *$ *H" 81-## 6<= 8H-2*X ulscuss Lhe new lnformaLlon Lhey have
R$,"B$2C; lor Lhe nexL lesson, sLudenLs need Lo brlng Lo class Lhe name of a memorable person, cerLaln evenLs
whlch he ls known for, and why Lhey have chosen LhaL parLlcular person. 1hey can flnd a llsL of people on Lhe followlng
webslLes: hLLp:// hLLp://

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 8evlew 8An charL Lo see whaL new lnformaLlon sLudenLs have added.
A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l.
A7GG$2* #*27441+%4 2"-."2# -%. )<!SO #*7."%*#; rovlde supporL durlng lndlvldual readlng Llme. Lnsure Lhey
undersLand cerLaln concepLs/vocabulary.

!"##$% L ( 2:;/'.4+3 U4'3.#;"4)5

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs wlll explore ln more depLh some blographles chosen by Lhe Leacher, leadlng Lhem Lo galn
knowledge of how Lo wrlLe one. SLudenLs wlll be requlred Lo wrlLe a blography skeLch as Lhelr flrsL assessmenL plece.
(SLudenLs wlll have already learnL abouL blographles ln prevlous years, so Lhls ls a revlew lesson Lo ensure each sLudenL knows
abouL blographles and how Lo wrlLe one).
1hrough expllclL Leachlng and research sLudenLs wlll be provlded wlLh opporLunlLles Lo explore a range of
blographles ln order Lo undersLand how Lhey are consLrucLed Lo convey lnformaLlon abouL a person's llfe and
experlences (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).

AL Lhe end of Lhe lesson, sLudenLs wlll be glven an opporLunlLy Lo lndlvldually carry ouL research on Lhelr person of
lnLeresL ln order Lo begln a blography skeLch durlng lesson 4.

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 70 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+5-*+$%
Whole class Leacher led lesson
SLudenLs work ln palrs
SLudenLs have an opporLunlLy Lo
work lndlvldually
6<= charL dlsplayed ln class and sLlcky noLes
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
Access Lo Lhe lnLerneL
varlous blographles
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
undersLand LhaL blographles glve an accounL of a person's llfe and achlevemenLs.
Lxplore several dlfferenL Lypes of blographles.
Choose one noLable person Lhey would llke Lo learn more abouL.
use wrlLLen and lnLerneL resources Lo research one person.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 0+$).;.)$4+3S #+#/FT4+3S )<#/-#$4+3 6 =>297?G?A
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+. 5elect, oovlqote ooJ teoJ texts fot o tooqe of potposes, opplyloq opptoptlote text ptocessloq sttoteqles
ooJ lotetptetloq sttoctotol feototes, fot exomple toble of cooteots, qlossoty, cboptets, beoJloqs ooJ sobbeoJloqs.
2/#,'.#$4'+E osloq teseotcb skllls locloJloq lJeotlfyloq teseotcb potpose, locotloq texts, qotbetloq ooJ otqoolsloq lofotmotloo,
evolootloq ooJ osloq lofotmotloo.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 lll.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; 6"@+"B BH-* B" H-@" 1"-2%* #$ M-2 (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey dld durlng Lhe lasL lesson.
rovlde an overvlew of whaL Lhey are golng Lo learn durlng Loday's lesson.

A*"G I; ):G1+8+* *"-8H+%4; N+$42-GHE (approx. 30 mlnuLes)
WrlLe Lhe deflnlLlon of blography on Lhe board and ask sLudenLs Lo dlscuss ln palrs or small groups whaL lL means. (A
wtltteo occooot of someooe's llfe). AfLer a few mlnuLes ask sLudenLs Lo volunLeer Lhelr answers.
Lxplaln / Leach whaL blographles are Lo sLudenLs. A blography conveys lnformaLlon abouL a person's llfe and
experlences (lllnL eL. al. 2014). Common feaLures: chronologlcal organlsaLlon, explanaLlon of lmporLance of a person's
llfe, narraLlves LhaL descrlbe llfe evenLs (lllnL, eL. al., 2014).
rovlde an example blography (you can use Lhe one from Lhe prevlous lesson abouL Iobo 5lmpsoo kltkpottlck). And
dlscuss whaL lmporLanL lnformaLlon was lncluded ln Lhe blography.
1alk abouL blography skeLches. lnform sLudenLs Lhey wlll be creaLlng a blography skeLch of a person Lhey choose LhaL
Look parL ln WWl.

A*"G L; V2+*+%4 B+*H B2+*"2# (approx. 30 mlnuLes)
SLudenLs work ln palrs or small groups (maxlmum of 4 sLudenLs). 1hey need compuLers or lapLops - Lhey need Lo go Lo
Lhe followlng webpage: hLLp://
Culde sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe program. 1hey musL read Lhe lnformaLlon on Lhe 8loqtopby wtltloq nome secLlon. 1hen
Lhey cllck stott.
SLudenLs musL read Lhe 8loqtopblcol 5ketcb of lteJtlck uooqloss and make a llsL wlLh a parLner of Lhe Lypes of Lhlngs
LhaL were lncluded ln Lhe blography (e.g. daLe and place of blrLh, achlevemenLs, lmporLanL evenLs, eLc.). Ask sLudenLs
Lo volunLeer Lhelr responses and wrlLe Lhem on Lhe board. (1hey do noL need Lo provlde Lhe speclflc lnformaLlon
regardlng Lhe person Lhe blography ls abouL, Lhey [usL need Lo say whaL klnds of Lhlngs a blography lncludes).
AfLer compleLlng Lhe llsL, ask sLudenLs Lo look aL Lhe second drafL and dlscuss how lL was lmproved.

N2-+%#*$2,+%4; (lgnore sLep 2) Ask sLudenLs Lo bralnsLorm a person of lnLeresL from WWl. 1hey need Lo:
'X A"1"8* - G"2#$% $M +%*"2"#* M2$, VVFX
IX 6"#"-28H *H"+2 >+$42-GHE (hLLp://
LX Y2+%* *H" >+$42-GHE (ask Leacher Lo prlnL lL)

A*"G P; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
<#C #*7."%*# *$ B$2C +% G-+2# *$ -.. ,$2" +%M$2,-*+$% *$ *H" 81-## 6<= 8H-2*X ulscuss Lhe new lnformaLlon Lhey have
learnL so far.
!$$C -* *H" ,",$2->1" +%.+@+.7-1# #*7."%*# H-@" 8H$#"% ( JG2+%*". >+$42-GH+"#KX (CollecL Lhese from sLudenLs. 1hey
need Lo be approved before nexL lesson. 1hey need Lo relaLe Lo Lhe hlsLorlcal Loplc).

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 8evlew 8An charL Lo see whaL new lnformaLlon sLudenLs have added.
A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs #*27441+%4 2"-."2# (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).
1each wlLh a varled selecLlon of books and oLher readlng maLerlals, aL dlfferenL dlfflculLy levesl (1ompklns, Campbell
and Creen, 2012).

!"##$% P ( Q)5)#.D" V W/#+E U4'3.#;"F L*)$D"

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs begln researchlng and plannlng Lhe blography skeLches of Lhelr chosen person of
lnLeresL (whlch have been approved by Lhe Leacher). /H+# +# G-2* $M <##"##,"%* 'X

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 90 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+5-*+$%
SLudenLs work lndlvldually (Lhey
have opporLunlLles Lo aLLaln
supporL from Lhe Leacher)
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
Access Lo Lhe lnLerneL
1helr lndlvldual blographles and hlghllghLers
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
WrlLe Lhelr own blography skeLch of a person of Lhelr chooslng.
use wrlLLen and lnLerneL resources Lo research one person.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 0+$).;.)$4+3S #+#/FT4+3S )<#/-#$4+3 6 =>297?G?A
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+. 5elect, oovlqote ooJ teoJ texts fot o tooqe of potposes, opplyloq opptoptlote text ptocessloq sttoteqles
ooJ lotetptetloq sttoctotol feototes, fot exomple toble of cooteots, qlossoty, cboptets, beoJloqs ooJ sobbeoJloqs.
2/#,'.#$4'+E osloq teseotcb skllls locloJloq lJeotlfyloq teseotcb potpose, locotloq texts, qotbetloq ooJ otqoolsloq lofotmotloo,
evolootloq ooJ osloq lofotmotloo.

2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6>.)#$4+3 R):$5 6 =>297?G?B

>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lloo, Jtoft ooJ pobllsb lmoqlootlve, lofotmotlve ooJ petsooslve texts, cboosloq ooJ expetlmeotloq wltb
text sttoctotes, looqooqe feototes, lmoqes ooJ Jlqltol tesootces opptoptlote to potpose ooJ ooJleoce.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 lll.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; 6"@+"B BH-* B" H-@" 1"-2%* #$ M-2 (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
8evlew 8An charL wlLh sLudenLs.
rovlde an overvlew of whaL Lhey are golng Lo learn durlng Loday's lesson. Maln focus wlll be on assessmenL, however
Leacher wlll provlde supporL Lo sLudenLs ln wrlLlng Lhelr flrsL blography skeLch drafL.

A*"G I; 6"@+"B BH-* - >+$42-GHE #C"*8H +# (approx. 10 mlnuLes)
Lnsure all sLudenLs know whaL a blography skeLch ls so Lhey can compleLe Lhelr plannlng and assessmenL.

A*"G L; <##"##,"%* ' JY-2* 'K D7"#*+$% -%. 6"#"-28H (approx. 33 mlnuLes)
SLudenLs wlll be glven back Lhelr prlnLed blographles from lasL lesson.
1hey need Lo hlghllghL Lhe lmporLanL lnformaLlon Lhey wanL Lo lnclude ln Lhelr skeLch.
1hen, Lhey can carry ouL furLher research on Lhe lnLerneL.
1hey need Lo come up wlLh a llsL of facLs.
lace Lhe followlng prompLlng quesLlons on Lhe board Lo help sLudenLs geL sLarLed:
wbete wos tbls petsoo boto? lo wbot yeot?
wbete JlJ tbls petsoo qtow op?
wbot JlJ tbls petsoo Jo fot o llvloq?
wby ls tbls petsoo fomoos? wbot JlJ tbls petsoo Jo to become fomoos?
now bos tbls petsoo moJe oo lmpoct oo otbets' llves?
Lncourage sLudenLs Lo come up wlLh Lhelr own quesLlons abouL whaL Lhey wanL Lo know abouL Lhelr person.
8esearch and flnd answers Lo Lhe quesLlons.
(varlous sources can be used Lo flnd lnformaLlon, e.g. lnLerneL, books, an encyclopedla, arLlcles, lnLervlews,
documenLarles, or oLher sources).

A*"G P; <##"##,"%* ' JY-2* IK Y1-% (approx. 33 mlnuLes)
now LhaL sLudenLs have a llsL of facLs, Lhey can begln Lo plan Lhelr blographlcal skeLch.
SLudenLs need Lo revlew Lhelr noLes and choose one lnLeresLlng facL or sLory Lhey dlscovered abouL Lhelr person.
1o supporL sLudenLs, Lhey can revlew Lhe dlglLal program Lhey used durlng Lhe prevlous lesson:

SLudenLs can also use dlfferenL graphlc organlsers Lo organlse Lhelr lnformaLlon.
(An example ls found on Lhe followlng llnk:
heck=false&no=48 - lf preferred Leacher can choose Lhe mosL approprlaLe one and glve Lhese Lo sLudenLs).

A*"G W; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
O+#87##; wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey have done, whaL Lhey have found challenglng and whaL was easler.

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 8evlew 8An charL Lo see whaL new lnformaLlon sLudenLs have added.
A7,,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( AssessmenL plece 1 (urafL 1)

A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l. 1hey can begln Lo wrlLe Lhelr blography skeLch lf Lhey have flnlshed plannlng.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs #*27441+%4 2"-."2# (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).
Cffer cholce - onllne resoures LhaL caLer Lo Lhe vlsual-spaLlal learners (Woolfolk and MargeLLs, 2010).

!"##$% W ( R4K)/4+)5

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs wlll galn an undersLandlng of how creaLlng a Llmellne can help Lhem organlse
cerLaln lnformaLlon when wrlLlng a blography skeLch or nonflcLlon narraLlve. SLudenLs wlll have
opporLunlLles Lo explore and creaLe Llmellnes Lo help Lhem wlLh assessmenL 1.

1hls lesson wlll supporL sLudenLs for boLh assessmenLs of Lhls unlL.


)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 70 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+#-*+$%
Whole class Leacher led lesson
SLudenLs work ln palrs
SLudenLs have an opporLunlLy Lo
work lndlvldually
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
Access Lo Lhe lnLerneL
1lmellne resource sheeL (See appendlx 3)
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
explore and learn abouL dlfferenL Llmellnes.
creaLe Lhelr own Llmellnes ln order Lo organlse Lhelr lnformaLlon for assessmenL 1.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 0+$).;.)$4+3S #+#/FT4+3S )<#/-#$4+3 6 =>297?G?A
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+. 5elect, oovlqote ooJ teoJ texts fot o tooqe of potposes, opplyloq opptoptlote text ptocessloq sttoteqles
ooJ lotetptetloq sttoctotol feototes, fot exomple toble of cooteots, qlossoty, cboptets, beoJloqs ooJ sobbeoJloqs.
2/#,'.#$4'+E osloq teseotcb skllls locloJloq lJeotlfyloq teseotcb potpose, locotloq texts, qotbetloq ooJ otqoolsloq lofotmotloo,
evolootloq ooJ osloq lofotmotloo.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 lll.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; 6"@+"B BH-* B" H-@" 1"-2%* #$ M-2 (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
8evlew 8An charL wlLh sLudenLs.
rovlde an overvlew of whaL Lhey are golng Lo learn durlng Loday's lesson. 1oday sLudenLs wlll have opporLunlLles Lo
explore and creaLe a Llmellne of Lhe llfe of Lhelr person of lnLeresL.

A*"G I; Y2$@+." #*7."%*# B+*H - *+,"1+%" $M "@"%*# (approx. 23 mlnuLes)
SLudenLs wlll be shown a Llmellne example. 1hls example wlll be of maln evenLs of World War l, whlch wlll provlde
sLudenLs wlLh background lnformaLlon of whaL was occurrlng durlng LhaL Llme. (1hls can provlde sLudenLs wlLh varlous
perspecLlves, whlch may alLer Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey provlde ln Lhe blography skeLch).
1lmellne found on: hLLp://

Allow sLudenLs Lo work LogeLher Lo sklm Lhrough Lhe lnformaLlon.
ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs whaL was lncluded ln Lhe Llmellne.
Lxplaln and demonsLraLe how Lo creaLe a Llmellne of a persons llfe.
Ask sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk of how a Llmellne may supporL Lhem ln Lhelr assessmenL 1.

A*"G L; 02"-*" - *+,"1+%" M$2 E$72 G"2#$% $M +%*"2"#* (approx. 30 mlnuLes)
rovlde sLudenLs wlLh Lhe Llmellne LemplaLe (See appendlx 3).
SLudenLs need Lo flll ouL Lhe LemplaLe wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey researched ln Lhe prevlous lesson.
SLudenLs need Lo carry ouL Lhls acLlvlLy lndlvldually, Leacher provldes exLra supporL Lo sLruggllng sLudenLs.

1here ls an opLlon for sLudenLs Lo do Lhls on an lad or lapLop/compuLer - 1he app can be found here:

A*"G P; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 10 mlnuLes)
O+#87##; wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey have done, whaL Lhey have found challenglng and whaL was easler.
Ask sLudenLs lf Lhey would creaLe a Llmellne for any oLher reason (e.g. Lhelr own llfe, or llfe of a famlly member, eLc.)

6"@+"B 6<= 8H-2*X SLudenLs can provlde addlLlonal lnformaLlon.

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 8evlew 8An charL Lo see whaL new lnformaLlon sLudenLs have added.
9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 1lmellne LemplaLes.

A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs sLruggllng readers (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).

!"##$% Z ( !.4$)E U4'3.#;"F L*)$D"

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs wlll begln wrlLlng Lhe blography skeLches of Lhelr chosen person of lnLeresL.
1hey wlll use Lhelr plans, Llmellnes and research Lhey have gaLhered over Lhe prevlous Lwo lessons.

/H+# +# G-2* $M <##"##,"%* 'X A rubrlc has been added Lo mark Lhls plece of assessmenL (See appendlx 4).

[A*7."%*# ,-E 2"\7+2" ,$2" *+," *$ 8$,G1"*" *H+# -##"##,"%* G+"8"X F* ,-E 27% $@"2 - #"2+"# $M 1"##$%#X

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 90 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+#-*+$%
SLudenLs work lndlvldually Lo
compleLe Lhelr 1
plece of
1helr lndlvldual blographles and hlghllghLers
SLudenLs researched lnformaLlon (Llmellnes, blographles, eLc).
AssessmenL paper, penclls, eLc.
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
WrlLe Lhelr own blography skeLch of a person of Lhelr chooslng (assessmenL 1).

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#

2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6>.)#$4+3 R):$5 6 =>297?G?B

>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lloo, Jtoft ooJ pobllsb lmoqlootlve, lofotmotlve ooJ petsooslve texts, cboosloq ooJ expetlmeotloq wltb
text sttoctotes, looqooqe feototes, lmoqes ooJ Jlqltol tesootces opptoptlote to potpose ooJ ooJleoce.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (WC 6 ll.), (WC 6 lll.), (WC 6 lx.).

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#

A*"G '; <##"##,"%* ' ( !.4$) # ,4'3.#;"4D#/ 5*)$D" (60 mlnuLes)
SLudenLs need Lo work lndlvldually Lo compleLe Lhelr assessmenL plece.
1hey can use Lhelr research (blographles, Llmellnes, graphlc organlsers - for supporL).

A*"G I; Y""2 -##"##,"%* (20 mlnuLes)
WlLh Leacher guldance, sLudenLs wlll have opporLunlLles Lo provlde peer feedback on a parLners assessmenL plece.

A*"G L; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 10 mlnuLes)
ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey have done, whaL Lhey have found challenglng and whaL was easler.
ulscuss whaL Lhey have learnL
Ask Lhem Lo volunLeer Lhelr oplnlons on Lhe assessmenL.

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( ulscusslng whaL Lhey have learnL aL Lhe end of Lhe lesson.
A7,,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( AssessmenL plece 1 (urafL 1) Cn compleLlon, Lhls plece of assessmenL wlll be marked by Leacher
followlng Lhe 8ubrlc for AssessmenL 1 (See appendlx 4).
<##"##,"%* #5 1"-2%+%4; eer feedback.

A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l. 1hey can begln Lo wrlLe Lhelr blography skeLch lf Lhey have flnlshed plannlng.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs #*27441+%4 2"-."2# (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).
rovlde sLruggllng sLudenLs wlLh more Llme lf necessary.

!"##$% ] ( 2:;/'.4+3 X'+Y4D$4'+ +#..#$4<)5E Z[))$ $") =X\=>L]

1hls lesson provldes addlLlonal hlsLorlcal background knowledge abouL WWl. 1hls wlll be achleved Lhrough
lnLroduclng sLudenLs Lo Lhe LexL Meet tbe AN2Ac5 by Clalre Saxby.
SLudenLs wlll explore Lhls nonflcLlon narraLlve alongslde Lhe focus LexL ln order Lo recognlse Lhe slmllarlLles ln
language feaLures LhaL have been used Lo creaLe meanlng.

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 70 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+5-*+$%
Whole class Leacher led lesson
SLudenLs work ln palrs
<..+*+$%-1 *":*; 'Meet tbe AN2Ac5 by Clalre Saxby.
6<= charL & sLlcky noLes.
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
8ulld on Lhelr knowledge abouL evenLs whlch Look place durlng Lhe llrsL World War.
undersLand how lmages conLrlbuLe Lo Lhelr undersLandlng of verbal lnformaLlon ln a facLual LexL.
arLlclpaLe and conLrlbuLe Lo class dlscusslons abouL Lhe Loplc.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 9#+3-#3) 6 2:;.)554+3 #+& &)<)/';4+3 4&)#5 6 =>29=?@AB
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lJeotlfy ooJ explolo bow ooolytlcol lmoqes llke flqotes, tobles, Jloqtoms, mops ooJ qtopbs coottlbote
to oot ooJetstooJloq of vetbol lofotmotloo lo foctool ooJ petsooslve texts.
2/#,'.#$4'+E obsetvloq bow sepoeotlol eveots coo be tepteseoteJ vlsoolly by o setles of lmoqes, locloJloq comlc sttlps,
tlmelloes, pboto stotles, ptoceJote Jloqtoms ooJ flowcbotts, llfe-cycle Jloqtoms, ooJ tbe flow of lmoqes lo plctote books.

2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 0+$).#D$4+3 (4$" '$").5 6 =>297?GHI
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lottlclpote lo ooJ coottlbote to Jlscossloos, clotlfyloq ooJ lotettoqotloq lJeos, Jeveloploq ooJ
soppottloq otqomeots, sbotloq ooJ evolootloq lofotmotloo, expetleoces ooJ oploloos.
2/#,'.#$4'+E osloq sttoteqles, fot exomple poosloq, poestlooloq, tepbtosloq, tepeotloq, sommotlsloq, tevlewloq ooJ oskloq
clotlfyloq poestloos.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 l.), (LS 6 lll.), (LS 6 v.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.), (v8 6 vlll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
*(Lhls lesson follows a slmllar sLrucLure Lo lesson 1 when Lhe seL LexL was lnLroduced)

A*"G '; 6"@+"B -%. .+#87## 1"-2%+%4 (approx. 13 mlnuLes)
As a whole class, revlew Lhe 8An charL and dlscuss whaL we have learnL so far.
rovlde an overvlew of Loday's lesson. 1he focus wlll be on exLendlng our knowledge of WWl by lnLroduclng Lhe LexL
Meet tbe AN2Ac5 by Clalre Saxby.
Ask sLudenLs whaL Lhey have learnL so far abouL Lhe Loplc. Share ldeas/knowledge.
Show sLudenLs Lhe new LexL and predlcL whaL lL may be abouL by looklng aL Lhe cover.
rovlde brlef overvlew of whaL Lhe book ls abouL before readlng lL Lo sLudenLs.

A*"G I; F%*2$.78" *":* Meet tbe AN2Ac5 by Clalre Saxby (approx. 40 mlnuLes)
N"M$2" 2"-.+%4
CaLher sLudenLs on Lhe floor Lo begln readlng Lhe LexL (Meet tbe AN2Ac5).
redlcL whaL Lhe sLory wlll be abouL by looklng aL Lhe cover of Lhe LexL.

O72+%4 2"-.+%4
<#C #*7."%*# *$ *H+%C ->$7*;
now tbls book ls sttoctoteJ.
Ask stoJeots lf tbey tblok tbe book speoks of ttoe eveots.
wbot Jo tbe lllosttotloos oJJ to tbls occooot of 5lmpsoo ooJ bls Jookeys octloos?
now tbe ootbot qlves Jetolls of tbe cbotoctet ooJ settloq lo tbe book.
wbose petspectlve ls tbe fovooteJ ooe sbowo tbtooqboot tbls book?
<M*"2 2"-.+%4
O+#87## B+*H *H" 81-##;
now tbls book ls sttoctoteJ (explaln LhaL Lhls ls a nonflcLlon narraLlve)
wbose petspectlve JomlooteJ tbls vetsloo of tbe eveots tbot took ploce?
wbo wos/wete tbe molo cbotoctet/s of tbls text?
wbot looqooqe feototes belpeJ tbe tecooot bolJ yoot lotetest? (e.q. oooo ooJ vetb qtoops, oJvetbs, oJvetb
qtoops, cobeslve Jevlces. Also bow plctotes oJJeJ meooloq to tbe tecooot, etc.)
A*"G L; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 13 mlnuLes)
6"@+"B+%4 BH-* B" H-@" 1"-2%*Q Ask sLudenLs Lo work ln palrs Lo add lnformaLlon Lhey have learnL onLo Lhe 8An
charL. (1hls lesson lnLroduces more background knowledge for Lhe hlsLorlcal conLexL of Lhls unlL).
<#C #*7."%*# Lo Lhlnk abouL how Lhelr person of lnLeresL may have felL ln Lhe slLuaLlons Lalked abouL LhroughouL Lhls
LexL (Lhls can provlde sLudenLs wlLh a background Lo form Lhe basls of Lhelr nonflcLlon narraLlve - assessmenL 2).

6"#"-28H; Allow sLudenLs Llme on a dlglLal devlce Lo carry ouL research of evenLs LhaL Look place ln WWl, speclflcally
surroundlng Lhelr person of lnLeresL.

(useful webslLes Lo gaLher lnformaLlon):

AddlLlonally, Lhey can flnd Lhls lnformaLlon ln books abouL World War l heroes, AnZACS (1hese need Lo be provlded
by Lhe Leacher).


9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 6eadlng and <nalyslng =onflcLlon (6<=) SLraLegy

lor more lnformaLlon abouL 8An charLs: hLLp:// (Melser, 2009).

A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs sLruggllng readers (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).

!"##$% ^ ( 9#+3-#3) Y)#$-.)5 $' K#*) K)#+4+3

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs wlll examlne boLh nonflcLlon narraLlves LhaL have been lnLroduced ln Lhls unlL. 1hey wlll
compare and conLrasL boLh LexLs ln order Lo ldenLlfy how language feaLures, lmages and vocabulary are used by
dlfferenL auLhors Lo represenL ldeas, characLers and evenLs ln order Lo convey meanlng and lnform readers (Lhls wlll
provlde sLudenLs wlLh lnformaLlon for Lhelr second assessmenL plece for Lhls unlL).

SLudenLs wlll explore essenLlal lnformaLlon abouL how Lo wrlLe Lhelr own non-flcLlon narraLlve.

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 70 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+5-*+$%
Whole class Leacher led lesson
SLudenLs work ln palrs
SLudenLs have an opporLunlLy Lo
work lndlvldually
9$87# *":*; 'Slmpson and hls uonkey' by Mark Creenwood.
<..+*+$%-1 *":*; Meet tbe AN2Ac5 by Clalre Saxby.
6<= charL and sLlcky noLes
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
Lxplore Lwo nonflcLlon narraLlves.
furLher undersLandlngs of language feaLures of nonflcLlon narraLlve LexLs.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#$-.) 6 Q)5;'+&4+3 $' /4$).#$-.) 6 =>29R?8?B
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E Aoolyse ooJ evoloote slmllotltles ooJ Jlffeteoces lo texts oo slmllot toplcs, tbemes ot plots.
2/#,'.#$4'+E explotloq texts oo o slmllot toplc by ootbots wltb vety Jlffeteot styles, fot exomple compotloq footosy poest
oovels ot teollstlc oovels oo o speclflc tbeme, lJeotlfyloq Jlffeteoces lo tbe ose of oottotot, oottotlve sttoctote ooJ volce ooJ
looqooqe style ooJ teqlstet.
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 0+$).;.)$4+3S #+#/FT4+3S )<#/-#$4+3 6 =>297?G??
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E Aoolyse bow text sttoctotes ooJ looqooqe feototes wotk toqetbet to meet tbe potpose of o text.
2/#,'.#$4'+E compotloq tbe sttoctotes ooJ feototes of Jlffeteot texts, locloJloq ptlot ooJ Jlqltol sootces oo slmllot toplcs, ooJ
evolootloq wblcb feototes best olJ oovlqotloo ooJ cleot commoolcotloo oboot tbe toplc.
J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 l.), (LS 6 lll.), (LS 6 v.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.), (v8 6 lv.), (v8 6 vlll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; 6"@+"B G2"@+$7# 1"##$% (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey dld durlng Lhe lasL lesson.
rovlde an overvlew of whaL Lhey are golng Lo learn durlng Loday's lesson.

A*"G I; AH-2" G2+$2 C%$B1".4" $M %$%M+8*+$% *":*# (approx. 13 mlnuLes)
8evlew whaL nonflcLlon LexLs are.
1hen, dlscuss nonflcLlon narraLlves. 8evlewlng whaL was brlefly LaughL ln lesson 2 buL explorlng Lhe feaLures more ln
depLh (sLudenLs should know as Lhe focus LexL ls a nonflcLlon narraLlve - Lhls was brlefly menLloned durlng Lhe flrsL
Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs whaL nonflcLlon narraLlves are: 1be potpose of oooflctloo oottotlves (olso koowo os cteotlve ooo-flctloo texts) ls to
lofotm ooJ eJocote teoJets of ttoe eveots tbot bove tokeo ploce. lt ls tbe some os o blstotlcol text, os lt pteseots focts, cooses ooJ effects, ooJ
slqolflcooce. nowevet cteotlve ooo-flctloo texts olso oJJ oottotlve, locloJloq stotytellloq, Jloloqoe, settloq ooJ cbotoctet (nooJ, 2012).
Lnsure everyone ls aware LhaL Lhe focus and Lhe addlLlonal LexLs are non-flcLlon narraLlves, whlch has lncluded
plcLures of Lhe evenLs LhaL Look place Lo provlde Lhe reader wlLh facLual lnformaLlon abouL !ohn k. Slmpson and hls
donkey and Lhe AnZACS.

A*"G L; !+*"2-8E 8+281"# (approx. 20 mlnuLes)
A*7."%*# B+11 B$2C +% #,-11 42$7G# J,-:X P #*7."%*#K Lo carry ouL varlous Lasks relaLlng Lo Lhe 2 nonflcLlon narraLlves
Lhey have explored LhroughouL Lhe unlL.

A*7."%*# ,7#* ":G1$2" >$*H *":*# -%. .+#87##S+."%*+ME;
AuLhor's presence,
1ype of language (descrlpLlve, flguraLlve),
ulscuss Lhe lmages / vlsual lmagery.

ln Lhelr groups, sLudenLs need Lo dlscuss Lhese feaLures and wrlLe down how Lhey have been used ln each LexL. (1hey
can use graphlcal organlsers lf necessary Lo record Lhelr lnformaLlon). 1hls wlll help Lhem for Lhelr second assessmenL
plece, as Lhey wlll be requlred Lo creaLe Lhelr own nonflcLlon narraLlve.

Ask sLudenLs Lo volunLeer Lhelr responses Lo Lhe class. Make noLe of Lhese on Lhe board and encourage sLudenLs Lo
wrlLe Lhem down, so Lhey can come back Lo lL when plannlng Lhelr own nonflcLlon narraLlve.
ulscuss Lhese wlLh sLudenLs. Ask Lhem Lo Lhlnk of whaL Lhey would lnclude ln Lhelr nonflcLlon narraLlve.

A*"G P; ):G1+8+* *"-8H+%4; /H" W 6# $M %$%M+8*+$% %-22-*+@"# J82"-*+@" %$%M+8*+$%K (approx. 20 mlnuLes)
1hls wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh knowledge on creaLlng Lhelr own nonflcLlon narraLlves.
ConLenL lnformaLlon can be found here: hLLp://
A*"G W; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 10 mlnuLes)
O+#87## lesson wlLh sLudenLs. rovlde Llme for sLudenLs Lo ask quesLlons or clarlflcaLlons of Leachlng conLenL.
<#C #*7."%*# *$ B$2C +% G-+2# *$ -.. ,$2" +%M$2,-*+$% *$ *H" 81-## 6<= 8H-2*X ulscuss Lhe new lnformaLlon Lhey have
R$,"B$2C; lor Lhe nexL lesson, ask sLudenLs need Lo brlng Lo class a llsL of Lhlngs Lhey wanL Lo lnclude ln Lhelr
nonflcLlon narraLlves

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 8evlew 8An charL Lo see whaL new lnformaLlon sLudenLs have added.
A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l.
A7GG$2* #*27441+%4 2"-."2# -%. )<!SO #*7."%*#; rovlde supporL durlng lndlvldual readlng Llme. Lnsure Lhey
undersLand cerLaln concepLs/vocabulary.
)<!SO 1"-2%"2# parLlclpaLe ln meanlngful acLlvlLles Lhrough Lhe llLeracy clrcles and Lhey lmprove academlc
achlevemenLs as Lhey are able Lo geL supporL from peers (1ompklns, Campbell and Creen, 2012).

!"##$% _ ( J'( D#+ () -5) +#..#$4<) +'+^Y4D$4'+
$' D'+<)F Y#D$-#/ 4+Y'.K#$4'+ 4+ # D'K;)//4+3 (#F $' $") .)#&).1

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs wlll explore how Lhey can use narraLlve nonflcLlon Lo represenL facLual lnformaLlon abouL
Lhelr person of lnLeresL ln a compelllng way Lo Lhe reader. 1hey wlll begln plannlng Lhelr nonflcLlon narraLlves and
dlscuss Lhelr ldeas wlLh peers.
AL Lhe end of Lhe lesson, sLudenLs wlll be glven an opporLunlLy Lo work lndlvldually on whaL Lhey wanL Lo lnclude ln
Lhelr nonflcLlon narraLlves.

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 80 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+5-*+$%
Whole class Leacher led lesson
SLudenLs work ln palrs
SLudenLs have an opporLunlLy Lo
work lndlvldually
6<= charL dlsplayed ln class and sLlcky noLes
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
Access Lo Lhe lnLerneL
varlous blographles
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
use wrlLLen and lnLerneL resources Lo research one person.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 >.)#$4+3 $):$5 6 =>297?G?G
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E use o tooqe of softwote, locloJloq wotJ ptocessloq ptoqtoms, leotoloq oew fooctloos os tepolteJ to
cteote texts.
2/#,'.#$4'+. selectloq ooJ combloloq softwote fooctloos os oeeJeJ to cteote texts.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 lll.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; 6"@+"B BH-* B" H-@" 1"-2%* #$ M-2 (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey dld durlng Lhe lasL lesson.
rovlde an overvlew of whaL Lhey are golng Lo learn durlng Loday's lesson.

A*"G I; R$B 8-% B" 7#" %$%M+8*+$% %-22-*+@"# *$ 8$%@"E +%M$2,-*+$% +% -% "%4-4+%4 B-EQ (approx. 30 mlnuLes)
SLudenLs dlscuss ln small groups ways ln whlch Lhey can presenL Lhelr lnformaLlon ln an engaglng way Lo readers.
SupporL sLudenLs ln Lhelr dlscusslons.
Lxplaln LhaL Lhey need Lo begln by wrlLlng a sLoryllne. So, as Lhey research Lhey need Lo flnd Lhe sLory embedded ln Lhe
lnformaLlon. As lL ls nonflcLlon Lhey need Lo gaLher daLa/facLs. 1hese can be from Lhelr blography skeLches and maybe
some nonflcLlon narraLlves (slmllar Lo Lhe ones lnLroduced ln Lhls unlL) LhaL may have lnformaLlon on Lhelr person of
lnLeresL or evenLs Lhey may have been parL of.
SLudenLs need Lo undersLand LhaL Lhey need Lo organlse Lhe book ln some way, however Lhe naLural dlvlslons ln Lhe
lnformaLlon Lhey have gaLhered wlll deLermlne Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe book (lnformaLlon gaLhered here:
(Malnly for sLudenLs) Lxamples can be found here: hLLps://

lan a checkllsL wlLh sLudenLs of whaL should be lncluded ln Lhelr assessmenL plece. 1hls can be used when
plannlng ln Lhe nexL lesson.

A*"G L; A*$2E?7,G"2 (approx. 23 mlnuLes)
1hls compuLer program (slLe) wlll supporL sLudenLs ln creaLlng Lhelr narraLlves.
uo a walkLhrough wlLh sLudenLs and explaln how Lo use lL.
Allow sLudenLs Lo explore Lhe slLe ln small groups and dlscuss Lhe funcLlons.

A*"G P; 6"#"-28H (approx. 13 mlnuLes)
Clve sLudenLs Llme Lo carry ouL lndependenL research of Lhe Lhlngs Lhey wanL Lo lnclude ln Lhelr nonflcLlon
A*"G W; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
<#C #*7."%*# *$ B$2C +% G-+2# *$ -.. ,$2" +%M$2,-*+$% *$ *H" 81-## 6<= 8H-2*X ulscuss Lhe new lnformaLlon Lhey have
learnL so far.
O+#87## Lhe lesson, allow Llme for sLudenLs Lo ask quesLlons.

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 8evlew 8An charL Lo see whaL new lnformaLlon sLudenLs have added.
A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs #*27441+%4 2"-."2# (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).

!"##$% '` ( Q)5)#.D" V W/#+E X'+Y4D$4'+ +#..#$4<)

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs begln researchlng and plannlng Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey wanL Lo lnclude ln Lhelr nonflcLlon
narraLlve of Lhelr chosen person of lnLeresL. 1hls ls parL of AssessmenL 2.

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 80 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+5-*+$%
SLudenLs work lndlvldually (Lhey
have opporLunlLles Lo aLLaln
supporL from Lhe Leacher)
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
Access Lo Lhe lnLerneL
1helr lndlvldual research and blography skeLches
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
lan a nonflcLlon narraLlve.
use wrlLLen and lnLerneL resources.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6>.)#$4+3 R):$5 6 =>297?G?B

>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lloo, Jtoft ooJ pobllsb lmoqlootlve, lofotmotlve ooJ petsooslve texts, cboosloq ooJ expetlmeotloq wltb text
sttoctotes, looqooqe feototes, lmoqes ooJ Jlqltol tesootces opptoptlote to potpose ooJ ooJleoce.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (LS 6 lll.), (v8 6 l.), (v8 6 lll.)

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; 6"@+"B BH-* B" H-@" 1"-2%* #$ M-2 (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
8evlew 8An charL wlLh sLudenLs.
rovlde an overvlew of whaL Lhey are golng Lo learn durlng Loday's lesson. Maln focus wlll be on assessmenL, however
Leacher wlll provlde supporL Lo sLudenLs ln plannlng and wrlLlng Lhelr nonflcLlon narraLlve.

A*"G I; <##"##,"%* I JY-2* 'K 6"#"-28H (approx. 23 mlnuLes)

SLudenLs wlll be allowed Lo use Lhelr blographles, blography skeLches, research Lhey have gaLhered and compuLers Lo plan
Lhelr nonflcLlon narraLlve.
1hey can choose whaL Lo lnclude ln lL as long as Lhey cover Lhe baslc lnformaLlon.
1hey can add lmages or drawlngs lf requlred.

Y1-%%+%4 (approx. 30 mlnuLes)
1hey need Lo hlghllghL Lhe lmporLanL lnformaLlon Lhey wanL Lo lnclude.
1hey can carry ouL furLher research on Lhe lnLerneL lf Lhey need Lo.
(varlous sources can be used Lo flnd lnformaLlon, e.g. lnLerneL, books, plcLurebooks, an encyclopaedla, arLlcles, lnLervlews,
documenLarles, or oLher sources).

SLudenLs can also use dlfferenL graphlc organlsers Lo organlse Lhelr lnformaLlon.
(Lncourage sLudenLs Lo dlscuss Lhelr progress or querles wlLh a parLner).

A*"G L; 6"@+"B #*7."%*# B$2C (approx. 13 mlnuLes)
A checkllsL can be used here (Lhe one planned wlLh sLudenLs ln Lhe prevlous lesson).

A*"G P; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 3 mlnuLes)
O+#87##; wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey have done, whaL Lhey have found challenglng and whaL was easler.

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 8evlew 8An charL Lo see whaL new lnformaLlon sLudenLs have added.
9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( CheckllsL planned wlLh sLudenLs.
A7,,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( AssessmenL plece 2 (urafL 1).

A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l. 1hey can begln Lo wrlLe Lhelr blography skeLch lf Lhey have flnlshed plannlng.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs #*27441+%4 2"-."2# (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).

!"##$% '' ( !.4$) #+& Y4+#/45)E 7'-. +'+Y4D$4'+ +#..#$4<)

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs wlll begln creaLlng Lhelr nonflcLlon narraLlves of Lhelr chosen person of lnLeresL.
1hey wlll use Lhelr plans, Llmellnes, blographles, blography skeLches and research Lhey have gaLhered over
Lhe prevlous Lwo lessons.

/H+# +# G-2* $M <##"##,"%* IX A rubrlc has been added Lo mark Lhls plece of assessmenL (See appendlx 3)

[A*7."%*# ,-E 2"\7+2" ,$2" *+," *$ 8$,G1"*" *H+# -##"##,"%* G+"8"X F* ,-E 27% $@"2 - #"2+"# $M 1"##$%#X


)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 90 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+#-*+$%
SLudenLs work lndlvldually Lo
compleLe Lhelr assessmenL plece.
ulglLal devlces (lapLops, lads, compuLers)
Access Lo Lhe lnLerneL
SLudenLs researched lnformaLlon (Llmellnes, blographles, eLc).
AssessmenL paper, penclls, eLc.
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
creaLe Lhelr own nonflcLlon narraLlves.

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#
2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6>.)#$4+3 R):$5 6 =>297?G?B

>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lloo, Jtoft ooJ pobllsb lmoqlootlve, lofotmotlve ooJ petsooslve texts, cboosloq ooJ expetlmeotloq wltb
text sttoctotes, looqooqe feototes, lmoqes ooJ Jlqltol tesootces opptoptlote to potpose ooJ ooJleoce.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (WC 6 ll.), (WC 6 lll.), (WC 6 lx.).

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#
A*"G '; <##"##,"%* ' ( !.4$) # +'+Y4D$4'+ +#..#$4<) (60 mlnuLes)
SLudenLs need Lo work lndlvldually Lo compleLe Lhelr assessmenL plece.
1hey can use Lhelr research (blographles, Llmellnes, graphlc organlsers - for supporL).

SLudenLs can choose wheLher Lo creaLe Lhelr nonflcLlon narraLlve on a compuLer or dlglLal Lechnology. 1hls assessmenL ls
all abouL allowlng sLudenLs Lo be creaLlve wlLh Lhelr work and apply Lhe knowledge Lhey have learnL LhroughouL Lhe
course of Lhls unlL.

A*"G I; Y""2 -##"##,"%* (20 mlnuLes)
WlLh Leacher guldance, sLudenLs wlll have opporLunlLles Lo provlde peer feedback on a parLner's assessmenL plece.
SLudenLs can check a parLner's work wlLh Lhe checkllsL LhaL was planned wlLh sLudenLs.

A*"G L; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 10 mlnuLes)
FM *H"2" +# *+," 1"M*; ulscuss wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey have done, whaL Lhey have found challenglng and whaL was
ulscuss whaL Lhey have learnL.
Ask Lhem Lo volunLeer Lhelr oplnlons on Lhe assessmenL.

A*"G P; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 1"##$% (approx. 10 mlnuLes)
O+#87##; wlLh sLudenLs whaL Lhey have done, whaL Lhey have found challenglng and whaL was easler.
Ask sLudenLs lf Lhey would creaLe a Llmellne for any oLher reason (e.g. Lhelr own llfe, or llfe of a famlly member, eLc.)
6"@+"B 6<= 8H-2*X SLudenLs can provlde addlLlonal lnformaLlon.

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 8evlew 8An charL Lo see whaL new lnformaLlon sLudenLs have added.
9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( 1lmellne LemplaLes.
A7,,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( AssessmenL plece 1 (urafL 1). upon compleLlon sLudenLs wlll be marked by Leacher followlng
Lhe 8ubrlc for assessmenL 1 afLer sLudenLs compleLe Lhe Lask (See appendlx 3)

A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs sLruggllng readers (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).

!"##$% 'I ( W-$$4+3 4$ #// $'3)$").E W.)5)+$ F'-. ('.*

ln Lhls sequence sLudenLs wlll puL all of Lhelr work LogeLher and presenL lL Lo Lhe class. 1hls lesson ls abouL
celebraLlng Lhe learnlng and Lhe end of Lhe unlL.

)#*+,-*". /+,"
Approx. 90 mlnuLes
01-##2$$, 324-%+#-*+$%
Whole class
CollaboraLlve worklng
lndlvldual (lnformal) presenLaLlons
1helr lndlvldual work
Access Lo Lhe lnLerneL
LapLops/ lads
!"##$% 3>?"8*+@"#
A*7."%*# B+11;
WrlLe Lhelr own blography skeLch of a person of Lhelr chooslng (assessmenL 1).

<7#*2-1+-% 0722+8717, 1+%C#

2+3/45" 6 7)#. 8 6 94$).#DF 6 >.)#$4+3 R):$5 6 =>297?G?B

>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E lloo, Jtoft ooJ pobllsb lmoqlootlve, lofotmotlve ooJ petsooslve texts, cboosloq ooJ expetlmeotloq wltb
text sttoctotes, looqooqe feototes, lmoqes ooJ Jlqltol tesootces opptoptlote to potpose ooJ ooJleoce.

J-K#+4$4)5 #+& L'D4#/ LD4)+D)5 6 J45$'.F 6 7)#. 8 6 J45$'.4D#/ M+'(/)&3) #+& N+&).5$#+&4+3 6 =-5$.#/4# #5 # +#$4'+ 6 =>JJM??8
>'+$)+$ C)5D.4;$4'+E 1be coottlbotloo of loJlvlJools ooJ qtoops, locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people ooJ
mlqtoots, to tbe Jevelopmeot of Aosttolloo soclety, fot exomple lo oteos socb os tbe ecooomy, eJocotloo, scleoce, tbe otts,
2/#,'.#$4'+E cooslJetloq ootoble loJlvlJools lo Aosttolloo pobllc llfe octoss o tooqe of flelJs (fot exomple tbe otts, scleoce,
spott, eJocotloo), locloJloq Abotlqlool ooJ 1ottes 5ttolt lslooJet people, o tooqe of coltotol ooJ soclol qtoops, ooJ womeo ooJ
meo Jtowo ftom tbe Aosttolloo llvloq 1teosotes llst ot ftom tbe Aosttolloo ulctloooty of 8loqtopby)

D0<< !+*"2-8E F%.+8-*$2#; (WC 6 ll.), (WC 6 lll.), (WC 6 lx.).

!"-2%+%4 ":G"2+"%8"#

A*"G '; Y7**+%4 -11 E$72 B$2C *$4"*H"2 (20 mlnuLes)
SLudenLs need Lo work lndlvldually Lo compleLe Lhelr assessmenL plece.
1hey can use Lhelr research (blographles, Llmellnes, graphlc organlsers - for supporL).

A*"G I; Y2"#"%* E$72 B$2C *$ *H" 81-## (60 mlnuLes)
SLudenLs wlll have a shorL Llme Lo presenL Lhelr work Lo Lhe resL of Lhe class.

A*"G L; 0$%817.+%4 *H" 7%+* (approx. 10 mlnuLes)
O+#87## learnlng wlLh sLudenLs.
Allow Lhem Lo provlde consLrucLlve feedback on Lhe unlL.
8evlew 8An charL and dlscuss whaL Lhey have learnL.

9$2,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( ulscusslng whaL Lhey have learnL aL Lhe end of Lhe lesson.
<##"##,"%* #5 1"-2%+%4; eer feedback.
A7,,-*+@" <##"##,"%* ( lnformal resenLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 #*7."%*# B+*H <ORO; 8educe amounL of dlsLracLlons on Lhe board, allowlng sLudenL Lo sLay focused
(Murdoch Chlldren's 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, n.d). keep reafflrmlng clear expecLaLlons.
A7GG$2*+%4 4+M*". #*7."%*# S M-#* M+%+#H"2#; 1hese sLudenLs can begln furLher research on a memorable person of Lhelr
cholce who Look parL ln World War l. 1hey can begln Lo wrlLe Lhelr blography skeLch lf Lhey have flnlshed plannlng.
1eacher readlng Lhe book aloud asslsLs #*27441+%4 2"-."2# (lllnL, klLson, Lowe and Shaw, 2014).
rovlde sLruggllng sLudenLs wlLh more Llme lf necessary.

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